#Gotham is going to arrange for Selina to stumble across Danny and take him in
phantoms-lair · 1 year
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She was late. Okay, she wasn't on anyone's time but her own, since Ivy was still in lockdown in Arkham, but still. Every time she tried to leave the house something fell down or a door jammed. The was finally about to leave when her phone rung.
She let out a grow of frustration but went to answer it anyway. No reason to give her parole officer an excuse. "What do you want?"
"Aunt Harleen Help." Harley felt her heart seize up at the voice. It had been so many years since she'd heard it, the speaker having then been in elementary school and now on the verge of womanhood, But she'd know it anywhere. "Jazzy?"
"I'm scared."
And that broke her heart a little. What would scare her niece so much that she would reach out to the branch cut off the family tree. "Your parents-"
"I think they killed him." she sobbed.
Oh she hoped her niece wasn't calling to learn how to hide a body. "Your parents killed someone?"
"I think they killed Danny."
A wave of paradoxical calm washed over Harley. She was furious enough to be thinking with absolute clarity and that was never good. None of the Quinzel sisters had been entirely rational, in her professional opinion. Alicia, the eldest, had decided to say fuck you to society and live on a farm growing rutabaga in a house with no plumbing and powered by nothing more than her spite. She herself had tried to become a respectable doctor and instead become a rogue. And Maddie, well, their baby sister was obsessed with ghosts.
So much for Maddie being the harmless one.
"I'm on my way Jazzy. If they try to hurt you, either run or hurt them first."
"They won't." Jazz said. But it was filled with bitterness, not conviction. "They see me as an actual person."
She didn't know what kind of bigotry had taken a hold of Maddie and her husband, but if they had so much as laid a finger on her nephew's hair, they were going to find out why even the clown could fear her.
He's Mine the Spirit of Amity Park said petulantly.
The Quinzels are of Gotham. I have have claim on him. The Spirit of Gotham stated.
No, he's my champion Amity argued.
You have not cared for him Gotham argued.
And you care for yours? Amity accused.
Gotham was silent for a time. I can not erase all the hurts they receive or protect them from their own actions It had hurt Gotham so when the first baby bird had flown the nest of not only Wayne Manor, but of Gotham herself. But I can help in subtle ways. I give them the chance for support. I have them cross paths with those who will help. What support have you given your so-called champion? Who repairs his wounds and comforts him? Who helps guide him?
His friends Amity argued. His friends bandage his wounds. His sister comforts him. Clockwork helps guide him
His sister and friends he already had. And you cannot lay claim to Clockwork as Clockwork is not one of yours. And his guidance is more manipulation than not. Answer me again. What supports have you given?
The Red Huntress
Who hunts him as well
His parent's inventions
And look how that ended up! Gotham hissed, cradling the amalgamation of human and ghost to her. Your first champion almost ended up with his soul shattered because no one could aid him. A child, because you could not wait for a Champion who was grown.
Amity was silent.
Danny is mine now. I will care for him. Name the Huntress as your new Champion. If you do better by her....we can talk further.
Amity wouldn't argue further. It was young as far as city spirits went, where as Gotham was a major power. And like a mortal child given a pet before they were truly ready, it had let it's responsibilities slip. Gotham would have a harder time stepping in if the new Champion was failed in the same way,
Now what to do with the little one. As much as he'd make a wonderful bird, it wouldn't be the best for him. Not with the emotional wreck the Wayne household was and the little Champion's own distaste for the wealthy. (Another thing Amity had to answer for. Letting that man become mayor and use that position to harm her Champion) Hmm, if he couldn't be a bird, he'd make a delightful kitten.
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