shima-draws · 7 years
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Who’s birthday is it?!! It’s KEITH’S!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEEF, I LOVE YOU
I also wrote a suuuuper sappy fic about that ring ^ down below!!
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And now for the fluff :’)
Keith wakes to see a star outside of his window. It’s a brilliant blue, dazzling and bright, and he’s immediately reminded of the mesmerizing color of Lance’s eyes, like the deep sea. He rolls over and flings an arm out, expecting to come into contact with an entanglement of limbs and exposed wires, but all he grasps is air. Confused and still half asleep, he cracks open a dark violet eye and releases a wounded huff when he realizes that the other half of the bed is empty, its occupant long gone. His heart makes a strange leap up into his throat but he shakes it off, pushing the paranoid thoughts away before they can nag at him. Lance probably left to get a system checkup. He does that, sometimes, in the early morning before all the hustle and bustle of the day’s plans crowd in.
Rest is under the cut!!
With a yawn Keith rubs his eyes and pulls himself into a sitting position, taking a moment to stretch his muscles and kickstart his brain into working for the day. It’s still way too early, but Lance’s absence weighs heavy on his shoulders, so he knows for a fact he won’t be able to go back to sleep without him. Just as he’s about to drag himself out of bed and into the bathroom, the door to the room opens, sliding across the panel with a soft hiss of air. And lo and behold, there is Lance, dazzling ocean eyes lighting up the darkness like a beacon. They have a tendency to do that, sometimes. Keith raises an eyebrow at the tray of food in Lance’s hands as the AI makes a pouting face, crossing the space between them in a few lengthy strides. “You’re not supposed to be awake yet,” Lance whines, nudging Keith with his hip to get him to scoot over. Once he does Lance takes a seat next to him, being careful of the teetering glass of orange juice. Keith shrugs half-heartedly and releases another yawn. “You weren’t in bed, so I woke up.” The look Lance gives him has butterflies erupting in his stomach, and he hurriedly diverts his attention to the extremely appetizing breakfast on the tray. “So, uh. What’s that?” Lance promptly hands him the meal, a cheerful grin on his face. “Hunk spent all morning whipping this up, so you’d better enjoy it!” The black-haired teen blinks, his mind still fuzzy from sleep. “...It’s for me?” Lance chuckles, his eyes glowing brighter as he does. “Uh, yeah.” Furrowing his eyebrows, Keith inspects the meal of hash browns, eggs, bacon, and french toast with strawberries and whipped cream laid out for him. “What’s the occasion?” He mumbles, somewhat lost. Lance makes a weird noise in the back of his throat, drawing back in surprise. “You mean you don’t know?” Keith stares at him, dumbfounded. Should he? Is it “breakfast in bed for your boyfriend” day? “Oh, man,” Lance laughs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He shakes his head amusedly, the wires poking out of the back of his neck bending slightly as he does. “I can’t believe—alright. You know what? I’ll let you figure it out.” Keith decides it’s too early in the morning to argue with him, so he shrugs and sets to eating, practically inhaling everything on the tray. Hunk really is the best cook around, no doubt about that. In between bites he feeds Lance some of his breakfast, who happily munches bacon out of his hand and teasingly nips his fingers. Keith laughs and elbows him in the side as revenge, and the rest of their meal is spent joking around and stealing sticky kisses before sharing the glass of orange juice. “Okay!” Lance cries out once they finish, the plates squeaky clean. “Get dressed, we’ve got a lot to do today!” So Keith, with a begrudging groan, hauls himself out of bed and throws on some jeans before his boyfriend drags him out of the room and down to the workshop, where Katy is diligently doing weapon checks, her hair tied back in a messy braid. “Morning, Katy!” “Hey, Katy.” The short girl puts her tools down and hops off her stool, coming over to sweep Keith up in an embrace. “Whoa, hey!” Keith laughs as she finally sets him down and ruffles his hair, being mindful of the stains on her fingers. “Geez, Lance, you really let him dress like that?” She crosses her arms, giving the robot an unimpressed look. “Hey, hey! He can wear whatever he wants, I’m not going to hassle him about his fashion sense.” Lance holds his hands up in defense. Keith gives himself a once-over and frowns. “What, what’s wrong with my clothes?” Katy snorts, trying to hide a grin. “Who wears ripped jeans nowadays? That’s such a 21st century thing.” “Since when are you the expert on fashion?” He huffs, feeling an embarrassed pink settle on his cheeks. “Katy, bad! Katy, no!” Lance whines, gently smacking her shoulder. She has the decency to look outraged at this. “No badmouthing Keith! Not today!” “Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” she giggles, backing away from Lance’s light pats. “Anyway, I have to get back to work, but uh—yeah. I’ll see you...later.” Lance nods and takes Keith’s hand, nearly dragging him out the door. Before he turns the corner he catches the light-haired girl’s curious gaze. “You gonna do it?” She mouths, pointing to her hand. Immediately a red flush spreads across Lance’s cheekbones and paints his ears, and he swallows. “Later,” he mouths back before giving a parting wave and disappearing from view. Katy shakes her head fondly and turns back to her work, cracking her knuckles in preparation.
“Lance—slow down!” The tugging on his arm stops abruptly as Lance evens his pace, shooting a sheepish look over his shoulder at the Red Paladin. “Sorry, babe.” “Where are we even going? And—“ He looks around, noticing how deserted the ship seems to be. “Where is everybody? Where’s Hunk and Shiro?” Lance waves his hand dismissively. “Hunk’s gonna be in the kitchen all day, and Shiro is...uh. Training with Allura,” he supplies, smiling disarmingly. He is rewarded with a very uninterested look, an expression of suspicion written all over Keith’s face. “Lance—“ “Just! Go along with me on this one today, alright?” He begs, biting his lip. Oh, no. Keith is always weak for that quirk of his. He gives in with a sigh, “Alright, but can you at least tell me—“ “Sweet! Thanks, Dais!” Lance squeals happily, leaning over to smooch his cheek. Keith doesn’t even get time to respond as Lance suddenly drags him off again, and he decides he might as well stop fighting, since he’s already lost the battle a hundred times over.
They are sitting in the lounge as afternoon dips into twilight, drenched in sweat and other alien liquids. Keith chugs a water packet in seconds, tossing his head back with a groan. “Well,” Lance grins at him, looking not nearly as winded or sweaty. The perks of having an cooling system, Keith supposes. Damn those useful internal fans. “How’s your day been so far, Keith?” Keith opens his mouth to spew a list of complaints but finds himself stopping. Lance had decided to take him on multiple trips to different planets, visiting all of their old haunts from the simulator, and it was even more amazing to witness them in person instead of through a fake projection. The whole entire time Lance had lead him along, beaming as bright as a star and showering him in compliments like flower petals. Despite the fact that they’d had to make a run for it from several angry villagers, a space monster and an erupting (and deadly) geyser, it had actually been a really fun day. “...Good,” he finally answers, thoughtful. “I didn’t think I’d ever get to see those planets outside of the simulator. I didn’t even know they existed for real.” Lance hums, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. “Of course they do. I had to gather my data from somewhere, didn’t I? Worldbuilding based off of actual fact is my specialty!” He moves from his place leaning against the counter and crouches in front of Keith, tilting his head to the side. Oh, Keith loves it when he does that. “But it was only “good”, huh? Not great or fantastic or “absolutely amazing, Lance”!” Keith rolls his eyes. “Oh, quit it. You know that’s what I meant—“ “How about I make your day even better?” When Keith has fully processed what’s going on, Lance is crouched down on one knee with a velvety black box, revealing a shimmering silver ring inside with an AI cube as the stone. And before he knows it that ring is being slid onto his finger. Keith barely manages to find his voice, and even then it comes out as a very timid squeak. “...Lance?” “It’s not a wedding ring,” Lance says quickly, detecting the surprise in his expression. “O—“ Keith swallows and tries again, the butterflies from that morning completely turning his stomach and heart into mush. “Okay?” Lance takes a deep breath, a nervous pink blush dusting his cheekbones. “So um.” He starts, coughing. “Keith. We’ve...been through a lot together. And—and I just wanted you to know how much I treasure you and how much you mean to me. This goes way beyond my core programming, I—because of you, I’ve been able to find myself. Not as just some copy of Lance, but as...as a person that I can be proud of. We’ve made so many memories together, memories that are ours—and even now I’m beyond shocked that you chose me,” he speaks, starting to tear up. “I’m not human. I never will be. But—but you make me human...you give me all of these! These feelings and emotions and just, just everything, down to my circuits, down to the depths of my core processors, I...I love you. With all of my “heart”...my entire being loves you!” Keith chokes on a happy sob and covers his mouth, smiling so wide he’s sure the whole entire universe can see it. “This, is, uh,” Lance stutters, laughing, “it’s a promise ring, I had to do some research into them and what they mean, but uh—yeah. It’s my promise to you. I promise to always love you. I promise to always be here for you and protect you and help you when you fall, and tell you when you’re wrong and kiss you when you’re sad—all those things!” “Lance,” Keith hiccups, his shoulders shaking. “It doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to,” he continues quickly, looking a little panicked. “You don’t even have to wear it. But...if you want. If you want! It can be a sort of...promise for our future. Someday...” Lance takes a deep breath and meets his eyes, the ferocity and emotion in them nearly overwhelming. “I want to marry you someday, Keith.” “Oh,” Keith exhales, beaming. ““Oh”? That’s all you have to say?” Lance chuckles, and Keith does too, and soon enough they’re both giggling like idiots. “Um,” Keith brushes a lock of hair behind his ear, chewing on his lip. “Lance, I...um...I’m...” He shakes his head frustratingly. “Dammit! Just, just come here!” And he pulls Lance’s collar up until he can kiss him fully on the mouth, conveying everything he wants to say through that simple action. Lance melts into it more than willingly, letting out a pleased hum against his lips. That familiar purring sound rumbles in the back of his throat, and Keith can feel how wide he’s smiling through their kiss, and knows that Lance can probably feel his equally as wide grin. Their teeth clack and bump a few times, their noses nudging against each other, far from a perfect kiss—but it means everything to Keith, who is beyond astounded that such a person exists and was made solely for him and even wants to marry him someday. Marry him! When they finally pull away, breathless and grinning dopily like fools, Keith locks his arms around Lance’s neck and embraces him tightly, hiding his joyful tears as he buries his nose into the crook of the AI’s neck. Lance holds him just as tightly, making soothing motions with his hands over his shoulderblades, and for that moment they are content. Lance catches movement out of the corner of his eye and looks down below, where Katy and Hunk are staring up at him from the ship’s main hallway, gazes expectant. Lance holds back a laugh and gives them a thumbs up through the glass, to which they respond by cheering and hooting loudly. “Hell yes!” Katy shouts, pumping a fist. “Oh god finally,” Hunk sighs happily. “I was beginning to wonder if he’d ever do it.” “Yeah well, imagine how long it’ll take him to actually propose,” the girl responds, snorting. “What are you two doing standing there?” The duo turn around and are met with the confused expressions of Allura, Shiro and Coran. “Aww guys, you missed it! Lance totally just gave Keith the promise ring!” Hunk gushes. “What?! No way!” Allura gasps, her eyes wide. “Yeah, we thought he was too chicken to do it too,” Katy smirks, amusement lacing her tone. “Oh, good. It’s about time,” Shiro sighs, shaking his head fondly. Coran chuckles from next to him. Allura pauses in her joyful squealing with Hunk, a thoughtful look settling on her features. “But, wait, did Lance not say that right after he did that he would take Keith into the dining hall?” Hunk and Katy gape, and silence reigns in the air for several moments, until— “Shit! We’re gonna be late! Move it, team!”
“Where are you taking me now?” Keith laughs as he’s dragged along once again, mouth slightly swollen and several marks decorating his neck, courtesy of Lance. The Blue Paladin looks equally as ravished  but thoroughly pleased, dark brown hair ruffled and wires sticking up haphazardly. “That wasn’t the only surprise of the day, Dais,” he teases, the code in his eyes practically dancing. “Okay, I’ll bite. What is it?” Lance finally halts in front of the huge double doors to the dining hall, a mischievous smirk tugging at his lips. He pulls Keith forward until he’s standing right next to him at the door, and the raven can practically see the excitement radiating off of the other boy. Lance clears his throat and calls out, “Our prince has arrived!” The doors swing open and Keith is immediately greeted with a face full of streamers, balloons and confetti, and a loud chorus of, “Happy birthday, Keith!” He stands there in total shock for several moments, barely taking in the sight of all of his friends and the members of the Resistance decked out in party clothes and holding an enormous cake (baked by Hunk, no doubt). Laughter and cheerful faces surround him on all sides, and it takes everything he has not to simultaneously burst into tears, totally overwhelmed by emotion and the love he has for these people. “You really are dense,” Lance laughs. “You seriously didn’t realize it was your own birthday?” “I...I didn’t even...” Keith starts, totally in shock. He hadn’t even put any thought into it, thinking that nobody remembered. But Lance has always known, and he’d gone and put this whole thing together, all for him. Lance beams and takes his hand, pulling him into a slow waltz, humming an ever so familiar tune. Keith smiles, wide and watery, for tears are building up in the corners of his eyes. Katy claps for them, and Hunk wipes away his own tears along with a nearly hysterical Coran. Allura nods in approval, catching Shiro’s eye, who grins shyly before glancing away. The rest of the Resistance all erupt into chatter, preparing the huge feast for the evening, and gathering up all of the gifts for Keith to be opened later. Lance and Keith sway across the floor, totally in their own world. Lance opens his mouth to sing, the melody sweet and beautiful, and Keith can’t help but start crying again. “Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy, all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage... But you’ll look sweet upon the seat Of a bicycle made for two!” Lance leans in and presses a kiss to Keith’s forehead, and the two of them admire the gleam of his promise ring. “Happy birthday, Keith.”
AIN’T THAT THE SAPPIEST SHIT YOU’VE EVER READ?? HUH????? And yes this is totally gonna become canon in the AU. Fite me.
Aaaa thank you for joining me in this flufftastic adventure, I want to get the next chapter of AWZO uploaded soon too so :0
Please be sure to give a reblog!! I’d really appreciate it :’) I spent a lot of time on this whoops
Happy happy birthday to my favorite edgy emo kiddo
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