gluekaiju · 8 months
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psycho-lizard9 · 2 months
Alright some new rules for DMs.
These can be ignored if you just have a question or if you need help with something you think I can help you with, but otherwise:
Feel free to message me if you:
Like Der Zibet.
Like DEAD END (the Japanese band).
Like Creature Creature.
Like Sakurai Atsushi's side and solo works.
Like ISSAY's side and solo works.
Like MORRIE's solo work.
Bonus points on those ^ they are the faves.
Like Masami Tsuchiya.
Like IPPU-DO (Even tho I'm still getting into Tsuchiya and IPPU-DO)
Like The Yellow Monkey.
Like Yoshii Kazuya's solo work.
Like Vaniru.
Hate yoshiki.
Hate gackt.
... seriously fuck those 2.
For music tho, do not message me if you claim to be a, for example, BUCK-TICK fan and then go "I only like 2 albums tho the rest is trash lol."
Like, from these artists I love almost everything except for maybe a handful of songs.
Super bonus points if these artists are your obsession and you'd be up to play the so called "album, song and tour games".
Album game: for example, we say BUCK-TICK, No.0, 13 songs and then we both write down which 13 songs are on No.0 as best as we can remember and see how many albums we can nail.
Song game: Play random songs and see how quickly we can recognize them and remember the titles.
Tour game: basically same as song game but as we're watching a tour. Both song and tour game can also be 1 person at a time. Like I guess song 1, you get song 2... I love doing these things.
And it's also fine if you just want to get to know these bands better.
Play any of the following multiplayer games (or want to):
Payday the Heist.
Payday 2.
Payday 3 (even if you hate it)
Saints Row (any of the main games before Agents of Mayhem. Fuck the reboot).
Ghost Exile.
This Is A Ghost.
On Dark Terms (even tho this is super difficult).
Any other ghost hunting multiplayer games cause I'd get em all.
Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan 2.
Any Far Cry game.
Not as important to me but why not:
Stardew Valley.
Tabletop Simulator.
The Game Of Life 2.
Maybe GTA... not really my fave.
I also have Terraria but... eh.
I think Drugs Dealer Simulator 2 has multiplayer but not sure.
Also Baldur's Gate 3. Idk if I'll ever multiplayer it but it's interesting to talk about at least.
Also bonus points for Dutch people... I have no friends who live nearby and with nearby I mean within this country.
Do NOT message me if you are:
A homophobe.
A transphobe.
An ableist (including and honestly ESPECIALLY invisible/mental disabilities).
A pedophile.
A hypocrite.
A trump supporter.
An elon musk asslicker.
A yoshiki fan.
A gackt fan.
An abuser.
A hater of any of my fave artists even slightly.
Offensive (including towards people's art and other works).
A copycat of the last person you spoke to.
A bully (in a non friendly way. Some friendly bullying is fine).
A gatekeeper.
A stalker.
An art thief.
An insanely quickly offended person. Like I don't want to just be able to offend you but if you make a huge issue out of the tiniest things on a weekly basis then holy fuck no.
Are someone who can't accept different opinions.
An Untrustworthy fuck that will tell everyone about the thing someone else told you in private and specifically told you not to share.
A BT VK war fighter. Idc if they are or aren't VK, I think they aren't but I don't wanna fight over that.
Other social war fighters... if you constantly seek out posts to fight people over it. No.
Someone without a sense of humor.
Extremely religious... maybe even just religious. I have nothing against you but I already know it most likely won't work.
Against fanfiction... I write them.
Almost forgot: Do not contact me if you're sexist, insanely jealous, needy as hell and/or childish as fuck.
Preferably no minors either, I like to be horny for dilfs.
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