#Great Castles of Westeros
davosfingers · 5 years
Welcome to SHOW NOTES, where we provide you with links and other info regarding some of the ever-important side topics we discussed on the show. Check them out here at davosfingers.com after every episode!
First,  if you’re puzzled by our FIRE & BLOOD reading order, just know that no one is more confused than we are. (A million accolades to @rusarvareth for the hilarious meme)
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Castles That Don’t Sink Into Swamps
Our dear friend, pal, and confidant Joe Buckley (@SerBuckley ) did an inspiring thing: he WROTE A BOOK! I strongly encourage, implore, and command you to go check out THE GREAT CASTLES OF WESTEROS: AN UNOFFICIAL GUIDE immediately. Available on Kindle or Paperback. Buy yourself a Christmas present. Tell yourself it’s from your mom.  
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Rock a Rhyme That’s Right On Time
Okay, so maybe lines like, “I met this little girly, her hair was kinda curly, went to her house to bust one out, I had to leave real early” aren’t as deep or introspective as some of the hip hop I listen to now, but there’s no denying the influence Run DMC had on the genre. The cool factor, the lightning-flash vocal trade-off, the later elements of rock, and the white Adidas make Run DMC icons. ICONS. As far as hip hop goes, they are similar to the Beatles or Rolling Stones in terms of impact. Yeah, I said it. If I had to pick one track of theirs to share with future posterity, it will always be “It’s Tricky”.
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Al Swearen-who?
Scad talks about DEADWOOD pretty consistently, and if I were a more invested friend I would take the dive so I could geek out with him. But alas, here I sit in my ignorant state while he reaps the intellectual rewards of fine television programming. As I say to Mrs. Matt on the regular: “I’ll get to it!” My love/hate relationship with Timothy Olyphant demands it.
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I Can Feel It
How did Scad and I do on our dramatic recreation of this tender Star Wars moment?
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