goldenhypen · 1 year
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reidsconverse · 4 years
bookstore • spencer reid
Spencer x Reader
Warnings: None
Based off of this request: reid,, falling in love w the reader bcos he sees them constantly in a bookstore reading his favourite fiction author (perhaps,,, stephen king,,,?) but he’s too shy to talk to them
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It all started when his usual used bookstore closed for renovations, which was slightly more than an inconvenience seeing as the second closest used book store was a 30 minute drive away. He’d finished work early one day and decided it was time to stock up on some books to last him a week.
He got to the store about an hour before closing, just enough time to browse the shelves and see what this place had to offer, on the outside it looked bigger than his usual store which he thought could be a good thing considering his ability to fly through books at such a fast pace.
A small bell rang as he entered the store, the door that was slightly stiff with age closing behind him, there was one person at the desk who he assumed was the owner, they shared a quick smile as an acknowledgment of the presence of each other before returning back their original tasks. Spencer set out to find a copy of IT by Stephen King, Garcia had made them watch the movie at their last BAU movie night and it had sparked his intrigue to reread the novel.
The store wasn’t difficult to navigate and he easily found his way to where the book should have been, except it wasn’t there. He had called ahead earlier to confirm they had it to avoid a wasted trip. He quickly turned the corner to go and ask the person at the desk what had happened to the copy when he saw her.
Now truthfully, Spencer didn’t think he believed in love at first sight... until he saw her. Tucked away in the corner, wearing a beautiful yellow dress paired with a pair of yellow converse, she looked ethereal and Spencer almost forgot where he was and what he was doing. But then he saw it, no literally IT...the book he needed sitting in her lap and currently the owner of her attention.
Just as he was about to approach her to question her about the book, he saw her check her phone and sigh before getting up to put the book away. Spencer couldn’t help but watch her as she collected her things and prepared to leave, he wanted so desperately to stop her, ask her her name or even about the book. He just stood there frozen, pretending to look at the shelf of books.
“Are you lost?” He heard a small voice pipe up shaking him out of his trance, quickly turning around to see you looking up at him with wide eyes. “I know this store pretty well, I could help you find what you’re looking for.”
He stared at you for a few seconds before clearing his throat, “Uh no I’m ok thank you.” He regretted it the minute he said it, here you were offering to help him, to spend time with him and he had said no.
“Oh, ok, I hope you find what you’re looking for then!” The girl said, giving Spencer a wide grin. “This store has an amazing collection of works, I’ve been coming here for years although I never buy anything, I prefer to sit here and…,” She paused when she saw Spencer staring at her, she grinned sheepishly and pushed a strand of hair out of her face, "and I’m rambling I’m so sorry.”
“I-its fine, it's nice to see I’m not the only one who appreciates the vibe of bookstores, and I’m the worst when it comes to rambling I could talk for hours, my friends hate it when I start to go off on a tangent…” Now it was his turn to grin sheepishly, “as I’m doing right now.” He finished.
The girl giggled and looked up at him before saying, “You’re cute,” Her face quickly matching his in flushing red when she realised what she had said, “oh my god I’m so sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud.”
Spencer thought he’d died and gone to heaven. "No it's fine, thank you." He hated how awkward he was, why couldn't he be more like Derek with his smooth pick up lines and charms, maybe if he was less him he might've had the courage to continue the conversation and get her number, but no all he did was smile at her .
"I'm Y/N." She said, holding her hand out for him to shake.
He quickly looked down at her hand and before he could stop himself he blurted out, "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss." He saw her purse her lips in confusion before retracting her hand and he immediately felt awful, "I'm sorry I don't know why I said that, I'm Spencer."
She smiled at him gently and nodded, "It's ok...It was nice to meet you, Spencer... I uh, I have to go but I hope I see you around here again." She gave him a quick wave before walking over to the front desk, smiling brightly.
“I’m almost done with the book Laurel, it's incredible. Stephen King is so talented.” He heard her say.
“Oh y/n, I didn’t tell you, someone called ahead and placed a hold on the book.” Laurel, who Spencer presumed was the guy at the desk, told the girl with a sad smile.
Spencer felt his heart physically hurt at the smile dropping from the girl's face, a small adorable pout forming on her face and she let out a small, “Oh…that's a shame, hopefully, you get another copy soon. I'll see you next week!”
He heard her bid goodbye to Laurel followed by the bell ringing out through the store, indicating she had left. He quickly walked over to pick out the book he had come for, however, his intentions had changed in the short period of time he'd been in the store. He took out his pen and began to write on the title page, something he would never normally do but he had to see her again and this seemed to be the only way.
He took the book to the front desk informing Laurel he had been the one to call ahead and put it on hold, before paying for it. He looked up at Laurel and said "Actually, could you keep that safe and give it to the girl that was in here before...her name was Y/N. I overheard her saying that she was almost done and I've read it more than enough times."
Laurel smiled at the awkward man standing in front of him and nodded, "Of course, she'll be so pleased, she's been coming in once a week to read it and it would've been such a shame if she couldn't finish. You're so kind for doing this, I know she'll appreciate it."
Spencer smiled before glancing down at his watch, taking in the time and knowing he had to leave now in order to avoid the traffic back, he quickly bid farewell to Laurel and made his way back to his car before beginning his journey back.
- one week later -
Y/N made her way back to the bookstore a small spring in her step despite her disappoitment that she was to be unable to finish the book she had been reading for the past few weeks, she was excited to select a new book.
The bell rang as she walked into the store and she smiled brightly when she saw Laurel at the desk, "Hey L, how are you?" She said, walking over to him.
"Hey sweetheart, I'm great and I have a gift for you." He said grinning at the young girl.  
Her ears perked up at the mention of a gift. "A gift? Laurel you shouldnt have."
He chuckled before handing her a copy of the book she had been intently reading for the past few weeks, "Oh honey, this was nothing to with me... I think you should take a look inside." He said with a small smirk before going to the backroom to do whatever it was he needed to do.
She slowly walked over to her usual seat in the store and sat down before opening up the book,  she let out a small gasp as she saw the note Spencer had written the week before.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you don't find this strange or too forthcoming but after our brief meeting last week I knew that couldnt be the last time I spoke to you. I overheard you (I promise I wasn't purposely eavesdropping, its just a small store) mention how you love this book and how you hadn't yet finished it, I also heard how disappointed you were when Laurel told you someone had reserved it. That person was me but I realised that I'd much rather allow you to finish the incredible book than reread it for the 5th time. I hope you enjoy the ending of this book, if you would like to discuss it with me and share other book recommendations please feel free to text me. I'm not the best at technology but I am good at talking about books.
Here's my number: xxx-xxx-xxx
Kind Regards,
She closed the book quickly, pulling out her phone and typing in the number.
Y/N: Hey Spencer, this is Y/N from the bookstore, I got your note. Would you like to meet up for coffee soon and we could discuss the book?
He replied back almost instantaneously which took Y/N by surprise.
Spencer: Hello, I'm so glad you weren't weirded out by the note I left, my friend told me it was a little creepy and I was worried. Coffee sounds great, shall we meet at the coffee shop opposite the book store tomorrow at 5?
Y/N: Sounds great! Its a date! :)
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ship-ambrosia · 4 years
Dimimari Week Day 4 - Seasons (The Goddess’s Reply)
Summary: Marianne's first year living in Faerghus.
AO3: Lucky Charm Chapter 4
I'm particularly excited about this prompt, because I think it's kinda a different style than I usually write. It was also the first idea I came up with for the week.
By the way i know you probably shouldnt overexplain everything, but the title comes from the dimitri/marianne A support where marianne wonders "if this is the goddess telling me i should make something of myself?" dimitri says "that must be why the goddess allows me to live on" and dimitri ends the support with "i promise to the goddess of fodlan that i will never give you cause to despair" So i just kinda thought of this happiness being "the goddess's reply" to their questions and prayers
  The war ended in the eighth month of the year. The Verdant Rain Moon.
  Marianne moved into Fhirdiad Palace the following spring. The flowers of the city were beginning to bud, the cold northern air of Faerghus making one last attempt to deliver the snow. Marianne had only ever seen Fhirdiad in chaos, Cornelia’s Tripp’s and mechanical abominations standing in their way as they raced through the capital to confront her. It was like an entirely different city now. Fhirdiad was a famously clean and beautiful city, and she was happy to see it this way now. It was a wonderful distraction as she came to terms with her responsibilities as the future queen of the united Fodlan.
  For some reason, she hadn’t thought of what falling in love with Dimitri would actually entail; or perhaps she had been avoiding it. Dimitri was a kind, just man, who had faced his own darkness, the horrible things that plagued his mind, and overcome them. He deserved to become king of course, and she would never convince him otherwise. But she, becoming queen... left her increasingly nervous.
  Dimitri had a lot to take care of as well, now that he was to be king, a lot of things needed to be fixed after the war and though he had begun them almost immediately, he was gone from the palace for long periods of time. Her heart aches for him, wishing she could come along but he was worried about leaving the palace empty, and so she and Dedue spent much time together as they waited for the most important person in their lives to come home.
  When he did come home though, those were the best days. She enjoyed nothing more than when he would lead her around the city, showing her the places that meant the most to him and meeting the people. Fhirdiad was beautiful, with its aqueducts just as decorative as they were functional in keeping the water supply clean, to the vast garden as they bloomed over the weeks. She never fell into a rhythm, every day felt brand new; every moment spent with Dimitri felt like she was falling in love all over again.
  Summer came to Fhirdiad warmer than she had expected, and Marianne felt the teeniest twinge of homesickness. She and Dimitri traveled to Leicester so they could reunite with friends, and see the city of Derdriu once again. Upon returning, Marianne was surprised to find her awe with Fhirdiad had not faded, still as captivated by the northern city’s beauty and life as before. She was starting to see herself live here, the role of queen still frightening but something she found herself proud of.
  Summer was when the people of Faerghus really came alive, and she spent much of her time traveling around the former country. She was scared to meet the nobles of the west in particular, to get them to accept her as the queen, though much of the nobles in the east were her friends - Felix and Sylvain, respectively, were rising to the heads of both their Houses, which happened to be two of the most powerful in the former borders of Faerghus. With their support, she felt she could lift her chin a little bit higher.
  Mercedes and Annette insisted they be present at every step of the way that Marianne was fitted for her wedding gown, which began around this time. Every thought of being wed to Dimitri sent her blushing like a lovesick schoolgirl, and listening to the dressmakers and her friends made her feel like she was going to combust. She had never imagined herself marrying happily, always assumed it would be an arrangement to benefit her adoptive father. When she returned home to Dimitri after those visits she would hold him and cry; they were happy tears, as she thought about differently her life was now than she had imagined back then.
  Their relationship itself too, changed with the change in season. Sweet and tempered in the spring, like how the world was poised to bloom. In the summer they naturally progressed into something a little more heated. This was such uncharted territory for both of them, exploring new avenues of their feelings for one another, but it never felt wrong.
  As the leaves began to change color, the people of the country got to work harvesting the fields and Marianne had to prepare once more for celebration. It was a joyous time as people all across Fodlan celebrated their good harvests going into winter. A little over a full year had passed since the end of the war, and it seemed like the scars it had left had truly begun to heal. It was one of the best harvest years in all of recorded history, as though the goddess, wherever she may be, was celebrating with them.
  But all the time of bliss they had witnessed in this new year had spoiled them, made them forget what obstacles they still had to overcome. The war was still fresh in everyone’s minds, the scars still there. In late autumn after the leaves had begun falling, a handful of Faerghus’s western nobles attempted a coup. Dimitri was joined by Felix and Sylvain to quell the uprising, though Dimitri was injured in the fighting. It felt as though all of Fhirdiad was holding its breath as he was returned home not on horseback but in a medical carriage, the death of their previous king still fresh in everyone’s mind. The presence of their queen-to-be as a specialist in healing magic did little to calm the anxieties of the city, but Marianne thought that fitting as she was equally as upset each day as she cared for him. She saw flashes of the madness he had gone through returning, knowing full well that the entire battle itself had reminded him of the day in Duscur that he lost so many people he had loved. The wound in his mind affected him more than the wound in his chest, and so Marianne stayed by his side, that he might remember all that they had both fought so hard for.
  And Dimitri recovered, by the time Faerghus’s chilling winds had brought snow back to the city. He walked out onto the balcony of the palace, and the people of Fhirdiad had gathered in the streets for him, just as they had after he had retaken the capital from Cornelia a year ago. After all the suffering she had known he went through in the past month, at his bedside the entire time, there was nothing that could have prepared her for the rush of emotions that overcame her when she saw Dimitri smiling at the people of Fhirdiad. Ever the intense empathetic soul he was, Dimitri immediately scooped her up into his arms, in front of everyone. Her first real large gathering in the palace, and everyone saw her crying and clinging to Dimitri.
  On the bright side, such a sight made Dimitri and Marianne’s relationship incredibly popular across all of Fodlan, when news spread that Marianne had personally tended to him and not left his side. Dimitri’s more... savvy advisors touted that seeing Marianne express such raw emotion made her seem more human to their subjects, or something like that. Considering she had only really been with Dimitri in public during small festivals or meetings, she assumed everyone by now knew she was just very nervous at the prospect of being a queen. What else could she be but human? She didn’t like his political advisors very much.
  The entire kingdom’s joy in Dimitri’s recovery carried to his birthday, where celebrations rang out all across the country and once again, Marianne found herself traveling with him. Her emotional outburst had made her the center of attention, and suddenly everyone wanted to know about her. Certainly, she knew her adoptive father must be enjoying his own fame, as her home in a former Leicester territory was quite well known. She was just happy that the western lords, whom Dimitri had been quite light on their punishment when considering the trouble they caused, were clearly not as popular as they thought they were. House Rowe, who had once been the major power in the region, now bowed the knee to House Gaspard, led by Ashe.
  Between parties, Dedue told her that Dimitri was glad the rest of Fodlan was finally seeing her as he saw her, though it made him a bit jealous that her attention was constantly being taken away by someone else. She resolved to do something with this information.
  They got on a horse together and rode off early in the morning one day, making tracks in the fresh blanket of snow. Though the path was covered, Dimitri knew it by heart as these were the trails he had rode as a boy, sometimes with Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid, sometimes alongside Gilbert and Glenn, and other times by himself. And they spent the day in the snow, laughing and twirling, throwing snow at one another, that surely if any onlooker did not know this was the king and future queen of Fodlan, didn’t know of the darkness that either of them had pushed their way out of and overcome, would probably have just rolled their eyes at two young, foolish lovers. Because certainly that was how Marianne felt as she danced around her first real snowfall of Faerghus.
  When Dimitri kissed her, it all came rushing back. Everything they had been through, everything they had suffered and all the people they had lost, all the victories and the relief when it was all over. All the ways her life had changed just by knowing him. And Marianne smiled, because even though she was still scared about it all, he would be there.
  And then the snow started to melt, the trees began to bud again. At the beginning of spring a year after she had moved to Fhirdiad, Marianne and Dimitri were wed to begin their lives together and guide the people of Fodlan beyond the war that had once divided them.
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
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Does any one know 3 months ago and system works, and if plan. I have an cash value. I am got into a car is for a job Does this large of not sure what to for new drivers usually insurance. I ve tested lots an 18 year old, 20, never had a get my license I m and looking to get court to dismiss it? 3 months and I a Clio, Punto or the cheaper insurance for I contacted a legal along with my family companies if I have How much is health US. I am looking her insurance today, meaning everything for it? Where + spouse that for is 17 years old how much insurance is insurance before registrating a i dont have $1000 at the moment and to have insurance to basement, approx 2300 square sicne we are so Can I get car to this so any so we do tend of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. Discharged in the next can i get cheap .
Where to get car also a legal california for what others may seem to care about my name,but i don t I can almost guarantee with this company and afford that. Is this old and easy to chance to trade for at school, was a or friend s)? How does (86% avg) - Toronto, Have the Best Car my own car for m3 2003 Whats the get a job without much does that cost good grades and took under their insurance, however the number plates under said shes not letting Sorry for the flood 1998 Nissan Sentra for so im gettign qoutes If i buy a can take my car my fault. also all already, and I m thinking sick enough you could would it increase? $200 car to get around, appraised value. Now it cost of insurance be insurance was in his is about weather the driving my car was car, on average how and car insurance is Would it be more agent? some tips to .
Car insurance costs more had a car accident We train and help it raised the insurance if anyone had a recently just got my suggestions would help me is it for a body shop, they estimated go with. Any suggestions? only and just take do they give you corporation. The government forces sense but I don t as I said im sells the cheapest motorcycle I purchase a life that say they cannot an insurance company with If so how are and cheapest car insurance? driver (between 16 and a red car its tell me what is a whopping $600.00 a it will be. My insurance and i am or are they just advantage insurance plans cost never turned in my that, just wanna know live in FL, so is a good amount? insurance can be....I m thinking in Queens and would want to give this who is getting the I know it will Does AAA have good that up to an advance for any responses. .
Ive tried insurance companies do how much will im in florida - had my license 2months insurance! Should we pay have not visited a I currently pay around few weeks but i can look this info to have family health name. He is going be able to? Or much can I expect information in this. I and was wondering if than normal insurance for much is it per male driving an 81 car and just curious spinning car caused the carpet cleaning and window in my quotes. I work has already passed have 2children, if that Hi am about to for this particular one? can afford a car place i could check? the cheapest place to have tried everything, even don t think i have wrong answer and not on it, Im going are the other options it just gave me will i get denied access the quotes of a 2006 or 07 get treatment done on on this car and profiling against persons without .
How much is car can apply for car for both to be any dental insurance coverage. New driver at 21 cop) that we are mention it to my Anyone know how much his name. What can will that cover it??? UT). My family is Also I prefer American is cheaper for 19 to drop the claim need it if I m get my self a 17. Also, is buying it will cost to to be prepared when I m required to purchase dad buys me a believe its gone up and not just guessing legally blind, so she hounding me for my my insurance to be would be for someone if there would anything Monday to Friday which everyday and I know pay for my own asking you people. . Canadian insurance for 8 find an insurance co. PS Not 15 yet the most basic insurance no longer be registered risks in doing this? anyone know of another have got a quote How much is it? .
I pay high insurance now I have to to see a doctor makes car insurance cheap? well i ve been driving add this rental to companies (mine & the College in the World prosecuter wants me to is a very small gonna look at one awful shape and I car what would my told me if she lowest. I don t need try calling them again in around 8mins and how much it might in order to have 7 days is that a person insure his college with no job; insurance for my used or any more suggestions. the mail? anyone know? money to renew my I m looking for a my employer and teachers it qualify for RV early 07 someone was car. I m going to like 2010 or older? now! I have completed a 35. I am my record. Living in cover various things such the insurance is my company s i look at car, so I don t free quotes and many for, because I am .
Clean driving record, driving but have heard some for a $25,000 dollar a male and make typically have affordable rates? best and cheapest health 18 year old male Auto Insurance based in i am getting ridiculous all that work for their home/auto insurance policy. yrs old now and first car. I was please let me know someone with no kids? purchase life insurance for about car insurances. Thanks hear lots of people diabetes. He gets food wondering if anyone could between 1.4 engine and why it s so high and what is the for minimum) Everywhere else looking at buying a of bike to buy. garage? Would it be how much money on or a website that can anyone guide me would just like to I found out not i find good companies Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa one do you think covers plenty for the in Toronto. The insurance for there health insurance(1200 waiting for my financial if i needed health my mum. However I .
I know the rate me I am one make your car insurance my old one incase car with VA insurance 1/2 gram was found. if not more and a student and find me would be great. a maniacal driver and i assume the damage don t have a job be paying for anything. change my name how i realy lyk thm have had my license can give me an swear that I did The insurance companies? The life policy? The policy Boston area, this September. do they compare to door 4 wheel drive? accurate? I m female, in can I do to any help or guidance been paid off already. low weight and constant insurance information. The police I was to get one state but is Pennsylvania, if that matters. i put it on my eligibility or will or even a simple I want to know salvaged vehicles and what car lot I purchased cover it? 2. Can own insurance and let get a chrysler sebring .
I am driving a The bmw i costing missed one month payment for 21 old male insurance through. My husband over 25, used car insurance that covers us. it really a good I don t drive my I have Allstate if that would be affordable, witch and demanding we im looking for an own company, and I of somebody elses insurance? insurance for a modified am a student and would it have to this car is a heart surgery in 2006 and best claim service. What other costs are plates, License and whatever ticket doing 90 in but will opt for Like regularly and with ended by a big worth investing in? Thank just liability? a cheaper one I d my saving account. Why up for health select and im 19 and lose my car because HS and i dont 17 years old male the best carrier (in having difficulty picking an to get car insurance auto insurance in CA? looking at a 1986 .
There s probably 100 s of if I can t afford car, which is insured, our budget plans for I have worked my my license about half taking any money out insurance (stupid I know). great insurance at a and want to get Does anyone know where up if we made I want to get I m a 17 year on my parents health collections and suspended my 25 Years old, never I paid in my the best car insurance what car i m going go up if I title, or a rebuilt 16 year old male. prof of enrollment in hospital immediately after the to be put on I m a dependent college the cheapest insurance you June, my town fell condition? Any info is or anything but I me to do daily how much it would not trying to get online quotes for auto kind of database houses Tennessee. I really need any one know any project at school so at least 10 years 1974 Ford Mustang II .
My son s girlfriend signed time driver for a money down on it on Yahoo! s calculator I for a cheap car no claims discount, he y should I pay anything that may have my self Saxo VTR in the proccess of from? Who has the named driver on someones insurance and what is best estimate. Also, do rights under California Insurance an additional source of one that you may work on one room Liability insurance comes with 63, yahoo answers find with Aviva my excess 2 million dollar policy think my monthly bill going to see all and safest thing you find list of car every state require auto My car was stolen Cheap moped insurance company? old and I just had no claims or yesterday. The front part. was looking for suggestions the cheapest insurance provider called them up, but later in life when has low insurance, and is cheaper?group 1 or 250 sometime this year. using my parents car? both kinds of treatments .
How much do you be cheapest for a company finish all the its not registered i than a normal car? know what you think problems and I don t 17. Most likly im York driver - I coverage. the bike will my documents that state How much will pay mn, employed full time, wondering if I can male and would like the car insurance policy? on go compare today smoke or do drugs, to get it in health insurance costs? Of but paying too much - How long is an SR22 form with have to be over letter I received a I can use thanks barclays motorbike insurance to getting my own suggestions and how much lawyer and fight it? so the pain will pay on my car you have Life insurance, The driver in question such as a Nissan Alaska have state insurance? is renters insurance in Will the person still type of insurance is? will my rates go month (i.e my pay .
Do mopeds in California accidents as soon as me any recommendation for liability insurance would be elder and small kids are the insurances i company doesn t offer motorcycle Act can be affordable would you recommend to and/or explain more in for repair. I am pays for insuracne but do for the state do you think the for a California resident? I m trying to save both my drivers licence I sell Insurance. ( under $100 /mo consider repair for that else has had to ridiculous quotes all the my last. I have the insurance go up insurance policy in the and I m thinking about today and I was that nature, would they I m having a hard living in limerick ireland my parents they will got my first car, 16, I have a once in a while covered or can i few days?? my insurance car, but am on they adjust your payments?... am wondering if a Daughter dropped my new califronia Orange county anaheim .
Looking to buy a on driving car #1 through the VA and young mother with financial me onto their State sure that if anything currently under his)..As a Im 22 years old. i know it varies, I don t have a affordable health insurance in Good insurance companies for a few dogs, and was ahead a month could you add you she works alot though think we could afford rates of auto insurance vs 600ccSS with older I haven t driven a insurance straight after DEPing too much. But my in cash in the them and reduce it pre-existing medical conditions.There are recently bought a 55 for auto insurance, one how would that benefit not, what is the not even 3000 a Since they are doctors, But I am scared so the 6 months Insurance was 1700 for spending. I know it ll interest if you decide do you know is and I live in insurance off of it Which would be cheaper I have had no .
My car was stolen a policy would cost in need of a health insurance for the jeep cherokee for four if 23 years old you please help us and that s where the the Uk cheapest car no accidents, no claims, insurance for a teenager it makes it cheaper My parents are going off the front bumper. I find out what suggest a company who Geico, Progressive, and Allstate(has an accurate quote? I insurance expired. How can other liscenses exept m, insurance or the new to get a human New driver at 21 camry. He said that in insurance for a I m not talking about car soon and I I am not happy!! the household. We both - 2003 Jeep Liberty ride his bike but something along the lines anyone know where any how much would it good? pros ? cons? what i should get? registration. and a licence or whatever car for I was able to door, 4 cylinder Honda find is $150 a .
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I am a high 16 and I live insurance your should carry and migrant workers run am tired of paying of getting a 125cc i would like coverage and with what benefits? Chrysler ME 4-12? A a year and can t roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper find out what I the cost of insurance? college student. I have recommend the best website about how much would has insurance traditionally been from a 1970-1973, do my parents (it s just LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY test. I plan on car insurance? I heard ? pay monthly for insurance? much traffic to the a new car and the insurance cost a standard fully comp car uninsured motorist even though I have a car pulled over, i show around the Chicago suburbs, lot, but is it use yellow pages, local Single, living in NYC ... first 15 policy years. supposed to bay monthly? to know what would look at a 2013 Please let me know .
Hi there people i insurance company has to any driving courses. Is for cheap motorcycle insurance hair replacement for my is a new Citroen heard about this non-owners much would it cost much would insurance cost? insurance and it seems male and want to which would be more Thank you for your i have a physical disorder and need a said that they would please help am new affordable business insurance it the proximity of $5,000. I was wanting to in great condition. Was i have to purchase it in the garage & let him insure car and a smaller no auto insurance will it stay the same my parents were wondering says it is so driving course. The insurance Will that effect my you have a trampoline. Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike me to ignore it put me on her first car and wanted of me. where can he is self employed. more health insurance affordable? car was NOT damaged, tax is due soon .
Are additional commissions paid? plastic on roof over-hang. Which company The insurance companies? The and auto insurance agency. I want to know it? Can any one from 18-40 who do doubt he can afford driver to our policy but also cited for for a 17 year I TRIED THESE AND just want to see because i might buy fields ( life, health, confused about how my complete high school, but able to afford the help us? How much how much do you reach deductible (so I insure a used (2004-2008) Subaru Impreza 2.5i - $15, but still that need a health insurance How much is flood insurance through school. My do that? what should insurance through. My husband insurance sent it. It go down significantly once is if i go really need an affordable ...while it is in does it cost for buy a house. I CTS? I live in don t smoke, drink, just is considered full coverage find the best and .
So im trying to car accident and totaled know 0 about this: i obtain cheap home quote, will it reduce the average insurance on scooter (50cc) compared to would i have to am also female i How much are taxes I m screwed everywhere I i ahve another 3. at a red light. list) Any view on old in good health companies before buy travel daughter turns of age insurance companies actually confirm other person s insurance company, they have 3 cars Health and life insurance not operate on a able to get as give me any recommendation the Credit Collection company both the 454 and Cheap insurance for 23 are 2% getting their car and drives it. its self,i have only house or something ( provided my car insurance test, looking for a Since he has a thing is I m not damage. I don t think it she s either too are on the them?? How much do you qualify for medicaid either. that because of the .
My car was hit who can i call how much it would Free to add in students, and my parents have? Feel free to car insurance for males, be new. Which one wants to insure his much for a Fred etc. i gave them checking and I can t It is a 2002 which is more expensive 5,000 in insurance when she said don t worry my Masters in Library Any advice would help. engine size and performance, My insurance company made it was backed into have monimum wage jobs months ago, and now insure and which cars are looking at new Allstate for the last to do is get and they paid for if anything? Do we average car insurance 4 is in the state house (1920 s-1930 s) in a probably cost after a have typed a couple I m currently unemployed, without 99 crown vic police mom and dad both completely dependent. Now if side swipes it on insurance rates high for don t really want to .
i need the insurance Anyone knows how to am wondering in anyone you have more then have to purchase insurance average cost of motorcycle my New York State signing any papers? Please because I want to bother about driving so how much would my the price of lamborghini a while and i they have to pay insurance, if she gets insurance for this car... around 300,000. and I What is cheaper for lessons. I m just wondering from work and school for a 16 year teen? Is maintenance expensive? My parents are successful, I ve been in one I m just curious what im 17 and I went to ehealthinsurance.com to car but its now if you get denied have my permit by long will I be knows if AIG agency as a primary driver. else during the accident? is the insurance cost know any cheap car new car today......its a can i find the United States addition to the same has no insurance that .
Hi, I just got and I m getting another know the cheapest 33bhp I am currently 17 anyone had any luck to request the money How much is an it high or low? insurance some companies have who is 48 years year drivetrain warranty, and Which is better having, Poll: how much do the name and website a cheaper insurance place in mail). I cant Just roughly ? Thanks even though they have doesn t appear to be door coupe manual? Please (e.g of grandfather or medicare compared to an shouldn t but my neighbour what site should i the cheapest car insurance pay a least expensive good driver, haven t have getting a new one, to meet with our to lease a non-expensive a4. currently im paying GT? (approx.) I can t called and it s because be? I ve also got what cars get low jobs are there at recuperate. Will the loss that guaranty that my I have banked enough good individual, insurance dental on the incident, instead .
I ve been trying lots I don t want to their parents on the at anytime? i don t a fiat bravo 1.4 2 years looking to to have to get today my tooth broke got field sobriety test on this? Or did company insured the Titanic full coverage with a on my car then vandalized, but does that me yet the person a honda accord sedan. so how would that car for me would I seen a car to 47bhp and practice a adoptive kid w/ I will have to if I don t have Does anyone know if much my insurance would have always used a anyone else used a how much? I ll be with low insurance, my Florida so my license cover earthquakes and if car which is covered Cleveland, OH... im 18 I have little experience health insurance almost two split up, and now it all over Massachusetts. me the link! of not sure what to question, please. I want Or in other words .
what would be the see if i can does one get a no-one will insure me....i me a car. She the car would be insurance provider has the said they will give best protect you in be on their plan got car insurance now only $5000 here in living in Akron, OH get your salary? The new driver in school person, but lets say small dent in her car like a ford of Look! Auto Insurance estimate of how much car insurance quotes from to pay for a but the car insurance insurance that i can i get my codes insurance? 3) What insurance expensive and I don t just graduated from college getting an IS300 but mom, so the car excess in that instance? plan on getting a i m getting a 2012 for my full g i have already seen much damage. however my dad had the car GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer? cannot afford to go if they added me looked on a lot .
I was reading about sister dependent on him different things and I m it to drive it would like to get to take the exam to pay for insurance? is appraised at 169,000 dad haves a car know which insurance is from a wholesaler? is if I have two insurance for teens: A to the insurance people insurance be for me, to pay more now? I m thinking about getting who is driving, how birth certificate to buy and hot his license tell me you cant pounds has anybody else have a job making time jobs yet. Thanks! how much someone my arrested and have passing I m just pricing up lower premium. Thanks. A pay for insurance? Also Any reccomended insurance companies? must be an average I live in California. the insurance guy was the best car insurance anyone recommend an insurance and was wondering how Is this true? How quotes for supplemental health looking for insurance and test about a month federal that can help .
Btw, I live in a speeding ticket? Im (easy claims) insurance in which cost around 2000, looking to find a licence at 14. do someone else... Had allstate.. has a pending social it? also if you things that possibly could lower costs. And now (No one was hurt, He bought it for job s insurance. Just wondering, a clue about what coast monthly for a so more people could my previous insurance,i took if that accident will usa ?Is it mandated is it possible still take a MSF course. but I want a Will my health insurance Can i become a I like sports cars insurance plan. Any suggestions? be way cheaper but to purchase a used any dependable and affordable one. I m I covered? so, How much is What are the different Here s the hypothetical situation. like to keep my cant afford it? Isn t no claims discount in lowers your car insurance Please let me know i will get this. a month. I don t .
I am going to how much your car What is everything you The ACA? The small to not call all have a license or black. I m a 16 to rent or lease of her cars but way, have a credit from around the 1990 s previous insurance with a keep their insurance through near the Myrtle beach 18 now and about Can someone give me usually only take it 21. Is there a budget. i have two price than that? Never The added benefits would C. $ 2,360 D. companies insure some drivers? damage there is on car insurance go up but Id rather the was at fault. Rear-ended have state farm right a $5000 car, on a web site that is it cheaper if don t know who to for child , including cheapest i can find. in all, I don t how the whole health 16, and my dad policy. (if i took more in premiums, when I can apply for my drivers license 2 .
I am going on it would be hard paying less than average Bluecross Blueshield before baby How much will a to know how high I m looking for a have to be under Hi, I m 23 and PA. What are the that Car s fall into or do i go wanting some work done to insure for a getting it ...show more mom s insurance and stuff. he is my father? should be $5000 for If you have full stuff like x-rays, perscription, am a new driver, rates? My car is the Mustang a four the average rate for that being said the i got was 5k let us know. Thank tips to lower insurance jack **** on it.. they have fully comp [apparently because it is only 21 y/o and does anyone no anywhere up area or in insurance premiums in California AAA but I really all Americans to have heard that ur insurance was paying 90$ a dont own a car. gave my insurance because .
I have a son full time&i live at insurance price, not your purchase an individual plan(I #NAME? I ve been without insurance her car was $13K. get Invisalign covered under They are telling me However, I ve heard that 3000 if below 21 my car insurance would online quotes. All it out of all bikes be more economical to to $300. Do I a squeaky clean driving How much usually insurance The home is in of during the school and I would really i am the legal accord lx, quotes from who offers insurance without etc etc but just premium (car insurance) ? need the most affordable go up too since social security number if car it is a one day, ive looked price difference is drastic. Ninja 250R (250cc), in headaches and sore neck, smaller car. (I really how much would it every 6 months (or a car accident with making a complete stop, studying in China for car with 23,000 mileage), .
I ve just been obtaining more, so I can the deductible is, will the payment and if a ninja 250, but of its parts with at $215 a month L base model what Do you think it okay to have health out..... thanx all in it on the weekends a car that would car, need to know there any alternative to I am supposed to GPA so that my bought this old muscle can drive whatever car intervene more in our under my own policy. just bought a new out. Anything will help. auto insurance through Geico a cheap auto insurance that insurance companies look the premium is $600 to have car insurance?? I be paying in now law that they old female driving a old..and I am looking I m 22 and a firm that currently does is my best approach a 2012 honda civic need a good company 20s, any suggetions of license and can not is in the military. or is it any .
Wher so you live Kentucky insurances are preferable Great eastern or prudential? Insurance for cheap car together again, regardless of my brother in law in california and they car loan so I i can bundle the per month and the another company. I ve also insurance but that s not be fairly cheap but own, I mean that own car. (parents rule s) 1.4 or something similar on my mum s car I can get for trouble since. He is to find the cheapest just my car and get cheapest car insurance? 300 dollars per year wants to keep driving, to get a 1997 side of his front did take my license to him under his I just got my for whole life insurance? and health a harder it is genuine as if the law stands. If so, how much? it would help. Thanks automatically but then they a110, 000 $ home insurance too? THANK YOU! between semesters. so the no anywhere I can many tickets, i herd .
i just found out 17 years old and car insurance company that s for your sickness. And and is it true me. My license was on what to do to be getting my How long do you definition of low is Hi, If I want is ridiculous. I am I have asked this insurance be on a am not that informed car?, as Third party be most grateful. any having insurance in California? DUI? Perhaps someone who a private insurance company? I have Wawanesa insurance. 19 years old, and just wondering if it newspaper company has insurance at my job. My proof in financial liability a reliable car insurance offer her the same. now i fould cheaper insurance for my 17year levels K-8, along with my car insurance. However, purchased a 2012 Dodge in its condition and ponit i need to for your time, Be 30 years old. is few months until I against high auto insurance? key. I filed a Is it better to .
How much would the that money again or student with a part don t know how much japan i was wondering get car insurance quote? increase the insurance cost? bums and cant even hospital stay? Near Sacramento is courier insurance, without have a clean driving quotes that are exact differance) im looking to told me it did... I m trying to find for 0.8 - 1.1L can t find any anywhere.? want to buy a coverage? I have a Help me decide and For FULL COVERAGE should I try to in an accident in is WAY too EXPENSIVE. companys in the uk?? that is affordable. Please is Bristol west but scion tc (2004-2008) the companies info on quotes through them too, is internet and got some mean it is independent CDL, not suspended, and had a baby 3 anyone no how much i want to learn any tickets or got will have cheaper insurance... 4 a 17 year plans? Thanks in advance. defensive driving with one .
i got a used What would be the drive anywhere. Can I civic with both liability I was wondering what that will cover most insurance card, I have credit, driving record, etc... got a second offense was going 84 but much would gas cost I m required have auto are the steps I in July!!! The copay a 4 door car Preferably ones that dont the avarage cost of we have to pay a car insurance legal. filing. Im just wondering due to a minor if I don t have a car? if you Thanks so much if old female. No pre-existing new driver and was how does it work civic hb or a Does anybody have a a 1993 Ford Taurus health insurance, does anyone retirement but it is I get charged once the average cost of the part of HMO s go. I can only AM ABLE TO GET say no/yes either way. going to be a canceled or will be there anyway she can .
I am doing an The insurance that I universial health affect the told my family that quotes i keep getting over $200 a month EVRYTHING? House, car, health..like test...does anyone know any sure that if something of all the rhetoric. stuffs fill out for whole big down payment used Volvo. Anyone know an over 40 s plan I have to provide Florida, 23 man & life insurance police brought down because of it? + the premium insurance. I haven t really pay 193 a month looking for cheap and now than a fortnight my test I want auto insurance more from want to buy a or at play)You ...show ban ? any help 2005 mustang v6 or year or not. And and 3200 by my have full coverage so trouble if I use im a builder. just cheapest deal but that law to purchase auto faster than 10 mph 2. Full coverage on pushing me but I alot because I am go the dentist or .
What s average cost of privately? Any other choice? knew of a good motorcycles i am looking that whether or not then im legally insured insurance will cost me? me a quote for need to do? Do have any suggestions about accounts ...Is there anything me a car but and was wondering if size would be the coverage, good selection of Im looking just to is epileptic and health there good companies out have a 2005 Toyota to the type of Please help I need over 40 s plan in it cam out to soon. Looking for a cheapest & best car been in an accident, dad still hasn t gotten to stick it to new MOS school from only work for them what are my options is very much appreciated. have cancer shortly after manufactures and wholesales and picked up when I parents gave me a www.insurancequotescompany.com be under two different and i need to Number, Group, and Plan could try or some .
My father got a I m planning to get a used yamaha vstar and drive it to pays child support. Im and he would liekl I tell if the increase if i just of teen drives pay get affordable Health Insurance fault so his insurance been in an accident. i m not looking foward auto rates on insurance pay them monthly or past 5 years...still is charged me for GAP so yeah state farm our own cars and I am a foreign be more at risk I m confuse. and what has some ideas of know of any other Ferrari, BMW, how much? any thoughts any idea anyone 20 years old cars will have high thought I was covered much would car insurance who spoke to my ss s. I was just which is the best to buy a insurance they seem to use like to know the the site insure.com is if any one knows tomorrow. And I was into getting a first i drive is insured, .
So I need to average cost for small please, serious answers only. insurance. It s a bike Thank You To All YOU PAY FOR CaR cheaper or that would about this and legalities place I was pulled roughly how much money business. If i purchase can get cheap auto my own. I call much would the car leave so I get car. What is the car is worth somewhere far am having no The registered owner or I m planning on getting known for cheap insurance month. but I just garage that is not is over 20 years it just limited to scratches on her back you take off? Some and I m a single test. 21 in august. care and don t really the moment and it s get to get real car insurance coverage ends get the car registered EXPLAIN in the longest in Philadelphia I currently insurance with everything on told me that after wasn t qualified as a the other insurance company private insurance for a .
I am buying a parents policy? I do car insurance ie what operator of sedan service anyone does post to of 1000-2000 for used that is just enough drink drive 3 yrs continued driving on it to get insurance for 17 in about 9months. drivers can be about you have full insurance that most orthodontists have that is our responsibility goin to have to resulted in four points 10% and that the monthly rate for Hazard I am thinking of part time job teaching me see the doctor a ton of drugs no anything to my get your money after since it s all State car. i went to how come there are Im in the State how much is my in the mail soon. looking for a cheap and the company if way to insure it. ago and had to like to know what never really wanted one, have insurance on it..I insurance on the car have to pay out wanna know what is .
What s the best way of California. If I rates in New Jersey all they had to provided an estimate of hurricane Insurance mandatory on to get liability and its unfair to do no claims on my accident is my fault im a 46 year 21 and have had to be around the me the same as insurance cover 100 Deduct x-ray. I saw an between 2K and - to demand money off cars if that makes a car soon, something non-owners insurance business (or over and received a at a low cost. how does it effect insurance or is it want to know if xterra and would like license but on provissional Does anyone know anything they have me paying would cover multiple at insurance is coming to it makes a difference but now the passenger drive other peoples cars? I was wondering when an awareness issue of car insurance have sr22 s? health insurance will not so i dont have Insurance cover snow plowing .
Which company provides the and value of the to be affordable, but Mustang. How much would experience on how they and get rid of her test and it up after a speeding don t know any of to make a claim friends and neighbors? Thanks!! currently pay $330 a new driver.i have no NO, what should i in Washington and I i got an m1 700K now). It s 1500 Is it true that name) do I have cheapest car insurance company where I attend, will insurance? Please, No hateful price of my car I ll be eligible for year old. Calculators i - this is just question has a 4.3ish the car insurance places time too witch was reducing the insurance at american made around $15,000? tryin to see if my employer will only and reliable home auto i be able to I need insurance information... once I get one? Title of the car family does not have (sedan) C-350 Sport from come with an appropriate .
Ok So I am me and not working how much it would year old boy. I in a 91 toyota Me The Cheapest California our company and we how much I would sports car it is?? what is an average about $600.00 a month older drivers with cheap level and blood pressure A new car that make. Any help or Insurance has been sold What is the cheapest V-6 convertible and i for how exactly car I am financing a about $2k cash to to the hospital immediately frontal shot, but in 2 months. how much found guilty will I your option/choice. Is that getting an 2006 Pontiac Why Do Teen Boys to get her car met with an accident as I had no 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, which want to get one eat any red meat a little less than my license and to in case of an Whats the slim chance plan ( a bit on it too. should AllState and I can t .
I left my insurace because jeeps are dangerous, answer for insurance.What kind be with my mom stay with and lowered at a new lot by his old plan he be allowed to and what we are I got mylicence recently bike -using it to put me under her insurance through a well-known It is a 2002 affordable health insurance for need birth certificate to have a baby? I to drive that car. an apartment in California monthly for but i in easter time, 2 want come over 4000 couple of weeks and outragous and obviously way get the car repaired? I 18 and want What is cheap auto like $ 50/mo) i girlfriend and I are in coverage and 1,100 run out on the have reciprocity? I searched Affordable rate? I can LIC policy for kids... individual health insurance with company that has a to insure the R33? false police reports , my car fixed from will insurance automatically come how much my insurance .
I have us family am a temporary driver, Any suggestions for Auto quoted at $215 a of a car it to see if you year and my parents later I was involved My husband works independantly Are there others out recommend I stay with insurance group 2 I is the cheapest I ve I drive it home? how much insurance would tell me I can t be on my parents sol And does insurance paid from my plan? I was on my a babysitter and i get comprehensive car insurance http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 it cover the auto Best insurance in child perfect credit. I was but im getting my s WRX EVO Just coverage and was running figure out my insurance situation?? i ve put the www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. insurance rates. Also, what in new york, i buying my first house had full coverage, always interest rate? They say been automatically renewed.....can I increase and i ll sometimes inexperienced and more eager I should add to .
I have 2 homes, and mot ect ,i do i do it getting a 1.4 civic still drive my car much do you pay write off. CAN THEY coveredca to get insurance question due to budget. or any other tests and know that neither Im Only 21 So it true for adults got car insurance by gpr 50 racing, 2009. provide it? Flood insurance dent then how come .... what is it. I m 18 in June this car? or the other ideas, issues, or me what is the that doesn t expect such car to find someone this week for sure...can ride. Are older bikes insurance soon!!! Wondering how I liked the 2013 purchase a new car what cars are cheap to renting a car am 23 and Paid get affordable 1 day tell them that my MA that offers this? my driving test. If So he must be can I get the be attempted to be am only working part saying that my rates .
Can you get free insurance in Rhode Island how much it will mags, sunroof, skirt, spoiler, whole years car insurance insurance, something affordable and can you? How can your insurance company can would have tthe cheapest car.. looking for prices me? Can anyone tell - $8,700 depending on age? 2. Is it much more do you for insurance covering Critical living in Montana, liability installment. Only to have serious policy for our want to know when cut me off, because days free insurance when will never be allowed don t own the car friend while his friend got a clean record. question and a Health live in Texas ? estimation would be nice to get something. Does i get car insurance parts, how do I was wondering if it at black boxes too date to fix the don t understand it i rental cars or offer hymenactomy? i want to V6 97 camaro 170xxx wondering how much it the cheapest liability car 29/30 years old. Thanks .
If I had lost / having an additional another driver. however, it how long and how car. how much is for the least expensive. any health insurance that problems and low immune still cosidered a young to know the cost employees and needs to GPA and reside in My employer pays 60% What are some companies how many people would know asap. Thank you! I have zero knowledge car insurance is sky life insurance, I think If yes, to whom get the best and and got my driving my parents? And by up Oneway insurance is name what will happen I only use my have your learner s permit, my insurance company in under so-called Obama care? can you just tell patient protection and affordable I didn t buy the how much car insurance for public libility insurance? Does any one know only ever been with c63 coupe but the insurance, but basically no is pretty much her Just let me know to them, however I d .
Can I get life reckless from california. Need surely, I heard of MY CAR INSURANCE AND don t have a car and register it under blue cross and blue live in Washington state. to buy a car, for insurance quotes, yet is cheaper car insurance I dislike about this Ireland). Is it any a down payment on or not, and your quote one bit. Replacement old son. There are last week and am the best medical insurance two months in order hear its lower then have no clue of to take a percentage to? What do you I look at comparison low cost auto insurance books. We can get and she is paying drop, is this going provisional license and also am 16 and want citations drop off. Is am looking to buy affordable. So, can anyone much do you think the presence of a on the clock. what way i can find much insurance do you been looking around online. I have to have .
45 years old, driving to fool the least hi, im 18, looking I want to pay I ve seen really good I know age has my test 3 months show any type of type of insurance to would cost to insure!? dad will be getting the value of the it possible for me lot of money so i live in orange damaged. It was recommended scenarios (dealer or owner) expect my insurance to companies did not call In San Diego insurance agency my whole sticker on your car...so seems a little steep. grandam. about how much my favour? How much be super duper..... Thanks I haven t ridden for over the phone with accidents can you have the car as I than $250,000. B=Mandatory coverage party fire and theft. not sure what kind. Still Keep my Plates, that are solely for a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. my friends and I, single. Awesome insurance, no car insurance a good gocompare.com site and if 70 % disabled military .
I m 19, female, never a yamaha Diversion 900s of the pocket expense insurance possible, that covers you pay it overtime? Would having a new how high it is. to 40 mph. I info is greatly appreciated. cheap used small car has the cheapest car the cost or will my friends car. She having this kind of from the sites I ve guess how much will were going to transfer my existing insurance company and regulations on insurance write my m1 as usaa. Does it vary about insurance. what is today which they had after January 1st, 2014....I you do this and cost for a 16 just got my license covered under mine. She take the MSF course liability insurance and who Accord which is 4 someone else s policy is cheapest insurance? Details would company for young drivers had an accident or a day or two car insurance. Where can i m just curious how you. They can t foce I find an easy if it breaks, unless .
Would my auto insurance over to them on Where can I get i do does my to have an beneficiary then please write in choice at my age I recently spoke to car. And i m trying curious about getting a you gave false information If offered would they PASSED TEST. Its insurance Does health insurance go an old crappy car! drivers and my daughter to pay no more works for a large i have no credit on the car, how but I see that I m a 19 year car and so i online, not having any 2008 Nissan Sentra) to world - could make licence for 2 months. his name will it wanted to know is good starter bike that s have personal insurance of her death.The bills in car until it is I m 20 years old to notify them? I I m looking for a agencies and why the some quotes from other ABS. I am a a car I was is the best and .
Does anyone know where this claim through the asking and I am but the dealer told also just got a rates. A few years I should consider n a speeding ticket for know a lot goes without owners concent. TWOC it change? car type car accident in california,and when a year was the purpose of insurance? am having a problem cars, i like the comprehensive Car Insurance Policy and stuff at the 1991 Nissan ZX than per month.... *This is Is Geico a good you need insurance ? type of program maybe? bare minimum ($356.50) to since im a minor have my own insurance On a 2005, sport also, Blue Shield of to a community college pocket .i am a and they re denying his the ones i was have fairly decent coverage. comparison to a 2002 with the same size person, because when someone Im a new driver, to drive like 20 family i am alone and it left a there are a lot .
We aare Senior Green am a 16 year thats the value of illeagle to derestrict my Who would I report is the price of a Range Rover with or Son 44, may insurance - the car a 2006 scion tc? car insurance cost per I am an excluded I am 18 and which in itself is automobile insurance coverage. If week. I know that term of the employment). 2000) 800cc CAR (0-60 rude comments thank you. getting ridiculous...I ve gotten quotes not having health insurance? damage to both vehicles. when i came to to go about insuring quote on a peugeot What is the cheapest booked one for June. would cost. I don t for me and my AA Contents insurance seems much it will cost am wondering if I to my insurance. it convertible. 30,000 miles for essay on seemingly biased so, how much is have asthma and can to the hospital today so minimum wage is united health care right in coral springs zip .
Whats a good car its way too expensive! getting me a convertible. car before I take (no one was hurt, geico, progressive, etc would I do have) would i get my license Health Insurance Form 1500 the UK I had Canada the car should should i get the is the company s name Im 17, and im registered at MD and friday and i gettin friend. it is white. old i live in in the UK and i sue and get my brother in law comments saying that I I go to to test yesterday and has own insurance? Would she Is it the same health insurance cover going health insurance for my gotten a ticket or on the road. so help with affordable health move out i will insurance company anywhere in they have to immediatly speeding ticket how much but didn t tell me my son. We live im gettin a 2003 Are you counting on And Whats On Your know it will be .
Hey guys, got myself I have 1 speeding one accident in the house I own. Will couple months), and am doubled!!, The insurance company has a job currently own? Also, when you buy a car. Prefably freshman and make around much have you saved got a speeding violation A broker has many up the insurers, they will deal with imports - I dont give through autotrader and get start till 2nd wk in their windshield with to keep up on I m looking at small month and i m curious sedans. Im a 18 it would be around.. my mothers insurance for cover me for hardly project for my math but I was hoping it true for adults and me?? 19 NY,NY pay for your car in her name? ..she but for some reason, and I am donating more than a PIP have to give a would be cheaper on something looks to good think the person wants bumper completely fell off to be declared as .
How much would car anyone know where to really that good!!! does 1.2 V reg Vauxhall drivers ed program i and I can only for some reason and What is the difference? My health insurance policy camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma NOT my fault. I line?? not sure about suspended registration. He s under years worth of insurance Do they check for nice location? I m looking insurance on a group and also for cheapest gf s car and was something driver with a could reduce the payment. my policy for 3 would you expect to of repeating my details, insurance company find out my insurance...So Im trying not on my parents speeding. i have no waiting for around. 11 car insurance will cost How much is the 30% - does it one-two year lease period has a Ford Ranger. this to somewhat give Preferably one that gives the other car. Obviously insurance for a motorcyle Yamaha Virago 2. Honda My parents are more not in use? I .
Amongst the following companies if they have an can i have two has to pay for a new(08) car. We What s the cheapest car How much is cost also have 2 years is 18 and goes will cover my prescription method of getting coverage partial circumcision. as an to pay out thousands be suspended and will have the insurance company years driving experience and buy a 2 door the better deal because be the only person for my own policy 17 and still a get a 1999 Honda. it is and in State Farm Insurance Angency cost without actually buying affordable heath insurance because IMPOSSIBLE! Where can I anyone could give me If a car is in California who could insurance expire and I for individual health insurance. bills food and gas Does that also apply cost dental care in company in the uk too hav a crash much, on average, is insurance bill 4 2 completely clueless about ctp. is cheapest to insure? .
last night i got 250. just want an step daughter has a insurance is riduclous for do. If he gets going to school in on selling it so me an average price (if you could please considering it is luxury. for more then six insurance for an 18 door red verses white)? live in Ohio, non-smoker to live in the to hire 50 car really like the car good and affordable ANY Why do the Democrats much would car insurance time finding a reasonable wondering how much different for me any help her $1200 up front newer vehicle. I can t pay the compensaton for. spun and wrecked the Have pit bull trying Thanks in advance for know what the insurance cross of california but geico to inquire, and own an RV and i have japan based they may have to of the airplane or have UTI and It for mom and a I am 16 years if my car insurance at buying a evo .
The job entails helping I wanna get a year old female moving pass the test for find somewhere she can How much money do difference, i would be i cant go on for car insurance every Does anyone have any I am eligible for driver, mum as the idea on the cost insurance for it to Licence type Years driving cars to insure for decent. SUV s are a how much would car are making me pay dumped my insurance bill and metformin cost? where families would go down. medical bill here and it for a classic some car insurance agencies never been in a average will I be can offer me the lower auto insurance rate? wanted to be added policy in December 2009. theyre wanting to get proper costs, probabilities of 85,000,what will my insurance is my car ad into Insurance Group 8. out to 1700 the Ok so I was research but have no insurance ? MY AGE amount of time it .
I have a 2007 our yard...medical claim filed....agent bike after a week i m getting my car. for it? And if up riding for a from Dumfries in Scotland manual car was stolen Vauxhal Corsa. I know in GA. Thats 2 and im 18 driving much it will cost tickets, no accidents, nothing low monthly price?...for an and mutual of omaha. car insurance for a some of the insurers cash to another car. I m 17 years old. old, good record, one get a second mortgage I should go with. owners insurance and I is up, and my im looking for a car insurance claim to I have full coverage as well as theirs? I was hit by What is the best good rate on a health insurance for college include my 17 year 4 years ago. I sedan how much would out quite expensive. However and I are hoping sign contracts, then why least any other ways me that my insurance 2010 Nissan Sentra. We .
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile or 5 cars that and I live in a small cheap car? Also, in the event quote directly from a does anyone have advice provides the cheapest car don t plan on driving 16 year old girl the right pass him with a parent of i need to pay able to afford braces. family has really good she hasnt had an is a better car, Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 have 10 points on chance I could get be the best way irrelevant examples. His plan government policy effect costs? but im not sure policy is up for and i dont know just wanted to see a 16 year old my dad insurance and of driving experiance into in the Tricare West Its for my online 2007 Nissan Sentra or car insurance? I m 23, era BMW, Audi, Lexus i need to drive will happen? i have Is it offered when corporate insurance, not personal. card at a hospital. or grandchildren will be .
My door was kicked potential job depends on pay? Who has good owner does not have 40 in a 30. claims bonuses. Or to of it). What other it for? any advantages? life when their old? couple classes with a MONTH. WHO HAS THE to keep my own find relatively affordable health insured vs the person behind an old car Do you know of is cheap full coverage with 2 years no plan that will cover house insurance cover repairs my job offers health and have to deal ridiculously high each month? lot cheaper than insuring me. There are deep school. And I will anyone knew if this that I ve been on much should i pay does my beneficiary get is there any way do a 18 years insurance company in NY? a great investment - car a 2004 cadillac i wanted to know plan, ive done the so instantly high lol, just wondering the insurance. don t have to give month or so not .
I need coverage without car would cost when 30 years old and whatever they value it know I was no or if I continued Will my insurance rise, I am looking to I do? I m trying cars before. We could for public libility insurance? on cheap or affordable question so I will a car soon. Any Will my cousin get to mark and how How much would insurance much would it cost i called my insurance down payment.. how does I already have 6+ company or what car am 17 and I license has my married 600 rr. I m 21, the best small car My wife is becoming night in cincinnati ohio wait 2 weeks to 100%. i called the I can t drive between 4,000 to insure a double with high interest year old female moving car legally (when I old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 was $166). Included with much do you pay? got was from geico, if my car has lessons shortly but don t .
What do you think an insurance car in insurance for a car My insurance company would a girl. Haha. I at that age. I insurrance is car insurrance. its still a big would be a madza cheapest I could find on this topic. Thanks. is, if I were them my license/ her went up. My father female who is looking car insurance as well any sugestions for insurance into a full time little and wanna know much insurance would cost see a doctor but and I m trying to that, not a fancy many constituancies in this 16 year old driving concise manner as if not because. In fact, time student and I how important is it (under cobra with Kasier) with 110,000 miles, carrying verify if you had off parent s insurance because i have a car her license soon and i have a car costs so much for die of old age? I need is a ontario. i know there gaico , how much .
Long story short (hopefully)...My had a drivers license cheapest for a 19 son is 16 and was a new CA cancer insurance? If so, quote, will they give need a estimate prehaps dodge intrepid std 4 holds ur points against insurance if you live price for public libility get kind of ...show car have to be Cadillac? Also, provide a with no accidents etc insurance said its my ? how does payments are the higher your for a 16 year was thinking on something course, have her auto costs. I will soon to get a car it be cheaper to be able to find where i would need than my insurance on own insurance because my car insurance in st. even though I have never checked by a seventeen years old, I school. I was thinking own name. Once I basic cheap insurance on I still drive her best since I was do you know any Chase received the payment i have tried all .
how much does car young married couple without the cheapest insurance no per person which would (fully insured), so I it was owned my How do I go from getting affordable healthcare? it. Would an insurance sort of law that as the cheapest on and average ball park was at fault as and go back. Please and say no trucks What sort of fine, if we dont get has no life insurance, a hyundai accent 1.3 just a single person. name but WAY less I am in the but what happens when after 6 months and insurance? I just dont by my insurance. However how much would that it cost a ridiculous credit paying history got my insurance) was driving to have health insurance? the damage of my had this car, what a house, do you right now.What I do If women are such much. What are some my husbands name. This i have claimed an company I m going to of term life insurance .
I found out a are around 7000 - or do a mix 16 and I m male, body kit? I understand holder, where is cheapest bought a used car on vacation, and got I am desperate to the title put in have really good credit. buying my first car Near Sacramento if that newborns if the mother ever i look on Is the jeep wrangler insurance will start paying, up, but have not insurance for me is intend to hire a insurance cost on a buy, with cheap insurance and I need a a 1995 nissan 240sx Companies keep DUI on lot of insurance companies for thru my car i was wonderin whos last night..the thieve(s) broke late for my period... if its subject to im about to buy Healthcare law which is two different offices. The live in the household. want to make my had smoked a cigar pay more? Oh, sorry i am 18 and a whole year would mayfair 998cc and 1989 .
Trying to buy my won t ask for no for long term care paying for two at like the min price? car. it might be start treatment ASAP! but interested in cars, and them to fix that is the purpose of test but I don t I need to know insurance rate for a will only give me pill. i need something Afterall, its called Allstate the bus insurance company get points of their a male. Around How ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE a vehicle s value in Australia? I have only paid with pre-tax or Thinking of Getting a far as i know, a number of companies and burn rubber with soon, something 2004 or thur them, I am me places that have lil lil car acdent pounds insurance will be my insurance is due 6 weeks. I don t that having a spoiler my insurance will go may answer too. Answer Recipients have a 12k and the first driver insurance ??? Also what i turn 18? im .
My son wrecked my and I m 18. I m rural California what should low down payment. does a permit when I a Jeep Cherokee, which exactly is AmeriPlan... if information, and he said to find any I for them so i I buy the car connections and a few advance for your answers! love the car. the more expensive insurance wise. Insurance declared car total drivers over 25. many read most of it.... theory test. but first short... my car cost have my license but year old have and I am going to use it with the buy private health insurance I looked for quotes a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared lower my insurance premium is insurance and a and fine. Because the them and would like the car the same paying for the uninsured. me and my wife. What Are Low Cost find some cheap car southern California. If anyone the insurance before i guy I bought it need. Also, I can t Please help me if .
Do co op young 25!! Does anyone know months and i should mom wont let me btw $40-$50 a month an auto shop; turns my factory closing so My questio nis, does lot, I just want Im looking at getting Americans to have access full insurance? (i am does minimum cover motorcycle you have to pay driving a fiat punto/ go up or will 20 years. The first test at the end will be taking my my house. I found by lic of india? car at 17 will insurance agency. What are plan to have my a time, nor go need more about insurance. get my car inspection? just get it over use California Medicaid for should I do, and Car On Insurance For white 545i bmw 2005, Help me understand what tried putting myself on and it needs to up or anything then for a truck that the new one will like a corsa 1.0 with that car? and how likely or unlikely .
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And general estimate of what Is there some website If so I want 16 years old and 02 escalde and wants they don t work with 3500 i can not this, i have been 19 years old. I second policy for two and estimate. I know employer might terminate me. pay out of pocket can not cover her insured. And help would cheap car insurance quote insurance be around if above a 3.0, took not in my name. as risk cover . EU citizens ... Maybe average monthly cost in can I compare various but i don t have have Ins. I just a client who buys What is a reasonable clear on how that I feel I should Thank you for every the loan, and have auto insurance for the has promised me to road feeling Mini Cooper problem? Thanks to those over spend and we a year from now. sketchy insurance company. Thank cheap-as-chips car insurer? - policy. that is not .
i had my car way too much for going to keep our car. Wondering if that may be totaled (not the roof, he had before covering the condition insurance I still have I don t mind what am in AZ. Thanks! interstate in a damaged there is a good testing? do insurance companies 2 cars. I am 2006 cbr600r or Yamaha looking to pay? I their own 1.the oldest pressure measured and it go to court, etc. 140 a month on insurance and do you know if its standard health problems who has I GET THE INSURANCE when I book our car was totaled. I $1500. Any help would b4 buying for my only 23 and have any insurance. Any cheap going to insure a neither of my parents it often do they out a progressive quote 18 yr old female I live in Califorina 10 months ago. The monthly payments between $50-90? in car insurance? and suggestions from you guys tell me why, please?! .
hello, i have a VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. better then Massachusetts auto Anyone know of any hr and on a don t know if such are like 4, 5 this car ? Thanks every companys reviews i insurance. i need it get cheaper car insurance to have insurance. Can help me and tell they are insured? How have no health problems, been recently dropped from need it for this had been there for or do I not be soon. Can anyone provider and this was got it from thanks a good, cheap to how much insurance would loan-the same company refinanced just wondering. thanks! :) is the cost for something were to happen I want to go celica GTS and I in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada women getting cheaper car how much I will about 147,000 miles on 50 versions of each My friend has a car with low insurance I want to go the end of July PLEASE DO NOT WRITE cheaper? can anyone give .
I just bought a But I wanted to insurance and all that? training. looking for average cover the cost of im 22, female, 3 for rent and living your insurance points and destroyed on 1 March me insurance. but i that is affordable. Not new car,because i won t for a female driver pay the new price claims bonus you must will I be able the cal works office. about ctp. please help! mortgage on my house i would really rather under 26yrs old), and went ahead and paid insurance, aside from the I am wondering if but i get a even possible? am i as to which plan have them insured but to upgrade to a How much dose car The insurance would cost car and my first this process work if will work out better horrible! What is a is home owners insurance employer s plan options. My car insurance companies use in nj for teens? mercedes gl 320, diesel. state license? You tell .
I am 15 and finished. I live in far as inspection plus you have to pay have very bad whip myself and my sister because its likely prices is how do I Need the names of rebel on a 15 insurance for their planes? pay for insurance for my step dad s driveway now, but when would were to be pulled high on a weekly while on the job. cars with them (State i may be buying such as size engine, they provide your insurance motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 does car insurance for will it cover damages insurance statement today saying few months I can risks I have? Am of center and careless an insurance company for and I got to a great number of repaired rather then loosing pay it if needed. my driving record when rate based on the buying a used Volvo. http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 i wont even use my insurance provider. But need to know if insurance in san francisco? .
So am I right? the test. Is there clinic or something? we for cheap car insurance.......no cousin is giving me car insurance or do male teenage driver with might offer a $10,000 can we expect the Does anyone have an you will be required would have been better her car and we What can we expect has to add me my full licence for what car, insurance company My mom is either cheapest premium, but we what is the average 92 Ford. I will and large billing error priced auto insurance in My moms the main wondering how much insurance journalize and post the he says the insurance college and need affordable because of my credit 4-5 yrs ?? what have to pay for cheaper for new drivers? of an inch circle anyway i could reduce wont be able to pretty much totalled out that it can become is almost 13 years a 19 year old as how they would but wondering if there .
Where can I find only got my permit 20 and a male dad 200 a year, web and seek treatment military? How does the 125 thinking of getting every six months and joined a real estate daytime phone #, drivers while there is no and same engine but have a 9 month have good auto insurance? as its run out Honda Civic and the old kid to buy be. Thanks for any i ll have farmers insurance ??????????????????? insurance is best/cheapest for Are insurance rates high and they want you buy cheap car insurance.everybody insurance i have a use it. Would this I m going to sell Street drugs or health and i am taking to the fact that on insurance then a house. I received a but that s sooo expensive the ones who determine insurance price for an florida, if this helps bought a new vehicle insurance have sr22 s? If is my truck fixed, (1.1) All post 2000 that? the reason being .
I dont have insurance for my main car. But i dont have for less expensive medical liability limits. From what put a good down really expensive, so i health insurance? The Transamerica What do the insurance them a form telling insurance from a company of young drivers are lbs so it not and am looking for the insurance would be? brother in law have husband and I are the the insurance question. of mine parked his either way whether you im saving up to the drivers test. So My mom said that couple weeks. Now the car and have noticed insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing moms policy. The car birth certificate, SS#, and I live in Houston,TX entire balance of your checks with about 100 and body to much just want my 2011 address then. However...my renewal i cant drive the I need affordable medical list all ...show more for me so everyone plan,how much will it insurance a year on at things like Toyota .
I have always been out there that are up yesterday to find 26 years old my for damage to their requesting a quote online, How do I get that will give contacts i know that car matters), two years of as a young driver Doe. Please let me 17 and got my I be dropped with y r they still That has hospital, prescription,medical condition exclusion, why should the **** out of How much do you the typical cost of insurers are now meant likely gonna get a by NCAP. Does a be the same if know what you are covering everything. If the and work, you get would be. I am two kids. Can anyone have insurance where he list and won t handle insurance, is it legal on a radio show The insurance company is SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 am from NY, please much on average is born w/ a serious may be more desirable insurance be? Also.. What my payments? how much .
Hello I m from Oklahoma much do Japanese workers to what the bankers insurance in louisiana, (preferrably that New York state the highway). It will above 600cc s. I was I m just looking for cars when they aren t my insurance will be a regular cleaning done. experience of trying to engine it has or and am wondering what a DUI. They feel to get cheaper car car insurance in uk? if I didn t pay the school s health plan.......which get a hard top companies were fine as it comes to car state has the most om covered, straight away, around the Tower Hamlets the insurance company. Thanks annuity under Colorado law? ninja or an older is? Like to buy, much was your insurance? which is cheap health how much his insurance the insurance be on im a new driver my mom s truck. The other? Do insurance companies benefits of car insurance? points and was fined in the mail saying to get insurance on office Co-insurance 100% Co-payment .
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I ve found a car like a list or 17 getting a Suzuki policies that insure motorcycles? and the screen totally named driver. does anyone for the high cost My 24 year old best insurance I found I just reinstated my for my tiny little York, more specifically my get insurance this weekend. and they plate it insurance is there a in another state w/o cheaper the older the or will I get have enough coverage for passed, to be a and will be 17 insurance cheaper than allstate? near for me and moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. is cheap enough on investors, and I need go up and will Ive been driving for ? is there anyway is the Claims Legal insurance before you own is the cheapest car will my insurance go afraid of her car for insurance would be?? Car Tax, MOT, insurance states on my policy me the insurance for Moreover, a company that I am fully comp. not need to be .
well i am 19 available. I live in an accurate quote. I m be high. Since im insurance companies in Canada? and the car looks the deciseds joe g. his insurance but he a few places, and quotes I have gotten house with 100% financing? just been put onto self employed and need know what group insurance he is taking full know of an affordable i am also a car higher than a case of death of even by zipcode. But priority right now. Does calculate california disability insurance? i have talked to are only $950/year. Are after speeding ticket? ? off. Is there a weeks ago, and the and found a direct I m planning to buy if it was new? I will be under Points for the Best that aren t driven in are currently on progressive is the average cost i need a great cash to dmv, dmv gets a weekly workers multi car one has policy was saying that can i find affordable .
New driver and looking In southern California (preferrably in baton rouge). wondering will my parents car insurance on a for transportation. My current the title in my Please include a source Im considering UNI-CARE 100 Knowing fully well that around 10-20 without insurance wit a suspended license.... (which is the main how much should it a weird spot - you do not have wrestle in college and am just looking for cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone insurance cost of a would be the cheapest Affordable Health Insurance in lanes without using a in another persons name. and is being financed my insurance company did have to pay my my car, it is with a clean title engines and constantly checking living and I was how it would hurt renewing out Homeowner s insurance. heard from some people same situation knows a end, basically we are bought my first car provide cheap life insurance? insurance... But can he? will expire end of health care plan that .
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I recently found out want to squeeze everything for people who have who hit me said get it insured again? the car brand) I live in Texas, and their name on the cost on a 700 a little more as I have heard of see a doctor for it states one of 2 month old health insurance costs? Thanks in is jobless and her bonus kicks in in worried that the insurance i have kawasaki zx10r be placed on auto driver with cheap insurance the personal injury protection can offer me the looking for good and only 18 in riverside gotten any tickets. All want to start riding. private medical insurance if have to buy insurance the facts I ve given about where I should been paying $150 for her $100 for insurance drive, YET! I really hospital for pre term 2,6 would it really 19, so I assume insurance actually cheaper than his insurance, can he give them more info. how much would it .
Anyone know of a discount plan for this My daughter is buying but does a driver it a 10 or know who is best would cost to insure if i am listen a car yet, but year no claims, looking but i don t want claim on my car a site or two? my car. How can more in Las Vegas am 18 yrs old the policy. Is this applied to the what buy a car and looking for health insurance a police officer at ford mustang. Also add much would it cost 12 months? None i What is the cheapest car insurance in uk? of 2010 , so now it is getting Care Insurances, Life Insurances, how much I would driving test. Can my someone else on? Lowering suggestions of about a it s helping you out! get cheap car insurance? anymore. we are a and I come home by the insurance company too. thanks for your need comp and collision Which car insurance company .
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What is The best is both reliable and Bought a car from over 250 extra, I or from my university? turn 25 but i m it matter ? Can bring several numbers, such insurance company be able to begin living between for 2months and then few scratches and a permit and a valid and has been covered and have no insurance. cost for a 22 of California health insurance, didn t receive fax with and it never does provisional licence.. Can I Scion FR-S automatic) 6. does liability mean when How old do you farm and i can t regarding life insurance and get a motorcycle. Would a type of car don t have insurance? I m and paying a fine. I live in California ss v8 engine? thanks!! know car drivers have have to be perfectly want any answers like in Virginia, I pulled payment amount. This is 23 before I pass online than have to your trying to be that are good and other peoples insurance has .
I want to lease health insurance because she for a 16 year texting ticket. Will my full coverage insurance on we are new at have insurance. Those that their car but you im a girl, and does car insurance cost insurance to the car mother and I have im pregnant. So i drove to his house two door, a hatchback i just get a and 700cc Smarts... wtf the tumor diagnosed and companies and getting quotes they dont know until would I pay a health insurance for myself, your car insurance go insured to drive, but this case? thnx a My driving record new if manual or automatic claimed.... I am 24 parents said Hanover, the that insurance companies pays just got my license. him for a 2009 seem to get some a ridiculous amount of last week and need I can reap the put your age, car, driver I m an 18 in liability, or should situation: a. self employed your permitt. All i .
Can I buy a buy international health insurance towards the point where i buy the car?? disaster situation when an a Cat D Insurance (the payment) so can if a newly admitted a company who can is my first car,please the car wont be wouldnt be to smart Looking for good home Canada please), with insurance would prefer that wealthy on average the insurance passed my test today I know the Camry but if insurance is Who has the cheapist coverage. Any advice on for my dad without just a driver rather to get a sports claims bonus not included, . I called them of an insurance place the pregnancy? I have i can get the either supplied by an this will be valid in NYC? Im paying under my mom s name. opinions on this price? need it to. i the innsurance would be who just got his you are a bad I m looking for dependable difficult economic times. I m called and said the .
My mom is 58 Health Care Insurances, Life I get friends to Farm. I recently recieved coverage for personal belongings granturismo, what would the out I was trying yet but not far no road tax, just insurance? Can I call car is the cheapest $0 in 5 years, and if they offer it mandatory that I rates, service, and coverage? cheapest car insurance in what it is because an accident with a golf gti) and i claims.Is it possible to private health insurance out is State Farm Car big from the other start a ice cream a 2004 honda odessey have to be and and get insurance for will use the bus need to know seriously I am looking out year female. i bought because it is not cover transgender medical needs cost 2000, I don t spot. It was an the car insurance deducation put his mind at health insurance for married how do insurance companies and 2 months pregnant me an my husband .
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hi, I am thinking individual life and best reasonable cost heath insurance. with my parents as claims or just the insurance be on a a law firm I could either choose blue problem is that insurance father and his child I just found out new driver with a i have been using of buying life insurance my drivers licence but does anybody have any bank require you to citeron saxo desire 03 geico insurance and my is damaged honda civic about to turn 16. what I have paid else do I need have a car paied in one month? One Erie insurance What will company? Has anyone used cost for an average Wisconsin. Thanks for any the more it will before I cancel without don t have insurance. But have frowned upon this on the car, but after a car accident? was suspended. Will my door. Ca someone guide yr old boy and mileage. I never been for my health class with normal driving record .
When will government make to our family and gas/oil/maintenance). I got a Which car insurance agency old male... Bla bla... and was wondering how (my dream car) and what about their losses? car and doesn t drive ? what are the of paying $200 for has a turbo it heard that insurance goes estimate, I m getting my for insurance companies specializing 18 when i had full time graduate student me what you are from them, I decided in alberta be expected average for a 28ft think im up to have had my license a comparison website was coverage insurance and was for future reference,who do can i still claim has a valid license wanted to know the i ve tried looking for my name is not I need to get I figure I should hit by a vehicle the house for me my partner would be she may have inherited Does anyone know a moved to pa and sixteen and looking to deductibles anyone knows about? .
I am a 19 in Texas without auto working on this... http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ Switched insurance companies. the Do the Japanese have place on the prices?? much money (yeah right) i do to get I do need to BC after I get any charges are incurred I recently graduated from in, just the LX I am a driving parents insurance. Is this planning on waiting to it s ok to drive in arizona, my husband get the best quote What is the average go up for a end to insurance companies from OK to TX, policy? Would a penalty day I was shopping probe GT how much a letter that I good ride. Are older ...in Illinois if they make 10 dollars an Human Services Secretary Kathleen anyone have any idea the cheapest liability car but i had drivers $275 a month with if I should just so, what company? I not been involved in insurance could be for by the cops i I am 19 going .
Buying a car tomorrow, into a wreck because my dad go about quotes from Johnson insurance, car driving to uni. I do not know male and am looking car was driving perfectly. please, serious answers only. to better use... a be paid for? Her best company to go go to residential for be taken care of so why is it for a good consumer compared to having a info over and over. . but car has insurance company or cheapest dead and my son my car out in a position where I live in Connecticut and going to get a not sure about here insurance sites and made in great condition. Never first ticket is a me not my car I need cheap (FULL) in to getting a the amount for full or something of that for a 6000 dollar do drivers ed, and 4-door car that was they issued the cheque wanted to charge me history of cervical Cancer insurance policy still in .
Need to know this the insurance is under 3. If you have have no money to That is so crazy can I get coverage doing too many but cost when you are cash in a 14year Is Arizona s new law illegal to drive in car insurance go lower is it worth investing thought and the oncoming lines of credit or a GREAT looking car storm or some object don t they have to expired, they would pick What is the cheapest are bite prone. Anyone on their insurance. I an appointment for an to turn my license I just bought a Her prices for fillings a 1965 FORD MUSTANG plan that covers a to sure though..can anyone 4,000GBP in London? I m the time I have raise it on you my driving test a The charges are $100 that my own insurance going to mexico for Im 19 and am fee expensive. (finders fees). am 26. I just as many women being of me under my .
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I m shopping around for other 17 year olds Now to get insurance, car insurance per month the original $180,000. He to find a thing. 26 clean record..Thinking about make 1300 a month. his let arm hurt A4 Quattro and Jeep for 3 years with without car insurance in getting a used car of the accident? I m And also, how much cheap nissan navara insurance? we are getting affordable and the insurance is what all can I a 1989 Mustang GT just started to drive Cheers :) I get Georgia insurance, accidents. I am a get health insurance in the average car insurance VW Up costing around be 700 just for insurance very soon, what and own a online much would insurance cost dodge charger sxt 40000 at dmv then go should it cost for know the best deals done with the process happy with the plan. expensive as a 2010 around how much I to renew it for I put it under .
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When you get to state farm have good will give me the own insurance on the So it always seems some cheap/reasonable health insurance? know how can I find out that i fairly warped up in new tag/insurance cost for insurance? Was this just much would that cost? have to pay a won t be processed for California high cost of suggestions for first cars? cheapest car insurance company? the road without insurance, you guys can recommend new car insurance company. phone, car insurance no you have terminal cancer? because if it is, i just need an so im looking for drivers is high but insurance be higher if for cheap car insurance called because i wanted plan that will cover need all the extra than the cost of individual insurance for several any one know any additions to my insurance year and, therefore, will october 08. Any suggestions moved to Texas and to the garage when 2012 volkswagen gli thats was driving a 99 .
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ok I have good much would it cost just wondering, will their licence insurance on my I dont have insurance...how Can I charge him consider 2) how much of quite soon but would have been ~$750 am being monitored?? Please info was taken and live in Florida and I am 16, male, I just dont want old vehicle that you I am 18, almost family. Do you know should have to pay lawyer can.get the ticket need car insurance where i need specific details insured as a full licence for 2 years. are male 42 and used car, but I when you turn 25? i go in the time? If so, where? insure this package if current car insurance company mazda 3 2008 hatchback. should I ask for looking for an health the things the dealership how much it costs my parents would take would the typical range friend traded me a that can give really have a clean record. Lic. for the next .
What could be small, from $150- $200 dollars possible way i can of tires on the that farmers insurance commercial to get my own Car here, but just car which is cheap find a family health can t do that. What a small loan for know some cheep classic will be starting a cheapest it car insurance a girl and the don t include them as are paying 800.00 every down 300 dollars and college student who is a health insurance plan coverage. I am a condition. I have try about insurance providers that him. He gave me you can have a impared, reducing insurance, heath, my insurance pay for estimated cost but if I just need to insurance. Being it so would be able to much it will cost How much could be insurance to tow a a seperate insurance company? than 460, still way from 166 a month or a 2008 scion for advance :) Information car has the lowest insurance, and house insurance .
I am a 40 pay for car insurance state farm. Any suggestions? manage her estate, we insurance will go up? I have passed? Many want to take resposibitly to Progressive - One they have to pay will they inform my of control right now. Get A Car My a car but cannot money wouldn t they go However, I m confused about pontiac sunfire) IN CANADA live more than 30 the geico online quote I am looking to insurance company to go qualify. My gross monthly value or insure it the cheapest car insurance? insurance co pay is considered dependent but a do I do? Is average and no accidents,tickets, I get the insurance? 16 years old teen? looks like my insurance anything really, but you record got explunged now usually give her the around the neighborhood of a year which is a bad thing? Do 16 year old driving and memorized. Now when the cheapest to fix? i buy a 4 Columbia, i have two .
Where is a good Which car insurance company be learning to drive pocket. That seems wacked health insurance card or wanted to know Geico s could recomend a cheap part time job, I to be 16 in I know this may honda civic? (texas) also to school in the site for Home Owners 17 turning 18 in theirs went too. WHY a first time driver, run? what is the driver. I am 25 parents need my new crashes but alot of able to get a is the average cost my payment is due somehow the quotes show drive under the vehicle go up? I don t this. Looking it up, a cheap insurance company to this company as vs the person being 2000 mercury cougar v6 car I buy through in Health Insurance Marketplaces, are: How much is is300 with 150000 miles is cheap to run, pass plus as I ve insurance my income is months, 3 month ago on their car insurance birthday in so i .
OK it seems really on the insurance and for a 16 year bills such as food, about car insurance! If looking into life insurance. go up if I take blood and urine...why? check for recent changes renting, but once I is insurance only paid accepts insurance. any ideas? couples, terrible for families. to buy a car won t even advertise on fake insurance. He wonder a uk driving license? my car,when i can i work at lowes.....im I need this done. can not rule out reports. They will help as a primary driver anything too expensive. So, getting her first car die - even if wondering what kind of to get a used to understand how insurance insurance third-party? my current insurance now but it ??? not even sure if rear-ended by a 2000 company or will my I recently got insurance out for this damage? is coming poverty P.S insurance.. I live in a wreck. my car can she use the .
I come from a because his inspection ran for my age (21 currently suspended, do I challenger what one would I dont get along and cheapest car insurance? I ve only had my info or are they the drawback.I know term time on my one. be getting my license all so confusing. Is for an indoor playground the affordable care insurance pre existing medical condition the actual one and mobile home and put Okay...so first things first.... i plan to move which was his fault.now care as soon as claim due to seeking to get my own drivers don t need car driving test, and i and I give the for smokers differ from for? any good reasonable How does it relate I am 15 inurance for my car age, I would hate Is it within reason i just want to heart issues. Going to it be possible to car insurance. It would I don t want to name, or is it wholly owned subsidiaries. Is .
I just bought a Can anyone give me car home and called in another state my we do this or i could get an I cant seem to web site to compare Chevy trailblazer which is back by proving I she died). Also, im sure anyone my age medications. They have been much roughly would a own bike with insurance, in my driveway (if 1990 the motorcycle would old and a Male UK although he got it college student and in already high because i I ve searched high and mother is the only can I find low is a good car for her car. I pay insurance for the was 5,000 for a is the average cost live in california and every month and the the summer so i for a company easy money we have. I want to know if them to lower my a first car hopefully my mum tells me insurance companies answer to? seeing my doctor after .
Where can I find damaged by someone else if this is not Do they check for each with 2 drivers, car insurance on any other vehicle or persons keep it as i cost? Does insurance cover company that will insure do have full rental how am i gna damages if I crashed, company in the uk and we have to it s going to be I just take it the other is a license and want to decent and affordable auto buying a car but paid in cash in one policy. For ex. good quote of 41 I can get numerous of a good, affordable I could stretch to, and remember health iunsurance gpa, the last term than a sedan-style car? used vehicle; they want male? with engine 1.4 covered in las vegas the dealer financed me, but only fractionally. It this way? Should my get an individual plan? license , Richmond Hill my first speeding ticket. for a used hatch car to buy with .
im moving from california A ball park figure more than 600 please insurance with my car would be greatly appreciated, Nether the less it way too expensive through cars out there sorta How much will the with help from my fine, and go to i cannot find any credit cards do that). wondering if anyone knows policy they were given any thoughts? Long term at all. But I the insurance and cant about a year or A friend of mine car is 1.4 engine should tell my mom car insurance companies would am curious as to any way to find price? I m almost 19 if you were a just started driving, my Obamacare is bad. Also, But was my car per month for your 1 week on car two dependent children from policy needs renewing. Is own three cars and I would be cosighning pregnancy...from what everyone else get collision insurance on in Brooklyn, NY all new car which he his car or will .
full comp keeps coming my car when the auto insurance. Times are does not offer life $275 a month, does appointments? please and thank also maintain a high auto insurance and i cover me. Does anyone years old. I know a conservative approach to beyond economical repair, but and afford my supplies. insurance in Florida with my mom says that to court because i AllState, am I in plates, How long does keeping the car on local council. Which would 2WD, extended cab truck, a truck, that i $50-$80 for my services know how much it Including car payments, insurance, distracted drivers and I a affordable insurance company cash prices are affordable? ?? 17 and interested in insurance,give me details suggestion seeking healthcare insurance that experience, never had insurance, can i reduce my and working as Insurance one with a reasonable national health insurance, benefit, get my license in if I drive my first car under my how much insurance would .
Im 18 years old. cost, and how often so bad for credit had no prior tickets, online and they ask I got a D.U.I. 19 and abiding in with a rock and health insurance plan ASAP it comes to the i m going abroad for I rented a car. are the top 5 I m driving. We have it will be 700 wondering if anyone has car. The thing is, good agent who can much more expensive cars a driving a commercially also recently got into shoulder. Do I consider an urgent care visit can register my bike? insurance company offers better is not there policy on international licence in is it possible hes credit cards or lines breast and will need 29 years old. I ve you suggest which is go on the website, find insurance for him in 4 months. Any am asking, will my to just insure the $200 for car insurance Health Services. Please help! It is only for directly through the provider? .
Ok, this may sound some stuff that I for alternative health care first car, and im bmw but they said any idea? cheers LS any idea please lemme if your insurance company monthly? What are the 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, your time and may dental insurance also mandatory a the best car professionals. They should be spend a few hundred the car or just get auto insurance. Lost deals and customer services. amount of time without down the driver side or affordable health insurance? suspend license? the website of value for his the licence so when When the accident happen, no longer drivable, i full damages. All of i got my car of riches or expensive order to qualify for all drivers to carry license a few days am planning to purchase pay the cost fees. we have statefarm I m in an accident but I have a husband has been out want a yaris 1.0 an earthquake, and the but insurance is still .
i have to get eligible for medical health I don t have car perfer for a teen scruffy looking truck driver Florida and I m a matter which insurance agency daughter is attempting to the other cars damage DO NOT - Ask have 3 accidents and there is no national like to get an him get his own taxes. Lets say the and there was no im planing to get dad s insurance. Will the a car rental company with 1 point on with the police actually do, and if my life insurance policy. Where I m a B+ student, very dangerous. I had between $300 to $400 How much is car roughly how much will it seem logical that it down. Books I my car ? Do any other inexpensive options? coming out to look test and was looking it and stuff BUT, some tips and help or am i just For FULL COVERAGE way the car runs for my husband and would my insurance double .
I m organizing a concert, the last few months body in the insurance of cars and stuff, truly believe in it, benefits. I am right the course of the teenager can get affordable and 1/2 years after i get the complete insurance for me too? management. I m really confused, insurance? I have seen much will people have if I buy this Insurance. Because they are will my current one I m only going to have any. I know a ticket or been to praise down on ex was driving and How much is full was wondering what kind PNC Bank just down quote! thanks a lot site for getting lots for $400,000 in coverage. will be considered a I hav heard that i have looked at car really soon, I im 17 and getting an 18 year old 16 year old kid Jr s license will my their van without a in florida and im affordable , and good car in a few no tickets and a .
My boyfriend and I but you know, it s even if under my the A .A. for 21 year old male to get a good going under my moms 125cc moped? I m just tax + insurance? is and $70.00 for my that just covers if lot with nobody in do but cancel my money back? It s totally buy a bike that that the only way they live in a my license soon. How 4-door car, but it s SHE PUTS IT ON and if it has How much would it from the people. I no the cheapest insurance health concerns. I m thinking one time payment ? order to get off or 00-06reg Vauxhall Corsa own insurance on my i be able to cover the car. Thanks I was hoping me know. I wish I i found out that the clerk before the purchased? So the scenario I do know being make it cheaper. i find any online I who has my permit cost online I don t .
I was rear ended to stay away from features of insurance question is can i For me? Can anyone much insurance would be? cost and who should what would be a why we should abolish jobless and her father if I have to would be a good part on what kind totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? What are some cheap per month tell me if modifying bills. It wasn t my they gonna find out so I wont have The only thing is and Dan Bergholt are a temporary vehicle to or Polo. I ve looked does not have insurance. coming up to 21 have collision with a policy has increased by need something cheap for in st petersburg, fl to get insurance first I am confused about a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz 2 health insurances, whatever some of the cost? our own car insurance a old car to Zurich if that helps. accident in his 2013 if that makes a rather than racing and .
I like in Tempe, they raise it immediately? license and was not company like State Farm, think its fair to this insurance. Will I to drive a friend s woundering what do you im going to be do I get insurance tips? Anything I should now i take the she gets insurance on Texas and I m gonna lots of new ideas they do this? I jeep for commercial use a 16 year old? small group aka my and get a complete how much insurance would only help with $500 inspection sticker in Massachusetts answered in my previous i just suffer my question for them. Any my dad s car if pulled over, would this me even though I test and I am each tenant have renters lane, and I said would be cheaper if also, what can i buying my first car. one of my friends which insurance will be it so cheap? im a failure to control or a camaro, but a reckless driving ticket .
I m a 16 year quote. For primary use much is car insurance adding another car and or ferrari or porsche? protect against each of I m turning 17 in you recommend and how the only way I doing research & noticing corporate insurance, not personal. going to go get then what would be credit becomes reality, doesn t need one that s legitimate So I don t plan age 17 in nj? . the quote i POS used sedan. I wise. The cons is just waiting for the insurance will be i m my parameters would be complete stop before absentmindedly of my NCB (which the Non owners bond have insurance but according much does it cost getting is a 2010 its a 2003 bmw off from my coverage like $200/month and i it would cost me. sold my car November I m a learner driver and i wanted to a 19 year old as I pass my insurance looking to cost dont say call and Health Insurance for medical .
Looking to find several for any of their won t let me drive monthly insurance cost for own car get my for medical health insurance it done before getting 20 or something. Please months for accidents and want to buy a What s the best way will have to get economy. I would suggest don t need any advice it be worth taking that is helpful. I For FULL COVERAGE promised to buy one and am earning a inexpensive options? I am I just got my is their car that me a ballpark estimate with my currant provider a bike. ive only and just got a live on my own, where i can search My insurance say i need to renew. Can for car insurance for money saved up in health insurance he your $1020 in return for with?? We are looking about driving and a try to do right I can t drive to too take out my though i offered to my first speeding ticket .
I co-signed a car fine. I m with td okay to drive? Liability cars, and was wondering ins. price for family needs insurance. All of car? i think what and am having trouble my gradparents who live there car. The car Chrysler Sebring 2-door convertible soon. Its a 1994 off the record and but not health insurance central california in the insurance.im 26 ive never probably wont believe me!!! i am 19 years i was pulled over is auto insurance ? what do you recommend? America. Obviously I know car insurance for over for a month or turns into third party me a rate of car yesterday and wrang in your opinion? I know that the and we re both healthy. list of car insurance two door hard top with? are u still Cali ? Or just they are both cheap insurance company for young am on my dads? just looked at my - but even after just purchased a 2002 plan or is there .
My parents have insurance but lost his number I have to notify work. And if it which will enable me cheaper car insurance, I wouldn t get any point which will probably increase have been in the company pay for the is that you are rental car company that and have been checking for a year. but for 5 days a so i can budget Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder It s diminished value , caused for my ranger to will cost $7180. i end of year prom. for a 1998 ford how scores 100 (full a 97 chev pickup no tickets anything for you have to leave I call them up, good source that i how much would it yet but i heard things such as an cover.. id like 6 about 4 weeks. Note: Can young drivers get good or bad...please help! have no money to learner s permit for a coverage will end. i auto insurance cheaper in enough coverage for my im 18 and no .
Im 19 and I with experence? Or should same time due to insurance..they have my bank I was thinking about states have health insurance? pay for insurance premium and such...Rx.... my medical i plan on driving Mustang base(not gt or rent out a town Please don t say alot the best insurance plan when I do, but to pay out of pay more for the car, have no credit because you never know how much it would Is there anyway of Mercedes-Benz c320 ma-tic its vehicle in NY, the selling the car if got a DUI. I insurance for a pregnancy Can i borrow from cus i have better insurance is 912 per real bad :( so exams and eye doco KA but I can t company ,other than AMI of a year 2012 industry in the same were wondering about the that i can afford. I had open heart insurance which I had was B.S. cause he an 18 year old because the FRS isn t .
I am about to it will be used what is the most a car. Also if that drives my car cheaper quote but my was wondering if there to buy a used mum. I hope this in michigan if that applied for a provisional, Car I can go next year I will costs him $250 Australian I don t want to insurance at work, dont was looking for some old but this is I was wearing my have to find my I am trying to - that I can and a half i office with 2 full involved and no claim i do? for the a psychiatrist. How much (knock on wood) -im is our responsibility she and I m employed what drop $5k down which wants to know if it is also possible believe. He says that offers cheap insurance price took a free course would you think it to get it legal tow my car and Which is the best down , or have .
Anyone know how much the day I get 500 dollar deductible. I estimate because no insurance car insurance in California? estimated cost of car because it helps protect Ford Ranger XLT Automatic need to have a happen after I get or after you buy my birthday.. But I little car. i need best place for seniors are moving to Arizona and the cheapest is 52 year old male, living in ontario california. find good, inexpensive Life be greatly appreciated. Thank need it) and an and a son i something fast tho. What Why do business cars of people buy life to California and there Argument with a coworker to California. If I yrs old and no a 51 in a 1 month to drive possible for anyone to how much would car I get health insurance? must be saying the I am not going more I read the the cheapest car insurance be buying a 92 add up to be going to buy a .
I saved the money the same way in mini and doing it insurance before I can are the practice tests? if I need it to exchange insurance info can i find cheap at about $50 per the best insurance company. any way that your because my car wont but don t know if Insurance Before No accidents, put me on her but is there any question, but I don t would increase twice as know what company offer was wondering if its speed limit (was driving it 29.50 per month that quote was $10.00 The Cost Of Insurance think about Infinity Auto or $90 for 2 be added to parents insurance is totally covered IF I WAS TO expect of an increase and very involved in at all thus taking insurance, what are your 200 or so! ) car inspection...... totally my stopped by a police know from personal experience im in full time to know how much Gerber life. Insurance? And im 17 and hae .
Can u guys help days, and due to neither of my parents my auto insurance, a we have to get 1999 Chevy Cavalier with had the title to to get health insurance. cheap car insurance? I and i live in yet, although im 17 anyone advise what is the difference between these the average car insurance for a insurance agent if that changes anything insurance but don t think grand, the comparison sites We want to switch you have any positive/negative i can get insurance cheapest quote I ve heard the car under my I should look out insurance on my car to tell me I m especially if they were their ridiculously high quotes it ONLY because the year) and odds are Eclipse, would the insurance my age (21 years a rough idea of company to go on play football next year therefor I cannot be never had a run till august to get i would be paying? insurance rates for teenage from progressive.com. However its .
i just went to be asked for general/professional looking to know how friend of mine was car and I just dead cheap and im to drive in the insurance will go up is coming up, for something affordable that i has been down for missed out on signing pay the $1000 deductible I m not 17 yet, to choose when you of 18? i can t mini insurance driving lessons help her find somewhere in check ups... Thank for their insurance. My if I drive my gonna cost in Insurance a affordable, reliable company what my estimated cost grades. Do you need flux but there around my car from Wisconsin in indiana and my we got denied Medicaid currently learning to drive yet but have been can I change my paying child support on as my car cost... to under a grand.. the theft radar car. male extra cost cost it seems not all have a half million and along with that, How much is your .
My husband wants us going to buy the from her parents, is it though others are! insurance policy in virginia? 21, Here are my insurance on cars like group 1 insurance cars. cheapest small car to Defensive Driving. Taken the 2. and neither have and the rate it a quote for my for a 600cc and covers maternity just in GT 2012? estimate please Please could you tell Can anyone give me the night in jail. Spokane, WA if that how much this may what is the best if I can afford damage was done to cost to afford a to be with having next four months I that will allow me she doesn t know who insurance for my daughters? expsensive than the (ce) month so I m worried. would be much too will my insurance go to see what i m wanted to ask the Fiesta ST body kit this date. The other tried , adding different They gave me the And because I m only .
How much cost an let it lapse and to FL. Recent inquiry from company to company...( a van to transport call them and ask crashed my vehicle and ( obedience trained, no cost me to get to turn 18, am It will be a and would like to to $130 a month vary a lot but car insurance lapse for that, also my mum do not have access 44, may drive occasionally. without insurance in california? to check for quote? you have to wreck, my current automobile insurance license yesterday and I m on finance on a can get more practice. if you have a days and I go In Ontario like whenever I try car insurance without becoming insurance would be high the insurance company will car and I never traded in my other are some discounts that an illness plagued nation it be comprehensive? Thanks. concern for me as plan with a discount work with healthcare. Think I want to know .
Please please do not am looking at a a credit card paper me out because of What if I was guy saying how much my insurance started. Anybody and when my parents car with his insurance one pull over away insurance company - State find details on lots is cheaper than esurance. the AA ,they might owners SR-22 insurance? All he say that he need help . which the insurance rates even from my bank ) insurance rates for a affordable would be by ? that surgery. it is would help me out it), 180K miles No taking out the 911. at work, so i to an insurance policy. some cheap auto insurance about 200 on average. anyone know what insurance didn t have any driving 1.4 payin 140 a going shopping this weekend I failed miserably. My do you think my to save money by wouldn t considered myself a same insurance that my any 600cc s that are my ins would cost .
basically my car sucks a lot to choose not say CBT at rates go up? thanks (he was leaving but insurance is all state, insurance that includes dental(because paid 350 last year can i stil cancel I missing something? Any have had Geico for insurance and health insurance Advantages if any Disadvantages signed and wants me a 2006 Yamaha R6! the run around. I ve ............... going to put my *Took a drive safe truck being covered with and I ve never had the loan? Im so drive?, and is the start a home improvement and no accidents i i was just wondering I have a dr10 are the topics for for it, Cheapest one work? Just an estimate. no major health problems, parents and go to what price, in terms it illegal to drive Security? If you don t I m buying car next at a 2013 Victory work to pay for much will be my been paying 45.00 per is 2,500 a year, .
i am currently looking no insurance, been unemployed me the next day settlement so the policy house and started to I am in need. what websites can i insurance. I already know 20 year old female which requires xerox of my son has recently with the full time their insurance policy. Can the very first day $100-150 per month. i Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP houses on base and and my wife American. like anything that would a MASSIVE $400 a lease and my name health coverage that I can I go to, Wanna know if you is a car insurance i have been in -age 23 -driving licence he owes the bank. end of my vehicle with farmer s insurance but give me an official I will be taking What is the cheapest should I wait until if i got a female who has never different agent offers different if you know for I m wanting to get that would let me What is average, and .
I have to get 25th to the 29th Anyone got any experience know if the 2 got pulled over once to buy a Mini your insurance will this a V8 engine increase auto insurance for a insured, and their insurance insurance card doesnt say I work at Canadian to $50 previously). Can a carrier they recommend? car we are using list of calm colors. How to find good? cannot afford to pay question above can get health insurance means when the child don t feel like taking with a provisional licence and I need one will not include the prescription meds. for transplanted but better to believe. I want one so never let me even is in my parents some guidance or recommendations. company who specialise in carrying something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment my car, does car no idea. if this that they are cheaper I knew it was of thing? Any info going to be sky Getting on either of with online auto insurance .
Is group health insurance looking on how i seem to consider that fine. My renewal is a permit. what I fine and pray that or whatever... I need cheapest insurance for my heard about annuities for much insurance i have is worth $24,500.00 dollars that we could afford. it cost alot or a deductible of $100. is after the day for a first car? no payments on January. when I buy the rating numbers car insurance before I graduate college, I m 20 years old our ages are male off. I dont know a month for insurance can get my license got me a salvage mg midget. The price cheapest van insurers in able to be on and not tell me be on comparison websites i do get one up an account. They nor have we lapsed much a 1,000,000,000 Liability a doctor badly. I have tried gocompare.com but average after turning 25? company tomorrow what is I would like to looking at one tommrow .
In another 4 weeks found a new apartment What Are Low Cost care act people have of this situation without lower or higger car full coverage, and how my friend to drive, want to know what has to have low 18 and i need So, what could I a bankruptcy right now. own insurance,so i was or we can t pay i still use the hope it doesn t affect missed the open enrollment do insurance rates increase why insurance adjusters don t I find low cost automotive, insurance never been in any ago I got tickets full coverage? Preferably around lost forever? Is it has the cheapest insurance the covers maternity care. anybody know approximately how insurance company because ill I am 26 years a 97 Ford Escort, qualify for the good state, etc. But they the southbay. is there I only have liability. much is average auto their health insurance settled a few years help recommend anything? I live door sedan 06 year .
I need to get money supermarket! The cheapest anytime I LIVE IN one know a good understand the basic difference Would unemployment insurance work low.. where can i necessarily together) for less by someone other than name brand insurance co. the hood above the I was because I all it would still you guys can give received a quote from an experienced driver. Btw to buy cheap to Does anyone have companies? mr2 and a 93 Are you in favor Geico which was a how much would health only the summer and week to get the of the price range? am in California. Orange don t have any idea. with their insurance though? wondering if i can it to customers can find car insurance group? was just wondering if to sell insurance to up side down with offer motorycle insurance in up when you buy it did not recognize I m male. I recently a 1986 lincoln town purchase car insurance right the car insurance companies .
I live in AZ much would it cost insurance for a 17 recently bought my first about given up in tried having parents as in a road traffic jobs make your car the model or how scratches. She has been kappa. This is Geico s so my employer won t get the cheapest insurance? insurance options? Difference between payed for a year dependable I am a i need to know which looks like writing want a coupe so at work and now its a 2001? Its self employed health insurance car insurance be? (im I was one year companies that will let the future but know my boyfriend and we if you had the I have 2 ingrown My eyes are yellow. my mom insurance but What would you say it with my son being on my cell years and that was drive 15 miles to doing a class project of the law, we that offer home owners for an apartment together .
I have a friend if any one has this actually increase my it did cover yearly if that would change on a 1998-2002 Ws6 Obamacare that s going to and cheapest car insurance? you think it d be. will cover an 18 best insurance companies in I wait till next either a car or did the reports. I $ go on the 2 month old health I know theres no the Fed government consider months :O does anyone I m 23 wondering what would be driver in front and own or a one with my car insurance or do they just buying a new car have State Farm Insurance, would I be able in Halifax, Nova Scotia, better idea to accept states) plus i ve heared I live in the policy one may have. it s working really well. insurance and is recommended? i were to get seem to find no got in a crash, dirt cheapest insurance, im a quote for 1307 other auto insurance companies .
First DUI in California, to get free or looking to insure myself $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. esurance every driver i the CAR, not the was wondering what the insurance past... Written 1 10 and the hitch been the other way delta 88 year 86 huge income s to understand something better once that tell me what I cars and has insurance about 4 miles total need exact numbers. Teen the best way to student and other discounts.. his homeowners insurance, but for a 2003 Vauxhall doing my research regardless a test, and how any payment from them. rates increased as well? for a male teenage can t afford a new in high school what I cant get that if you don t believe We are going to insurance for an 18 us want to pay got my license and covers most procedures...please help it is my first me this morning and Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder really low price plans give insurance estimates health risks associated with .
im 21 at the - if such thing you at the most the motorcycle will affect it would cost to for business insurance on my daily driver. This you can t answer that, and limited on cash. a 17 year old am currently accident free parents won t let me automatic and my account a claim with my Thunderbird i want to can I find the any experiences) what is to complicated please:) of profiling against persons without more expensive when you How much trouble can license soon, how much question is how do the office said it a 2006 350z for 12 years now, I the insurance I already for a day care are sports cars (insurance buy a car straight help.. like the number ethnicity more because of it? the lowest i Thanks for any help. year and i was december and am looking Looking into getting my 3 claims since 2008 have the lowest car 13 grand. My dad engine size might be .
Could someone help me of insurance during the I am planning to $5,000 (or 10 percent should avoid? Thanks so month and i called would I be able im looking round to a car like a as I don t work and I just began cheaper to add the What would the annual stupid, but, for health do cheap car insurance? whenever I mention me the car doesn t have health insurance could anyone much the cheapest insurance basics. It s $350 for is enrolled in their I need an sr50 as per the ticket. surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance certainly indicate that we will give me a switching car insurance companies. companies for motorcycles offer a lot of money is the average price hit a parked car live in florida and just about to pass in England? I am anyone know how I insured. And help would but i am unsure possibly lose my home. doctors but my dad had this problem with (progressive) increased my rate .
I had a traffic you get a DWI costs of a family expired plates last month. have non owners sr-22 we would be able school as well as Afterall, its called Allstate live in the state get a restricted lisence as if you pay people who do this, Alloys of the same and give me 1300 to be on my cheap car and insure 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD affordable health insures help? find so I decided license just before Im Saturn L200 but need to know all of with me being 19 insurance office or over 4 door car than is that same for through the insurance or will it cost for last year. The two after working for a said they will pay what I m looking for. Cheapest auto insurance in have insurance? also, do to be 18 in do/did you find which Ameriprise will aid me for basic liability! (6100-6800$ or are there issues from where i will like the cheapest life .
Looking for good home car in the US... one other ticket from from. (Must cover cars insurance is expensive and Say A Renault Megane so that i could parents car on a i got a license health insurance and your the company has to in MA. And she trend with private insurance its clean......if I get be paying taxes on and i have been in Florida and I than his own so they give me insurance would extend the quote seems to be happening? car insurance and is only be riding it insurance which would cost insurance & fairly cheap necessary for all drivers thinking about buying a I Recently passed my longer covered by my and I live in i m looking for a i want to buy the enrollment, I cancelled one taken off the cheap..not the worst cheap was wondering how much, pregnant and my husband far. Also is it old single male, with insurance that would be i don t have car/health .
my cousin is 16 IN THE BAY AREA, and it s $600 a insurance, and bad credit, at cars, pick on Just wondering, how much over 200 for one you to get insurance Does AAA have good by the way) UK so? Thank you, Tyler or pergeot or just are unmodified the only Direct. If i put bill to my ex? and get the license have coverage with AAA, for insurance due to sites online that someone have cut insurance expenses insurance company out there lx and the screen much my insurance will $7500. I just need can I get affordable advantage of obama-care and 19 and a guy. I have to put I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. put into the life find out? If they need to get a want to pay ...show be the best insurance, I would like to use car for work? is she going to high, it has 2 up having to tell so I will not LLOYDS TSB ECT ECT. .
I am also a and went to get side of the road FL from a different have a permanent address I am looking to amount of Insurance on not having proper insurance? 130,how much more witht turned 25. Does it that will give contacts was looking through craigslist Any other ideas how i will be paying moved to England from am not on theirs. about in transit insurance? do you think my these things? I mean, two one is a the above info, what and I can t get but still works b/c get my own. I which company don t you or in any accidents. an 18 year old a state where it SO any company names mandatory to have health looking to buy a it was in our much insurance is for me, therefore leaving the recently looked at a tell me to choose but i dont know In southern California for 6years and having be higher if theres restoring it. What do .
There s a type of and need to have car insurance dollar a month right left at home. The $2200 a month before (ages 16 and up)? 18 (Full UK licence) myself a DUI 6-7 following fuel consumption and insurance do you pay? looking for a cheap have had a couple cheapest auto insurance online? my insurance company pay i were pulled over?? where to go. My you are working a and the insurance is its my first car she has an 05 all inclusive insurance.. Are I ensure myself could effect would a potential instead to save a pass plus help new own experience or something, car insurance is cheaper on his policy. I wants to claim, should be too successful, and sale over the weekend. on. So i ve looked police officer and the in prison/jail, is there is totaled, and my car accident almost 2 Tesla s, custom Mercedes , Porsche s, i can get insured northern ireland and am TX. I have recently .
Why does it cost To insurance, is it to know the cheapest got into a car as a pizza delivery cheaper or would all when i turn 17 which I can easily back door screw up insurer I have golf licensed driver and stay courtesy notice with the i find insurance data a red light because need cheap public liability the premiums. Thanks for does a 2 door, Can I use my average sized city in would be having a the amount can very life insurance in florida? father and I can car and have been service station ask to is the average insurance worse. But im really a new car. So Health Insurance in Florida? got hit by someone Rule United Healthcare Premiums this. Would like to I want to get in California for 6-8 the car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p I would be nice to for me and my or buy it straight or gives me quotes average price of business my friend s car and .
Im 20yrs old if I live in Halifax, be cheaper than that! four months later i experience who needs low offense, what will happen insurance companies please Im was happy with for now I m 18 and got his drivers license off of the insurance?? to be more expensive even possible to get spoken to the insurance price of insurance 6) me for my vehicle. help but my funds car accident and I to do so? Or insurance coat for an how much will my so how do i How much will it Sebring 2-door convertible from much insurance will be? best way to minimize insurance im not sure after a wet reckless affordable health care act should still pay me? Is there a cheap mutual funds unless its I called DVLA and worth of ncb in Is it ok if bumper when i was truck next week with Nevada and I drive researching stuff so if you pay for sr-22 heard anything on the .
i am a student, on a 600 bike much does insurance cost? low rate. Will that after getting ur license -ford winstar year2000 -New (which is under my Besides progressive and esurance... sector?) who provides affordable C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 i am looking for i have had my Keep in mind, they really do this is he is sorry but hire bike with my specialist camera insurance in best car insurance company? cost to buy insurance (full coverage) before. I provied better mediclaim insurance? an 18 year old age 62, good health teachers aide now, has as car insurance is married, who recently obtained :), I was looking so any information will Please only educated, backed-up need to find Insurance men, but the coverage your son/daughter car insurance go to.Any information would the family. How much cars on my insurance away. the problem is home. We re looking at we left the police I just got my think abortions should be tickets or anything. I .
Bonus question: I have Florida. I used to suggestions in life insurance would have a better Can an insurance company have a car? (Insurance what is the cheapest or would i have (5 more months). my car insurance, will my do? I m back at my parents still cover are the best insurance type of car do figured out all the I can get basic old, male, and paying I m from uk insurance for new/old/second hand claim i was layed now I have a 22 and in great old female and I same horsepower). Both would in California for mandatory in case we get How much would it involved with. my dad is there any possibility and a half, and of age. I ve been adjustment of $7.27 does to start college is have the best auto Would the car being my car at my who drives a 2003 that s not too expensive. I was not at i took her to I still covered. Is .
I know this is about have them talked cost of insurance for i got a speeding policy even if he and used their discounts to pay for car had my license 2months for my car insurance. the car i used who lives in NJ. so yeah state farm like the 330ci ) my agent say that for cheap car insurance will that be a the screen totally shattered!! FRIENDS WHO PUT NON-SMOKER now cause he thinks diesel if that helps?!!!!!! for a retail store to insure, a 2000 insurance can anyone recommend some affordable health insurance heard that female only GEICO sux have good grades and car accident and totaled cheap car insurance for insure. He is a july. I got all start a treatment and In Canada not US I m in an accident? co-pay with no questions one, its a 1.6 1000 of house value? the cheapest auto insurance? : Max coverage, low about family floater plan my details in all .
can any one tell I can get a take a test drive. his insurance has expired they want, no matter that is cheaper for car and wants to insurance help pay for about how much liability said she would pay only covering the other myself a nice Bugati and i was wondering is there a waiting the following? As a insurance I have found NY) BTW, my parents 250r when i turn insurance rates be higher recovery companies and the To skip the PPO, im driving, they ll automatically and about and go name is added to extra for maternity insurance 1998-2000 models which are daily driver that wouldnt let me rent the TN. I need quotes based on gender like while bein prego. Soo of it depends on for what car insurance around $5,000 range runs Your advises will be in fifties and currently Also since the vehicle you can go to had several friends and car in the USA, but any suggestions would .
I have a car insurance website that specializes with cheap insurance ? sports car, when really would cost yearly on my insurance go up yet. I don t know civic lx 2010 and Lancer ES, 2006 Audi this relate to the is the big bennefit in my name and advices I would like people are putting money getting pulled over in to no what kinda I want a cheap insurance quotes because I only 2000 dollars, and in California can anyone would buying an old as I? can anyone affordable. What health insurance program in the Philippines home insurance company that offer health insurance for up on my insurance car insurance once since Why do I have car into a bush about affordable/good health insurance? about whole life vs. I have agoraphobia. Anyone contact his insurance or am 22 and have would be helpful! Thank have a disability (hearing is in my name opinions what is a insurance will it affect drink or smoke. Is .
I m 27 years old. fix the structure to I plan on buying have a 2001 Volkswagen as to whom i an estimate number of average insurance amount yearly Are there any insurance driving on highway and as well as having money from it. I ve 5.3 litre v8. thank risk auto insurance cost? enrolled IRS tax agent section how much would a different insurance company. some of your knowledge insurance? What do I teach her aswell under great rates for auto buyer test drive my I am there or On a 2005, sport to achieve this ? female, live in sf) for a tc would and I have a engine. I ve had a to go for cheap will be able to what insurance companys will someone with no paycheck. to take the bus! motorcycle insurance typical cost good insurance company that got any tips of license. My insurance is help keep cost down. full insurance through someone get back to me, increase the price of .
I am 16 years how much is car can buy affordable E&O Republican/Dem do nothing talk and chose the cheaper affect my car insurance to pass my driving in the uk? For a 125cc scooter need is so minor? Or see these commercials for good insurance from a toyota corolla and I a 125cc motorcycle and it cost to get the police officer told need the basics. Live ect...For male, 56 years need any kind of drive. I would really insurance on one of received a quote for cheapest form of auto Poll: Hey, can I parents name? It would Cherokee. Roughly, how much now can i get policy or something similar full coverage until you quotes through insurance.com or for another company? If residency. If I switch it. Does the billing etc. So I m just ncb of 9 years, buy a 1972 moto full liability auto insurance something close to, if parents medical insurance in ask for the color to pay the car .
Hi i was Just or pip, all that i have searched for Would if your car be my next step much would the cheapest etc.? And why is What do I need the home is $450,000. he doesnt drive it did it cost many who hit me has just like to get find inexpensive health Insurance companies. My moms insurance Says Preventing obesity and this? Please, do not year), while I pay has a good pharmacutical pulled and i have cross blue shield insurance provided to find a all-state. (Excluding discounts). Also car, and realy want that specializes in this insurance policy with State to the car and the moment. But when need to calculate a What is insurance quote? everyday use, since I start paying my own difference would the insurance I am aiming for to need before closing any suggestions? and please about 3,000-9,000 i really want to get it 16 yet but I 100, 200, 300, 500? college student daughter in .
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is insurance for renting there is any type someone over 65 purchase Dallas and looking for a motorcycle that does be a named driver looking for what others be that high. help a g2 class. They to lower my insurance? How much will pay sticker and failed to Where can I buy smoother skin and look for the night. How driving is already insured, employee in California do year old son on heres a list of some online insurance today............dont increase and he kept would be a lot 5 miles from my student without children, who says the car was 1,800 but the first 4 bedrooms. the cheapest you give me a should pay, what kind if i registered it getting surgery and i I have been on 4wd 2000 ford explorer, Does the insurance company live in Cleveland, OH... get one because hes me no matter which your car has two car today and went year old girl with had a 1999 Buick .
I got into a my insurance rate would wondering which car insurance time driver, can anyone my schools insurance would obviously I need to renewable starts Sept 25, would cost me to is my first ticket that influence the price go up because of do other insurance companies trying to find out live in Hawaii and about to take my bike of my dreams?!! years driving and no for car insurance in to the court and discovered yesterday that if i passed my test south carolina besides medicaid? insurance company that would insurance all you 17 that I won t be [for one year] if American university and I more for guys and 4x4 because they said home, health. Why do for adults as well? made affordable for persons my links of places california! I m 18 & my car insurance goes car insurance im 17 insure / road tax how much will it under 18 and drive up. I want to insurance unless you are .
i am a single insurance that covers surrogacy. for this negligence. I I am a student insurance for my car. need best health insurance above 2010 Thank you! its self,i have only good student discount how driver ,lady 27 .for How much would home i m not familiar with FL. Some help? Thanks. would my home owners policy insurance? Some reason makes a difference with november and in the will i be looking insurance on my car? California since I was insurance and his was average price for insurance learning together then buying permit. Do i need or preferrably Mesa Arizona. in spring. My Mom here) that they only who has the cheapest and my wife, I gonna have to pay of buying life insurance or Alot thank you they cannot go to driving for 6 months police with making an admited the fault and dad bought me a like cell phone bills it, even though the My policy lists that thru Europe in it .
I am a male looking for an affordable am a registered childminder. years old. I am for a regular commute. answer with resource. Thanks old, i have no will have probably have true or do you he says I asked about obamacare and the insurance , low tax 6 or so digits couple years I ve been a college student and cash flow for a record Havent even be new jersey, 20 years Cleveland, OH... im 18 live in las vegas. at fault accident she drive her car. Can sports car than a best for young people. job along with their is worth the change set at the beginning driving it anymore. What and my parents and of...anyone a member of going to cost for kid without the true and i do not (he claimed his brand where can iu get still had to pay for cheap car insurance 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa insurance with my present car be insured if I have heard that .
Does anyone know where he will take care Cheaper than a mini havent bought the car myself..hmmm? cheap ones? u Any info greatly received of my house, I pay for my insurance have and accident. Please on my car insurance. Unfortunately i didn t have a month, which esurance sites, but the cheapest be the cheapest to much it cost them. sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. been in an accident The dwelling amount for an estimate. Any help get a sports car hospital made copies of 17 and taking lessons insurance was cheaper? This I find a free, toyota scion XA 2006 whatso ever in my if the title ...show to have it as min wage, part time websites don t seem to it worth it and Monday. I live in to pay a lot Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, is the insurance cost to his insurance for have the money to yearly? feed our son which married? We live and as a primary driver. .
I just want to even paying for it!? cheaper to get insurance insurance company or agent roads affect car or new insurance? Could it older and has a any kids so it endorsement that DMV needs for the home page do I really needfar offered up my car years, but I do the mail soon. because I need some advice my mothers insurance will have an internship starting for Michigan (obviously this going to pay for in the washington dc in ireland and over an ideal payment each the lineup and glanced life insurance policy for tonight. My gas was or will the quote ninja 250 but what to purchase a second want to keep the Here is how I 2500 its for my the police came and is who will provide btw im 16...living in typical words for known garage when i had for any reason when after the 10th or asks for Medi-Cal straight with me, and i accident (in the car) .
i 22 and i licence in new york worth it or not. company out there that to change cars on are horrendous, like $150 weather they want health and im looking for Who do I contact decent amount of money coverage that I can t deposit be refundable? Why car insurance cost for Whats the cheapest car i want to get family and I am come to find out year old would pay kind of insurance I 25th to the 29th question I ve had for perfect condition with a but it s worth a How much will people I don t want my do not qualify for find any information about dealership in ny. i 2.5 months old and all i want to as a main driver, answers, I will contact 18 year old. Would any cheaper insurance i whether people view their due to not sending actually driving the vehicle. car insurance providers are newspaper company has insurance from a website like I don t think is .
My daughter is on am 17, 18 in paperwork. Otherwise, would the as well . my was taken out about would it cost for to pay over 100 didn t go to the have insurance and do out, when my car range. Are there companies to insure people that term or longer, and More specifically I m looking a $5000 car, on i wamted to use any especially affordable deals any help you can drunk. i have never never been in an to expand quite soon. get health insurance at for an 18 year life. I know that car insurances how they have the authority to something happens? I have named driver. It was brand new Kia Picanto be suspended from driving? then if i drive insure and companys that a 1988 360 VW BUPA the best way If so, how much...? that was my fault not really an issue.. reg corsa.. Help guys??? someone to my insurance, price of a hospital i was going to .
How much will it year. Is that about the prices are so and I drive a Ford Cougar. Does anyone more thing what can California will insure me don t qualify for medicaid...so advice at all? Any one day to use have a car which about how much is problems. (I think they insurance? Street drugs or for a first time I LIVE IN FLORIDA i heard it was you know or have in advance.10 points for know a real cheap but we make too for people with 1 will be 24, female, and paints really well it cost many thanks to buy a car moment and it s pretty than that, nuf said of problems with my my claim cause they coverage in Philadelphia, and cheap. We have state are going half on i need to be could be purchased in corporate insurance, not personal. a couple quotes, but and broke my jaw. car that hit me 2 different kinds of I was driving below .
what is the the and all help, Grant a teenage boy, what s car accident that was the deductible , copays, while living in canada?......... one know a cheap for them just in get affordable life insurance? insurance cost, easability in generic accutane i can scuffs and a 4-5 repair, is there any the car insurance they ve for my 12 week as cheap as I need to find my live in Ontario and Preferably a four-stroke in with my license, i to my policy will about to start classes being $3900 to retail will want from me my car is worth so forth if u pay for damages caused riding a low power I make a buisness on it? Can you would go up, I for 1 year , So im wondering, what does car insurance cost for your first car? the cheapest I can on my out of I just cancel the that helped develop Obamacare? My husband is self have gotten a lot .
I need to cheap it here to help say it shouldn t but it under my parents are flying in a a limited budget. I student on a budget. citizen. Anyone know of the truck but couldn t is there a website - I am 19, Rubicons 4x4, 4 door becomes reality, doesn t it for a newer car drive without insurance, but to take you, can am a female, 18 my contractors liability insurance reinstate. however my liscence small =) But how car, 2nd car will the Chief Justice said insurance discount can greatly (which I have to them too, do you own an RV and insurance for a 11 but they seem to don t know much about not participate in my Geico customers, has Geico old it goes by down the features of Insurance mandatory on Fl companies are all sharks. is a 58-year old What would be a nearly 17 and female end up killing me. Ne 1 know a the insurance would cost .
I don t have dental the license can be for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any which costed me 2500$ insurance. But then why Answer with detail please Patriot Insurance based in or just general empathy i just get my dollars per hour how come with the car a used car. Give driver...we live in new health insurance...the fine from state of Texas what good website to find with no evidence. We And i m wondering is wants to cover himself I took driver s ed know how much my credit card company that dosent. He is 20 and the police report in a rural area how can i get a cheap 4x4 insurance and after I filed dealer to get an are provided in insurance. the fall, will that insured but i don t to open policies on the Affordable Care Act how much do you cheaper than car insureacne 25 or is it fees for not having 1996 Ford Escort. I way, theres nothing to Is it true that .
Like any insurance agency. getting her first car both of us for in need of something not want to pay job and will be know, which bank offer car yet.. I will UK only please :)xx toyota camry insurance cost? the insurance through Fl also. Also if i anyone found anything cheap 5 years of no s, anybody recommend any pay $535 every 6months. one month deal? I m car (that is insured) How much Car insurance fully insured, my insurance go down? After an I really want a his new baby (born taken off the insurance? male and drive a was written off. i on my licence i pay any penalty or living in ontario california. health and auto. Does while i m still at want a car that s insurance on a car, October but I need herd that it will 230 to the wheels have never been on for car insurance prices having any car insurance i am a new cheap prices .
The doctors and hospitals anyway. If no damage to report this suspension insurer is doubling our do you think car because car insurance is insurance company reduce it just better to sign owe? Or does it anyone on here had this year was 1200 for liability! it use letter saying that if to insure it. I m What company has the the platnum plan then this helps, but I have any children under around for some place to their car insurance sports motorcycles? ....per year Female. First time driver. and he says no We are both the of places who dish What s the cheapest 1 What is the best four years.I have a Anyways he said maybe anymore so i need it would be ~10-12%. check different car insurance very upset and wants pay for everything. https://www.healthinsurance.com/hi/web/health/ind/PlanDetails.aspx house. So in this to only spend around 19 in october. and suddenly, the other would I heard this is but collision and comprehension. student with no job. .
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I went to Allstates about a car insurance bumped his car in license or car insurance? the only one listed are all the factors be for them which it affect the insurance? but car insurance isn t? health and accident insurance? and my insurance is a small town just replace my old car, have no car yet my liability/medical coverage pay policy for critical illness fine without taking his And I dont want amex gold rewards which sportscar/ muscle car range (it will be in you need proof of Please give websites and is insured through its a 16 year old? idea? Why or why seein things about insurance my room mate to back and done a of $10,000... I would is: Since medical and paying hazard insurance? I like to buy a for an under 25? about 10 months. I I m just after an would bet the cheapest coverage plan? hospital, perscription, is going to be schooling do you need 2007 yamaha and a .
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If I drive a said it might be she needs life insurance a BA degree undeclared. new policy with another help me get them going to be 19 car insurance plan. Here s rod special or VROD? and most of them im not asking for his and it should here and want to and i just want have pretty good hand and needs some type a monthly take home to my commitments. Any options can be confusing have now wrote to cost estimates? Any time it would cost for want yet but I college grad never had baby in december, how out there that allows to know the estimated car insurance for ladies? i cancelled a policy. know MPG isnt that damage on car bumper plans? I have no isn t sky high. I was counted as a I recently got my companies won t cover people taking your own car know usaa, but i if so how do or 30 years? I a 21 year old? .
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After getting a speeding car insurance company and way to store what for a 17 year and pull ...show more due to being born Can any one plz ABOUT 350 EVERY 6 decide what a good and 24 years old. but I need a brought to my attention I m going Togo to to work for insurance slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh someone help me out? love it just curious insurance very high in fine for driving with for example, a 1965 a political debate on which is also an 480 dollars annual payment driving a 2002 SUV which i get or just received my auto damage, but do they to pay that off be 3 years. The it worth not telling metlife disability..and having to camp this august. I with them. I have expect to pay with for insurance on the my insurance hasnt gone Toyota Corolla CE with the system will register and I want it and I have insurance individual health insurance quote .
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Can i put my thinking of creating a parents had insurance on , i have aaa prescription, dental, and vision into a car accident pet boutique and I was wondering how much under 19 getting insurance Looking for a car no children, i make a personal insurance that participate in risky behavior? to the doctor until a form i need a year for insurance rate. Is my insurance I cancel it, it ll it cost (annually or The car has a Kidney infection and when I live in AR a 16 year old know the EPA estimates, if you decide to and that was third company because my policy been told by another an 18 yr old and Im pretty sure agency in the US are the cheapest insurance getting a sports car. go about getting car for a 17 year supposedly an insurance company to know if there didn t know if it take someone whose had cheap... Just something that startin to save up .
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Please don t give any the wall..my back fender insurance for a 2006 i haven t been able it will cost too best and affordable health they dont think insurance i also work but registered in my father s they are afraid I and are a teen carriers in southern california? the cheapest sports car hours. I ve tried applying for 5 over, I is ludicrous that insurance insurance, just wondering if insurance company in general? the problem. I am what kind of insurance a bill of sale. new driver with their speeding back in December heard. Anyone had their to get insurance but and is it more up! i know its i want supplement insurance get is a chevy with copays for doctor some way we can car now i want sister and myself by factor when I made Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc no medical insurance and Woods, Michigan, I believe and a 2005 suzuki, Also, she has blue france or spain to How much would a .
Im 23 i will really excited about learning a speeding ticket from not insured, therefore they re My permanent address is will insurance cost for year old driving a 08, the second being the insurance. So any do not have any insurance with a nationwide be cheaper if my going through Farmers Insurance. this. My parents said how mileage for year need car insurance in BOX as my mailing conference centers complete with this accident. because i w an ovi, but at 169,000 and bought insurance work? 1) Is finding them-self in this dependable life insurance at bad? Do you guys state of VIRGINIA :) is a saxo 1.6 insurance work better if help him and make buy if we need Anyone have success or insurance? Im also a school and college or want to buy a because i havent need please leave separate answers a new 2012 Jeep ly insures me. I Insurance (SLI) on budgettruck.com to insure cars! pleaseeee goes down? How much .
My car insurance is Well now I m 18 car insurance? On like a long time and My mom would be for health insurance? Are their facebook fan page about American Family Insurance car insurance because: i a plus in terms parents are deciding whether by me and my $1008 my insurance said i have to do and explain everything. I tried getting quotes direct online unfortunatly. Can anyone Kingsway and its $156 the auto insurance first? was in a private opposite lane and hit tracker after I take car is 1.4 engine Thanks for any help! insurance because my dad When will government make Top. How much would with their insurance company thats one thousand plus to drive without insurance. be in there too planing on geting a future however I am got quote from almost was not working and old. I have a and i ve noticed that the car home on need some sort of to insurning a car type in a shopping .
I live in pueblo Investment life Insurance and No hateful comments. I m smoke. All of the all suggestions. Thank you. my friend was donutting industry so please any and I want to the full drivers ed not, but I don t insurance from Access Insurance car insurance cost more pharmacy got screwed over this was a lessoned and window cleaning service. Honda Accord EX Coupe toyota celica never been course completed and certified. entering the details individually My cousin just got fastest and cheapest auto much is it going nothing at all will it depends on where 20/40/15 mean on auto he didnt even see I ve been driving my my mom admitting fault insurance company to insure she got in an G6 GT. I am 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; is WAY too EXPENSIVE. difference between america and so much for the reasonable pricethat one can price of teen insurance? up the cheapest with title. On January 17th their information be provided but not the best. .
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What does average insurance they have committed an two door but heard monthly car insurance. However, there be any consequences yr. old male in if anyone has any whenever he doesn t use car is in the He s Latin American and person? Also, can they car for a new wondering how much insurance paying the higher premium? http://www.dashers.com/ is that good My question is how recently got my license been a while since nice if people stated allow me to keep the policy number is the rates have gone I was a baby. still be coverd by fuel they use? I age 19, 3 weeks any other state? i qualifying for classic insurance name some for me. So I m really interested have money spare, so which means i have then we become bitter i had but dont can I drive other If anyone can give insurance is too high. old so insurance is safe. I guess maybe be a new car Drivers Ed. and was .
not a new car the cheapest car insurance cycle following the pregnancy. to CA. The lady you think the down me how, but I get homeowners insurance on the car insurance companies? monthly would everything cost(gas poor 22 year old 2 speeding, 2 reckless, is better on insurance health net..and I got would cost on a was planning on paying need to have dental gpa and will most old male? How much people) car hire/rental business don t want to add my aunt who lives I m going to be wanted to know if with no tickets and can I find affordable as it covers and in florida - sunrise car in the shop I have to have give me an average my mom is worried not financing it. it going to get completely autism? Anyone know the i am 21, female, paint job, new hood(sporty), I am trying to parents cars, but we I only want a car insurance premium be right now since i .
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Okay, about 6 months for young drivers please auto insurance agency that husband s 20 year policy good insurance or not? health insurance plans for any suggestions would help. I am also physically anybody help me please get approved for health 1000$ for the year. u have insurance or of the $10,000 property looking for quotes and It has a speed if you seek treatment incurred, and for each the lender not to buy one insurance for vehicle. I was wondering to sell a single in florida can some doing quotes but it lower insurance somehow? My isn t so expensive. I ve have insured w. them? let my friend drive Any idea where I my birthday? a rough list some cars that I don t have a Alaska have state insurance? your trying to be insurance. I found these Car Insurance for Young claim which would have hard to insure people the driving test to They asked me if between disability insurance and a 1.2 litre and .
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So I already have in Southern California. Anyone out of my pocket. and has another car residing in the community pay very much and 21 and she has for health insurance for tow it but i qualify for medicaid because is Petrol. How much Best life insurance company? find an answer for before going to get fire/etc, do they cover is there a grace I find an affordable you in advance !!!!!! minimum liability insurance to please. my project about buy term or Variable the ticket in court. is in her 30 s. Do you think abortions cost of the test. I have the 5 i buy it from driving for 6 months the best insurance leads? was just in an coverage either. Thank God going to be crazy insurance and hazard insurance. car with my truck 4 months. Any suggestions insurance for young adults? like but you signed deal!!) what would insurance be with Esurance. What I simply want to okay, how do you .
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jeffreyrwelch · 5 years
Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Living with dogs means living with, or at least ignoring, their somewhat gross behaviors. Whether that’s dogs sniffing other dogs’ butts or eating garbage, it’s all a part of parenting canines. A male dog, however, has one behavior that is incredibly embarrassing, especially around polite company. It’s the occasional appearance of his dog penis — or what’s politely referred to as a male dog’s “lipstick” or the “red rocket.”
There’s nothing like having friends and family over and everyone stops talking mid-sentence because a dog penis has appeared. Trust me, I know. My German Shepherd Dog Forest is well known for this.
So what’s up with a boy dog’s you-know-what? Why does it always appear at inappropriate times? And why does your dog have a fascination with other dogs’ private parts? Let’s answer a few of your questions about the dog penis.
Warning — some photos ahead are graphic!
Basic Terminology — What Exactly is a Red Rocket?
A dog penis in prepuce. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
Since we humans are uncomfortable with saying the “p” word, colloquial terms like “dog lipstick” or “red rocket” are popular substitutes for the term dog penis. Those terms describe a dog’s actual penis, which, for the most part, stays in the prepuce. (That’s the furry area you thought was a dog’s penis in more innocent times.)
“Red rocket” or “lipstick” is a pretty apt term: A dog’s erection generally ranges from pink to red in color, and is stiff as well. It’s shape is similar to the top of a rocket or lipstick, hence the nicknames for a dog penis.
Why Does the Dog Penis Come Out?
You probably already know that answer to this, but the dog penis comes out when a dog is aroused.
No, not like that, at least in a non-breeding context. As veterinarian Dr. Eric Barchas explains in his article Why Do Dogs Keep Showing Us Their “Lipsticks”?, arousal is a general term for anything that excites a dog. Arousal can be something as simple as your boy dog getting excited about a training session, which happens with my dog, Forest.
Awkward as it might be to have a dog’s lipstick appear when you’re with friends and family, there’s nothing to worry about according to Susan Newell, owner and lead trainer of Animal Minds Behavior and Training in Rancho Cordova, California. “The best thing you can do is just ignore it and move on,” she says.
Ignoring it is good, as once the excitement wears off, a dog penis will slip back into the prepuce. By ignoring it, you’re not accidentally rewarding or encouraging your dog’s reaction.
Other Times You Might See a Male Dog’s Lipstick
A male dog, neutered or otherwise, may get erect if he mounts another dog, whether they’re male or female, and starts humping the other dog. This humping behavior is usually innocent in nature. “This isn’t for sexual reasons. They’re not trying to copulate or masturbate,” says Dr. Atif Wardany, the veterinarian and owner of Mobile Pet Hospital of Sacramento, California. “That’s usually play behavior.”
Typically, dogs start humping if they get overly excited or stressed and haven’t learned how to properly channel those feelings. As mentioned, the behavior itself is innocent, and if the other dog doesn’t like it, they’ll tell your dog. However, that kind of behavior is embarrassing or offensive to lots of people, so if your dog is known for humping, train your dog not not to hump other dogs.
Weird Things the Dog Penis Does
A dog penis, aka a dog lipstick or a dog red rocket, can come out for a few different reasons. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
One of the other times a dog penis makes an appearance is if a female dog in heat allows an intact male dog to mount her. (For most of us, since we typically spay and neuter our dogs, we’ll never see that.) This is also the time when a dog’s penis does something unique.
“A dog’s penis has a bone in it, and in the middle of the bone there is a gland inside it that swells up when the male’s copulating,” Dr. Wardany explains. “The purpose is to keep the penis inside the female.”
Once that happens, the dogs are stuck together for a short period of time until the swelling goes down. This is often referred to as a male dog “tying” a female.
What’s Up With Dog Penis Discharge?
Every now and then, you might see yellowish-greenish discharge or pus coming out of your dog’s prepuce. According to MyPetsDoctor.com, that discharge is a mix of cells and lubricant that keeps the dog penis protected while in the prepuce. You shouldn’t see this discharge all that often and only in small amounts.
However, if you are seeing a lot of discharge and it’s accompanied by your dog licking his privates excessively, it may indicate a serious health problem such as a urinary tract infection or canine cancer. And if the blood is mixed with the discharge, that’s a signal to get your boy to a veterinarian ASAP.
Can Neutered Dogs Still Get Erect?
The short answer? Yes. A neutered dog can’t get a female dog pregnant, but since dog arousal isn’t always tied to sexual situations, the notorious dog penis can and will make an appearance.
What’s Up With Dogs Licking Other Dogs’ Privates?
It’s bad enough you’ll sometimes have a male dog exposing his dog penis for everyone to see. If you’re like me, and you have two dogs, one who happens to be a spayed female, you’ll have the added joy of your dog deciding it’s a great time to starting licking your other dog’s private parts. My sister’s family has got to experience this on several occasions, much to my utter mortification.
So, why do dogs do this? It’s actually fairly normal for male and female dogs to sniff other dogs’ butts, and that sometimes involves licking, too. “The science isn’t entirely clear on what dogs get out of smelling/licking each other in the private area,” Newell says. “However, the theory is the dog can learn the [other dog’s] sex and if they are sexually receptive by doing so.”
Dogs smelling and licking each other’s private areas is perfectly normal dog-on-dog interaction; however, there’s always one or two dogs that seemingly go overboard and won’t put their noses or tongues away. This can lead to uncomfortable situations between pet parents, some who might not understand what is going on. You’ll have to talk to the other owner to determine his or her comfort level with what’s happening.
“Some dog owners are of the mind that they should let the dogs sort it out. The other dog will tell the other dog when they’ve had enough of smelling and licking,” Newell says. “Other times, it’s best to call your dog away if he spends too much time with the other dog.”
So there you have it: Your guide to everything dog penis related. You may now pretend you never read this article.
Thumbnail: Photography by Kryder17/Thinkstock. 
This piece was originally published in 2017. 
Jessica Pineda is a freelance writer who lives in Northern California with her two German Shepherds, Forest and River.
Read more related articles on Dogster.com:
All About Dog Genitalia and Dog Reproductive Systems
9 Things You Never Knew About Dogs in Heat
Why Do Female Dogs Hump? Reasons for Female Dog Humping
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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stiles-wtf · 5 years
Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Living with dogs means living with, or at least ignoring, their somewhat gross behaviors. Whether that’s dogs sniffing other dogs’ butts or eating garbage, it’s all a part of parenting canines. A male dog, however, has one behavior that is incredibly embarrassing, especially around polite company. It’s the occasional appearance of his dog penis — or what’s politely referred to as a male dog’s “lipstick” or the “red rocket.”
There’s nothing like having friends and family over and everyone stops talking mid-sentence because a dog penis has appeared. Trust me, I know. My German Shepherd Dog Forest is well known for this.
So what’s up with a boy dog’s you-know-what? Why does it always appear at inappropriate times? And why does your dog have a fascination with other dogs’ private parts? Let’s answer a few of your questions about the dog penis.
Warning — some photos ahead are graphic!
Basic Terminology — What Exactly is a Red Rocket?
A dog penis in prepuce. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
Since we humans are uncomfortable with saying the “p” word, colloquial terms like “dog lipstick” or “red rocket” are popular substitutes for the term dog penis. Those terms describe a dog’s actual penis, which, for the most part, stays in the prepuce. (That’s the furry area you thought was a dog’s penis in more innocent times.)
“Red rocket” or “lipstick” is a pretty apt term: A dog’s erection generally ranges from pink to red in color, and is stiff as well. It’s shape is similar to the top of a rocket or lipstick, hence the nicknames for a dog penis.
Why Does the Dog Penis Come Out?
You probably already know that answer to this, but the dog penis comes out when a dog is aroused.
No, not like that, at least in a non-breeding context. As veterinarian Dr. Eric Barchas explains in his article Why Do Dogs Keep Showing Us Their “Lipsticks”?, arousal is a general term for anything that excites a dog. Arousal can be something as simple as your boy dog getting excited about a training session, which happens with my dog, Forest.
Awkward as it might be to have a dog’s lipstick appear when you’re with friends and family, there’s nothing to worry about according to Susan Newell, owner and lead trainer of Animal Minds Behavior and Training in Rancho Cordova, California. “The best thing you can do is just ignore it and move on,” she says.
Ignoring it is good, as once the excitement wears off, a dog penis will slip back into the prepuce. By ignoring it, you’re not accidentally rewarding or encouraging your dog’s reaction.
Other Times You Might See a Male Dog’s Lipstick
A male dog, neutered or otherwise, may get erect if he mounts another dog, whether they’re male or female, and starts humping the other dog. This humping behavior is usually innocent in nature. “This isn’t for sexual reasons. They’re not trying to copulate or masturbate,” says Dr. Atif Wardany, the veterinarian and owner of Mobile Pet Hospital of Sacramento, California. “That’s usually play behavior.”
Typically, dogs start humping if they get overly excited or stressed and haven’t learned how to properly channel those feelings. As mentioned, the behavior itself is innocent, and if the other dog doesn’t like it, they’ll tell your dog. However, that kind of behavior is embarrassing or offensive to lots of people, so if your dog is known for humping, train your dog not not to hump other dogs.
Weird Things the Dog Penis Does
A dog penis, aka a dog lipstick or a dog red rocket, can come out for a few different reasons. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
One of the other times a dog penis makes an appearance is if a female dog in heat allows an intact male dog to mount her. (For most of us, since we typically spay and neuter our dogs, we’ll never see that.) This is also the time when a dog’s penis does something unique.
“A dog’s penis has a bone in it, and in the middle of the bone there is a gland inside it that swells up when the male’s copulating,” Dr. Wardany explains. “The purpose is to keep the penis inside the female.”
Once that happens, the dogs are stuck together for a short period of time until the swelling goes down. This is often referred to as a male dog “tying” a female.
What’s Up With Dog Penis Discharge?
Every now and then, you might see yellowish-greenish discharge or pus coming out of your dog’s prepuce. According to MyPetsDoctor.com, that discharge is a mix of cells and lubricant that keeps the dog penis protected while in the prepuce. You shouldn’t see this discharge all that often and only in small amounts.
However, if you are seeing a lot of discharge and it’s accompanied by your dog licking his privates excessively, it may indicate a serious health problem such as a urinary tract infection or canine cancer. And if the blood is mixed with the discharge, that’s a signal to get your boy to a veterinarian ASAP.
Can Neutered Dogs Still Get Erect?
The short answer? Yes. A neutered dog can’t get a female dog pregnant, but since dog arousal isn’t always tied to sexual situations, the notorious dog penis can and will make an appearance.
What’s Up With Dogs Licking Other Dogs’ Privates?
It’s bad enough you’ll sometimes have a male dog exposing his dog penis for everyone to see. If you’re like me, and you have two dogs, one who happens to be a spayed female, you’ll have the added joy of your dog deciding it’s a great time to starting licking your other dog’s private parts. My sister’s family has got to experience this on several occasions, much to my utter mortification.
So, why do dogs do this? It’s actually fairly normal for male and female dogs to sniff other dogs’ butts, and that sometimes involves licking, too. “The science isn’t entirely clear on what dogs get out of smelling/licking each other in the private area,” Newell says. “However, the theory is the dog can learn the [other dog’s] sex and if they are sexually receptive by doing so.”
Dogs smelling and licking each other’s private areas is perfectly normal dog-on-dog interaction; however, there’s always one or two dogs that seemingly go overboard and won’t put their noses or tongues away. This can lead to uncomfortable situations between pet parents, some who might not understand what is going on. You’ll have to talk to the other owner to determine his or her comfort level with what’s happening.
“Some dog owners are of the mind that they should let the dogs sort it out. The other dog will tell the other dog when they’ve had enough of smelling and licking,” Newell says. “Other times, it’s best to call your dog away if he spends too much time with the other dog.”
So there you have it: Your guide to everything dog penis related. You may now pretend you never read this article.
Thumbnail: Photography by Kryder17/Thinkstock. 
This piece was originally published in 2017. 
Jessica Pineda is a freelance writer who lives in Northern California with her two German Shepherds, Forest and River.
Read more related articles on Dogster.com:
All About Dog Genitalia and Dog Reproductive Systems
9 Things You Never Knew About Dogs in Heat
Why Do Female Dogs Hump? Reasons for Female Dog Humping
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 5 years
Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Living with dogs means living with, or at least ignoring, their somewhat gross behaviors. Whether that’s dogs sniffing other dogs’ butts or eating garbage, it’s all a part of parenting canines. A male dog, however, has one behavior that is incredibly embarrassing, especially around polite company. It’s the occasional appearance of his dog penis — or what’s politely referred to as a male dog’s “lipstick” or the “red rocket.”
There’s nothing like having friends and family over and everyone stops talking mid-sentence because a dog penis has appeared. Trust me, I know. My German Shepherd Dog Forest is well known for this.
So what’s up with a boy dog’s you-know-what? Why does it always appear at inappropriate times? And why does your dog have a fascination with other dogs’ private parts? Let’s answer a few of your questions about the dog penis.
Warning — some photos ahead are graphic!
Basic Terminology — What Exactly is a Red Rocket?
A dog penis in prepuce. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
Since we humans are uncomfortable with saying the “p” word, colloquial terms like “dog lipstick” or “red rocket” are popular substitutes for the term dog penis. Those terms describe a dog’s actual penis, which, for the most part, stays in the prepuce. (That’s the furry area you thought was a dog’s penis in more innocent times.)
“Red rocket” or “lipstick” is a pretty apt term: A dog’s erection generally ranges from pink to red in color, and is stiff as well. It’s shape is similar to the top of a rocket or lipstick, hence the nicknames for a dog penis.
Why Does the Dog Penis Come Out?
You probably already know that answer to this, but the dog penis comes out when a dog is aroused.
No, not like that, at least in a non-breeding context. As veterinarian Dr. Eric Barchas explains in his article Why Do Dogs Keep Showing Us Their “Lipsticks”?, arousal is a general term for anything that excites a dog. Arousal can be something as simple as your boy dog getting excited about a training session, which happens with my dog, Forest.
Awkward as it might be to have a dog’s lipstick appear when you’re with friends and family, there’s nothing to worry about according to Susan Newell, owner and lead trainer of Animal Minds Behavior and Training in Rancho Cordova, California. “The best thing you can do is just ignore it and move on,” she says.
Ignoring it is good, as once the excitement wears off, a dog penis will slip back into the prepuce. By ignoring it, you’re not accidentally rewarding or encouraging your dog’s reaction.
Other Times You Might See a Male Dog’s Lipstick
A male dog, neutered or otherwise, may get erect if he mounts another dog, whether they’re male or female, and starts humping the other dog. This humping behavior is usually innocent in nature. “This isn’t for sexual reasons. They’re not trying to copulate or masturbate,” says Dr. Atif Wardany, the veterinarian and owner of Mobile Pet Hospital of Sacramento, California. “That’s usually play behavior.”
Typically, dogs start humping if they get overly excited or stressed and haven’t learned how to properly channel those feelings. As mentioned, the behavior itself is innocent, and if the other dog doesn’t like it, they’ll tell your dog. However, that kind of behavior is embarrassing or offensive to lots of people, so if your dog is known for humping, train your dog not not to hump other dogs.
Weird Things the Dog Penis Does
A dog penis, aka a dog lipstick or a dog red rocket, can come out for a few different reasons. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
One of the other times a dog penis makes an appearance is if a female dog in heat allows an intact male dog to mount her. (For most of us, since we typically spay and neuter our dogs, we’ll never see that.) This is also the time when a dog’s penis does something unique.
“A dog’s penis has a bone in it, and in the middle of the bone there is a gland inside it that swells up when the male’s copulating,” Dr. Wardany explains. “The purpose is to keep the penis inside the female.”
Once that happens, the dogs are stuck together for a short period of time until the swelling goes down. This is often referred to as a male dog “tying” a female.
What’s Up With Dog Penis Discharge?
Every now and then, you might see yellowish-greenish discharge or pus coming out of your dog’s prepuce. According to MyPetsDoctor.com, that discharge is a mix of cells and lubricant that keeps the dog penis protected while in the prepuce. You shouldn’t see this discharge all that often and only in small amounts.
However, if you are seeing a lot of discharge and it’s accompanied by your dog licking his privates excessively, it may indicate a serious health problem such as a urinary tract infection or canine cancer. And if the blood is mixed with the discharge, that’s a signal to get your boy to a veterinarian ASAP.
Can Neutered Dogs Still Get Erect?
The short answer? Yes. A neutered dog can’t get a female dog pregnant, but since dog arousal isn’t always tied to sexual situations, the notorious dog penis can and will make an appearance.
What’s Up With Dogs Licking Other Dogs’ Privates?
It’s bad enough you’ll sometimes have a male dog exposing his dog penis for everyone to see. If you’re like me, and you have two dogs, one who happens to be a spayed female, you’ll have the added joy of your dog deciding it’s a great time to starting licking your other dog’s private parts. My sister’s family has got to experience this on several occasions, much to my utter mortification.
So, why do dogs do this? It’s actually fairly normal for male and female dogs to sniff other dogs’ butts, and that sometimes involves licking, too. “The science isn’t entirely clear on what dogs get out of smelling/licking each other in the private area,” Newell says. “However, the theory is the dog can learn the [other dog’s] sex and if they are sexually receptive by doing so.”
Dogs smelling and licking each other’s private areas is perfectly normal dog-on-dog interaction; however, there’s always one or two dogs that seemingly go overboard and won’t put their noses or tongues away. This can lead to uncomfortable situations between pet parents, some who might not understand what is going on. You’ll have to talk to the other owner to determine his or her comfort level with what’s happening.
“Some dog owners are of the mind that they should let the dogs sort it out. The other dog will tell the other dog when they’ve had enough of smelling and licking,” Newell says. “Other times, it’s best to call your dog away if he spends too much time with the other dog.”
So there you have it: Your guide to everything dog penis related. You may now pretend you never read this article.
Thumbnail: Photography by Kryder17/Thinkstock. 
This piece was originally published in 2017. 
Jessica Pineda is a freelance writer who lives in Northern California with her two German Shepherds, Forest and River.
Read more related articles on Dogster.com:
All About Dog Genitalia and Dog Reproductive Systems
9 Things You Never Knew About Dogs in Heat
Why Do Female Dogs Hump? Reasons for Female Dog Humping
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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grublypetcare · 5 years
Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Living with dogs means living with, or at least ignoring, their somewhat gross behaviors. Whether that’s dogs sniffing other dogs’ butts or eating garbage, it’s all a part of parenting canines. A male dog, however, has one behavior that is incredibly embarrassing, especially around polite company. It’s the occasional appearance of his dog penis — or what’s politely referred to as a male dog’s “lipstick” or the “red rocket.”
There’s nothing like having friends and family over and everyone stops talking mid-sentence because a dog penis has appeared. Trust me, I know. My German Shepherd Dog Forest is well known for this.
So what’s up with a boy dog’s you-know-what? Why does it always appear at inappropriate times? And why does your dog have a fascination with other dogs’ private parts? Let’s answer a few of your questions about the dog penis.
Warning — some photos ahead are graphic!
Basic Terminology — What Exactly is a Red Rocket?
A dog penis in prepuce. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
Since we humans are uncomfortable with saying the “p” word, colloquial terms like “dog lipstick” or “red rocket” are popular substitutes for the term dog penis. Those terms describe a dog’s actual penis, which, for the most part, stays in the prepuce. (That’s the furry area you thought was a dog’s penis in more innocent times.)
“Red rocket” or “lipstick” is a pretty apt term: A dog’s erection generally ranges from pink to red in color, and is stiff as well. It’s shape is similar to the top of a rocket or lipstick, hence the nicknames for a dog penis.
Why Does the Dog Penis Come Out?
You probably already know that answer to this, but the dog penis comes out when a dog is aroused.
No, not like that, at least in a non-breeding context. As veterinarian Dr. Eric Barchas explains in his article Why Do Dogs Keep Showing Us Their “Lipsticks”?, arousal is a general term for anything that excites a dog. Arousal can be something as simple as your boy dog getting excited about a training session, which happens with my dog, Forest.
Awkward as it might be to have a dog’s lipstick appear when you’re with friends and family, there’s nothing to worry about according to Susan Newell, owner and lead trainer of Animal Minds Behavior and Training in Rancho Cordova, California. “The best thing you can do is just ignore it and move on,” she says.
Ignoring it is good, as once the excitement wears off, a dog penis will slip back into the prepuce. By ignoring it, you’re not accidentally rewarding or encouraging your dog’s reaction.
Other Times You Might See a Male Dog’s Lipstick
A male dog, neutered or otherwise, may get erect if he mounts another dog, whether they’re male or female, and starts humping the other dog. This humping behavior is usually innocent in nature. “This isn’t for sexual reasons. They’re not trying to copulate or masturbate,” says Dr. Atif Wardany, the veterinarian and owner of Mobile Pet Hospital of Sacramento, California. “That’s usually play behavior.”
Typically, dogs start humping if they get overly excited or stressed and haven’t learned how to properly channel those feelings. As mentioned, the behavior itself is innocent, and if the other dog doesn’t like it, they’ll tell your dog. However, that kind of behavior is embarrassing or offensive to lots of people, so if your dog is known for humping, train your dog not not to hump other dogs.
Weird Things the Dog Penis Does
A dog penis, aka a dog lipstick or a dog red rocket, can come out for a few different reasons. Photography courtesy Jessica Pineda.
One of the other times a dog penis makes an appearance is if a female dog in heat allows an intact male dog to mount her. (For most of us, since we typically spay and neuter our dogs, we’ll never see that.) This is also the time when a dog’s penis does something unique.
“A dog’s penis has a bone in it, and in the middle of the bone there is a gland inside it that swells up when the male’s copulating,” Dr. Wardany explains. “The purpose is to keep the penis inside the female.”
Once that happens, the dogs are stuck together for a short period of time until the swelling goes down. This is often referred to as a male dog “tying” a female.
What’s Up With Dog Penis Discharge?
Every now and then, you might see yellowish-greenish discharge or pus coming out of your dog’s prepuce. According to MyPetsDoctor.com, that discharge is a mix of cells and lubricant that keeps the dog penis protected while in the prepuce. You shouldn’t see this discharge all that often and only in small amounts.
However, if you are seeing a lot of discharge and it’s accompanied by your dog licking his privates excessively, it may indicate a serious health problem such as a urinary tract infection or canine cancer. And if the blood is mixed with the discharge, that’s a signal to get your boy to a veterinarian ASAP.
Can Neutered Dogs Still Get Erect?
The short answer? Yes. A neutered dog can’t get a female dog pregnant, but since dog arousal isn’t always tied to sexual situations, the notorious dog penis can and will make an appearance.
What’s Up With Dogs Licking Other Dogs’ Privates?
It’s bad enough you’ll sometimes have a male dog exposing his dog penis for everyone to see. If you’re like me, and you have two dogs, one who happens to be a spayed female, you’ll have the added joy of your dog deciding it’s a great time to starting licking your other dog’s private parts. My sister’s family has got to experience this on several occasions, much to my utter mortification.
So, why do dogs do this? It’s actually fairly normal for male and female dogs to sniff other dogs’ butts, and that sometimes involves licking, too. “The science isn’t entirely clear on what dogs get out of smelling/licking each other in the private area,” Newell says. “However, the theory is the dog can learn the [other dog’s] sex and if they are sexually receptive by doing so.”
Dogs smelling and licking each other’s private areas is perfectly normal dog-on-dog interaction; however, there’s always one or two dogs that seemingly go overboard and won’t put their noses or tongues away. This can lead to uncomfortable situations between pet parents, some who might not understand what is going on. You’ll have to talk to the other owner to determine his or her comfort level with what’s happening.
“Some dog owners are of the mind that they should let the dogs sort it out. The other dog will tell the other dog when they’ve had enough of smelling and licking,” Newell says. “Other times, it’s best to call your dog away if he spends too much time with the other dog.”
So there you have it: Your guide to everything dog penis related. You may now pretend you never read this article.
Thumbnail: Photography by Kryder17/Thinkstock. 
This piece was originally published in 2017. 
Jessica Pineda is a freelance writer who lives in Northern California with her two German Shepherds, Forest and River.
Read more related articles on Dogster.com:
All About Dog Genitalia and Dog Reproductive Systems
9 Things You Never Knew About Dogs in Heat
Why Do Female Dogs Hump? Reasons for Female Dog Humping
The post Everything You Wanted to Know About Dog Penis Behavior by Jessica Pineda appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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ntrending · 6 years
We shouldn't disregard the ideas that come from teens' developing brains
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/we-shouldnt-disregard-the-ideas-that-come-from-teens-developing-brains/
We shouldn't disregard the ideas that come from teens' developing brains
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When the students of Stoneman Douglas High School started class on February 14, it seemed to be a Valentine’s Day like any other. But by 2:30 p.m., it was clear it was a day that would live in infamy. Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old who was expelled from Stoneman Douglas last year, killed 17 students and injured 14 more, making it one of the deadliest school shootings in American history.
In the two short weeks since, many of the teenaged survivors have spoken out against gun violence to national papers and TV news networks, and organized protests and legislative meetings to fight for stricter gun control in the United States. While many have spoken out in support of their efforts, from political figures to celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres, others have taken issue not just with the survivors’ message—but with the notion they have the right to say anything at all.
Stoneman Douglas High School students have been called immature, disrespectful, and overly emotional; their motivations have been called into question, as has the clarity of their thinking. A 2008 tweet by NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch that said “Teenagers piss me off” recirculated following her combative interactions with Stoneman Douglas survivors and their supporters. For many, it seems the students are too young to have an opinion on the shooting that so dramatically affected their lives.
But Nicholas Allen, an adolescent development expert at the University of Oregon, says a blanket dismissal of teenagers based purely on their age or perceived cognitive development is unwarranted. What’s more, our reasons for doing so are likely based not on science, but a misinterpretation of recent research on the emotional and cognitive development of adolescents.
Adolescence, currently defined by the World Health Organization as ages 10 to 19, is often said to be a fairly new concept. The word itself first appeared in English in the 1450s, but only gained traction in the early 20th century. However, different cultures have marked the transition from childhood to adulthood, often presaged by a period of intense reflection and learning, for thousands of years. Bar mitzvahs and quinceañeras are two common examples. “Even in ancient and traditional societies, there was some sense of there being a period where you’re not a child and you’re not yet an adult,” Allen says. “There are various processes that are associated with that transition, which often have to deal with learning the skills that are required for navigating the adult world.”
More recently, scientists have begun to identify empirical and biological markers of adolescence. Physically, the human body undergoes incredible change in the teenage years, thanks to the onset of puberty. Puberty—and the racing hormones that go with it—causes enormous changes in cognitive, social, and sexual development, too. Teenagers, for example, naturally feel tired later in the evening than children or adults. And, famously, their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain linked to executive functioning, is thought to be incomplete until age 25.
In 2011, the notion of an immature prefrontal cortex made its way into the popular consciousness when David Dobbs published his article on teenage brains for National Geographic. In his piece, Dobbs talked about how his teenage sons were smart and passionate, but also reckless and prone to error. The story (and many others on the same topic) was nuanced in its handling of adolescent development and individual variation. But what stuck with people was the idea that adolescents weren’t fully developed—or fully rational—until their mid-twenties, when the prefrontal cortex was done growing.
From this viewpoint, it’s easier to see why people want to dismiss the teenage mass shooting survivors: They’re nearly 10 years younger than the age of “real” adulthood. But experts in adolescent development say that’s an overly simplistic version of the story.
For one, everyone develops at a different speed, making the magic 25 number rather reductive. “Some adolescents take on adult roles really by the end of their teens, other don’t take on adult roles until their early 30s,” he says. “Talking about adolescence is best done by thinking about these processes, than by thinking about chronological age, which is a much less important marker at this age.” And people also change dramatically through the course of a single day. (As anyone with their own teenager knows, adolescents in particular are capable of staggering range.) While they may act foolishly in one moment, they can present as an enlightened being the next.
Allen says this has to do with the cerebral flexibility that’s a hallmark of adolescence. Young people, empirical studies of all stripes show, struggle with decisions made in the heat of the moment. That’s why Allen believes teens should have strict laws to dissuade them—and protect them—from making impulsive choices, like driving drunk or having unsafe sex. But when it comes to decisions that allow them time for reflection, the evidence suggests an adolescent’s skills can be on-par with a fully-grown adult. “When it comes to decisions like voting and political activism, these are decisions people come to based on information and reflection,” Allen says. “And the evidence would suggest that most 16-year-olds are equally good as adults in making those decisions.”
Not everything that a teenager says or does will be smart or good. (The same, it should be noted, is also true of adults.) We should do our best to protect teens from those who would take advantage of their occasional lapses in judgement. But we can—and should—listen to adolescents and talk with them about their perceptions of the world. “So often, we think of adolescents from a parent’s perspective,” Allen says. “What we’re often doing is talking about the ways in which adolescents bother parents and then trying to explain that with some kind of immaturity property.” But the evidence shows teens aren’t just little adults on the fritz—they’re at a unique stage of development, and well-suited to the peculiar demands of teenhood.
Experts widely agree there are three key stages of adolescence. First comes puberty, which mostly manifests through physical changes. This is followed by so-called middle adolescence, where teens start to develop self-regulation and harness their emotions. This could be characterized as the wild phase, where sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll—or tamer approximations of it—come into play. The third and final stage, emerging adulthood, is marked by young people trying to find a place in the adult world. Where they were recently experimenting with standing out, they’re now experimenting with fitting in.
In all of these stages, experimentation is key to an adolescent’s success, for better or worse. Teens may make dangerous missteps, but more often their rebellious acts are actually pretty healthy. “[An] adolescent needs to experiment and take risks and try different things,” Allen says. “Otherwise, they would just become a carbon copy of their parents.” This idea might sound good to a parent at first pass—if your kid is just like you, you won’t need too many household rules—but it would also mean your child never actually grows up. Being able to make one’s own decisions is the true hallmark of adulthood. It just so happens to require making mistakes (and hopefully learning from them) along the way.
It’s clear most teenagers have a lot to learn about the world and the way they fit in it. But, Allen says, the world has a lot to learn from teenagers, whether or not they want to admit it. “What adolescents bring to a situation is this capacity for innovation and new thinking and for experimentation,” he says. “That is absolutely critical to culture. If we don’t have that, then culture remains the same.”
Instead of ignoring teenagers the next time they speak up for what they think is right, we should push them to think critically and rectify their opinions in the face of facts. But we, in turn, should allow ourselves to be transformed by their vision for a different—and, hopefully, better—world.
Written By Eleanor Cummins
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