#Harald Atmanspacher
averycanadianfilm · 1 year
The science of physics has been extremely successful over the last four centuries, mainly for one reason: It does everything it can to disregard anything that has to do with non-physical parts of reality. Although the human body is a physical body, large parts of what distinguishes human beings, sometimes briefly called the human condition, does not belong to the physical domain. This implies that physics (and other sciences of the material universe) offers nothing more than self-imposed helplessness when it comes to questions as to what it means to be human. Yet it is possible to scrutinize the way in which physics (and other sciences) is delineated from the rest of reality: to reconsider its boundaries as they were set about four centuries ago. In other words, it is possible to look for features within the physical that are related to something outside the physical which physics itself ignores. The key concept to do so is proposed to be meaning, in its two variants of reference and sense. Meaning provides a viable perspective to illuminate the deep structure of reality as it extends beyond physics and across its boundaries.
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axel-b-c-krauss · 2 months
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Harald Atmanspacher - "Hidden Side of Wolfgang Pauli" - Quotations
Harald Atmanspacher – “Hidden Side of Wolfgang Pauli” – Quotations
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When the twenty-year-old Pauli delivered a five pound manuscript, Max Born (1921) wrote to Albert Einstein, full of praise: “This little chap is not only clever but industrious as well.” ~Harald Atmanspacher, Hidden Side of Wolfgang Pauli, Page 2
Whoever studies this mature and grandly composed work would not believe that the author is a man of twenty-one. One…
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