mmh-dk · 8 months
3 Organistinnen spielen 3 mal 3 große Werke zum 330. Geburtstag der Grasberger Arp-Schnitger-Orgel
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estrogenism · 10 months
idk i wish people would talk more about papua when it comes to occupied nations.
free papua.
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iamthepulta · 2 months
That post with a bunch of open pit mines and "your culture" has me losing my mind at 8am lol.
This is what not teaching history, metallurgy, and resource management in school does to a society. Everyone is getting a lesson on Indian diamonds, Nigerian iron, SW turquoise, and Cyprus copper tonight.
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tvpapua-blog · 4 months
Aksi Penghijauan di Grasberg, Rangkaian Peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2024 di Kabupaten Mimika
Sebanyak 200 orang melakukan  tanam pohon dalam momentum pembukaan acara Peringatan Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2024 oleh karyawan PTFI, DLH Kabupaten Mimika,  perwakilan Tokoh Agama, dan perwakilan istri karyawan/ Istimewa tvpapua.com, Jayapura, 18/05 TEMBAGAPURA – PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) bersama Pemerintah Kabupaten Mimika melakukan Aksi Penghijauan di kawasan Grasberg yang berada di…
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shreemetalprices12 · 2 years
Copper Miner Freeport Indonesia has resumed operations at its massive Grasberg mines in Indonesia’s Papua area after it was flooded, according to a company representative on Wed. Yesterday, copper dropped -1.69% to 763.00.
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What is the point to move the capital city from Jakarta to Borneo? Didn't they realise by doing that they gonna have to destroy or even burned down thousand hectares of rain forest? Like I'm sorry I wasn't allowed to insert my opinion in my field of work but this is nonsense. They're the one screaming to protect the orangutans but they're also the ones that destroy their habitats. And I'm not even feel any ounce of pity when I read or watch a tiger attacked one of the workers. They deserves it, they throw those tigers and orangutans out from their home. Ffs. All this investment bullshit. Guess didn't learn anything from that shit kind of agreement with USA. Grasberg mine in Papua? I can't keep up with the way of this country's goverment and their shitty as fuck decision anymore
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ashtonlanger · 3 months
Top 10 Gold Producing Countries in 2024
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Gold has been a symbol of wealth and prosperity throughout human history. It has been mined, traded, and cherished for thousands of years. Today, gold remains a critical part of the global economy, influencing currencies, economies, and investment markets. Here, we explore the top 10 gold-producing countries in 2024, highlighting their contributions to the worldwide gold market.
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1. China
China will continue to hold its position as the world’s largest gold producer in 2024. With an annual production of approximately 380 metric tons, China's gold mining industry is a major contributor to its economy. The country's significant reserves and continuous investment in mining technology ensure its top spot.
2. Australia
Australia is a close second, producing around 325 metric tons of gold annually. The country’s rich geology provides extensive gold deposits, particularly in Western Australia. Major mining operations in the region, such as those at Super Pit and Boddington, drive the country's gold output.
3. Russia
Russia remains a dominant player in the global gold market, with an annual production of 300 metric tons. The country’s vast Siberian and Far East regions are rich in gold deposits, and significant investment in mining infrastructure supports its high production levels. Russia’s state-owned companies play a pivotal role in this sector.
4. United States
The United States holds the fourth position, producing around 200 metric tons of gold annually. Nevada is the primary state for gold production, home to some of the largest gold mines in the world, including the Carlin Trend and the Cortez mine. Technological advancements and efficient mining practices maintain the U.S.'s strong production.
5. Canada
Canada is known for its robust mining industry and produces approximately 190 metric tons of gold each year. The provinces of Ontario and Quebec are central to gold production, with major mines like Detour Lake and Canadian Malartic. Canada's commitment to sustainable mining practices enhances its reputation in the global market.
6. Peru
Peru is the largest gold producer in Latin America, with an annual production of around 150 metric tons. The country's Andes region is rich in mineral resources, and mines like Yanacocha and Cerro Verde are key contributors. Despite environmental challenges, Peru remains a significant player in the gold industry.
7. Ghana
Ghana leads gold production in Africa, producing about 140 metric tons annually. The country’s favorable mining policies and abundant reserves in the Ashanti and Western regions drive its high output. Ghana’s gold industry is crucial to its economy, providing significant employment and revenue.
8. South Africa
South Africa, historically known for its gold mines, produces around 120 metric tons of gold per year. The country’s rich mineral deposits in regions like Witwatersrand have made it a significant gold producer for decades. Despite declining production rates in recent years, South Africa remains a key player in the global market.
9. Mexico
Mexico's gold production stands at approximately 110 metric tons annually. The country's diverse geology, particularly in the states of Sonora and Zacatecas, supports its strong mining industry. Mexico's mining sector benefits from favorable regulations and significant foreign investment.
10. Indonesia
Indonesia rounds out the top ten, producing about 100 metric tons of gold each year. The Grasberg mine, one of the largest gold mines in the world, is a major contributor to the country's production. Indonesia's abundant natural resources and strategic location make it a vital part of the global gold supply chain.
The Importance of Gold Production
Gold production is crucial for the economies of these top-producing countries. It provides significant revenue, employment opportunities, and economic stability. Gold mining also plays a vital role in technological advancements and infrastructure development within these nations.
Challenges in Gold Production
Despite their successes, these countries face several challenges in gold production. Environmental concerns, regulatory changes, and fluctuating gold prices can impact production levels. Sustainable mining practices and technological innovations are essential to address these challenges and ensure the long-term viability of the gold mining industry.
The Future of Gold Production
The future of gold production looks promising, with continued exploration and technological advancements likely to uncover new reserves and improve extraction methods. Sustainable mining practices will become increasingly important as environmental concerns grow. Investment in renewable energy and green technologies will shape the future of the gold mining industry.
The top 10 gold-producing countries in 2024 highlight the global distribution of gold resources and the critical role of gold in the world economy. From China's leading production to Indonesia's significant contributions, these countries drive the gold market and influence global economic trends. Understanding their production capabilities and challenges provides valuable insights into the future of gold mining and its impact on the global economy.
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kopibihun · 8 months
I completely support Israel being held accountable for its crimes against humanity, but we also can’t ignore that Indonesia has been violently occupying West Papua - a region more than twice the size of occupied Palestine - for the past 55 years, and has murdered 500,000 indigenous West Papuans in the process. Indonesian soldiers routinely burn indigenous villages to the ground, pose with the bodies of murdered Papuan civilians, and actively prevent journalists from reporting on the genocide. West Papuans often refer to their homeland as “Indonesia’s Palestine.”
Exactly, Indonesia has a long list of discrimination and violence towards various minorities.
Additionally, Papua is home to the Grasberg mine, which is one of the largest sources of copper and gold in the world. There were several cases of negligence resulting in fatalities as well as strikes due to workers being underpaid. Despite the resource-rich land they live on, Papua and West Papua are the two poorest provinces in the country so it's clear that they're not seeing any of the benefits.
The casual dehumanization I see coming from the people around me towards them and East Indonesians is horrendous, and while I couldn't find the specific reference regarding West Papua being Indonesia's Palestine, I agree wholeheartedly that the description fits way too well.
Anyways, this ask got me on a research binge for a couple days. While researching, I realised that there is very little news coming out of Papua that isn't paywalled (thanks JakPos) but I did find a couple articles and research papers detailing their struggles as well as the lack of media coverage. Turns out it's considered a taboo topic in Jakarta where I live which explains a lot :/
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Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Shares
Freeport-McMoRan Inc is a leading international mining company headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. It operates large, long-lived, #FCX #FreeportMcMoRan #investing #investmentideas #sp500 #money
Freeport-McMoRan Inc shares. Freeport-McMoRan Inc is a leading international mining company headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. It operates large, long-lived, geographically diverse assets with significant proven and probable reserves of copper, gold, and molybdenum minerals. It also claims to be one of the world’s largest publicly traded copper producers. Its asset portfolio includes the Grasberg…
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aialgox · 1 year
    Introduction Cryptocurrency mining has become a lucrative industry, but it also has a significant environmental impact. The energy consumption, carbon footprint, air and water pollution, and land use and biodiversity impact of mining are all issues that need to be addressed. This article will explore the different types of environmental impact and discuss potential solutions to reduce this impact. Energy Consumption in Mining Mining is a highly energy-intensive process. It requires a significant amount of electricity to power the mining hardware and keep it cool. The energy consumption of mining has been compared to that of entire countries, such as Ireland or Argentina. Examples of high energy consumption in mining include the Bitcoin network, which consumes an estimated 98 TWh per year, and the Ethereum network, which consumes an estimated 44 TWh per year. Carbon Footprint of Mining The energy consumption of mining also contributes to its carbon footprint. The carbon footprint of mining is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced as a result of the energy consumption. The impact of mining on global carbon emissions is significant. According to one estimate, Bitcoin mining alone could produce as much carbon emissions as the entire country of Denmark by 2024. Air Pollution from Mining Mining can also contribute to air pollution. The burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity for mining can release pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the air. Examples of air pollution from mining include the Grasberg mine in Indonesia, which has been linked to elevated levels of sulfur dioxide in the surrounding area. Air pollution from mining can have serious health impacts, including respiratory problems and cardiovascular disease. Water Pollution from Mining Mining can also contribute to water pollution. The chemicals and minerals used in mining can contaminate water sources, causing harm to aquatic life and posing health risks to humans who consume the contaminated water. Examples of water pollution from mining include the Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea, which has been linked to high levels of copper and other heavy metals in nearby rivers. Land Use and Biodiversity Impact of Mining Mining can also have an impact on land use and biodiversity. Large-scale mining operations can disrupt ecosystems and cause habitat destruction, leading to declines in biodiversity. Examples of land use and biodiversity impact of mining include the Mount Polley mine in British Columbia, which caused a tailings dam breach that released millions of cubic meters of mine waste into nearby waterways, killing fish and destroying habitat. Biodiversity is essential for the health and functioning of ecosystems, and its loss can have long-term consequences for both humans and the environment. Green Mining Practices Green mining practices are those that aim to reduce the environmental impact of mining. Examples of green mining practices include using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, for mining operations, implementing efficient mining hardware to reduce energy consumption, and reducing electronic waste through proper disposal and recycling. Green mining practices can significantly reduce the environmental impact of mining while still allowing for profitable mining operations. Renewable Energy in Mining Renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, can be used to power mining operations. This can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of mining and help mitigate climate change. Examples of renewable energy in mining include the use of solar panels at the Ivanhoe Mines' Platreef Project in South Africa, which is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 13,000 tonnes per year. Efficient Mining Hardware Efficient mining hardware, such as ASICs or GPUs, can reduce the energy consumption of mining operations. This can help reduce the carbon footprint of mining and lower energy costs fo
r miners. Examples of efficient mining hardware include the Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro, which has an energy efficiency of 29.5 J/T, and the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070, which has an energy efficiency of 30. Reducing Electronic Waste in Mining Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a significant environmental issue associated with mining. The disposal of old or obsolete mining hardware can contribute to electronic waste, which can contain hazardous materials that can harm the environment and human health. To reduce electronic waste in mining, proper disposal and recycling of mining hardware is necessary. Some companies, such as Dell and HP, offer recycling programs for their hardware, which can help reduce the amount of e-waste generated by mining. Government Regulations and Policies Government regulations and policies can play a significant role in reducing the environmental impact of mining. For example, some countries have implemented carbon taxes or emissions trading schemes, which can incentivize mining companies to reduce their carbon footprint. Other policies, such as environmental impact assessments or water pollution controls, can help ensure that mining operations are conducted in a way that minimizes environmental damage. Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Corporate social responsibility is the practice of companies taking responsibility for the impact of their operations on society and the environment. In mining, this can involve implementing sustainable mining practices, supporting local communities, and reducing the environmental impact of mining. Examples of corporate social responsibility in mining include Rio Tinto's "Mine of the Future" program, which aims to reduce the carbon footprint of mining operations, and Barrick Gold's "Clean Water for All" program, which aims to provide safe drinking water to communities near its mining operations. Blockchain-based Solutions Blockchain-based solutions, such as proof-of-stake algorithms or decentralized energy markets, can help reduce the environmental impact of mining. Proof-of-stake algorithms require significantly less energy to operate than proof-of-work algorithms, which are used by many cryptocurrencies. Decentralized energy markets can help incentivize the use of renewable energy sources in mining operations, reducing the carbon footprint of mining. Collaboration and Innovation Collaboration and innovation are essential for developing new solutions to reduce the environmental impact of mining. Collaboration between mining companies, governments, and other stakeholders can help identify areas where mining practices can be improved. Innovation in areas such as renewable energy, efficient mining hardware, and blockchain-based solutions can also help reduce the environmental impact of mining. Conclusion The environmental impact of crypto mining is significant, but there are solutions available to reduce this impact. Green mining practices, such as using renewable energy sources and efficient mining hardware, can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of mining. Proper disposal and recycling of mining hardware can help reduce electronic waste. Government regulations and policies, corporate social responsibility, and blockchain-based solutions can all play a role in reducing the environmental impact of mining. Collaboration and innovation are essential for developing new solutions to address this issue. Investors and traders in the crypto market should consider the environmental impact of mining when making investment decisions. The future of mining will depend on the adoption of sustainable mining practices and the development of new solutions to address the environmental impact of mining.  
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youneedone2 · 3 years
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Grasberg Copper and Gold mine, Papua NG, Indonesia by Jez O’Hare
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iamthepulta · 1 year
I'm going to spend my time discovering things!!!!!!
I'm going to get to research all I WANT about chalcopyrite!!!!!
I'm going to get to go and stare at porphyries in the field!!!!!
I'm going to work with [advisor's name redacted]!!!!!
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tvpapua-blog · 8 months
KLHK & Bappenas Kunjungi PTFI, Pantau Reklamasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Wakil Presiden Direktur PTFI, Jenpino Ngabdi bersama Tim Bappenas dan Tim KLHK melakukan penanaman rumput jenis Dechampsia klossii di area reklamasi Batu Bersih Grasberg di ketinggian 4300 mdpl/ Bebo tvpapua.com, Jayapura, 07/02 Timika – PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) menerima kunjungan Tim Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup & Kehutanan (KLHK) dan Tim Bappenas, Sabtu-Senin (3-5 Februari 2024), untuk…
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scienza-magia · 2 years
Centinaia di tonnelate d'oro estratte a 4000 metri d'altezza
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Individuata la più grande miniera d’oro del pianeta: dove si trova. Grasberg è la miniera d’oro più grande al mondo e si classifica in seconda posizione come miniera di rame a livello mondiale. Si trova a un’altezza di oltre quattro mila metri, in Nuova Guinea e impiega circa ventimila lavoratori. Si trova in Nuova Guinea, nella provincia indonesiana di Irian Jaya e occupa circa ventimila operai: stiamo parlando della miniera d’oro più grande al mondo, la miniera di Grasberg. La sua proprietà coinvolge quattro attori che ne possiedono diverse percentuali come riportato di seguito: Freeport-McMoRan (ditta statunitense) possiede il 67,3%; PT Indocopper Investama Corporation detiene il 9,3%; il governo indonesiano ne possiede il 9,3%; infine, il Rio Tinto Group ha il 13% della miniera d’oro.
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Miniera d’oro del pianeta Oltre ad essere la più grande miniera d’oro al mondo, si tratta di una delle miniere più alte al mondo dato che è posizionata a un’altezza di oltre quattromila metri. Per quanto riguarda il rame, si classifica in seconda posizione a livello mondiale. Insomma, stiamo parlando di una miniera davvero importante che, ad oggi, è stata trasformata in miniera sotterranea dopo essere stata a cielo aperto dal 1990 al 2019.
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Miniera di Grasberg Grasberg ha raggiunto altissimi record di produzione come quello del 2006, anno in cui la miniera ha prodotto ben 610.600 tonnellate di rame, 58.474 tonnellate di oro e altre 174.459 tonnellate di argento. Fatta eccezione per gli anni da record, negli altri anni la produzione rimane sempre piuttosto stabile e questo rende Grasberg una delle miniere più produttive e importanti al mondo. Le altre miniere d’oro più importanti al mondo Come abbiamo detto, Grasberg è la miniera d’oro più grande al mondo e una tra le più importanti. Vediamo quali sono le altre miniere fondamentali per la produzione di oro, argento e rame a livello mondiale. Nevada Gold Mines La miniera americana che, nel 2021, ha registrato la maggiore produzione di oro al mondo con circa 94 tonnellate.
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Nevada Gold Mines Si trova in Nevada e la sua fortunata produzione dipende dalla presenza del Carlin Trend, una formazione geologica molto particolare che presenta alti livelli di mineralizzazione aurifere e che si estende per ben 56 chilometri. Kibali, Repubblica Democratica del Congo Situata a poco più di duecento chilometri dal confine con l’Uganda, la miniera di Kibali nel 2021 ha prodotto oro per ben 23 tonnellate. Si tratta di una miniera piuttosto giovane per quanto riguarda l’estrazione dato che è entrata in attività solo nel 2013. Al momento i lavori vengono svolti sia a cielo aperto che in sotterraneo. Muruntau in Uzbekistan Si classifica in seconda posizione per produzione di oro nel 2021 con le sue (quasi) 85 tonnellate, questa miniera è larga 2,5 chilometri e lunga 3,3 chilometri; presenta una profondità di 600 metri e, dalle ultime stime, sembra che contenga ancora ben 4.200 tonnellate di riserve d’oro.
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Muruntau Uzbekistan Olimpiada in Russia Quarta nella classifica delle miniere d’oro più produttive del 2021, la sua posizione è in una delle province aurifere più produttive di tutta la Russia. Qui la produzione inizia nel 1996 e ad oggi detiene la metà di tutto l’oro prodotto dalla più importante compagnia russa nel settore, la Polyus. Canadian Malartic Si tratta della miniera più grande di tutto il Canada che, nel 2021, ha totalizzato circa 20 tonnellate di oro raccolto.
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Caniadian Malartic La miniera è a cielo aperto ma esiste un progetto chiamato Odissey che mira a trasformarla in una miniera sotterranea entro i prossimi sei anni. Read the full article
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cyberdelusiondream · 2 years
Tiba di Grasberg, Presiden Melihat Sejarah Pertambangan PT. Freeport Indonesia
Tiba di Grasberg, Presiden Melihat Sejarah Pertambangan PT. Freeport Indonesia
Setelah menempuh perjalanan dengan menggunakan kendaraan roda empat, Presiden Joko Widodo dan Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo bersama rombongan tiba di Grasberg pada Kamis, 1 September 2022, pukul 08.15 Waktu Indonesia Timur (WIT). Di Grasberg, Presiden dan Ibu Iriana didampingi Presiden Direktur PT. Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Tony Wenas mengunjungi Museum Bunaken untuk mendapatkan penjelasan tentang…
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s4voy · 4 years
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. Salju Abadi Makin Menipis . . BG: The Peak Carstensz - Puncak Jaya, Ketinggian 4884 MDPL . . #cerah #morning #grasberg #salju #saljuabadi #carstenszpyramid #tembagapura #papua #indonesia (at Grasberg Mine PT Freeport Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEP95uYFhElbm6qPEGIp38qFdpnvKuOIATq_ao0/?igshid=19q2lvqux300t
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