mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
A Reminder
Blog #5 | 06042017
Sorry, won’t be a long rant today. I just wanted everyone to remember that;
“God is good, God is fair, God is true. He is in you.”
Remember you are not alone and it’s okay to cry. However, when you’re done; you need to pick yourself back up and move on with a smile.
The storm isn’t parked. It’s just passing through.
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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Atlanta, Georgia | June, 2017
“Take a picture with me putting my hand like this, to make it look natural.”
“Thanks honey, now lets eat.”
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
Boxes, Traffic & Cats
Blog #4|060217
    Finally moved and finally settled in. Finally. All that we’re left to do is finishing touches on the apartment like hanging up pictures and putting a fern on the outside patio. Not much more we can do. 
    You ever have that one think in the corner of your room and your house that just piles. Like for example, “the chair,” or that laundry pile you’ve had since last Christmas. We have that here in the bedroom; a pile of cardboard boxes that have clothes, photo album and pointless football and cheer trophies. Keep thinking I’ll unpack them and get to them, but every day and every night we stare at each other, with neither one saying anything about an action neither on wis doing. I have a feeling we’ll be like that for a long time, just me and the boxes of forgotten things with a relationship that will remain untouched. 
...basically I won't touch them till we move again. 
    So let’s talk about the thing that all makes the serial killer inside of us come out. Traffic. Traffic is horrific here and talking about it even makes me nervous. Anyway there wasn't much to say, just thought I’d mention how much I hate traffic.
    Update on the cats...they’re still fighting. Neither one is winning. Owners are more worried about it then the cats are. 
Happy Weekend, Cheers! 
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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Untitled by 柳青 Liu Qing 
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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Sa Pa - Veitnam (by Nacho) 
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
Is Moving Really A Pain In The Ass?
Blog #3|052517
    Point blank, the answer is yes. It’s so frustrating to have to move. Not only did I move from Virginia -----------------to---------------->Georgia, but now I’m moving from the country side to the city life. Me, a city girl? HA. I love the city, especially the one back home; Richmond. If you haven't been, I suggest that be one of your top, I MEAN TOP, destinations. Richmond is a vibrant city with history surrounding you’re every being. Atlanta too, I don’t know much about Atlanta, believe me I’ll make a hobby of getting to know my new city but it’s something so new to me. I’ve lived at him my whole life, and now living 500 miles away from “home” with my “home,” it’s still twisty. I love the living on my own thing, no one to answer too, no one to report too and no one to have to deal with... well that’s not exactly true if you met Brandon. His head is bigger tan his heart (but I sure do love him).
    Back to “Is moving a pain?” Yes, it truly is. You have to worry about cable, internet, appliances, selling things if you don’t need it, buying things if you do, you have to worry about power, and electric, you have to worry about are the movers going to break my class cabinet or are they going to steal my stashes of pop tarts. The if you have animals, you have to worry about them in a cage while the movers are moving things out your old home, drive to the new apartment and then move things into the new apartment. You have to worry about every single detail that plays into a home/apartment/condo.
Let me tell you, when you rent or buy make sure you stay there long because...
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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Cosy af !
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
My “Green” Eyed Girl
Blog #2|051917
    Saying good bye to my little girl today. I’ve been nannying her for almost two years. She was eight months old when I first fell in love with her. She was little and I was honestly really new to babysitting little ones, I knew how; it’s just we didn't build a bond and it took a while for us to get use to one another. 
    Later we started to become more attached. We started going on walks, to parks, Romp n’ Roll classes (little persons gymnastics), errand runs, and lunch dates. I stared to spend most of my day’s with her and if I wasn't with her all day, then I was with her two times a week in the mornings. I was watching her grow up and started to see how quickly she started to develop. 
    I watched her develop into her sea legs, I saw how she liked to run, she started to talk, she figured out what sounds different animals made and now I hear her sing her ABC’s and learning her 123′s. 
    She’s becoming a big girl and soon she’s off to daycare. I know she’s going to be excited to meet new friends and her personality is so big that everyone will adore her. She’s defiantly a “meanie butt” sometimes but it’s impossible to stay mad at her. 
    I would like for her to remember me, and know who I am. I plan to visit her when I come home because leaving her is like leaving a piece of me behind. She teaches me to be a big kid again, and what’s it’s like to love a little person. I’ll be saying good-bye to her soon, and it will be probably one of the hardest good-bye’s I’ll have to do.
I love you, my sweet little Emmie. 
See you in June.
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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Psalms 2:12
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mylilbigworld-blog1 · 7 years
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