#Gregory Morey-Parker
A former roommate of Rep. George Santos said the embattled congressman used a Jewish-sounding last name to try to raise money for a questionable GoFundMe page.
Gregory Morey-Parker, who previously lived with Santos, told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday that Santos used several aliases during their time as roommates.
Morey-Parker said he primarily knew Santos, who has listed his full name as George Anthony Devolder Santos, as Anthony Devolder.
But the former roommate said Santos also referred to himself as Anthony Zabrovsky, a name the now New York congressman reserved for a GoFundMe venture called Friends of Pets United.
CNN reported in late December that conversations with several genealogists had disproved the Holocaust-ancestry claim, and the Republican Jewish Coalition said that month that Santos had "personally" deceived its members about being Jewish.
Santos later told the New York Post that he is Catholic and only claimed to be "Jew-ish."
Reports of Santos' questionable efforts to boost his GoFundMe fundraising came as a military veteran accused him of taking $3,000 worth of GoFundMe funds meant for his dying dog.
Speaking to the local news outlet Patch, Rich Osthoff said that his dog Sapphire was dying from a stomach tumor and that Santos offered to help, starting a GoFundMe page for him in May 2016.
But Osthoff told Patch that after the money was raised, Santos closed the fundraising page and ghosted him.
Santos pushed back on Osthoff's accusation. "Fake," he told the news outlet Semafor in a text message. "No clue who this is."
The New York Times reported last month that while Santos claimed to have founded Friends of Pets United in 2013, there appeared to be no records of it having been registered as a legitimate charity.
Santos has admitted to fabricating parts of his life story, including his university education and elements of his employment history. He has refused to resign.
Santos did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Wearing a stolen scarf at a “stop the steal” rally. This is sooooo Santosian. George Santos is the perfect face of the GOP.
On Jan. 5, 2021, after losing the 2020 congressional election to Suozzi, Santos addressed a crowd in Washington, D.C. at a “Stop the Steal ‘coalition pre-rally,’” the day before supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol to disrupt Congress’ certification of the 2020 election. They were motivated by Trump’s insidious lie that a massive conspiracy had thrown the election to Joe Biden.
There, Santos untruthfully insisted that he, himself, had also been robbed of a victory, all while donning an allegedly hot piece of neckwear.
In an interview with local news outlet Patch, Santos’ former roommate, Gregory Morey-Parker, said he was “100 percent” sure the scarf Santos wore at the rally in fact belonged to him. The freshman legislator had swiped it in 2020, during a period Morey-Parker had rented a room from Santos in Queens, he said, noting that the scarf had been a gift and that he recognized it easily because it was “lighter than regular camel check.”
[ ... ]
A second roommate, Yasser Rabello, confirmed Morey-Parker’s story to Patch, providing contemporaneous text messages in which the two discussed the scarf and a shirt Santos also allegedly stole. The two previously told Patch that they discovered phones, checks, and pricey dress shirts missing, as well, while they lived with Santos.
Morey-Parker spotted Santos wearing one of his shirts in an Instagram post, he told Patch. In a text message shared with the outlet, Morey-Parker expressed outrage to Rabello over the alleged theft.
MTV should bring back “Room Raiders” just to take a peek at what else George might be keeping at his place.
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pashterlengkap · 2 years
George Santos claimed to be a male model according to former roommate
New revelations from a former roommate of gay U.S. Rep. George Santos (R-NY) include that Santos once told him he was a model who was going to be in Vogue magazine. Florida pharmacist Yasser Rabello told Curbed he lived with Santos for a few months in 2013 and 2014 and that Santos’s sister, Tiffany, and Mom, Fatima, lived with them in the two-bedroom apartment in Queens. Santos was going by Anthony Devolder then and reportedly befriended Rabello after the two met at a movie theater. Rabello recounted several oddities about living with Santos and his family, including that Santos “told me he was a model and that he worked at New York Fashion Week and that he met all of the Victoria’s Secret models and would be in Vogue magazine.” Despite this claim, Rabello said Santos “was home all day on his computer, just browsing the web…He said he was a reporter at Globo in Brazil.” Globo has since refuted Santos’s claim that he worked there, calling it “a lie, pure and simple,” when questioned by the Columbia Journalism Review. And that wasn’t even half of it. Rabello said that Santos and his family promised to create a partition in the living room so that he could have a private bedroom in the small apartment. When he moved in, however, they told him they tried with materials they had purchased, but it wasn’t going to work. “But there were no signs at all that they’d attempted to do the work — no marks on the walls from pencils, no dust or anything like that.” After that, Rabello said he ended up taking Santos’s bedroom and that Santos, whom he called Anthony, “Slept in the living room. There wasn’t even a sheet on the couch; he slept on it with no cover.” The apartment also kept getting more crowded with another roommate moving in without Rabello’s knowledge, as well as a boyfriend of Santos. The apartment only had one bathroom. As the number of people grew, Rabello said Santos and his family started hiding cases of water from him and stopped offering him food they cooked because it was getting expensive. Rabello said he ultimately left the apartment after a screaming match with Santos’s mom, who refused to let him take his IKEA dresser with him when he moved out. In previous interviews, Rabello has also said that Santos stole a “very expensive Armani dress shirt” from him and a $500 Burberry shirt from their fellow roommate Gregory Morey-Parker. Morey-Parker allegedly saw Santos wearing the shirt in an Instagram photo after Santos announced his 2020 run for Congress. Two more of Santos’s self-described former roommates also said Santos stole money and items from them. Santos has also admitted to lying to voters about graduating from Baruch College (where he claimed he was a star volleyball player) and New York University, working directly for Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, and living at a fake address in his congressional district. He provided no additional proof to back up claims that he founded a charity called Friends of Pets, that he attended the Horace Mann prep school, that his grandparents escaped the Holocaust, that his mom died due to the September 11 terrorist attacks, and that he lost four employees in the June 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting. He is also under investigation for allegedly violating campaign finance laws. Santos has refused to resign. http://dlvr.it/ShWk82
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newswireml · 2 years
George Santos Liked Using a Fake Jewish Name on GoFundMe Because “The Jews Will Give More”#George #Santos #Fake #Jewish #GoFundMe #Jews #Give
George Santos used to go by a Jewish last name to better scam donors to his made-up animal charity, according to a former acquaintance. Gregory Morey-Parker, who said he and the New York representative were roommates for a few months, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Tuesday that Santos had gone by Anthony Zabrovsky at the time. “He would say, ‘Oh, well, the Jews will give more if you’re a Jew.’ And so…
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dearvicme · 2 years
GOP Rep. George Santos' Ex-Roomie Stuns Anderson Cooper With Wild Claim
CNN’s Anderson Cooper struggled to contain his surprise at an anecdote from a former roommate of scandal-engulfed Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.). Gregory Morey-Parker alleged Santos stole a Burberry scarf that was gifted to him by his best friend on the anniversary of his grandfather’s death. As Morey-Parker talked with Cooper about the alleged theft, the network aired footage of Santos talking at…
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rnewspost · 2 years
George Santos' Ex-Roomie Stuns CNN's Anderson Cooper With Wild Claim
CNN’s Anderson Cooper struggled to contain his surprise at an anecdote from a former roommate of scandal-engulfed Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.). Gregory Morey-Parker alleged Santos stole a Burberry scarf that was gifted to him by his best friend on the anniversary of his grandfather’s death. As Morey-Parker talked with Cooper about the alleged theft, the network aired footage of Santos talking at…
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occupyhades · 2 years
Santos used fake Jewish name on GoFundMe because he thought 'Jews would give more' to him: former roommate - RawStory.com
A former acquaintance of Rep. George Santos (R-NY) on Tuesday added some new details to the scandal-plagued congressman's cultural appropriation of the Jewish faith and religion. During an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Santos' former roommate Gregory Morey-Parker said that he knew Santos...
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insideusnet · 2 years
Santos' former roommate: He had 'delusions of grandeur' | CNN Politics : Inside US
CNN  —  A former roommate of New York Rep. George Santos said on Tuesday that the fabulist lawmaker showed signs of “delusions of grandeur” during their time living together in New York City. “The truth has finally come out,” Gregory Morey-Parker told Don Lemon on “CNN This Morning.” Lawmakers from both parties, including a number of prominent New York Republicans, have demanded Santos resign…
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latestnews2024 · 2 years
Congressman wore stolen scarf to ‘Stop the Steal’ rally – ex-roommate — RT World News
Congressman wore stolen scarf to ‘Stop the Steal’ rally – ex-roommate — RT World News
Two former roommates of serial fabricator Rep. George Santos have claimed he stole expensive items from them Rep. George Santos, the Republican congressman whose biography and resume have been exposed as fictional since winning his seat in November’s election, was a thief as well as a liar, a former roommate told Patch on Friday. Gregory Morey-Parker claimed Santos – then going by the name…
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latestnews23 · 2 years
Congressman wore stolen scarf to ‘Stop the Steal’ rally – ex-roommate — RT World News
Congressman wore stolen scarf to ‘Stop the Steal’ rally – ex-roommate — RT World News
Two former roommates of serial fabricator Rep. George Santos have claimed he stole expensive items from them Rep. George Santos, the Republican congressman whose biography and resume have been exposed as fictional since winning his seat in November’s election, was a thief as well as a liar, a former roommate told Patch on Friday. Gregory Morey-Parker claimed Santos – then going by the name…
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
George Santos is doing more for the word “fabulist” than what Donald Trump did for “narcissist”
A disproportionate number of news stories have used fabulist to describe Rep. George Santos (R-NY-03). It’s not a word that crops up very often in everyday conversation; but it seems to have become a favored way for journalists to describe the freshman GOP congressman.
A recent example...
Santos’ former roommate: He had ‘delusions of grandeur’
A former roommate of New York Rep. George Santos said on Tuesday that the fabulist lawmaker showed signs of “delusions of grandeur” during their time living together in New York City.  
“The truth has finally come out,” Gregory Morey-Parker told Don Lemon on “CNN This Morning.” 
The word is also sometimes used in graphics related to Santos.
If he were smart he would trademark GEORGE SANTOS – FABULIST.
If anybody invents George Santos BINGO cards then hearing fabulist used in connection with him should be an option on the cards.
The next step would be for his own name to become a synonym to describe his behavior. That’s what happened to Charles Ponzi (1882-1949) who made famous the scheme which is now associated with his name.
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Indeed, “unfettered by the laws of logic and probability” is Santos in a nutshell.
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