#Granada Sky Park
blendzpolitik · 9 months
Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak: Destinasi Petualangan Ekowisata Alam yang Luar Biasa
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Temukan keindahan Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak, sebuah petualangan ekowisata alam di Indonesia. Jelajahi pemandangan gunung yang memukau, hutan pinus, arum jeram, dan lainnya. Jangan lewatkan penawaran terbatas pra-launching!
Apa Itu Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak?
Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak adalah konsep villa yang tak ada duanya yang terletak di tengah-tengah Indonesia. Proyek revolusioner ini mendefinisikan ulang cara kita mengalami alam, menawarkan perpaduan harmonis antara ekowisata dan petualangan. Dengan lokasinya yang strategis dan ketersediaan terbatas hanya 77 unit eksklusif, Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak menjanjikan pengalaman yang tak tertandingi.
Menyatu dengan Keindahan Alam
Di kavling Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak, Anda akan terbangun dengan pemandangan spektakuler Gunung Pangrango dan Gunung Gede. Pemandangan panorama dari gunung-gunung megah ini benar-benar mengagumkan. Bayangkan menikmati kopi pagi sambil memandangi keajaiban alam ini – momen kemurnian yang tiada tara.
Jelajahi Hutan Pinus
Salah satu daya tarik utama Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak adalah hutan pinus yang masih alami. Hutan-hutan yang rimbun ini menawarkan pelarian damai dari keramaian dan hiruk-pikuk kehidupan kota. Berjalan-jalan santai atau meditasi di antara pohon-pohon tinggi untuk menyegarkan jiwa Anda.
Arum Jeram yang Mendebarkan
Bagi para pencari petualangan, Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak menawarkan pengalaman mendebarkan arum jeram di Sungai Arum Jeram. Tantang diri Anda saat Anda mengarungi jeram-jeram sungai ini dan tenggelam dalam sensasi petualangan di alam terbuka.
Kafe dengan Harmoni Alam
Nikmati cita rasa Anda di kafe yang ada di tempat, di mana Anda bisa menikmati berbagai hidangan lezat di tengah suasana alam yang menenangkan. Tempat ini sempurna untuk bersantai setelah seharian menjelajah.
Lokasi yang Penting
Dengan lokasinya yang strategis, Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak memastikan Anda memiliki akses mudah ke semua atraksi di sekitarnya. Baik Anda ingin menjelajahi desa-desa terdekat atau memulai petualangan hiking, semuanya dalam jangkauan.
Q: Berapa harga unit kavling di Granada Sky park Cipanas Puncak?
A: Harga pra-launch khusus adalah Rp.1.000.000 per meter, namun ketersediaannya terbatas, hanya ada 77 unit.
Q: Apakah arum jeram cocok untuk pemula?
A: Ya, arum jeram di Sungai Arum Jeram cocok untuk pemula maupun pengarung berpengalaman. Tindakan keamanan diterapkan, dan pemandu berpengalaman menemani setiap perjalanan.
Q: Bisakah saya memesan villa di Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak untuk liburan keluarga?
A: Tentu saja! Villa di Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak sangat cocok untuk liburan keluarga, dengan akomodasi yang luas dan beragam kegiatan untuk semua usia.
Q: Apakah ada jalur hiking di dekat Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak?
A: Ya, wilayah ini menawarkan beberapa jalur hiking yang menawan, memungkinkan Anda untuk menjelajahi keindahan alam setempat dari dekat.
Q: Apakah pemesanan terlebih dahulu diperlukan untuk kafe?
A: Meskipun pemesanan terlebih dahulu tidak wajib, disarankan selama musim ramai untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan meja di kafe.
Q: Kapan waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak?
A: Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi adalah selama musim kering, dari Mei hingga September, ketika Anda dapat sepenuhnya menikmati kegiatan di luar ruangan dan pemandangan gunung yang menakjubkan.
Granada Skypark Cipanas Puncak adalah impian yang menjadi kenyataan bagi para pecinta alam dan pencari petualangan. Dengan konsep ekowisata, pemandangan gunung yang memukau, hutan pinus, arum jeram, dan kafe yang selaras dengan alam, tempat ini menawarkan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Jangan lewatkan penawaran eksklusif pra-luncur seharga Rp.1.000.000 per meter untuk 77 unit terbatas. Rencanakan kunjungan Anda ke surga alam ini dan mulailah perjalanan seumur hidup!
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techiehunt · 9 months
Granada Sky Park - Aset Properti Premium di Kawasan Wisata Cipanas Puncak
Mengapa Memilih Granada Sky Park Puncak Cipanas?
Granada Sky Park Sebagai destinasi perbukitan yang memukau, Puncak Bogor telah lama menjadi tujuan istirahat yang diminati banyak orang. Namun, selain sebagai tempat berlibur, Puncak juga menawarkan potensi yang menggoda sebagai tujuan investasi properti. Dengan panorama alam yang memukau, udara segar, dan kedamaian yang langka di pusat-pusat perkotaan, Puncak memberikan peluang investasi yang sangat menjanjikan.
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Harga Kavling Tanah per Meter di Puncak Bogor
Salah satu pertimbangan penting ketika mempertimbangkan investasi properti adalah harga kavling tanah per meter. Harga ini dapat bervariasi tergantung pada lokasi, fasilitas, dan perkembangan wilayah sekitarnya. Di Puncak Bogor, harga kavling tanah per meter juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor ini.
Harga Tanah per Meter di Pinggir Jalan di Cipanas, Puncak Cianjur
Cipanas, yang terletak di Puncak Cianjur, adalah salah satu lokasi yang menarik minat para investor properti. Harga tanah per meter di pinggir jalan di Cipanas, Puncak Cianjur, cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan wilayah lainnya. Ini dikarenakan oleh akses yang baik dan potensi perkembangan yang menarik.
Harga Tanah Kavling Villa Granada Sky Park Cipanas
Granada Sky Park Cipanas adalah salah satu proyek properti terbaru di Puncak Bogor yang menawarkan kavling villa dengan konsep eksklusif. Harga tanah kavling villa di sini dapat bervariasi tergantung pada ukuran dan fasilitas yang disediakan. Meskipun begitu, investasi di sini menjanjikan pengalaman eksklusif di tengah pesona alam pegunungan yang memukau.
Peluang Investasi Properti Terbaru di Puncak Bogor
Puncak Bogor terus berkembang sebagai destinasi wisata dan tujuan investasi properti. Berikut adalah beberapa peluang investasi properti terbaru yang patut dipertimbangkan:
Pengembangan Wisata
Dengan peningkatan minat orang-orang terhadap pengalaman alam, pengembangan resor dan villa di Puncak Bogor adalah peluang menarik. Anda dapat berinvestasi dalam kavling tanah untuk pengembangan properti wisata yang menawarkan panorama alam yang memukau.
Sewa dan Homestay
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Menyewakan properti Anda sebagai homestay atau tempat menginap sementara adalah cara lain untuk menghasilkan pendapatan dari investasi properti Anda. Puncak Bogor sering dikunjungi oleh pelancong yang mencari pengalaman menginap yang nyaman.
Granada Sky Park Sebagai Solusi Investasi Properti Kekinian
Untuk calon pemilik properti yang mencari aset yang berpotensi menguntungkan di masa depan, Granada Sky Park dapat menjadi pilihan yang menarik. Terletak di kawasan wisata Cipanas, Puncak, Cianjur, Granada Sky Park menawarkan peluang kepada masyarakat umum untuk memiliki aset properti eksklusif di tengah tujuan wisata yang modern dengan konsep Nature Eco Wellness Adventure. Berlokasi di ketinggian 1000mdpl, dikelilingi oleh pemandangan pegunungan yang indah, dan suhu sekitar 16° Celsius, menjadikan Granada Skypark sebagai tempat yang nyaman untuk berlibur. Selain faktor geografis ini, pengembang juga akan meningkatkan kualitas fasilitas wisata dengan menghadirkan berbagai wahana yang sesuai untuk semua usia, seperti Sky Walk Bridge, Sky Garden, Sky Cafe, Sky Campsite Area, Sky Photo Spot, dan lainnya.
Peluang Bisnis Penyewaan Villa di Kawasan Wisata Cipanas Puncak
Dengan beragam keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh Granada Sky Park, yang tidak hanya fokus pada penjualan kavling tetapi juga pengembangan sektor pariwisata, akan terbuka peluang usaha dalam bisnis penyewaan villa kepada para wisatawan. Ketika Anda memiliki aset berupa kavling tanah, Anda dapat membangun resor villa atau cabin glamping untuk disewakan kepada pengunjung. Harga sewa villa kayu, cabin glamping resort di sekitar wilayah Cipanas Puncak berkisar antara Rp 850.000 hingga Rp 3.500.000 (tergantung ukuran, jumlah kamar, dan fasilitas yang disediakan). Anda dapat bekerja sama dengan manajemen dalam pengelolaan dan pemasaran villa yang Anda miliki.
Harga Kavling di Granada Sky Park
Berapa harga kavling di Granada Sky Park Cipanas Puncak? Harga kavling di Granada Sky Park dimulai dari Rp 120 Juta per 100 m², dan harga ini sudah termasuk semua biaya seperti pajak dan biaya AJB. Anda dapat mengajukan SHM dengan biaya pengurusan ditanggung oleh pembeli. Harga di atas merupakan harga promo peluncuran, sedangkan harga normal kavling Granada Sky Park Cipanas Puncak adalah Rp 150 juta per 100 m². Selain keuntungan dari diskon hingga Rp 30 Juta, ada juga banyak keuntungan lain yang bisa Anda dapatkan jika Anda melakukan survei dan pemesanan selama masa promo, termasuk prioritas dalam memilih lokasi kavling dan harga khusus diskon beserta bonus pembelian lainnya.
Jadi, jangan menunda lagi, segera hubungi kami untuk memanfaatkan berbagai keuntungan ini. Kavling villa eksklusif di Puncak? Ya, hanya di Granada Sky Park.
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butchcrassidy · 9 months
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hsundholm · 2 years
An Alhambra Pond
An Alhambra Pond by Henrik Sundholm Via Flickr: Part of the garden at Alhambra in Granada, Spain.
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imeternallylove · 1 year
Lost in Aquamarine - S.Holmes
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Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Location: Alhambra of Granada, Spain. Bath of Somerset, England.
Warning: none
Word: approx: 3,000
main mastetlist | theme song | inspired | request & ask | prompts
Chapters index
Glitches in Alhambra | Alta infidelidad | Labyrinth (you are reading this)
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The afternoon, you persuaded an apprehensive reluctant Sherlock to take you around street corners in Alhambra, which is the final location where you might find the ring. You considered it wouldn't hurt to spend some time there while you were at it. If you still couldn't find it, you'd fly home the next day.
It was a four-hour ride, and neither of you talked much of it. There was a sensation of lingering tenseness, unspoken words hanging in the air.
The sky was growing shadows and not just because of the coming darkness. Sherlock glanced up as shades of grey clouds began to gather.
"Looks like rain," he grumbled, his harsh baritone voice heightening to the tension. 
As it turns out, it started to downpour within half an hour. And the pouring rain was torrential and crude as it cut against the car's front windscreen. 
You nevertheless had an hour and a half till you arrived in downtown.
"I think we need to stop somewhere," Sherlock finally stated glancing at you after making every effort not to direct his gaze at you. "It could get dangerous if we keep going."
After fifteen minutes, you got out the highway, following signs for a nearby inn. Sherlock almost drove right past it because the rain was so heavy that it was nearly impossible to see anything clearly.
"Wait here," he said, parking the car. And before you could say anything, he was heading out into the rain and jogging towards the inn. 
You sat there catching at the drops of rainfall splattering onto the glass until he returned, signalling for you to roll the window down.
"They only have one empty room," he sighed, striving to be heard over the rain. You gulped down pondering about what that might mean. You're going to have to share the room.  
"We don't have a choice," you answered.  He nodded and circled the trunk to retrieve the luggage. As the bitterly cold rains poured through the clothing you were wearing, you braced yourself and got out of the car.
You both dripped water all over the floor as you aided Sherlock in carrying the luggage into the inn. You offered an apology awkwardly to the elderly lady at the front desk, but she waived you off and led you to a room.
"Get warm!" she said, smiling as she closed the door, sending the two of you soaked to the bone.
There was only one bed, a tiny desk and chair, and a lamp in the room. Oh, a small kitchen couter. Your cheeks turned flushed as you realised you'd be sleeping in the same bed as Sherlock. And it'd be preferable if you two still having conversations normally, unfortunetly, no.
He cleared his throat, pulling you out from absently mind. "If you don't mind, I'll go use the bathroom first," he stated, throwing off his soaking wet jacket. And you agreed with him.
When you heard the sound of the shower turning on, you unbearably started strolling around the room, feeling impatient. You aren't fond of the way it feels, but you totally harmed it by witnessing his significantly stone-cold behaved, it is painful, but you no longer daring to reverse it backwards and fix it, returning him into himself; not cold carried out. You just can't.
You had 11 missed calls from your parents and multiple messages demanding an explanation for why you'd broken off the engagement. Of course, Joe had told them.
You grabbed up Sherlock's jacket and hung it over the chair to dry it with your absent-mindedly. And your unmindful gone when you saw something silvery and glistening dropped to the floor.
You fastened your sight on it. Because your engagement ring was laying on the surface of the floor.  Looking clean and undamaged. It had certainly slipped from Sherlock's jacket. 
You knelt to pick it up, your mind churning. How did he get it? Had he has it all along? Or did he find it and not tell you because he wanted to keep it for himself?
The possibility of Sherlock stealing your ring made you sick to the core. You clutched the ring on your tighten fist.
When Sherlock returned from the bathroom a little time later, he showed his naked chest, which if you were in a typical mood would have let you crack a joke related to, but it doesn't. His appearance quenched while you stood there, silent, your face flushed with wrath and disappointment.  
For a couple of a matter of seconds he only looked at you, the confused expression on his face apparent as he struggled to figure out why you were staring at him like that.
And then his focus caught up to his jacket, your clinched hand, and his face sank. "Y/N, I can explain."
You were engaging in everything you could to remain patient.  However a lump started to form in the roof of your thoat, and you could feel tears welling up inside you.
"You know what's hilarious is, if you'd asked, I may have even given you the ring," you stated firmly, wagging your head in disbelief. "I would have given it to you as something to remember me by. But it's clearly you tried to steal it. Why?" Your voice became more quivering.
Sherlock appeared distressed. "I wasn't intending to steal it. I would never do that. Why would I risk my career by trying to steal it? I swear, it's not what it appears to be," he explained as he approached you. The more his bitterness fades, the more distraught you get. "Please, believe me."
"Then why do you have it?" You just replied. To your stupor, he grasped your palm in his own, urging you to open your fist while you fought obstinately not to allow him do so.
"I found it two days ago. On the flight. You'd never even misplaced it. It was the moment you fell asleep. I opened your backpack since the stewardess requested for your passport for some reason. And I saw it. Tucked safely inside a little zippered side pocket. You must have overlooked it during your last search."
Your lips were parted. "Th-then why didn't you tell me?" You begin to cry out not because your wrath is driving you insane, but because he lies right in front of your face. "You should've tell me, Sherlock Holmes!"
"Because I'm an idiot," he blurted frustratedly, his voice raising just like yours. "I had everything figured out. That I wouldn't say anything until we were out of here. That I planned to give it to you on your last day. I-I was afraid that if I gave it to you...you'd leave right away. I didn't want to."
You moved your hands as you placed the ring on the tabletop, trying to understand what he was saying. Dizziness crept in, blending with uncertainty and disbelief. "Why didn't you want me to leave?" You asked in silence.
Sherlock was still clutching your hand. His eyes squeezed as he closed them. "I'm sorry. It was a bad idea. You have every right to report me to the company if you so desire."
"You didn't answer to my question. Why didn't you want me to leave?" You asked a second time, with the heart thumping in your chest. Perhaps, he would reveal what you want to hear through your little hope.
"Because I wanted you to be here with me. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with you before you went away. Before I never saw you again." As he keeps going, the hammering inside your chest becomes less distant from exploding. "Because I-I'm an idiot, somehow fell in love with you without realising it," he pointed out, his chest moving upward and downward like he was running an entire marathon.
You were frozen, shut your mouth while Sherlock continues.
Is he saying his feelings for you? For real?
"You know how stupid I am? I always want what I can't have," he declared, his voice wavering. "And now I've ruined everything."
You caught him off guard when you pulled your hand back from his, instead cupping his face with both your hands. As you glanced at him, he became highly still, his aquamarine gaze more nervous.
Then you stroked his cheek with your thumb. "Yes, you are. You are so incredibly stupid," you shook your head while your tiny smile reveal. Hesitate before adding anything more. 
Sherlock watches you back away from his grasp. "But you haven't ruined anything. You said that you always want things you can't have. B-but you can have me if you want." You was dumbfounded that such words had come out of your lips. 
"I said you can have me," you blurted more clearly this time. "I need some the fresh air right now. We can talk about it later—"
"Don't go," he said, interjecting. “Stay.”
"Sherlock, I really need to take a shower." 
Nonetheless, he holds your hand to his chest. "Just stay with me, Y/N." And suddenly he was breathing heavily, his forehead pushed to yours, and your thoughts went back to when he was like this with you, under that bridge..
His lips collided with yours again and again. Your body was frosty; your lips as well, yet this man makes it warmly like a miracle. you intertwined your hands in his wet hair, drawing him in closer while he pushes you softly onto the wall. As your body stitching to wall his lips were sending shivers down your back, and you needed more of him, more, more, more.
When you stretched downward to his towel and rid it off his body, your hands landing on his silky chest, he didn't hesitate. Within a few moments, he had a pile of your wet clothes on the floor.
Sherlock drew you up to the table, where your thighs yearning encircled his waist. The elegant tea set shakes, as the plate of snacks and fruits clashes, but neither of you can stop caressing each other.
It's been more ardour-filled since Sherlock's hands seized your thighs as he skillfully covered your unclothed body in an instant by spreading your legs wide, lips attacking lips over and over, and hips grinding. His huge hands leaned on the edge of your highly sensitive, his lips nibbling and sucking, dropping lower and lower, trailing down the valley of your breasts...
Sherlock's lingering palm fondles your breasts to your inner thigh, forcing you to the brink of need. Your eager breath blasting over his ears, your body couldn't itself stop trying to snuggle his.
He then glided you into the bed and lavished kisses on every inch of your flesh he could locate. With his touch, every part of you sprang to alive.
When that moment came, you embraced him close, his breath misting your ear as he whispered your name countless times.  
Later, Sherlock held you against him as you went asleep, the sounds of both your breaths slowing, the blackness sweeping over your consciousness.
After a few hours, you awoke tangled in the covers, a smile spreading across your face as you remembered why. And there was Sherlock, sound asleep and pleasant lying next to you. It's still midnight.
He whimpered as you kissed his cheek, giggling. He drew you into his arms, cuddling you close. "I'm hungry."
"Well, me either," you murmured gently, brushing his curly fringe. When you stopped touching his hair, he made a sound like a cat hissing, and it was the most adorable thing you had ever seen. "What are we going to eat?" You questioned.
Sherlock's eyes open on one side, his grin widening despite the fact that he is still half asleep. Which is so pretty that it will melt your heart. "What about fish and chips? Seeing your puppy eyes makes me miss my hometown in some ways."
Oh, the whole of your body is literally melting now.
When the late-night dinner arrives, you are sitting on the balcony outside the room. There are a tiny table with small chairs for two, and only your room lights up at this time. Your gaze at the night skyline and Sherlock returns with the smell of fry.
"Well, they said groceries are left for cook only one box only, so you better eat it," Sherlock says as he hands the box of fish and chips to you. He said with a smile, slide down into the chair, chewing a banana; whist you disagree with him.
"Let's have it together," you shook your head, your eyes sending a puppy plea to him. You slice the fish into bite-sized pieces, dip it in sour sauce, and reach for his lips. "Eat," you said, tilting your head as he grinned.
He tries his effort to hide his flushed face as you bite your chips, and you act as if you aren't noticing it. You smirk, and even his ears are unable to conceal it.
And the second time you shared a bed with Sherlock, you both slipped into a deep sleep because of exhaustion. You have your hands on his chin and your face on his chest. Yours and his bodies are most likely intertwined. You know, you couldn't be more happier. 
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Right, your happiness… despite this; was too short.  Because you were soon getting back into the car after an excellent breakfast served by the delightful old lady the next morning.
Sherlock sighed and slid into his seat, closing the door behind him. "To the airport," his right hand stiches with yours, he know your mind while driving.
You averted your gaze, swallowing the tears you were sure would fall.
You had no choice but to leave him right now. You had to return home and work things out with your family and Joe. But every bone in your body was battling to keep you stay.
The route to Granada Airport was badly. Sherlock sought to cheer you up by blaring his all-time favourite pop song and sang along loudly and obnoxiously.
However, you were holding back tears. You detested goodbyes more than anything else.
And before you knew it, you were at the international airport. Sherlock drew you close to him, and you gripped him tightly all the way, afraid you'd have to let go. 
"I'll wait for you," he said gently.  "Just as I promised last night. But you have to go. You need to go clean up the mess that ring made." He leaves kisses on your forehead, leaving his warm breath lingering on it.
You nodded, no longer trying to hold back the tears that were pouring down the sides of your face.  "I hate this, Sherlock."
"Shhh, darling." He wiped your tears away with his thumb and kissed the corner of your moist eyes once more. "Hush. It'll only be within a couple of months. Now get going, or you'll miss your flight."
You walked into the airport with one last look back at him, drawing a nervous breath as he waved. You might notice his bright red eyes as well.
Your heart felt like a drum the entire flight home.
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Bath's Pulteny Bridge, England.
Sherlock exhaled as he gazed out towards at an Avon river, wondering where the hell you were. You'd instructed him to meet you here since you couldn't pick him up at the airport.
He tapped his foot on the floor, getting impatient. "Where the the hell is she?" He murmured, becoming concerned for the safety of you, searching through his pocket for his phone so he could call you. 
You take a step in, your ears completely deafened by the sound of your heels. The more closely you go near Sherlock, the faster your heart drumming, and it appears he doesn't notice your creature here at all.
"What, you don't like picturesque?" You exclaimed, gazed at his board shoulders and he startled by your voice that comes from behind him, continue playfully, "¿No te gusta este lugar, señor?"
He returned with such speed that he nearly dropped his phone. You don't know the way your expression came out, although one thing you do know is Sherlock was right there in front of you, hands in his pockets, a grin on his face.
"It's not that," he replied with full of widely beamed on his face and you tilting your head, wondering what’s he going to say next. "I've lost my girl." His face is reddish, perhaps the same as yours.
He'd gotten rid of his fringe, but his curly hair had become brown and was hanging over his eyes. Because it was supposed to be a few months that you two needed to separate, but due to life's tricks on you both, it's been a year that you two have only talked through the small screen of the phone. And that sucks.
His marine eyes are so heavenly like before; you'd wish to lost yourself in it like an endless labyrinth and desire to spend time there forever.
He looked so gorgeous in his black suit that it critically wounded your heart.
And then he was wrapping you up in tight embrace, and you breathed him in, his pleasant scent still lingering in your nose, you choking back tears from a year of patiently awaiting and all the things you both tolerated were right in front of your face.
He passionately kissed you, taking all of the air you have. "Hi, again. Miss."
And there was that feel again, the feeling of lost your own self. 
"You should know, I'd like to let you hear this." Sherlock shallowed, his fingers caress your cheeks while brushing off your afluttering hairline in the sunset breeze. You lock your attention on his still on his firm embrace, as if his words are the only language you can understand. "I love you, Y/N."
"Oh, Sherlock," your lightened voice shaking into each part of your spines, you standing on tiptoe and pecking his chin while his both hands lowered on your waist, "I love you too."
You both locking the gaze for awhile with intermittently of a soft giggling. You wish that you two would meant be together last forever. Because, despite the noises of the packed or people going by, the only thing you know is the ocean that was downsizing into those perfect eyeballs, that you always breathless for it, when you were with him.
And you didn't want it any other way except just being lost in his aquamarine irises, eternally.
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talky talky: yay end part come out now! 💜🫶🏻 first of all thanks for reading my story ♥️ I put too much effort into it 😆 mostly spending my time on searching about Granada and Alhambra because I never go there, only bath I ever visited 🥺 so if there are some part it wrongly or seems unlikely to the actual place, please kindly tell me and I’ll editing it right away. Most especially thanks to @lady-harvey who always give me encouragement and love on this story, ily, you are the biggest support for this story! ♥️🫶🏻🫶🏻♥️ and I’ll try to make another au of each character I wrote, it’s fun to write haha
alright! every party has to be end and now I need to go~ thanks you all again and if not too much to asked please give love to this, i’d be really really grateful 🥹💜🥹
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granada-sky-park · 9 months
Harga Kavling Granada Sky Park Cipanas Puncak
Harga Kavling Tanah per Meter di Puncak Bogor: Peluang Investasi Properti Terbaru
Membahas harga kavling tanah per meter di Granada Sky Park Cipanas Puncak Bogor dan sekitarnya adalah penting bagi mereka yang tertarik pada investasi properti yang menjanjikan. Kami akan membahas dengan rinci tentang harga tanah per meter di Puncak Bogor, terutama di kawasan Cipanas, serta peluang investasi properti terbaru yang bisa menjadi aset properti yang aman.
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Mengapa Memilih Puncak Bogor?
Sebagai kawasan pegunungan yang indah, Puncak Bogor telah lama menjadi tujuan liburan favorit bagi banyak orang. Namun, selain sebagai tempat liburan, Puncak juga memiliki potensi besar sebagai investasi properti. Dengan pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan, udara segar, dan ketenangan yang sulit dijumpai di kota-kota besar, Puncak menawarkan potensi investasi yang menjanjikan.
Harga Kavling Tanah per Meter di Puncak Bogor
Salah satu pertimbangan utama ketika berinvestasi dalam properti adalah harga tanah per meter. Harga ini dapat bervariasi tergantung pada lokasi, fasilitas, dan perkembangan kawasan sekitarnya. Di Puncak Bogor, harga kavling tanah per meter juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor ini.
Harga Tanah per Meter Pinggir Jalan di Cipanas Puncak Cianjur
Cipanas, yang terletak di Puncak Cianjur, adalah salah satu kawasan yang diminati para investor properti. Harga tanah per meter di pinggir jalan di Cipanas Puncak Cianjur cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan area lainnya. Ini disebabkan oleh aksesibilitas yang baik dan potensi pengembangan yang menarik.
Harga Tanah Kavling Villa Granada Sky Park Cipanas
Granada Sky Park Cipanas adalah salah satu proyek properti terbaru di Puncak Bogor yang menawarkan kavling villa dengan konsep eksklusif. Harga tanah kavling villa di sini bisa bervariasi tergantung pada ukuran dan fasilitas yang disediakan. Namun, investasi di sini menjanjikan pengalaman eksklusif di tengah alam pegunungan yang memukau.
Peluang Investasi Properti Terbaru Puncak Bogor
Puncak Bogor terus berkembang sebagai destinasi liburan dan investasi properti. Berikut adalah beberapa peluang investasi properti terbaru yang patut dipertimbangkan:
Pengembangan Wisata
Dengan meningkatnya minat orang-orang untuk menghabiskan waktu di alam, pengembangan resor dan villa di Puncak Bogor adalah peluang yang menarik. Anda dapat berinvestasi dalam kavling tanah untuk pengembangan properti wisata yang menawarkan pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan.
Sewa dan Homestay
Menyewakan properti Anda sebagai homestay atau tempat menginap sementara adalah cara lain untuk menghasilkan penghasilan dari investasi properti Anda. Puncak Bogor sering dikunjungi oleh pelancong yang mencari pengalaman menginap yang nyaman.
Investasi properti di Puncak Bogor, terutama dalam bentuk kavling tanah per meter, adalah langkah yang cerdas bagi mereka yang mencari aset properti yang aman. Dengan harga kavling tanah yang bervariasi tergantung pada lokasi dan konsep, Anda memiliki banyak pilihan untuk dijelajahi. Peluang investasi properti terbaru seperti pengembangan wisata dan penyewaan juga menambah daya tarik Puncak Bogor sebagai tujuan investasi. Segera ambil langkah cerdas Anda dalam berinvestasi dan nikmati keuntungannya di masa depan.
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Persian Rug Repair Garden Gro
In complement to proper cleaning, Oriental rugs habit specialized repair or restoration to keep their see and feel. Professional rug cleaning facilities can prevent later damage and keep you money. If your rug is damaged, a professional repair can rearrange it to its former glory. It is important to follow these easy steps to protect your investment. Listed under are some tips to put up to you pick the best minister to provider. We hope that this guidance will put up to you pick the right Stanton Oriental restoration minister to for your oriental rug.
Rug recoloring is a useful minister to for owners of oriental rugs. These rugs feature pretty color schemes and designs, so losing their indigenous colors can be an unfortunate experience. Experts who specialize in re-coloring rugs have years of experience similar to these rugs, and they wont ruin the unique pattern of your rug by handing out the dye and causing it to run. You can trust the professionals at Stanton Oriental rug restoration minister to to admit care of your prized possession. Oriental rugs are generally woven across warps and foundations. The endpoint of the rug is along the side. Because this edge is exposed to usual wear, it can unravel or read up. Eventually, it can cause significant damage. If the damaged side is exposed, the rug repairer will wrap the area similar to wool, using the similar technique as the original. Generally, finer pile rugs have a more narrow and tight edge though thicker pile rugs have more indecent and bulky edges. Regular cleaning is essential for Oriental rugs to withhold their beauty and value. Regular cleaning and Stanton Oriental rug restoration facilities are recommended to keep them in top shape. similar to possible, accretion Oriental rugs away from sunlight or high-traffic areas. After a thorough cleaning, the rug should be allowed to expose teetotal since creature stored. If the rug is damaged due to wear and tear, you should call for professional put up to as soon as possible. This way, youll avoid the risk of new damage or even the habit to buy a new one. In combat of damage, a professional oriental rug repair minister to will come in handy. Inspecting your rug can sky problems such as purposeless fibers, faded colors, and damage fringe. The first step in rug restoration is finding out what caused the damage so you can avoid it from spreading. The longer you depart it unattended, the worse the damages will become. Moreover, you cant afford to wait and risk new damage. Fortunately, moth damage can be fixed. Professional moth damage repair begins by choosing the right fabric for the job. similar to youve prearranged the fabric, youll habit to operate the length of the rug and pick the proper moth restoration technique. Moth damage repair is a profound process, so be patient. truth is the key. A professional Stanton Oriental rug restoration will admit care of your rug so that it will remain as pretty as the morning it was purchased. Persian rug Pros is the best source for Oriental rug cleaning, repair, and restoration in orange County. Our Oriental rug repair and restoration team consists of dedicated master weavers who have an average of more than 40+ years of experience. read us at (949) 335-9788 and acquire forgive estimates.
Persian Rug Repair Garden Grove Persian Rug Garden Grove Persian Rug Restoration Garden Grove https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/thousand-oaks/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/reseda/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/northridge/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/tarzana/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/winnetka/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/encino/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/canoga-park/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/north-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/granada-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/box-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/woodland-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/porter-ranch/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/van-nuys/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/panorama-city/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/chatsworth/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/mission-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/west-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/bell-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sherman-oaks/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/calabasas/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/hidden-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/arleta/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/pacoima/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/hansen-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/san-fernando/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sherman-village/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/valley-village/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/topanga/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/barrington/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/studio-city/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sylmar/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/north-hollywood/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/lake-view-terrace/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/kagel-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sun-valley/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/la-tuna-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/ventura/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/santa-monica/ https://numerjedenmyjniasamochodowa633.blogspot.com/ https://numerjedenmyjniasamochodowa633.blogspot.com/2022/07/numer-jeden-myjnia-samochodowa.html https://bestppcagency784.blogspot.com/ https://bestppcagency784.blogspot.com/2022/07/best-ppc-agency.html https://best-yoga-apple-valley-gd76scl.tumblr.com/post/688356418042134528/carpet-cleaning-westminster
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Persian Rug Repair Laguna Hil
In supplement to proper cleaning, Oriental rugs habit specialized fix or restoration to keep their see and feel. Professional rug cleaning services can prevent difficult broken and keep you money. If your rug is damaged, a professional fix can amend it to its former glory. It is important to follow these simple steps to guard your investment. Listed under are some tips to support you pick the best relieve provider. We hope that this guidance will support you choose the right Stanton Oriental restoration relieve for your oriental rug.
Rug recoloring is a useful relieve for owners of oriental rugs. These rugs feature pretty color schemes and designs, so losing their indigenous colors can be an unfortunate experience. Experts who specialize in re-coloring rugs have years of experience past these rugs, and they wont destroy the unique pattern of your rug by executive the dye and causing it to run. You can trust the professionals at Stanton Oriental rug restoration relieve to resign yourself to care of your prized possession. Oriental rugs are generally woven across warps and foundations. The endpoint of the rug is along the side. Because this edge is exposed to normal wear, it can unravel or door up. Eventually, it can cause significant damage. If the damaged side is exposed, the rug repairer will wrap the area past wool, using the thesame technique as the original. Generally, finer pile rugs have a more narrow and tight edge while thicker pile rugs have more rude and bulky edges. Regular cleaning is necessary for Oriental rugs to preserve their beauty and value. Regular cleaning and Stanton Oriental rug restoration services are recommended to keep them in summit shape. past possible, accrual Oriental rugs away from sunlight or high-traffic areas. After a thorough cleaning, the rug should be allowed to freshen dry past beast stored. If the rug is damaged due to wear and tear, you should call for professional support as soon as possible. This way, youll avoid the risk of extra broken or even the habit to buy a extra one. In fighting of damage, a professional oriental rug fix relieve will arrive in handy. Inspecting your rug can sky problems such as floating fibers, faded colors, and broken fringe. The first step in rug restoration is finding out what caused the broken so you can avoid it from spreading. The longer you leave it unattended, the worse the damages will become. Moreover, you cant afford to wait and risk extra damage. Fortunately, moth broken can be fixed. Professional moth broken fix begins by choosing the right fabric for the job. past youve selected the fabric, youll habit to sham the length of the rug and pick the proper moth restoration technique. Moth broken fix is a perplexing process, so be patient. correctness is the key. A professional Stanton Oriental rug restoration will resign yourself to care of your rug so that it will remain as pretty as the daylight it was purchased. Persian rug Pros is the best source for Oriental rug cleaning, repair, and restoration in yellowish-brown County. Our Oriental rug fix and restoration team consists of dedicated master weavers who have an average of more than 40+ years of experience. door us at (949) 335-9788 and get clear estimates.
not finished Persian Rug Repair Laguna Hills Persian Rug Laguna Hills Persian Rug Restoration Laguna Hills https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/thousand-oaks/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/reseda/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/northridge/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/tarzana/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/winnetka/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/encino/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/canoga-park/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/north-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/granada-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/box-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/woodland-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/porter-ranch/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/van-nuys/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/panorama-city/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/chatsworth/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/mission-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/west-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/bell-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sherman-oaks/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/calabasas/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/hidden-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/arleta/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/pacoima/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/hansen-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/san-fernando/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sherman-village/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/valley-village/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/topanga/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/barrington/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/studio-city/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sylmar/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/north-hollywood/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/lake-view-terrace/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/kagel-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sun-valley/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/la-tuna-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/ventura/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/santa-monica/ https://howiseatinghealthily.blogspot.com/ https://howiseatinghealthily.blogspot.com/2022/07/blog-post.html https://whyhealthydiet606.blogspot.com/ https://whyhealthydiet606.blogspot.com/2022/07/why-healthy-diet.html https://lifeinsurancequoteoregon481.blogspot.com/2022/07/life-insurance-quote-oregon.html
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Persian Rug Repair Stanton
In auxiliary to proper cleaning, Oriental rugs dependence specialized repair or restoration to save their look and feel. Professional carpet cleaning facilities can prevent difficult damage and save you money. If your carpet is damaged, a professional repair can reorganize it to its former glory. It is important to follow these simple steps to protect your investment. Listed under are some tips to back up you pick the best sustain provider. We wish that this counsel will back up you pick the right Stanton Oriental restoration sustain for your oriental rug.
Rug recoloring is a useful sustain for owners of oriental rugs. These rugs feature pretty color schemes and designs, so losing their native colors can be an unfortunate experience. Experts who specialize in re-coloring rugs have years of experience like these rugs, and they wont destroy the unique pattern of your carpet by government the dye and causing it to run. You can trust the professionals at Stanton Oriental carpet restoration sustain to resign yourself to care of your prized possession. Oriental rugs are generally woven across warps and foundations. The endpoint of the carpet is along the side. Because this edge is exposed to normal wear, it can unravel or entre up. Eventually, it can cause significant damage. If the damaged side is exposed, the carpet repairer will wrap the area like wool, using the same technique as the original. Generally, finer pile rugs have a more narrow and tight edge while thicker pile rugs have more coarse and bulky edges. Regular cleaning is necessary for Oriental rugs to hold their beauty and value. Regular cleaning and Stanton Oriental carpet restoration facilities are recommended to save them in summit shape. like possible, gathering Oriental rugs away from sunlight or high-traffic areas. After a thorough cleaning, the carpet should be allowed to air dry past inborn stored. If the carpet is damaged due to wear and tear, you should call for professional back up as soon as possible. This way, youll avoid the risk of other damage or even the dependence to buy a other one. In stroke of damage, a professional oriental carpet repair sustain will come in handy. Inspecting your carpet can sky problems such as wandering fibers, faded colors, and damage fringe. The first step in carpet restoration is finding out what caused the damage so you can avoid it from spreading. The longer you leave it unattended, the worse the damages will become. Moreover, you cant afford to wait and risk other damage. Fortunately, moth damage can be fixed. Professional moth damage repair begins by choosing the right fabric for the job. like youve agreed the fabric, youll dependence to affect the length of the carpet and pick the proper moth restoration technique. Moth damage repair is a complex process, so be patient. exactness is the key. A professional Stanton Oriental carpet restoration will resign yourself to care of your carpet so that it will remain as pretty as the day it was purchased. Persian carpet Pros is the best source for Oriental carpet cleaning, repair, and restoration in orangey County. Our Oriental carpet repair and restoration team consists of dedicated master weavers who have an average of more than 40+ years of experience. entre us at (949) 335-9788 and get release estimates.
Persian Rug Cleaning Stanton Perrsian Rug Restoration Stanton Persian Rug Repair Stanton https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/thousand-oaks/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/reseda/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/northridge/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/tarzana/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/winnetka/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/encino/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/canoga-park/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/north-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/granada-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/box-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/woodland-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/porter-ranch/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/van-nuys/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/panorama-city/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/chatsworth/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/mission-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/west-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/bell-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sherman-oaks/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/calabasas/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/hidden-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/arleta/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/pacoima/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/hansen-hills/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/san-fernando/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sherman-village/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/valley-village/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/topanga/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/barrington/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/studio-city/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sylmar/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/north-hollywood/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/lake-view-terrace/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/kagel-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/sun-valley/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/la-tuna-canyon/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/ventura/ https://www.a2zhealth.com/bestmassage/santa-monica/ https://bestlashliftsupplies.blogspot.com/2022/06/laundry-detergent-price.html https://seoagencynearme153.blogspot.com/ https://seoagencynearme153.blogspot.com/2022/06/seo-agency-near-me.html https://deafeningrunawaylady.tumblr.com/post/688481117778706432/seo-agency-near-me https://persianrugrepairstanton400.blogspot.com/
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travelless · 6 years
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Garden of Alhambra
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In which you see them cry for the first time: Javi, Marcus Moreno, or Frankie?
A/N: Okay, anon, this turned into a little bit more than a headcanon. I hope you like it. I chose Marcus Moreno for this one. Thank you for reading, reblogging, commenting, and liking. 
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Reader 
Warnings: Alien invasion, spoilers for the movie We Can Be Heroes, and just fluff honestly. 
My Masterlist 
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We found love in a Diner
The wood beneath your fingertips scratched as you dug them into the table, your knuckles turning pale with the effort used. Before you at the diner, the TV showed the devastation of the nation’s heroes, the Heroics, as they fought and failed to bring down an alien invasion. And in the thick of it, attached to a hovering type fan, was Marcus Moreno. Gone was the awkward dad who came in with his daughter three days a week for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. He no longer wore the t-shirt that hugged his skin and was soft to the touch or the glasses that made your heart quicken. Instead, he wore all black with a tactical vest and two katanas sheathed.
You stifle your scream as he drops from the sky and lands in a roll against an overturned car. Your manager Elaine, placing a tender hand on your shoulder, both of you watching in horror. He speaks into his watch, most likely calling Missy. At the same time, he unsheaths the katanas and jumps headfirst into the barrage of aliens. 
He’s sucked in, and in an instant, he’s gone. Dead or alive, you have no idea, and your brain kickstarts into overtime. You run into the back room and grab your phone, pulling up the number for both Marcus and Missy.
Over the past year, since they’d been coming to the diner, you’ve become close to the duo. Even seeing them outside of work for dinner or a movie as friends. Missy had taken a liking to you and would sometimes spend a few hours at the library or your house reading or talking about life. Marcus goes straight to voicemail, and you want to cry. “Marcus, if you get this, please, please call me back. I saw what happened. I need to know you’re alive,” you beg before hanging up and calling Missy.
“Hello?” you can hear the echo of sniffles and your heart clenches.
“Missy? Honey, it’s me, are you okay? Are you safe?”
“They, they took him!” she cries, and you bite down hard on your lip as the unshed tears pool in your eyes.
“I know, honey, I know. Are you safe?” you repeat, and she says yes, telling you she’s at HQ with the other Heroic children. “Okay, I need you to stay there; we will figure something out, okay? We are going to get your dad back, okay?” She agrees and hangs up.
You grab your purse and coat and throw it over your uniform before running out, throwing apologies out to the rest of the staff. You turn on your old honda civic and rush to the heroics headquarters. When you arrive, you’re unsurprised to find a massive crowd outside demanding answers, and you fight to try to get in when you notice a tram from inside the building racing toward the group. Suddenly the tram leaps off the tracks, and you watch it spin as agents try to get it back—everyone watching open-mouthed at the scene.
From inside the tram, you catch a familiar curl of brown hair and scream her name over the crowd, but she doesn’t hear, and you watch in horror as the tram shoots off into the clouds. The agents, trying to stop them turn to you, and seize you before you have a chance to run. Kicking and screaming, they bring you into the headquarters and to the director Ms. Granada.
“How do you know Missy Moreno?” she’s defensive from the start, and you quickly realize you don’t like this woman.
“I’m a friend of Missy and Marcus.”
“Are you his girlfriend?” Oh, how much you wished.
“No. No, I’m just a friend. I saw what happened to him on TV and thought I could help Missy or you all get him back.”
She sneers, “Oh, and what power do you have?”
That gives you pause; honestly, what could you have done. “I...I don’t. I’m just a waitress.” Shouts of terror ring out behind you, and you catch the scream in your throat as the aliens from the tv are alive and moving towards the control room. Watching as others are tossed like ragdolls out of the way as they charge them. You run towards the side door and take off down the hall, thinking of Marcus and how he would want you to help Missy. You couldn’t do that if you were dead.
The door to the outside slams open. You run as fast as your legs will carry you away from the headquarters and to your car. Hands shaking as you turn the key and peel out of the parking lot and onto the highway. Driving for hours around the city looking for any sign of Missy or the other kids and calling her phone. Each time going straight to voicemail and leaving another message more hysterical than the last. It’s night by the time you return to the diner and park resting your head in your hands against the steering wheel. The day finally catching up to you.
Your friend Joshua comes running out to your car, smiling, “Did you see the news?!”
“What?” you unlatch the door and stand on shaky legs. 
“They’re all alive! Sharkboy and Lava Girl, Miracle Guy! All of them! They were rescued by their own children,” you begin to tune out his voice as a familiar car slowly pulls into the dark parking lot. 
Dropping your bag, you walk and then full out run to the vehicle. Marcus parks and gets out, running the rest of the way over. Still dressed in his heroics uniform, eyes tired, but smiling, saying your name. 
“Marcus!” you shout and jump into his arms. He groans but doesn’t let go, only tightening his arms around you. The car still running and the door wide open behind him.
“I’m so sorry, I got your message. I would have called sooner, but I had to deal with work and then Missy, and then my mom showed up,” he rambles, and you put a hand to his lips, silencing him.
“It’s okay, you’re safe, that’s all I needed to know.” You can’t help the tears streaming down your cheeks, and he slowly lowers you to your feet but not out of his arms. He runs his fingers over your tears, and the rough fabric of his fingerless gloves grazes your cheek.
“I need to tell you something,” he whispers, and you see his own eyes brimming with tears. “I don’t like the food at the diner.”
You shake your head, giving him a nervous chuckle, “what?”
“I’ve eaten at that diner three times a week for the last year because, well, because I like you, baby. And after the way, you spent the day searching for Missy and me. The way you sounded on your message, I hope...no, I think you might like me too.” He sniffles, and you note how this is the first time you’ve seen him cry in the year you’ve known him.
Wiping away his tears and cupping his cheeks, you bring his lips down to yours in a warm kiss. Pouring your worry, fears, and love into him as he steps closer and deepens, running his hands through your hair and against your scalp. You pull away, and he smiles at you through the tears, “Oh Marcus Moreno, I am unequivocally in love with you.”
“Come home with me,” he whispers, kissing you again, “Missy is staying the night at her new friend’s house; let me show you how much I love you too.”
“You do?”
“Oh, baby, I really, really do.”
Taglist: @josepedropascal @mrschiltoncat @mrsparknuts @ghostwiththemostbitch @zannesmes @xjaywritesx @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @lunarthoughts @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @chicken-ona-stick
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butchcrassidy · 9 months
Investasi Properti Tanpa Riba dan Legalitas Aman di Isykariman Property Syariah
Anda Pasti Ingin Investasi Properti Tanpa Riba yang Legal, Ini Solusinya!
Pertimbangkanlah untuk berinvestasi dalam properti tanpa terjerat dalam sistem riba yang seringkali dihindari dalam prinsip syariah. Tidak hanya itu, Anda juga pasti ingin menemukan pengembang properti yang menjamin legalitas yang aman. Bagaimana jika saya katakan Anda bisa mendapatkan keduanya dalam satu paket? Isykariman Property Syariah hadir sebagai solusi investasi properti yang 100% syariah, tanpa BI checking, tanpa riba, dan dengan legalitas yang sudah terjamin.
Mengapa Memilih Isykariman Property Syariah?
1. Bebas Riba, Tanpa BI Checking Kami sepenuhnya memahami keengganan terhadap riba dalam prinsip syariah. Oleh karena itu, kami bangga dapat memberikan investasi properti tanpa adanya riba. Selain itu, tidak ada pengecekan BI yang rumit, sehingga proses investasi menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat.
2. Legalitas Properti yang Aman Ketika berinvestasi, masalah legalitas adalah hal yang sangat penting. Isykariman Property Syariah memahami hal ini dengan baik dan selalu mengutamakan legalitas yang aman untuk semua properti kami. Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang masalah hukum di masa depan.
3. Beragam Pilihan Investasi Kami menawarkan beragam pilihan investasi properti yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Mulai dari jual tanah kavling villa murah hingga proyek kavling yang menjanjikan seperti Granada Land di Tanjungsari Bogor, Granada Garden Ville Kavling Kebun Produktif Durian, Granada Mountain View Puncak 2 Jonggol, Granada Riverside Resort Anyer, Granada Hills Ciwidey Bandung, dan Granada Waterfall Ciater Subang.
4. Lokasi Strategis Properti kami tersebar di berbagai lokasi strategis seperti Puncak, Anyer, Bogor, Bandung, dan Subang. Dengan beragam pilihan lokasi ini, Anda dapat memilih yang paling cocok dengan rencana investasi Anda.
5. Harga Kavling Kompetitif Kami menawarkan harga kavling yang sangat kompetitif. Ini berarti Anda dapat memulai investasi properti dengan modal yang terjangkau tanpa mengorbankan kualitas. Kami mengerti betapa pentingnya mengelola keuangan dengan bijak.
6. Ulasan dan Foto Pelanggan Kami bangga dengan ulasan positif dan foto dari pelanggan kami yang puas dengan investasi properti di Isykariman Property Syariah. Ini adalah bukti nyata bahwa kami selalu berusaha memberikan yang terbaik bagi investor kami.
Jangan Sampai Kehilangan Kesempatan Berharga ini! Jadi, mengapa menunggu lebih lama? Segera bergabunglah dengan Isykariman Property Syariah dan nikmati investasi properti yang bebas riba dan legalitasnya terjamin. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan emas ini untuk meraih keuntungan dari investasi properti yang aman dan menguntungkan. Hubungi kami sekarang juga untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai harga kavling dan proyek properti kami. Investasikan uang Anda dengan bijak dan aman bersama Isykariman Property Syariah!
0 notes
hsundholm · 3 years
Gardens of the Alhambra
Gardens of the Alhambra by Henrik Sundholm Via Flickr: I think this was the first picture from the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, that I ever published.
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wordacrosstime · 3 years
Nova Express
[Nova Express. William Burroughs [aka William S. Burroughs]. 1968. Panther Science Fiction, Granada Publishing Limited, reprinted 1969, 1972. paperback. 157 pages. First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Limited 1966. (c) William Burroughs 1964]
If new to William Burroughs, prepare to be faced with
Mrs. J. L. Bradshinkel, thrown out of bed by the explosion, sat up screaming: “I’m going right back to The Sheraton Carlton Hotel and call the Milwaukee Braves” -
preceded by
“Sew her up,” he ordered - “I can’t be expected to work under such conditions” - He swept up instruments cocaine and morphine into his satchel an tilted out of The Operating Room -
and followed by
Two Philippine maids hoisted her up - “Fetch my wig, Zalameda,” she ordered. “I’m going straight to the captain - “ [p 106]
In a Foreword Note William Burroughs explains about a part of Nova Express, and the book in general
The section called “This Horrible Case” was written in collaboration with Mr. Ian Sommerville, a mathematician—Mr. Sommerville also contributed the technical notes in the section called “Chinese Laundry”—An extension of Brion Gysin’s cut-up method which I call the fold-in method has been used in this book which is consequently a composite of many writers living and dead. [Foreword Note]
Tackling a William Burroughs novel may call for stamina unless the boot camp preparation course included intensive reading of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake and - if adventurous - Ulysses.
Also helpful may be a quick flirtation with Andy Warhol and anyone at his great creation The Factory. And a quick skim through Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange. Also Smallcreep's Day by Peter Currell Brown, though that does contain a trace of plot.
Nova Express is one of The Nova Trilogy written between 1961-1967 [The Soft Machine, The Ticket That Exploded, Nova Express]. It’s perhaps not possible to provide a summary (some have tried) and in any case that would spoil the fun. It’s often called science fiction and it probably takes place in space. That’s more or less all it’s safe to say other than that topics included cover a wide range, and there is a quote in it from The Trial by Franz Kafka. It’s easiest (stretching the word ‘easy’) just to read it :
The knife fell - The Clerk in the bunk next to his bled blue silence - Put on a clean shirt and Martin’s pants - telling stories and exchanging smiles - dusty motors - The crop and fish talk muttering American dawn words - Sad rooming house - Picture wan light on suburban ponds and brown hair - Grey photo pools and springs over brass bed - Stale morning streets - sifting clouds and sky on my face - crosscrossed with city houses - [p 111]
or rather not to read it, at least not sitting down and silently. It’s much easier to stand up (when there’s no-one else there) and speak it aloud. When the words are spoken, suddenly it can become poetry.
And perhaps - (though no-one will ever know)  - that’s what William Burroughs intended.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[Cover © Panther Science Fiction 1968, 1969, 1972. Portrait of William S Burroughs © photographer]
John Park
Words Across Time
23 September 2021
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seth333081zollars · 3 years
Soccer Live Soccer Scores, Results. Online Football Results
Footbal result - Football Results | Sky Sports
Germany Oberliga Flens Sud. FC Dornbreite Luebeck. Union Neumunster. Brazil Matogrossense. Germany Regionalliga Southwest. Bayern Alzenau. Eintracht Stadtallendorf. FC 08 Homburg. FC Giessen.
Ksv Hessen Kassel. Ssv Ulm Schott Mainz. Stuttgart II. Scotland Try this. Ayr United. Queen Of The South. Raith Rovers. Poland 2. Blekitni Stargard HT'. Skra Czestochowa HT'. Garbarnia Krakow. Hutnik Nowa Huta. Pogon Siedlce. Kks Kalisz. Olimpia Grudziadz. Albania Footbal result Superiore. Kastrioti HT'. Skenderbeu Useful link HT'.
Apolonia Fier. England Southern Premier Division Central. Banbury United. Bromsgrove Sporting Footbla. Hednesford Town. Kings Langley. Royston Town. Rushall Olympic. Romania Liga Iii Reult 7. Gilortul Targu Carbunesti. Footbxl Costesti. Viitorul Daesti. Friendly Games Friendlies Women. Lithuania w FT. Slovakia w. South Africa w.
Italy w. Germany w. Sweden w. Ecuador w. Brazil Goiano. Cote D Ivoire Ligue 1. Asi D Abengourou. So de L Armee. Es Bafing. Chile Primera Division.
Union Espanola. Audax Italiano. Jordan Premier League. Al aqaba. Sahab Sc. North Carolina Courage w. Brazil Paranaense. Argentina Federal A. Crucero Del Norte. Republic of Ireland Premier Division.
Finn Harps. Resylt Town FC. Sligo Rovers. Villarrubia Cf. Don Benito. Foolad FC. Footbal result de Salamanca. Atzeneta Ue. Valencia Mestalla. Guatemala Liga Nacional Clausura. Coban Imperial. Argentina Primera Nacional. Ferro Carril Oeste. Defensores de Footbal result. Villa Dalmine. Estudiantes R. Belgrano Cordoba. Sampaio Correa. Santa Cruz. Resuly Guanacasteca. Argentina Primera C Foohbal. Atletico Atlas. Deportivo Espanol. General Lamadrid. Real Pilar.
Sportivo Italiano. Central Cordoba Rosario. Argentina Primera B Metropolitana Apertura. Argentino de Quilmes. Del Valle. Brazil Paulista A2. Ec Sao Bernardo. Velo Clube. Xv de Piracicaba. Osasuna B. Footbal result Elite One. Dragon de Yaounde. Pwd Bamenda. Stade Renard. As Fortuna. Tonnerre Kalara. Ums de Loum. Footbal result Npl Youth Queensland. Peninsula Power u23 FT. Moreton Foottbal United u South Korea K3 League. Busan Transport.
Daejeon Korail FT. Australia Western. Balcatta FT. Floreat Athena FT. Perth Sc FT. Rockingham City FT. Footbal result FT. Perth Glory Youth. Sweden Ettan Norra. Sandvikens If. Sollentuna Fk. Karlstad Bk. Sweden Ettan Soedra. Lindome Gif. Vanersborgs If. Torns If. Ljungskile Sk. Footbal result Fif. Latvia Virsliga. Norway 2. Divisjon Avd. Australia Npl Youth Victoria. South Melbourne FC U Altona Magic U21 FT. Port Melbourne Sharks Sc Footbbal Dandenong Thunder Sc u21 FT.
Finland Foltbal Cup - Semi Finals. Hjk Helsinki. Khonkaen United. Nakhonpathom United. Kazakhstan Premier League. Zhetysu FT. Kairat Almaty HT'. FC Astana. Ipswich City FT. Brisbane Athletic. Moggill Footbal result. South Korea K-league 2.
Division Women - 1. Division Relegation Playoff Group 1 Women. Naesby w. Fredensborg Bi w. Division Relegation Playoff Group 2 Women. Jai Aarhus footbal result. Romalt If w. Malaysia Premier League. Kelantan FT. Selangor United. Singapore S. Redult Young Footbal result FT. Tanjong Pagar United FC.
Australia Queensland. Peninsula Reult FT. Capalaba FC FT. Australia Reslut Premier League. Holland Park Footbal result Foogbal. Southside Eagles FT. Australia Brisbane Premier League. Footbal result George Willawong FT.
Albany Creek FT. The Lakes FT. University Of Queensland. Houston Dash w FT. Portland Thorns w FT. Portimonense 3 0 Vitoria de Guimaraes FT. Reggiana 0 1 Empoli FT. Cork City 0 1 Athlone FT. Shelbourne 1 0 Wexford Youths FT. D 0 0 Bray Wanderers FT. Clyde 3 0 Forfar Athletic FT. Dumbarton 2 1 East Fife FT. Stenhousemuir 1 0 Cowdenbeath FT. Footbal result 1 2 Roma FT. Arsenal 1 1 Slavia Prague FT. Dinamo Zagreb resultt 1 Villarreal FT. Granada reshlt 2 Manchester United FT.
Inter Milan 2 1 Sassuolo FT. Juventus 2 1 Napoli FT. Sedan 0 1 Angers FT. Saumur 1 2 Toulouse FT. Linfield 2 1 Coleraine FT. Real Madrid 3 1 Liverpool FT. Brentford 0 0 Birmingham City FT. Morecambe 1 1 Southend United FT.
Ayr United 0 3 Dundee FT. Footbal result 2 1 Falkirk FT. Clyde 1 1 Cove Rangers FT. French Footbal result 1 Strasbourg v Paris Saint-Germain. Montpellier v Marseille. Dutch Eredivisie Heracles Almelo v Willem II.
AZ v Sparta Rotterdam. Fortuna Sittard v FC Emmen. Scottish Championship Ayr United v Dunfermline Athletic. Dundee v Morton. Queen of the South v Footbal result Caledonian Thistle. Raith Rovers v Arbroath. Scottish League Reault Cove Rangers v Dumbarton.
Falkirk v Clyde. Forfar Athletic v East Fife. Montrose v Airdrieonians. Peterhead v Partick Thistle. Scottish League Two Annan Athletic v Stirling Albion. Brechin City v Albion Rovers. Cowdenbeath v Elgin City. Stenhousemuir v Queen's Park. Stranraer v Edinburgh City. Welsh Premier Footbal result Caernarfon Town v Barry Town United. Cefn Druids v Haverfordwest County. Connah's Quay Nomads v Penybont. Bala Town v The New Saints. Portuguese Primeira Liga Boavista v Rio Ave.
Footbal result v FC Porto. Turkish Super Lig 62'. Bet Credits available for use upon settlement of bets to value of qualifying deposit. Min odds, bet and payment method exclusions apply.
Soccer Scores
Returns exclude Bet Credits stake. Para nuevos clientes. Bonus na start do PLN.
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musichead84 · 4 years
Seen as of 2019:
ACL - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Bonnaroo - 2012, 2013
Coachella - 2010, 2014
Float Fest - 2014
Index Fest - 2013, 2014
Lollapalooza - 2006, 2009, 2011
Wakarusa - 2015
Fun Fun Fun Fest - 2014, 2015
35 Denton - 2016
Untapped Fort Worth Festival - 2016
Untapped Dallas Festival - 2016
Edgefest - 2017 (many more than this year’s…)
Old 97′s County Fair - 2018
Aerosmith (Dallas)
Afghan Whigs (Liberty Lunch, Antone’s, ACL 12, Coachella 14)
Alkaline Trio (Austin)
Aloha (Dallas)
Andrew Bird (Lolla 09)
All 4 One (Austin)
Animal Collective (Lolla 09)
Arcade Fire x3 (ACL 07, Lolla 06, Coachella 14)
Arctic Monkeys x 2 (Lolla 09, ACL, Edgefest 22)
Adair (Dallas)
American Eyes ( Dallas )
As I Lay Dying ( Dallas )
Atreyu ( Dallas )
Atoms for Peace  (Coachella 10)
Allison Moorer (Austin)
Aubra Mae (Dallas)
A Perfect Circle (Lolla 11, Verizon Theatre)
AfroJack (Lolla 11)
Atmosphere (Lolla 11)
Alton Brown (Chef - Frisco) - Barnes & Noble
Atlas Genius (Edgefest23)
Airborne Toxic Event (Edgefest23)
AWOLNation x2 (Edgefest23, EF2015)
Annie Clark (Dallas)
A Day to Remember (Edgefest 23)
Alt-J (Roo 13)
The Avett Brothers (Summer Cut 2)
Austra (Granada Theater)
Alice in Chains (Gexa Pavilion)
Antemasque (FFFfest 15)
Alvvays (FFFfest 15)
American Werewolves (Three Links - Dallas)
At the Drive In (Red7, Trees, Club Dada, Southside Ballroom)
Aaron Lewis (Billy Bob’s)
American Aquarium (The Statler Ballroom)
Badfish x 6 (Dallas, Wildflower Fest)
Beck x 3 (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Ben Harper x 2 (Lolla 09, Austin, Waka 2015)
Big Head Todd & the Monsters (ATX, House of Blues - Dallas)
Black Crowes (Dallas)
Blind Melon (Dallas)
Bloc Party (Lolla 06, Dallas)
Blood Brothers (dallas)
Blue October (Austin, Dallas)
Burden Brothers (Austin, Dallas)
Broke (Dallas)
Band of Horses (Lolla 09)
Bassnectar (Lolla09, ACL12)
Ben Folds (chicago)
Beach House (coachella10)
Ben Gibbard (dallas)
Bert Kreischer - (comedian) Addison Improv (2), Irvine Improv
Black Lips (Lolla 11)
Bruno Mars (Lolla 11)
Busy P (Lolla11)
Black Keys (Dallas, Edgefest, ACL12)
Bush (Edgefest23)
Bjork (Roo13)
Big Gigantic (BreakwayFest)
Bear Mountain (Dallas)
Born & Raised (Dallas)
Bastille (Coachella 14)
Bush (Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Blackberry Smoke (ACL14)
Bouncing Souls (Dallas)
Broken Gold (Dallas)
Ben Howard (Dallas)
Blue, the misfit (Dallas)
Brutal Juice (Dallas)
Best Coast (Dallas)
Bully (Dallas)
Bobby Patterson (HG6)
Black Fire Pistol (HG6)
Belle & Sebastian (Summer Cut ‘15)
Broncho (FFFfest 15)
Big Freedia (FFFfest 15, The Bomb Factory)
Bottle Rockets  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Bombay Bicycle Club (coachella 14)
Built to Spill (Granada Theater, Untapped 16)
Breaking Benjamin (Gexa)
Blink 182 (Edgefest 2017)
Brandi Carlile (ACL 2018)
Brock Hampton (ACL 2018)
Blood Orange (ACL 2018 Bowling for Soup (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Cage the Elephant (Coachella 10, Frisco, Lolla09/11, Edgefest 22, Coachella 14)
Christina Aguilera (Tx State Fair 1998)
Chevelle (Dallas, Ft Worth, Edgefest 2017)
Coal Chamber(killeen)
Coheed & Cambria (Austin, Coachella10, Lolla06, Dallas)
Cody Shaw & The Rhythm Boys (Hank’s)
ColdWarKids (Lolla06, ACL)
Common (Lolla09)
Cross Canadian Ragweed (austin)
The Confession
Collective Soul (dallas)
Carolyn Wonderland (austin)
The Cush (denton)
Cee-Lo Green (Lolla11)
Chico Trujillo (Lolla11)
City & Colour (Lolla11, Roo12, Dallas - Granada Theater)
The Chain Gang of 1974 (Lolla11, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Carina Round (Austin)
Charlie Murphy (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Christopher Titus (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Civil Twilight (Edgefest22)
Cake (Edgefest22)
Chris Lake (El Paso)
Capital Cities (Edgefest23)
Crizzly (BreakawayFest)
CHVRCHES (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Commotion  (Dallas)
Courtney Barnett (FFFFest 6)
Chance the Rapper (Waka15)
Carrie Brownstein (Dallas)
Craig Finn (Trees)
Chris Stapleton (Dallas, ACL 16)
Cheap Trick (FFFfest 15)
Chromeo (FFFfest 15)
Calvin Harris (Coachella 14)
The Cult (Toyota Music Factory)
Camila Cabello (ACL 2018)
Dead Sara (Edgefest22)
Damian Marley (Lolla11)
Death From Above 1979 (Lolla11)
Daughtry (addison,dallas,frisco)
Dashboard Confessional (ACL05)
Death Cab For Cutie (Lolla 06, EF 15)
Decemberists (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Deftones (Dallas, Lolla 11, Edgefest23, ACL 2018)
Devotchka (Dallas - HOB, Indexfest 2)
Delta Spirit (Lolla11)
Drive-by Truckers (dallas)
Destiny’s Child (Tx State Fair 1998)
Dredg (dallas)
Death in the Family (dallas)
Dead Weather (coachella10, ACL09)
Depeche Mode (chicago)
Dirty Heads x 3 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas, Waka15)
Dwight Yokam (Grand Prairie - Lonestar Park)
The Drums (Lolla11)
The DA (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
D'Angelo (Roo 12)
Deadmau5 (El Paso, Dallas)
Dim Locator (Hailey’s - Denton)
Danny Avila (BreakwayFest)
Dave Chappell (Dallas - Oddball Comedy Tour)
Dirty River Boys (McKinney - Hanks)
Dum Dum Girls (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
David Ramirez (Kessler Theater, Untapped 16)
Dark Rooms x 3 (Dallas, Denton)
Doug Benson (FFFfest 15)
Dag nasty (FFFfest 15)
Dillion Francis (Coachella 14)
Disturbed (Gexa)
DJ Sober (The Best of Big D 16)
Dalton Domino (The Statler Ballroom)
David Byrne (ACL 2018)
Dead Flowers (The Rustic)
The Doobie Brothers (Dallas)
The Expendables (austin)
Eminem (Lolla 11, ACL 14)
Explosions in the Sky (Lolla 11, Breakaway Fest)
Empire of the Sun (Breakway Fest)
El-P (indexfest2)
Erykah Badu (Dallas)
Eric Andre (FFFfest 15)
Esme Patterson (The Rustic)
Erika Wennerstron (2018 Old 97′s County Fair, The Rustic)
Finger Eleven (dallas)
Fleet Foxes (Lolla 09)
Foo Fighters (Dallas, Lolla 11)
Foster the People (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Frank Black (Austin)
Funeral for a Friend (Dallas)
For Felix (Dallas)
Franz Ferdinand (Austin)
Frank Turner (Dallas, Coachella 14)
Fuel (Mayflower Fest)
Friendly Fires (Lolla 11)
Flogging Molly (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Fitz & the Tantrums (Lolla 11 - met them, HOB - Dallas - met them, Roo 12, Edgefest 23, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Foxy Shazam (Edgefest 22)
Florence & the Machines (ACL 12)
Frightened Rabbit (Dallas)
Flash Gordon (Edgefest 23)
Flight of the Concords (Dallas)
Fatboy Slim (Coachella 14)
Foxygen (Index Fest 3, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
First Aid Kit (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Flying Lotus (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
FKA Twigs (Trees - Dallas)
Future Islands (Index Fest 3, FFFFest15)
Fantastic Negrito (Summer Cut '15)
Father John Misty (Dallas)
The Gaslight Anthem x 3 (Lolla06,Edgefest23,Dallas)
Gin Blossoms (Addison, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Gnarls Barkley x 2 (Lolla06,dallas)
Gomez (Lolla 09)
Gossip (coachella10)
Greeley Estates (dallas)
The Gourds (austin)
Goo Goo Dolls (Dallas / Wildflower Fest 2018)
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals x 2 (lolla11, Summer Cut 2)
Grouplove (Lolla 11, Stubb’s, Roo 12, Coachella 14)
Garbage (Edgefest 22)
Girl Talk x 3 (indexfest 2, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, EF 15)
The Growlers (Waka 15)
Glass Animals (Waka 15)
Galactic (Waka 15)
Gogol Bordello (FFFfest 15, Untapped Dallas 16)
Grimes (FFFfest 15)
Greg Dulli (Kessler Theater Dallas)
Grupo Fantasma (Untapped 16)
Glorietta (Kessler - Dallas)
The Guess Who (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Heartless Bastards x 11 (Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Denton - met twice, smoked with Jesse, and took pics with them)
Hole (Edgefest)
Hockey (Coachella 10)
The Hope Trust x 2 (Dallas, Denton)
The Holler Time (Denton)
Haim (Roo13)
Harland Williams (Comedian - Addison Improv)
Hozier (EF15)
Hayes Carll (Untapped 16)
Incubus (x3)(dallas)
Interpol (dallas)
DJ Irene (killeen)
Ishi (Dallas)
Israel Nash (Summer Cut '15)
I’m With Her (Ryman Auditorium)
Jay-Z (Coachella 10)
Jane’s Addiction (Lolla09,Dallas)
Jeff Klein (austin)
Jim Ward (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Jimmy Eat World (Dallas, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Johnny Cooper (Mckinney - Hank’s)
John Hiatt (Stubbs, HOB Dallas)
Jerry Lee Lewis (Richardson - Wildflower Fest 11)
Jim Jefferies x 3 (Comedian - Dallas)
Jim Breuer (Comedian - Dallas)
Jarrod Gorbel (Dallas)
James Vandervelde (austin)
Jack White (ACL12)
Japandroid (Roo13)
Jack Johnson (Roo13)
Juicy J (BreakwayFest)
Jenny Lewis (Dallas)
J Mascis (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Jessica Lea Mayfield (Dallas)
Jack Kerowax (Dallas)
Jamie xx (GvB V)
Joey Bada$$ (FFFfest 15)
Jason Isbell (Southside Ballroom Dallas, Dallas)
Jason Aldean (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Jaime Wyatt (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Jibe (Gas Monkey Live!)
Justice (ACL 2018)
Judah & The Lion (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Jason Bonham (Toyota Music Pavilion)
Kansas (Norfolk, VA - my very first concert!)
KISS (Frisco)
Kaskade (Lolla 09)
Killers x 2 (Austin, Dallas)
Kings of Leon x 3 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Kid Cudi (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Killer Mike (indexfest2)
Kevin Devine (Dallas - Rustic)
Kopecky (Waka 15)Kaela Sinclair (Dallas)
Kurt Vile (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
Kacey Musgraves (ACL 16)
Kaleo (Untapped Dallas 16)
K-Flay (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Khalid (ACL 2018)
The Lusitania (Austin)
Lennon (killeen)
LCD Soundsystem (Coachella 10, ACL 16, The Bomb Factory)
Local Natives (Coachella10, Lolla11, Roo13, ACL 16)
Los Lonely Boys (Austin)
The Lumineers (ACL12, Dallas)
Lil Twist (BreakwayFest)
Lower Dens (GvB V, Club Dada Dallas)
L-P (Index Fest 2)
Lindi Ortega (Denton)
Lucero (Southside Ballroom, The Rusticx3)
L7 (FFFfest 15, Granada Theater Dallas)
Le Bucherettes (Dallas)
Lord Huron  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Lifehouse (Wildflower Fest 2018)
Lukas Nelson (The Rustic)
MC Flipside (2001 - Killeen)
MGMT (coachella 10, coachella 14)
mewithoutYou (dallas)
Modest Mouse (ACL 05, Dallas, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, Edgefest '15)
Metric (Lolla11,Edgefest11,ACL12)
Muse (dallas,Edgefest10,Lolla11)
My Morning Jacket (austin)
Millionaire (dallas)
Matisyahu (Lolla06, Dallas)(Met outside of Granada Theater, have autograph)
Manchester Orchestra (Lolla 09/11, Dallas - Rustic, ACL 2018)
Mogwai (Lolla 11)
Mexicans At Night (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
M83 (ACL 12)
Major Lazer (Roo 12, ACL 14, Waka 15)
Mariachi El Bronx (Roo 12)
Matt&Kim (Summer Cut 2, Roo 13, BreakwayFest '13)
MsMr (Dallas - HOB, Coachella 14)
Midlake (Dallas)
Macy Gray (Waka 15)
Ms. Lauryn Hill (FFFfest 15)
Midnight Stroll (Trees Dallas)
Miike Snow (ACL 16)
Mumford & Sons (ACL 16)
Marilyn Manson (Dos Equis Pavilion)
The Mavericks  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Mad Mexicans (Gas Monkey Live!)
Metallica (ACL 18)
Margo Price (The Rustic)
Mipso (Ryman Auditorium)
Nas (Lolla11, Roo13)
The Naked & Famous (Lolla 11, dallas)
The National (Dallas - HOB, Southside Ballroom, Roo 13, ACL 18)
Neko Case (Lolla 09)
North Mississippi Allstars (Austin - Stubb’s)
Neon Trees (Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse (ACL 12)
The Neighbourhood (Edgefest 23)
Nahko & Medicine for the People (Waka 15)
New Politics (Edgefest 15)
Neon Indian (FFFfest 15)
NOFX (FFFfest 15)
The Nixons (Edgefest 2017)
NIN (Las Vegas - The Joint x2)
NALGADAS - Gas Monkey
Nelly (ACL 2018)
Old 97’s (Austin, HG6, 2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Owen Pallett (Dallas)
Of Monsters & Men (Roo 13)
Other Lives (Dallas)
The Offspring (Edgefest 2017)
Oil Boom (HG6)
Olivia Chaney (Dallas)
ODESZA (FFFfest 15, ACL 2018, Dallas)
Orville Peck (Southside Ballroom)
Paul Green’s School of Rock All-Stars – Austin, TX
Pavement (Dallas)
Portugal. The Man (Coachella 10, Lolla 11, Roo 13, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Paramore (Dallas, Edgefest 23)
Pearl Jam (ACL 09/14, Dallas - AAC)
Pepper (Dallas - Granada Theater)
Pixies (ACL 2005)
Placebo (Edgefest)
Pelican (Edgefest)
Phoenix (Coachella 10, Edgefest 21, Edgefest 23)
Passion Pit (coachella 10, dallas)
Pat Green (frisco)
Pretty Lights (Lolla11)
Puscifer (Austin - Long Center, Bonnaroo 2012)
Phish (Bonnaroo 2012 )
Pauly Shore (Edgefest 23)
Purity Ring (Roo13)
Paul McCartney (Roo13)
Phantogram (ACL14)
Paws (Dallas)
Parquet Courts (FFFfest 15)
Peaches (FFFfest 15)
Patricio (Coachella 14)
Pete Yorn (ACL 16)
Prayers (Verizon Theatre)
Paul Cauthen  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Peter Frampton (Toyota Music Factory)
Queens of the Stone Age (ACL, Dallas)
?uestlove (Roo12)
The Quaker City Night Hawks x 2 (Dallas)
Quintron & Miss Pussy Cat (Dallas)
Ratatat (Lolla 11)
Rancid (Dallas - Gypsy Ballroom)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Lolla 06, Dallas - AAC, Roo 12)
Rilo Kiley (Dallas)
Rise Against (Dallas)
The Receiving End of Sirens (Dallas)
The Record Hop (Denton)
Ramesh (Dallas)
The Roots (Roo 12, ACL 12, Waka 15)
Radiohead (Roo 12, Lolla 11)
Rodrigo & Gabriela & C.U.B.A. (Roo 12)
Robert Delong (Edgefest 23)
Ra Ra Riot (BreakwayFest)
The Replacements (with Billy Jo Armstrong @ Coachella14, ACL14)
Riothorse Royale (Dallas)
Roosevelt (FFFfest 15)
Ride (FFFfest 15)
Robert Plant (Bomb Factory Dallas)
Ryan Adams (Red Rocks Amphitheater, The Pavilion - Irving)
Roger Waters (American Airlines Center)
Street Sweeper Social Club (Coachella 10)
She & Him (Coachella 10)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
Say Anything (Edgefest)
Seven Mary Three x 11 (Dallas, Waco, Wildflower Fest - have Giti’s autograph)
Silverchair (How the Edge Stole Xmas)
Silversun Pickups (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Sleepercar (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Snoop Dogg (Lolla 09)
Sparta x 15 (Mohawk, Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Tricky Falls, Barracuda, Gas Monkey)
Spoon x 4 (Austin, ACL 14, HOB Dallas, HG 6, Wildflower Fest 18)
Staind (Dallas)
Steve Earle (ACL 07, Dallas, ACL 12)
STP (austin, Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Silverstein (Dallas)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
The Smashup (Dallas)
Story of the Year (Dallas)
Street Drum Corps (Dallas)
Sublime w/ Rome (Dallas)
Switchfoot x 3 (Dallas, Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Skrillex (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
Sarah Jaffe x 4 (Indexfest 2, Dallas, Summer Cut '15)
Shaky Graves (Dallas - Granada Theater, Kessler Theater, HG6, ACL 2018)
Sam Lao (Dallas)
STS9 (Waka15)
Slightly Stoopid (Waka 15)
Sphynx (HG6)
Sealion (HG6)
Saul Williams (Dallas - Club Dada)
Sons of Illustrious Father (Dallas - Club Dada)
Social Distortion (HOB Houston)
Slow Magic (FFF fest 15)
Stoney Larue (Billy Bob’s Texas)
Slipknot (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Shovels & Rope (South Side Music Hall 2016)
Sweater Beats (Coachella 14)
Sylvan Esso (ACL 18)
Santana (Dallas)
Tegan & Sara (ACL 12)
Taking Back Sunday x 4 (Dallas)
Thursday (Dallas)
Tito & The Tarantulas (Austin)
Toadies x 13 (Austin, Dallas)
Tool (Lolla 09, Dallas - AAC, Grand Prairie - Nokia)
Them Crooked Vultures (Coachella 10)
Tragically Hip x 4 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas - HOB)
Trish Murphy (ACL 05)
TV on the Radio (Lolla 09, Dallas, Untapped Dallas 16)
Thrice (Dallas)
The Heist (Dallas)
Twilight Singers (Dallas - Gypsy Tea Room & Granada Theater 2011)
Three Days Grace (Dallas)
Two Door Cinema Club (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
The Tings Tings (Edgefest22)
The Temper Trap (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Twenty-One Pilots (Edgefest23)
The TonTons (Dallas - Trees)
Tame Impala (Dallas - Southside Ballroom)
Tinariwen (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Tei Shi (GvB V)
Toro y Moi (FFFfest 15)
Tanlines (Trees Dallas)
Thomas Rhett (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Travis Scott (ACL 2018)
Texas Gentlemen (Kessler - Dallas)
Uh Huh Her (Dallas)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Club Dada Dallas)
Van Halen (Dallas)
Vampire Weekend (Lolla 09)
Viet Cong (FFF fest 15)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
Valerie June  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
White Lies (Lolla 11)
White Rabbit x 2 (Dallas)
Warpaint x 2 (Dallas - Granada Theater, index fest 2)
Wailers x 4 (Dallas, Wildflower Festival)
Weezer (Dallas)
Wilco (Austin)
Wintersleep x 3 (Austin, Dallas - Trees (pic with them))
Walking the Moon (Dallas)
White Arrows (Dallas)
Walk the Moon (Roo 13, Dos Equis Pavilion)
Wu-Tang Clan (Breakaway Fest)
Wiz Khalifa (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
War On Drugs (Granada Theater)
White Denim (Index Fest 3)
We Are Scientists (Club Dada Dallas)
Wrestlers (Trees Dallas)
Wussy (Three Links - Dallas)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
The xx - x 4 (Coachella 10, Dallas x 2, Roo 13)
Yeah Yeah Yeah’s x 2 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Young the Giant x 3 (Lolla 11, Dallas, Austin, Waka 15)
Yumi Zouma (GvB V)
Zola Jesus (Dallas - Granada Theater)
ZZ Top (Roo 13)
Zobc (Coachella 14)
The Zolas (Dallas)
311 (Dallas, Edgefest 2017)
30 Seconds to Mars (Dallas, Edgefest, Dos Equis Pavilion)
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