#Hannibal rewatch 2k19
wormcorral · 5 years
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal rewatch 1x06 "Entrée"
*Ted Allen voice* And the secret ingredients you'll be using in the entree round are
Eddie Izzard
Raul Esparza
The Chesapeake Ripper and
Miriam Lass
Here I am eating dinner again while watching this show.
Chilton! Oh, you bastard. You glorious bastard. You deserve everything you got...and everything you had removed.
MMm yes, eye-gouging. Exactly what I need with my meal.
IDC, good behavior or no. Don’t just leave one nurse alone with a patient here at a hospital for the criminally insane.
MIRIAM LASS! We’ve unlocked Jack’s tragic backstory.
“The Chesapeake Ripper is hot right now.” Ya damn, right. Seen him in those suits?
Dammit, just when Hannibal thought he was done for the day, leaving the office. Then Jack has to come in with his problems. I feel for you Hanni. It’s like when it’s 2 mins to five and a patron comes to the desk needing computer help. eeeeeeennnhhh
Yikes. Why so much rebar, Hannibal? This body in the flashback looks like a pincushion for construction tools.
Ohh shiiiit.The call from Miriam. Again, I know everything what’s going down here. But hot damn is it still good mystery and drama. 
Brian, just leave the room if you’re gonna keep questioning Jack like that.
Swiggity Swag am I late for Crim Psy 101?
“Here we are, a bunch of psychopaths helping each other out.” And Freddie Lounds gets the “describe the show in one sentence” award.
Would it be fair to say that Hannibal is always hangry? 
I love you, Eddie Izzard, but your American accent is still dubious.
Again, I know what all this really is. But Bev saying “The Ripper put his head on your wife’s pillow.” And actually imagining Hannibal doing that. Just to be weird/petty.
Clinton chuckling at Hannibal's implied cannibalism jokes! It gives me life. “It’s nice to have an old friend for dinner.” Hannibal, that’s the oldest one in the book.
Aha, so we uncover that Chilton is the reason why Gideon thinks he’s the Ripper. That’s not good for you, Frederick.
Hannibal always does a little pause before he takes a first bite of any meal. It’s on his fork (which he holds weirdly). He stops a moment. Then eats. He always savors a meal, every single bite. It’s a small detail and I love it.
Can someone give Miriam a hand here? AHAHAHAHAAA
“The Ripper wanted to cloud my vision with hope.” Hannibal, you bastard. Using hope as a weapon. Who the fuck does that?
But, he is sincere about Bella. Aw.
Were the flashbacks always more sepia than black and white? Or were Jack’s flashbacks B&W and Hannibal’s are sepia, so that the reds still stand out. And for Jack, a law enforcement officer, has a B&W sense of justice. *swirls wine in a glass* ART!
Uh oh Miriam... UH OH! 
Oh shit, and the episode ends there. My Miriam episodes are bleeding together.
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spockina · 5 years
honestly the scene where will impales abigail STILL takes my breath away every goddamn time
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hhannigram · 5 years
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Hannibal rewatch 2k19, Naka-Choko, 2.10: Murder Husbands
+ bonus:
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vreenak · 5 years
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Hannibal Rewatch 2k19: Frederick Chilton in Entrée, 1x06
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hannibalrewatch · 5 years
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Hannibal Rewatch 2k19 starts on March 31st! Twitter | Pillowfort | Instagram | Hannigram HQ Discord
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rotting-pond · 5 years
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Bros being dudes, dudes becoming dads
Hannibal Rewatch 2k19
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal Rewatch 1x03 “Potage”
In fact, I am currently eating some yakisoba.
It’s Abigail time! Well, depending on your views on hunting, this is a normal father/daughter bonding experien- OMG IT’S A PERSON
Don’t touch Will’s dogs, Alana. They are Will’s. Nice tiny boxers, Will.
Alana doesn’t want to get between Jack and Will, but she won’t mind being between Hannibal and Will youknowhatimean.
Hannibal’s hair is more off his forehead in this ep. Much better.
Hannibal watching Will lecture about him: Not now, boner. Eh. Maybe now.
Man, I am so surprised Hannibal didn’t murder Freddie immediately. Like wow that Freddie actually survived this show.
Abigail, you’re gonna be messed up, but not because of your dad. It’s because of your new dads!
Freddie no! You are legit the worst. Okay, technically Hannibal is the worst. But Freddie fucks up so many things. 
Hobb’s garage and house doors have “Cannibals” graffitied on it, Hannibal wonders how they knew he was coming.
The fashion in this show is A+++++
Anytime we flashback to GJH saying “See...” to Will, I think of this
“I feel like I’m talking to his shadow suspended on dust.” Damn Will, that’s some pretentious, poetic shit right there. 
Oooh, Abigail has a brief, flickering glance to Hannibal when she says she didn’t recognize the voice on the phone that warned her father. And she is way too excited by the idea of reenacting the crime scene. Which is her idea.
Teen girl is rude to her mother in front of politeness-obsessed serial killer. With a significant shot of said killer. What’s gonna happen?
Oh, she’s impaled on antlers! Who could've done such a thing?
Mmm, this brown checked suit on Hannibal, even with the red sweater underneath. He just looks good. So good.
What, you don’t stuff your pillows with human hair?
This guy, the one Abigail is about to kill. Have I seen him elsewhere? To imdb! Hmm, guess not.
There’s a nautilus effect going on with the ceiling in Hobbs house in this one shot. It’s very cool.
Congratulations, Abigail, you are now officially part of the Murder Family. Here are your adoption papers.
And so the Potage is finished. The egg will come sometime this weekend.
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal Rewatch 1x01 “Aperitif”
Hello friends and fannibals.
For some time I’ve been considering doing a rewatch of the NBC Hannibal TV series, especially since I received the complete series on Blu Ray for my birthday six months ago. 
And so I decided I’ll also chronicle my thoughts as once again experience this  program. I do not have a computer that handles blu rays, so I will not be able to provide screencaps. These will not be liveblogs in that I’ll make a new post with every thought/observation. Just one post for each episode that will be my jotting down musings as I watch.
So, without further ado.
Are ya ready, kids? Aye, aye, agent! I can’t hear you! AYE, AYE, AGENT! Oooooohhhhhhh.....
Who lives in Baltimore and does psychiatry? Hannibal Lecter! Sexy and suave and pretentious is he! Hannibal Lecter! If implied cannibalism be something you wish The meat on your plate just may not be fish!
Hey Will, hey
Ah, the ol’ pendulum. Main, great blood stain removal
“This is my design.” HE SAID IT!!! x2 already!
Wait, we don’t get the iconic theme “tune”? Good thing I added one to this post. Haha! Larry Fishburne’s name appears while he’s on screen! I’m a sucker for that.
Rude Jack. Touching his glasses, asking about any mental/personality issues. But then, Jack can be an ass. ....a Jack Ass if you will.
“You make jumps you can’t explain.”
“No no, the evidence explains.”
I’ve been playing too much Ace Attorney lately to not find this funny. Jumps first, evidence later in those games!
He makes the dad leave the room, but I saw him drop the cat. Cat’s staying. Like to see dog boy here herd that cat.
AAAAAAAAAAAH It’s the crime scene triplets! Bev! Jimmy! Brian!
Can’t type. Eating dinner. I do that a lot when I Watch this show.... eat dinner...
Bev! You can’t just ask someone if they’re unstable! What is with the FBI?
Oh boy, here we here we go. Dog-thief Will. Do you ever bother looking for an owner? I know you didn’t. Hi, Winston!
I woke up in the middle of the night sweaty like that just a couple days ago. I know that feel, Will.
Listen to Alana. Alan Smart. Except for that whole sleeping with Hannibal thing later...that was pretty stupid.
Speaking of Hannibal...This isn’t called “The Will Graham Show!” Give me my Mads!
“He’s... He’s eating them.” THERE’S OUR CUE! And commercial break! Beautiful.
And we immediately come back to Franklyn. Oh my fuck.
I forgot we have dry-look Hannibal in this ep. Weird. And a little stubbly...
Shout out to FREDDIE!
And suddenly Hannibal and Will are talking about taste, and tasty thoughts and SUBTLE.
Jack Crawford, unintentional yenta.
Field Kabuki is what this show is all about, Will!
Breakfast date! Breakfast date! 
“I don’t find you that interesting.” How DARE you, Will! He made you cannibal breakfast and you hurt his feelings like that!? He also gift-wrapped a crime scene for you. And you’re his little mongoose. Will, you don’t know it, but you’re done. You can try and be tsundere, but it’s all over. 
Well, if you’re gonna be a cannibal, you might as well be courteous. Especially to other cannibals.
Hannibal: We have both had a hand in stopping her bleeding. She is our daughter now, Will. Later at the hospital; Will: Well, fuck, guess we have a daughter now.
Also, I love how much larger Mads’ hands are, much better to stop the bleeding in a slit throat.
And that’s the end of episode one! Time to pause and watch Chopped, then I’ll see if I feel like watching episode two before the night is out.
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal rewatch 2x01 “Kaiseki”
Hoo boy, I had to look up some of the French terms for last season. Gonna have to look up all of these!
From Wikipedia: a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner. The term also refers to the collection of skills and techniques that allow the preparation of such meals.
Well, I’m ready for the second course, how about you?
Oh yeah, we begin with a flash forward! Niiice. Ugh, love Jack’s reflection in the knife. Now Hannibals. Tense. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Assault with pepper grinder! Jack ain’t going down! He knows kung fu! Oh shit! The way he flips Hannibal over his back! Hanni ain't out! Don’t buy it! OOOOOW NOOO JAAAACK. Hannibals’s a fickin beast.
12 Weeks earlier? So this season is in real time?
No, Hannibal, Mukozuke is the fifth episode, you can’t serve it now. 
I’ve never had sea urchin. I’d like to try it. I’m down to try any seafood really.
Ah, now Hannibal name drops the episode title.
“I never feel guilty about eating anything.” In twelve weeks, Jack, you’re gonna look back on that remark and bang your head against a wall.
“I can’t quite place the fish.” “He was a flounder.” Again! Why not “It is flounder”? Jack. Jack. The hints are not subtle. Also, how do you make person seem like fish? 
Oh, so Will’s having a nice day fishing, I see. So, that whole jail thing must be over. Hey-o Swiggity Swag the NIghtmare Stag. 
Chilton, what the fuck is with these free-standing cages? And if Chilton was trying to talk to me, I’d space out, too. But maybe keep Wendigos out of my dreams. Speaking of, this rewatch has led me to a Hannibal-inspired dream. Very weird, very gory. Also had hints of Twin Peaks.
Hey, Cynthia Nixon. Post-Sex and the City, Pre-politics.
That’s not a beaver Neither is that! Dead bodies in the water.
Bedelia is back. She must be so tired of the Hannibal/Will will-they-won’t-they by now. 
Hannibal, you don’t know what “friend” really means.
“Grotesque and beautiful like a chair of antlers.” Also, uncomfortable.
“What can’t you repress, Hannibal?” Cannibal puns. Wait, I think someone already made that post...
“I can’t get you out of my head,” says Will to Hannibal. Cue the Kylie Minogue
Aw, Will says they not friends. Hannibal, you wouldn’t be hurt if you understood what friendship actually is.
“I have clarity. About you.” Cue the Zedd.
“You’re the new Will Graham.” Nooooo bad idea. But interesting as a device for the show.
“I got to be Will Graham today.” I Am Your Skin plays. (Ha, this is just one of my general Hannigraham songs. So is Depeche Mode’s “Stripped.” Actually, I have a lot of Hannigraham Depeche Mode songs.
Yay! Alana’s taking good care of the puppies. Poor Winston. Doesn’t appreciate Alana. Wants his crazy dad.
Alana, find Phoenix Wright to defend Will! And he’ll eventually prove Hannibal is the real killer on the third day of the trial. After a lot of shenanigans of course.
Bad Chilton! No eavesdropping. It’s like he’s learned nothing from having his organs removed.
Alana’s doing ASMR. And turns in to an oily mermaid? That’s how hypnotism works.
This episode is so heavy with Hannibal making his murdering and cannibalism “jokes.” I can’t keep track.
Oh right, there’s an actual murder case of the week happening.
Like how dude is told “you have nice skin.” He’s just like, “not the weirdest thing said to me on the subway, whatevs.
Ah, the silo. 
Good job, Bev. So glad she went to Will. She is the smart one. Eventually too smart. :(
Oh, riiiiiight. The nurse guy! The mafia assassin from that one ep of Person of Interest and that weird-ass movie Love Comes to the Executioner. Recognizable actor in a seemingly inconsequential role? Hmm...
Will remembering how the ear got down him! I think I remember the fandom conjecturing after season 1 how it happened. We were pretty close. Or Bryan was inspired by us. He did embrace the flower crowns.
 Winston’s just wondering where the guy with the awesome sausages is.
Will doesn’t have a box spring or pallet for his bed. This upsets me.
Oh no...is this the scene? Oh no. Guy in the silo waking up. Oh no! 
Since I remember how the next episode begins, I’m not going to watch that while I eat dinner. So this is all for tonight.
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal rewatch 1x07 “Sorbet”
Dinner party episode? Dinner PARTY EPISODE
The Miriam Lass saga continues. Ooohhh
How does Will even make a syllabus when he has to keep changing his lectures with every new murder like every week.
The return of Franklyn with his creepy scary boyfriend, Tobias. But I also love creepy, scary boyfriend. He’s just so...creepy. Does he blink?
Hi Aunt Vivian! Does your sister know you’re going to operas and mingling with cannibals? I don’t think Chuck would approve either. She’s scared of CHUDs you know.
Wait, this is Gillian Anderson’s first episode, too? 
“Tell me how you see the Ripper, Will.” ...Tall, broad, sexy af, high class douchebag, European accent. “......” What?
Seriously though, every time they have a shot of Hannibal opening his office door, it’s a moment of him modeling in his sharp ass suit.
 I know it’s been touched on before..but how is it that in a gory horror show, fucking Franklyn is the most cringeworthy thing.
There is too much beauty and elegance in one room with Mads and Gill together.
Gross. I’m not fond of rose myself. The darker red stuff in this show makes me thirsty, though.
YAY It’s time to go murder rude people! 
Even in the modesty blankets in the forensics lab look expensive. What is up with this show?
Today’s theme: The psychiatrist/friend line and how everyone is crossing it.
I am dying over the professions of Hannibal’s victims. And that we only see how one offended! What happened with the rare bookseller? What about the IT guy? I want to see Hannibal Lecter on an IT support call being condescended to by a computer geek.
OMG Franklyn. ugh. Why did you tap Hannibal’s knee? Of course you’ve heard of tyromancy, Hannibal.
Aw, here’s the part where we're supposed to feel sad for Hannibal because he feels alone. But then you remember he’s a murdering asshole cannibal and WHO FUCKING CARES IF HE’S LONELY.
The blue/green suit Hannibal is wearing in this scene where he “helps” Will profile the Ripper...have I seen Bryan Fuller wearing it, too? At least I think it’s blue and green. The lighting in this fucking show is still pretty dark, even in bluray.
So much opera in this episode. I love it! 
You know the sous chefs gossiped about the awkward tension in the kitchen when the scruffy guy showed up.
My compliments to the chef.
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal rewatch 1x04 “Oeuf”
Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?
Previously on Hannibal: Hannibal is an aaaaaaaasshole!
 This is a great starting scene. Will’s monologuing on what it’s like to do what he does, Hannibal’s fascinated pressing. 
I have wondered since I must confess I haven’t seen much of Hugh Dancy outside of this show... The way he moves his mouth... There’s an awkward deliberateness to the way he shapes his words. Is that how Dancy always is? Is it something he does for Will? Is it because of having to talk with an American accent?
Also, why have I not noticed before that Hannibal seems to always have a five o’clock shadow? Am I only noticing it on the blu ray? 
Ah, a murdered, rotting family at a dinner table covered in maggots. So glad I had brunch already.
“This is my design” show total: 4. No catchphrase in mushroom episode.
Tieless Hannibal visiting Will’s doggos. Well, they’ve had human meat now. They will eat Will in his sleep. Go on Hannibal, you know you want to rifle through his underwear drawer, sniff some boxers. You creepo.
Ngh. When he pricks himself on the fishing hook. Creates just a drop of blood on his own thumb, then sticks it in his mouth... I guess I’m a bit of a creepo, too.
“Passion’s good, gets blood pumping.” As he raises his glass of red wine. Have we ever figured out how the beer has people in it? 
I want to meet Bev’s large family. Not sure if I want to meet Jimmy’s twin. Unless Jimmy’s twin is, in fact, Buddy Cole.
Hannibal wants to have his happy little cannibal family sooo bad.
“Family” and Will thinks immediately of his dogs.
Man, why can’t have my college classes been interrupted by angry Lawrence Fishburne?
Fucking Christ! The child the in the fireplace. OMG. 
Oh shit! I forgot it was Molly Shannon behind it all! She was in Pushing Daisies, too, wasn’t she?
Hannibals hair and suit are so on point in this scene with Abigail at the psych hospital.
Whenever Hannibal Lecter asks you, “Do you trust me?” Just run away.
Aw yeah, the ‘shrooms are kickin in Abigail. Whooo! 
AH THE FUCKING POTATO TRICK. Let’s see the outtakes, Mads!
Oh, damn! Alana calling Hannibal rude. How you like it, Hanni? 
For a moment there I thought Will was on the floor sleeping with the dogs. Surprise that doesn’t happen more often. Just get in that dog pile, Will!
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal Rewatch 1x02 “Amuse-Bouche”
All things considered, episode one of Hannibal is actually pretty tame and not that weird.
How about our second course?
We begin with Will in a shooting range. He hallucinates a paper target as Garret Jacob Hobbs, BUT IT WAS JUST A DREAM. Nothing strange here.
You know, the antler motif is not so odd. Antlers is very in right now. Even this past year for Christmas decorations. 
I know that curly red hair! FREDDIE!
Here come’s the theme! Ohhhhhhhhh errrrrr nrrrrrrrr mrerere shnnng clonk.
In Will’s lecture, the projections are too big and don’t fit on the screen. This bothers me.
Hey, remember when we decided that the trainee with short hair that looks like she’s about to talk to Will, but then doesn’t here was Clarice?
Alana and Jack are like Will’s parents right now. “Will is joining the football team!” “But does Will want to join the football team? Does he even enjoy sports?” “NO SON OF MINE IS SPENDING AFTERSCHOOL IN A/V CLUB!”
Hannibal’s hair is still on the dry side. Still weird. It’s like he’s not properly put together yet. 
Will and Hannibal confess to both feeling obligation towards Abigail. Dadness happened so early. 
Meanwhile in Maryland. Hands sticking out the ground with water tubes in them. You know, I keep thinking I’ll find shit like this whenever I go hiking.
Yup, growing mushrooms on people. This was the moment I first made a “WTF ew” face. Ugh buried alive! NOpe! NOPE!
Freddie, you’re terrible, but I love your coat.
Pendulum time! “This is my design.” show total x3
Mushroom dude woke up! NOPE NOPE NOPE
Will is such a twitchy bunny.
FREDDIE I SWEAR ON ME MUM! You’re the worst. But your hair is lovely.
“I’m very supportive of bakeoffs.” Especially if they’re meat pies, Hannibal?  Huh? Huh!?
Haha Hannibal got you in one, Freddie. “You’ve been terribly rude Miss Lounds.” Oh shit. “What’s to be done about that?” Oh, shiiiit. 
Oh no! Now Jack’s eating mystery meat with red sauce with Hannibal! 
Except I’ve seen the show and know it ain’t Freddie.
“I’d love to have you both for dinner.” Haha, because he’s a cannibal.  Get it?
FBI agents are people, not ponies, Hannibal. Sheesh. 
And here’s a character and reference to a Bryan Fuller show I haven’t watched.
Still not over Scott Thompson being in this. When I was a kid, I watched Kids in the Hall and so all I think is this.
Alana tried keeping peacocks as a child. ...Uhm. What child gets peacocks? Were you raised in 18th century Versailles?
artsy close-up of cream being added to coffee. Not gonna complain. I love watching that. Is pretty.
Hmm...when this show began Robert Mueller may have still been director of the FBI. Now imagining team Crawford being involved in the Russian investigation. Not that that’s in any way their field. But still. 
And Hannibal gives his speech about God killing and feeling powerful and we end! I’m gonna make dinner and get ready for my “Potage”
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fangirlasplosian · 5 years
Hannibal rewatch 1x10 “Buffet Froid”
I’d prefer a buffet Ponderosa
The entire “previously on” was a “Somebody Save Will Graham!” montage.
Is the toolshed haunted? It’s filmed like the toolshed is haunted.
Okay, so the lady is seeing water leaking from her ceiling and she only looks perturbed? I would be freaking out. Not that I’d think it’s because someone was in my upper floors. It’s just a “Holy shit what is leaking?! How much damage is it going to cause!? Oh shit oh shit oh shit!”
Monster under the bed!
TIme for Will to draw a clock! NAILED IT!
“What happened in there?” That’s the question we are all always asking, Jack.
See, look, Jack does care about Will’s well-being. 
“Fear makes you rude, Will.” *gasp* Don’t tell Hannibal!
AH, good ol’ Glasgow smile. Why so serious, Will?
Will’s against the ladder! Is this the scene? It’s the scene! Hello, thar! 
The encephalitis gag. Totally symptoms that can’t be chemically induced.
Way to go asshole doctor who’s not Hannibal. Where’s your ethics? Just some mildly manipulative words from Lecter and you’re gonna lie to a sick man? There’s some people who can claim influence from Hannibal as a plausible defense. Not you, dude. You were fucking eager.
Are mirror neurons an actual thing?
Hey Dead Like Me girl.
Oh no, Will. Oh no. You are so not okay. And clearly, neither is girl who skin came off in your hands.
I’m so happy Will trusts Bev. She is a precious jewel.
“You wouldn’t publish anything about me, would you, Dr Lecter?” Only the erotic fiction I’ve written about us. 
You are bedrock, Jack. I’d moor myself to you.
Oh, here I go, eating my dinner. Watching this show. And bad doc’s head is mostly off at the jaw. Great.
Oh. Oh God. The flashback of Hannibal doing it. *gag*
So, Georgia doesn’t see faces, but surely she’d recognize that hairline and body shape. 
Well, I’m sure everything will work out okay for Georgia in her next episode!
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spockina · 5 years
i dare yall to find someone who hates jack crawford more than i do but also i wanna die when he finds out bella has cancer. that shit HURTS
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spockina · 5 years
i’m starting my hannibal rewatch tonightttt thanks amazon prime for this amazing treat
stay tuned for my on-point analysis of a thing i’ve watched like a billion times lmao
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