maplewood126 · 7 months
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Greysplotch is a tall, gorgeous she-cat that looks much younger than she truly is. She has mothered two litters, her first litter being fathered by volechase; weaselpaw, Cormorantpaw, songpaw, swanpaw and her second litter whos father she wont reveal consists of Pyritekit, copperkit and goldenkit. Overall Greysplotch is an entitled she-cat that manipulates to get her way. She spoils all her kittens and has tried to make them resent her father and his other family. She was very angry when she found out that volechase would rather be with spitfire rather than her. She is a temporary queen which many find unnecessary. But she can't possibly ruin her beautiful fur with scars.
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maplewood126 · 7 months
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The beautiful she-cat with a not so pretty voice. Despitethis she is constantly told how pretty of a singer she is and is encouragedto show off. Songpaw is a spoiled she-cat that, like her older sister, thinks she is better than everyone. Songpaw is daughter to volechase and Greysplotch and sister to Cormorantpaw, swanpaw, weaselpaw, and younger sister to fawncry and Pipetwing. She looks up to fawncry. She was close to weaselpaw and was devestated when he was killed.
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maplewood126 · 7 months
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Cormorantpaw is the son of Greysplotch and volechase andyoung (middle child) of Fawncry and Pipetwing (deseased). He is brother to weaselpaw (deseased :( ) , songpaw, and swanpaw. He is very nervous and anxious. His mentor is his mother figure, spitfire. He looks up to her and how brave she is. He also looks up to her since she didn't ignore him over his siblings like his actual mother, Greysplotch did. Spitfire is a great mentor for him. Over time, she will build up his self-confidence, and he will become ankther, a great warrior, unlike his rather lazy older sister.
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