#Hades!Giorno x Persephone! Reader
mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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The Beguiling (Hades! Don Giorno x Persephone! Fem! Reader)
This concept has been on my mind for the longest time. This is loosely based off the lore of Hades and Persephone, set in a modern mafia AU, with Giorno as Hades and the reader as Persephone. 🥺💖🐞
TW: Kidnapping, yandere themes, manipulative behaviour, disordered relationship dynamics
Word count : 6.3k
“The truth of the matter I believe to be this. There is, as I stated at first, no absolute right or wrong in love, but everything depends upon the circumstances, to yield to a bad man in a bad way is wrong, but to yield to a worthy man in a right way is right.”
- Plato, Symposium
Being the Don of a mafia is a difficult task, being so far removed from everyone and everything else. Some would even say, its like being part of an entirely different realm…
Extremely beautiful but entirely unapproachable, Giorno didn’t appear in public very often, the burden of running the organization had brought many threats to his safety. Granted, he was able to thwart any plan to even remotely harm him, but one doesn’t have time for such annoyances when you wield as much power as he did. Taking over something so big at such a young age changes a person, and Giorno was no different, he was always seen as aloof and calculating, but there were other dimensions to his character that he was painfully aware of, but would not reveal to anyone else… yet.
“Don Giovanna, are you ready to go? The driver is ready for us,” his consigliere spoke in an even, respectful tone while addressing his don.
“Yes, we can leave, have you informed Fugo of the change in our plans?” Giorno’s voice was monotonous, soft and polite, but conveyed no emotion. The task at hand today was not a pleasant one… he hated having to deal with defectors and had avoided it up until this point. This case was different… the defector in question was your brother. You had always held a special place in his heart ever since he encountered you upon taking over Passione. You were always kind towards him, and all your conversations had brought about a sense of peace within himself. Nonetheless, he dismissed it as a simple juvenile crush, and continued with his mammoth task of remolding the diseased organization, excising the ‘tumors’ to allow for a healthier, better, stronger Passione to emerge. Sacrificing his youth, his personal life and precious friends in order to attain his dream, he was not going to let anyone destroy everything he had worked so hard to create.
As the years went on, there were many times that your path had unwittingly crossed with the young don’s which only intensified his feelings for you, but given the nature of his lifestyle, he tried to convince himself that loving you from afar would be good enough, but Giorno’s resolve- unshakeable in every other scenario- was quickly waning in this regard.
Meeting with your father was painful, his demeanor reminding Giorno of a shadowed figure from his past who had changed his life forever.
“He’ll have to be dealt with, you understand this, correct?”
“I’m aware of this, Don Giovanna. I… I’m willing to take any punishment you see fit… please keep my daughter out of this… I can stake my life on her innocence in all of this,” your father spoke emphatically, desperate to protect you, appealing to the don’s humanity. Giorno furrowed his eyebrows, surely your father knew he wouldn’t harm you in any way- was it normal for people to be this terrified of him? The sharp slam of a door and a greeting from a honeyed voice snapped Giorno from his thoughts.
“I’m home, I hope you’re hungry, I’m making octopus salad, squid ink risotto and I’ve got chocolate fondants for dessert… oh goodness! Don Giovanna- I’m sorry… I, um…” you stuttered embarrassingly as your gaze landed on the blonde’s handsome face and shifted to the ground immediately. Before Giorno could answer you to try and quell your discomfort, your father interjected, sending you away from the room. The young don was completely awestruck by your ethereal beauty, as if you had been crafted by the gods themselves, descended to create joy in an otherwise dull world. He made a silent promise to himself- he had to have you as his own.
“(Y/n), please give us a moment piccolina, I’ll come to you as soon as we have concluded our meeting,”
“Of course, please pardon my interruption,” with a small nod of your head, you took your leave, wanting to start making the dishes you had just rattled off. As you busied yourself with your preparations, your mind kept returning to Giorno, he was always calm and pleasant, but you hadn’t seen him with that kind of expression before. The fact that you hadn’t seen your brother in days didn’t bode well with today’s events… you hoped he was okay, but you experienced first-hand how aggressive he could be, something, you were told, he had shared with your mother. You didn’t have much of a relationship with her as her job had taken her away from the family a bit too much. You understood now that you were a young adult, but your emotions still vacillated between acceptance and resentment when you observed the families of your friends.
“You know… because of the difference in our ages, you’ve always told me that you cared for me as a father would care for a son, as a result, our relationship has always been cordial… its allowed us to speak frankly as we have always done in the past,”
“Yes, Don Giovanna… this is true.”
“Please, I’ve told you many times before, call me Giorno…”
“Alright… Giorno,”
“Good, good, see? That sounds better already. As I was saying before, if your affections for me run that deep… accept me as a son-in-law and allow me to marry (y/n) and you will never have to worry about her safety again. Nobody would ever think to harm her if they have to contend with me first,”
“What? Are you asking for permission to marry my daughter? I don’t think she has even considered something like that… you’ve barely spoken to each other…” your father was battling to make sense of Giorno’s request, if one could even call it a request.
“I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in… your son has singlehandedly created a colossal mess; we’d be in the middle of a turf war if it wasn’t for the quick thinking of my consigliere. That’s not to say other people wouldn’t want to exact their own personal brand of justice. I can guarantee you though, if she’s under my care, none of those things will ever reach her.” Just as the consigliere was about to speak, perhaps, an attempt to rationalize with the don, a sharp sideward glance from the latter had left all suggestions unspoken. The silence in the room was palpable… uncomfortable, until it was broken by Giorno.
“I’ve loved (y/n) for as long as I’ve known her, the best place for her would be with me, my strength is unparalleled… this is probably a lot to take in right now, I’ll allow you some time to come around to the idea, I’d hate to have to take her by force, but, if that’s what it will take…”
“Are you threatening me Don Giovanna?” asked your father with a restrained bite to his voice.
“Of course not, I’m merely making my intentions clear, my reach spans well beyond anything you could ever imagine… well, I’ve said all I need to in this instance. I’ll be back for her in three days, I trust you’ll be able comply with my suggestion. I’ll be taking my leave now.” With a flourish of his cerulean blue coat, Giorno and his consigliere left your home. Your father cursed his position, but there was little he could do about it. Finding you blissfully tinkering in the kitchen, his heart broke, knowing already that this was one of the last times he would be seeing you like this… or at all.
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“You don’t agree with what I’m doing, do you, Lorenzo? You know I’m good at reading people, although you’re not even trying to mask your disdain,” asked Giorno, breaking the silence on the drive home.
“Well, if I’m allowed to speak freely, I don’t think you’re going about this in the right manner. She’s going to be terrified and resentful because you’re effectively abducting her, so in brief, I don’t agree with this at all,”
“Fair enough, and for the record, obviously I’m aware that she’s going to hate me… at first anyway, but she’ll come to understand eventually. Anyway, what’s done is done, in three days, I’ll be bringing home my goddess.” Giorno turned his attention to his phone and with that Lorenzo had backed off, knowing from years of serving Giorno that there was no talking to him when he resolved to do something.
“Father, you’re so quiet… did something happen?” you asked, part of you not wanting to know the answer to that question.
“It’s a mess, but don’t worry about that, I’ll handle it. There is something that I have to speak to you about though… it’s about Don Giovanna, he would like to see you in a few days, nothing serious, just be sure to keep your schedule open for the day,” your father explained, only divulging half the truth of your situation.
“He wants to see me? Do you know why? Have I done something wrong?” you were curious as to what Giorno could possible want with you.
“Of course not dolcezza, he just wants to have a chat with you, I think he’s just making sure that you’re alright… that’s part of why he was here today.
“Oh, alright, I’ll be available. Anyway, dinner’s ready, once you get washed up, we can eat,” you glanced up at your father to see his face contorted in grief. “What’s the matter? I know you don’t like talking about things that have to do with your occupation, but you’ve been like this ever since Don Giovanna left,”
Being too much for him to bear, he pulled you into a vicelike embrace, almost as if you would disappear if he let you go, which was not entirely false. “Aww, it’s okay dad, everything will be fine, come on, the food’s getting cold, you need to eat,” with that, you both ate in a comfortable silence as you always did, before you both retired for the evening.
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While you tried to prepare yourself for your “meeting”, your soon to be captor was busy creating your sanctuary, or rather, overseeing the creation of your sanctuary- there was no reason why your surroundings couldn’t be as beautiful as you were, his aim after all was to get you to fall in love with him. Large, glittering mirrors with gilded frames adorned the walls of the hallways that lead to your room. Inside, was everything one could ever hope to have; an extensive closet filled with things that were made especially for you, various trinkets and baubles carefully selected for you, state of the art electronic devices, albeit with restrictions on the amount of things you could access… just for the time being though. If you were to start off as a bird in a cage, it should be a bejeweled cage worthy of a rarity like you.
As it got closer to the time you’d be seeing Giorno, your nerves started increasing exponentially, you knew that under normal circumstances, having to meet with someone like him without knowing what the subject matter would be was intimidating, but this feeling was something else altogether. As if something in your gut was telling you to cancel- to run- but you dismissed those feelings, and prepared yourself for the engagement.
“Buonasera cara, you look especially charming this evening…” he greeted you with a velvety voice that masked the true nature of him being there.
“Buonasera Don Giovanna, thank you for the compliment,”
“Shall we leave, (y/n)?”
“Um, okay… I just need to fetch my things and let my father know that I’m leaving…”
“Alright, perfect, actually, would you mind if I followed you? I’d like a quick word with him before we leave,” his expression was so charismatic, you felt guilty for not inviting him inside immediately.
“Of course, I’m sorry, please do come in.” you say as you stepped aside to make room for Giorno to enter. You lead him to the study and went to fetch your coat and purse to go, giving yourself a onceover in the mirror to make sure you were presentable and with that you kissed your father on the cheek and left.
The restaurant that you and Giorno went to was completely empty except for a single table set up for you both and the staff that were going to serve you, you found it odd, but dismissed it as one of the nuances of leading a mafia, privacy was of utmost importance. Ever the gentleman, the young don pulled out your chair for you and seated himself across from you.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me (y/n), I appreciate you taking the time to do so,”
“Of course, although I have to admit, I’m a little confused as to why I’m here,” you say with a nervous titter. The waiter brought a bottle of wine to the table, probably preapproved by Giorno already, and with a small nod, it is poured out into the awaiting glasses for the two of you.
“You will understand soon enough cara, come, lets toast to something… ah! To new beginnings…” he suggested with a sardonic smile.
“New beginnings? Okay… to new beginnings, salute!” with a confused smile and a delicate clink of your glasses you both took a sip of your wine. As the night went on, you were having a wonderful time, however, it seemed like your alcohol was getting to you faster than usual.
“Are you alright, cara, you look a bit out of sorts, come, I’ll take you home,”
“Thanks Don, I… I’m sorry I don’t know-” before completing the rest of your sentence, your consciousness faded and you fell into a strong pair of arms. Giorno sat you back down and made a quick call to his driver before picking you up again and placing you in the awaiting car to take you to your new home. As he gazed lovingly upon your face, he knew that the road is going to be a tedious one, but you would love him one day.
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Your head pounded incessantly as you tried to open your eyes. The sensations on your skin were unfamiliar- soft, silken, so inviting, lulling you back into the deep slumber you were trying to break. Was this a dream? Your eyes finally opened to an unfamiliar room, you gathered the courage to sit up in bed, still unsure if you were in a dream or not and tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes. Looking around the room, feeling a sense of panic enveloping your very existence, you ran towards the large, ornately carved door to try and leave the room, but it was locked. The windows, it seemed, were crafted from reinforced glass as they would not break regardless of what was thrown at them. Left with only one option, you began to cry out for help, surely someone would be there, it was too well kept to be an abandoned building.
Listening to the commotion from outside the room were the guards and servants tasked with making sure your requests were fulfilled, but more importantly, they needed to ensure you were safe and didn’t escape. Giorno had a way with people, a charisma that both scared and enchanted those around him. Disobedience was not even a fleeting option for those who served him, partly out of fear, but mostly out of devotion to the young don. Giving each other a knowing glance, your guard decided to call his boss to come and subdue you before you had hurt yourself.
Your throat felt raw from the shouting and hyperventilating, your skin shimmered, veiled in a thin layer of sweat and your eyes shifted this way and that, trying to spot something you could exploit to leave the room while your captor was away. It dawned on you that as terrifying as it was to be in that place, it would be even worse if you had to face whoever was holding you there, choosing rather to contend with the fear of the unknown, than putting a face to your jailor. As if even thinking of something willed it into existence, your worst nightmare materialized as you heard the door being unlocked.
“Tesoro… please stop, you’re hurting yourself,” your eyes widened when you heard the velvety voice addressing you with such tenderness.
“Don… Giovanna? Where am I? What are you doing here? Please, I need to go home, I don’t know who brought me here…” you could barely articulate yourself with your shaky voice.
“I know that you’re extremely scared and confused… there’s so much I need to explain to you… but please, first, let me look at your hands, you are hurt, I can take care of that,” it was only after he spoke that you saw the bruises blooming on the delicate skin of your hands and arms. You still stayed rooted to where you were, but Giorno inched closer, materializing GE to heal your injuries. His heart stung when you silently grimaced at the pain of his ability rejoining the blood vessels that had broken, but he hated seeing your beautiful skin being marred like that.
“Please, call me Giorno…”
“Okay… Giorno… can we go now? I need to go home, if we stay any longer the people who put me here might come back or send others, I…”
“Tesoro… this is your home now… the person who brought you here was me… what is the last thing you remember from yesterday?” The young don circled around you and sat you down next to him at the foot of the bed.
“Why? Why did you bring me here? Are you insane? I can’t stay here, I… don’t understand what the hell is going on! I need to call my father,” seeing you start to get agitated again, Giorno pulled out his phone and motioned for you to take it.
“Here, call him, he has already agreed to this arrangement. You’re not safe my love, I’m sure you know about the recent transgressions courtesy of your cretin of a brother. People are angry and want revenge, and unfortunately you’re in the direct line of fire. So it was decided that you would come and live with me, you’ll find all your belongings here already, mixed with things that I believe you would like. I will give you anything your heart desires, lavish you with all the love and attention I can. All you need to do is stay here… near me… nobody can challenge me…”
You heard the words, but nothing was making sense to you. You decided to take up your captor’s offer to speak to your father, who confirmed his entire story. Feeling dejected, empty and completely alone, you sank to the floor as violent sobs wracked your body. Seeing you in this state filled Giorno with dread as he lifted you off the lushly carpeted floor, but he knew he would be able to get you to love him eventually. This was this the initial shock; he was willing to wait for you to acclimate to your surroundings.
Thus began your life of isolation… your routine, if you could even call it that, consisted of waking up in your palatial room, begrudgingly having breakfast with your green-eyed abductor and sulking around for the rest of the day. Giorno put a lot of effort into making sure that you were comfortable and tried to interact with you as much as his schedule would allow him to. Initially, all of his attempts to speak to you were ignored, you wondered if the awkward silence even bothered him at all, but he always had a peaceful expression on his face. If nothing else, he was very patient with you, and at times you tested his patience on purpose, goading him to anger, in those times though, he simply left you alone in your room, not allowing you to leave for a few days, instructing your handlers to confiscate your electronics, not even offering you a sliver of human contact… you needed to think about why you were in that position after all, so there could be no distractions whatsoever. Those isolation periods would thankfully not last long enough to tip you over the edge though, and like a ray of sunshine after a storm, he’d come to unlock your doors and add color back into your world. You always were more affectionate towards him after a few days on your own, which, you reasoned, was due to the lack of any interaction at all as opposed to having any genuine feelings towards him. Giorno wasn’t picky though, he accepted your gentle touches and embraces all the same, one day… soon… you would undertake those gestures solely on your desire to do so.
Surely enough, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, you had warmed up to him, settling into an oddly satisfying domestic life with the don. The more of yourself you gave to him, the wider your world had gotten, until you eventually had free reign over the entire estate. You soon had come to realize that if you had just played your part, and listened to him, complied with his simple requests, his kindness towards you was limitless. Giorno had remained as attentive as ever, picking up on every little change on you from the subtle change in the color of your blush to the miniscule changes in the length of your hair after its trimmed, nothing escaped his well trained eye. He beamed when you started to wear the clothes and jewels he bought for you, seeing it as a sign that you were slowly starting to accept him. The truth of the situation was that you had, against your better judgement, fallen in love with this living deity.
“Giorno… the weather’s warming up quite beautifully, why don’t we train outdoors from now on instead of working out inside?” you suggested while you kneeled on the bed behind a seated Giorno as you undid his elaborate hairstyle and brushed out the product from his hair before he took a shower.
“Hmmm… alright bella, I suppose we could do that, I’m sure the fresh air would do us both some good,” as he got up, he bent down to place a chaste kiss on your forehead before heading into the shower. For a fleeting moment, you thought about your old life, you had earned back the liberty to speak to your family, well, your father, and some friends, but the fractured relationships weren’t the same. Pushing those negative feelings to the back of your mind, you waited for Giorno so that you could both go to sleep, but your heavy eyelids fell shut. His patience with you was never more evident than in these moments, never once overstepping your boundaries or initiating intimacy that would make you feel uncomfortable. Emerging to see your sleeping form, he pulled up the covers around you and climbed into the other side of the bed, facing you, he clutched your hands in his, allowing himself to close his eyes as well.
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“We’ve managed to locate her… you aren’t going to like this though,”
“Just tell me where my daughter is, I’ll decide the rest,” your mother spoke bluntly to her partner.
“She’s living with some mafia boss; I think he’s her boyfriend or something. You never see her out on her own, she’s always with him. I’ve got people watching your husband’s house, she’s only been there once, with the cocky bastard in tow. The security at his place is insane, worst of all, we think he’s a stand user,”
“Stand user? Don’t make me laugh, that means nothing, we’re stand users too, every ability has a weakness that can be exploited,” your mother lit a cigarette and took a long drag, musing on what her first move should be. After a moment of contemplation, she had her sights set on her old marital home, deciding that your father would be able to provide the most complete description of what is going on. She portrayed a nonchalant exterior, but your mother was very worried for your safety. She had a powerful stand of her own, in fact all the members of your family were powerful stand users- except you. Your mother worked closely with a foreign organization dedicated to studying supernatural phenomena as such, most of her time was divided between her travels on behalf of the organization and work that she would need to do onsite at their headquarters in Washington. Over her lifetime, she’s found herself in many precarious positions, so she decided it would be safer if she stayed away from the family in an attempt to keep everyone safe… upon hindsight, that was a fatal miscalculation. To describe her mood after speaking to your father as livid, would be an understatement.
Not wasting a moment, your mother called her associate and made her way to the don’s villa, hell-bent on taking you back from his dark clutches.
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“Bella, are you ready to go?” Giorno called to you as he pulled on his coat while you put on your last accessory. You never turned down an opportunity to go out, even though your outings became slightly more frequent, you were completely captivated by discovering the different facets to Giorno’s personality. As much as he was fervently observing you and curating an ideal world tailored to you, you were learning a lot about him and the circumstances that fashioned him in this manner.
“Yes tesoro, sorry for keeping you waiting… what is it?” you were met by a wide-eyed Giorno, and it hit you… Tesoro… the name trickled so effortlessly off your lips, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t really thinking…”
“Don’t apologize amore, as long as it’s you, I don’t mind…” he softly replied, as he stroked your cheek with the back of his forefinger. You heard a faint clatter accompanied by the ring of Giorno’s phone, informing him that there had been a security breach. The soft expression on his face was gone, as he gripped you with a protective arm.
Before you had time to ask him what was going on, you heard your name being called out by a voice you barely remembered, one you didn’t think you’d hear again.
“Mother?” your voice was a whisper. Your mother looked at you, disdain skewing her features before turning her attention to Giorno, whose grip continued to tighten around you.
“(y/n), I’ve come to take you away from here, it’s obvious leaving you in the care of your father was a mistake. And you, step away from her this instant, you will regret it if you don’t,”
You hadn’t noticed the swarm of black suits that had surrounded you all, ready to pounce at Giorno’s command. His intense gaze had not left your face while your mother spoke, searching for the slightest tell indicating you might have known about this, but you were just as perplexed as he was… the guilt of him doubting you twisting his features even further.
“It’s alright, stand down men… while you really have a nerve of breaking into my property, I feel that this can be solved amicably, I’d hate for (y/n) to have to contend with any discord between us,” he spoke with a calm, even voice but that didn’t match the fury brewing in his eyes.
“Amicable? You take my daughter away from her home and you still feel like this is something that can be talked out of? You really are a piece of work!”
“Better to be the overbearing lover than the neglectful mother…” Giorno’s tone was dripping with cynicism as he handed you to one of your awaiting guards.
“You sick bastard!” your mother cried out. As if being pushed back by a glowing force that you couldn’t quite discern, the young don was thrown backwards. You hated feeling so powerless. Giorno sat up and smiled mockingly, before launching into an attack of his own you assumed, as you saw a similar golden glow envelop his body, and the bodies of the security personnel backing him up.
“Please, stop it! All of you!” you wanted to run out between them but you were restrained by your guard. It didn’t take long for Giorno and his men to restrain your mother and her associate, taking care to leave them largely unharmed while you were still present. Giorno had made one fatal error though… blame it on overconfidence or his need to constantly check on you, he had turned away and left himself wide open for a last ditch attack from your mother as she broke free. At that very moment, your body moved itself before you could even think, and faster than you ever thought possible, pushing him out of the way with only a second to spare, as the attack hit the very spot he had stood on just a moment before, shattering the marble flooring on contact. The room was enveloped in silence, Giorno motioned for his guards to leave the room, as did your mother to her partner.
“(y/n) … tesoro mio… are you okay? You… you saved me…” he said as he kneeled next to your shaking, winged form, combing his hands through your hair as he tried to get a look at your face. You looked up to see Giorno with a wide eyed golden figure hovering over him, approaching you was your mother, with a luminescent humanoid woman matching her footsteps.
“Tesoro, it seems you’re a stand user after all,” mentioned Giorno, still gazing at you, this time with an expression you hadn’t seen from him before. Completely overwhelmed by the recent events, you sat for a moment, trying to regulate your breathing with the exercises Giorno practiced with you when your anxiety overwhelmed you.
“So these are what stands are… they look terrifying…” you say, finally managing to normalize your breathing and take command of your senses once again. “where is my stand then? I presume these two figures belong to you and mother.”
“Yours is different amore… are you able to walk? Come with me…” Giorno lead you to one of the mirrors so you could see how your stand manifested; you had large wings that had sprouted from your back, your eyes glowed colorlessly, and you had luminescent geometric patterns running down your face and body, akin to the patterns you would find on a circuit board. “You have what is known as a phenomenon stand, this means that it changes your body rather than manifesting a separate entity,”
“I see…”
“We can figure out the extent of your abilities another time, for now I need to see those injuries,”
“Excuse me? You’re not doing anything further with her, I’m still serious about taking back (y/n),” interjected your mother sarcastically.
“Are you trying to anger me on purpose? I loathe having to repeat myself. Do not mistake my unwillingness to kill you this very instant on anything other than respect for (y/n),”
“You’re both so selfish!” surprised to hear you raise your voice that much, both parties were stunned to silence.
“I’m a person with my own will, I have feelings, thoughts, desires, dreams… but neither of you bother to consider any of that… Giorno, you essentially abducted me, under the ruse of protecting me, I’m sure you would have found a way to keep me safe while I lived my own life, if it was that important to you, but you weren’t interested in that… if you had just approached me like a normal person, I’d still have fallen for you… well I guess now we’ll never know … And you… mother- I use that term liberally- abandoned me… abandoned us, I don’t care what the reasons were, you left me to grow up without a mother, and now you come here and ridicule me with this dramatic display of affection,” your voice began to crack but you wouldn’t let them see you cry, not so soon after finally finding your voice, so you left them there and went off to your special spot in the far corner of the estate. You knew that Giorno created that little piece of heaven for you strategically, as it was visible from his study, but it served as your safe place, and it was what you needed right now.
Giorno’s mind was clouded and he felt an uncomfortable suffocating sensation in his chest. Glancing at your mother it was apparent that your emotional outpouring had affected her as well.
“I think its best if you leave,”
“Wait, Giorno… perhaps this approach wasn’t the best way to do this, I underestimated you…”
“For the sake of curiosity, what do you propose?”
“That’s going to depend on how you answer my next question…”
“For someone with as few options as you have, you’re incredibly brazen,” shot back Giorno, clearly becoming tired of the conversation.
“I spoke to her father before coming here… he told me about my son… is… is he dead?” speaking earnestly this time, your mother steeling herself for what the young don would say to her. He observed her intently, debating whether it would be safe to divulge any information to her.
“That’s classified information,” he said, knowing full well that the idiot was alive somewhere, unable to be a threat to anyone again, unfortunately he couldn’t divulge this information to anyone. If she was smart enough she would be able to figure it out for herself, any more than that he could not offer.
“I understand… Fine, I’ll back off, (y/n) can stay here… but I need to speak to her, to explain everything, when she’s ready though…”
Giorno contemplated for a moment, feeling oddly moved by the change in your mother’s demeanor, he found himself agreeing with her, “Fine… I’ll allow it, but I can’t have you here, never again, if you need to see her, we’ll come to you… if that’s all, I need to check on (y/n)” Your mother took her leave, thoughts of the bizarre events of the day dominating her thoughts.
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You listlessly played with the water in the fountain you sat beside, eyeing the way the sunshine made the droplets that fell from your fingertips look like gems. Hearing the scrunching sound of grass being stepped on, you knew that Giorno was approaching you. Unwilling to turn around to face him, you continued to look at the water.
“May I sit with you?” his voice was tender and didn’t match his imposing figure. Looking up his striking face, framed by golden waves, you nodded wordlessly.
“Talk to me cara…”
“What do you want me to say?”
“What’s on your mind…”
You paused, thinking carefully before starting to speak. “There’s so much on my mind… I… I just can’t understand you. You bring me here under the most dubious circumstances, but treat me like I’m the center of your world. I want to hate you for taking me away from my world, but I’ve never felt as loved by anyone in that world as much as I do here with you. How can you look at me with eyes so gentle now, when those same eyes were ready to kill not even two hours ago? How am I supposed to make up my mind about you when your every action contradicts the next?”
“It’s simple bella… I love you… you’re above the rules I set for everyone else… my one weakness is you, I’m sorry, I just don’t know how else to be, it’s either everything or nothing. Perhaps, forget about what you think and focus on how you feel… You know, we aren’t that different, the two of us… so many parents between us and barely enough traits among them to make up one good guardian, having to basically raise ourselves, so much pressure from such a young age, being scared of what lurks in the dark, experiencing so much physical pain, you just become immune to it. I have to admit, I was jealous of that brave assault by your mother, I don’t know if anyone would do the same for me… except you of course… you almost died to get me out of harm’s way… and just when I thought I couldn’t love you any more than I do…”
The gentle way he cupped your chin, as if you were made of crystal, and the swirl of emotion in his eyes, compelled you to act on your impulses, kissing him passionately, releasing some of the pent up emotions and frustrations that have been building up for the longest time. His free hand curled itself around your waist, while your hands tangled themselves in his hair. Resting your forehead on his, you hear him murmuring affirmations of his love for you.
“I love you too, Gio,” the words just rolled off your tongue as if you were always meant to say them. Giorno, seemingly moved by your placid declaration, buried his face in your hair, inhaling the floral scent of your shampoo that he loved so much. What you didn’t see was the sardonic smile blooming on his handsome face. He always was a master at deception… although, it couldn’t be classified as deception if most of what he said was true… could it? He didn’t want to play the sympathy card today, but it was the only way he could firmly cement your place with him for good. Pulling away for a moment, looking at the love-struck expression on your face as you softly move your hand from his hair to his chest, he could see that you were finally complete- entirely devoted to him… there was no room for guilt this time.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
good evening everyone !!
phew that was one hectic week, though i did manage to accomplish some stuff... my masterlist has been completely updated, and now includes a table of contents! i felt so fancy putting that in there. hopefully it makes it easier access, as i have so much content in this blog it can be a little tricky to navigate. 
on the story side of things, i have a few scenarios planned! i mentioned in a response to an ask earlier that i plan to do a yan childe x reader scenario after playing through his story when it’s released in a few days. the other scenarios i’m working on are as follows: a yan hades giorno x persephone reader, yan chrollo x reader request, aaaand a scarlet ribbons scene that’s a sequel to this.
i felt too anxious to create much of anything last week, but i’m feeling better now, and am super happy i can finally flesh out these ideas i’ve had in my mind! i’m especially excited to share the yan giorno story. it’s an idea @vani-ya and i discussed a while ago 👁👄👁. there’s smth about giorno that has me ready to Type unholy amounts. anyways, i hope that you’re all doing well, and continue to take care of yourselves! stay safe and stay healthy 💖💖💖
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
last updated: 11052023
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comeback drabble event masterlist 
☔︎: angst, 💞: fluff, 🔪: yandere, 🌸 : personal favorite 
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Dio Brando 
→  stolen [ 💞 , SDC ] 
→  and, sew [ 💞 , PB ] 
→ glasgow smile [ 🔪 ] 
→ adore you [ 🔪 ]  
→ just because [ 💞, SDC ]  
Dio as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
Dio being soft [ 💞 ] 
Robert E. O. Speedwagon 
→  power up [ 💞 , Hamon User!Reader ] 
→ loyal to a fault [ 🔪 ] 
Joseph Joestar 
Joseph as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
S/O with Bipolar Depression [ comfort ]
Caesar Zeppeli 
Caesar as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
→ offerings [ 🔪 ] 
→ resignation to the supernova [ 🔪 ] 
→  torn sleeve [ 💞 ] 
Kars with a Pregnant!S/O headcanons [ 💞 ] 
Stardust Crusaders 
Which Servant would the Stardust Crusaders get along with? [ fate au ]
Jotaro Kujo 
→ attached [ 🔪 , SDC, Zeppeli!Reader ] 
→ guardian [ 🔪 , DIU ] 
Jotaro and Kakyoin in Chaldea [ 💞☔︎, fate au ] 
Yandere Jotaro Headcanons [ 🔪 ]
Jotaro Comforts You When You Cry While Watching A Movie [ 💞] 
Noriaki Kakyoin 
→  white knight [ 🔪 ] 
Jotaro and Kakyoin in Chaldea [ 💞☔︎, fate au ]  
Kakyoin as your Master in a Holy Grail War [ 💞☔︎, fate au ]  
Jean Pierre Polnareff 
→ duty is the death of love [ ☔︎ ] 
→  oath to keep [ 🔪, knight!polnareff ] 
First Date Headcanons [ 💞 ] 
Josuke Higashikata 
S/O pushes themselves too hard [ 💞 ]
They have a nightmare that they’re being a yandere and S/O comforts them [  💞 🔪 ] 
Kishibe Rohan 
S/O with Bipolar Depression [ comfort ]
Akira Otoishi 
→ superfan [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
Bucci Gang 
S/O Has Nightmares of being Abandoned [ 💞☔︎ ]
The gang forgets S/O’s birthday [ 💞 ] 
S/O likes to make them cute meals [ 💞 ] 
Giorno Giovanna 
→ kindly ones [ 🔪, childhood friends ] 
→ me and my broken heart [ 🔪 ] 
→ do it for him [ 🔪, Don Giorno ] 
Giorno as your Servant in Chaldea [ 💞, fate au ]  
S/O pushes themselves too hard [ 💞 ] 
They have a nightmare that they’re being a yandere and S/O comforts them [  💞 🔪 ] 
Bruno Buccellati
→ maid for each other [ 🔪 ] 
→ to have and to hold [ 🔪, Husband!Bruno ] 
→ pieta [ 🔪 ] 
→ struck down [ 🔪, Demon!Bruno, childhood friends ] 
→ vice grip [ 🔪 ] 
→ natural causes [ 🔪☔︎ ] 
→  i only have one heart [ 🌸☔︎, passione gakuen au, love triangle with Prosciutto ] 
→ in the middle [ 💞, poly!BruRis x Reader, giveaway prize ] 
→ ‘til you made it [ 🔪 ] 
→ the catboy’s love story~ [ 💞, Catboy!Bruno ] 
Yandere!Bruno Headcanons [ 🔪 ] 
Servant!Bruno Headcanons [☔︎ ]
Jealousy headcanons ft. Risotto, Prosciutto, and Bruno [ 💞 ]
What a Romantic Evening with Bruno at Home would be like.  [ 💞 ]
Eskimo Kisses & Booping Noses with Bruno  [ 💞, drabble ]
S/O with Bipolar Depression [ comfort ]
Pannacotta Fugo 
→ coming up roses [ 🌸☔︎, hanahaki disease au ] 
→ only [ 🌸🔪, childhood friends ] 
→ blind devotion [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ my true love sent to me [ 🌸💞, Christmas 2019 ] 
→ dance practice [ 💞☔︎ ] 
→ when they cry [ 🔪, sacrificial lamb au ] 
Mutual Pining Headcanons [ 💞 ] 
Fugo as a Dungeon Master [ 💞 ] 
Fugo as your Master in a Holy Grail War [ 🌸💞☔︎ ] 
Fugo as your Servant in a Holy Grail War [ 🌸💞 ] 
With an S/O who is always getting hurt [ 💞 ]
S/O Reacts to Fugo Snapping [ ☔︎ ] 
Leone Abbacchio 
→ famous last words [ 🌸☔︎, writing trade ] 
→ repetitio [ 🔪 ] 
Guido Mista 
→ patched up [ 🌸💞 ] 
→ saying goodbye [ ☔︎ ]
Narancia Ghirga 
→ bitter [ 🔪 ] 
Trish Una 
→ the loneliest girl [ 🔪 ] 
Unita Speciale 
General Relationship Headcanons for Unita Speciale [ 💞 ]
→ a welcome defeat [ 🔪] 
→ boss’s orders [ 💞] 
→ to hell, with love [🌸 💞☔︎, hades and persephone au] 
→ you’re a mean one mr. [🌸 💞, Christmas 2019, jjba Secret Santa] 
→ blanket protection [ 💞 ]
→ consolation prize [ 💞, modern au, fratboy!diavolo ] 
With an S/O who is always getting hurt [ 💞] 
→ signal [ 🔪 ] 
With an S/O who is always getting hurt [ 💞 ]
→ helpless [ 🔪 ] 
→ helpless [ 🔪 ]
La Squadra
→ Liebesfreud [ ☔︎💞, companion to Liebeslied ] 
→ beach episode [ 💞, giveaway prize ] 
La Squadra with their Tall, Intimidating Cinnamon Roll S/O Headcanons [ 💞 ]
La Squadra finding out about Pesci’s s/o headcanons [ 💞, passione gakuen au ]
La Squadra with a Filipino s/o who uses their lips to point at things. La Squadra’s reactions to Russian Roulette as an Interrogation Tactic
La Squadra And Their New Member Who is a Slime  [ 💞 ]
La Squadra’s Stands + Affection [ 💞 ]
La Squadra as BTS Members 
Idol Group La Squadra AU [ ☔︎💞 ]
How the Boys Cheer You Up [ farm au, 💞 ]
Pocky Game with La Squadra [ 💞 ] 
Risotto Nero 
→ hanahaki disease [ 🔪 ] 
→ living dead [ 🌸🔪 ] 
→ housebroken [ 🔪 ] 
→ all out of love [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ safe spaces [ 🔪 ] 
→ foul trouble [ 🌸🔪, kuroko’s basketball au, polyRisPro ] 
→ the first snowfall [ 🌸💞☔︎, Discord Secret Santa, Christmas 2019 ] 
→ kissing Santa Claus [ 💞, Christmas 2019 ] 
→ ariadne’s thread [ 🌸🔪, minotaur!risotto ] 
→ moth to a flame [ ☔︎, bodyguard au ] 
→ the fox’s husband [ 💞, kitsune!s/o au ] 
→ in the middle [ 💞, poly!BruRis x Reader, giveaway prize ] 
→ sands [ sans x risotto ] 
→ final girl [ 🌸🔪, slasher!risotto ] 
→ marking [ 🔪 ]
Summoning Risotto in a Holy Grail War [ 🌸💞 ] 
Jealousy headcanons ft. Risotto, Prosciutto, and Bruno [  💞 ]
Movie Night with Risotto [ 💞, drabble ]
Risotto Comforting His Sickly S/O [ 💞 ]
→ babie [ 🌸💞, gift ] 
→ the price to pay [ ☔︎, post break-up au ] 
→ waning moon [ 🔪, demon slayer au ] 
→ red shoes [ 🔪, demon slayer au ]
→ shoulder to cry on [ 🔪 ] 
→  i only have one heart [ 🌸☔︎, passione gakuen au, love triangle with Bruno ] 
→ Liebeslied [ ☔︎, the umbrella academy au ] 
→ pygmalion [ 🔪 ] 
→ hell hath no fury [ ☔︎🔪 ] 
→ foul trouble [ 🌸🔪, kuroko’s basketball au, polyRisPro ] 
→ dear, baby [ 🌸🔪, Husband!Prosciutto, Mom!Reader ] 
→ after you [ ☔︎, reincarnation au ] 
→ watering dead flowers [ ☔︎, cheating!prosciutto ] 
→ hydrangea [ ☔︎, fate au, servant!prosciutto ] 
→ Ampulex compressa [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ wicked hearts [ ☔︎, escort au, escort!prosciutto ] 
→ first impressions [ 💞, farm au, alpaca!prosciutto ] 
Jealousy headcanons ft. Risotto, Prosciutto, and Bruno [ 💞 ]
Smooshing Cheeks with Prosciutto [ 💞, drabble ]
→ honmei choco [ 💞, passione gakuen au ] 
Pesci meeting his s/o headcanons [💞, passione gakuen au ]
→ oh dear [ 🔪, yandere!reader ] 
→ mirror, mirror [🌸🔪, snow white au ] 
→ coffee parfait [☔︎, childhood friends au ] 
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on your head, a crown (Diavolo/ Doppio x Reader) 
[🔪☔︎ ] → Back then, when Passione was nothing but an upstart gang, you were heir to throne of the criminal organization your father and his father before him had so lovingly cultivated. As you were set to take over, your father sends you on one last mission to prove yourself. It was simple. You just needed to crush that insignificant Passione and their coward boss who no one knew. 
[ chapter index : 1 | 2 | ... ]
cat got your tongue (Ghiaccio) 
[ 💞 ] 
→ Misadventures of caring for Cat!Ghiaccio. 
[ chapter index: 0 | ... ] 
holding on to you, will do no good (Bruno Buccellati)
[ 🌸☔︎, cheating!bruno ] → You know for a fact that Bruno is cheating on you. But you can’t bring yourself to leave him. Such a thing... could that still be called love? 
[ chapter index : 1 | 2 | 3 ]
[ drabbles: 1. snippets of the night you left,  ]
Clothes Thief 
[ 💞 ] → What it’s like to wear your significant other’s clothes and what happens when they catch you wearing their clothes ~ 
[ La Squadra | Unita Speciale | coming soon: Buccellati’s Gang ]
Long Pasts 
[ ☔︎, supernatural buddy cops, urban fantasy, featuring Giorno Giovanna and Dio Brando ] → Because even monsters learn to care for things. Because even monsters have something they want to protect. Because even monsters have things they regret. 
[ 1 | ... ]
Pocky Game
[ 💞 ] → What happens when you challenge your S/O to the Pocky Game? Who thrives under the challenge? Who crumbles under the pressure? And who exceeds expectations? 
[ Buccellati’s Gang ]
May Queen 
[ ☔︎, fae!Giorno ] 
→ The day before you are to be wed, you are hounded by mysterious dreams that spur you to return to the forest you have been barred from returning since your childhood. 
[ 1 | ... ]
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
Giorno Giovanna
The Request
The Rescue
A Series of Firsts
Serendipitous Encounters
The beginning of something beautiful - Prompt by@abbabycchio
The best gift
The Confession
A Dream Realized
A Dream Realized (part 2)
The Dance
The Art of an Insidious love
A Lesson in Recollection
A Lineage Continued
Giorno x reader
The Nickname
The Beguiling (Modern Hades x Persephone AU)
Between guilt and obsession
Buon Compleanno
Kindred Spirits
When dreams become nightmares
The Reunion
Separation Anxiety
The Escape Route
Near misses and First kisses
The art of acceptance
The Requiem Quietly Dreams
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Finding beauty in the ordinary
Dueling with destiny part 1 (Castlevania AU)
Transfixed (Don Giorno x Male reader)
The price of persistence
The Proposal
Minor Transgressions
Where the Spider lilies bloomed
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
Vento Aureo Masterlist
Just an easier way to navigate through my fics- It will get fancier when I figure all this out 😅🐞❤️💭
Giorno Giovanna
The Request
The Rescue
A Series of Firsts
Serendipitous Encounters
The beginning of something beautiful - Prompt by @abbabycchio
The best gift
The Confession
A Dream Realized
The Dance
The Art of an Insidious love
A Lesson in Recollection
A Lineage Continued
Giorno x reader
The Nickname
The Beguiling (Modern Hades x Persephone AU)
Between guilt and obsession
Buon Compleanno
Kindred Spirits
When dreams become nightmares
The Reunion
Separation Anxiety
Bruno Bucciarati
The Mission
The Lesson Prompt by @abbabycchio
Don Giorno dating headcanons
Don Giorno domestic headcanons
Don Giorno Fluff Alphabet
Bucci Gang first date headcanons
Yandere Don Giorno headcanons
Bucci Gang comfort headcanons
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