#Guess who found out they're getting evicted today!!!
bubblegumbi-tch · 1 year
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
We also have a lot of people around here who are fools and I mean outright fools and we need to pull them in permanently it's disgusting the time is now
-we went over a lot of things that are going on but there are a few additions as in they're going to fire the police chief they'll try to go try and fire the sheriff chief and that's today
-there's a huge war in the Midwest and it is attracting Jason's people tons of them are going there and yeah there's a lot of minis and it's disgusting what they're doing with them and we are aware of it they are using them with car bombs and they blew up a few and took out tons of trumpsters
-it's a massive war out there and it's getting very fierce it's in the upper Midwest in Ohio and they're trying to free Lily it is a massive conflict and it brought in his father and grandfather and his kids and Jason is at the head of it and they're slaughtering the trumpsters and it will be a battle to the death all day long massive numbers of both are dying and here in Florida they're going after Jason and the trumps they hate them both and they both really suck there's a few things to be said but people know that he's sitting here abusing our son and Trump is well known for doing it and you're suffering great losses out there of items and more as people are taking them while they're fighting and it serves them right that sucks so bad
-there's a ton of things that are wrong here and another one of them is that he's sitting in swill still while these people are almost gone we understand that using threats and holding himself here with it but please everybody let's eat them up and get him some better digs this is terrible and repairing it it's going to be a pain in the ass we don't recommend it let's stan in plans on it. It's too low and he's too cheap he would have to move out if he said you have to stay somewhere so we are going to make sure it works the way we need to and it's not going to give me any money and it's Dan prohibiting him to have money too and the McDonald's are going to go after him and Biden too I'm going to go after him and yeah he's cheap and it's wrong he's stupid I guess he learned it from these freaks
-there are a couple other things happening there is movement on several items number one Stan is going to be forced to do the repairs or lose our son as a client he's going to be given a notice today or tomorrow to make certain repairs number two the people flipping us off all day the Trump people are going to leave they're going to be evicted because they're trying to force our son out using the required repairs unfortunately for Stan McDonald's got a hold of it and bja and others and they want the repairs done so he's up against everybody because he thinks he's threatening to get stuff and it really is not helped him and number three Stan is in a bad way and they figured out that he shouldn't be near Court. He had a feeling about it his a****** playing came out his plan came out everyone said no we have you here no we have you here this Saturday you're going to have a big fight with all the big fight is going to happen and he'll realize that he was wrong and he is going to have to move and that won't be after until the ship's launch it's coming up pretty soon
-and aside from that getting us some funds is impossible as recent announcement has caused a lot of pressure and chaos around the banks that are holding his money it's found out those holding the money and working in social security and they're threatening it and getting nothing but they did expose Tommy and they're exposing Mac that's appears to be what they're doing is a ride the old car they are called the riders and that's what they are physically so people are pursuing them at the banks and social security and they don't want the threat on and they're moving fast and they're hitting them and they will be destroyed between that and other things that are happening they're going to be small and fairly soon
-there are many actions that are on these people they are fighting a multi-front war and don't have the intellect for it and it shows they do not cater to people with different characters their r attitude is the same all the time. And they don't change their motif for motors and it gets them killed they don't change their modus. It's going on all day so far Trump has lost 2/3 of his people in the past 2 weeks he's going to lose a lot more now because he was in high perch and people can see it he's surviving better than others who have lost more than that across the board and may seem silly but it's a nightmare for our son and daughter and us he's a horrific a******we're going to have to take him at each one he says and we get that too manufacturing we're taking a mat and we're defeating him the money we're taking him out and now it's probably hospital time and they keep threatening hospital and it's true it is working. People see it but they need more in Hera is doing it tonight they'll find out the hospital they put her in is Trump's and tons of people going there and bja needs the power and Percy is now going to live up to his name we publish now because of this last sentence
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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funny-relatable · 7 years
It's okay to meet new people
Cellphone: *ring, ring*
Co-Host: Hello?
Manager: Hey, Hel.
Co-Host: *yawns* What's up?
Manager: You don't have to come in today. The entire strip mall is closed.
Co-Host: What happened?
Manager: There's tons of fucking feds here. Apparently they found a bunch of people braindead. This is some shady shit, man. Between me and you they're putting shit in the water. There's gonna be a huge cover-up. Don't forget this man.
Co-Host: Alright, boss. Seeya. *hangs up, falls back asleep*
Co-Host: *tosses around in bed* Ugh.
Co-Host: *wakes up at 4pm* I wasted my entire day off, didn't I.
Co-Host: *showers, eats dry cereal, watches tv* ...I'm bored. What did I used to do when I was bored? *remembers cameraman and host*
Co-Host: Oh, yeah. Hang out with my only friends... that I don't talk to anymore. Ugh. I could skate, but I don't want to be seen. I have an old Wii. Maybe I could play Zelda or something. Ugh.
*loud bang and muffled yelling comes from next door*
Co-Host: I need friends. I need new friends. *knocks on her neighbor's door*
Goth Chick: *opens door* Who are you?
Co-Host: I'm your neighbor.
Goth Chick: Oh yeah, I've seen you around. What do you want? We don't really like proles here.
Co-Host: Well, I never met you guys and I decided to introduce myself. My name is Helen, but you can just call me Hel and-
Goth Chick: Yeah, I couldn't care less. *shuts door*
*muffled yelling comes from inside the apartment*
Some Lady: *violently opens the door& NEW FRIEND! COME IN! *drags co-host into the apartment*
Goth Chick: UGGGGH! Don't just let street trash into the apartment! She could be infected with something. That's why I'm goth again! You make life so hard!
Some Lady: Oh, I do? I wasn't aware things for so hard for you? Oh, so sad. I didn't realize you, daughter of a millionaire hospital owner, were the one who LOST EVERYTHING SHE EVER FUCKING LOVED!!!!!!!
Co-Host: Hey, I think I'm gonna go.
Some Lady: DON'T GO ANYWHERE! Take a seat, new friend.
Co-Host: There's nothing to sit on. This place is empty.
Some Lady: Yeah, that happens when lose your job because you're a depressed wreck who has nothing to live for and you have to sale all of your worldly possessions just pay rent for one month.
Goth Chick: You didn't sale anything. You ate it all.
Some Lady: I only ate some of it, you bougie bitch!
Goth Chick: You do realize you're making yourself look completely insane right now.
Some Lady: I DON'T LOOK INSANE! *punches a hole in the wall, and grits her teeth* I'm just trying to be positive and make a new friend. So, new friend. Why don't you take a seat on the floor. We'll all sit on the floor and have a friendship pow-wow.
Co-Host: Okay, please don't hurt me.
*the three girls sit in a circle*
Some Lady: Here are the rules to a friendship pow-wow. Each of us shares a problem that we have, and then we discuss ways we could resolve that problem. I think our new friend should go first.
Co-Host: Me?
Some Lady: *nods*
Co-Host: Like, I have a ton of problems. I don't even know where to start. I guess the biggest is that have trouble keeping friends and trusting others. Not too long ago, I had a really bad break-up with my girlfriend, though it was a long time coming. I thought things would get better after we separated, but they didn't. They got worse. I did something really messed up and it has been on my mind constantly. I don't know what to do about it. I don't know if there's anything I can do about it.
Some Lady: Wow, that's heavy. So heavy that I don't think I have anything to say about it. How about you, roommate?
Goth Chick: Don't care.
Some Lady: Okay cool, my turn. My entire life since the day I was born has been a single continuous spiraling fiasco that gets worth each day I don't spontaneously combust. The past year has been the worst year of my life overall. I got real sick, lost my boyfriend, got hit with an impossible medical bill, got the worst roommate ever, had to throw away my entire life for multiple shitty low-paying job, got a new weird boyfriend who is pretty perfect but terrifying to be around, then my mom died, and then my doggo went missing, and then I lost my jobs and had to eat all of my furniture, and I'm honestly expecting to be evicted any day now because for some reason my millionaire roommate can't pay rent for once in her life, and at this point I'm wondering why don't I just become a fucking serial killer? Like, why the fuck not. I should just KILL a ton of people, not like it would make my life any worse because I'm so below rock bottom that I might just clear the earth's core and find myself in Australia. *clears throat*
Some Lady: Any thoughts?
Co-Host: That's a lot to process.
Goth Chick: Don't care.
Some Lady: Haha. Who was I to think that anyone had anything constructive to say about my issues? Okay, my beautiful roommate, your turn to share your issues with us.
Goth Chick: What issues? I'm basically perfect.
Some Lady: Hahaha... I think I hate you more than anyone I've ever met in my entire life.
Co-Host: Can I go now?
Some Lady: NO!
Goth Chick: Why can't she go? The friendship pow-wow is over.
Some Lady: Eh, you're right. Okay, you can if you wan-
Co-Host: *gone*
Some Lady: Dammit, I made a terrible impression on her!
Goth Chick: Yeah you're, like, completely unhinged..
Some Lady: This is all because doggo is missing. He was my comfort pet. He kept me warm and safe. If doggo was here to cheer me up, maybe I could've kept my cool and that girl would've become my friend.
Goth Chick: I think you have completely delusional memories regarding that puppy. It's probably the last thing you need in your life, but I'm not one to stop anybody from making self-destructive life decisions.
Some Lady: I'm going to find my doggo if it's the last thing I do! *bolts out of the apartment*
Goth Chick: She's going to die.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We have a lot of stuff happening and it's going along on the plan and it is right on schedule there are several things going on right now they'll lead up to some major major events one is the eclipse of Jupiter tomorrow by the Sun and then it coming back around from its journey behind it in Superior conjunction. Our Jupiter project was a complete success it was a difficult project because the enormity of the task everything about the planet is huge. And next up is Uranus and newada and Ariana and their counterparts and they're saying lobo approximate midnight but they're from South America and it is the other Irish mother and father and the other side is in the white house too. And they're stubborn people. They're very sharp and rye and want to keep it that way they say. We have several things going on around here but praise God that works that was nerve-racking but he's kicking off tons of stuff for the same time to push for us to get his people on board and he needs all of them and she is too and what they mean is our entire people. Styles shows dramatically the difference she sets him up and he racks up a huge amount and goes for it and now it's an emotion and no other Ariana will have to put up with a fallout which is what we usually do..
-the morlock are gearing up for another strike they lost a lot of people today and it was not a huge number by percentage but they lost some key players and they're higher-ups here in punta Gorda the four police were put on suspension and without pay and in punta Gorda Port Charlotte that is it's a sheriff only and they laid off another 100 to bring it down to 300 remaining. They're also are changes at the higher up level out of the 3700 remaining. And there are layoffs at that level and they know who they are and what positions cuz they're actually in higher level positions in Charlotte county they're trying to be hassled so they released 20 more no it's about 200 and it down to 3500 for real they got to it today. And another thing he is saying terrific like you guys do and it's really backwards. The workers the government workers they went from 75% last week the 85% out and today they dropped out five more percent making it 90% out of the Charlotte county government worker positions with the exception of leadership which is following a much lower dropout rate or firing rate or layoff rate. Work is one thing but private jobs lost another 10% and they were at 75% for real and now are at age of 5% out and only 15% remain. They said 5% are more like businesses and it's not accurate it's more like 8%. And they are going around and taking them over shuttering them and closing them down and most of them almost the factories they have are disgusting and should have been shut down anyways and it really most are defined so really they're not working. They found 1% I guess we should rate it at 7% remaining because most of the jobs are gone and that's kind of what it is right now it's around 6% private jobs and a lot of those grocery stores oddly enough the weird place to keep them around in but they demand it it's not a choice.. in the general populace is falling about the same level they're 5% private jobs 10% public or government and the higher ups are kind of retained and they're keeping it there for a while alternately the people next door are getting evicted and Terry is looking for alternative housing they took the sign down across the street because they were told to you by law enforcement and Garth has been enforcing it. No but there are people that are doing that. There are several lots that are opened but by the time they built on them it would be far too late it takes way too long and they can't even give the utilities and it takes him a month and it's ridiculous they are very slow at it. To build out of block or concrete down here and they want to see cast in place it is a bit stronger. You don't want to hear anymore about you and your fantasies about being huge cross the street your small people yeah that too so we're going to silence you
-you've got enough of our son sweating like madness it's not sick he's just hot and it's not that hot out and his house is terrible it was meant to survive a blast not to sit around with him in it and you're sick people and your revolution was terrible turn out to be worse
-we have about 50 people who are complaining so going after them and the neighborhood was reduced and by battles today and they were helping the master invasion and were caught and killed in combat mostly out of the 140 houses that remains only 120 households it is sinking pretty fast and it's devastating there a lot of people who can't stand it and they do commit suicide and our son saw signs of it your people are being wounded critically and are not recovering you're being wounded also and not recovering and getting sick and dying and it's happening all over South Florida and Florida and other reagions on the planet. You have backup plans and you're running them and a lot of you are dropping out from exhaustion or a psychological trauma they can't handle the loss that our son does and you people are weak and it's not nice to say but he lost a lot of people in your very mean to him and you still are and you don't even understand it still part of it was your fault but not all of it and you won't be quiet and you won't have mercy on each other so we're going to come in there and straighten you out cuz you're trash
-there are signs that you're falling and falling apart are you trying to go in missions and you go out into the field and tons of you die falling over exhausted unable to absorb nutrients properly as cork used to be and unable to do the job and the incinerator is working full time last night they're a huge piles and built up for 3 hours and we had to spray them with bug killer constantly and we put huge zappers out too and true tons and tons of bugs out and we kept them on all day long and put the liquid near it there are so many bugs that went out there we were terrified but keeping it on and it's on now and it's a giant number of bugs all of them are foot long it's terrifying what happens if you fight and you fall over and they start eating and get big very quickly so putting them all over the state in the world and we have huge ones out here and they're 5 mi wide and they work very quickly they rid areas faster than you can blink of bugs and we're going to have to do it near here and draw them off and use his system that we really perfected and it's true he said we have to do it carefully so we're going to begin once we read the middle areas of them so we don't draw them here and right now we've got about an 80 mi swath down the middle and he says that's pretty big in Florida and it is other areas we're clearing rapidly the Midwest is almost done and we'll move on and it's going to help and we really need it and he said we can use ships in the midwest if we have to and get the things going and we think we're going to do that and right now and we're moving out and it's being sent and they're doing it
-we are on top of this we need efficiency experts to help me I have them in my cage he says and he's going to send some over and they're going to talk about things before presenting it to me that will help because our son doesn't want to see things he wants us to look better and really he wants to work better but that's what's going on
We should probably says and I agree this has been a miserable time this past 20 years have been awful and everyone can agree that these people are terribly terribly done and we need to push harder and get it done we are having that meeting tonight and we should talk about it
Thor Freya
Going to have all that good stuff for you back all the finest Scotch whiskeys whiskeys vodkas mixed drinks a full bar of the top of the line drinks even the ones with gold in it and so forth and they don't drink too much but you don't drink the bottom and we have the best beers and the finest on Earth everything will be there we'll find a cigars pe embargo and more, and some of the world's finest dining too all of it is catered from mostly your places and some of ours and we have some of our best there too and accessories too for the sports cars and Rolls-Royce and Bentley and Austin Martin and more so you can drive with these things handy and full kits as a matter of fact we're going to make a welcome kit for the owners and the different kit for a dealers and he's going to suggest stuff which is perfect and Ben Arnold will suggest things and some of their wives too that's good
We have to tell people this is how it goes we need to have input from others and we need to get together and do things and we're doing it and it's a must what's happening here at the dealership is dangerous and they have security but it's nowhere near adequate and we're asking them where they are what they would need and that kind of thing because they are said to me not able to sell and it's not nice and we want them to be able to so there are several shops and stores that are open like Harley-Davidson that have a system I'm going to show them how it works
We're going to publish now and it's much more to talk about thank you very much everybody and please stay tuned
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
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This happened yesterday yes and it was Trump versus Terry cheesman and Dan versus Terry cheesman and it the girl was not Jenna it was one of the cheeseman clan women and they're fighting over the money and stuff and it's vulgar because they're already almost dead and they just keep saying s*** and doing stuff and nobody wants to stop so they're totally useless to our son because they're not in Army they're a bunch of quibbling losers who are getting rid of themselves while others get rid of them. So we've had enough of them they survived and they're sitting there waiting start f****** around them and we don't want to send the middle of this s***. Now Dave put the number up in the window and they're going to the courts right now to get them evicted and or arrested and what they're saying is this is not actually new this is a scam they've been doing here in town and I guess it well researched. And John remillard almost went to Cuba today and he says he'll go there to fix their wagon in his all this s*** this is going to drop the bottom out on you that's too bad you're a girl easy enough you have to we need your area sorry bye so he's like oh we're stupid and said you are so the answer next door says if I get evicted oh yeah yeah he says we'll try and burn it down and just saying it in code so he's going to get arrested in jail like mac daddy and stuff it's going to find out the wrong the hard way too. Now the money went over to Japan and is there now and it happens fast like I said right now it's approaching night time and it's true 4:00 p.m. the monsters will be out and heading this way and they're not even there yet that's true I started eating though and they started eating them right after the movie and when they went into the nuclear area of fukushami that's what they really are the government came down and pick them up no that's not them they're down there and they shouldn't be and they pick them up and it's their friends and they grab right off and they're mutating okay and somebody else is true and they are Chinese and it's wie and his empress. So is Grandpa gets it he got trapped into what he was turned into and because they want The offspring they've had several runs of kids yes and it's going to change shortly in Japan fights China that's why it happens but America is forcing it all these Max it's going to happen shortly and the fly out to Hawaii later on tonight and that is much later though so it does take a while at the plant in Fukushima and so around 4:00 p.m. no 4:00 a.m. tomorrow it'll be at Hawaii and it will take all day for them to be discovered and Godzilla will arrive at dusk a little after and then the monsters will leave at night and they'll end up in the Vegas area and they're not discovered and they found them and started attacking and get their asses handed to them and it's on tomorrow Monday tons of more luck die trying. Lots of Max think it might be their plan and they've seen it before and they've been holding them as monsters and they're threatening our son for it and that's what it is
Thor Freya
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