#Growing up I only had one grandparent and he wasn't much of a talker
papermonkeyism · 2 years
oh srry if this falls outside your interests, but what are your favourite creatures, customs or characters from finnish folklore? i feel that finland's culture is often nudged aside in favour of other nordic countries, and yet your myths seem so vibrant and your critters so interesting!
( btw i got the interest in the culture from A Redtail's Dream, a beautifully illustrated webcomic and one of the first i ever read )
I'm... Not sure I have the vocabulary to really discuss this in English.
Like... When talking about favourites, I honestly can't give you things like "cool creature designs" when so much of it is based on animism and actual nature.
And then there's like... How would I even talk about some of it? Like, I can't just call them gnomes or elves, even if those are the translations used in fantasy literature, tontut (singular tonttu) or haltijat (singular haltija/haltia) have such a hugely different vibe altogether I just don't.. "Guardian spirits" just sounds wrong.
Brain is mushy, can't word good.
Eh, let's just say sauna. I love sauna. Also always respect the saunatonttu.
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