#Hanzi 2023 Bipolar Coaster BipolarCoaster Howard Stern Show wrestling WWE AEW Conspiracies Dumb down smart people random thoughts
hanzi83 · 1 year
Jerry Springer Like Society
It is one of these being written late at night/early in the morning because there are always topics that fuel me and I get to carried away having these thoughts and envisioned conversations in my head about how to explain my fucking point and then when all of these ideas and potential rants I want to go on, I become unfulfilled with not being able to jot all these thoughts down and by the time I want to write shit down, I might not feel as fueled, so I know before I go into this diatribe, it will be another case of scattered brain shit plus I have to put disclaimers that not everything I write or say is an official fact, I will admit I take patterns that I see over and over and then try to analyze that shit even if my style is not for everyone but the inspiration for this blog is the legacy of Jerry Springer and I remember I was never fully into it, because it felt like even more of a parody then the show that parodied it, you know that show Night Stand with the cohost Dick Deidrick, but I would watch here and there, I used to actually dig it when they had some genuine shit on there but even as a wrestling fan back then, which is funny me saying this, but this was way too over the top and transparent for my taste.  So I was reminded of different clips, any fandom you are part of online, Jerry Springer was involved in some way with all of them, so it is like twitter does a best of the show or celebrity and post it online as we sit there as sitcom characters reminiscing as the clip concludes but then you have  some people calling out Springer for what he helped normalize, because for some reason some people think normalizing and catering to the racism, misogyny, homophobia is completely okay and you shouldn’t get in trouble for tasteless shit because it is just entertainment, and I used to have that mind frame, and I don’t just align with any establishment liberal who will make that point while doing their own shit that is dirty because everyone in the system has some baggage that will be used against them. Anyways, I am seeing all these clips of him and forgot how over the top and really edgy it was, or at least perceived edginess because it doesn’t seem like the establishment’s type of entertainment despite being the establishment itself, but we are not supposed to point that shit out. So the reason why I wanted to attempt to write something competent about this, I don’t think it is going too well because anytime I attempt to sound like I am smart, it always backfires. I don’t think I am smart in the traditional sense and that is fine but we as a society give ourselves a pat on the back for not being like the entertainment was in the late 90’s and early 2000’s because we clean up the actual television and movies and normally when the establishment might embrace diversity or inclusion, moreso diversity more so than inclusion, it is normally meant for the other system shills online to manipulate the narratives to gain favor for the elite and trying to make people more regressive. But to me, my personal opinion is that the entertainment we have consumed over the last 30 years have manifested into our reality where we are the reality show, the entire show is sports entertainment. It has elements of Howard Stern Show, Jerry Springer and WWE. Now this is where it gets tricky because there are countless examples and angles I can connect with this,  I don’t compile information of what is put out there because it becomes too much for my brain to retain, I normally learn about shit and think when I need the information, magically I can think of it and suddenly the mental state unloads a bunch of information, they extract it. I will fully admit I am not the smartest person on this planet, and it has become clear when you look at the decisions I have made for the majority of my life. But the thing is when I proclaim I am someone who has been dumbed down and didn’t know how to think, most people would feel embarrassed and are afraid to feel vulnerable because as soon as you show any weakness, the never ending vultures who scout shit, will pile on and drive you crazier. But the reason why I can state this and not give a shit as much about how people, at this point, will perceive me is because I can admit that I have been easily manipulated like a lot of people,  because if I was born into this world and didn’t want to seem less than smart, I would go with what society or the media told me, because these people are experts, but if you asked me “Can you explain why earth is round” I could regurgitate the scientist shit that I have heard repeated and even if that is true, I am only siding with it because that is the fact, which is why if someone else comes along and uses shoddy science or some alternate shit, people will then gravitate, people who gravitate from ideology to ideology,  are people who are in the same boat as me and don’t know how to express it because it is easier to seem like you are with the smartest people but still not knowing. If I had to force a pop culture reference, and since I am not up to date with the latest pop culture shit, but a lot of us feel like Joey from Friends when his smarter friends are talking about history etc, so we have to buy an encyclopedia so we can seem smart. And there are genuine people who do want to educate people but a lot of them from what I see, don’t have patience for people being stupid but it is like why would you want to be a thought leader and an educator if you can’t deal with people asking you a lot of questions, and sometimes I think these purity test mother fuckers out there enjoy having the knowledge and you savor it but then if someone says stupid shit then you want to just shit on them. I am talking about funded accounts, actual genuine people who legit don’t know any better and I can empathize with that, but a lot of the propped up figures on social media and online are more my issue because those people are definitely paid to act fucking dumb while not wanting to be bothered since they have to pose an expert but you don’t want your kayfabe broken. This is how I view this entire discourse world we live in. And sometimes I feel like smart people who boast about it nonstop, don’t even know how to explain shit to a dumbed down person, being smart should make you realize you might need to dumb it down to get the message to the masses. But then again what do I know,  I am not exactly smart so I should just expect you to know all the answers. 
So when I think about shit like the Jerry Springer show, and people thinking we are in a better society today than yesteryear, it becomes laughable, but if you don’t focus on specific individuals and you actually  look at all in a grand view, you can’t see how our world is like the Jerry Springer show, Howard Stern Show, or Sports entertainment. Jerry Springer would have the most random and low brow storylines, and that literally gets propped up and we established the villains, and we let the villain run amok until Jerry has to reveal we got an opinion from that person’s family member or friend and now we have that with a lot of the villains, like we have Elon Musk and Tim Pool playing villains then we then bring out someone from their life to expose them for being hypocrites and they don’t care, Steven Crowder working an angle where him treating his wife like shit, and having that long list on his resume of what he has done that makes him a hypocrite. I know we are supposed to call the villains out but you are willing to lie to your base and act like this is not what Crowder wanted exposed, what exactly is gonna happen to the fucking guy? Nothing. He might leave the publication he is part of but he will rebrand. But how do we in society not see that we are manifesting shit and making our world a fucking entertainment reality show. People online want to be the studio audience and hopefully they will have Jerry come to their side in the audience to ask a question or make an edge lord comment, people are constantly boasting about how progressive shit is but it feels like we are regressing and we don’t realize it. We constantly have people say dumb shit for the studio audience online to laugh at how stupid this person is, and we then make them the star, we take the concept of the marketing behind William Hung and amplified that shit on some energy drink that some MMA person is promoting mixed with the cocaine stash from most of these billionaire mixed with some super serum and we have repeated it, and everyone wants to do viral shit even if they are taking L’s, because it creates nonstop profited off discourse. It will keep going over and over. The guest on the talk show who doesn’t have anything positive to say other than screaming shit out would represent what MTG is kind of doing in these hearings and it will get worse, and one day soon there will be violence in these sports entertainment places the same way you see on that Jerry Springer show, there will be another mentally ill and disabled people going viral so we can make them modern day wack packers. And we really have to be on this high horse about being better than the previous generations. I have never seen an era be so forced to cater to people who consumed edgy entertainment and didn’t get to live out their fantasies so now they are in west world where they are living out their fantasy of what they want to become. It just puts it in perspective how much this world is literally manifested entertainment. We have used that power plus there could be prominent funding for shit like this. And the people who introduce these people to the public sphere have to cut all ties so they don’t have to admit they cosigned the entertainment, like how Vlad TV will shit on Charleston White, why do people who end up getting platformed by him ending up having this negative trajectory. We don’t want to realize our entertainment has been funded by government agencies. I feel when we take situations about the sports entertainer and their resume as the defining issue of the systemic problem, it feels like it gets more coverage than actual people who are not as known, or don’t have that clout, so we tell ourselves we are holding these people accountable but then it always goes to the entertainment portion because we need nonstop comedy because this world hasn’t had enough of that, you can’t even be funny in the most realistic and genuine way now, you have to cater to different sides, the right wing will only think whatever they agree with will be funny and same with certain sections of the left, they are willing to throw their guard whenever a celeb is showing liberal leaning bias but we don’t think that is possible for the normalized right wing behavior. 
That is why when someone like Lance Storm, who chimes into the wrestling takes to downplay racism in WWE and use the justification of bad tasting television is not illegal, but wouldn’t there be some case if there was consequences for someone who pushed back against these racist stereotypes, I am not specifying Lance as a main example, but his was the most recent tweet from him to defend WWE from tasteless television, like people like him want credit for acting like they denounce that kind of thing but then don’t see how racist stereotypes were implemented into the systemic programming, kind of like a systemic initiation, of having to get hazed, but now the talents themselves might not do it. That’s why these companies probably hire social media personalities to do the mental hazing by constantly creating chaos and bullying other cogs and pretend that cog is the real villain because they are famous, while these other shit head cogs are being funded by the billionaires, that is what my trolls used to do it me, they think they could prod a mentally unstable person being fucked with, and because I know there is more behind just basic trolling and it is designed to drive me insane by mocking me and bringing up how the show treats me, they want an extreme reaction and I would give it to them and they act like they are the victims because they are the “customer” so they are always right, but when they are given incentive to do that shit. So how can I not think this tasteless entertainment that has spiraled into the personal lives of these people is not rooted in government propaganda or fundamentalist mafia level shit, that is why they limit the offense for WWE, because we will all just laugh at the racist ideas, some will love them and some will mock the idea of how shitty these are, but I guess the wrestling community can only recognize government propaganda when it comes from Saudi Arabia, that is a a western speciality, that shit can only be problematic and agenda filled if it comes from a foreign entity or maybe something to with a liberal agenda. Then for some reason you throw hip hop under the bus before any other entertainment as the most destructive entertainment out there. If we actually explained the possibilities of what kind of shit these institutions organize and partake in, the conversation would be a little bit different, you notice how the conversation around this racist fiasco with WWE isn’t to have characters to counter this shit and actually have more substance, actually allowing performers in kayfabe to acknowledge this industry has ties to racism, misogyny, homophobia, and some of the homophobia implemented is from other closeted self hating human beings who would rather use his power to generalize and alienate a community because they don’t want to look inward that they are that way. Like if you are closeted, nothing wrong with it because maybe you don’t want to deal with scrutiny but when it comes from people who are powerful and have a Tony Soprano complex, and you are not dealing with your issues and you use it to punish people, then yeah some shit needs to be fucking analyzed. We still live in a very misogynistic world within wrestling, where the effort is put toward purposely sabotaging women in particular, because the discourse is now the storyline if more sports entertainment accounts who are posing as experts to tell you why women don’t deserve more time or more character development. WWE/AEW shills will shit on someone like Trinity for going to Impact, maybe someone wants to have some good creative before they sign to a big company again, plus acting like Impact and other smaller companies are not feeder systems to the bigger companies is hilarious, so they know she will eventually go there but the shills have to even sabotage that shit because they are hateful she isn’t going there fast enough, why should any woman want to go if these are the kind of shills the system has hired, like these people play with other people’s careers and the only women they do back, are ones they have personal relationships with or maybe they stop by at their group chat so the deviants can act horny on main for them. Especially when that is how some people who are shills market the women solely because they don’t have any ideas on how to create compelling women characters. Impact isn’t always the best booked show, but they have more character development for people there than what AEW does, because instead of using this time where talent is not all there as far as big male names, they wouldn’t dare take a chance to get more women storylines and character development on the show. Even with this Collision and Dynamite storyline, this is not gonna be something to make talent better, it will be fueled by the sports entertainers online to relive Smackdown vs Raw and basically declare Dynamite with Elite/BCC the Triple H brand and Collision with CM Punk, the Smackdown 6 brand. The effort is put into rebooting that shit instead of coming up with better ways to use the women properly. Like what are AEW shills gonna write for Trinity that will be compelling more so than what Impact does for her? She has a big ass? More worked shoot shit with Britt Baker? The effort goes into creating more problems than actually coming up with solutions. Attitude era brain has ruined a lot of people, because now instead of saying that on a grand view, there are big plans, we have to make it seem the filler is filled with down time so we create more discourse, like why would you want all these wrestlers to do attitude era shit where they all interact and you blow through matches, like I am glad someone like Joe is not interacted with Bryan or Punk etc, because those moments shouldn’t just be throwaways. We are putting more effort into watering shit down like the attitude era than we are for solutions for booking errors that don’t need to actually exist, they have been made to exist. Like wanting a new TBS champion because maybe the current one has not been booked the best and maybe the whole undefeated streak and being the only champion will put hindrance on her career growth if the character doesn’t deal with struggle and becoming more aggressive and meaner since the streak will be done. So when people don’t have any other booking ideas other than just keep her undefeated, I really don’t think those kinds of people actually care for the actual division and how to grow it but they just want their favorite to have super Cena booking. You have to remember other employed accounts online will only back you up and cosign your matches etc if they get a piece of the action. It is like a fantasy league and when you have more people doing that, then how can any of these products grow, that shit has seeped into politics and other forms of entertainment. We are that exploitative with it. I know I am all over the place, but basically this is examples of how we want to keep patting ourselves on the back for thinking we are acting progressive but people with power have control to still disguise regression so it is constantly existing in the public sphere. I hate the notion of the dangerous shit that has been done in these industries, after shaming us after the Benoit shit where people were not used to the watered down nature etc, but then they start doing unsafe shit over the last decade and then the wrestlers ensure us they know better and they can handle it, people were alarmed by that Cody headshot back in 2019 and people were concerned, they tried to say it was gimmicked, and more of this shit became normal with unsafe shit, and people seem fine with it in the industry so now you trained the audience to embrace it, and now industry dipshits and ones affiliated are gonna blame the fans solely when none of you can blame the billionaire masters who run this shit, did the fucking fans decide to turn Darby vs Jeff Hardy into a hardcore match, when it could’ve been fine as a normal match and it did have stakes to it in that it was for the Owen Hart cup? I didn’t realize the bloodthirsty fans were the ones who had the power to book that match, was it the bloodthirsty fans who didn’t know how to set  fucking table properly for a spot that fucked up Ana Jay’s neck? No, it was the people running it. Yeah you can get mad at shit head fans who are bloodthirsty much like how society was when shows like Jerry Springer were around, but the system encourages that kind of shit. 
I know people think I am trying to come off as a savior or some shit. I am not a fucking savior but it doesn’t mean I have to go about life doing the cookie cutter shit that everyone ends up doing once they get their gigs and access. It feels like society with our favorite entertainment was fueled by that but now are expanding on that shit, which is why this Jerry Springer shit made really think, and now I can’t stop because I am writing fucking blogs that probably don’t make any sense. The ironic thing is people think I will be running my mouth and I think I will never suffer any consequences for things I put out there, even with the disclaimers, but this is how one dimensional everyone’s view is to think punishment should only come in physical form, but the reason I have been able to reflect and go off on the things I have gone off on, is because I was punished and made to look like a complete failure. I am not declining that I am not to blame on some level, I will take some of the accountability but the system by nature destroys people, and they never have to take any accountability, they embrace people who will give up their leverage and put it all on them because the system is not expected to take any responsibility despite encouraging and organizing shoddy behavior. I have been punished, you know how sick in the head some of these powerful people have to be to hate me so much for not selling my soul at the right time, because I had a fucking conscience, where now they get int people in my life’s ear and make me rely upon them so I am treated as a child living his parents basement, not allowed to find work in the entertainment industry at all, people you know making backdoor deals, me being brought out with no social leverage where I had to take past friends shit of having a better life, being in better positions of vacations, weddings, hanging out with celebs etc all to be rubbed in my face and putting me through purity tests and then these people can pretend they never did anything mean because they helped me out or invited me to limited gatherings. You don’t think that was an incentive given from higher up in the world. Different people with platforms who are connected would also use me for their shows and treat me like a guineapig, I know because Bully Ray basically runs that show now, but me being a high profiled caller on Stern Show helped Busted Open get on the fucking map, and even with good radio, they started doing their Howard Stern shit, and the funny thing is Bully Ray would shit on me at the behest of Stern, and Stern wouldn’t even admit he knows the guy and he would generalize your profession, and no one in that world would ever say shit to him about it. I have had other trolls and other alt media platforms try to recreate Howard Stern level shit and they thought I would embrace it because someone who was famous can’t handle not being relevant, and yes I have not been able to handle it well since fame became a fucking drug, but now I am at the point where I don’t give a shit if I make it ever. I could die a pathetic person, but you mother fuckers will never heal properly being in that fucking world. You know how horrible this entire world would have to be if my solution and desire is to opt for assisted suicide, because if the world has a bright future instead of a really fucked up fundamentalist dystopian nightmare, maybe I wouldn’t want to be dead. That is how horrible the world is getting. But don’t say  I don’t suffer consequences, I have taken mental abuse after mental abuse for so fucking long and guess what, at the end of it all, these trauma and this suppression and my ultimate demise doesn’t count on the purity test for me to be seen as someone who should get vindication. Maybe if I decided to go more right wing, some of the people could boost up my trauma and get me vindication but then I would have to support regressive shit but I am so desperate to get some empathy for my trauma, one would think I would do that, which is why people who have been fucked with from a powerful person, they had to cosign with some of the right wing and some of the post left people, because if that person still didn’t like what the right wing was doing and didn’t want to blindly defend Putin, none of those would give a shit. So people who don’t think I suffer any consequences, you can eat shit because sooner or later when the system screws you over and they will, I hope no one believes you the same way no one believes me and let’s see if that is not really suffering like it isn’t suffering when it comes to what I have been through. People in my position normally are so tortured mentally they don’t know how to articulate it properly. They are afraid of how it might sound, but when you are immune to people thinking you are crazy, you feel a bit more comfortable. I didn’t decide to be a discredited conspiracy theorist, you bestowed that upon me so I would not be taken seriously but you don’t like how I can weaponize it back? So punishing me in this regard where I am a red flag person that can’t be interacted with to keep me isolated locally but also now not having a “fan base” so I am alone and miserable with my own thoughts, is not considered punishment enough for people, because the “smart” shills of the system will still dumb down the game and not talk about how advanced it all is. So all my issues have to be seen as an only me issue that no one helped orchestrate, I have taken blame for shit I haven’t done, if you followed my fucking journey over the last 15 years you know what mind space I have been in for periods in my life and you have seen me come out smarter each time from it. Trust me there is someone out there dedicated to monitoring your every movie and having it on record so they can use it against you later, which is why some of these shills have become agents that are being forced into being a hypocritical mess. 
At the risk of sounding even more stupid. I want to give my thought process so you can get the perception of the dumbed down guy so maybe some of you in smart positions can educate mentally ill conspiracy theorists like me, since you all want to be thought leaders and pretend you are smarter than everyone. Is this Green New Deal shit good or bad? Now if you know all the answers already, you are gonna shake your head and maybe copy and paste this to someone to make fun of in a text message or something. When it comes to the environment, I recognize it is one of the most important issues on the planet but it is one of the most boring topics on the fucking planet. Back when I was a cookie cutter conspiracy theorists, people would limit narratives and conspiracy framing, like “If MSM says Climate Change is real and dangerous, then we have to say that it doesn’t exist or it is not happening” like there isn’t more nuanced thought that go to expand upon it. Like I explained before because I don’t understand science and only believe what the scientists say and I will just repeat their talking points, if someone comes to me with other alternate facts, I am going to start leaning over there because that person might have credibility to me now since he questioned 9/11 which apparently you are not allowed to do, but for some reason you can still piece together that Saudi Arabia had something to do with it, but wouldn’t US still having relations with them and presidents cozying up them wouldn’t that still be just as much a justification to think it is an inside job, but okay whatever but I am noticing now that we all agreed that the green new deal would be a good solution, I don’t know how since I am dumb as shit but I am listening to people on the left tell me how good it is, so now that I know TYT is slowly moving more to the right and you have Ana Kasparian pushing back against it because of some examples of how regular people can’t afford those kinds of vehicles or stoves etc, now as a dumbed down person who consumed their media, I would be like “Okay I guess I have to kind of be suspect of the green new deal now beause a fair ‘leftist’ in Ana Kasparian is pushing back at it” now if I knew about this shit, maybe I could get my own answers but am I to believe she is lying and buying into sensationalized right wing talking points or was elements of the green new deal suspect, and it was designed to get pushback, but it was also a way for people like TYT to contine to find a way to pivot more to the right wing. See I am asking as a dumbed down person, this is how I process the information and guess what, there are lot of other dumbed down people who probably feel like I feel, but they are hanging out with different political minds who are repeating talking points, and those points could be true, but they wouldn’t exactly know themselves. See this is why we live in an era where people know the world is imploding and they all want to partake in the conversation and they think because one show is credible, that everything they say has to be credible so you will agree with them despite taking in propaganda. This is how my whole life has been and the reason I bought into various amounts of propaganda. This is why I don’t want to be here because I know I will be susceptible to that shit because propaganda will keep sophisticating itself and come in all shapes and forms in the future. Like I am not saying you shouldn’t call out democrats for the shit that is happening but when I feel people in powerful positions know where the world is going and they gimmick how they are “fair” then I know that they could be easing their way to come into the right wing because ultimately the right wing trajectory that exists in the system will get their official face for what represents them, which is someone like a DeSantis or Trump. But even that political shit is become its own Jerry Springer show, because if the world is supposed to implode and that is the intention of it, all of the shit being said on the surface is filler until we just get there so someone is gonna say some stupid shit that will get dunked on while the people dunking on establishment people are now collaborating with Christian fundamentalists because on the surface they said some anti war shit. The system by design is making it obvious of what they are doing, but people online and alternate media are acting like they are the only ones pointing out corruption and hypocrisy and that act used to have legit organic shit behind it maybe 10-15 years ago, but now it has become another personality trait that someone says so you don’t question their credibility. I can’t question Aaron Mate because Jimmy Dore wears a stupid hat and talks down to me about how he is an award winning journalist. Well guess what Owen Hart stole a slammy when he was supposed to present for best bowtie. Like 10-15 years ago, if you told me the US wants people too support Ukraine and get behind this war, but since then people have exposed how these wars in Iraq etc were illegal wars, and this was designed to be put out there as a narrative, because while we think they are running the same playbook and they are making it more obvious etc, but what if the playbook advanced, because people think that Putin has invaded US democracy and that is the only way that he can be evil in Us Imperialist eyes, but what if my conspiracy theory is that a bunch of neocons and neolibs, who present a pro wrestling country vs country aesthetic, are actually the ones influencing Putin, but the internet thinks they are awoken to this because we recognize the aesthetic of the Iraq war shit, personally I think the US is funding both sides, and the democrats don’t care about the inconsistencies when you bring up other people who are suffering from oppressive regimes, it is kind of like you want to us to not support this shit and end up supporting who the neocons support which is far right wing people in different countries. I am not saying it is true, but I am also allowed to critically think against some of the people in alt media who have shown they dumbed shit down and echo the sentiments of Tucker Carlson being the only anti war guy. Again I am a dumbed down guy who isn’t take seriously but how dare I question alt media, I must be a fucking MSM shill, even though I thnk their shit has been fucking whack for a long fucking time, but that whole value of the MSM now only relies on it for storylines like RJK getting censored for vaccine opinions, because other funded media and accounts on all social media platforms are not gonna talk about it at all, I won’t hear about this on Bill Maher’s show whatsoever right. People have really made it seem like they are all calling out shit when it is just faction warfare taking place.
Even with the AI conversation, if I am of the belief technology has always been advanced and science has been way more advanced, then what makes these accidents with technology more scary is that we have manifested entertainment so much that we are making the narrative of all the crazy shit that is about to happen because of AI when it is most likely that people controlled this to happen, AI could be stopped but they are promoting it now as a big scary thing when the last decade a bunch of the shit you saw or heard has probably been something to do with AI. I used to think it is impossible for artists to go out and do as much shit as they are doing and having the time for all these records, so what is stopping them from thinking the music of the last 10 years was AI as well? Would that be so farfetched? By the way until someone gets Drake to sing Eminem’s Kim, I won’t be sold on it, you gotta do a little better than fucking up Biggie’s original flow so he can flow like Nas on NY State of Mind. I am starting to think Eminem doing that 2pac album was him testing the grounds with AI and completely fucking it up because he was not as experienced. I even think Eminem’s revival is now an AI album, I bet that is where the discourse will go next, that we will find out some of the best albums was all AI done, so now it takes away from their legacy. Imagine if you found out to Pimp a Butterfly was all done by AI, the Drake fans are gonna have a field day and then the Kendrick fans will do a “THIS YOU?” to Drake because we will find out his entire career he has been doing AI music. Am I blowing your mind right now? I know this blog is all over the fucking place, but I did want to get some other thoughts, but I don’t know how to segue into a new topic after I just potentially destroyed potential fandoms spirits with the possibility of their favorites having AI being done for them. Now I am starting to think that Rap God shit by Eminem was also AI. But everything has become a scandal for online shit because we need the kayfabed shit of discovering shit that when it is being permitted to be known so it changes the narrative of shit. Like the information of DeSantis’ surgeon general gimmicking stats so to add to the anti vaccine narrative could’ve been put out there, the fact that isn’t as much being talked about than how the right wing would with Hunter Biden’s laptop, that is why I was never against regular people who were couldn’t get vaccinated and had their reasons etc, I was not gonna be an elitist but there are people who are online and television who are paid to be anti vaccine but we think the money and funding goes to the pro vaccine shit, the right wing has shit handed to them because all you have to do is show people in the system were being shady about something so that person who was exposing the truth gets to be trotted out on alt media about being silenced despite everyone talking about them. Like exposing how Fox News etc has dossiers on people, Howard Stern kind of exposed what high profile celebs do where they get people to build dossiers on people who would report on them to have their lives ruined, but now because it is Tucker Carlson, now it is a bigger deal, I know closet right wingers parading around as the opposite will get mad at me but it is like they are taking the CM Punk method with Tucker Carlson, at least in their booking. The only victim that matters from getting fucked over. I have seen this act with Howard Stern before, and now everyone eats off of that shit. The people who cheerlead Tucker act like he was Austin in 98 going against McMahon. Our entire lives now have turned into this circuit where there is more effort into introducing these characters knowing they are gonna exist in the discourse, and the only thing people on the left have socially is to laugh at the self owning when they are proven to bring a fucking hypocrite. Nothing is gonna happen to that SF fire commissioner who got attacked by a homeless dude but then we got twists and turns of the reveal he was spraying homeless people and was caught on camera, it is like a new way to expose someone but still doing it in a Jerry Springer like way, they are introducing you to these villains, there was a cop exposed of sexually abusing 200 children, I never see any of the “I AM CONCERNED FOR MY KIDS BECAUSE OF DRAG SHOWS”  talk about that, because they only exist to be regressive and they can’t even cop to the fact they sold their soul, they have to act like they are keeping it real by falling for sensationalist shit, but to tie this back into the Jerry Springer shit, we literally created that in modern times while people act like they are condemning it. Kyle Rittenhouse is gonna be a fucking star and we think this is the only example of this happening to. We will boo him and hiss at him, but he is protected by the right wing so while we have pretended we have made the actual fiction we consume seem more progressive, it is like all the script writers and comedy writers are now booking this discourse, the real life WWE, Jerry Springer Show, the new Howard Stern show but with real life consequences of people losing their lives and all for the exploitation because we can’t admit as a society we have a entertainment problem. Sorry I know a lot of you want to recreate the Friends intro with your faction, so this might be hard for you to really take all of this in. Most people probably checked out, but sometimes I think when I used to write, I didn’t know what my identity was really because I was trying to be too much from what I was influenced by but the last few years I have found my identity and I can articulate a bit better than I could before, and I see the world the way I see it, not everyone has to agree with me but for some reason when they don’t agree with me, they get scared that other people might read this and agree. People have looked down upon me for so fucking long that even people from my past think they can undermine me even if they pretend to respect me, a lot of people have gotten worse over time and for some reason it is a big nope from people if I start analyzing everything and everyone in the only way I know how. My words leave scars apparently because if you hate me, you will hate me for not being able to write, or me being a conspiracy theorist, me being someone who is pointing out flaws in society, hate that I am trying to put my thought process out there etc, take your fucking pick, and when you hate me, you will then enact more shit to fuck with me in the future and the best part is you think no one will know, but since I know what a lot of you with power are capable of, you will still hate me because your mind is so poisoned you will opt revenge for making you think and reflect so you will use resources to make me feel more miserable or used advanced ways to fuck with me and don’t worry no one will believe me, so you guys can keep doing it because that is what people who are sociopathic in the system will do. But at least if I have to take that shit, I know my words at least got to you even if you want to admit it or not, you have to act high and mighty for your faction, they can’t see their leaders look weak, even though we are all weak to some degree, but I don’t have a faction to cater to, so I am allowed to be vulnerable and open about my thought process because I know what vulture like people act like when they sense weakness, it actually exposes you a lot more. And if this is all in my head and I am irrelevant, then maybe the forest that this blog resides in will be only meant for the trees and leaves to see and it is for no one else’s eyes. The very least, some powerful people might be impressed with this and they might talk about it, so other cogs in the system will be jealous of it, so they will start amplifying some creative output that will get direct results of getting boosted up. Did I give that away too? Another reason to hate me.
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