#Hantz Bernard
wutbju · 1 year
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Eric Hutton seems perplexed by Hantz Bernard's list-from-Strong's:
Even though we triple checked our facts with BJU insiders closest to the crisis, Dr. Bernard appears to believe that our updated open letter was full of lies. He replied to the concerns of alumni and friends with a list of bible verses about lying. See the text of his email: Psalm 15:1-3 - "Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? 2 He who walks uprightly, And works righteousness, And speaks the truth in his heart; 3 He who does not backbite with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend;" Exodus 20:16 - "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." John 8:44 - "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." Ephesians 4:25 - "Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor," for we are members of one another." Proverbs 6:16-19 - "These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren." Matthew 15:19 - "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies." Isaiah 59:7 - "Their feet run to evil, And they make haste to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; Wasting and destruction are in their paths." James 3:8-9 - "But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God." Colossians 2:8 - "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." (Verbatim from Dr. Bernard's email reply to a positive grad.)
Quelle Surprise, +++Positives+++.
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the-master-cylinder · 4 years
SUMMARY The film opens with archival footage from a press conference where NYPD officers Dave Greenberg and Robert Hantz are lauded by Commissioner Patrick V. Murphy commends them for the sheer volume of drugs and weaponry that the two cops have removed from the streets.
After a credits sequence, the narrative begins at the New York City Police Academy, where Greenberg (Leibman) and Hantz (Selby) graduate as probationary officers. They are assigned to low-level work like clerical tasks and directing traffic, but they chafe against the insignificance of these tasks and frequently abandon them to follow the sound of gunfire. One day, Greenberg is standing on the street in plain clothes when an elderly man offers to sell him some “French films” (porn). When he refuses, the old man attacks Greenberg, who arrests him. Greenberg gets in trouble for making an arrest while off-duty.
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Greenberg and Hantz decide to keep making off-duty collars. They go to Coney Island disguised as Texaco attendants. They make a drug bust under the boardwalk and bring their collars to the local precinct, where the supervising officer is astonished to learn that two off-duty probationary cops confiscated so many illegal weapons and drugs. The pair continue to make busts around the city in their spare time. They stop a stolen car on Convent Avenue in Harlem, and at the local precinct, they bluff their way into being treated as senior officers from the “SUB” division, which is just the acronym for traffic enforcement.
After their probationary period, they are assigned to the fictional 21st Precinct in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. On their way to report for duty, they are aghast at the state of the neighborhood, and the precinct seems to be in just as much disarray. They are told to not make waves and to report for their first full day of duty the following morning. Instead, they find some prostitutes, hoping to get information. Greenberg tells his prostitute, Sara (Frazier), that he is a cop and asks where he can find some drug dealers. She screams for her pimp, causing a commotion.
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Undaunted, Greenberg and Hantz manage to find an informant and make their first drug bust. As they book their collars, they identify themselves as new to the precinct. They are asked when they started, and Greenberg replies, “Tomorrow”. They track down the precinct Captain Krasna (Frazer). He is convinced his office is bugged, and he views Greenberg and Hantz’s enthusiasm warily.
Greenberg meets Sara again at Hank’s Tip Top Inn and accompanies her back to her apartment. He presses her for information about drug activity. The duo start making busts with her information. Captain Krasna calls them into his office and accuses them of being on the take because of all their independent drug busts. He pretends to call Internal Affairs, but when they do not react like corrupt cops, he decides to encourage their freelancing. Sara tells Greenberg that a contract has been put out on them. An anonymous tip to the station confirms her warning. Greenberg and Hantz lay in wait for their assassins and make a daring bust in broad daylight. The bystanders jokingly yell out greetings to the adventurous cops who they call “Batman and Robin”.
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At the arraignment for the case, Greenberg and Hantz are offered $1,500 to lie and get the case dropped. They try to gather evidence about the attempted bribe, but the District Attorney’s office ruins the bust by warning off the targets. The officers are growing more isolated by their fellow cops, who either resent them for showing them up, or view them with suspicion as being either corrupt or part of Internal Affairs.
The partners eventually corner the three Hayes Brothers who run the drug market in Bed-Stuy. The Hayes offer them a $1,000-week bribe, which Greenberg and Hantz pretend to take. Greenberg insists on meeting the Hayes’ suppliers, but on the way to the meeting, one of the Hayes notices Greenberg’s wire. Greenberg and Hantz kill the brothers in self-defense, and they are taken off duty while Inspector Novick (Hingle) conducts an internal investigation.
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Greenberg is approached by another officer who has just transferred from the 80th Precinct. He offers to cut Greenberg and Hantz in on a scam. They meet at the Fish Delight Hut to discuss the details. It turns out the officer is from the Knapp Commission, and when he tries to arrest Greenberg and Hantz, the pair, in turn, try to arrest him for engaging in conspiracy. Greenberg threatens to arrest the other Knapp officers on the scene for entrapment. When Insp. Novick and Cpt. Krasna arrive at the restaurant, both factions of officers reveal that they have been taping each other. The stalemate is resolved by promoting everyone. The film ends with a re-enactment of the opening press conference, with Novick commending Greenberg and Hantz for their service.
In the early 1970s, Archie Comics recruited Gray Morrow to create a new line of comic books under the Red Circle imprint intended for a more mature audience. Interviewed by Jon B. Cooke in issue #17 of Comic Book Artist, Morrow explained the genesis of the Red Circle comics: “I met with Richard Goldwater (of Archie Comics), and his art director, Victor Gorelick They asked me if I could put together a package for them. I wasn’t sure if I could or not, but I said, Why not? I’ll give it a shot.’ I was thinking… in terms of old movies and radio shows.” The Red Circle line included titles like Chilling Adventures in Sorcery and Madhouse, as well as The Super Cops.
The Super Cops comic book was published around the same time the movie was released. Based on the book, the comic characters bear a greater resemblance to the actual policemen than did the actors in the film. The comic book is not an adaptation of the book, though, but rather a series of vignettes featuring the exploits of Greenberg and Hant.
A half-hour pilot for a proposed TV series based on the film, starring Steven Keats as Greenberg and Alan Feinstein as Hantz, aired in 1975 on CBS.
CAST/CREW Directed Gordon Parks
Produced William Belasco
Written L.H. Whittemore (book)
Screenplay Lorenzo Semple Jr.
Ron Leibman as David Greenberg David Selby as Robert Hantz Sheila Frazier as Sara Pat Hingle as Insp. Novick Dan Frazer as Police Capt. Irving Krasna Joseph Sirola as Police Lt. O’Shaughnessy Arny Freeman as Judge Benny Kellner Bernard Kates as Heller Alex Colon as Carlos
The Super Cops (1974) Retrospective SUMMARY The film opens with archival footage from a press conference where NYPD officers Dave Greenberg and Robert Hantz are lauded by Commissioner Patrick V.
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ululafr · 7 years
Les bons plans de l'hiver ? - Est Républicain
Les bons plans de l'hiver ? Est Républicain La volonté commune de Frédéric Hantz et Bernard Serin de « rééquilibrer » l'effectif du FC Metz passe par un mercato hivernal réussi. Pour entretenir le petit espoir du maintien il s'agit de ne pas se tromper. Le 04/01/2018 à 05:00; Réagir Réagir ... FC Metz : les bons plans d'hiver ?Le Républicain Lorrain 4 autres articles »
Lire la suite bons plans - Google Actualités
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coachenverite · 24 years
GASSET Jean-Louis
Né le 9 décembre 1953 à Montpellier (Hérault)
Parcours Joueur : Montpellier HSC (1975-1985) Béziers (1974-1975) Parcours Entraîneur : AS Saint-Etienne (depuis déc 2017, adjoint de Julien Sablé nov-déc 2017) Montpellier HSC (janv 2017-2017 remplace Frédéric Hantz) Paris SG (2013-2016 adjoint de Laurent Blanc) France (2010-2012 adjoint de Laurent Blanc) Girondins de Bordeaux (2007-2010 adjoint de Laurent Blanc) FC Istres (janv 2005- janv 2007 avec Xavier Gravelaine remplace Mehmed Bazdarevic et est remplacé par Bernard Rodriguez) RCD Espanyol Barcelone (nov 2003-2004 adjoint de Luis Fernandez) Paris SG (2001-2003 adjoint de Luis Fernandez) SM Caen (sept 2000-2001 remplace Pascal Théault) Montpellier HSC (1998-nov 1999 remplacé par Michel Mézy) Montpellier HSC (1985- 1998 adjoint de Michel Mézy, Pierre Mosca, Aimé Jacquet, Henryk Kasperczak, Gérard Gili) Palmarès : Champion de France  (2009, 2014, 2015, 2016) Champion de France D2 (1987) Coupe de France (1990, 2015, 2016) Coupe de la Ligue (2009, 2015, 2016) Trophée des champions (2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) Coupe d’été (1992) Coach fréquenté : André Cristol, Louis Favre, Robert Nouzaret, Kader Firoud, Jacques Bonnet (Montpellier),
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wutbju · 2 years
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The BJU Board of Trustees Executive Committee has a busy week ahead.
The +++Positives+++ are focused on the vote that will occur on this Friday, March 10. They say:
The executive committee (EC) of the BJU board of trustees is having their regular monthly meeting this Friday, March 10. The EC is currently six men who seem to be divided into three groups. The group that has most consistently opposed Dr. Pettit: John Lewis, Joe Helm, and Hantz Bernard; two who now seem to be supportive of Dr. Pettit: Sam Dawson, Mike Harding; and finally, Jerry Morgan, who had been very positive about Dr. Pettit over the last year. We are praying that the EC will advise Dr. Lewis to retire or resign this week, and that new EC majority will support the current positive direction and growth of BJU.
And then on the 28th:
As part of the board’s annual meeting, the EC will meet again on Tuesday, March 28 when they will discuss the renewal of four board members. If the renewals are recommended and approved by the EC, the board member renewals will be voted on by the full board on March 29-30. If any of the four board members are non-renewed by the EC, those board members would simply roll off, without any vote by the board. The EC could also nominate new board members for a vote of the full board on March 29-30.
We believe these self-perpetuating EC provisions of the board bylaws are the most troubling–-that a small minority of the full board (only four EC members) can control the future of the university. There are two pro-Pettit board members and two additional board members who are more “in the middle” up for renewal at this annual meeting. We will be watching the actions of the chairman and the EC as they have several different choices that they can make with regards to the makeup of the BJU board.
But two women -- Holly Helm Davis and Heather Helm Olson -- object to "the names that were named" saying that it's a "complete falsehood."
Now who could they be related to. Hmmm.....
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wutbju · 2 years
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So the BJU Board of Trustees Executive Committee is meeting this afternoon to set the agenda for the ominous 11/17 meeting--the meeting where they will discuss Pettit's contract.
The Executive Committee is:
Dr. Hantz Bernard, Caledonia, Mich.
Dr. Mike Harding (Secretary/Treasurer), Washington Township, Mich.
Dr. Joe Helm, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Dr. John Lewis (Chair), Davison, Mich.
Mr. Jerry Morgan, Greenville, S.C.
Mr. Tim Stanley (Vice Chair), Greenville, S.C.
Likely they'll meet virtually since they are all over the country, and the weather stinks here in Greenville today. It is Friday, so I would imagine they'll meet earlier in the afternoon rather than later.
WutBJU is getting hits from these locations too, so gentlemen, hope your meeting goes well.
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wutbju · 1 year
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Rick Altizer, President +++Positive+++, posted this this morning at 7:45am on Friday, April 7, 2023 -- Good Friday.
But now it's deleted.
Since WutBJU, too, “has a duty to disclose confidential information," I include it here for the record. This shows the +++Positives+++ agenda:
Before we pause to meditate and worship our Risen Lord, a few clean up notes from yesterday:
First, we are thankful that John Lewis did the right thing (finally) yesterday and resigned. Based on the facts of the situation, we believe there are at least two other board members who also need to resign--Joe Helm and Hantz Bernard. They were in league with John Lewis throughout the leadership crisis of the last year. This was a completely avoidable and intentional campaign on their part to unseat a much loved and effective university president before his final term. They need to resign immediately so the board can begin the process of moving forward.
Secondly, we were surprised and offended by the "official" Dear Alumni post yesterday around 5pm. While positive bju is not the only Facebook group and certainly not the only Facebook group who needed to hear their oddly timed message, we are the only alumni and friends group who confronted the unethical behavior of the BJU board and single-mindedly defended Dr. Pettit. No good deed goes unpunished, comes to mind.
For those of you who have followed the action closely and consistently (most of you) we have defended and praised the BJU Alumni Association and supported the student recruitment team consistently. We will continue to do this, though with less enthusiasm perhaps until we have an opportunity to discuss with them the purpose and intent of their public letter to all alumni.
With regards to the letter itself. We agree that name calling including wishing harm to anyone has no place in social media. We agree that outside groups like FBI should refrain from trying to exert undue influence over the board at BJU. We are alumni and friends. We have only advocated for maintaining good executive leadership (Steve Pettit) and removing unethical and ineffective board leadership.
Unlike the FBFI, we have never advocated for any specific policy. We trust the administration to decide what is best for the operations of the school itself. As we have said, we are not "progressive". We are not advocating for more liberal or more lax anything. What we cannot accept is a divided and dysfunctional board that opposes its own board approved policies and bullies and intimidates the administrators. It is not only wrong, but also counterproductive to the growth and success of the institution.
Finally, with respect to confidential information we have shared. When a board member, administrator, or alumni (one of us) becomes aware of wrongdoing, we have a duty to disclose it. With respect to board members in SC, the duty of care and duty of loyalty to the institution is a statutory requirement in the law. The duty of confidentiality is not. While there may be policies and best practices that govern confidentiality on private boards, these are superseded by the statutory and fiduciary duty of care and loyalty to BJU when wrongdoing happens on the board. Positive BJU celebrates and salutes every courageous source who helped to expose the details of the bad decisions and actions of Lewis, Bernard, and Helm. While it has been messy at times, these men are being held to account by the off campus and on campus stakeholders for the first time in nearly 100 years and that historic first naturally resulted in defensive backlash.
We didn't expect a defensive backlash from the university, but we accept the points of agreement even while we reject the tone and timing of it. In any event, we can forgive and to forge ahead with this historic fundamental board reset leading to a very bright future for BJU. Thank you!
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wutbju · 2 years
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We can compare last November's list to today's list and note that the one person not listed is Faith Baptist of Davison's Shawn Kook.
Here's the current list for the record (because this might change today):
Dr. Dawn Akam, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Dr. Hantz Bernard, Chair, Marketing & Development Committee, Caledonia, Mich.
Dr. Gary Cobb, Middletown, Ohio
Dr. Sam Dawson, Allen Park, Mich.
Dr. Mike Harding (Secretary/Treasurer), Chair, Academic Committee, Washington Township, Mich.
Dr. Joe Helm, Chair, Personnel & Plant Committee, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Mr. Paul Kalmbach, Arlington, Ohio
Dr. John Lewis (Chair), Davison, Mich.
Mr. Paul Matthews, Athens, Ala.
Mr. Jerry Morgan, Chair, Student Development & Discipleship Committee, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Steve Pettit, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Brian Priest, Perkasie, Pa.
Dr. Jean Saito, Greenville, S.C.
Mr. Tim Stanley (Vice Chair), Chair, Finance & Audit Committee, Greenville, S.C.
Mr. Gary Thompson, Buffalo, Mo.
Dr. Bruce Woodworth, Knoxville, Tenn.
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wutbju · 2 years
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WutBJU has been getting a lot of questions about the current Board of Trustees, and I'm happy to field any questions you might have. You can ask here or email me at WutBJU@gmail[deletethispart].[deletethistoo]com. Or you can reach out on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram.
But here's a start. Here's the age and the length of service for each current Trustee:
Dr. John Lewis -- 76yo and has served for 31 years.
Mr. Jerry Morgan -- 73yo and has served for 14 years.
Dr. Jean Saito -- 72yo and has served for 16 years.
Dr. Sam Dawson -- 70yo and has served for 21 years.
Dr. Dawn Akam -- 68yo and has served for 16 years.
Mr. Gary Thompson -- 68yo and has served for 11 years.
Mr. Paul Kalmbach -- 67yo and has served for 12 years.
Dr. Bruce Woodworth -- 66yo and has served for 21 years.
Dr. Gary Cobb -- 65yo and has served for 27 years.
Dr. Mike Harding -- 64yo and has served for 21 years.
Dr. Joe Helm -- 63yo and has served for 25 years.
Dr. Steve Pettit -- 63yo and has served for 16 years.
Dr. Brian Priest -- 63yo and has served for 16 years.
Mr. Tim Stanley -- 63yo and has served for 11 years.
Mr. Paul Matthews -- 56yo and has served for 5 years.
Dr. Hantz Bernard -- 55yo and has served for 16 years.
Pastor Shawn Kook -- 50yo and has served for 5 years.
What other questions do you have?
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wutbju · 2 years
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So WutBJU has collected more information. This is from a local alumnus who attended a big confabulation yesterday at 29614.
Taking the TRUST out of Trustee
First, if you have no stake or interest in things relating to BJU, just keep scrolling. This won't interest you. I am posting this here because I expect it would be excluded from appearing on the BJU General Alumni page. (I may try anyway....)
I apologize in advance for the length of this post.
By now, many of you have seen the petition being circulated in support of Dr. Steve Pettit retaining his position as President of the university. At this writing, it has amassed over 5,200 signatures in two days, with hundreds taking time to write a testimony of how Dr. Pettit has had a positive impact in their lives personally, or on the school, or generally for the cause of Christ. It's been a tremendous outpouring of support - but petitions have never had much impact at BJU, and sadly, I suspect this one will be no different. Today I attended a general meeting at FMA (thousands in attendance) where Dr. Pettit did exactly what he needed to do: he humbly, calmly and graciously explained that the Board of Trustees - all well-meaning men and women - were engaged in the process that they are charged with (apparently every three years), that of appointing or re-appointing the university President according to the Board's procedural by-laws.
But there is more to the "procedural by-laws" story that precious few know about.
Up until not very long ago at all, the rules of the Board of Trustees required a majority vote (9 of 17) to affirm the re-appointment of a President. Then at a recent Board meeting it was “innocently” proposed that the requirement be changed from a simple majority to a two-thirds majority (12 of 17). Sure – why not? After all, what sitting President isn’t going to get a 2/3 majority approval from the Board? No harm. It sounded innocuous at the time, and the motion was passed...on to other matters.
Well, we now know that this procedural change was orchestrated by six Trustees who thus found a way to surreptitiously make their minority position more potent than it ever had been, and now these six – a one-third+ minority – hold the power to unseat a beloved leader and dramatically impact the direction of the University. Six people. I imagine they are proud of how they manipulated the system to their advantage. It was clever, arguably brilliant. It was effective. But in my mind, they’ve removed the “trust” from Trustee. This is not an insignificant detail to be quietly swept under the carpet. It matters.
The plea is for unity through this -- as it should be -- but when a mere six hold all the cards in defiance of eleven other Board members, and 5,200+ petitioners, where is unity...save in the resignation of the six?
I don't have a specific call to action, other than to pray that the conscience of at least one of the six will be pricked enough to reverse course. Secondly, share this with others who care; others who will also pray. As Dr. Pettit shared today, "All things work together for good to them that love God..."
And so it shall be.
So. six people. Who could that be? We know John Lewis, the CEO, was none too happy about the Fashion Show. If you collect the Board members from the Flint-Detroit hub and the Board members from the nearby Milwaukee hub, look what you get:
Dr. Dawn Akam, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Dr. Hantz Bernard, Chair, Marketing & Development Committee, Caledonia, Mich.
Dr. Gary Cobb, Middletown, Ohio
Dr. Sam Dawson, Allen Park, Mich.
Dr. Mike Harding (Secretary/Treasurer), Chair, Academic Committee, Washington Township, Mich.
Dr. Joe Helm, Chair, Personnel & Plant Committee, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Mr. Paul Kalmbach, Arlington, Ohio
Pastor Shawn Kook, Davison, Mich.
Dr. John Lewis (Chair), Davison, Mich.
Mr. Paul Matthews, Athens, Ala.
Mr. Jerry Morgan, Chair, Student Development & Discipleship Committee, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Steve Pettit, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Brian Priest, Perkasie, Pa.
Dr. Jean Saito, Greenville, S.C
Mr. Tim Stanley (Vice Chair), Chair, Finance & Audit Committee, Greenville, S.C.
Mr. Gary Thompson, Buffalo, Mo.
Dr. Bruce Woodworth, Knoxville, Tenn.
That's six. There's your six. And believe you me, Rust Belt types are exactly the kind of people who would do this kind of take-over.
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wutbju · 2 years
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It was just a few days ago that BJU Class of 2022 ministerial major Timothy Joel Martin insisted that WutBJU was peddling in tabloid-like gossip.
And now? Now our dear fresh-out-of-college Timmy confirms what we said originally.
Silly boy.
But his statement is quite useful. TL;DR, but useful. I'll include it all and then bring the important part below.
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I was initially skeptical of this as some sort of revolutionary student thing coming from a bad attitude. But after taking a look at it, this is actually a wonderful way to have a public voice regarding the potential of Dr. Pettit's contract not being renewed. I've been privy to this drama for a long time and kept my mouth shut about it. There are good and Godly people on the board of Bob Jones University and a mob mentality usually results in blanket accusations against "the board" without knowing the names and faces on the board. I do know the names and faces on the board, and a lot of them are great people. However, this has become a public issue. I wish it had not become one. But seeing as it is a public issue now, I see no use in staying silent on it.
Certain donors are accusing Dr. Pettit of drifting from the university's values. To the contrary, I believe it clearer that certain donors members have superimposed their personal values over the values of the school and are scapegoating an individual. Here is the comment I left on the petition. It's blunt and to the point.
You pretty much have the choice between killing the university or keeping a wise and Godly man at the helm of the ship for a few more years. It shouldn't be that difficult.
I owe a debt to this man. He was used greatly by God in my life when I was twelve. Growing up under the heavy and oppressive atmosphere legalistic theology in regards to salvation, Dr. Pettit was the first preacher I ever heard clearly articulate how my salvation was wholly a work of God, settled in eternity past, and finished in time at the cross. The sermon caused my relationship with Christ to go from being an object of fearful anxiety to being my greatest joy in life. And the human instrument for that moment of sanctifying assurance was Dr. Pettit.
There was a time, in my ingratitude and immaturity as a freshman, that his strong leadership and direct speech really rubbed me the wrong way. I found him combative, uncharitable, closeminded. It took me a while to see that he was right and that I was wrong. I just wasn't used to seeing what Godly masculine leadership looks like. In my mind today, Dr. Pettit embodies it. He has consistently fought the right fights on the issues of the day with a confidence that is tempered by grace and love. He has been firm on the very issues (gender, sexuality, race, etc) which have destroyed the lives of many of my former classmates at BJU.
Want to know a common denominator between former friends of mine who have now left the faith for atheism or an LGBTQ lifestyle? They all hated Dr. Pettit and complained about him constantly. The only people that this man has offended, he has offended for righteousness' sake.
I urge the student body to have an attitude about this defined by gossip, anger, angsty, or a revolutionary spirit. Whatever comes to pass is the will of God. But by all means, give honor to whom honor is due and be public with your support for a man who has served you well.
I think you want to add a big NOT to that last paragraph, son. But that's okay. Mistakes happen. See how nice I am?
Back up to earlier in the statement when Martin says:
Certain donors are accusing Dr. Pettit of drifting from the university's values.
Donors? BJU doesn't have big donors that are not on the Board of Trustees. That's how you GET on the Board of Trustees. There are some wealthy people on there (but the richest of them all, Ed Cone, is gone, btw). Here are the "names and faces" that little Timmy knows so well (lots of us do, hon):
Dr. Dawn Akam, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Dr. Hantz Bernard, Chair, Marketing & Development Committee, Caledonia, Mich.
Dr. Gary Cobb, Middletown, Ohio
Dr. Sam Dawson, Allen Park, Mich.
Dr. Mike Harding (Secretary/Treasurer), Chair, Academic Committee, Washington Township, Mich.
Dr. Joe Helm, Chair, Personnel & Plant Committee, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Mr. Paul Kalmbach, Arlington, Ohio
Pastor Shawn Kook, Davison, Mich.
Dr. John Lewis (Chair), Davison, Mich.
Mr. Paul Matthews, Athens, Ala.
Mr. Jerry Morgan, Chair, Student Development & Discipleship Committee, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Steve Pettit, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Brian Priest, Perkasie, Pa.
Dr. Jean Saito, Greenville, S.C
Mr. Tim Stanley (Vice Chair), Chair, Finance & Audit Committee, Greenville, S.C.
Mr. Gary Thompson, Buffalo, Mo.
Dr. Bruce Woodworth, Knoxville, Tenn.
WutBJU has been covering all the ways that BJU has "drifted" from its brand. Let's remember a few:
BJU Grass
Rules are stated but completely unenforced.
Social media is run amuck.
Fashion shows with poorly designed expressions of the not-Gospel. Remember what the Chairman of the Board of Trustees said about that?
Trevor Lawrence? Remember that?
And even retired BJU Bible Faculty member, David Beale, has been pretty outspoken.
So Timothy Martin, hats off to you. I think you've solved the puzzle: this is why Pettit's job is on the rocks. WutBJU has been warning the Board about this for four years.
It's unfortunate that you had to go to man-worship in your defense, but you're still wee. That's normal for a young person.
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wutbju · 6 years
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Here’s the listing of the 2018 Bob Jones University Board of Trustees 2018, Non-Profit Edition:
Dr. Dawn Akam, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Dr. Hantz Bernard (Vice Chairman), Chairman, Marketing and Development Committee Caledonia, Mich.
Dr. Gary Cobb, Middletown, Ohio
Mr. Ed Cone, Chairman, Finance and Audit Committee Birdsboro, Pa.
Dr. Sam Dawson, Allen Park, Mich.
Dr. Mike Harding, Chairman, Academic Committee Washington Township, Mich.
Dr. Joe Helm, Chairman, Personnel and Plant Committee Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Dr. Marty Herron, Guam
Dr. David Innes (Secretary), Daly City, Calif.
Pastor Shawn Kook, Davison, Mich.
Mr. Larry Jackson, Chairman, Student Life Committee Greenville, S.C.
Mr. Paul Kalmbach, Arlington, Ohio
Dr. John Lewis, Chairman, Davison, Mich.
Mr. Paul Matthews, Athens, Ga.
Mr. Jerry Morgan, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Steve Pettit, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Brian Priest, Perkasie, Pa.
Dr. Jean Saito, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Jerry Sivnksty, Starr, S.C.
Mr. Tim Stanley, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Bud Steadman, Decatur, Ala.
Mr. Gary Thompson, Buffalo, Mo.
Dr. Keith Wiebe, Barboursville, W.Va.
Dr. Bob Wilson, Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Bruce Woodworth, Knoxville, Tenn.
So the Voting Board for the Bob Jones University Board of Trustees has increased by 14%! 
Listen, gentlemen, the money’s not in college enrollment. The money is in Trustees!
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wutbju · 5 years
The rhetorical backflips fundamentalists have to do instead of just saying love your neighbor:
When the government asks or tells the church not to meet, they are not (necessarily) asking or telling the church to disobey God. Yes, the church is to meet regularly and by common consensus, weekly, but the church can fail to gather occasionally without rendering its members guilty of “forsaking the assembly.” Now if such a policy were made permanent or uniquely for churches, we would have a problem. This is not happening this week.
When the government asks or tells the church not to meet, they are not conflating the “two kingdoms” of God, or to be more Baptisty, violating the principle of the separation of church and state. In John Calvin’s words, the government is tasked with ascertaining that humanity be maintained among men. To that end, the government has every biblical right to enforce criminal codes and building codes and noise ordinances and child-safety measures in churches. In emergencies, they may even call upon pastors and assemblies to temporarily yield their properties, services, and even their “right peaceably to assemble” for the common good. This is what we are being asked to do this week. And, frankly, to be defiant in such circumstances is neither praiseworthy nor an act of courage.
While it is possible to temporarily “do church” without gathering, churches that permit or encourage this practice under ordinary circumstances are churches out of order. It is true that some of the elements of regular worship can occur remotely (the sermon comes to mind, and some of the more “teachy” aspects of discipleship), but not fellowship, corporate singing, the ordinances, and so forth. And if we don’t do these things, we are not rightly regarding the Lord’s body. An assembly is not an assembly if it never assembles!
This means that when we can’t assemble, we should dearly miss it. The Christian life has a great empty hole in it when we do not gather with God’s people, and we should make every effort and take creative measures to do so—if only electronically or in small numbers for the time being. [And by the way, dear friends, do remember that your church’s bills are still coming due, whether for operating expenses, missionary support, or your pastor’s paycheck.] Until we are able to get back with the whole assembly, we should borrow cues, analogically, from our OT brothers (with full realization that they did not constitute a church or go to church), yearning to be where God tells us to be, taking extraordinary measures to be there, and, if all else fails, opening our windows and praying, as it were, toward Jerusalem, with wistful, hopeful hearts that next week we will be back together (Ps 63; 122:1; Dan 6:10).
But the Michigan BJU orbit can’t stop the gymnastics. BJU Trustee and member of the Executive Committee, Hantz Bernard is beside himself.
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Since when did “individual soul liberty” take precedence over loving your neighbor, Hantz? Come on. Quit being prideful and selfish.
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ululafr · 7 years
Les bons plans de l'hiver ? - Est Républicain
Les bons plans de l'hiver ? Est Républicain La volonté commune de Frédéric Hantz et Bernard Serin de « rééquilibrer » l'effectif du FC Metz passe par un mercato hivernal réussi. Pour entretenir le petit espoir du maintien il s'agit de ne pas se tromper. Le 04/01/2018 à 05:00; Réagir Réagir ... FC Metz : les bons plans d'hiver ?Le Républicain Lorrain 4 autres articles »
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ululafr · 7 years
Les bons plans de l'hiver ? - Est Républicain
Les bons plans de l'hiver ? Est Républicain La volonté commune de Frédéric Hantz et Bernard Serin de « rééquilibrer » l'effectif du FC Metz passe par un mercato hivernal réussi. Pour entretenir le petit espoir du maintien il s'agit de ne pas se tromper. Le 04/01/2018 à 05:00; Réagir Réagir ...
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ululafr · 7 years
FC Metz : les bons plans d'hiver ? - Le Républicain Lorrain
FC Metz : les bons plans d'hiver ? Le Républicain Lorrain La volonté commune de Frédéric Hantz et de Bernard Serin de « rééquilibrer » l'effectif du FC Metz cet hiver passe par un marché des transferts réussi. Pour entretenir le petit espoir du maintien, il s'agit de ne pas se tromper. Le 03/01/2018 à 05:05 ...
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