chyiee · 1 year
Earth and I
"The poetry of the earth is never dead." - John Keats 🌿⛰️✨
Mountains are more than mere geological formations; they are sources of inspiration, history, life, and spirituality. They teach us about the beauty of the world and our place within it. So, as we gaze upon these timeless giants, let us remember to cherish, protect, and respect the mountains that have shaped our world and our souls.
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bjpullos · 1 year
"Amidst the wilderness, the parabola of life unfolds, echoing the harmony of nature's design." 🍃🌼
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iana-mbpunsalan · 1 year
A quick parabola over the bridge arches. Where the math and river meet, the parabola curves gracefully, harmonizing nature's elegance with mathematical symphony. 🌊
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amstcaaa · 1 year
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"The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity, and by these I shall not regulate my propositions. And some see no nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself." –William Blake
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estucherayven · 1 year
Parabolas are the brushstrokes of nature's artistic hand, shaping everything from the graceful arch of a tree branch to the trajectory of a falling leaf.
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ronmarrr · 1 year
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Mother Earth, our nurturing and resilient planet, cradles the beauty of nature in her embrace. Her lush forests, rolling mountains, and vast oceans provide the canvas for life's vibrant tapestry. It is our collective responsibility to cherish and protect her, for she sustains us with every breath we take, every drop of water we drink, and every morsel of food we eat. Let us pledge to tread lightly upon her soil, embracing sustainability and stewardship, so that generations to come
"Nature's therapy for the soul 🌲"
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maisiereanne · 1 year
“Nature we have always with us. An in exhaustible store-house of that which moves the heart, appeals to the mind and fires the imagination — Health to the body. A stimulus to the intellect, and joy to the soul.” 🌺🍃🌳
- John Burroughs
Let us remember that nature is everywhere. YOU yourself is nature. For as both were created a life, we made to assure to allure everyone’s eyes.
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balcarsechris · 1 year
“We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.”
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faithpmates · 1 year
Trees are very important, valuable and necessary to our existence as they have furnished us with two important life essentials; food and oxygen. Apart from basically keeping us alive, there are many other little and big benefits we get from trees. Love the trees until their leaves fall of, then ancourage them to try again next year.
# ScienceEnglishMath2023@CSJ
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karlitooo024 · 1 year
Each highest point of Mother Earth's majestic mountains is crafted in the delicate arc of a parabola, a monument to her artistry, with a loving touch. 🍃🪵
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jeyeeemmmmmm · 1 year
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In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.”
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johnricksevilla · 1 year
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” —Albert Einstein
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pabilonaellah · 1 year
The nature spoke to my soul in a language I already knew; a distant lullaby from the womb of peace & solitude.
#ScienceEnglishMathMonth2023 @CSJ
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bridgettenekol · 1 year
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Nature: The ultimate source of inspiration. Venture into the wild and discover life's wonders. Find yourself in the embrace of nature, where the beauty of Earth unfolds. Stop, breath and appreciate whilst its rhythm never cease to amaze. Immerse yourself in the serenity of nature. Its perfection is reminder of our own harmony.
#ScienceEnglishMathMonth @CSJ
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luke16salvilla · 1 year
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"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir
Humanity and nature are intertwined threads in the tapestry of existence, each dependent on the other for balance and survival.
In the tapestry of nature the parabola weaves its graceful curve through the fabric of the universe, a silent testament to the elegant mathematics underlying our world. 🌿
The natural world serves as the cradle of our existence, serving as a constant reminder that our health and happiness are intricately connected to the environment. Let us value the magnificence of the Earth, for within its nurturing embrace, we uncover the genuine origins of our well-being and nourishment. 🌷🕊
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extrughh · 1 year
Earth and I
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"Like a parabola, life's journey curves through the vast sea of nature, reflecting the interconnectedness of Earth and I, as we navigate the tides of existence."
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