#HEAVY BREATHES OK DONE (<- written after i exhausted all thoughts on robin aslkdjfhaksdl)
elegyofthemoon · 2 months
yoohoo! i remember you had a robin pfp somewhat recently, so... could you do the character bingo with her?
YEAH I WAS VERY EXCITED TO MEET ROBIN WHEN PENACONY WAS FIRST RELEASING !! she, firefly, and misha were the ones i was most excited to meet :D so to celebrate I had Robin as the theme of my blog for a little while ^ w ^
blank character bingo
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uhh to be safe! i shall put this under the cut but some hsr 2.0 spoilers :D (ik we're on 2.1 rn but still! to be safe!!)
i'd like to stress on the SQUEAK panel because the way that the ending of 2.0 had me go insane that i 100% all areas in penacony in hopes to find clues about WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY GIRL NOOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE HELL
I refused to accept that she died and wanted to understand WHAT happened which inevitably turned into me searching and finishing all the missions in Penacony and 😭 I still have zero idea what happened. and I mean. technically 2.1 gave us the answer about what happened, but that doesn't explain how people die in this dream when usually if people die, they just wake up back in the Reverie
I think she's really interesting though, even if we only get to know her through word of mouth - which is. kinda fitting for an idol like her. You only know her image, not the person she is. You could even meet her former teacher who envies Robin stealing her spotlight, and how Singer mentions that Robin and The Family had some argument or conflict between each other. It made me wonder if that's the reason why she left to be a Galaxy known singer rather than staying in Penacony since she only came back because of that.
Hmm... Now that I'm here. There was this thing about Robin being an Emanator for Harmony because she was said to be blessed by Xipe themself for such a talented voice and how Penacony was just Obsessed with Robin to the point that uhhh I forgot her name but the NPC who follows Idrila was just sick of being under Robin's shadow as well.
If Robin had gotten into a fight with The Family, I wonder if her leaving and returning may have been the cause for her voice to be Weird (I don't understand), getting her powers revoked and all that.
All this next to her song "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking" really fits the "bird in a cage" imagery that her splash art has WHICH MAKES ME ADORE HER ALL THE MORE I LOVE BIRD IN A CAGE IMAGERY SM (SHAKES HER)
The other thing I did while coping was start questioning "why is it that Firefly and Robin had to die in this?" I mean, albeit, both deaths have different modus operandi, where Firefly's body dissipated (which is what I anticipate will happen too with Sunday's) and Robin's didn't. And I reflected a bit more on Firefly's monologue regarding why do people dream/sleep, in which the answer was "because they're afraid to wake up." That whole scene was played out with Robin's song in the background which ALSO is all about how with no other choice, the character of the song has no choice but to dream of freedom that they weren't given -- to not face that reality.
Put both of those together -- that Firefly and Robin both stood for the freedom dreams can give and that both characters wind up dying in 2.0 -- I sorta thought about the dream of Penacony crashing down entirely.
But maybe it's also that having both die is just the counter to this question that hangs over Penacony arc: Why do people sleep? since it repeats itself too in 2.1 :]
So I just. I like Robin through the things I've collected about her but also what she may have stood for in the realm of the Penacony arc in its entirety.
I really hope to pull for her when she does come out though :D I was supposed to save my guarantee after losing on Luocha for her but I pulled Acheron asdklfajh So we'll see if I can get her. Ik I'm excited to read more about her character story. And also know whether or not she's actually dead or is that a fake body that we saw.
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