#Greygold will serve as no one's knight but he who is called Sir Barcus and Sir Barcus alone
jeeaark · 3 months
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could ask what Greygold's (and your) thoughts on the whole Barcus-Wulbren-Gondians situation was? I have a very strong feeling I know how it went, but I'd love to hear about it straight from you. Thank you so much!
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Not the answer to your question but hopefully relevant enough to lament about Greygold's did-their-best rescue mission. Saved all but the old guy who wanted to have the last say and that say was 'ka-boom'.
Besides that, everything went well! Barcus stood up to Wulbren, and the Gondians and Ironhands are chiller than they were before. Greygold Proud.
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