#Grayson Dolan Preferencs
Summer Love
Type: One Shot about Grayson Dolan Rating: Rated PG 13 (Some sexual content) Warning: Talks about periods Word Count: 4300+ Pairing: Grayson + Catherine  Enjoy! | Want part 2 let me know
She left her office and got into her car. Undoing her bun, allowing her hair to flow free. Turned the car on as well as the radio, finding the right station. Rolling down the windows as she pulled off, allowing the wind in her hair. It was Friday night and she was officially on vacation for the summer. She pulled into the bar right when the sun was setting. She switched from her work shoes to something comfortable. She entered the bar and took a seat at the bar, looking over the menu quickly.
"Hey girl," the bartender said. "Hey, you" She smiled as she looked up. "How have you been?" the bartender questioned. "As good as I could be," she nodded. "How have you been Aubrey?" she asked. "I've been good," Aubery said. "What can I get you, Catherine?" Aubrey asked. "Let me get a dirty martini and probably some chicken wings," Catherine said. "Coming right up," Aubrey said.
Aubrey made her drink, placing it in front of her. Aubrey also put the order in for the wings. Catherine took a few sips of her drinks, looking at her phone. Aubrey bought out her wings and placed them on the bar.
"Thanks, girl," Catherine said. "So what have you been up to?" Aubrey asked as she leaned against the bar. "Well, work and work," Catherine said. "Really? No play?" Aubrey asked. "No play," Catherine said as she started to eat. "No boyfriend? Boy toy?" Aubrey asked. "No, just work," Catherine replied. "Wow, you need to get back up on that cowboy," Aubrey smiled. "It will come when it comes, '' Catherine shrugged. "Oh, my" Aubrey said. "What?" Catherine said. "Look what just walked in," Aubrey said.
Catherine looked over her shoulder and saw him. He was standing tall, his body looking like a god. She bit her lip as he walked in. He sat down at the bar a few seats away from her. She turned back to eating trying not to bring attention to her.
"Cowboy" Aubrey whispered. "Stop," Catherine said. "He's new," Aubrey said before walking over to where he was sitting, taking his order. "God he is so handsome" she paused. "I think I just said that out loud didn't I? Catherine said. "Yeah" he smiled at her. "Oops," Catherine said. "No problem, you are beautiful as well," He said. "Thank you," Catherine said. "I'm Grayson," he said. "I'm Catherine," she said. "Nice to meet you," he said. "New in town?" she asked. "Yea for the summer" he looked at her. "Nice," she said. "She's off the whole summer, maybe she could show you around," Aubrey said. "Aubrey, I'm sure he has other plans," Catherine said. "I would enjoy that," Grayson said. "Really?" Catherine asked. "Yea" he nodded.
She moved closer to him as they continued to talk. The evening turned into nightfall, after about 5 drinks they were ready to call it a night. She got up but Aubrey took her car keys, as well as his. Calling them a cab, they both got in it and went back to Catherine's place.
"I'm getting off here as well," Grayson said as he paid for the cab and got out of it. "You want to come in?" Catherine asked. "Yea," Grayson said as he followed her. "Come on then" she smiled as she opened the door.
He entered her place and she walked in behind him. Closing and locking the door, slipping her shoes off at the door. She walked past him and went into the kitchen, grabbing a cup from the cabinet. She poured water into the cup and he was right behind her. When she turned to go back to the living room she bumped into him, splashing water on both of them.
"I'm clumsy," she giggled. "Sorry," she said. "It's ok," he said as he pulled off his shirt. "Wow," she said as she looked at his body. "Maybe we should get you up to bed," he said. "Why?" she looked at him. "Because you are drunk" he grabbed her hand. "So?" She said, "Yea come on," he said as he led her upstairs. He took her to her room, sitting her on the bed.
He helped remove her shoes and laid her back on the bed. She grabbed him and pulled him over her, he chuckled and sat up. She laid back and looked at him. He excused himself to the bathroom as she laid back. He went into the bathroom and used it, then looked around finding the aspirins. He filled up a cup of water and grabbed two aspirins, making his way back to the room. She was already fast asleep, he laid the pills on the table with the water. He went downstairs and crashed on the couch. In the morning she woke up with a pounding headache. Sitting up in the bed and noticing the pills with the water, she took them. She took a deep breath in and got out of bed. Making her way to the bathroom, turning the water on. As she started to get undressed she could hear someone downstairs. She quickly put her shirt back on and went downstairs.
"Hello?" she called out. "Good morning," Grayson said from the kitchen. "Grayson?" she said as she walked into the kitchen. "Forget me that quickly?" he smiled as he saw her. "No, I just thought you left," she said. "Thought I would make breakfast first," he said. "Did we?" she questioned. "No we didn't, but I could leave if you want me to," he said. "It smells good" she looked at him. "I'll finish then," he said as he turned his attention back to cooking. "How is your head?" he asked. "Pounding," she said. "I took the aspirin," she nodded as she took a seat at the table. "Good," he said.
He finished cooking and plated the food, placing it in front of her. He grabbed his plate and the drinks before sitting next to her. He said a quick prayer before he started to eat. She started to eat as well, looking at him occasionally.
"Why are you here?" she asked. "Wanted a different scenery for the summer," he said. "And after?" she asked. "Back home to reality" he nodded. "What is reality?" she looked at him. "My home, my job," he said. "So, it's all work for you as well?" she asked. "Pretty much" he looked at her. "Same" she looked at him. "So guessing no relationship," she said. "No," he said.
Once they finished eating, she grabbed the plates and started cleaning up. He came up beside her and started to help as well. He leaned over and grabbed a towel and started to dry the dishes. She looked at him and decided to splash him with water. He was taken back by her actions. He smiled slightly and splashed her back. She quickly splashed him back, he reached over and grabbed a cup. Filling the cup up with water, dumping it onto her. She stood back looking at him before grabbing the spray hose and sprayed him. He reached around her trying to grab the sprayer from her. Since he was behind her she was getting soaking wet.
"Ok this isn't going as planned," she said as she tried to duck to get him wet. "Ah, shit" he laughed.
She stopped the water and grabbed a dishtowel. He went to grab another towel but his foot slipped, he fell on the floor.
"Are you ok?" she asked. "Yea I'm fine," he said. "Good," she said.
She went to help him up but then she slipped on the same puddle he did. Falling on top of him, they started to laugh at each other. She moved and laid on the floor laughing. He leaned up on his elbows and looked at her. He got up off the floor and held his hand out to help her up. She grabbed his hand and got up off the floor. He placed his arm around her waist to make sure she wouldn't slip again. She looked up at him as he looked down at her. He leaned down and placed his lips against hers. Slowly kissing her, making sure this was what she wanted. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She kept the kiss between them as he picked her up, placing her on the counter. She wrapped her legs around him keeping him close. He pulled at her bottom lip before pulling away.
"Sorry" he whispered. "Don't be" she grabbed his shirt pulling him back towards her. "Oh," he looked at her. "I wanted to anyway," she smiled. "Oh really?" he asked as he brushed his thumb against her lips. "Yea I did" she looked at him, biting her lip slightly.
He moved back between her legs, allowing her to place her leg on his hip. He leaned in and kissed her softly, placing his hand on the back of her neck. Keeping her close to him, she grabbed his shirt and kept the kiss. He moved down from her lips, sucking at her neck. Nibbling at her ear, gripping her shirt as he slipped his hands up her body. Removing her shirt, throwing it on the floor, moving down sucking against her collar bone. She leaned her head back and let out a few moans as he wrapped his arms around her. Unsnapping her bra quickly, removing it from her body.
"Let's go to the bedroom," she said. "Alright," he smirked as he picked her up.
They went upstairs to her bedroom, getting tangled up in the bedsheets together. Both laying back after trying to catch their breath. She turned onto her side facing him, tracing patterns on his chest. He looked at her, brushing the hair from her face. He smiled gently as she moved closer. He leaned over and kissed her softly, wrapping his arm around her. She snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his chest.
"So I'm guessing you have to go?" she asked. "Nowhere to go, nowhere I would rather be," he responded. "I'm sure you want to see the city," she said. "I like my view right now," he said as he looked at her. "Aw you're such a sweetheart but such a bad boy in the bed," she said. "I know," he smirked. "Oh cocky I see" She smiled as she sat up. "Not cocky, just confident," he said as he leaned up on his elbows.
She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. He came in behind her, flushing the condom down the toilet. He slipped his boxers on. Sitting back on the bed as he waited for her to return from the bathroom. She came back in a rob and looked at him. She walked over to him and sat on his lap, playing with his hair. He wrapped his arm around her.
"So I know someone with a boat, do you want to go?" she asked. "Sure, I would need to stop at the hotel to get some things," he responded. "Alright," she nodded and kissed him before getting off of him.
He finished getting dressed as she got dressed. She gathered some things for the boat before going downstairs with him. He slipped on his shoes and waited for her at the door. She grabbed her bag and slipped her shoes on before heading out. They had to call a cab to get back to the bar to get her car. Once they got her car he told her what hotel he was staying at. Once they pulled up he went in to gather a few things before making his way back to the car. They left and went down to the pier and her friend was waiting for them.
"Hey Cat," Bobby said. "Hey Bobby," Catherine said. "This is Grayson," she said. "Nice to meet you," Grayson said as he shook Bobby's hand. "You too" Bobby nodded as he shook Grayson's hand. "Catherine," Aubrey said. "Hey Aubrey," Catherine said. "Come on, get on," Aubrey said.
They all got on the boat and Bobby untied it. Pulling off the pier and the sea was theirs. Catherine went and changed into her bikini and a cute cover-up as Grayson put his swim trunks on.
"You want me to put sunscreen on you?" she asked. "Yes please," Grayson said. "Then you can do me," she said. "In what way?" He smirked. "You know what I mean," she laughed slightly.
She rubbed sunscreen on his back as well as his chest. Then he put sunscreen on her back but allowed her to do the rest. He went out and grabbed a drink before sitting down behind the driver. Aubrey came into where Catherine was at.
"Spill," Aubrey said. "I don't kiss and tell," Catherine smiled. "Really?" Aubrey said. "Yea really," Catherine said. "Ok girl" Aubrey smiled. "You got laid," Aubrey said. "Did I?" Catherine shrugged as she walked out, joining them on the deck.   "Everything ok?" Grayson asked as he placed his hand on her leg. "Yea everything is fine" she nodded.
They stayed out on the water mainly all day. Once the sun started to set they started to head back towards the shore. Catherine was sitting near the edge of the boat, with her feet hanging off. Grayson sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She leaned back in his arms as they watched the sunset. She played with his fingers as they watched.
"It's so beautiful out here," she said. "Yea it is" he whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek. "I hope today was everything you were hoping for," she said. "It was," he said. "That's good," she said.
Bobby pulled the boat near the dock and everyone got off. Grayson grabbed Catherine's hand helping her off the boat. They said their goodbyes to Aubrey and Bobby. Making their way back to Catherine's car, leaving the parking lot. She thought he would want to go back to the hotel but he didn't. He wanted to go back to hers and just relax for the rest of the night. They got food before they went back to her apartment.
"Movie in bed?" he asked. "Sounds amazing," she said.
They took their food and went upstairs to her room. She sat on the bed and went through a few movies on Netflix before finally picking one. He sat down on the bed as soon as the movie started. They ate their food and once they finished threw the containers in the trash. Making their way back to the bedroom, laying down together. She laid on her side and rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. They didn't make it far into the movie before falling asleep. Over the next few weeks, they were always together. He canceled his hotel room and just had his things at her place. The days were sneaking by as they were enjoying each other. It was early morning when Grayson was waking up. He knew they had plans to take a hike so he started to get ready. She was still asleep in the bed, snuggled down under the blankets. He started to gently shake-up to wake her up.
"Baby wake up," Grayson said. "Go away," She groaned. "Babe come on, get up," he said. "I don't feel good," she said as she sat up. "What's wrong?" he asked as he placed his hand on her forehead. "Mother nature" she pouted. "Oh," he nodded. "Do you need anything?" he asked. "Snuggles?" she looked at him. "Of course but do you physically need anything?" he asked. "Probably tampons," she said. "I'll be back soon" he kissed her softly before leaving.
She got up and got into the shower. Changing into clean clothes before changing her bedsheets. Taking them downstairs, putting them into the washer. Grabbing herself a bottle of water before going back upstairs. She climbed back in bed and cuddled to her pillow as she waited for him to come back. He came back with tampons plus other things he knew she would want. He got her chocolate, spicy food as well as some salty foods.
"Babe?" he said as he walked upstairs. "Still in bed," she said. "I got the tampons but other things I think you would want," he said. "Aw you didn't have to," she said. "I wanted to," he nodded as he sat on the bed. "Thank you," she said as she sat up. "No problem" he leaned over and kissed her softly. "I'm sorry for messing up the day," she said. "Don't be, it was just a hike anyway" he said. "Still up for tonight?" he questioned. "The concert?" she questioned. "No, that's this weekend, I meant the fair," he said. "Oh yea" She nodded. "Yea I'm still going," she said.
She mainly stayed in bed all day, staying on her phone. Grayson was downstairs on his laptop, figuring out things. Once she noticed what time it was she started to get ready. He heard the shower turn on so he shut his laptop down. Heading upstairs making his way to the bathroom. Leaning against the door frame, just watching her in the shower.
"Stop staring and come on in" she smiled as she looked at him. "Oh so you noticed me" he smirked as he started to get undressed. "Of course," she said.
He got into the shower, wrapping his arms around her. She pulled them back towards the water, allowing it to run over them both. He leaned down and kissed her softly, she grabbed the back of his neck keeping him close. He smiled against her lips before pulling away. He grabbed the soap and lathered it up on the luffa. He started to wash her body as she grabbed the other luffa. Washing him off as well, kissing him occasionally. They finished washing off and got out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her body and went into her room. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went into the room with her. Catherine sat in front of her mirror and started to blow dry her hair. Once her hair was almost dried she put products in it and slicked it down into a ponytail. She got up and made sure she was dried before getting dressed. She put on her panties and bra, picked out some denim shorts and a cute white top. He fixed his hair and got dressed, sitting on the bed just watching her. She put in her earrings and picked out her favorite pair of cowboy boots.
"Ready?" she asked. "I've been ready, just waiting on you," he said. "Well I'm ready," she smiled. "Are you ready for line dancing?" she questioned. "Line dancing?" he asked. "Yea line dancing at the fair," she said. "We always do it" she looked at him. "Well I'm sure I can pick it up quickly," he smiled. "I'll teach you," she said. "Then I'll have the best teacher around" he pulled her to him. "I guess you will," she said as she sat on his lap. "I love you," he said. It was the first time either one of them said those words. She was taken back by those words and didn't know what to say. "I love you too" she looked at him.
He leaned in and kissed her softly. They left the apartment and went to the fairgrounds. He paid for their tickets and also their wristbands. They walked around hand in hand, making their way around the place first. Deciding on what they wanted to eat and do. What games they wanted to play and what rides they wanted to ride.
"Come on, I've always wanted to do this'' she said as she grabbed his hand. Pulling him towards the Ferris wheel 'What?" he asked as they got onto the Ferris wheel.
She pulled him onto her side so he was sitting next to her. Once they got to the top, she leaned in and kissed him softly. He smiled against her lips, placing his hand against her cheek. Kissing her back as the Ferris stopped to allow people to get on. She pulled away slightly, resting her forehead against his. He brushed his thumb against her lips before kissing her again as they started to move. They finally got off the Ferris wheel and walked around the fair again. He had his arm around her shoulder as she held his hand.
"What do you want to eat?" he questioned. "Funnel cake," she smiled. "I meant food food" he smiled. "Oh, Italian sausage" she nodded. "Alright," he kissed her cheek before going to get the food.
He came back with the food, sitting next to her. They ate and cleaned up before going to see the animals. She fed the animals as he stood back watching her. She came out and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. She came out grabbing his hand as they walked around. He decided to play a few games to win her a big stuffed animal.
"I want the monkey," she said. "I'll get you that monkey" he smiled as he played. "Good" she leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Good luck kiss," he said as he looked at her. "Yea," she said.
He won on his first try and got her the monkey. She smiled as she grabbed it and hugged it. After that, he had to carry it the rest of the night. They stopped and got cotton candy before heading out and going back to her apartment. She took a quick shower before laying down. He walked into the room with the monkey and laid it on the floor before getting into bed with her.
"We need to talk," he said. "About?" she turned to face him. "I'm going home after this weekend," he said as he brushed the hair from her face. 'Wait what do you mean?' she asked. "I was only here for the summer," he said. "Oh yea" she nodded as she looked down. "I don't want this to end but I don't know," he said. "I don't know," she said. "Hey, I don't want this to end" he tilted her chin up. "I don't want this to end," she said. "We will figure it out" he leaned in and kissed her softly. "I know" she whispered against his lips.
They fell asleep in each other's arms. They went to the concert that weekend and had a blast. It was the last summer thing they could do before reality sets in. She started back to work and he's heading back home. He was packing his things as she was coming up the stairs.
"Are you sure you have to go?" she questioned. "Yes, unfortunately" he looked at her. "We are still going to try to make this work right?" she looked at him. "Yes," he said as he walked up to her, placing his hands on her hips. "Good," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I gotta get this into the car," he said. "Need help?" she asked. "I got it," he said as he took his stuff downstairs to the car.
She followed him downstairs and slipped her shoes on. Grabbing her phone as she left the apartment. Leaning against the car as he put stuff in the trunk. He closed the trunk and opened the door for her. She got into the car as he got into the driver's seat, driving to the airport. He parked the car and got out, getting his stuff out of the trunk. She got out of the car and grabbed the keys from him.
"Not a goodbye," he said. "Not a goodbye, just a see you later," she said as she hugged him. "See you later," he said as he held her close to him. "I love you" she looked up at him. "I love you," he said as he leaned down kissing her softly. "Have a safe flight" she said as she fought back her tears. "It's ok," he said as he brushed his thumb against her cheek. "I'm going to miss you," she said as her tears slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks. "I'm going to miss you" he hugged her close to him.
He finally pulled away and went into the airport. She stood there watching him until he disappeared into the crowd. She drove back to her apartment and went inside. It was quiet for the first time in nearly three months. She went to bed alone, which she had a hard time sleeping. In the morning her world went back to normal as she went back to work. Stopping at the bar after work, checking in with Aubrey.
"Are you ok?" Aubrey asked. "Trying to be," Catherine said. "Are you guys still talking?" Aubrey asked. "Yea we are, as much as we can," Catherine said. "That's good," Aubrey said.
Catherine ordered food as well as a drink. There was a storm rolling in, it started thundering and raining. Catherine finished eating and left the bar when the storm calmed down. Sitting in her car as she pulled up to her apartment. She went inside and decided to pack her bags, she was going to go find him. She craved his touch, his love. She could still feel his kiss on her lips, she wanted to be with him. She made her way downstairs with her bag when someone knocked on her door. She opened the door and Grayson was standing there in the rain.
"Grayson," she said. "Can I come in?" he asked. "Yea come on" she opened the door more so he could come in. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "I can't be without you, I need you," he said. "I was going to come to find you" she nodded towards her bag. "I'm here," he said as he pulled her closer to him.
She wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him softly. Grayson decided to stay in town and find work. It wasn't just a summer fling, it was love.
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