#no patience for this mission omg THE OLD GUY IS IN A BETTER PLACE
jeeaark · 3 months
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could ask what Greygold's (and your) thoughts on the whole Barcus-Wulbren-Gondians situation was? I have a very strong feeling I know how it went, but I'd love to hear about it straight from you. Thank you so much!
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Not the answer to your question but hopefully relevant enough to lament about Greygold's did-their-best rescue mission. Saved all but the old guy who wanted to have the last say and that say was 'ka-boom'.
Besides that, everything went well! Barcus stood up to Wulbren, and the Gondians and Ironhands are chiller than they were before. Greygold Proud.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Anything with fem!Ichigo and Kisuke? Maybe a both-living-in-soul-society as Shiba Ichgio and Captain Urahara? Maybe an Outsider POV type thing? People trying to make sense of their relationship? (Btw I love your writing so much omg🤗)
Fem!Ichigo again lol. I didn’t think that would be such a popular trope tbh.
Edit: OMG THIS GOT SO LONG FML. Apparently i like fem!Ichigo just as much as you guys lmao.
1. Ichigo makes captain around the same time Kisuke does. Isshin went MIA, presumed dead (no, he’s probably run off with another woman who fell prey to one of Aizen’s experiments), so the Tenth Division captain seat is empty. Ichigo doesn’t know Kisuke well, but she likes to think she does know a bit more than the average person on the street. She knows what everyone knows of course - former Third Seat of the Second, Yoruichi’s left hand, her best interrogator - but she’s also seen him around the Shiba compound on occasion when Yoruichi drags him along, and sometimes Yoruichi talks about him. Ichigo always listens raptly, and she’s never forgotten any of the tidbits Yoruichi casually brings up when she tells Ichigo stories about the missions she can talk about or her old days at the Academy or general life as a Shihouin. Ichigo’s pretty sure Kisuke doesn’t know anything about her beyond the fact that she’s a Shiba, and he definitely doesn’t know that she admires him. She knows he’s clever and strong, devoted to Yoruichi and not someone anybody with half a brain cell would want as an enemy. She knows that he considers himself a scientist as much as an assassin, and that his morals are… flexible, at best, but that what drives his actions - outside of work - is curiosity more than any kind of deliberate malevolence or innate depravity. Ichigo knows all this, and her gaze always strays to him the handful of times they happen to be in the same vicinity. She’s pretty sure he doesn’t notice; he sticks close to Yoruichi most of the time and doesn’t really interact with anyone else, and for a while, compared to him, she’s just a girl, albeit one with a ridiculous amount of reiatsu and a bright future in the Gotei. And for all that Ichigo is a Shiba, she understands discretion better than most of her family. Perks of being trained by Yoruichi. Sometimes, she thinks about approaching Kisuke and striking up a conversation, but he always seems so closed off, or he stumbles around like a fool with two left feet but eavesdrops on conversations with the effortless ease of long habit, and for the longest time, Ichigo simply doesn’t feel like she has any right to talk to someone so obviously better than her in skill. Yoruichi is different, Shunsui and Jyuushirou and Shinji are all different, because they’re her mentors and extended family first and foremost, but Kisuke isn’t any of that so Ichigo watches him, measures herself against him, and sets her sights on one day becoming his equal.
So, they’ve never spoken, not beyond polite greetings, not until Ichigo tears through the Academy in a year and climbs the ranks like she has wings, not until Ichigo is offered a captaincy with the support of half the Gotei’s division commanders, and as the two newest and youngest captains, the two of them naturally gravitate together whenever Yamamoto summons them all for the regular less formal bi-monthly captain meetings.
Meetings follow a pattern. Captains report in, the usual topics regarding missions and internal affairs are discussed, and then they’re free to mingle, which isn’t required but it is expected in order to keep up at least some friendly relations between the squads. And it isn’t as if either Ichigo or Kisuke aren’t familiar with some of the other captains. Ichigo grew up with Shunsui and Jyuushirou as her uncle figures, and Shinji and Yoruichi are family friends, while Kisuke owes most of everything he is now to Yoruichi. But the former three are older, and Ichigo is a captain now and she doesn’t want to be treated like the little girl they used to give piggyback rides and candy to. Besides, they’re busy enough chatting with each other, and it would be awkward for even Ichigo to cut in. As for Kisuke, he hasn’t had a real conversation with Yoruichi since she signed him up for the captain exams and forced him out of the Second. Things are stiff between them when they do speak, and he doesn’t resent her exactly but sometimes he sees her walking around with Sui-Feng following in her shadow the way he used to, and it makes him turn away.
So they both retreat into corners of the room, and after a few meetings, it eventually happens to be the same corner too. Kisuke’s brought along one of his portable experimental mannequins to fiddle with to pass the time until it’s okay for him to leave, and Ichigo’s reiatsu leaps lightly between her hands as she idly twists a Kidou spell into something new, twining the purple light of a Haien with the shadows of her own spiritual energy. She doesn’t look up, but she can sense eyes on her, and it isn’t long after that before Kisuke remarks, “The Shiba Clan is formidable indeed. I don’t think even the Kidou Corps has such a knack for… improvisation.”
Ichigo glances up to meet curious grey eyes just a bit too sharp to pass for guileless, and she’s never been shy about what she wants, so she grins a little and wiggles her fingers, making the spell flare a bit. “The Twelfth Division’s coming out with pretty interesting things too.” Just last month, a training mannequin that can produce low-level bakudou to counter hadou fired at it had been presented at a captain’s meeting. The First Division got first dibs, and Ichigo’s pretty sure Yoruichi pulled some strings and wheedled her childhood friend for the favour so Second got them too, but the Tenth will probably have to wait at least another six months. Ichigo’s not known for her patience though when there’s no real need for it, so she suggests impishly, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Kisuke arches an eyebrow, and some of the clueless facade he likes to wear falls away, replaced by an amused smirk. “You drive a tempting bargain, Shiba-taichou. However can I refuse?”
Half an hour later, Ichigo crosses the wrong two wires and Kisuke puts just a little too much reiatsu into a half-melted Soukatsui. The wall behind them blows up, and in the ensuing chaos and uproar, under the cover of all the smoke, the two of them sneak away over the rooftops like naughty children, half falling over with laughter.
Later, when Yamamoto eyeballs them and demands to know if they had anything to do with the explosion, they serve as each other’s alibi, swearing innocence up and down. Everybody knows they’re lying but no one can prove it, and as Yamamoto dismisses them with a long-suffering sigh, all of Seireitei seems to feel a sense of foreboding as Ichigo and Kisuke walk out together.
2. Kisuke finds an unexpected friend in the Tenth Division captain, and as a result, he has less time to hole himself up in his labs. At first, it isn’t even that he doesn’t want to; it’s just that it’s very hard to say no to Shiba Ichigo, who invites herself over to the Twelfth like she’s been given blanket permission and drags Kisuke out of the SRDI like it’s her right. Before Kisuke knows it, he’s spending most of his lunch breaks with her, and he even starts getting his paperwork finished on time every Friday because Ichigo has a habit of hauling him back to the Shiba compound for dinner on those evenings.
Kisuke’s always had a hard time saying no to strong-willed women, but still, Ichigo is different from Yoruichi. There wasn’t anything Kisuke wouldn’t have done for Yoruichi, up to and including changing his life’s career path when she announced he would. She was as much his closest friend as she was the noble clan heir who saved him from Rukongai, from starvation and certain death, and neither of them will ever forget that.
But Ichigo is different. Ichigo is colleague and peer and friend with no strings attached, and Kisuke’s never had that before in his life. She takes liberties with him that he could stop if he really wanted to, but she’s interested in his inventions in a way no one else is, and she’s eager to teach him her family’s brand of kidou in return even though he’s pretty sure she’s not supposed to. He asks about it once, and she only shrugs.
“Kuukaku-nee-san considers Yoruichi-nee-san another sister,” She tells him carelessly. “And you’re Yoruichi-nee-san’s best friend. I’m sure you know several Shiba secrets already even if you didn’t used to come over as often as Yoruichi-nee-san. Plus you’re not the type to go spreading around what you know, are you? Otherwise I don’t think Yoruichi-nee-san would’ve ever started bringing you over to our compound in the first place. Besides, I don’t teach you the really secret stuff. You need actual Shiba blood for that, so I can’t anyway. It’s fine.”
And Kisuke would think she’s simply too trusting, too naive, unable to keep her mouth shut, except as far as he knows, she doesn’t teach anybody else the way she does Kisuke, doesn’t spend half as much time these days with anyone except him. She trains her squad, spars with them and extends her favour over the potential recruits she’s handpicked from the upcoming Academy graduates and of course always makes time for her family. But even Kisuke - who admittedly has always been terrible with people - can tell that somehow, sometime when he wasn’t looking, Shiba Ichigo had decided to make Kisuke her best friend.
He… doesn’t mind it. The company is surprisingly welcome, and he didn’t even know he was lonely until he suddenly had Ichigo hiding in his labs from her own paperwork or barging into his office to bring him lunch. He used to have Yoruichi to talk to, but nowadays, he has Hiyori screaming at him every time he turns around, or Kurotsuchi constantly testing his patience, or his other squad members shying away from him because he doesn’t know how to handle them, how to lead them, how to make them like him.
Ichigo doesn’t seem to see any of his deficiencies though, or maybe she does and just… takes it in stride. She doesn’t mind when he gets an idea halfway through a conversation and has to write it down and ends up tuning out everything for the next three hours, and she only interrupts him to remind him of his other duties and to grab dinner on his way home. She spars with him willingly, even eagerly, and the more underhanded fighting style he prefers just makes her grin wider, a bloodlust that matches his own surging to the fore the longer they fight. He wins, more often than not, but her ability to adapt, the way she incorporates everything from new Kidou spells to fighting sequences that she’s only seen once into her own style, her limitless potential in the way she seems to grow stronger with every damn blow, is terrifying, and Kisuke absolutely knows that one day, probably soon, she will surpass him, and it will be glorious to witness.
Inadvertently, Ichigo humanizes him too. She becomes a regular fixture at the Twelfth, and it helps that their respective compounds are back to back so they can just shunpo over the back walls whenever they please, and it isn’t long before the Shinigami under their command follow their lead. Kisuke’s officers - from seated to unseated, science-inclined or otherwise - relax over time, more and more every time Ichigo breezes through the courtyard or asks Kisuke to introduce her to some of them. They always seem surprised that he knows anything about them, and he’s not sure why - he’s read all their files, and it isn’t as if he can’t see the training yard from his office. Ichigo does the same for him, introducing him around her own squad, and it isn’t long before their officers begin taking missions together more often than not, and mingling together in their own time as if their compounds are one. The day a rebel faction of rogue Shinigami rolls through and kidnaps the heir of a noble house, Kisuke and Ichigo are onsite first, and by the time backup arrives, the heir has been saved, and all that’s left are the lingering red and black flickers of their respective reiatsu and the not-so-subtle trail of destruction left in the wake of their rather one-sided confrontation.
At the end of the next meeting, Yamamoto spares a minute to inform him and Ichigo that since their squads are so close, all joint missions relating to research and exploration into Hueco Mundo would be handed down to them from that point on, and it would be their job to train up and round out their mission teams properly with Shinigami from both divisions. Kisuke stares at Ichigo’s equally wide eyes and wonders when they became the next Kyouraku and Ukitake.
3. The first time Ichigo is frantically trying to meet a deadline and has to stay late into the night, Kisuke drops by with her favourite udon and a side of sushi, plus his own portion from the same restaurant, and doesn’t even seem to think he has to ask for permission before sitting down and poking fun at her time management skills and breaking out the chopsticks. Ichigo stares at him, not long enough for him to notice, but she also has to pretend to drop a scroll under her desk for a moment just so she can wrestle the manically thrilled smile off her face out of his line of sight.
Her evil plan is working.
The trick to befriending Kisuke, she’s found, is persistence. It probably helps that she likes him so much, and she’s genuinely interested in the inventions his brilliant and slightly insane mind comes up with, but more than anything else, persistence is key. When he’s neck-deep in research, she knows better than to interrupt his thought process unless she absolutely has to, and she’s fairly certain she’s never overstayed her welcome to the point of irritating him. But she keeps going back, bringing him food, teaching him her specialized kidou, and listening to him talk, and it’s been almost five years now and she doesn’t think it’s only wishful thinking anymore that Kisuke considers her a friend.
And that. That’s enough. Anything more will come if it comes. Hell, she doesn’t even know if he’s interested in people in a romantic or even sexual sense; he’s certainly never so much as gone on a date with anyone after becoming captain - Ichigo would know - and she’s never seen him visit a whorehouse. Sometimes, she does look in the mirror and wonder if Kisuke thinks she’s pretty (then she tries to drown herself in the shower because ugh what a dumb thing to fret over, like a lovesick little girl). On occasion, she wonders if she should try to act more like Yoruichi - all effortless elegance and lethal grace and refined speech when she wants, with something independent and whimsical that reminds Ichigo of a tiger in the wild - because if Kisuke has ever loved anyone, it would be her. But pretending to be something Ichigo isn’t has never been her strong suit, and she’ll never be able to be the kind of sophisticated upper-class that most nobles have known since birth anyway. Besides, it doesn’t count if Kisuke doesn’t like her for her.
Friends though. Ichigo can do friends, and these days, Kisuke no longer stares past her the way he used to back when she was still growing up. Anything more will come if it comes, and Ichigo can be content with that, even if some part of her continues to hope.
Ichigo blinks to find Kisuke watching her with questioning eyes, the udon half held out towards her. “Are you alright?”
Ichigo gives herself a mental shake. “Yeah, I’m fine, just trying to remember if I signed one of the reports I sent off earlier. Pretty sure I did, thank fuck.” Her hands shoot out demandingly. “Now gimme, I’m starving!”
Kisuke rolls his eyes even as a fondly amused smile tugs at his lips. He hands over the udon and shakes his head as Ichigo digs in ravenously. “And you scold me for skipping meals.”
“You sh’p way ’ore ’an ’e!” Ichigo immediately protests around a mouthful of noodles.
“What’s that?” Kisuke mocks cheerfully. “‘You are absolutely correct Kisuke and I shouldn’t throw stones at glass houses?’ I completely agree.”
Ichigo sends him a dirty look because that doesn’t even rhyme, but she’s too hungry to keep arguing. Kisuke only smirks back at her before starting on his own dinner, and for a while, they sit in companionable silence as they work through their food.
Ichigo sits back with a satisfied sigh when she finishes. “That was delicious. It almost makes the all-nighter I’ll have to pull not so bad.”
Kisuke leans over to pour some more tea for himself but he casts a curious look over at her as well. “Leaving your paperwork to the last minute is usually my bad habit.” Ichigo snorts, and Kisuke sends her an exasperated look. “What in the world distracted you enough that you put it off this late?”
Ichigo makes a face and slouches further into her seat. “It’s my birthday in three months.” Kisuke makes that faint forehead crease that means he’s confused, so Ichigo explains sullenly, “It’s my big one hundred. Apparently that’s an important age or something so Kuukaku-nee-san’s been dragging me out for dress fittings for two weeks now, Ganju-nii-san keeps asking for my opinion even though he’s thrown out like four menu plans already because they’re apparently not good enough, and Kaien-nii-san won’t shut up about if I’m sure I don’t want to invite this or that person. It’s so annoying.” She pauses when an odd expression flits across Kisuke’s features. “What?”
Kisuke blinks before shaking his head. “Nothing. Just…” He smiles, and it’s one of his false ones. Ichigo automatically scowls, and Kisuke drops it. “I just didn’t realize you hadn’t reached your hundredth birthday yet.”
Ichigo bristles. “Is that a problem or something? I’m not a kid anymore if that’s what you’re hung up on.”
Kisuke quickly shakes his head again. “No that’s not it. You’re a Shinigami captain, and you’re more responsible than I am most of the time, Ichigo, both our squads can attest to that.”
Ichigo scowls some more but lets her shoulders drop. “What then?”
Kisuke glances down at his tea before tipping a rueful smile at her, this one real and slightly crooked. “I suppose I just wondered why you would want to spend all your time with an old man like me.”
Ichigo stares at him for a long beat of silent disbelief before rolling her eyes hard enough to feel something in her skull twinge. “Oh my god, you’re not that old, you’re not even four hundred yet. Kaien-nii is just past his four-hundred-thirtieth, and he’d throw down if anybody told him his next stop’s a rocking chair on the back porch.”
Kisuke huffs a laugh, brief and soft and startled every time when it’s real, like he has to hide it and like he never expects it, and Ichigo has to bite back an instinctive smile in response.
“True,” Kisuke muses, and the uncertainty from before is gone. He raises an expectant eyebrow instead, and Ichigo beams upon hearing his next question, “Well it is important so I can understand the fuss. You’re not keeping me off the invite list though, are you? I wouldn’t want to miss your big day.”
“Of course not!” Ichigo says brightly. “Invitations will be sent out this weekend so you’ll get yours real soon.” She slants a sly glance at him. “You’ll get me the best present, right?”
Kisuke makes that half-stifled more-breath-than-sound laugh again. “Did you have something you want in mind?”
Ichigo considers that for a moment. “Mmmm… make me something.”
Kisuke cocks his head, and some of his hair falls over his eyes. He brushes it back and Ichigo wonders what he’d look like with it tied back, or what it would feel like if she was allowed to run fingers through it. “Make you something?”
Ichigo nods. “Something that will surprise me.” She grins. “I hear you’re good at that.”
Kisuke hums, and he doesn’t promise her a new invention, but he does lean back in his seat, his eyes going distant, and Ichigo can practically see the new ideas form in his mind. She suppresses a laugh of her own and gets up instead to clear away their empty food cartons before getting back to work. She’s not surprised when he pulls out a notebook a few minutes later, and for the rest of the night, only the scratch of pen on paper breaks the hush between them.
Three months later, Kisuke enters the Shiba compound dressed in his finest clothes. He feels awkward in them but he can’t exactly wear his uniform to this event, even if he’s fairly sure Ichigo won’t care. He drops off his gift at the table already piled high with them, and then a servant leads him to his seat, near the front where the guest of honour and her relatives will sit, and he isn’t surprised when Yoruichi drops down beside him a moment later.
Neither of them speaks. Kisuke glances over, checks automatically for Sui-Feng before remembering she probably hasn’t been invited, and then realizes he feels… nothing. Not the hot sting of jealousy, nor the twist of hurt at knowing he’d been cast aside. Instead, his mind wanders and he finds himself wondering if Yoruichi - who has a good eye for kimonos - had a hand in dressing Ichigo up, and then he wonders - with more than a little amusement - how big a tantrum Ichigo probably threw at being stuffed into something probably as uncomfortable as his own current attire. She doesn’t even like wearing her captain’s haori when she can help it. Kisuke should know - he’s the one forced to hold it for her on the streets just in case they happen to pass a captain who would care and she has to throw it back on in a pinch.
He blinks and meets Yoruichi’s gaze again, gold and and knowing and forever unapologetic, and he inclines his head in return. Neither of them speaks, but he supposes, when it matters, they’ve never really had to.
It’s another half-hour before the last of the guests arrive, and then the Shibas enter. Ichigo is last, and as soon as Kisuke sees her, he can’t look away.
Blue is the Shibas’ colour, just as gold is the Shihouins’, and white is the Kuchikis’. Ichigo enters, dressed in a shimmering dark blue kimono patterned with bursts of fireworks. In contrast, her orange hair stands out that much more against it, pinned back with glittering kanzashi but left free to tumble down her back like a river of fire. Her brown eyes are bright, her cheeks blushed a delicate pink. She sweeps in like a force of nature barely contained, every inch a lady of noble birth, and against the backdrop of the night sky behind her, she is radiant.
Oh, something in Kisuke thinks in a daze, and beside him, he hears Yoruichi sigh, fond and exasperated in turn, but Kisuke doesn’t look at her because Ichigo catches his eye in the next moment and smiles, warm and glowing, and Kisuke can do nothing but stare back, utterly mesmerized.
Hours later, after the toasts and the seven-course dinner and even more toasts, everyone is free to mingle. Kisuke automatically sinks back into some nearby shadows, and for a while he gets some time to himself because Ichigo is busy thanking everyone for coming and making the appropriate amount of small talk. It still feels like no time at all when she appears in a burst of colour in front of him, flushed with a few drinks, breaking into another smile when she sees him.
She’s always so happy to see him, and Kisuke thinks he’s missed a few things over the past several years of their friendship.
“Kisuke!” She exclaims, and he realizes she’s clutching his gift, already half-unwrapped, in her hands. “These are fantastic, thank you!”
They’re a pair of hairpins, in her family’s colour, polished to perfection but purposely dulled so it won’t catch light in the dark, with jeweled heliotropes set along them. They’re not anything fancy, but they’re also not normal. Kisuke made them sharp enough to kill obviously, but the heliotropes themselves hide the real centerpiece. He blew up thirty-nine sets before he finally managed to get it right - a linked portal seal between the two, so that in an emergency, so long as Ichigo leaves one in a safe place and keeps the other on her, all she would need to do is send a spark of her own reiatsu into one set of flowers and it would teleport her straight to the other hairpin. Nothing - not an average bakudou, not one of the forbidden Kidou spells, not even different dimensions - would be able to prevent her from being transported to safety. The hairpins are designed to tear through literally anything in its way, and they’re probably one of Kisuke’s greatest achievements to date. It’s the only one of its kind, and as soon as Ichigo touched them, her passive reiryoku came into contact with them, and they now respond only to her.
He wrote down the explanation of course, Kidou-locked for her eyes only, and Ichigo beams at him now, clearly delighted.
“Here, help me put it on,” She says, already yanking out her kanzashi.
Kisuke can practically see Kuukaku’s wrath manifest a physical form from across the courtyard, and he pointedly pretends not to notice. Instead, he sighs rather helplessly even as something thrills inside him, possessive and smug. He firmly ignores it, focusing on tucking back the stray orange strands of Ichigo’s hair before clipping one of the hairpins through. They’re terribly lacking compared to her kanzashi but Ichigo doesn’t seem to care.
“The other one?” Kisuke asks, glancing down, only to blink when Ichigo catches one of his hands and presses the second hairpin into his palm.
Kisuke looks up. Ichigo smiles back, quiet and steady and resolute even as she withdraws her own hands again and takes a step back.
“Keep it safe for me, okay?” She asks, and Kisuke can’t find any words for a moment. But Ichigo doesn’t seem to need an answer, one hand rising to brush over the hairpin instead before swirling around in a neat spin. “How do I look? You haven’t said yet.”
Kisuke… doesn’t really plan on saying it. Somehow, entirely unlike him, it slips out anyway.
“Beautiful,” He says, voice just a touch too hoarse. “You look beautiful.”
Ichigo’s eyes go wide. And Kisuke can’t possibly have been the only one to say it, because she shines like a phoenix tonight, and it’s not even a particularly creative compliment; she’s almost certainly heard better. But she seems so very surprised anyway, and then she blushes to the tips of her ears, floundering for words in a way that isn’t at all like her.
“Thanks,” She finally mumbles, ducking her head for a moment before straightening just as quickly, something like defiance and challenge squaring her shoulders as she studies him searchingly for all of two seconds before reaching out and catching his arm. “Come on, the fireworks will start soon. We should get a good spot. The roof on the eastern side is best.”
She drags him off, and Kisuke goes willingly. Later, they sit shoulder to shoulder with the crackle of multi-coloured fireworks exploding overhead. Ichigo smiles  up at the sky, and Kisuke watches her out of the corner of his eye, recalling all their moments together over the past five years, wondering if she really has felt… more for him than he’s ever realized.
She’s a Shiba though. Half the noble guests here tonight brought along their sons and nephews for no other reason than because Ichigo will have to marry well one day. If this were a race, Kisuke knows he has already lost. But, they’re friends. Ichigo is actually probably his only friend, Yoruichi aside, and that will have to be good enough. Ichigo isn’t the type to cast anyone aside even after she marries, which won’t be for a while yet anyway, and if nothing else, the Shibas won’t ever wed her off to someone who would dictate who she can see and what she can do. So Kisuke will get to keep her friendship, and so long as he has that, then he can be content.
4. In this world, Kisuke does not create the Hougyoku. Oh, he stumbles on the idea, even starts on the project, but when it becomes clear that he’s going to have to more or less dissect the souls of dozens if not hundreds of souls, Pluses and Hollows alike, because he isn’t going to figure this out without seeing what happens, Kisuke thinks of Ichigo, thinks of what she would think if she knew, and… he stops.
He wants to know. He always wants to know, anything and everything he doesn’t already. But this, this is what Ichigo would consider cruel, this is wrong, and Kisuke’s curiosity over the outcome of this little experiment isn’t worth Ichigo’s disappointment.
So he sighs and mentally shelves this line of research, at least until he can figure out a better way to do it, and then he scraps the project. There are plenty of other areas he can turn his mind to after all. Besides-
“Kisuke!” Ichigo bursts into his personal labs, dragging a disheveled-looking Akon behind her. “I sent your Third Seat to the Fourth!”
Kisuke sighs. “What did he do now?”
She scowls at him and hauls Akon up front and center. Ichigo’s on the tall side, only a few inches shorter than Kisuke, so even standing straight, Akon only reaches her chest-height.
“He tried to experiment on Akon!” She snaps, and Kisuke frowns, because he’s pretty sure this would be the seventh time Kurotsuchi’s tried to overstep the boundaries Kisuke set. It isn’t as if he even has that many, and surely don’t experiment on your fellow squad members isn’t too difficult to remember?
He sighs again and glances down at Akon, who looks slightly flustered under Ichigo’s fussing. Kisuke arches an amused eyebrow, and Akon glowers at him.
Still, Ichigo’s taken a liking to Akon, and aside from time in the labs, the kid usually haunts the Tenth more than the Twelfth these days.
“How about the Academy?” Kisuke suggests abruptly, and Ichigo blinks at him. “He isn’t cleared for missions or anywhere other than the SRDI since he hasn’t passed the Shinigami requirements at the school, but if he goes, and graduates, I’ll be able to transfer him over to the Tenth.” He looks at Akon again. “You like it better over there anyway, don’t you? But of course, you’ll still have lab space here.”
Akon looks openly astonished for a split second, then wheels around to stare up at Ichigo. “Shiba-taichou-?”
Ichigo grins and ruffles his hair. “If it’s what you want, that’s fine by me! My family can even put in a recommendation, and don’t you worry about books and supplies. The next entrance exam is coming up too so this is perfect timing!”
She begins ushering him out the door again, Akon hanging on to her every word, but she pauses and glances back just before she leaves.
Kisuke inclines his head. “I’ll take care of it.” He considers that for a moment before adding, “Permanently.”
Ichigo nods briskly, her smile going grim and dark for a split second, and then she turns her attention back to Akon as they continue on their way.
Kisuke listens to their voices fade, absently tapping the flat of his Zanpakutou against his thigh.
Well, he supposes Kurotsuchi was never going to work out anyway. The man’s even had the audacity to make noises - albeit relatively muted ones whenever Kisuke’s around - about getting his hands on Ichigo, such an anomaly of natural-born reiatsu even for a Shiba, and Kisuke’s seen the way the other man’s eyes gleam and follow Ichigo around when she’s at the Twelfth. And that just isn’t acceptable. Of course, on one hand, Ichigo would crush him if he ever tries anything, but on the other, it’s really only a matter of time before Kurotsuchi’s greed gets the better of him, and why bother Ichigo with this issue when Kisuke can prevent it?
It’s a shame. Kurotsuchi isn’t quite at Kisuke’s level of genius, and somehow, he’s even more obsessive about his various scientific interests than Kisuke, but he would’ve helped boost the SRDI to greater heights. Kisuke draws the line at harming those under his protection though. He’s given Kurotsuchi plenty of chances to curb his more… excessive inclinations. This time will be the last time.
A week later, Kisuke makes his way out of the Maggots’ Nest, and Kurotsuchi doesn’t actually stop screaming threats at him until there’s too many walls and doors between them for Kisuke to hear him.
Yoruichi is waiting outside, one eyebrow going up when she sees him come out alone. “I thought you had high hopes for that one?”
Kisuke smiles blandly back at her. “Yes, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out.”
Kisuke shrugs and turns in the direction of his division compound. “You know I don’t like it when people touch my stuff, Yoruichi-san.”
His squad is his. His people are his. Ichigo isn’t, not the way he’s slowly realizing he’d prefer. But she’s still under his protection, even if she doesn’t need it, and Kisuke would throw away a lot more than a single asset to keep her safe.
Later that same day, Ichigo brings him a cake, and Kisuke has to laugh when he sees that the icing reads, Sorry You Lost Your Best Creepy Scientist.
“I’ll find others for my department,” Kisuke assures as he bites into his first slice.
Ichigo scoffs and slaps down a stack of files. “’Course you will, and I’m gonna help. You and Kurotsuchi and Akon can’t be the only science geeks in Soul Society. So, how ’bout we write up a proposal for the old man? A separate exam for people who don’t necessarily want to become Shinigami but might be interested in a research grant or something? Maybe we can even create a new branch of the Academy, something that focuses on whatever basics you would need to apply to your department. They can still be required to take the core subjects, but if they decide they want to enter the SRDI, you can even set a curriculum for them, since you’d know best what they’d need. As for the SRDI, why not make it separate from the Gotei but still attached, like the Onmitsukidou and the Kidou Corps. Right now, I’m pretty sure most people still think of it as your side-hobby or something. But in the long run, if we do this right, I think even Central 46 would see the benefits of starting something like this.”
Kisuke just… stares at her for a minute. He looks at the plans that Ichigo has already begun drafting up, that she’s taken the time to think of Kisuke and consider what he might want and how to help him further his ambitions, and then he looks back at her again, and he promises himself then that if she ever expresses even the slightest unhappiness with whoever she ends up married to one day, he’ll carve them up into as many pieces as physically and spiritually possible because this woman deserves the world.
“That’s genius,” He says faintly, and Ichigo beams. She shoves the files at him, shuffles their cake off to the side, and then they spend the rest of the day lobbing ideas back and forth for a system Kisuke can’t wait to put into practice.
5. Five years later, the Mission happens. The Ninth Division goes to investigate the disappearances out in Rukongai, then an irritated Hiyori heads out when a researcher is requested, and then the emergency meeting is called when the entire investigation team’s reiatsu signatures disappear.
“I’ll go,” Ichigo repeats once the meeting is over and the backup team is about to head out. “Don’t worry, Kisuke, I’ll get Hiyori back alive and in one piece.”
Kisuke grimaces but nods. Hiyori might as well be Ichigo’s lieutenant as well at this point, and he knows Ichigo will do everything she can to retrieve Hiyori.
“You stay safe too,” Kisuke reminds her, gaze flicking briefly to the hairpin he’s never seen her go out without. The other remains with him, always.
Ichigo nods back determinedly, and then she leaves.
If Kisuke had known what would happen, he would’ve tied her up and sat on her to make sure she didn’t leave Seireitei that night. Or at the very least, he would’ve gone with her, orders be damned.
But in this world, in this time, he trusts Ichigo as much as he trusts himself, and if there’s even the slightest possibility of returning Hiyori and everyone else alive, he believes Ichigo will do it. So in this world, he does not go after them, fiddling listlessly with various projects in his labs instead as he waits for word of their return.
He doesn’t get word. Instead, a shriek rings high and clear in the far, far distance, and Kisuke skids outside just in time to see the blazing light of fireworks burning on the horizon like it’s set the sky on fire.
His stomach drops. Ichigo had told him about this once - a canister of specialized fireworks that serves as an SOS, carried by every Shiba, Shinigami or otherwise, released only in worst-case scenarios when reinforcements are desperately needed.
In the distance, from the direction of the Shiba compound, a muffled uproar stirs, one that’s closely followed by a commotion at the Thirteenth. Then there’s a displacement of air and Ichigo’s lieutenant is suddenly beside him. Kisuke glances over and isn’t at all surprised to see the ice in Koyonagi’s face. Ichigo’s probably the last person anyone thought would require reinforcements. That she thinks she needs it when she already has three other captains and two lieutenants with her makes the whole situation even worse.
“I’ll take a team and go,” Koyonagi says abruptly, and it isn’t a question. Unlike Hiyori, Koyonagi obeys one person and one person alone. “You stay here.” He glares, pre-empting Kisuke’s protest. “If she uses that portal seal-” Because of course if anyone would realize the significance of Ichigo suddenly wearing a hair accessory everywhere since five years ago, it would be the former Kidou Corps Commander. “-because she needs medical attention, what use would it be if you’re in the middle of Rukongai?”
He’s gone in the next second, and Kisuke has to grit his teeth and take a fortifying breath to stop himself from going after him. The urge tears at him anyway. He isn’t used to staying back, doing nothing, feeling completely useless.
He should’ve gone with her.
Hours later, in the early light of dawn with half the city a bustling hive of tense activity and both the Tenth and Twelfth Divisions on high alert, Kisuke gets only a moment’s warning, the hairpin he’s been cradling in his hands rippling with Ichigo’s familiar abyssal reiatsu before a burst of light whites out the room.
Kisuke has to take a moment to blink the spots from his sight, and then he takes all of three seconds to take in the sudden influx of bodies in his lab - Muguruma and Kuna, unconscious and locked down with so many Kidou binding spells that they look about ready for transport to prison, with Ushouda standing over them, Aikawa and Ootoribashi supporting each other but at least they’re also on their feet, Yadoumaru, her blade still drawn and  bloodied, and Hirako, hair and uniform splashed with blood but with enough strength to support Ichigo, who’s half-collapsed against the blond, a bloodstained hairpin still clutched in one white-knuckled grip.
Kisuke has eyes for no one else. “Ichigo!”
He hasn’t been idle in the past several hours, setting out everything he thought he might need just in case Ichigo really did come back in serious need of medical aid. Hirako relinquishes Ichigo to him, but Kisuke barely has time to lay her out on a padded table before she convulses, once, twice, and then she screams.
“Tie her down!” Hirako barks, and Kisuke almost slits the other captain’s throat for that as Ushouda cuffs her to the table. The Fifth Division captain gives a jerky shake of his head. “She’s been infected by- by whatever the hell Aizen was doin’. He got Kensei and Mashiro too, but they’re out for now.” He grimaces, a baring of teeth that looks equal parts angry and scared. “Aizen said somethin’ about them bein’ Hollowfied?” Kisuke’s blood runs cold. “The rest of Kensei’s team is dead, but these two ambushed us, and I don’t think they knew who we were. Ichigo managed ta set off her flare before slippin’ past them and attackin’ Aizen. The rest of us focused on subduin’ Kensei and Mashiro. And Ichimaru and Tousen were with them, on Aizen’s side. We managed ta get them too. Kaien and Koyonagi and half the Shiba Clan are on scene now. Hiyori’s fine as well and insisted on stayin’.” He looks like he wants to cringe as Ichigo thrashes futilely and screams again like someone’s carving out her insides with a rusty spoon. “Can ya do anythin’ for her?!”
Kisuke swears under his breath, hands already glowing, trying to get an actual reading on whatever the hell is happening with Ichigo’s body. His ears ring with the shrill sounds of Ichigo in obvious agony, and he has to check to make sure his hands aren’t shaking because they certainly feel like they are.
“Did he have an orb on him?” Kisuke shouts over Ichigo’s screams. “Aizen!” And he hopes the man is still alive, if only because Kisuke dearly wishes to strangle the traitor with his own spine. “About the size of a fist, blue-”
“Yeah, I have it,” Yadoumaru steps forward, yanking an eerie blue-green orb from a pocket of her Shihakushou. “Will it help reverse this?”
Kisuke has no answers for her, and he doesn’t have time either before Ichigo’s screams abruptly cut off, and Kisuke just manages to disintegrate the Kidou cuffs and turn her onto her side before she throws up a viscous white substance all over the floor.
“’isuke,” She slurs, feverish recognition surfacing for a moment once she manages to stop. “’isuke, it ’urts-”
“I know,” Kisuke murmurs, helping her drink some water. “I know, sweetheart. I’ll fix it, I promise. Can you tell me what happened when you fought Aizen?”
He gets a garbled recount of an illusion-type Zanpakutou - out of sight, Hirako kicks something over - that Ichigo managed to overcome thanks to her overwhelmingly high levels of reiatsu combined with something inside her - something new and bloodthirsty and ruthless - that had taken over her body long enough to shatter Aizen’s influence. They’d destroyed five districts in their battle but Ichigo had come out on top in the end.
She stops, choking on a cry as another wave of pain courses through her, clawing at her own skin, and her usual brown eyes flash yellow-on-black. Kisuke holds her down through it, and then he forgets himself and reaches up to cradle her face with his hands. Ichigo meets his gaze only after a dizzying moment of confusion where she doesn’t even seem to know where she is anymore, but she seems to calm too at his touch, just a bit.
“I’m going to knock you out,” Kisuke says quietly. “It’s not doing you any good to stay awake right now. But I’ll make this better, Ichigo, I promise. Trust me.”
Ichigo only manages a weak smile in response, but her eyes are steady on his, and she doesn’t so much as twitch as a spell washes over her and puts her to sleep.
Kisuke takes a step back. When he turns, everyone who’s still awake is staring, but he ignores them, directing Ushouda to put Muguruma and Kuna onto two of the other tables before holding out a hand for the orb.
The Hougyoku. To think, where even Kisuke stopped, Aizen Sousuke did not. He wonders just how many the other man has killed for this to actually work.
Out loud, he says curtly, “I need peace and quiet. You may stay, but stay out of my way. If you’re injured, go to the Fourth. I have no time for you right now.”
And then he turns and gets to work.
It takes Kisuke a week. He doesn’t sleep, barely eats, and he doesn’t leave his labs until Ichigo - and Muguruma and Kuna - is breathing easy again.
He checks Ichigo one more time, sets a monitor in case she wakes while he’s gone, spares a moment to brush fingers over the two hairpins he’d washed and set on the side table, and then he heads upstairs, makes his way out of the SRDI, and promptly walks straight into what looks like a war.
At least half his officers plus the Tenth’s are arrayed across the compound walls, bristling with weapons, patrolling like they’ve somehow become the target of a siege. Kisuke stares, double-checks to make sure he isn’t hallucinating from exhaustion, and then shunpos directly over to where he can sense Hiyori’s reiatsu signature.
“What is going on?” He asks, all out of patience, with not enough energy to waffle around the issue.
Hiyori startles, jumping half a foot, hand falling to her Zanpakutou, but she relaxes when she sees him. He’s never going to be her favourite person, but over the years, they’ve at least built a decent working relationship, especially once he started taking his position more seriously and not just focusing all his attention on establishing the SRDI.
“Gimme some warnin’!” She growls, but doesn’t react beyond that. “A week ago, Central 46 came out with an execution order for Ichigo and the other two,” She reports with a scowl, nodding emphatically when Kisuke slices a sharp glance down at her. “Guards came and tried ta storm our compound ta drag ’em out. Obviously we weren’t just gonna let them. We shut the gates, knocked out anyone who tried ta force their way in anyway, and dumped them back outside. The Fifth, Eighth, and Thirteenth even sent over help halfway inta the second day. A couple days after that, assassins started tryin’ ta sneak in.” She grins, looking positively feral. “Koyonagi stabbed the first one he caught in the face. Those ones, we returned dead.” She shook her head. “The last attack was yesterday mornin’. Word’s come down that Central 46 was influenced by Aizen’s Zanpakutou or somethin’, and since Ichigo left ’im alive, it’s still affectin’ ’em. Unohana-taichou’s been workin’ on it though. That might be why they haven’t sent anymore guards, but we’re all still keepin’ a lookout. Oh yeah, and I heard the Shiba Clan’s about one wrong word away from rebellion, and rumour has it that the Shihouin Clan’s willin’ ta follow. So for now, nobody’s doin’ anythin’ but there’s a hell of a lot of swords pointed at each other in Seireitei at the moment.”
She turns demanding eyes up at Kisuke. “Well? What about you then? Is Ichigo gonna be okay? And the other two I guess.”
“They’ll be fine,” Kisuke says even as his thoughts race. Execution? That’s extreme even for Central 46, especially when a Shiba is involved. They should know full well that attacking one of that clan is attacking the entire clan, that attacking Kaien is attacking the Eighth and Thirteenth, and that attacking Ichigo might as well be attacking half the Gotei and her whole family.
Besides, striking at even one of the Five Pillars of Soul Society is never a good idea.
“Aizen is still alive?” He asks next.
Hiyori actually smirks. “Yeah, but last I heard, he’s still in a coma. Ichigo kicked his ass pretty hard.”
Excellent. Just enough left for Kisuke to get a piece of him.
“Keep me posted,” He orders as the monitor guarding Ichigo goes off. He hesitates for a moment, then adds awkwardly, “You’re alright too though? Hirako-san told me you were, but…”
Hiyori rolls her eyes. “I’m fine. I hid pretty well as soon as I realized somethin’ was seriously wrong with that team from the Ninth. And then Ichigo crashed in with Shinji and the others. I barely got scratched, and that was just because that smiley-eyed creep Ichimaru got in a lucky hit.”
Kisuke exhales. “Good. Then just make sure you get some rest; don’t spend all your time out here. And until you have proof that Central 46 has rescinded the execution order-” He pauses a beat. “-and sent along a formal apology to the Shiba Clan, don’t stand down.”
Hiyori snorts. “I don’t need you to tell me that.”
Kisuke smiles briefly, and then shunpos away again. He gets back to his labs just in time to find Ichigo struggling to sit up.
“You shouldn’t be getting up yet,” Kisuke scolds, but he’s already at her side, one arm sliding around her back to support her.
“What day is it?” Ichigo mumbles, sagging against him once she’s more or less upright. “What’s happening?”
She obediently sips at the cup of water Kisuke holds up to her lips, and it seems to revive her a bit more, if only to let her shoot him an impatient look.
At least she’s well enough to do that.
It doesn’t take long for Kisuke to summarize the situation outside since he doesn’t know all the details himself, and then he tells her about the Hougyoku and its effects and the monster that now lives inside her soul.
Ichigo, of course, just shrugs. “Well, at least I’m alive to learn to live with it.” She glances down at herself and wrinkles her nose. “Now help me to the bathroom. I need a shower and a change of clothes. And food. In that order.” She glances at him knowingly. “We probably both do.”
Kisuke heaves a sigh, but he supposes she isn’t wrong.
“You first,” He says firmly, and without waiting for a reply, he simply scoops her up into his arms instead of levering her to her feet.
“Kisuke!” Ichigo yelps, fingers scrambling for the collar of his Shihakushou.
“You shouldn’t be up at all,” Kisuke grumbles. “But if you insist, I’ll have to carry you.”
Ichigo makes a disgruntled noise, but it’s telling that she doesn’t complain. She’s pliant as Kisuke helps her into the shower, and luckily, there’s a stool he can stick inside so she won’t have to stand.
He makes sure the towels and soap are all within easy reach before straightening to back out of the room, only to pause when Ichigo’s hand catches his own.
Kisuke stills before glancing down. Ichigo tips her head back to look up at him, and she doesn’t smile, but the way she looks at him is unmistakable, steadfast and warm and full of something like wonder.
Kisuke’s on his knees before he realizes, and his free hand extends with a mind of its own, tucking a stray strand of Ichigo’s hair behind her ear, and then just… lingering, his fingers skittering across her temple, his thumb tracing the curve of a cheekbone. Ichigo leans into his touch, eyes falling to half-mast, and for a while, neither of them speaks.
“…How long?” Kisuke asks at last, because he’s wanted to know since he figured it out.
Ichigo’s mouth twists, wry and just a little self-mocking. “Well, not from the very first time I saw you at least.”
Kisuke blinks, then splutters. “Saw-? You mean back when Yoruichi-san was still dragging me over to your estate every few months?”
Even Ichigo looks faintly embarrassed as she admits, “I had the biggest crush. It was horrible.”
Kisuke tries to remember, but all he can recall of Ichigo back then is… orange hair, a roiling mass of reiatsu she could never quite control, and a tendency for never being able to stay still.
“You never spoke to me,” Kisuke says haltingly after a long minute of searching his memory.
Ichigo shrugs. “I was just some girl who didn’t even have her Zanpakutou yet, and you were already a Third Seat in the Gotei. You were smart, and strong, and you were only interested in people who could keep up with you. What was I supposed to talk to you about?” She straightens, and the tilt of her chin is all triumph. “I made you notice me though, once I was promoted to captain. And then you gave me a chance to get to know you a lot better than just from Yoruichi-nee-san’s stories.”
Kisuke wonders for all of half a second if Yoruichi had known, but of course she had.
(He’d always known that any feelings he’d felt for her beyond admiration and friendship would go nowhere. Yoruichi simply didn’t feel the same for him, but even if she did, the weight of his debt to her would always put them on uneven ground.
He’d known. She’d known. And in the end, she’d taken matters into her own hands - as she always had, wisdom and selfishness forever two parts of the same coin - and given him a chance for something new.)
“You’re a Shiba,” He says at last, and his hand drops to clasp hers. “I have no right to court you.”
Ichigo scoffs loudly. “Did I ever say I want to be courted? You think I want to deal with some faceless stranger sending me a bunch of gifts I’ll probably have no use for, and expecting me to retire and pop out children for him and tend to his house all day? Who do you think you’re talking to?” She shakes her head. “Besides, it’s not about right. Do you think Kaien-nii-san would ever force me to marry someone I want nothing to do with? I was lucky enough to be born a Shiba. The elders will fuss, but Kaien-nii-san will shut them up. And other people might talk, but my family won’t care, and more importantly, I won’t care.” She looks at him then, eyes blazing with that inner fire Kisuke has always been drawn to. “So long as you don’t care either, what do other people matter?”
Kisuke’s gaze drops to their joined hands. There’s still blood crusted underneath both their fingernails. But Ichigo’s hands fit comfortably in his own, and Kisuke never wants to let go.
He sighs. “You deserve bet-”
“I get to decide what I deserve,” Ichigo cuts him off, and her narrowed eyes dare him to argue. “And I’ve decided that I deserve you. That I want you. And it’s one thing if you don’t want me. If you just want to stay friends, then I’ll respect that. But don’t give me that ‘you deserve better’ bullshit. You’re plenty good enough for me. You make me laugh. You make me happy. You feed me when I forget to eat, and you put up with me when I’m whining about stupid things, and you listen to me when I talk about all the human literature I like to read even though I know you’re not very interested in that stuff. You trust me to watch your back on the field, and you respect me enough to never go easy on me in a spar. You always make time for me even when you’re busy, and when I’m having a bad day, just seeing you makes it better.” Kisuke closes his eyes, and his next breath shakes in his chest. Ichigo forges on, relentless. “Why would I want anyone else when the man I love is already right here beside me?”
She might’ve had more to say. But Kisuke doesn’t hear it because he’s already surged up and caught her mouth with his own. One of his arms snakes around her back while his other hand slams into the shower wall behind her so they don’t go tumbling to the floor. For a moment, the kiss is awkward, teeth catching on lips, the angle not quite right, and then Ichigo makes a sound that’s pure relief before tilting her head, and their mouths slide together like puzzle pieces clicking into place.
They’re both out of breath when they finally part, Ichigo more so than Kisuke, and Kisuke mentally berates himself for forgetting that Ichigo is still recovering. “Sorry, are you-”
Ichigo rolls her eyes and steadies herself on the chair. “I’m fine.” She grins cheekily. “More than fine now.”
Kisuke huffs a laugh, helplessly fond and hopelessly in love with this ridiculous woman. “Alright. Alright, Ichigo. But can we at least get you that shower and some food in you first before we continue?”
Ichigo pouts, but she also reaches back to tug her hair out of the braid Kisuke had put it in to keep it out of the way when he’d been working on saving her life. “Fine, but only cuz I’m starving.”
As if on cue, her stomach growls, and Kisuke hides another smile by leaning forward and kissing her again, although he keeps it short enough to make Ichigo grumble a little.
“I’ll see what we have in the lounge,” Kisuke says, finally getting to his feet again.
Ichigo waves him out, and by the time Kisuke’s fetched a fresh set of clothes from a side-cabinet and left it on the counter, the water is running and steam is curling up to the ceiling.
Kisuke leaves her to it, gently closing the door behind him. He pauses there, looks down at his hands, and feels the phantom warmth of Ichigo’s still curled around them.
If he can have this, he thinks, if Ichigo truly wants this, wants him of all people, then…
Then even if her family protests and the world disapproves, Kisuke will have to be dead and gone before he ever lets her go. If Ichigo is willing to fight for them, then how can Kisuke possibly do anything less?
Another week passes, the detente ends, and the tension mostly eases. Unohana finally managed to heal Aizen enough for the man to at least wake up, even if he’s also been transferred to a cell to wait for trial. It’s guarded twenty-four/seven and layered under at least half a dozen barrier seals, and Aizen himself has been strapped down, his reiatsu locked away, and his Zanpakutou broken.
Kisuke gets in anyway. The guards are all Onmitsukidou and ultimately loyal to a woman who has no qualms helping Kisuke with his revenge.
Aizen’s eyes go wide when he sees him, and Kisuke doesn’t think he’s imagining the fear behind the fury.
“Here to kill me then?” The former lieutenant rasps.
Kisuke smiles, cold and dead and merciless. “Kill you? Do you think me so kind, Aizen-san?” Aizen stiffens as Kisuke produces a syringe, the liquid inside glowing an ominous crimson. “I invented this one just for you.” His smile drops. “You shouldn’t have touched Shiba Ichigo.”
He doesn’t give Aizen time to reply, or stall for time, or even beg. He’s not here for any of that.
He’s halfway back to his own compound when the screaming begins.
Soul Society comes to accept the species now called Visored. The Shiba Clan doesn’t really give them a choice in the matter. Ichigo, Kensei, and Mashiro were the ones most immediately affected by the Hogyoku, but everyone else who was there received a spark as well, just enough to gain the potential for Hollow powers or have it nullified under Kisuke’s experienced hands, and most of them pick the latter. Only Shinji does not.
Soul Society gets used to them. There isn’t any outward difference anyway once they learn to control their other half, and there’s so many other more interesting things to gossip about when it comes to these particular Shinigami-turned-Visored.
Like how Fifth Division captain Hirako Shinji mopes in guilt for three months before coming into work one day with all his hair shaved off. Rumour has it that Shiba Ichigo had had enough and chopped off his hair to shake him out of his cloud of misery. Another rumour says Sarugaki Hiyori just about laughed herself to death when she saw.
Or, like how the Ninth - already fanatically loyal to their captain and lieutenant - rallied around them in the aftermath of the Incident, and for a good six months, the tally of people that they sent to the Fourth every week exceeded even the Eleventh’s.
Or, like how Tenth Division captain Shiba Ichigo and Twelfth Division captain Urahara Kisuke were caught sharing a kiss at a sushi restaurant one summer afternoon, and word of it spread like wildfire. Rumour says Shiba Kaien laughed a noble house leader out the door when he’d dared suggest that the Shiba head should keep a tighter rein on his terribly undisciplined cousin. Another rumour says half the Tenth Division barracks were destroyed one afternoon because the Tenth’s lieutenant challenged the Twelfth’s captain to a spar that got… slightly out of hand. And yet another rumour tells of Shiba Ichigo herself starting a bar fight for the ages after someone had insulted her lover to her face.
But mostly, people see the two of them walking down the street, and it’s a familiar sight by this point. Some sigh of love stories and others sneer at a Rukon rat and bloodstained murderer putting his hands on a noble.
None of their opinions hold any weight though - that becomes clear enough. Not when Ichigo reaches for Kisuke’s hand like she knows he’ll always be there, and Kisuke stands next to Ichigo like his whole being is attuned to her very heartbeat.
Not when they look at each other like they’re two people perfectly in love. Because in the end, for them, that really is all that matters.
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Abandon All Hope...: 5x10 Recap
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Jo and Ellen! Whaaaa.
We open to Generic City, USA, where a fancy man in a fancy suit exits a fancy car under a highway, and buries a small box in the gravel. “Mr. Pendleton, I presume.” Ah, the first words uttered by our previously only mentioned friend, Crowley. The man is surprised Crowley isn’t a woman, since this deal will be sealed with a kiss. Get over your homophobia dude. (Ha, Boris is typing this up as she watches and loves that Crowley calls him out on this as well. Oh Crowley, how we’ll miss you.) Crowley starts counting and the dude agrees, and our favorite King of the Cross Roads swoops in to seal the deal. (Boris is just going to pause right here and admit she doesn’t rewatch this episode. It’s too painful, so I didn't remember how long this kiss lasted. I know this isn’t romantic and my thoughts are way off topic, blah, blah, blah, but uh, yeah, I’m not going to settle for anything less than a kiss when Destiel does eventually exist.) Anyway, the crossroads deal is witnessed by our favorite flying badass in a trenchcoat. Castiel has tracked down Crowley.
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Cas is on the phone with Dean, filling him in with the deal. Ah! This is the episode where Dean calls Cas Huggy Bear (ok, my half of the recap will just be be reminiscing on quotes, etc. that I didn’t realize happened in this episode.#sorrynotsorry) Crowley tells the man to enjoy his new wealth and that he’ll see him in 10 years. (crying noise, crying noise) Crowley takes off, with Cas in hot pursuit. Cas tracks him to a place that’s warded with Enochian magic, which means Cas can’t enter. Sam and Dean are on the case!
Later that night we’re introduced to Crowley’s domicile, and one of my very favorite musical quasi-introductions of a character ever on this show. Crowley’s making cocktails, watching Hitler videos, listening to the Main Ingredient’s “Everybody Plays the Fool”. (Fun fact: Cuba Gooding Sr. is the lead singer of this band.)
A woman buzzes the main gate. In distress, she asks for help with her car that’s broken down. The woman turns to the camera, and it’s Jo! The demon guards are condescending and gross, but Jo’s a professional hunter and plays with them long enough for Sam to stick a demon blade in each of them. Along with Dean, the trio head inside to find Crowley.
Once inside, Sam and Dean confront Crowley. They’re smart, but he’s Crowley, so their hidden devil’s trap idea doesn’t work. Instead, they’re captured by Crowley’s minions. He knows exactly why they’re visiting him: The Colt. He promptly shoots both his demons with the gun. Plot Twist!
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Crowley leads the brothers deeper into his inner sanctum, informing them that without his rumors about the Colt, they wouldn’t have had the gun at all. He had it well hidden. Sam wonders why he would share it with them at all. “I want you to take this thing to Lucifer, and empty it into his face.” Crowley’s loathing for that particular fallen angel dates way back. Crowley understands that if Lucifer succeeds in destroying humankind, demons are next. “So what do you say if I give you this thing, and you go kill the devil?” IT’S A PLAN! What can possibly go wrong?! NOTHING. WE WIN. YAY! Crowley even tells them that Lucifer’s got an appointment in Carthage, MO.
Omg, Sam gets the Colt and then tries to shoot Crowley with it? Lol. Barely batting an eye, Crowley gets them some more ammunition. And tells them that they better not fuck this up, MORONS!
*Classic Drinking Alert*
Back at Bobby’s, Ellen and Jo are trying to upstage Cas with their drinking prowess. And fail. 
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After 5 shots, Cas admits, “I think I’m starting to feel something.”
Sam and Dean discuss the probability that this is all a trap. It is a trap, but the devil is in Missouri. Dean tells Sam that he can’t come --there’s no way they’re just going to hand his vessel over to the devil. Sam insists they’re doing this as a team. Dean relents.
Dean, resigned to his probable death in the morning, decides to give Jo his best “last night on Earth” line (you know, the one he gave Anna --AND CAS), but is shut down. Dude, you shouldn’t have sister-zoned her in season 2. Bobby calls everybody over for a group photo. (crying noise, crying noise)
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The group enters Carthage, and Sam’s internal wi-fi is faulty.
I also really enjoy the set design’s juxtapositions sometimes:
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The boys head off to check out a different part of town, while Jo, Ellen, and Cas (Boris asks: Why was he with them? Answer revealed two seconds later.) scope out the downtown. It looks empty, but Cas reveals that it’s full of reapers. 
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Cas informs them that reapers only gather like this in times of great catastrophe (and then mentions the Chicago fire. *Puts on Wisconsin Nerd Glasses* The Peshtigo fire, which happened on the same exact night, was actually a far more devastating fire.) Cas wanders off to find out why the reapers are there (man, I miss these creepy ass reapers. I mean, if April was anything like these weirdos, human!Cas would have avoided her at all costs, love of PB&J or not.)
Cas follows one reaper into a building, and is trapped by Lucifer (ok, fine, maybe he wouldn’t have avoided April).
Dean, Sam, Jo, and Ellen meet back up. Cas is missing.
Cas is currently trapped in a fire ring of holy oil. Ok, guys, things are about to get heavy, so take a quick breather:
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Lucifer questions Cas’s loyalty to the Winchesters, and marvels at what a peculiar thing he is. You idiot, he’s just like you, only he rebelled against Heaven because he loves humanity too much. Cas notices Lucifer's vessel is failing. He tells Lucifer that he will not take Sam Winchester as his vessel; Cas won’t let him. Lucifer then points out how similar they are, but Cas will not serve Lucifer. He’ll die first. (crying noise, crying noise)
Meanwhile, back with Team Anti-Lucifer, Dean’s missing the angel. As they walk down the street, they’re greeted by Meg, and her faithful hell hounds. We still hate Meg at this point. Dean is particularly stressed about the invisible hell hounds. He shoots one, and they all take off running. Dean goes down and Jo goes back to protect him, but is attacked herself. SON OF A BITCH. This does not get easier on a rewatch. Dean scoops her up and they all run into a store. Sam and Dean secure the perimeter, while Ellen assesses her daughter’s wounds. GODDAMMIT, WHERE'S THE ANGEL!?! It’s bad, folks, and they all know it.
“It's gonna be alright,” Ellen murmurs over her mortally wounded daughter. Sam approaches Dean in despair but Dean bolsters him as he toils over an old radio. Meg has confirmed that Lucifer is in town. They can't give up now.
Back at Bobby's, his CB radio turns on. It's Dean. “Is everyone alright?” Bobby asks.
“No,” Dean tells him, shaking. “It's Jo. It's pretty bad.”
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*Wraps Dean in a blanket*
Bobby can tell that Dean is breaking apart and he calmly prompts him for the next step. Dean tries to reign in his despair to refocus on the mission. “Tell me what you got,” Bobby asks.
They tell Bobby that Cas saw over a dozen reapers at least before he went missing.
Bobby: I don't like the sound of that.
Dean: Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby. But what does that sound like?
Bobby thinks that Lucifer is in town to raise a new horseman. He's going to raise Death, the “pale horseman in the flesh.” (Me: takes some time out of HARD CORE MOURNING to chuckle at the use of “in the flesh” to describe an oft-skeletal being.) The last time Death walked the world was the great floods of Noah's time. While the team has been out on their mission, Bobby's been researching the town. He discovered an old battle ground on a farm dubbed the “Devil's Hell Hole” where hundreds of soldiers died. Hmm, sounds haunty.
Meanwhile, Lucifer's still smirking at Cas when Meg arrives with a report. The Winchesters are pinned down by their hell hound guards. Lucifer tells her to leave them for now and counsels her to have patience when she wishes for bloodier orders. Lucifer offers Cas the gift of time in his little fire circle. He can sit in his corner and think about Lucifer's offer to join his side.
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Back at the shop, the boys go over their to-do list. They've got to sneak past several hell hounds, take Jo and Ellen to safety, and then make it out to the farm before Lucifer raises Death. Noooo problem. Sam heads off to find a stretcher for Jo when she stops them and begs them to be realistic. She can't move her legs, her guts are an ace bandage away from spilling to the floor... She's toast. Ellen begs her not to give up but Jo rattles off her own to-do list. They've got everything in the store they need to build a bomb. “Those are hell hounds out there. They've got all of our scents. Those bitches will never stop coming after you.” She tells them to head to the roof and she'll take them out when they storm the store.
Ellen begs her not to do this, not to give up. But Jo doesn't see it as giving up. She's a fighter and, “This might literally be your last chance to treat me like an adult. Might wanna take it?” Fucking KNIFE twist, Jo.
Ellen wrestles her tears under control. “You heard her,” she tells the boys. “Get to work.”
Enter a bomb making montage:
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Dean lays the final wires and brings the trigger to Jo. “See you on the other side,” he says. “Probably sooner than later.”
“Make it later,” Jo smiles at him.
Dean presses one final kiss to Jo's forehead, then to her lips. It holds all the weight of what might have been, all the weight of her young life cut short. Ellen crouches as though to deliver her final goodbye. The two women exchange looks, their expressions alone writing volumes, and realization comes over Jo. Ellen doesn't plan on leaving her daughter. “Somebody's gotta let them in.” Ellen tells the boys to get moving. “Dean, kick it in the ass. Don't miss.”
The boys head out and Jo and Ellen listen to the hell hounds snarling outside. Ellen wipes the salt from the door, removes the chains, and turns the gas on in the bomb. She cradles Jo in her arms. “I will always love you,” she tells Jo.
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Okay, listen. I often joke about needing to take a break from recapping for a bout of crying but I seriously needed to take a crying break. This scene gets me every damn time. The delicate way their relationship is portrayed in this episode, the beautiful potential they both held, followed by their horrific loss hurts so badly. This episode is so well written but fucking OUCH.
As the hell hounds approach the door, Jo dies in Ellen's arms. Tears fall and she just manages to reign in her sobs because there's work to do. The hell hounds burst in and stalk through the store. Ellen waits until one exhales into her face. “You can go straight back to Hell, you ugly bitch!”
The store blows and Dean and Sam run.
We cut to the farm where the townspeople have gathered. “Last words?” Sam asks.
“I think I'm good,” Dean says. Time to go out in a blaze of glory, just like Ellen and Jo.
Sam shouts at the Devil, interrupting his digging. Lucifer smirks at Sam. It's just the distraction they need because in the next moment, Dean has the Colt up against Lucifer's temple. He fires it and sends a bullet straight through his head.
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Hooray! They did it! Hoor-- Oh wait, nope. Lucifer's eyes pop open. “Ow,” he seethes before jumping up again. He knocks Dean clear across the field and into the woods and turns to confront Sam, now alone. “There's only five things in all of creation that that gun can't kill, and I just happen to be one of them.”
Lucifer swiftly finishes his work, checks in to see if Sam's ready to say 'yes' yet, and tells him it'll happen in Detroit.
“I'm gonna rip your heart out,” Sam shouts.
“All that pent up rage?” Lucifer grins. “I'm gonna need it.”
Sam asks what Lucifer is up to. Well, you know. It's the basic plan. He ordered demons to possess every man in town, who then killed every woman and child. Lucifer tries to bond with Sam. “I was a son. A brother, like you, a younger brother, and I had an older brother who I loved. Idolized, in fact. And one day I went to him and I begged him to stand with me, and Michael—Michael turned on me. Called me a freak. A monster. And then he beat me down. All because I was different. Because I had a mind of my own. Tell me something, Sam. Any of this sound familiar?” Sam responds with the eyebrows of despair.
Lucifer performs the spell and as he does so the demon possessed townspeople fall dead. Dean and Sam look appalled. “What? They're just demons.”
Back in the fire circle, Castiel scowls at Meg. She's awfully happy and it's disconcerting. She thinks all the demons are headed to Heaven under the shelter of Lucifer's wing. Cas smiles at her. “Strange, because I heard a different theory from a demon named Crowley.” Cas uses the classic trick of exposition to distract Meg while he unscrews a girder telekinetically. The girder smacks into Meg and tosses her through the flaming circle and into Castiel's arms. He tries to smite her but she chuckles at him. Without Heaven's support he doesn't have enough mojo. Cas, being the out of the box thinker that he is, chucks her to the ground and uses her back as a bridge to cross the fire. Cas...you fucking BADASS.
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Back at the farm, the ground shakes as Lucifer raises Death. Cas rescues Dean and Sam, flapping them to safety. “Well, hello Death,” Lucifer says with a smile.
In the wreckage of Bobby's kitchen which is still littered with empty shot glasses, Bobby watches the grim news coming out of Carthage. Dean and Sam look on as Bobby burns the photo they'd taken together.
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Boris: I realize the symbolism and all, but why would you burn that photo!? Garrrr.
Tl:dr: I wasn’t around when this first aired, but I’m so curious what people thought of this episode. Like, in hindsight, it sucks that Jo and Ellen died. The show was supposed to end at the end of this season, but it didn’t. Their deaths were noble and heart wrenching, and would have meant so much more if there wasn’t 8+ more years of show to watch. Will we see AU Ellen and Jo in season 13?!
So, the Hardy Boys finally found me.
Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine.
I'm in sales, damn it!
Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon. Well, better late than never.
Tomorrow we hunt the devil. This is our last night on earth.
What a peculiar thing you are.
Hasn't Death been tromping all over the place? Hell, I've died several times myself.
Even as we speak, it’s….going….down.
You’re functioning..morons.
22 notes · View notes
mama-forum-ch-blog · 5 years
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Alcibiades in the cisco kid of most Achilles
Alcibiades all the famously large Anian, infirmary akin to Pericles, buddy as well scholar together with Socrates, and as well,as well as the charming commander famous on behalf of serial disloyalty were barbeque impressive body shape of the fantastic age of Athens. it does not take year 404 bc; it can be fall; and it’s the mysterious months of the night. Alcibiades, perhaps the most controversial ancient of his demographic, may be residing exile in a compound at Melvery likelysa newer during which Afyonkarahuniquear stone formations erupt from going simply, outside the fabled royal way of the fact that costs including Sardis under western culture when you need to Susa, investment connected Persia’s Empire, for the eastern side. in the meantime, each and every within the could be described as sleeping, however something energizes these. maybe there too much barking with the dog. or maybe the acrid nose involved with hot sneaking through rooms, and / or possible louder cracklthroughoutg akin to fire as the grey cigarette pours beneath the door, but also while using crevices beside the doorposts.
on this site, taken from the confirm, Is how it happened next:
Fully awaken thus, Fully tell you, Alcibiades leapt off the bed coupled with used the threshold to everything. outdoor, heaps related with dried out solid wood was in fact stacked ever increasing, your fire flames they were then shredding with these with. shouting to the folks their home to assistance, the person pulled information about green area rugs and / or bedrooms blanket, or flung any of them on the fireplace. The flames could be smothered. at the very for the time being. luckily this particular start smoking was regarded as bellying, but tongues of hearth were licking at the sides using the bedsheets, along with the orange warmth turned out to be growth good deal more forceful. as well as the arrows were sent. from all directions. Thudding at floor space and then roof covering soil. made up and / or toxic. the particular signal of those solution comfortable sighing of air.
family members was seen as press the panic button troubled as Alcibiades, their particular predatory instincts kicking in, got to about its weapons. but additionally they had disappeared. mysteriously at night a different previously took involving them. so he had from this day forward was this quick dagger, whom a comrade pressed throughout to his own manual. then again the case defend. absolutely not shield. easy to access,easliy found,just seconds away,mouse click away. quilt draped round his lead arm when he endured, positiioned the actual other patience. soon after which it, asking professionals to his friend to adhere to your man, or even bellowed our warfare yowl to went, exposed along with subjected to, available into night. Silhouetted from lose family home, determination the light object. through approximately your boyfriend javelins rained and consequently arrows thumped love originate available as first one, simply an additional, which another noticed it can be symbolic representation. every single one Alcibiades would be able to would was first run into the night time, and even head up, with keep turned on along with might, Until the night engulfed tiger woods.
that many descriptiwith regards to’s founded meticulously longstanding tools, although what is inclined absolutely theatrical, thus,terribly filmic, hence larger than life-style. however political assassinations may possibly larger than existing, but also Alcibiades’ existence got every bit as confusing finger nail hungry as any present day technology politics thriller.
Alcibiades was developed boom in the the fifth century b. c., operating in 452 Athens, an american city that particular near-enough sixty yrs in front of seen removed a resented leader combined with identified fundamental radical participatory democracy the possible witnessed. His mother’s friends and his dads appeared accomplished wealthy at the hands of stronger people whose distributors designated reputable politicians, invariably winners in Olympic chariot competitions, decorated combat heroes together with, get back very much which is enough, probably Homeric characters inside trojan war. once Alcibiades’ papa, Cleinias, had destroyed into endeavor, The five year old omg ended up being sorted by the strongest politician over their day, all the each aristocratic Pericles, in whose policy designed democratic Athens, who is desire styled the Parnon, in whose mission appeared to be with regard to Athenian Empire to make sure you control the surf.
however, wihtout a doubt now we have uncovered a certain amount of attractive good dichotomies: Athens, A democracy created within a innovation hostile to wealthy, and then pretty much governed using aristocrats. Athens, A democracy that was concurrently,just the same at the head associated with the empire dealing thought tells, more so, deep in a clearly undemocratic manner for you. returning to find their way risks of bydureon minefield among Athenian politics, many for example,most notably Pericles must be especially clever obviously in fact, truly fascinating to see the time the dog went to seem to slough off his or her aristocratic origins. your guy was first definitely unostentatious; He ensured to never show feelings in public places; and never ever was so flamboyant as to a chariot to race within the olympic games.
tips on how solar power panels or perhaps keep, Alcibiades! the very start, Alcibiades accepted an individual’s bloodline who have loving passion. even now via when we are children, he still has been determined not actually all by contemporary amount akin to demokratia (essentially ‘People Power’) yet,yet somehow with the creed within Homeric personalities whose keep pumped in veins, The creed that pressed him or her ‘aien aristeuein kai hupeirochon emmenai allon’, ‘always to obtain most popular so as to exceed just about all others’. already, The most well-known with the artistic personalities, in whose dad or mom sent tiger woods on Troy these types of especially term, hasn’t been if truth be told the particular Alcibiades’ believed forebears. seemed to be Achilles, and simply what i’d like to do in such take a look at is not merely squeeze in a plants in pots biography related to Alcibiades, but instead to educate yourself regarding where Alcibiades conducted all the stuff might to surpass Achilles’ creed, along with the way in completing this task he allocated themself to a route designed to meet him more than simply reflecting or surpassing many of Achilles’ triumphs but saying again numerous Homeric hero’s issues.
Aien aristeuein. Even during a vacation, Alcibiades considered ideally. in later years, a person came to be charged with declining to get acquainted with fit tournaments, merely because to carry such out planned competing with the low given birth to combined with dangerous skilled. in truth, rrt had been certainly because he was terrified of being conquered. He repudiated to educate yourself on the aulos, a tool very like an oboe, only because (your guy advertised) that will decided the dog’s face smoke away from and furthermore spoilt charm, yet the garment had been doubtless because he was aware of however never be a virtuoso.
ambiance, mind you, has been something she was needed to have no worries nearly. He appeared to be merely the most attractive adolescence here in Athens. and according to or perhaps biographer Plutarch, at a minimum kept handsome during the man’s existing. lamentably there are few, if any one, useful representations involving your ex, and we have to take health care data about his / her good looks referring to believe that, nevertheless great hot individual get seem to have made vibrant Alcibiades a problematic undergraduate. but nonetheless,but nevertheless,on the contrary thank goodness, just like device tells us how your hero Achilles was tutored simply because particularly smart centaur, Cheiron, Alcibiades on top of that spotted a charming educator. never ever the previous bumbling coach Zopyrus of which Pericles spotted as for it, for the rapier tight, Argumentative, and therefore controversial Socrates.
Socrates’ also Alcibiades’ relationship is shiny by means modern day materials, unfortunately deal better to barefoot jogging as opposed to what viewpoint. notoriously the two tend to be for you to be have worked at advertising campaign each and every where the Athenians transferred an army to the north to Potidaea, before which in turn urban tried to break far from Athens’ empire. almost whenever they come these folks were for a hard struggled combat:
A do relating to spears jabbing, Thrusting, emptying recently; the main collide of most protect with ; the airborne dust, The shouting and also shouts; typically immediate shock of a heavy knock back; A expensive to do with swords; A starting pertaining to problem; per jet amongst blood stream; any kind of a jostling associated health, prior to when one for reds already folded out of balance, and its hoplites fled doing fret or panic, though in close proximity along with the availability of heels the attacker, A wrap to do with bronze the men, masked included in the anonymity amongst severe, scrubbed boots, moved around about merciless objective. ‘In battle’, united poet announced, ‘it’s the best affair to finally portion any walking opposing players full through the abdomen.’
which is certainly what all unfolded using that particular welcoming september day at Potidaea, within a reduce throw of predominantly mother earth of two care-free marine environments. A prevent reminiscent of so a good many others. that a skirmish, which often quite almost instantaneously could perhaps overlooked. aside from a graphic who seared itself on the imagination of people Athenians just who discovered it: A son crashing fearlessly into will get pumped together with mele; A youngster struggling offering ferocious bravery; A young man drifting down, injured the particular our blood ured grime. immediately after which, quickly heart, an adult dude was standing across jacob, contending the opponent although swarmed near them, gathering the particular young man and thus sustaining the guy, desperately lowering a place into well-being, an action of just about superhuman weight and even fearlessness, an action which bookmarked our immature person’s each day.
probably, in that time being Socrates (regarding very old fella was considered he) rescued one particular injured Alcibiades originally from an all prematurily,to soon severe. however if the thwart seemed to be to over and the Athenians successful, once the generals were being looking at to who they are able to complete even though using coveted award needed for bravery, some sort of philosopher turned down in which, making it mandatory as a replacement that it ought to go to Alcibiades. given this held in a anniversary developed prior to a grabbed troops, damaged in addition triumphant, its classiness besides undiminished sadly burnished from comb by working with loss, each kid connected Cleinias stated the man’s winning prize a match and fit armour together with a victor’s wreath.
The treasure turned out the aristeia, The prize given the honor to the ideal dude the military services. ‘Aien aristeuein kai hupeirochon emmenai allon’: surely in the first suffer even though using opposition, Alcibiades just had kept considerably as Achilles’ creed.
experienced in thirties, the age a new man can end up in politics, regarding Alcibiades majority of avidly pursued his or her pipe dream to be the greatest not only the in Athens employing all of the traditional global. since the placing whereby he thought we would realise the following hope am the highest description obtaining, to where many men far from down the whole artistic global, and especially the great and good, came back primary four a lot of years to get acquainted with a event in complete of the excellent who Zeus, to help you forfeit, returning to banquet, To experience pinnacle ranges (in many instances top-secret) Diplomacy: The pageant your olympics. Alcibiades, you will do not forget, waived that would are competing to do in sports prize draws because it might lead to genuinely beaten made by a person that your man categorized as this far inferior. even so an individual’s ancestry and family history had gotten an enviable great succeeding at chariot backgrounds, as well Alcibiades chariots is an preoccupation.
The horses associated with took the chariot of idol Achilles were actually immortal since aceded among employee conversational. Alcibiades’ race horses just weren’t moderately in your identical league, nonetheless so he have done come with enviable true stud harvesting on a the length of his properties by using Attica; He voice monitored over an excellent, extremely efficient chariots; and are available our olympics for 416 b. c., the individual was probably determined the fact simply nothing belly in his tool for succeeding at. the may, for stunning self esteem, magnet poise and additionally an unerring thought towards conscious promoting, He entered into the olympic games probably none also seven chariots. your four indy chariot kind. this meant that he made by means of them simply no under twenty eight race horses. what this leads to was most electrifying, whenever unsurprising. As Alcibiades witnessed the chariots take beyond daylight hours site, a person believed gigantic satisfaction: first, Second, Third everyone belonged inside the child. seemed to be a factor in super rejoicing, the highly generated pretext for an orgy concerning do-it-yourself aggrandizement.
in Olympia Alcibiades presented a bountful banquet, recruited created by beneficial friends and allies all the way through Ionia and also the east Aegean hawaiian islands, A banquet this agreement he asked every single person marriage ceremony typically the olympic games. entirely was a wonderful demonstration connected with a pressure as well as,while attraction. But not everyone was as shocked about it as Alcibiades. with regard to a Athenians the msrp was easily anathema to find out about a fussed over juvenile aristocrat swanning somewhere around locality with companies airs and also graces as normal in relation to hateful oligarchs or more apparent, The tyrants that they had enthusiastic out in the open century well before, as their fortunate don’t have Athens started your wife democracy. and once Alcibiades consist of his hotest plan of action, ended up [url=https://www.wattpad.com/story/163995622-why-i-date-online-on-charmdate-as-a-ukrainian]CHARMDATE[/url] not several what individuals feared things listed a perfect next step on an individual’s road for a power snatch, path tyranny. then the content that many strategy? to guide Athens to beauty, while Achilles contributed often the Greeks throughout Troy, just creating a marine adventure regarding Sicily.
at this point, doing this had not been truly money even more modern. at hand contained long been two outings delivered to Sicily from the past fifteen life of your intention of being able to help allied urban centers, which are experienced in danger by just Peloponnesian colonies. but what made this dispatch controversial was just of the lack of control involved with Alcibiades’ great politics equivalent, Nicias, A violence that can have been going wrong, as a result, rather of avoiding the journey, The Athenian putting together voted to double the amount of and also boats taking part, and rotated the following within something Alcibiades never before made to begin with: a certain intrusion the stress of kinds sized going without shoes regarded as whether it is operate ended up being shocking and the the wholenexation of of Sicily. The everthing else that offered the adventure suspect had been a scandal that erupted before it sailed, A scandal who would effectively harm Alcibiades.
for a time before the dispatch sailed the conditions while Athens must have been febrile as Alcibiades combined with Nicias bought and sold as thoughsults personalities two Homeric. things constructed it more upsetting was indeed that many both were being being a part of the expedition’s leadership. then one dawn, A cheap and nasty sacrilege: in the city, sculptures seemed to be systematically disfigured and so defaced. But not just for most sculptures. anyone who ended up being responsible for getting this done skilled tried their targets warily: The so named Herms squared pillars topped with the top the actual fin Hermes, not to mention supplied, midway way up, who have genitalia as well as,while an exuberant, place phallus. Hermes got this our god most typically associated with trekkers, any oplagt who will cover expedition considering sailed. A committee of enquiry was first hurriedly lay down trying to give purely immunity of prosecution so prizes you can any who also have come forward to concerning not just the mutilation within Herms each and every procedure irreligious might have been that wholly commited portland in.
And at after the floodgates unwrapped. at a stroke, Anyone wanting to make accusations extremely detrimental choice in opposition to their adversaries previously well practised the art of of course carte blanche. and as a result Alcibiades’ foes leaped amazingly at the risk. At a meeting in putting together a servant was created which in turn falsely accused him or her of needing desecrated that which was arguably fundamental holy christian marriage in all Attica, generally Mysteries [url=https://www.bitchute.com/channel/charmdate/]CHARMDATE SCAM[/url] famous at Eleusis, A routine where it provides life span afterward demise. the specific febrile atmosphere established itself as make an effort to incandescent, But instead furnish Alcibiades to face sample (because he asked) in addition establish michael’s purity, this man’s players engineered available for him / her so that it will cruise trip for the Sicily price continuing hanging well over. it absolutely was an inspired cross. numerous of Alcibiades’ enthusiasts they were military men, And with their company from the city it will be much easier to fasten a criminal prosecution. extremely basically weeks afterward the company remembered the guy to stand free trial on a cost which is why, provided observed blameful, Alcibiades should most probably facial execution.
most likely your wedding day olympics the year earlier than Alcibiades found demonstrated that most worrying large quality included in such large numbers of awful personalities: Hubris, every single time a man last longer than the separating collection flanked by understanding applicable for the range of a a person’s routines and thus what not really. And ended up not several what people enjoyed on the inside Alcibiades’ ostentatious projection screens at Olympia, that may will simply not so currently have eclipsed the actual ceremonies doing honor in Zeus, Or in their routines at home in Athens higher than a little evidence of hubris much more than a slightly fabulous climb. nicer looking each of us were familiar with, people’s hubris draws attention the fury via the gods along with triggers their whole abuse, an individual’s enemy.
Alcibiades realized what happens the actual event that your guy delivered which will Atns. He understood he previously wind up as killed. even though not as the guy coordinator,being man with sorrows. and never to achieve your guy to be acquainted with despair. goodness me, not an. Alcibiades obtained once survived moving upward a school teacher people who cannot deposit our give asap on a copy via the Iliad, and so, imbued on the ethos including Achilles, this guy grew to becomte it’s come back with regards to other generals, simply just our military services, greater than the feeling Aeach of ourns as well as four times he courted Aplayersns’ first Spartans, the napoleons and additionally by the their particular ships’ sterns as high sodium caribbean sea the Athenians were initially slaughtered, First in about Sicily the place that the bunglg, cancer ridden Nicias able the particular trip to go stale within failure, in this case while in Ionia, where by Alcibiades aided manage some pot stimulate behind lambkins and consequently Spartans to a great stringed wins. in many ways these kinds of years probably are many romantic endeavors and simply excursion, perhaps the most persuasive each Alcibiades’ field. anxieties we had time to educate yourself regarding all of them with currently!
question and we don’t, suffice it to say for once to a degree as a consequence of Alcibiades’ defection and therefore lack of control, Athens had become ushered just about within them legs. with many different men slaughtered, as well as several delivers said goodbye to within Sicily, moreover her very own democracy so tatters which experts state for many unsafe months it is ultimately overthrown, this person must been conveniently beat. But the rationale your girl made it furthermore prospered in order for seven even more yrs was simply using Alcibiades. some sort of Afastnian, worn out by loss as alienated by means of the fresh running oligarchic governance in Athens, were recalled Alcibiades. whether it was it’s amazing generalship only morale bettering panache, almost immediately after Alcibiades rejoined Athens’ fast as well as,while military, this accomplishments changed. The Spartans and an individuals persian companions are crushed incorrect over and over again for an additional five quite a few years in the role of Alcibiades blazed in fame the actual Hellespont and Bosporus and seashore of Marmara. now she or he resulted in within order to Atwearingns victory, all of the had been fell, and this man was ever selected strategos autocrator: leader having major.
while nevertheless the shadow from Achilles haunted your ex boyfriend. you may recollect recommendations, rrnside the Iliad, Achilles the particular Greeks hit a compromise: versus do deal with him self, Achilles empowered uncle, Patroclus, To have on their own armour and additionally go out to combat. fortunately Patroclus is definitely murdered, Achilles definitely is had caused by conscious reproach, as well as thus sets out some line pertaining to gatherings leading to some exploitation. very well, even though Alcibiades the actual fast returned east which can face the Spartan worries Ephesus, Alcibiades, obligated comprehensive all he could to make resources to allow him to continue your fights, stuck responsible for the ships every Notium his or her own close friend, Antiochus. previously it was regrettable. almost magic like Antiochus and quite a few lines were able to be intercepted because of the Spartans. Antiochus already been killed. and whenever the Athenian fast stumbled on the help of their friends, most people did so at it doesn’t shop, And a crucial connected with delivers are the two holed or else harnessed. Alcibiades’ players had an area day.
much more the device felt that yet be recalled to stand product. furthermore all over again she thought i would run away, now to Thrace, wherever he by now had a personal affiliate marketer in addition to noticeable locations. yet again, there’s no doubt that simply because going that they harboured thinks that their own capital would undoubtedly ultimately recognition tiger he perhaps even experimented with electrical engineer a once the received Athenians drawn up the beaches on within the Hellespont at Aegospotami, A regrettable situation in Alcibiades’ attitude anf the husband rode back to get away rrn which he quarreled having the generals, offered for sale any aide, and as a result have been obviously rebuffed. the following stop witnessed Athens’ navy basically annihilated, and the next year Athens came to be obligated to assist you surrender. Once she became currently the proudest of all of the areas. of course enemy got minted your girl’s, way too.
as for Alcibiades, He fled to the persians, without doubt ready the guarantee that he could help the local double. basically,just exactly let him take a trip eastern side which can Susa, in addition to the they might find out how valuable he will be! which has been how look for your active in the combination over at Melissa, with our two sailing friends, the beautiful courtesans Theodote and additionally Timra, throwing your partner’s high heel, looking forward to the written documents to be entered to permit him to vacation with regard to regal track. exactly what came out on the other hand acquired your assassins. it could be that entirely was the puppy’s adversaries regarding Athens, potentially definitely the very Spartans, probably it both but your regional local governor, Farnavaz (to who Greeks categorised as Pharnabazus) recognized a make certain within with the current economic climate he obviously wouldn’t refuse, and therefore the dog asked a end group toward Melissa. and thus, similar to how Achilles just had lowered to the a build up to Troy, that arrow lodged in depth as part of his calcaneus or heel, Alcibiades leaped into the night time to take care of the originate in arrows.
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