An elementary school was torn down following the murders and disappearances of several of it’s staff and students, Heavenly Host Elementary School -- But another school Kisaragi Academy was built over the elementary school site.
One night, a group of students at Kisaragi Academy were telling ghost stories --- unfortunately... sometimes stories become reality. Especially when you perform a ritual in a place of the DEAD
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This event can likely contain the following triggers and more--
Being buried alive, Cannibalism, suicide, suicide idealization, abuse, murder, plenty of gore. You name it, it’s in this fucking franchise. Please blacklist the tag if that triggers you (and to my event participates please USE this tag.):  HALLOWEEN STORY; SACHIKO EVER AFTER
I am happy to write your muses into this thread idea/storyline, but keep in mind, I am controlling the school, the enemies, the outcomes. Play it safe. Or don’t.
Will you survive Heavenly Host Elementary?
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In order to participate, LIKE OR REBLOG THIS POST (reblogs preferred), and join our DISCORD SERVER it is extremely likely your muse will die in HORRID ways in this storyline.  Keep in mind this is an 18+ Only event
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oblivion-time · 6 years
The Dead Tell No Tale
@darkpurply Couldn’t tag but there is a link! has been a wonderful artist and she made the most awesome gifs ever! Especially the last one, you should check it out!
After a charm gone wrong, Maka, Soul, Black*Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kid and Marie end up at a haunted school. Dead bodies are around every corner and the threat of death looms over them in the shape of three ghost girls, a man with a chainsaw and other unknown threats lurking in the dark. There is no way out. No way to find each other. Only death is certain.
Pairing: SoulxMaka, LizxTsubakixBlack*Star Rating: Explicit Warnings: Dark themes, gore, character deaths. Not a story for the weak-hearted.
You can read the fic in its entirety at AO3 or FF.net
Chapter 1
Sachiko We Beg of You
Laughter resonated within their home classroom as the seven teens sat in a perfect circle. Black*Star held the candle in front of him and casted haunting shadows disarranging his usual soft and kind face into a horrifying image.
"The librarian went closer and closer…" A wide grin spread on his face as Liz used Tsuabki as a shield, peeking over her shoulder. "… she went over to the student staring out of the window. She patted the student's shoulder and the student didn't respond. The librarian shook the student's shoulder and his head fell off and landed on the ground. All of his teeth were gone and the librarian knew the tooth fairy was real."
Behind Tsubaki Liz quivered madly as she clung onto her friend.
Patty sitting beside her sister laughed like a mad man as she slapped the floor as if the story hadn't been a horror one, but a comedy.
Black*Star growled as he lowered the candle from his face, glaring at Patty. "Hey! You aren't supposed to laugh!"
"But it's funny!" Patty defended.
"It's not! Okay! Having your teeth pulled out and taken by a demon isn't funny!"
"But everybody knows the tooth fairy is good! She leaves money behind and she makes good use of your spoiled teeth."
"Yeah, that story was lame," Soul agreed as he placed his hand on Black*Star's shoulder. "The only one you managed to scary was Liz and she has been scared the whole day!"
Liz threw Soul a deadly look. "Shut up."
Soul snorted. "And what are you going to do? It's not like you will be able to walk with your shaky legs."
Liz gave him the finger.
"Honestly, will you two never make peace?" Kid shook his head slowly from his seat beside Maka. "It's just a bad ghost story. And badly told too."
"Hey!" Black*Star barked. "It was good."
Maka blew a raspberry. "Yeah right. Pausing to say if it was you in that situation you wouldn't even break a sweat is telling a story badly."
"Oh yeah? If you can tell a story better then go on right ahead!"
"Oh no, no, no, no, no!" Liz quickly protested the moment Black*Star closed his mouth, waving her hand in distress as she hid behind Tsubaki's shoulder. "Please, anybody else than Maka! Maka always tells the scariest stories ever!" Liz squeaked.
"It's alright sis," Patty soothed her sister. "It's just a story."
"Actually, this story I'm about to tell you took place within this very building." Maka said as she grabbed the candle and held it in front of her; the light casted eerie shadows on her face, deranging her usual soft cheeks and cute features.
"Please don't Maka. Can we at least turn on the light?"
"Oh no." Gently Maka shook her head. "This incident actually happened during a rainy day, just like this one, around this very time of the day, a hundred years ago."
All the teenagers' eyes were on her, holding their breaths at Maka's too serene voice.
"A teacher wandered the halls of the elementary school, making sure all the children had gone home for the day. After checking the last classroom on the top floor, she closed and locked the door." Maka imitated the creaking door. Liz squeezed her eyes tightly shut as if it would make the story disappear. Soul watched Maka's composed expression as cool terror wandered up his spine. "She headed down the stairs when suddenly―" her voice crescendo, "―the step under her foot broke and she tumbled down the stairway. She shrieked in pain and instantly, her scream came to an end. When her body hit the ground, her neck was broken."
"Is that the end?" Liz cracked her eye open.
Maka smirked, the shadows on her face made her look insane. "No. The news of the teacher's death reached the public. The community questioned the safety of the school, and eventually a decision was made. The school was closing. The principle was devastated, so ashamed his beloved school was closing. He was so ashamed of himself he covered his face with a mask and jumped off the building to his death."
"Boring!" Black*Star exclaimed, arms boastfully tied behind his head, but everybody had caught the slight tremble from his hands.
"That's not the end." Maka turned to her childhood friend. "The school was closed, but from the day of the accident and to the day the school closed, people reported hearing voices from the corridors of a female, calling for anybody still left in the building."
Soul let out a shaky breath, trying to maintain his cool and the fact that he did absolutely not under any circumstances have goose bumps on his arm hidden under his leather jacket. Maka was way too good of a storyteller. She would make even the most stable person uneasy. Even their "god" didn't want to admit it, he was scared too.
"Come on, that's just a bunch of bullshit you've come up with! That does not have a based on a true story stamp on it!" Black*Star bolstered.
"Actually anything can have a based on a true story stamp and be completely legal," Kid pitched it.
"Even if it wasn't true, you were scared," Soul spoke.
"Hey! I wasn't!"
"Oh yeah? How come you were biting your nails the entire time?" Soul grabbed Black*Star's wrist and he raised his hands, showing off the bite-damaged nails hanging loose from his fingernails and the sore irritated skin on his fingers.
Black*Star slapped Soul's hand away as their friends laughed at Black*Star and he hid his hand from them. "Uncool. You were supposed to be on my side!"
"Can we please just turn on the lights!" Liz begged, her voice shaking and her nails digging into Tsubaki's shoulder. Tsubaki empathetically patted her hand calmly.
"Okay fine." Maka stood up and she went over to the light switch just by the classroom door and flipped it on. The classroom was once again bathed in light and the rain drops dripping on the glass was seen. The classroom was already cleaned and ready for class on Monday after their Halloween festival the school held. All the scary Halloween decorations were no more around and their bloody school costumes were gone and in their lockers.
Liz let out a sigh of relief and she went slack against Tsubaki.
"That was a lot of fun!" Patty cheered as she jumped up on her legs to Maka blowing out her candle. "Maka you sure do know a lot of ghost stories!"
"Thanks. I get a lot from Miss Lady Arachne's blog and Tezca Tlipoca's work."
"Oh please can somebody stop her before nobody can shut her up," Soul muttered and he earned a hard glare from Maka, but she didn't say anything to him. Even a tease wasn't enough to earn a sound from her directed toward him.
"It's a very interesting story. You should write a script for us to play out in the theatre club," Kid suggested as he rested his chin against his palm, obviously coming up with the idea at the moment.
"That would actually be really cool—"
Soul rolled his eyes into his head as Maka gushed toward Kid when the lights went out.
Liz let out a nervous laugh. "W-w-what is going on?!"
"Who turned the lights off?!" Patty exclaimed.
"What the fuck did you do Maka?" Soul accused.
"I-I didn't do anything!" Maka defended.
"Bullshit! You're the one standing closest to the switch!" Black*Star sneered.
"It's not because of the light switch," Kid said. "Look out in the corridor! Even the lights outside are off!"
"It must be a black out or a plug must've gone." Tsubaki reasoned.
"It's not a black out. Look out of the window. The lights in the other windows are still on. A plug must've gone," Kid said.
"A plug at this hour? We didn't even use any energy sources!" Liz exclaimed. "Oh man what is going on?!"
"Everyone be quiet!" Maka overpowered her classmates' panicked voices. "Listen."
Everyone grew quiet. Liz quivered in fear as she bit on her nails, clinging onto Tsubaki as tightly as she could. Someone grew closer to Maka from the sounds of soles as quietly being dragged toward her. From the direction of the source of the sound, it belonged to someone she did not want close to her.
All the teens listened. Outside in the corridor something was dragged against the floor and then thudded. Something was dragged and then a thud rung outside in the dark corridor. The pattern repeated and it grew closer.
It was footsteps.
Soul held his breath as he stood close to Maka, ready for whatever would happen. Tsubaki grabbed Liz's hand and squeezed it tightly.
The footsteps had Soul's heart rushing within his chest and his senses in readiness as the sound of the footsteps stopped. Right outside of the classroom. The door handle was pushed down slowly and the door creaked as it slowly cracked open.
"Is aNYoNe iN tHeRE?"
The teens shrieked loudly in horror.
The lights were suddenly turned on and the door slid further open, revealing none other than their homeroom teacher, Miss Marie Mjolnir.
Miss Marie let out a hearty laughter as she rested against the door frame. "You were all so scared!" Maka went up to her teacher, earning confused glances from Soul when she gave Miss Marie a high-five and grinned just as wide.
"I call that a mission accomplished!" Maka cheered.
"Wait…! Was this just a prank?!" Liz screamed.
"Can't your teacher pull one simple prank on you?" Miss Marie grinned wide. "Oh I haven't had this much fun in a while! Maka here explained her plan and I just couldn't resist! You know I was young once and I pulled a similar prank on my classmates like this one."
"What the fuck?!" Black*Star screamed and his hands balled. "Are you trying to overshadow the mighty prankster ME! You can't overshadow the GOD of PRANKS with lame ass pranks like this!"
"Oh yeah?" Maka crossed her arms over her chest. "This was just the beginning! I still haven't forgotten the time you put a tarantula in my hair!"
"Come on, it was just a prank bro—"
Soul put his hand on Black*Star's shoulder. "I suggest you don't finish that sentence if you want to live."
Black*Star blew a raspberry. "As if she could take me down! I'm the almighty ME! Miss tiny tits has nothin' on me!"
Miss Marie clapped her hands and earned her students' attention and broke off the glare war between Maka and Black*Star that was just starting. "It's getting late and your parents must start wondering where you are. The janitor will soon come and start locking the school up."
"Wait hold on!" Maka ran over to her messenger bag she had left on her desk and swung it over her shoulder. She opened her lid and she started running her hands through it before she pulled up an odd paper doll; one that had abnormally long arms going down to the paper doll's knees. Maka turned toward Tsubaki as she held the paper in her hands. "Since this is your last day of school before you're transferring to Japan, I thought we could do this charm."
It was right. Tsubaki was transferring. Her parents had grown tired of the life in the USA and longed to return home to Japan where their older son was already studying at university. All of their friends were shocked when she broke the news to them of her transferring at the beginning of their senior year. They thought her parents would wait until she had finished high school, but they longed for Japan and their summer vacation there hadn't quenched their thirst, instead it had poured gasoline on the flame.
It was heart-breaking to lose their friend. Now Maka would no longer have her only friend she could speak Japanese with. Liz wouldn't have her best friend around and Black*Star would lose her. The Halloween festival was supposed to be a fun time with their friends and classmates, but instead it had been rough for the friend group. They were supposed to have the day of their lives and have a fun Halloween weekend together with plenty of horror movies and ghost stories and sleepovers, but instead it would be gloomy with Tsubaki packing up her last things and going on a plane to Japan.
A soft smile had spread on Tsubaki's lips as she quizzically glanced at the paper doll. "What kind of charm is it?"
"It's a charm to bind us all together. After we do this charm, we will always have a part of each other with us and we will never be apart."
Tsubaki paused before she nodded. "Okay, let's do it."
A wide smile spread on Maka's face and she nodded eagerly. "Everyone gather around in a circle."
The teens didn't question it. They all gathered in a circle and their homeroom teacher was left looking at them, until Tsubaki noticed it.
"Please join us Miss Marie," Tsubaki encouraged.
"You want me to join?"
"Of course!" Patty chirped. "You're our homeroom teacher!"
Miss Marie didn't object. Quite frankly, she was happy of the impact she had made on these kids. After she had graduated from university and gotten her first teaching job at Shibusen High, she was assigned their class, and she couldn't be happier. As much as she taught them, they taught her too. When she was in the process of divorcing her ex-husband Frank, the kids had been understanding and kind when she was more than flustered and the classes she had to cancel to meet with her divorce attorney. The kids reminded her of how foolish she had been when she was young. Letting the true love of her life go in favour of acting as a caretaker of the mentally ill man who under no circumstances wanted any help, simply wanted her company and her to take care of his home and patching him up when he had his hallucinations and psychotic breaks. She hadn't been able to take it anymore and, the kids had helped her realise the mistake she had done.
It was emotional to see one of her students leaving her. She dreaded the day of their high school graduation and she would have to let this wonderful class of bright and passionate students go.
This one last engagement in a playful charm she could do. For Tsubaki.
Black*Star and Patty made room between them for their teacher and Maka held out the paper doll toward them.
"You have to listen carefully if you want the charm to succeed. I want all of you to grab a hold of the paper doll and close your eyes. Then you'll chant Sachiko we beg of you for everyone present. That will be… six… seven… eight. Eight times."
"A perfect eight. Marvelous," Kid said pleased as he looked at his friends, earning smiles from them.
"After everyone has said it eight times, we will rip the paper doll and it will be done!" Maka cheered. "Everybody got it memorised?"
"Say Sachiko we beg of you eight times. Rip the paper doll. We got it," Soul repeated her instructions.
"Good. Now everybody grab a hold of the paper doll and close your eyes."
The classmates and their homeroom teacher grabbed a hold of the paper doll and their eyes fluttered shut. Silence filled the air as they chanted the words in their mind. Moments went by until they cracked their eyes open and Maka was first to break the silence.
"Are everybody done?" She received nods from her friends. "Then rip it!"
Everybody pulled at their piece of the doll and it tore into eight pieces.
"Good job everyone!" Maka beamed. "Now you keep your piece of the doll on you and we will forever be together forever!"
Black*Star raised his eyebrow as he peered at his piece. "How the hell will a piece of paper keep us together?"
"It doesn't work like that. It's more like a token. Whenever we look at the scrap of paper we will think of each other and everybody who were present during the charm," Kid explained with ease, and Maka nodded at the precis conclusion.
"Exactly. You can keep your piece of your paper in your student ID so you can always have it close to you."
Soul quizzically looked at the paper, but he did as Maka said and slid the paper inside of his student ID holder.
Miss Marie clapped her hands and earned the attention of the students. "We need to leave before the janitor locks us all inside. Grab your belongings and we shall all say our goodbyes outside—"
Miss Marie's voice drowned when the ground started to shake violently. Maka gasped loudly and Soul quickly latched onto her, stabilizing her from falling to the ground.
"Everybody get under the desks!" Miss Marie declared.
Lamps swung violently, one after another the cord snapped and hit the ground.
"Look out." Liz tackled Tsubaki out of the way, milliseconds away from a lamp crashing on her skull.
Floor boards creaked loudly, nails sprouting from the floor as if they were a breed of iron flowers. The wood cracked, splitting open and falling down to an endless abyss. Screams filled the air as the gap rapidly grew larger. Their desks one by one fell down into the growing hole growing rapidly closer to them. The floor underneath Soul and Maka's feet disappeared, clinging desperately onto each other as they fell. Maka reached toward their friends as if they could catch them from their fate. Tsubaki and Liz screamed at the top of their lungs as they fell down, the floor completely collapsed and all of them fell into the strange abyss.
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Question about the event from an anon... can we join the server to spectate or do we have to participate? Thanks in advance Loke :]
Absolutely! You can totally join the server just to observe!
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totally a anon here , UUHHHMMMM .. so , I'm pretty interested in the event as well .. bbuuuuuttt .. I don't think I'll be able to join the server , so I'm just wondering if the server is required for the event ? Because , I know I probably won't be able to be on discord and I don't think you often use Tumblr DMs so I'm just wondering.
Sadly the server is required because tumblr ims don't work for me 80% of the time and it's easier to keep track of literally everything through the discord server and give updates there too. I'm so sorry, fink -- er anon.
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The next player has arrived ( @monmuses ). It all started with a game played by their class, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place... The floor seems to have swallowed you whole and when you landed you seem to be injured... aching all over, something is very very wrong... You’re furless... You’re borderline helpless, a human, as you lay in that hallway... there are doors around you on both sides... open and closed, posters on the walls... 
Make your choice, decide your fate.
Investigate the posters
Investigate a room with a closed door
Investigate a room with an open door
Explore the hallway further. 
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The next player has arrived ( @supcrsxnic-cxmct​ ). It all started with a game played by their class, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place... The floor seems to have swallowed you whole and when you landed you seem to be alright...  Laying next to you is a laptop though it is locked it seems until you can locate the password or figure it out. A phone lays next to you as well though there is no service... But it seems the camera and flashlight work...
You seem to have woken... inside a classroom with... unusually small desks, a blackboard that covers one entire wall, windows to the outside, a cabinet, a closet and a teacher’s desk... 
Make your choice, decide your fate...
Explore the desks. 
Explore the teacher’s desk
try to get into the cabinet
try to get into the closet
approach the blackboard, maybe there is more information there. 
try the windows, maybe you can escape. 
Leave the room, explore elsewhere. 
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The first player has arrived ( @stardustxmiracle ). It all started with a game played by their class, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place... The floor seems to have swallowed you whole and when you landed you landed hard on your side... 
When you awoke you found yourself in a hallway, how long had you been asleep when you wake...? When you wake your leg throbs.... At the very least the bag you had carried and the phone you had seemed to be completely in-tact and fine
It would seem you have several choices as you look around....
There is a women’s restroom
There is a men’s restroom.
There are giant gaps in the floor (did the building decay that much during the earthquake?)
You can explore the hallway you are in...
Or you can go somewhere else as far to the end of the hallway there seems to be a stairwell leading downstairs (there is an upstairs but it’s blocked off by many desks and chairs)
Make your choice, decide your fate.... 
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The stakes have gotten higher.... Sachiko Shinozaki herself has awoken. 
Be warned, survivors. Be wary. 
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The next player has arrived ( @strykingback​ ). It all started with a game played by their friends, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place. You blacked out... When you wake up you are outside in a very large area, there is a tall fence all around you and a massive pool. To the east is an open door that seems to lead... somewhere inside this building you’ve found yourself in.
Decide your fate, make your choice. 
Explore the pool’s depths, that murky water must be hiding something, right?
Head East, check out that room.
Look at the fence enclosed around you, maybe there’s a way out. 
0 notes
Hey. I'm interested but at the same time i don't think i could handle the event so i came to shyly ask. If this one is good for everyone interested would you consider making another event ?( discord based ) later on? I want to support any ideas..
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As I have said so many times, I genuinely did not expect such an interest/reaction to this event. But if enough people end up having fun, wanting another event, I will be hosting more!
I'm still learning how to handle this event honestly so it's a bit messy at the moment. But I can totally add a section for just being discord based to this event too!
thank you for your interest and your question! ♥
0 notes
The next player has arrived ( @pompedia / Marinette). It all started with a game played by their friends, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place. You blacked out... Your body throbs... What’s wrong, what... could it be? As your eyes adjust there’s a very familiar black cat laying nearby, the room is filled with art easels, there’s a mysterious paper in the center floor and to the very book of the room is somebody else! A new person, somebody who seems to be looking out a window? 
Make your choice, decide your fate
Check on Plagg (freebie, another action may also be taken)
Inspect the art easels, maybe the art will contain clues. 
Check the windows, maybe they’ll open and you can get out!
Talk to the girl at the window, maybe she knows something
Inspect that mysterious paper, what could be written on it?
0 notes
The next player has arrived ( @pompedia /Hermoine). It all started with a game played by their friends, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place. You blacked out... When you awaken, you are thankful to see you’re uninjured, a cell phone lays nearby, the screen flickering and a bag previously carried. At least you won’t have to carry everything needed in your hands...   As look around you see a desk with a lamp, an open book and some kind of instrument on faded and worn wood. There is debris all around, perhaps from chairs and desks...? But looking further you can see old and worn bookshelves, perhaps these dusty tomes hold clues to your current situation.
Make your choice, decide your fate.
Inspect the journal on the desk
Inspect the instrument on the desk
See if the drawers in the desk hold any answers
Search out answers in the old books
Leave the room, explore elsewhere. 
0 notes
The next player has arrived ( @dcmonprncss ). It all started with a game played by their class, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place. You blacked out... When you woke up... you found yourself in what seems to be... a school cafeteria but there is something wrong... Most of the tables are long since destroyed and yet... Well at least your phone seems to be intact as does the bag you once carried books in...
Make your choice, decide your fate... 
There is a table seating with a single serving of soup, the smell washes over you... do you eat? 
There seem to be lunchboxes scattered across the room... investigate?
To the back... is a kitchen, do you investigate?
Do you leave the cafeteria all together? 
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The next player has arrived ( @resiliency-in-starlight​ ). It all started with a game played by their class, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place... The floor seems to have swallowed you whole and when you landed you in what appears to be a random hallway, but there’s a thick stillness to the air, a feeling of how she should not be here...  When you awake... You’re uninjured, though you lay in a heap on a dirty floor in a darkened hallway... allowing your eyes to adjust you’ll see posters on the wall though you cannot quite make out what is said.. Something white farther down from you, there’s open and closed doors maybe leading to classrooms or even other rooms... Curious isn’t it?
Make your choice, decide your fate.
Explore the hallway, dark and foreboding
Examine the posters
Go into a room with a closed door.
Go into a room with an open door
Figure out what that white... thing is.
go further down the hallway
0 notes
The next player has arrived ( @explosionpalm​ ). It all started with a game played by their class, Sachiko we beg of you! Repeated once for everybody participating, suddenly the classroom you were in shook horribly as if a terrible earthquake was taking place... The floor seems to have swallowed you whole and when you landed you felt a small throb in your left foot, it doesn’t seem to be swollen however...  Your cell phone is intact though it seems none of your other items are with you. As your eyes adjust to the dim lighting you can see you are inside the main entryway of what appears to be a school... There’s shoes all around you... did they... did they once belong to children? There’s benches lining the area as well...  The whole room seems to creak and move, a feeling of deep wrongness sets in and you have a decision to make...
Check out the shoes in better detail
Try the doors to the outside, they’re right there. 
Look around the benches, maybe there’s clues....?
Leave the area, go elsewhere... 
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