#Haein tarot
celestial-astro · 1 year
Jisoo x Jung Haein Relationship Reading (June 2023 Update)
This is a response to a dm I received requesting an update on these two. Please continue to follow the general guidelines when making requests/ comments.
Reminder: this reading is not intended to hate on the celebrities or anyone I am doing a reading for. Please be respectful! This reading is purely entertainment purposes only. Please do not take anything in this reading too personally.
These are the following questions that were asked:
Are they still in communication?
YES, but there seems to be a slight lag in their communication with each other. Their cards are The Hanged Man, Nine of Wands, Six of Cups, Three of Pentacles. There seems to be attempts of communication coming from Haein (strong male energy in cards) here (Six of Cups), but it seems like Jisoo is definitely focusing on work (Three of Pentacles) and she also appears to have fears about gossip, rumors, or people that prevents her from encouraging any major progression in their dynamic (Nine of Wands). Jisoo’s fears and busy schedule led them to be in some kind of stalemate in their dynamic. (The Hanged Man). 
How do they feel about one another (present)?
Haein to Jisoo
These cards are definitely indicators of strong feelings. The cards: King of Cups, Ace of Wands, King of Swords, Five of Swords, Four of Wands.
Haein feels very strongly for Jisoo (Combination of King of Cups and King of Swords). In both thoughts (swords) and emotions (cups), he is sure of his feelings for her. To him, there is no doubt that she is someone special/important to him. Meeting her and getting to know her is an opportunity that he cannot pass up (Ace of Wands).  She came into his life like a gift from the divine. Despite all this, he sees her fears (Five of Swords) and he sees how these fears are holding her back. He wants to resolve her fears and be a person whom she can celebrate all of life’s successes with (Four of Wands). Four of Wands is the last card which gives me great hope that there is an optimistic future for him in this dynamic.
*because there are two kings, it might also indicate that Jisoo has another person that has similar feelings towards her that presents a possible competition for Haein.
Jisoo to Haein
Cards: Magician, Justice, Ace of Cups, Nine of Pentacle, Temperance
Jisoo somehow feels like her meeting Jung Haein is an answer to her manifestations (Magician, Justice, and Temperance). It is as if this meeting was fated. Being around him makes her feel fulfilled both emotionally and spiritually (Ace of Cups and Nine of Pentacles). She feels safe in his presence. However, she does feel like she needs to continuously weigh her options properly (Justice). She believes that patience is a virtue that definitely applies to this relationship (temperance). With the combination of (Ace of Cups and Temperance) this tells me that Jisoo does have an inclination that there is some level of soulmate connection between them (this can be either romantic or platonic).
To be continued…
I will be doing their future outlook in another reading.
Again, Disclaimer: This reading is purely entertainment purposes only. Feel free to ask clarification questions or request other readings but please continue to be respectful. Thank you for taking the time to read my readings. 
I hope you like the reading! 💗🌸✨
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