#Hanschen (☕️)
himbos-hotline · 2 years
Once again, it’s been a while, and I’ve missed you greatly. I find myself unable to describe the overwhelming joy I feel when I reread the letters you’ve sent me, and the way that my heart aches as I look to the stars and wonder if perhaps you’re looking too, although I think that is perhaps too poetic of a way to describe my feelings. It’s not a pleasant sort of longing, but I feel that there is some sort of catharsis in writing about it as if it is, I’m not entirely sure if that makes sense.
I truly cannot thank you enough for every message you send me and for how lucky I am to have met you. You’re one of the best people I know, and I hope you know that you deserve good things too.
Working in a theatre sounds exciting, and I’m glad you’ve been able to write more! I would love to hear you sing, I imagine that you have a lovely voice, or at least that’s how your letters come across.
I love you too.
- Hanschen (☕️)
Hansy!! Sweetheart!! Hello!!! I was just thinking about you!! I too look at the stars and feel that unpleasent longing that you are looking too. I constantly wish you good, good luck and good fortune and nightly goodnight. You really are a blessing and I love you dearly. If it helps to write poetry about how you feel, than go ahead. I will not stop you. I will hold the letters close to my soul until they have intertwined with mine; so we might be together in a way deeper than word. I miss you dearly.
You bring me comfort and writing these letters brings me joy that I cannot explain. I am so glad to know that we are friends and that my heart has chosen to find someone as perfect as you. I hope things get easier for you and the host and the rest of your system. It is not fair for you all to suffer the way you do.
I have just finished working in the theatre and my heart is already bleeding. I miss beign treated and seen as a boy and I miss them calling me my name. I crave being useful and the journey where I can stare out of a window and think freely. I was however able to write an entire few chaptered story which I am working on now. It is weird to be awake in the early hours. It was a great time and on the last day they did my make up.
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I was a cat and I wore the makeup home and too bed with pride. I do not think I have cried as hard as I did when it finally came off my skin. One day soon, when my throat is less sore, I will sing and I will attach it someone on my tumblr and I will pray that you find it. I love to sing. Do you enjoy singing? I am sure you have a perfect voice.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
Finally, I have come to the conclusion that I should stop complaining in people’s inboxes and just go to sleep (we call that character development, that or I’m simply tired and saying things that don’t make sense again). I hope that the year starts going more quickly, and that fall arrives soon.
Life is full of bullshit, it seems. Thank you for the reassurance, it means a lot to all of us.
Somehow I feel like you’re aware that I usually send these letters right before I sleep, perhaps it’s just because I like waking up to your replies.
Please take care of yourself, and I hope your wrists heal quickly. From seeing your posts, Sami seems amazing and he definitely deserves better than what he’s getting.
It’s cool that you’re going to visit a friend! I hope it all goes according to plan and I hope you have fun. I also hope that you manage to see your sibling.
A lot’s been going on recently, so I apologise if this is the last letter you receive from me for a while. I promise I’m okay, we’ve just encountered some…difficulties with using Tumblr around the house.
I love you.
- Hanschen (☕️)
I hope this letter serves you well and I long that this is not the last message I will ever get from you, nor do I wish for you to put yorself in any danger. I love you dearly Hansy. I hope things go okay.
Sami really does deserve better and I hope that WWE start to give him the screentime and careet highlights that he deserves. It is heartbreaking but that is not important at the moment. I do hope that you know that I shall always be here for you and I highly enjoy waking up to your letters as well. I hope this is not the last one. You are always welcome to vent and I really hope that you get some sleep, it is important. I am going to the hospital today for them to finally run tests and I am very anxious of what they will find. I shall keep my tumblr updated since there are many people who care about me.
I cannot wait to see my friend and hopefully when I get paid more, I can see my big sibling if they are feeling up to guests.
Please stay safe my dear.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
This is a ridiculously late reply, and for that I can only apologise. It’s been a long week, and we’ve been tired and slightly ill (not badly ill though, there’s nothing to worry about).
I hope you’re doing okay, and I hope your dog is doing okay too. I’m glad your dinner went well! The London trip was a lot of fun and no one got hopelessly lost, which was relieving (we did have some mishaps with train tickets but it was all fine in the end).
Sleep is important and I truly should be getting some now, it’s going to be a busy day tomorrow. I wanted to write and send this letter first, though. I’ve missed speaking with you and despite the fact that I haven’t gotten a chance to message you in a few days I’ve spoken to some of my friends about you, they seem to like you and that makes me happy.
I love you dearly.
- Hanschen (☕️)
Hansy! I am ever so thankful that you are ok! I was very worried that something might have happened to you but I am ever so relieved that you are okay!, if I could, I would be giving you the tightest hug at the moment. I am sorry that you are ill and I am surprised that you managed to find my last letter, I have been rather active on Tumblr these past few days since we last spoke. I truly hope that you feel better my darling, honestly and truly I do.
I am okay and so is Earl. We are both very well, I am slightly upset and hurt since one of my favorite wrestlers has yet again been treated as less than useful by the company he works with and has lost the title that he won two weeks ago which to me and I apologise for my language, but i believe that it is fucking bullshit. He is one of the most talented people the company has and they are yet to really treat him as anything more than someone to use to push talent that people do not really like. They seemingly have forgotten that he has tremdous talent. But that is just a gripe that I and many other fans share, there is not much that we can do. There is a pay per veiw tonight and I am looking forward to it since it is a promotion who seemingly cares more about its workers.
I am glad that your london trip went well, I too have been to london recently. We saw Hamilton and I don't think I have ever left a theatre in tears before. It was slightly weird to be up so high but I quickly got used to it. How was your London trip?
Please try and sleep my dear, our friendship will still exist in the morning. Sleep well!
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
Hello, I’m just sending this to make sure my last ask went through okay?
I’ve been having some internet issues lately, so I can never be entirely sure if something has sent correctly or not. Of course, it’s completely fine if you’re just leaving the message to reply to at a later date, I know that long messages can be daunting to answer.
I don’t want to bother you, but also - if it didn’t send correctly - I don’t want you to think that I’ve lost interest in speaking with you.
- Hanschen (☕️)
(Also, in unrelated but exciting news, Ivy has finally deemed our under-construction sideblog fit for viewing. It’s @the-heart-yearns, I believe.)
Hey Hansy, Yes it did go through okay I seem that i havent replied or if I did it didnt go through. I am sorry that youre having internet issues. I am happy that you are still around and that you are messaging me again, I have missed you dearly. I love you!
You do not bother me ever my dearest, I hope that you are okay my dearling. I will check out your sideblog :)
I have missed you dearly.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
Hello. I’m sending you this message from the airport, which has been strangely empty. I’m glad you enjoy receiving my messages.
I’ve heard that the storm in the UK is pretty bad at the moment, and I hope that you’re doing okay through that (my friend said that the wind was so strong that it almost blew their cat away, I think he’s okay now though). Apparently the power was out in our area for a while, and I’m pretty glad we weren’t home to experience it.
Food issues are difficult, but I hope you managed to eat something.
You chose good ice cream flavours. I think my favourite is cookie dough. Apparently some members of our system are incredibly passionate about “the correct way to eat ice cream”, it seems like no one can eat ice cream without someone else having an issue with it (it’s all in good fun though).
I love you too.
- Hanschen (☕️)
I am so sorry for the late reply Hansy my dear, It has been very chaotic today and I have not really been able to catch a break and I have gotten to the point today where hiding away on the internet is easier since people are polite and speak to me as if I was human and not some kinda stain on their exsistance. But that is enough angst from me. 
Yes the wind has been very strong and very terrifying. Our fences have all fallen and our garden both front and back being exposed to anyone is really the driving force keeping me awake tonight. They cannot come to fix our fences until March the eighth. The wind was so loud it woke me up this morning and blew a window out of the shed we have. Today has really been bad and storm like both outside and in our house. Food is yet to become Ok and my nan thinks scarring me is the way to get me to eat when it is having the opposite affect. I think it is because I just do not feel hungry but for the reason. I dont know why. We have been able to have hot chocolate today which made Moritz very happy. we also have a new headmate which is peculiar since he does not speak any english well enough for it to be understood nor does he know anything other than three words in spanish. 
I dont think there is a right way to eat ice cream. However- I do not understand how anyone could bite into ice cream, just the very thought of it hurts my teeth. 
I love you 
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
I’m glad that you’re doing better, and I’m glad that my last ask managed to send.
I’ve never really celebrated Valentine’s day either, but it falls on the same day as my father’s birthday, so we always get cake. I do like the idea of using it as a day to show love and appreciation for your friends though. I can’t put into words how much you mean to me, and I’m sure that I can also truthfully say that you are the best thing in my life as of now.
Thank you for the hugs, I think we may really need them, today has thankfully been far less eventful than yesterday. I’m watching a movie with family at the moment, which is nice. Thankfully, everyone seems to have recovered from the chaos yesterday, or they’re ignoring it. Either way, it’s better than the yelling.
I love you too, I’m so incredibly happy to have met you.
- Hanschen (☕️)
I have no concept of time as I am currently replying to your letter a day after it has arrived mostly since we have been busy. Today we have been shopping and have been writing however it has been raining all day which I find ironically fitting for the day after valentines day. I also like the idea of it being shown as a day to celebrate all types of love. I believe the greeks had seven words? I like how they think. You mean the world to me and more and I am slightly emotional that you think that I am the best thing in your life, I have never been that to somebody and I do not know how to feel /pos 
I am always here to give you all guys. You all mean everything to me adn I am happy that it is less chaotic today than what it was yesterday and I am glad that they are no longer yelling. Yelling is not fun. 
I am blessed to call you a friend.
I love you 
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
I’m hoping desperately that this ask manages to send, our internet connection for the past few days has been incredibly inconsistent and not at all good, but I’ve missed talking to you. I hope that you’re doing better than you were the last time we spoke.
It’s been an eventful few days for me, I won’t get into all of it here because there’s far more to talk about than I could fit in one Tumblr ask. At least there was cake.
Happy Valentine’s day! (If that’s something you celebrate). Technically it’s the 15th here, but I believe that as I’m writing this it’s still the 14th for you.
I am mentally returning the small hug from your last message.
I love you too.
- Hanschen (☕️)
Hey Hansy sweetpea, I have been thinking about you non-stop these past few days since you have been away. I have missed you too and I was so overjoyed and happy to see your letter's back in my ask box. I am doing slightly better than when we last spoke, even if today has been a whirlwind of emotions. I found out that a boy I have had a crush on since I was 17 is both gay and transphobic so that was, I dont think I can find the words for.
Bar that I have been okay, and I am slightly indifference about valentines day. I do not like it nor have I ever had a reason to celebrate it as I have always been single but I also like the idea of being loved for a day. It is all just a lot of conflicting emotions. Thank you for your message and I too say happy valentines day. love is more than romantic and I am very happy that I am able to love you in the way that I do- our platonic affection and connection is the best thing in my life at the moment.
I am sending more hugs and I am eager to know more about your life. I have missed the small messages and little things that make the world seem more human.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
I hope you manage to get a better sleep tonight, and I hope you got some rest during the day. I do enjoy reading! What book are you expecting?
If only I were able to garden, but I don’t have the best track record with keeping plants alive.
Your friends seem nice, and I’m overjoyed that they’d consider me as a friend to them. I hope they don’t tease you about me too much.
Tell Melchior and Moritz that I send them my regards too, I’m glad that they’re doing well.
It seems that quite a few things have gone wrong for you today, so I’m sending my love, hopefully that will help you to feel at least somewhat better.
- Hanschen (☕️)
I hopefully will get a better sleep. For most of the day I have been in my pyjamas which is nice but that is only because it is cold. My book arrived and I have just finished reading the first few chapters. It is about Bonnie and Clyde because I have to feed my hyperfixations otherwise they will shrivel up and die. Do you have a favourite book genre? I enjoy true crime and murder mysteries.
I also cannot garden. Everything I seem to touch seems to whilt at my fingertips yet I love the smell of roses. Do you have a favourite flower? My friends are glorious and I am so glad I have found them, I would not change any of them for the world, only bring them slightly closer to me geographically. They are doing it all in jest and at most it makes me laugh, even if most of them are taking Melchi's side which sounds like a mistake. One of them, yesterday, did say that Melchior had a braincell which sounds like fake news.
The two of them are doing very well. Moritz would like to know if you like frogs and if so would you like to see their frog Juliet, it is one of their friends. It is hard to think that it is coming up to a year with me having them. They arrived on Valentines day, which I find ironic since none of them are paticulally romantic.
A few things have gone wrong today but your love is really making me feel better. You always make me feel better. I love you like the sea loves lapping against the shore.
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
Cotton candy grapes are very good, the internet isn’t wrong when it says that they taste like cotton candy. I can’t say that I have particularly strong feelings on any vegetables.
I do miss Melchior, and would be happy to take him off your hands (/hj). Tell Melchior that I don’t want to fight with them, and I’ll refer to him by whichever name he prefers (which, from your phrasing, would presumably be their first name?)
Unfortunately, tonight is cloudy too, although that may just a part of where we live. Perhaps as spring comes the sky will clear, somewhat. It would be nice to see the stars.
I love you too.
- Hanschen (☕️)
You and me both sweetpea, Vegetables feel kinda boring. I eat them but they really just don't do anything for my texture pallet. I shall pass the messages onto Melchi and I am sure he will be okay with you not wanting to fight him as well asl calling him anything other than his last name, its just a thing our Hans does to only him, everyone else is their first names [unless its Ernst or its "Lover boy."] yet Melchior is just "Gabor" it is slightly comedic to see how done Melchi is whenever our Hans appears. We have clouds in London too and it is rather cold as well which is disappointing as I do not do well with the cold. What about you? Which do you prefer the heat or the cold? I too hope that spring will come with clear skies and warmth so we can both see the stars again.
I love you too!
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
(The parts of this letter that are in italics were written last week.)
Once again it turns out that I am not asleep when I should be. I have to mention that there’s been a longer gap between letters than I intended, mostly because on the night that I had planned to write my reply I was in no state to write anything of substance or coherence. Then, about a week ago, I got halfway through before falling asleep.
Regardless of any issues I may have had recently, I hope that you’ve been feeling better and less emotionally volatile. I’ve seen some of your In Space With Markiplier posts and I’m so glad that it’s been making you happy!
Lately I’ve noticed that the flowers have been falling from the cherry blossom tree near our school. I think when I first began this letter, I intended to mention how sad it made me to watch as the flowers fell. How it made me yearn for past friendships or something along those lines. But I think that I’ve gotten past that feeling, somewhat.
As for a favourite monologue, I can’t think of anything specific at the moment. Perhaps something from Macbeth. Also, we had to read for Mr Birling when we did An Inspector Calls in school, and that was fun. I don’t think I have any specific dream roles. I would love to be able to act with you, someday. Do you have any dream roles?
I love you, and I am mentally holding your hand as well.
-Hanschen (☕️)
Hello Hansy my beloved /platonic
I am so glad that you are still around, I was worried about you. I am sorry this letter comes to me at a rather terrible time. I am sorry to tell you that our beloved dog Earl had to be put down due to complications with old age and internal bleeding from an old injury that was not picked up. I am mourning his loss as you can very well understand and I am so apologetic to bring this new to you this late in the evening and with such a kind letter.
I do like seeing the cherryblossoms fall, sure it shows the end of things but it is also a new begining. I like to think about petals falling into peoples hair and lovers picking the flowers from the floor and tucking them behind each others hair. I love the gently forms of love- the sweet ones that people don't really think about when they think of love. Like sharing poetry together.
I am glad you've somewhat gotten past that feeling of loss and craving for old frienships. I want you to know that is it okay to mourn the memories and not the person themselves. You miss the person you thought they were, not the person they turned out to be. It is okay to miss people, we are only human afterall.
I have never read macbeth, we only did romeo and juliet in school which means I was tasked as Juliet a lot or the nurse. It was fun to act but as a dyslexic it was torturous. I wish it was easier. We also did an inspector calls! I remember reading it and I think i still have my notebook with all the notes I took for the book somewhere in my room, I will try to find it just for nostalgia sake I think. I would like to play Buck Barrow from Bonnie and Clyde. I saw the musical down in Durey lane and it reignited my hyperfixation. I also would love to play in many musicals, especially newsies. I crave acting and singing on stage again. The lights feel like home. Maybe one day we can act together, it would be nice to feel the acting bug again.
I am ever so grateful that you are here holding my hand. It makes me feel less alone. I have been looking at the moon wondering aloud to you in my darker moments. It is glorious to have a friend again.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Buck!! I’d like to start this letter by admitting that there’s a part of me that wants to start his with ‘good morning’, although I would say that 3am barely counts as morning. Still, it’s as good a greeting as any, so good morning! It seems that I’ve been hit with a kind of sleeplessness that I haven’t felt since January, but at least it gives me a chance to message you. You are truly the most incredible person I’ve met and I love you too. I miss you and I miss talking to you.
There’s certainly been a shift in our household and though it currently seems positive, everything still feels slightly volatile. However, for the sake of everyone’s peace of mind, let us assume that I’m worrying about nothing and everything is okay.
The cat makeup looks wonderful and I’m glad that it made you happy, there’s nothing you deserve more than happiness and I hope that you’ll be able to find a place that makes you feel as good as working in the theatre did.
I do enjoy singing, although I can’t say that I’m any good. I’d have say that my skills lie more with acting (which I can only say confidently because it’s an observation made by someone else).
I love you dearly.
- Hanschen (☕️)
Hansy! I am overjoyed to be awake to recieve this letter the moment it touched in my inbox. I am overjoyed to see you again! I am sorry that you cannot sleep but I am also in the same boat- sleep is something that is becoming harder to do and not just because my neighbours have decided that they shall party tonight. I must say your well wishes have come at a moment where I was rather emotionally volitile and feeling things so they did bring tears to my eyes but I must promise you that I am not upset or hurt, quite the opposite my dear friend. I am glad that things are easier at home despite the fact that you all must feel like you are constantly walking on egg shells. I do hope that feeling fades soon, its not a fun feeling and one I wish so many people didn't have to feel. I miss you.
I had forgotten I had sent you those pictures and for a few moments I was confused until I remembered. I too hope that I find a place which makes me feel as at home and safe and me as working in the theatre did. I am sure that place exists somewhere and it is up to me to find it. I have many things to tell you; like I know so many new skills from working in the theatre, I am still looking for a job, I am able to stomach my voice on recordings more now which I am proud of. Also in space with markiplier came out recently and from what I have been posting recently, I am sure that have noticed that my special intrest has reawoken which is always a genuine joy. I am very happy that I am able to exist again regardless of where it is, that has nothing to do with in space with markiplier- it is just there. It just an observation.
Singing is rather hard and it is something that I have been working on. Do you have a favourite monologue that you have preformed or a favourite acting part? Do you have a dream role? I apologise for all the questions but I am rather hyper to talk to you again. Maybe one day we can act together. It has been a while since i have been able to be on stage or just be someone else without loosing front. I don't know. I crave the normailty of a script.
I love you dearly too. Mentally, I am holding your hand.
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Let me start this letter by saying that it’s been far too long. I don’t know where to begin, honestly.
Tonight I found myself struggling to sleep, so I ended up by the window, looking at the stars. In doing so, my thoughts wandered back towards you, as it feels they so often do, and I knew that I had to send you something.
For reasons that I’d rather not get into, I know I’ll end up having to delete the Tumblr app again as soon as I send this, but rest assured I will be keeping an eye out for your reply. It’s been only two weeks since we last spoke, but it feels like far too long.
Anyway, how have you been? I’d like to hear about anything you want to talk about (I think I may be feeling the letter equivalent of “I just want to hear your voice”, so please, feel free to talk about anything).
To summarise, I’ve missed you far more than words can express and therefore I felt that I wanted to speak with you, more than anything. Again, I’m not sure when I’ll next be able to contact you, but I’m hoping that this isn’t the last message you receive from me.
I love you.
- Hanschen (☕️)
Hansy!! Hey!! Hello!! I have missed you so much!! There has been so much happen in the two weeks since we have last spoken that it feels incredibly unreal. As soon as I saw that I had an ask I was overcome with this everlasting joy. I cannot believe that it has been only two weeks- I do not think that my soul has stopped mourning the loss of you. I have been staring at the stars a lot; thinking about you and wondering if it would be safe for me to send you a message. I have been missing you so that it was almost unbarable.
It does feel like it has been more than two weeks. I know they say that seperation makes the heart grow fonder but there is only so much people can take before it feels like they are missing a part of their souls. I have missed you so and long to take you to a place of safety, you deserve good things Hansy and I hope you know that and remember that whenever things are rough.
I believe that I have gotten a job. I work in a theatre for the lighting and set design and although I am unsure if this is a paying job or just a part time helper but I am estatic! I am also writing a lot more which is something I have been able to do in a more timely fashion. I am still watching wrestling and that is as infuriating as ever but I do get to see my favourites which brings me joy. I am also in a production of newsies which some wonderful people on tumblr have set up. I am playing crutchie which I am overly happy about. When I am next home alone, I will record some of me singing so I can show you! I have missed your voice too and I will admit that I have been re-reading your letters and listening to how my heart pines for your return; I miss my friends greatly and I hope you know that you will always be adored here.
There is not much else to say as not much has been happening in my life apart from that. I do hope you are well and able to write to me soon. Stay safe and stay happy.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
I’m sorry to make you worry, and I greatly appreciate the virtual hug. This is another late reply and I feel like an explanation is in order, seeing as you mean the world to me and I don’t want you to think that any absence of letters is because of something you said/did. March has been a long month, despite the fact that it’s only been nine days.
(The beginning of me speaking about all the issues that have arisen, recently.)
So, where to begin? Well, we were outed as trans (twice), which is yet to have many consequences but only because we’re apparently pretty good at lying. The host is convinced that he’s faking being a system (I’m sure you know how it goes) meanwhile we’re all very much here, and I’m sure that you can imagine that that has made it slightly more difficult to manage to write to you. Then of course there’s the exhaustion and being bested by what I think is just a cold, which just means sleeping during any time in which I would previously have managed to write to you.
(And now I’m done complaining/explaining.)
I’m glad that you and Earl are okay, but what happened with one of your favourite wrestlers is a shame. Some companies truly don’t know how to show people the appreciation they deserve and you’re right, it’s bullshit.
In more pleasant news, the trip was a lot of fun! We eventually managed to figure out how to use the tube (despite having multiple mishaps with train tickets), and somehow no one got lost. I’m glad you enjoyed Hamilton!
Also, I saw the ‘Hi’ in your intro post and it made me incredibly happy :) I think perhaps your letters are the main thing getting me through this month. I’m glad we’re friends.
I love you.
- Hanschen (☕️)
Hey sweetpea I am so sorry that it has taken me forever to reply to this letter, I have been on a little bit of a writing streak today and I am deserpate to clean out my inbox and finish a few things. I have read this letter continously and despite replying in my mind I am yet to type out a reply until now.
I understand about March being such a long month and it only just starting. I already wish for it to be fall or a time when I am able to leave or spend time away from home. Even if it is just to buy winter clothes. I am so sorry that you have been outed twice, that is something that nobody should go through and I think that is also bullshit! I understand the feeling that you are faking but I can promise your host that he is not. He is not making up his gender identity nor his system-hood, it is pretty common for systems to think that they are faking, I have made a tiktok about this specific thing.
Although I am not wishing illness on any of you I too also hope that it is just a cold, please sleep and rest. Our friendship will still be here, just as precious and untouched and glorious that it always was and will be. I am glad whenever you write to me!
I am okay bar I think that I may have damaged one if not both of my wrists. I have collpased again and while I am only wearing a wrist brace on both wrists they are both sore. I am not letting it stop me though as I do really enjoy creating. I am still slightly sad that Sami got screwed out of a title and it looks like they may not give him another change at any secondary and thus no first titles. I am disappointed since people do really enjoy him and how he is. I believe they screwed him up when they changed him from a good guy to a bad guy- even if he is currently still one of the best people WWE have on their roster. It is bullshit and I will forever be mad at them until they realise that Sami is a talent that they do not get many off.
my slight rant about wrestling over, I am very glad that you had a fantastic time. I do not understand the tube system and try to avoid it the best I can. I was talking to a friend about going up to Manchester soon to see them and fixing a shirt, I also, if my big sibling gets better and feels more themselves see them again. it has been two years.
I am glad that you enjoyed my little hello message on my blog, now you can be reminded of how much you mean to me!
Your letters are the main thing getting me through rough days too and I am extreamly thankful that you continue to send them. I am sending you hugs and all the headkisses to those who would like them.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
That’s relieving to know. I’ve missed you too. How have you been lately?
I’m doing well at the moment. Even better since hearing from you, as ‘You do not bother me ever my dearest’ is probably one of the nicest things that has ever been said to me.
We haven’t gotten a chance to post on the sideblog yet, but we’re planning to. Perhaps it will be useful, seeing as it will mean that you can contact me whenever you wish (if you have something you’d like to tell me), rather than having to wait for my letters.
I love you too :)
- Hanschen (☕️)
I am doing fantastically! two of my favourite wrestlers hae two of the top secondary titles in the company and I am ever so happy!! To the point It is nearly 5 am and I have to be awake at nine and I am too awake to sleep, which is quite the issue. However I am glad that you are doing well. And I am glad that you are okay with me using nicknames! I tend to use them with people I care about!
I would love to send you letters :) It feels as if we are penpals. And you will never ever bother me or fustrate me or ever agrivate me in any way.
I love you
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
Hello! I feel like some things have happened since we last spoke. We have many days off school during the next few weeks, and we’re planning a trip to London with some friends on one of those days, which should be fun. I can’t remember the last time I took a train though, so that should be interesting.
I hope you managed to get some sleep at some point, but I’m glad that you’re doing well regardless.
I’m doing well. We have a lot of free time at the moment, which is cool. People are making plans for prom, which is interesting. It’s not until the end of June and we’re still not sure if we’re going.
I love you too.
- Hanschen (☕️)
That's so cool sweetpea!! Youe gonna be so close to me, I am in also in London [mostly, I am a bit further away but still] that is so exciting sweetheart and I really really hope that you have fun! Just stay away from Hyde Park since it is a pretty dangerous area. Maybe we may cross paths with each other since I am looking to find tickets to see Hamilton, it would be nice to meet you, but I shall leave you with your friends!
I jave managed to get some sleep today mostly since I have been ill and my stomach hurts but that is not important. My grandparents are out and they have gone out to dinner which makes me happy. I am glad that they are sharing time together.
That is really cool, I do hope that you have fun in the prom and I have to state that I am slightly jealous since we never had our prom. Covid runied my last year of college but thats okay.
I love you very much
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
I did, thankfully, get to sleep after sending my last message. I’m doing well at the moment, oddly enough I feel I’ve been doing much better since going back to school after the break.
I’m glad you had a good day! I’m makes me happy to know that good things are happening to you.
Sorry that this letter is so short, perhaps it’s because I feel like today has been a very quiet day.
I love you too.
- Hanschen (☕️)
Hey Hansy, I am sorry for the late reply to this letter. I ahvent really been able to do anything other than hyperfocus on my wrestling which is a bit of an issue since none of my friends really know about wrestling. Yet they let me talk about it which makes me happy. I have had a good day today as well despite not sleeping for the past 5 days but that is neither here nor there but I am okay sweetheart. I hope that you are okay and feeling a little bit more louder today.
I love you
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