cflight · 1 year
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Lord Alexander stalks his prey ever so quietly. Though stealth was never a great feat of his it was terrifyingly possible for a large creature such as himself to achieve it if he really gave it effort. He would catch the unsuspecting bard tuning their lute, or fiddling with it in some way. He wasn’t sure, but it did make for the optimal distraction. He had his belly to the ground, comically sliding himself toward Ekira with an impish grin twisting his face. Two large and muscular arms would grab the goatling from behind and spin them around to face the King. He grins wide and toothily, before giving his friend a big smooch on the top of their furry head. "Happy Valentines day, my little snack-sized friend~💞"
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“Shoot, now that’s way too outta tune.” And a nice distraction it made indeed, the bardlet’s hyperfocus on their out of tune lute, making the stalkee none the wiser. A twist of a knob there and a strum of a string there, Ekira was sure that by now they had it almost perfect. They were so close, just one more twist…
Only to scream as they were suddenly scooped from behind, their screams of terror soon turning to high pitched laughter, the kiss against their head and claws digging into their most sensitive spots making them quite the flustered mess once it was revealed just what was occurring.
“Alexander, you scared me!” Ekira giggles, a hoof placed to their chest trying to calm their beating heart down; the other trying to wipe away any slobber that might have gotten caught on the top of their furry head. “Geez, happy Valentine’s Day to you too…”
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