euphoricalethan · 4 years
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\\Goddesses and monsters //
Y/n watched as her wings fluttered closed and rested against her back before she stepped into the palace like building, walking into the dining area seeing her mother was sat at the end of it with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Hello, Mom." Y/n sighed as she pulled out her chair before sitting down and smoothing our her dress
The two sat in an awkward silence before a loud boom was heard at the front of the house, y/n and her mother looked to see Lilith walking up the couple of steps leading into the dining room
"Hello, sister and mother." Lilith sat down next to y/n watching as her daughter sat right next to her
"Y/n stop thinking about that guy who sits outside my house all the time." Lilith laughed as she took a drink from her glass cup
"Lilith would you shut your mouth."  Y/n's mother slammed her fist on the table as Lilith continued to embarrass Y/n speaking about what was going on inside her head
"What I'm just being honest, I can read minds and y/n was an open book!!" Lilith scoffed as she took a drink of her whiskey before slamming the glass onto the table, only doing it a little too hard causing it to shatter.
"Stop reading people's minds." Aurora butted in only causing Lilith to roll her eyes at the eldest sister
"Screw this, I'm leaving—I'll talk to you guys when you aren't being rude and disrespectful to each other—we're supposed to be a family and this isn't how a family acts!" Y/n stood up as she shook her head beginning to make her way out of the kitchen
Y/n sighed as she walked the empty path near her mothers house, stopping at every dead flower she hovered her hand over it watching it bloom as if it was a brand new flower. Finding an empty patch of grass she sat down on pulling her knees up to her chest—looking up at the night sky seeing the stars shimmer—she felt a few tears fall down her face as her mind raced with thoughts of her family that sat inside the house bickering back and forth.
"Why're you so sad princess?" y/n jumped at the deep husky voice that came from behind her she wiped her eyes before turning to meet the bright hazel eyes of Grayson
"How did you find me?" She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her knees, her chin resting against the back of her hands as she looked at the stars once more
"I have my ways—now are you gonna tell me why you're sad? Grayson sat criss criss next to y/n looking up at the stars wondering what was so special about them
"No—I'm not telling a demon about my personal problems." The small girl scoffed as she let out a laugh afterwards
"Oh, so it's a personal reason—that's understandable sweetheart, I know the feeling." He picked at the grass as he thought of what to say next
"No, you don't know the feeling of hearing your mother and sister argue all the freaking time." She shook her head covering her face so he couldn't see the tears
"Yes I do, trust me—my brother and mother argued all the time." Grayson laughed as he reached in front of him grabbing a small pink flower before pushing a piece of y/n's hair back and placing the stem of the flower behind her ear
"Why're you being nice to me?" Y/n removed her hands from her face as she turned her head looking at the boy seeing he was smiling at her slightly
"Why not?" He just shrugged as he looked away from her
"You're a demon."
"Just because I'm a demon—doesn't mean I'm not nice princess."
Y/n sighed as she took in the boys features, his eyes a bright hazel color, his dark brown hair falling in his face slightly, his muscular arms—Maybe he wasn't so bad.
"Y/n." She hummed as she traced shapes on her knee
"What?" Grayson furrowed his eyebrows looking away from the stars and into y/n's pink eyes that glistened in the moonlight
"That's my name, y/n." She repeated it once more as Grayson smiled this time showing his dimples along with a toothy smile
"A beautiful name for the most beautiful angel."
"I'm anything far from beautiful, if anything my sister Aurora is beautiful." The girl shook her head as she let a small laugh fall from her lips only for Grayson to scoff
"Bullshit." He leaned back extending his arms behind him as he rested on his hands
"I'm sorry?" Y/n cocked an eyebrow as she picked at certain pieces of grass
"You heard me—bullshit, I know your sister, yeah she's pretty but she's not as beautiful or exotic as you."
"How do you know my sister?"
"Doesn't matter—come with me." Grayson stood up holding out his hand waiting for y/n to take it
"Why?" She hesitated before placing her dainty hand in his large one
"I wanna show you something." He began making his way down a trail that was off the main path
Dead flowers bloomed as y/n walked past them—she didn't mean for it to happen it's been that way since she was born since she was born the angel of resurgence, but she was also born with mind reading along with the ability to talk to animals her mother always said she was special she just never understood why exactly—she thought she was just like every other angel.
The two made their way to a small mountain top, Grayson sat down watching as y/n followed the boys actions sitting down right next to him, the two sat there and chatted for a bit before a voice was heard in the distance.
"Y/n, where are you—I'm sorry for what i did." Lilith was heard calling out for the youngest sister
"I'm here." Y/n sat on a large boulder causing Lilith to look up at the girl before teleporting next to her
"Sorry about earlier, I just—don't think it's a good idea if you mess around with Grayson it could end up a mistake."
"Why not?" Y/n looked at her older sister as she swung her feet lightly
"He'll seem nice at first but then you'll have sex and up pregnant and he will get bored and leave." Lilith looked at y/n as she sighed feeling her shoulders drop
"How do you know?"
"Because I made that mistake, y/n." Lilith sighed as she placed her hand on Y/n's as Liliths memories beginning to flash through her mind
From Lilith meeting Grayson, their first date, after their first time, the moment she found out she was pregnant, to him leaving her alone.
"She's...his?" Y/n watched as Lilith nodded her head slowly
"Grayson and I go back a bit, he said he loved me too, he even took me to this mountain top thing—told me I was welcome there anytime." Lilith looked off into the distance as horror filled y/n's face
"He—that's where I was a few minutes ago, oh god Lilith I'm so stupid for actually believing a demon would actually like me, an angel!" Y/n ran a hand through her hair as she shook her head, standing and pacing back and forth
"Hey—hey..calm down." Lilith stood up and grabbed y/n by the wrist their eyes meeting for a split second  
"Y/n just don't mess around with him." Lilith and hopped down off the boulder and made her way inside
"Fucking idiot." Y/n whispered to herself as she laid on the rock looking up to watch the stars shimmer in the sky 
part two ah ha ha sorry it took so long, also if anything is fucked up and doesn’t make sense I’m very sorry I’ll fix it eventually!
I’m also uploading this story onto wattpad and if you wanna check it out on their my user is @ euphoricaldolan:)
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euphoricalethan · 4 years
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Waited part one
He sat by the phone everyday....he waited, waited and waited everyday since she left to go back home, a summer fling he will never forget with y/n, when she came to L.A for summer vacation.
Ethan sat by the phone pondering what it would be like if she stayed in L.A with him and they built a relationship, that's when it happened...it rang once, twice finally three times before he picked up.
"Hello?" a female was heard on the other side as he smiled at the sound of her voice
"Ethan, hi how—uhm—how are you?"
"I'm fine, just miss having you around and hanging out with each other."
"Yeah, I—uhm—I miss you too listen..." y/n hesitated as she thought of what to say, what she was about to say wasn't really easy to be honest
"I called to tell you that I sent out an invitation but I don't think you got it." She sighed as she thought about the incident between her and the boy on the other side of the phone that happened over the summer
"Yeah I haven't gotten anything in the mail—what's the invitation for?" Ethan let out a chuckle as he looked through the pile of mail that sat on the table
"it's for my wedding actually." The female voice spoke once more except this time it was words Ethan wasn't expecting to hear
"oh—you're engaged?" He didn't know how exactly to take the news, the girl he fell in love with over the summer getting married.
"Yeah—I got engaged after I got back." She felt tears fall down her face as she wiped them away with the ring clad finger
"You didn't mention anything about uhm—about a boyfriend." Ethan felt himself choke on his own tears the feeling of his heart sinking into his stomach
"It was in the heat of the moment—I was having too much fun and I guess it slipped my mind." She let out a small laugh followed by a sob as she shook her head placing her thumb and forefinger on the bridge of her nose
She didn't want to get married to another man she wanted Ethan yet again she wanted to make her parents happy, that's all she's ever wanted to do was make them happy.
"Y/n—don't cry...please." Ethan begged her as he heard her sobs through the other side of the phone
She couldn't hold them back anymore, she let them all go as she heard Ethan's pleads she couldn't deny him but she once more thought about her parents.
"Listen, I gotta—I gotta go." She sighed before hanging up only to leave Ethan dazed and confused not even getting to say goodbye.
He thought back to the night the two first realized they had feelings for each other.
"I had fun—I've never gone to the boardwalk here, I've never actually been to Cali in general." Y/n smiled as she moved a piece of her hair and pushed it behind her ear.
"Uhm do you maybe wanna come over, I mean unless you have to be b—" Ethan awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks turned red
"I'd love too." She laughed as she wrapped her arm around his placing a kiss on his cheek
The two soon made it back to the twins house, before Ethan could even say anything y/n worked up the courage and pulled his face close to hers their lips colliding and moving slowly in synch, Ethan walked backwards as they made it into his bedroom—y/n kicked the door close before her hands found their way onto his torso.
"You look—Hmm—pretty tonight y/n." Ethan spoke into the kiss only for y/n to shush him unbuttoning his shirt she laughed as she felt it slide down his arms before she threw it to the side
"You look handsome tonight, E." She pushed him backwards causing him to fall on his back and she straddled him and placed small kisses onto his chest
His hands found their way under her shirt lifting it up and throwing it to the side watching as it landed on his desk chair—his hands snake around her waist swiftly undoing her bra watching it slip down her arms he took a second to take in the sight in front of him, his fingers running over her sternum tattoo tracing every detail, followed by her tattoo on her hip.
"You're so fucking beautiful." Ethan hummed before he placed gentle kisses onto her collar bone and down her chest
"Stop lying." She shook her head as she ran her hands through his hair taking in his features, the bright hazel eyes, the scruff, his messy hair.
"I'm not lying—you're beautiful."
She once more shook her head before her hands trailed down his body fumbling with the large lion head belt and yanking it off, next she worked on the button followed by the zipper, she eventually got his pants and boxers off she watched as his cock sprung up and hit his stomach—Ethan worked fast to get y/n's jeans off her legs causing her to squeak
"So fucking gorgeous." He sighed as he ran his hands up her thighs, onto her hips followed by her breasts running his thumb over the small nubs
"Kiss me." Y/n whispered as she bent down hovering her lips above his and of course Ethan didn't hesitate before his lips were on hers once more moving together slowly nothing about this night was rough or sloppy—it was slow and soft.
"You're so—so pretty y/n." Ethan's hand rested on her cheek as she grabbed his wrist moving his hand closer to her mouth and placed a kiss onto his palm as her eyes fluttered closed before opening and looking at him once more.
"Can I ride you?" Ethan nodded vigorously as y/n reached behind her grabbing his cock and lining him with her entrance before slowly sinking down on too his cock causing her to let out a moan
"My fucking god, you're—so big." She hummed as she began to move her hips in a circular motion, letting out a small moan she felt Ethan's hands land harshly on her ass before he gripped her ass cheeks and began moving her up and down on his cock while thrusting into her.
"Jesus Christ, such a tight—pussy." Ethan chuckled as y/n leaned forward placing a kiss onto his lips their tongues dancing together as she ran her hands through his now messy hair
“Fuck Ethan...I’m gonna cum.” Y/n moaned as she felt herself release all over Ethan’s cock followed by the feeling of him releasing hot spurts of cum inside her
"I wish we could stay like this forever." Y/n sighed as she laid her head on Ethan's chest as his hand ran up and down her back
"Me too." Ethan placed a kiss onto y/n's head as light snores fell from her lips
Ethan waited for so long for y/n to call and when it finally did, he didn't expect to get his heart broken.
Yes this is based off a scene in CMBYN deal with it bitches
(Call me by your name) for those who are uncultured 😪
Please don’t yell at me for spelling mistakes🥺
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euphoricalethan · 4 years
\\Goddesses and monsters//
Y/N was living in a world between gods and monsters. She was an angel living in the garden of evil—she was screwed up, scared, and doing anything she needed to stay alive... including fucking a demon.
🦋 🦋 🦋
Y/N sighed as she felt her bare feet touch the soft grass after a long night of flying and helping people who needed it. Her mint green and sky blue wings fluttered before hiding themselves against her back once more. Her wings weren't visible to humans, but to other angels along with demons they were.
"Well... well... well, look what we have here, an angel all alone in the garden of evil, huh?" Y/N turned her head to her left to see black eyes staring into her bright pink ones.
"Can you just leave me alone? I need to talk to my sister." Y/N scoffed as she began walking away again before being stopped once more.
"Who's your sister?" The demon held his blade in his hand, the tip was placed against his pointer finger. He slowly twisted the blade, watching it glisten in the light.
"Lilith,” Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes as she thought of her sister—an angel, born with a demon for a sister.
"I'm sorry there's no fucking way that you—a sweet, beautiful angel—is the sister of that nasty bitch,” the demon chuckled as his blade gently ran against her arm, sending shivers shooting down her spine.
"Please, just let me go see my sister."
"Your sister can wait a bit, sweetheart. I'm wanna have fun with you first." Y/N gulped
"No, you're not gonna have fun with me, now get out of my way." Y/N pushed the demon off of her, her strength surprising him. She watched him slide on his feet across the small patch of grass, groaning before making her way into the large building ahead.
"My sweet baby sister, Y/N!" Lilith made her way down the steps as her heels clicked against the hard titles, her dress trailing behind her.
"Lilith, mother wants to know if she'll be seeing you and Ambrose at dinner tomorrow?" Y/N watched as Lilith’s daughter, Ambrose, made her way down the stairs. Her long black hair was in two pigtails, and she wore a dark red dress that rested just below her knees.
"Hi, auntie Y/N.”
"Hello, Ambrose."
Y/N followed Lilith into the large living room, sighing while she ran her hand lightly across the old books that rested on a slightly dusty shelf.
"By the way, who's that demon outside?"
"Grayson." Lilith scoffed as she shook her head, taking a drink of her whiskey before setting the glass harshly down onto the table.
"What's he doing out there?" The girl watched as Ambrose skipped over to the small table and chair next to a large throne—at least, that's what Lilith called it.
"Looking for trouble." Y/N watched as her sister shrugged, making her way up the three steps leading to her “throne”.
"Oh. That's cool, I guess. Anyway, again, mom wants to know if you and her granddaughter are coming to dinner."
"Depends—who's gonna be there?”
"Just me, mom, and Aurora... and the two of you if you decide to actually come to dinner for once." Y/N let out a small laugh as she walked around the living room watching as Lilith crosses one leg over the other.
Lilith and her mother didn’t get along so well, ever since Lilith ran away with a demon and got pregnant with Ambrose. So it’s safe to say Y/N’s mother and sister hardly spoke these days. As for Y/N and her mother, they got along fine, along with her older sister, Aurora.  
"You know mother and I don't get along,” Lilith hissed as she watched her daughter sit down at the small table and begin to color a picture.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should keep your daughter from seeing her grandmother."
"I'll think about it."
"Well, you know where to go if you do wanna come to dinner."
Y/N stayed for a few minutes after the conversation was dropped, talking to her sister and niece, before deciding it was time to head home and have dinner with her not so pleasing mother and Aurora, also know as the Angel of Light. 
Y/N made her way out of the large building, her feet brushing across the soft grass once more. She felt her wings flutter open, about to fly off only to feel a harsh sting on her arm.
"What the—" she looked down to see blood dripping down her arm. Her gaze flicked up with narrowed eyes. To the left, she saw the now named demon sitting criss-cross on a large boulder, smirking as he wiped the blood off his blade with a finger, popping it into his mouth.
"Hmm, you taste sweet,” Grayson smiled as he hopped off the large rock, making his way over in front of the small girl once more. He takes his blade to her skin again, this time just above her collar bone.
"What on earth is your problem?!" She shoved him lightly back.
"Nothing—just wanted to know how you tasted, sweetheart,” he chuckled, placing his blade in its holster.
"You're sick." Y/N rolled her eyes, beginning to walk away. She heard Grayson complain about something only to ignore him.
"Hey... hey.. hey, sweetheart, don't walk away when I'm talking to you." Grayson appeared in front of Y/N, blinking his black eyes a few times. She watched as they turned a beautiful hazel color.
"So, princess, you gonna tell me your name? Or am I gonna have to force it out of you?" Y/N gasped as she felt him push a piece of her hair behind her ear before he leaned up against a tree. The way he crossed his arms and spared her no second glance almost made her question the gentle act happening at all.
"No, I'm not gonna tell you my name—now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for dinner with my mother." One more Y/N began walking down the familiar path. Grayson now appeared to walk beside her, except she noticed that he wasn’t walking, he was levitating.
"Oh, come on, sweetheart—"
"I said no!" Y/N swung her arm feeling it land against his chest. The force pushed him backwards, his body slamming against a large boulder.
"I love girls who play hard to get... how did you know?" He chuckled, unaffected. Grayson ran a hand through his hair before once more appearing next to Y/N, who was growing increasingly annoyed.
“I didn’t.” With that being said he watched her wings flutter open before she took off into the air. Grayson eyed her in curiosity, her wings graciously moving up and down as she soared through the night sky.
“She’ll be back... they always come back,” he laughed, making his way into his hidden cave and sitting down next to the small fire he had going, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to the angel name Y/N.
First of all I wanna say thank you to @mercurygrant for proofreading and editing this she’s the best 🥺
Second of all, welcome to the land of goddesses and Monsters, you’re in for a bumpy ride so hold on to the thing closest to you😈
And Lastly yes this is based off gods and monsters by Lana Del Rey but I’m naming it goddesses and monsters because I can
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euphoricalethan · 5 years
Demon Grayson
Summary: y/n is the shy,innocent,quiet church girl who is friends with a demon, he makes bad decisions will she make them too?
Warnings:fingering,public sex(kinda)🥴😳,SMUT SMUTTY SMUT
Word count: 1632
“Hey princess do you wanna try something?”
You looked at the demon as you sat on his lap in the back of your car...
“Ride me?”
You were in disbelief at how you the innocent church girl was in the back of her car at the cemetery about to ride a demon...well it started like this...
You were taking the shortcut home from school which was through the cemetery...I mean yeah you have a car but the school is two blocks away and it’s a waste of gas but you didn’t mind walking actually to you it was peaceful see you were never scared of anything, not ghosts, spiders,snakes and if were being honest it’s where Grayson Dolan lived...he’s a demon and you kinda had the hots for him when he wasn’t being annoying, as you were walking you noticed a figure that appeared to be sat on one of the tombstones in front of you glanced at him you saw his eyes black a smirk upon his lips as he saw the dress you were wearing after that he disappeared
“Hey princess how was school?” He appeared next to you giving you a little scare and began walking with him
“Why don’t you go and find out your self?” you continued walking straight ahead clutching your binder and notebooks to your chest causing a little cleavage to spill out as you were looking him into his now hazel eyes
“Sweetheart...I’m a demon I can’t go to school.” He groaned
“Why not Gray?”
“Haven’t I told you already?” He rolled his eyes as I shook my head
“No you haven’t...I shouldn’t even really be talking to you, my dad is head of the church ya know?” You raised my eyebrow at him a slight frown on my face seeing as you were close to home
“Okay he doesn’t know I’m a demon so your point is y/n?” He stopped you from you leaving the cemetery
“Why I can’t go to school is because I’m not supposed to even interact with people unless I really want them to...like you for example sweetheart.”
“Oh,uhm..what about me?”
“There’s just something about you...the tight little dresses you wear with your cleavage that spills over a little bit.” He ran his hand up your arm grabbing the strap of your dress and pulling it up releasing it causing it to snap onto your skin you winced
“You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to but have had sex yet sweetheart?” He bit his lip as he grabbed your hips pulling you in close to his chest
You shook your head as you’ve never had a boyfriend before but if you’re being honest you have masturbated before...thinking of Grayson
“Tell ya what princess... show up here later around 12am bring your car...I’ll show you some stuff yeah?” You gulped but nodded you’ve been wanting to fuck him ever since you two first met
At 8:30 you told your parents you were going to bed but in reality you were deciding if you should wear a bra or no bra, you decided on a big white t-shirt and your lacy white panties...soon 12am came grabbing your keys and a sweatshirt you climbed out your window thankfully it was in the basement so you didn’t have to jump and end up hurting yourself.
When you got to the cemetery you parked your car turning it off and cracking your windows open, you got out of the car shutting the door standing outside of it
“Hi sweetheart.” You jumped as he sat on top of your car with his legs crossed you turned around seeing his outfit had changed into sweatpants since this afternoon
“Grayson,can you,uhm..can you get off my car please?” You watched as he climbed off of your car and onto the ground
“You look hot princess.”
“I- wearing this?”
He nodded as he grabbed you by your waist pulling you close to his chest leaning down he placed his thumb and Pinter finger on your chin lifting it up to look into his eyes
“Get in the backseat.” You obliged opening the door and climbed into the back seat Grayson followed, shutting the door he turned to you patting his lap indicating he wanted you to straddle him so you did, grabbing your face he pulled yours close to his
“Just follow my lead okay?” You nodded as his lips met yours moving together slowly which soon turned into a hot make out session, pulling away he grabbed the hem of your shirt lifting it up above your head revealing two metal bars
“Holy fuck.” He threw your shirt into the front of the car
Just because you are a church girl doesn’t mean you were completely innocent...
“Just because I seem like I’m innocent doesn’t mean I’m completely innocent honey...Ain’t you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch?“ you smiled as you brought your finger to play with the nubs he groaned as he leaned forward placing open mouth kisses on your chest moving up to your neck you stopped him he apologized moving back down to your chest, you felt he was way to overdressed grabbing the bottom of his shirt you lifted it up throwing it in the front of the car climbing off his legs you ran your hands down his stomach to his sweatpants you pulled them down his legs seeing his boxers tight against his cock, made you want him even more...yes it was your first time but there’s a thing called porn.
“No,no I get to treat you first.” He kissed you roughly moaning into the kiss pulling away climbing into the front seat pushing it back as far as it went
“Get up here.” He patted his lap you happily climbed up into the front seat, he corrected your position to where your head and back were against the door and window while one leg was rested on top the steering wheel the other on his chest so your white laced covered pussy was now on display for him your breathe hitches as his hand moves your panties to the side sliding his finger into between your folds
“Look at you baby, you’re already so wet for me...and I only kissed you.” He chuckled as you felt him slid one finger into your pussy and then slowly removing it you let out a quiet moan as he shook his head you felt him slide his finger in and out
“Come on sweetheart let those moans out, no ones here besides me and you.” You felt him insert another finger stretching you out, moving them in a come hither motion
“G-Grayson...oh god...f-faster please.” You felt your orgasm building up
“Listen to you baby...so desperate for me to go faster?” He stopped moving his fingers causing you to whine, motioning his head to the passenger seat you climbed into it watching as he removed his boxers his cock pulsing your mouth watering at the sight you wanted to take him in your mouth right then and there...but he had other plans.
“Come here.” Pulling you back onto his lap he grabbed his cock rubbing it in between your folds
“Please....Daddy.” He groaned as she begged for him he slowly slid the tip in
“Fuck.” You squeaked as you felt him harshly thrust into you slowly pulling back out and sliding back in
“Oh..my go-“ you felt your eyes
“You better end that with gosh...wouldn’t want god to hear you now would we.” He chuckled as he began thrusting harder
“So big.”
“Yeah, how’s it feel getting pounded in the front seat of your car by a big cock?”
“I feel naughty.”
“Well sweetheart you are...tell me, tell me where you feel my cock.” You could barely think as his cock was hitting all the right places you were so close
“I...can feel it...in my tummy daddy.” You said in between breathes as you grabbed his face kissing him hard you started to bounce your hips up and down
Grayson groaned as he felt you clench around him, holding you hips down he ponded into you faster making you see stars in your eyes
“Grayso- ‘m gonna..”
“No, wait for me...y/n.”
“I-I can’t.”
“Yes you can...just a couple...more..thrusts.” You needed to cum to the point you were on the verge of tears
“Now...cum with me.” You cried out in pleasure releasing pornographic moans, looking at his eyes they were pitch black, you felt ribbons of his cum shoot into your pussy he waited a few seconds to pullout loving the warm feeling of your pussy
“God damn y/n you,are you sure you’re a virgin?” His forehead sweaty and his hair stuck to it as he laughed as he grabbed your shirt lifting your arms he placed it over your head he pulled up his boxers climbing into the backseat he laid down
“Lay with me.” You did as he said, laying your head on his chest
“Is this a one time thing Gray?”
“I don’t know might have to hide it from your parents.” He sighed as an idea popped into your head
“Or...you could kill them.” His eyes widened at your thought
“What..I’m kidding!!!” He rolled his eyes as he rubbed your back feeling yourself drift off to sleep
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