#Gregor: To Adventure! Arrow: wtf????
lablass-2882 · 1 year
The Son’s of Clones
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Part 2 of my crazy crack au plan.
This came together a lot faster than I thought it would......Huh......
Second verse is same as the first. Except for Leo and Rosh, all of these fine gentlemen are the biological sons of Clone troopers. They are all currently soldiers in the Rebellion and have various roles.  
Most of them are in the crackfic I am writing, and I will drop a link below. 
Starting from left to right.
Lieutenant Arrow Fett. Code name Trigger. Like Tally and Nyx, Arrow's biological dad was a clone trooper from the 212th. Arrow grew up in a fairly typical village and had next to no clue who or what his dad was.... until the Empire came knocking. With his world turned upside down overnight, Arrow did the only thing he could think of, pick up his dad's sniper rifle and defend his home. This landed him in a holding cell alongside Gregor, of all people. Who immediately recognized him as a clone kid and practically kidnapped him when the Rebellion busted him out. He's been with the Rebellion ever since. 
Amazing shot
Resident conspiracy theorist
Adjusting to being a big brother.
Twig Fett. Code name Due 2. Twig is Branch's twin brother and the son of a clone from the 501st. Like his sister, Twig is half Twi'lek and a stellar pilot. Unlike his sister, Twig isn't one for the spotlight and tends to just "vibe out" in the corner. Honestly, if it wasn't for his sister, Twig really wouldn't be in the Rebellion. When the Empire attacked their home, Twig wanted to run and hide with the rest of his family. But when Branch got captured, Twig went on a one-man mission to save his twin. He ran head first into Numa along the way.... who then later brought back to the Rebellion, and the rest was history. 
A bit of a Quiet boy
Loves to cook
Is the accountant behind Branch's betting ring.
Max'sym Fett, or Max for short. Code Name: Fett (He could be more creative.) Max is the biological son of Dogma and a Mirialan woman. Raised in a strict but loving household. Max ran away from home to join the Rebellion after a few of his uncles paid Dogma a visit. Despite what his dad said, Max just felt like he had to help his family, regardless of the consequences. Dogma and Max haven't spoken since. He gets along pretty well with his mom tho.  
Gets nervous really quickly. 
He is a Jack of all trades but most work as a mechanic.
Total mama's boy. 
Mako Ikaika Code name Bonito. Mako is one of the oldest of the Clone kiddos and the one who started it all. Mako's Bio dad was the medic for the Wolfpack who spent a wonderfully drunk night with a Zabark spice smuggler. They went their separate ways in the morning and never spoke to each other again. Fast forward to post-Order 66, and Wolffe needs help. This weird Zabark lady demands to talk with his long-dead medic about caring for their son. One very loud argument later, and Wolffe found himself the proud dad of one Mako. Things just exoculated from there. Wolffe deserted the GAR, ran into Rex, and found himself in the outer rim with a bunch of other clone deserters and one small child. Eventually, the group found an old abandoned base from the old republic and decided to make it their home. Wolffe named it "The Den," and Botta-bing botta-boom; the Clone Rebellion had a home base in the outer rim. Most of the Squad Kiddo end up at The Den at some point.
Team medic
He is a strong voice. Like STRONG.
Takes after his grandpa Plo
Leo? Code name: Leo. Leo claims their full name is need-to-know, and no one needs to know right now. Yeah, the others don't fully get it, either. No one fully knows where or when Leo showed up in the fulcrum unit he just was just there one day. He works mainly as a code breaker and hacker for different fulcrum teams. Never really settling down with any one group or unit. That was until he met Nyx and Fae. Those two looked at this skinny loner and said, "Oh, we're so keeping him." Within a week, Leo was forcibly adopted by half of the clone units and glared at by the rest. He's not complaining tho. 
Hacker voice "I'm in."
Lives off of coffee and Cheetos. 
Secretly loves and respects the entire clone unit but will never admit to it in a million years. 
Rosh Okoye. Code name: Usizo. Rosh is a bit of an odd duck in the clone unit. His family worked as healers, doctors, and medics in different refugee camps through the outer rim but never really crossed paths with the GAR or the Rebellion. That was until Mako showed up at one of the camps. Mako may have gotten a little (cough, cough, a lot) turned around while on a recovery mission. He completed the task, but it would take the squad another two or three days to pick him up. So, he decided to work while he waited; helping Rosh and his family out in the clinic. The two became best buddies, and by the time the squad swung back around to pick Mako up, Rosh decided to tag along. He figured that the Rebellion could always use another medic. 
Tall Boy. Like very, very tall.
A bit of an airhead. He spaces out from time to time.
Love spicy food.
And! Now I am done. 
Good lord..... that was a lot.  
Anyway, I hope that you like the boys. And the girls. I plan on drawing them more here soon-ish...... but I need to recharge the old batteries before I do that.  
I should have a new chapter up for the fic here soon too. It's like 90% written, just needs some editing.
 Night Y'all. 
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