abhibediskar · 2 years
What advantages does HACCP bring to the company?
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According to estimates, foodborne contamination affects approx over 48 million people worldwide each year. Out of that total, 128,000 people will be hospitalized, and 3,000 will regrettably pass away.
These 48 million people suffer as a result of the failure to identify and address food risks that may arise during the preparation, handling, or processing of food products.
Food contamination is a not kidding issue and when the culpable business is distinguished, they frequently observe themselves to be responsible. This can prompt weighty fines for the producer, food processor, or merchant. Reputational harm additionally follows and organizations might even be compelled to close.
In this article, we'll look at how HACCP plans to identify and eliminate potential risks to protect both customers and businesses from the effects of foodborne illness.
Additionally, look into HACCP Certification.
What exactly is HACCP?
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point are referred to as HACCP. The widely accepted framework aims to lessen the danger of food safety hazards.
The framework protects people all across the world, but its origins may be traced back to agreements for supervised space activities in the latter half of the 1950s. A team of culinary researchers and experts originally developed the framework to ensure safety standards for space flights.
Curiously, significant actors in the commercial center, rather than controllers, were generally headed for HACCP to become the widespread safety framework. By requiring that its inventory network obtain HACCP certification, large chains like McDonald's are intended to protect themselves from problems with improper food handling.
Over the long term, the framework has continuously improved. It aids companies across the globe in their efforts to concurrently identify and manage potential natural, chemical, or actual dangers at specific locations.
The framework is based on seven principles that ensure that food sources are maintained responsibly, from the generation of unprocessed substances to acquisition and handling, assembly, distribution, and use. We need to look into the benefits of HACCP for your company.
Also, Check -->> The Value of a HACCP Certificate
The HACCP Advantages for Your Business
Let's move on to the more extended benefits that HACCP Certification may provide you as an entrepreneur now that we have a better understanding of what it is and how it helps to secure businesses and customers.
1. Fulfill Your Legal Duties
In the food industry, there is a succession of strict safety regulations. Two important bodies, the FDA and FSIS, uphold these laws. To operate a safe and legal business, you should adhere to a wide range of food safety acts, amendments, and laws.
HACCP's nearby additional food safety management system can help you ensure that you comply with all of the many demonstrations and laws laid out by the FDA.
2. Check Your Profits
Violations of food safety and hygiene carry hefty fines for the guilty entities. The public authority has the power to impose hefty fines and pursue companies until they pay up, but there is also the added risk of legal action.
HACCP helps you avoid those costly situations so you can protect your company's top priority and increase productivity.
3. Attract More Clients
Reputation is crucial for a business in the food industry. If you can provide a pleasant and spotless dining experience for your customers, you'll notice that your reputation will strengthen.
You can introduce demanding attention to quality with HACCP Certification. This will ensure that you provide excellent food sources and build a strong reputation that attracts more customers.
4. Improve Your Food Products' Quality
The frameworks used by executives in food handling guide food firms to the best places. These various frameworks give you the ability to consistently focus on quality and safety. This suggests that most of your food items are raised, in general. HACCP is a representation of how your company takes food safety and hygiene extremely seriously. Your reps may be inspired and motivated to support assurance by HACCP consistency.
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newtness532 · 5 months
i want to complain that we're learning the same things for the millionth time but i never actually learned them so i cant
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sosehpad · 5 months
Assurer la Sécurité Alimentaire en EHPAD : Le Guide du Directeur pour l'Application des Normes HACCP et le suivi du PMS
🍽️🔍 Assurer la sécurité alimentaire en EHPAD : Découvrez comment les directeurs peuvent garantir le respect des normes HACCP par leur équipe de restauration. #EHPAD #HACCP #SécuritéAlimentaire
Dans les établissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD), la qualité de la restauration revêt une importance capitale. Elle influe directement sur la santé et le bien-être des résidents. Pour le directeur d’un EHPAD, veiller à ce que l’équipe de restauration respecte scrupuleusement les normes HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) est donc primordial. Ces normes,…
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foodguard · 6 months
Website : https://foodguard.io/
Address : 1/2 Marino Mart, Dublin, D20 NV67
Phone : +353 876940468 +44 7738488268
Welcome to Food Guard, a pioneering HACCP software company dedicated to elevating food safety standards in the industry. At Food Guard, we specialize in providing innovative Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) software solutions. Our team comprises food safety experts, technology enthusiasts, and regulatory compliance specialists. With a deep understanding of the complexities of food safety, we have developed a state-of-the-art software that empowers businesses to implement and maintain robust HACCP systems with ease.
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frascous · 11 months
Investigative Agency
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Find a full-service investigation agency in Burbank California. We are partnering with the insurance, legal, business, and financial communities. We are specialists with the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
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HACCP Certification Expiration
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Get to know how we can extend HACCP certification expiration. HACCP certification is important for food businesses and HACCP system works can help you establish a proper and well-maintained food environment. We are here to give you full details about HACCP certification.
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theamericanbutcher · 2 years
189 Discovered Never Released
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4cconsulting · 2 years
SQF Certification: SQF Training - Safe Quality Food | 4C Consulting
SQF—Safe Quality Food— is a program initiated by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). It works on the vision ‘one world; one standard’ to meet the food safety management requirements of suppliers and buyers across the globe.
SQF is owned and regulated by the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI), a division of the Food Marketing Institute (FMI). SQF certification is a program initiated to reduce the need for multiple food safety audits.
Getting SQF Certified enables your organization to comply with international and domestic food safety regulations providing the suppliers with an assurance that food has been produced, and handled according to the highest viable standards.
All Audits are to be administered under the recent revision to Edition 8 compliant SQF Food Safety Management System of the SQF Code as of January 1, 2018.
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Scope & Application
Manufacturers, Producers, Retailers can all participate this GFSI benchmarked certification of SQF. It is applicable to:
Food Safety professionals at all levels of Supply Chain and all experience levels.
Organizations looking to implement a food safety program.
Food Safety auditors, consultants and trainers.
Sqf Certification
The SQF certification Program works with Three Levels of Certification:
Food Safety Fundamental
Considered for simple food safety practices especially for low-risk products. This layer set a foundation on companies to safely produce and manufacture their products.
Haccp-certified Food Safety Plans
Considered for high-risk products, this layer is considered for suppliers to conduct a food safety risk assessment of the product using the HACCP method.
Comprehensive Quality Management Systems Development
This is the comprehensive level of certification the SQF has to present. This level can only be achieved by first complying with the first two levels of certification.
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abhibediskar · 2 years
Guide to HACCP Procedure
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Several hygiene ideas, including the HACCP concept, are now required by industrial companies able to guarantee the safe handling of food products. The abbreviation, known in German as Gefahrenanalyse kritischer Kontrollpunkte, stands for the phrase Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. To safeguard both the product and the consumer, food firms essentially adopt the HACCP principle for self-monitoring. Every organization should and can apply the notion to its processes and structures because it is based on flexibility. The HACCP Certification concept in the Male is one of many pillars of food safety in the food business in this setting. It is a component of the legally mandated system that permits quality control in food manufacturing and handling.
What precisely does the HACCP idea entail?
To ensure that enterprises subject to hygiene regulations exhibit proper food handling procedures, the concept of food safety was developed. Incoming product inspection, temperature monitoring, cleaning and disinfection plan, pest control, personnel training, and traceability are the fundamental elements of the HACCP concept. Here, it's crucial to always document the outcomes of the check in addition to visually inspecting each component separately.
The hygiene concept's constituent parts mandate, among other things, that delivered or acquired commodities be examined for their condition, best-before date, and temperature. The next step is to set a regular cleaning and disinfection program for the facilities and operating rooms.
How is the HACCP plan put into practice?
You can apply the following seven principles to create a HACCP-based procedure:
Hazard identification using hazard analysis.
Determine the process stage's key point(s).
Set boundaries for these important areas.
Create and use efficient monitoring procedures.
Deciding on corrective measures if a crucial process step runs     uncontrollably.
Establish processes for routine inspections to check for compliance     with items 1 through 5.
Preparation of records and documentation to prove compliance with     the conditions outlined in points 1 through 6.
Also, Check -->> HACCP is the future of the food business
The hazard evaluation
Identification of all potential risks that could occur at any stage of the food production process is part of the hazard analysis process. Hazards of any kind, whether they be physical, chemical, or biological, make eating food risky for people. Here, the production sequence of all process phases is taken into account to calculate the likelihood that these hazards may materialize.
Critical points, thresholds, and monitoring techniques
A decision tree example
Critical points are those stages of each process where a hazard could materialize. A decision tree should be made in this situation to help identify the key moments in each stage of the procedure.
The outermost limits in terms of a product's safety are known as limit values. To identify key moments, these should be quantifiable as fixed parameters. The monitoring techniques that go along with the limit values make it possible to appropriately identify a loss of control. A monitoring procedure's measurements should be performed at appropriate, regular intervals.
Also, Check -->> HACCP Implementation
Remedial measures and documentation
As soon as a departure from the critical boundaries is visible, corrective action is done. To be ready to take action right away if limits are exceeded or fall short of the limit values, the steps should be decided upon in advance.
All HACCP guidelines must be documented since they must always be traceable and verifiable.
Here, we provide a thorough breakdown of the HACCP concept's seven guiding principles. The 7 Principles of HACCP
Do plastics and food safety go together?
Absolutely. Plastic components frequently have benefits for the food business. Whether it's lighter weight, more chemical resistance than stainless steel, or reduced susceptibility to moisture absorption. Many high-performance plastic components also demonstrate their value with their solid lubricants. Because the components are not lubricated with lubricating oil, the likelihood of product contamination is reduced.
It's not always necessary to use stainless steel when it comes to hygienic design; alternative materials and food safety precautions can also be used, as described here.
The article is based on Article 5 of Regulation EC 852/2004 and the European Commission's Guide to the Implementation of HACCP-based Procedures.
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sosehpad · 7 months
Sécurité Alimentaire en EHPAD : Formation Essentielle en Hygiène
🔍🍴 Découvrez les fondements de la sécurité alimentaire en #restauration : le Plan de Maîtrise Sanitaire et les 12 étapes du plan #HACCP détaillées. Des outils essentiels pour la qualité et la sécurité en #EHPAD.
Dans le monde des Établissements d’Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes (EHPAD), l’importance cruciale des normes d’hygiène et de sécurité en matière de restauration ne saurait être sous-estimée. Ces établissements, qui abritent une population particulièrement vulnérable, sont tenus de respecter des standards élevés pour garantir la santé et le bien-être de leurs résidents. Cet article se…
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goldnewsblog · 2 days
FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day A range of events, speeches, and webinars took place this past week to mark World Food Safety Day. Below, Food Safety News summarizes the best bits to mark the occasion.The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every day, 1.6 million people, on average, get sick due to the consumption of unsafe food.The theme for World Food Safety Day on June 7 was “Prepare for the Unexpected.” It also coincided with the 20th anniversary of the FAO and WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN).“Food safety hazards know no borders. In our interconnected, global food supply, risks from unsafe food can quickly escalate from local issues to international emergencies,” said Francesco Branca, director of the WHO Department of Nutrition and Food Safety.“The theme emphasizes the importance of readiness in managing food safety incidents to prevent them from becoming emergencies. It highlights the need for careful planning, preparation, and swift action in emergencies. Humanitarian crises in many parts of the world, such as the Gaza Strip, Ukraine, and Sudan, drive food insecurity and compromise food safety. Our global food system is only as strong as its weakest link.”Regional perspectiveThe Southeast Asia region has the second-highest health burden due to the consumption of contaminated food, with an estimated 150 million illnesses and 175,000 deaths annually.Saima Wazed, WHO regional director for Southeast Asia, said everyone was a risk manager.“We all evaluate food safety risks as part of our daily choices. These choices are made by individuals and collectively by families, communities, businesses, and governments. Let us commit to doing our part to draw attention to and inspire action toward preventing, detecting, and managing foodborne risks,” she said. “Food safety incidents can range from minor events to major international crises, whether it is a power outage at home, food poisoning at a local restaurant, a voluntary recall of contaminated products by a manufacturer, an outbreak from imported products, or a natural disaster.”According to WHO estimates published in 2015, 100 million people living in the Eastern Mediterranean region experience foodborne illness each year, and 32 million cases are children under the age of 5.Foodborne diarrheal diseases caused by pathogens make up 70 percent of the disease burden, and about 37,000 people a year die from eating unsafe food in the region.Public health challenges stem from climate change-related events like heatwaves, drought, and flooding. Humanitarian crises, other emergencies, and political instability also have an impact.Workshop in KyrgyzstanTo raise awareness of proper food safety and management, a workshop was held on World Food Safety Day in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.Speakers presented the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and discussed risk identification and monitoring.“The good news is that we can prevent food poisoning by using safety measures. However, because many people are involved in getting food to us, keeping it safe is not always easy,” said Almaz Kadyraliev from the Kyrgyz Economic University.The event was organized as part of a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) project funded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF).“Every meal, every snack, every time dishes are prepared, whenever foods are grown, produced and transported – all of these are moments when food safety must be prioritized. When more people know about food safety, we can take better actions to keep our food safe,” said Bermet Jurupova, an FAO food safety expert.Food safety at eventsRenata Clarke, sub-regional coordinator for the Caribbean at FAO, and Dr. Lisa Indar, director at CARPHA, focused on the potential “disastrous” reputational impact if there were frequent reports of foodborne illness in the region, which is currently hosting a Cricket World Cup.
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) helped conduct food safety training for almost 900 vendors from the six Caribbean host countries who will sell food at and around cricket stadiums and nearly 400 people from the hospitality sector.“Many Caribbean countries have demonstrated vigilance and proactivity in identifying potential breaches of food safety in light of the upcoming large crowds drawn to the ICC T20 Cricket World Cup events. With the expectation of greatly increased numbers of street food vendors and customers, ministries of health and food safety authorities have emphasized updating food safety training to vendors and food safety awareness for consumers,” said Clarke and Indar.“Governments continuously review and update food standards to assure an acceptable level of public health protection in light of new and emerging information. They also regularly update processes and regulations to ensure the food industry meets expected standards. Several Caribbean countries have undergone rigorous assessments of their food safety and quality control systems over the last two years in the spirit of continuous improvement. Food safety is too important to allow complacency.”(To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.)“A range of events, speeches, and webinars took place this past week to mark World Food Safety Day. Below, Food Safety News summarizes the best bits to mark the occasion.…”Source Link: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2024/06/fao-and-who-regions-celebrate-world-food-safety-day/ FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day Global
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roadhomewebsite · 2 days
FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day A range of events, speeches, and webinars took place this past week to mark World Food Safety Day. Below, Food Safety News summarizes the best bits to mark the occasion.The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every day, 1.6 million people, on average, get sick due to the consumption of unsafe food.The theme for World Food Safety Day on June 7 was “Prepare for the Unexpected.” It also coincided with the 20th anniversary of the FAO and WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN).“Food safety hazards know no borders. In our interconnected, global food supply, risks from unsafe food can quickly escalate from local issues to international emergencies,” said Francesco Branca, director of the WHO Department of Nutrition and Food Safety.“The theme emphasizes the importance of readiness in managing food safety incidents to prevent them from becoming emergencies. It highlights the need for careful planning, preparation, and swift action in emergencies. Humanitarian crises in many parts of the world, such as the Gaza Strip, Ukraine, and Sudan, drive food insecurity and compromise food safety. Our global food system is only as strong as its weakest link.”Regional perspectiveThe Southeast Asia region has the second-highest health burden due to the consumption of contaminated food, with an estimated 150 million illnesses and 175,000 deaths annually.Saima Wazed, WHO regional director for Southeast Asia, said everyone was a risk manager.“We all evaluate food safety risks as part of our daily choices. These choices are made by individuals and collectively by families, communities, businesses, and governments. Let us commit to doing our part to draw attention to and inspire action toward preventing, detecting, and managing foodborne risks,” she said. “Food safety incidents can range from minor events to major international crises, whether it is a power outage at home, food poisoning at a local restaurant, a voluntary recall of contaminated products by a manufacturer, an outbreak from imported products, or a natural disaster.”According to WHO estimates published in 2015, 100 million people living in the Eastern Mediterranean region experience foodborne illness each year, and 32 million cases are children under the age of 5.Foodborne diarrheal diseases caused by pathogens make up 70 percent of the disease burden, and about 37,000 people a year die from eating unsafe food in the region.Public health challenges stem from climate change-related events like heatwaves, drought, and flooding. Humanitarian crises, other emergencies, and political instability also have an impact.Workshop in KyrgyzstanTo raise awareness of proper food safety and management, a workshop was held on World Food Safety Day in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.Speakers presented the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and discussed risk identification and monitoring.“The good news is that we can prevent food poisoning by using safety measures. However, because many people are involved in getting food to us, keeping it safe is not always easy,” said Almaz Kadyraliev from the Kyrgyz Economic University.The event was organized as part of a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) project funded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF).“Every meal, every snack, every time dishes are prepared, whenever foods are grown, produced and transported – all of these are moments when food safety must be prioritized. When more people know about food safety, we can take better actions to keep our food safe,” said Bermet Jurupova, an FAO food safety expert.Food safety at eventsRenata Clarke, sub-regional coordinator for the Caribbean at FAO, and Dr. Lisa Indar, director at CARPHA, focused on the potential “disastrous” reputational impact if there were frequent reports of foodborne illness in the region, which is currently hosting a Cricket World Cup.
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) helped conduct food safety training for almost 900 vendors from the six Caribbean host countries who will sell food at and around cricket stadiums and nearly 400 people from the hospitality sector.“Many Caribbean countries have demonstrated vigilance and proactivity in identifying potential breaches of food safety in light of the upcoming large crowds drawn to the ICC T20 Cricket World Cup events. With the expectation of greatly increased numbers of street food vendors and customers, ministries of health and food safety authorities have emphasized updating food safety training to vendors and food safety awareness for consumers,” said Clarke and Indar.“Governments continuously review and update food standards to assure an acceptable level of public health protection in light of new and emerging information. They also regularly update processes and regulations to ensure the food industry meets expected standards. Several Caribbean countries have undergone rigorous assessments of their food safety and quality control systems over the last two years in the spirit of continuous improvement. Food safety is too important to allow complacency.”(To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.)“A range of events, speeches, and webinars took place this past week to mark World Food Safety Day. Below, Food Safety News summarizes the best bits to mark the occasion.…”Source Link: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2024/06/fao-and-who-regions-celebrate-world-food-safety-day/ FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day Global - BLOGGER - #Global
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Food Manufacturing Consultants
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booknewsblog · 2 days
FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day - #Global FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day A range of events, speeches, and webinars took place this past week to mark World Food Safety Day. Below, Food Safety News summarizes the best bits to mark the occasion.The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every day, 1.6 million people, on average, get sick due to the consumption of unsafe food.The theme for World Food Safety Day on June 7 was “Prepare for the Unexpected.” It also coincided with the 20th anniversary of the FAO and WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN).“Food safety hazards know no borders. In our interconnected, global food supply, risks from unsafe food can quickly escalate from local issues to international emergencies,” said Francesco Branca, director of the WHO Department of Nutrition and Food Safety.“The theme emphasizes the importance of readiness in managing food safety incidents to prevent them from becoming emergencies. It highlights the need for careful planning, preparation, and swift action in emergencies. Humanitarian crises in many parts of the world, such as the Gaza Strip, Ukraine, and Sudan, drive food insecurity and compromise food safety. Our global food system is only as strong as its weakest link.”Regional perspectiveThe Southeast Asia region has the second-highest health burden due to the consumption of contaminated food, with an estimated 150 million illnesses and 175,000 deaths annually.Saima Wazed, WHO regional director for Southeast Asia, said everyone was a risk manager.“We all evaluate food safety risks as part of our daily choices. These choices are made by individuals and collectively by families, communities, businesses, and governments. Let us commit to doing our part to draw attention to and inspire action toward preventing, detecting, and managing foodborne risks,” she said. “Food safety incidents can range from minor events to major international crises, whether it is a power outage at home, food poisoning at a local restaurant, a voluntary recall of contaminated products by a manufacturer, an outbreak from imported products, or a natural disaster.”According to WHO estimates published in 2015, 100 million people living in the Eastern Mediterranean region experience foodborne illness each year, and 32 million cases are children under the age of 5.Foodborne diarrheal diseases caused by pathogens make up 70 percent of the disease burden, and about 37,000 people a year die from eating unsafe food in the region.Public health challenges stem from climate change-related events like heatwaves, drought, and flooding. Humanitarian crises, other emergencies, and political instability also have an impact.Workshop in KyrgyzstanTo raise awareness of proper food safety and management, a workshop was held on World Food Safety Day in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.Speakers presented the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and discussed risk identification and monitoring.“The good news is that we can prevent food poisoning by using safety measures. However, because many people are involved in getting food to us, keeping it safe is not always easy,” said Almaz Kadyraliev from the Kyrgyz Economic University.The event was organized as part of a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) project funded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF).“Every meal, every snack, every time dishes are prepared, whenever foods are grown, produced and transported – all of these are moments when food safety must be prioritized. When more people know about food safety, we can take better actions to keep our food safe,” said Bermet Jurupova, an FAO food safety expert.Food safety at eventsRenata Clarke, sub-regional coordinator for the Caribbean at FAO, and Dr. Lisa Indar, director at CARPHA, focused on the potential “disastrous” reputational impact if there were frequent reports of foodborne illness in the region, which is currently hosting a Cricket World Cup.
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) helped conduct food safety training for almost 900 vendors from the six Caribbean host countries who will sell food at and around cricket stadiums and nearly 400 people from the hospitality sector.“Many Caribbean countries have demonstrated vigilance and proactivity in identifying potential breaches of food safety in light of the upcoming large crowds drawn to the ICC T20 Cricket World Cup events. With the expectation of greatly increased numbers of street food vendors and customers, ministries of health and food safety authorities have emphasized updating food safety training to vendors and food safety awareness for consumers,” said Clarke and Indar.“Governments continuously review and update food standards to assure an acceptable level of public health protection in light of new and emerging information. They also regularly update processes and regulations to ensure the food industry meets expected standards. Several Caribbean countries have undergone rigorous assessments of their food safety and quality control systems over the last two years in the spirit of continuous improvement. Food safety is too important to allow complacency.”(To sign up for a free subscription to Food Safety News, click here.)“A range of events, speeches, and webinars took place this past week to mark World Food Safety Day. Below, Food Safety News summarizes the best bits to mark the occasion.…”Source Link: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2024/06/fao-and-who-regions-celebrate-world-food-safety-day/ FAO and WHO regions celebrate World Food Safety Day Global BLOGGER - #Global
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