#HC on Cipher being a Sapin merc
mt10lt20 · 2 years
Trying something new - ACZ Galm Team in Frank Miller’s Sin City comic book style. Besides their livery fitting the neo-noir aesthetic, Cipher and Pixy are the most fitting duo for the Sin City thematic. 
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A 2nd “cloudier”, Sin City movie aesthetic version is under the cut.
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mt10lt20 · 2 years
I think I will be back to crack-posting because, to find a mental resolution, I sort-of came up with a HC on how Cipher and Pixy resolved their mutual solo dumping issues & found their wings again... So.. HC-ing away & a make-up sketch (hugs are so hard to draw =(. Also my HC is LOONGG... & inspired by the many awesome fic-writers and other AC HCs that suggest they do meet again: 
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- Pixy goes to fight at the border after the events of Zero, and that’s where he found his way to the sky again, back with A World With No Boundaries. Cipher might have crippled them but there is no way AWWNB dies that easily.  
- However, this was not without some convincing as I think Pixy would have gotten more of a nuanced perspective of the war after being rescued by the border inhabitants and living alongside them. So.. AWWNB had to be persuasive and they were, because they also resurrected with a new, charismatic leader (Someone like Proj Wingman’s delusional but cool Crimson 1). He also talks a good game about how they, as a new squadron, will be able to face anything, even the Demon Lord, if he ever appeared again. Pixy’s unsure what to think about Cipher’s disappearance but is a mixed bag of disbelief (Cipher, of all people, gave up?) and regret (realizing they will forever end on a bad note). Unconsciously, Pixy was looking for a decisive flight lead like Cipher, but with more purpose than flying like a god and bounty hunting, but he doesn’t know it yet. 
- Cipher disappears after the events of Zero. Though victorious, the battle/ Pixy’s words impacted him more than he thought and he decided to hang up his wings until he found a real purpose to fly. 
- He’s good at disappearing and, wanting a clean cut from everything, starts again in a small city in Aurelia - far from Ustio, Sapin and Belka. Prob deposited his merc money into 5 bank accounts and 7 Venture funds for war rebuilding (yes, after introspection, he does get haunted by the houses and windmills he mercilessly eradicated) and picks up a very ordinary job that is still connected to flying. Maybe? he became the world’s best delivery pilot (everyone gets their parcels 1 week early unless there are special instructions for birthday/ anniv surprise gifts, and there is an explosion of 5 star reviews). He also picks up friends along the way that makes him realize, there is a lot more to living than just doing a great job, COMMUNICATION IS IMPORTANT, and that money’s nothing if not shared.
- Pixy and Cipher have a lot of time to think about the future.. Cipher starts to make new friends, realizing how much things could be different if he only knew how to communicate instead of giving solutions. || Pixy realizes his new flight lead does have a purpose to fight but this time it is worse - evolving AWWNB's vision from a rule-by-the-people to dictatorship. He’s brutal and efficiently ends anyone who doesn’t share the same loyalty. As his new leader amasses power in the vacuum the Demon Lord left behind, Pixy realizes he is in too deep. And as he flies formation, carefully towing the line, he realizes perhaps.. he knows someone who broke AWWNB once and who can do it again... 
- Cipher is aware that AWWNB is alive again and more radicalized. While flying he thinks about throwing his name back into the mercenary “deadpool” before they get to Aurelia and blow up nice people, like Jim his “co-pilot” who keeps asking him to “do another of that turn-y things with the plane!”. The sky on his 4 is empty this time, and he really dreads having to fight Pixy again. (He never got rusty.. to Cipher flying a plane is like riding a bicycle, and his employer doesn’t know but if they looked at the delivery plane cockpit cam, they will prob be shocked at the moves he pulls to get those 5 star reviews. Jim is keeping his lips sealed.)
- Pixy on the other hand is picking up every lead to try and find his old flight lead again, realizing the clock is ticking till AWWNB nukes everything for good, but not before abducting a “representative population” for repopulation and subjugation in the new world. 
- They meet again at the half-repaired Valais air base. Cipher had been contract-abiding and after taking proper leave, took to the skies again on short mercenary missions and Pixy, exhausting a lot of blank leads, decided to fly over to the old place where so many memories were made, and victories shared. He’s made some excuse to the AWWNB squadron that he’s there on recon and nearly blanks-out mentally when he sees the Demon Lord again after 5 good years. 
- Cipher’s on to him in an instant, and the familiar dread of missile alert sirens start going off in Pixy’s cockpit. He waits for impact, wondering if it would be better if he didn’t attempt to eject this time.. Cipher was back and surely he would start taking AWWNB apart one by one. But the impact doesn’t come. Cipher on the other hand doesn’t know what to make of Pixy not doing ANY evasive movements at all and holds the shot. And for a minute that feels like hours... he brings his plane level to Pixy’s. 
- Pixy’s mentally kicking himself to move, to do anything, to explain 5 years in 1 minute.. but wait.. Cipher is real... and he’s signaling to him? That snaps him out. It’s so natural to follow his old flight leader’s instructions and Oh.. he forgot to switch to the common comms channel. And as the channel comes to life, he hears “Hey. I’m still alive. Are you?” And Pixy finds his voice “Yo Buddy, go ahead tell me “I told you so”.. I am really not supposed to be here but things have gotten bad.. Can you tell the guys at the base to not shoot me down? I’ll explain when we land. It’s going to take a while.”
- And they talk.. over beer about the impending war, Pixy’s insider information, about purpose, about PJ... about them. At the end Cipher asks Pixy if he would fly with him again, but says “but if this ends with you firing at me without warning again...” and Pixy cuts in “No. It won’t... I’m.. sorry”.
- Galm is reborn the next day. (For the sake of it I am going to call him.. -->) Crimson 1 bears down on them with fire and brimstone. But a Demon is at home in hell, and Cipher takes him on. They fight like they are on another plane of existence. Pixy takes on other targets, reprising his role as Galm 2 as if he never left. He knows them both - brutal till the end.. and as it looks like both will go down in flames, he prays salvation for a Demon, and wishes for a second chance. They had so little time after all..
- Flares and chaff gone. Fuel down to reserves. One missile left and Cipher takes the shot. Crimson goes down in flames, and Cipher goes down without fuel. The last of the fight was at low altitude and one has to catch the right angle for a good bail-out. Pixy sees both blue and red disappear and he feels like he has gone down too.
- Pixy spends the whole night at the Valais air-base bar, unsure what the victory party is celebrating, blindly accepting thanks and congratulating the other fighters and ground crew. Some ask about Cipher and when he says he didn’t see a chute deploy they turn pensive and go “well.. he would get a memorial for sure. But he’d want to see you drink up!”. And Pixy accepts the beer shoved in his hand but doesn’t drink.
- Its 4am and the victory party is about to die down when the door slams open with too much force and people turn around. But it slams shut again too quickly and people hear a “Fuck. My hand’s screwed up too?” Pixy recognizes that voice. When Cipher finally gets the door open he can’t stop himself and embraces his flight leader, as if he wanted to make sure this “apparition” was real.. and he thinks.. men like him do not get second chances often. The gods are finally kind...
- Epilogue: A new team of aces is formed, meant to be a cross-national team comprising the best-of-the-best, to combat huge threats like these and Cipher and Pixy are drafted. Valais will be the temporary base and others.. will join them in time. Cipher’s done with doing things half-legally and puts in his 1 month’s notice at the Delivery company. Jim and the boss are both excited and sad to see him go... but they have a hell of a blast over Cipher’s last month. [Also... some sketches of Pixy and Cipher missing each other... =]
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mt10lt20 · 2 years
I don’t think I sketch enough of Cipher & Pixy doing normal things. At least, “normal” in their definition.
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HC on Cipher being a Sapin merc = He’s not just Pixy’s buddy, Pixy’s his buddy too, just in Sapin-ish. Also, Pixy’s the only one he shows his insecurities to. 
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