bonefall · 8 months
How do the clans react when the truth comes out that Harespribg and Breezepelt were part of Firestar's assassination Squad?
I'm still figuring out when to exactly deploy the info, but the Impostor is going to use it to break Harestar's fucking kneecaps
Harestar became deputy in Nightcloud's Pannage, replacing Crowfeather's Trial. A major component of this choice was that it was thought he was... well, a good boy.
The he never involved his apprentice in the training, he was always reliable, never did anything too terrible, backed out the minute it came to violence in the Battle of the True Eclipse...
He was trusted. Thought he was reliable. Looked into the darkness and hated what he saw.
This paired with his plan with Heathertail to rescue cats from The Kin, and how generally agreeable he is as a leader, preferring diplomacy... it makes him popular. He was thought to have good judgement.
And it is that "track record" that allowed him to very boldly bring his mate, Breezepelt, back into WindClan after how many times Breezepelt had forsaken it.
So, naturally, he's going to end up opposing the Impostor.
Probably not at first, going along with what they think StarClan is telling them to do and listening to his brother, Kestrelflight...
But it's inevitable. Harestar will not go along with this madness forever. He's shocked by Bristlefrost's execution, and is sickened by the idea of being so hard on Codebreakers.
Especially when Breezepelt, eventually, is one of the more furious and outspoken cats. The polycule is expecting their first litter right around now, and Breezepelt cannot handle the idea of his children growing up in this world.
If Hare and Heather won't stand up for what's right-- he will.
SO basically; The impostor is going to use this bit of information to destroy Harestar. The MINUTE he opposes him, it's going to very conveniently "drop." It's a helpful bit of information he can use to try and set Heathertail against her mates, damage Harestar's credibility, and re-ignite Clanwide condemnation of Breezepelt.
I still haven't figured out EXACTLY when that is, but it's definitely after Bristlefrost's gruesome death. I might also have it drop before any battle that ThunderClan has with WindClan, specifically to make Lionblaze (or any other Firekin) furious enough to kill Harestar on purpose.
To answer your directly; The Clans are furious. Everyone is angry. Harestar is leader and he did it while holding the truth away from them the whole time.
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bonefall · 1 year
Lakeheart watching her Bestie and co-parent Hallowflight be so painfully oblivious meanwhile WIndclan just thinks Leaftail really hates Hallowflight when he's two seconds away from punching him with his mouth
Breezepelt: "and here i was thinking I had problems."
Heathertail: "be fucking nice to yourself"
Breezepelt: "im not sayin' anything about myself, I'm sayin' he's a little bitch and I like that he's the weirdo now. Anyway how long do you think it'll take for them to--"
Harestar: "Three months. Which reminds me, Heathertail, you should rally the construction patrol to clean up the nursery."
Heathertail: "Pff, seriously?"
Harestar: "Better to have and not need than need and not have."
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bonefall · 1 year
can we have some random trivia for HeatherHareBreeze? Im weirdly attached to that ship now tbh
Behold. The thems. A summary of the Hare/Heather/Breeze polycule.
Something overlooked about canon is that Breezepaw begged Crowfeather to let him say goodbye "to his friends" and was shot down
So I have interpreted this to mean that Breeze is actually a total ride or die little fella for his buddies
That was the reason why so many WindClan cats were in the Dark Forest. He was the RINGLEADER
By the way-- I am writing Breezepelt with BPD in mind. Him, Cinderheart, and Squirrelflight. He often sorts people into broad, unhealthy categories-- BAD or GOOD
But anyway I could talk about BB!Breezy-P all day
Bottom line is, these three were TIGHT. They're the three warrior apprentices of Lake WindClan in Po3 and were always getting in trouble together
Heatherpaw got them into digging holes. Normal stupid teenager shit "let's make the deepest hole ever"
Harepaw got buried OOPS. Get tunnel'd idiot
Brushblaze was nearby enough to hear someone scream and helped pull Hare out
After three sets of teary eyes BEGGED him to not tell Onestar, he made them promise to come get him when they were digging deep enough that they couldn't dig back up.
He's an ex-solver from BloodClan and can help them make sure they don't make an unstable hole
Bottom line is, the three of them go back a very long time, but I don't imagine it was even romantic back then. It was Heather And The Boys.
The Dark Forest drove a wedge between Heather and the boys, as she quickly realized that they may not have started with bad intentions, but cats like Mudclaw, Tigerstar, and Hawkfrost were BAD news and they were going to drag them all down too.
It wasn't worth it. Training with a REAL tunneler was the bait to lure her in like Tunnelbun crumbs for a hunted bird.
The wedge between Heather and the Boys became a wedge between the Boys when they all got their Dishonor Titles. Harespring --Darkseeker-- was working to atone. This meant disavowing his training, focusing on how he could help people, and seeking the things he could learn in his own Clan.
Breezepelt --Dodderheart--, took that badly. How dare Darkseeker start pretending like there was something to disavow! Onestar sucks! Crowfeather sucks! StarClan sucks! He'll do whatever it takes to get power and change things around here, get the respect he wants, but Breezepelt didn't learn his lesson at all
Darkseeker lost his Dishonor Title first, back to Harespring. Rottenheart decided he wasn't his friend anymore, just like Heathertail.
Dodderheart: "Everyone hates me except Furzepelt and Sunstrike! I'll bet they're all sitting around plotting against me right now!!"
Harespring: "aw this tunnelbun has a grumpy face like breezepelt lol"
Heather: "lol"
And so, as soon as he learned The Kin was looking for any cats who felt like the Clans had wronged them, misfits and rejects, he brought himself and his two supporters there. BIG mistake.
Mistake he spends the rest of his life regretting
Heather rightfully calls him on this when she ends up joining the Kin to learn more about her brother Darktail. "This is all garbage you put in your head! Crowfeather is a dick, and so is my dad, but you shoved me, and Hare, and even your stupid half siblings or whatever into some ridiculous narrative about how evil and hated you are! We LOVE you, can't you see that?!"
"YOU'RE the one who's blind! I killed Firestar, I tried to kill them, and only now with Darktail am I finally-"
"Being used AGAIN. He's using you. Just like Tigerstar when he wanted to get rid of Firestar."
"...thats not true you're l-lying"
"You're always being used, Breezepelt."
"No I'm not! Darktail's my friend and my leader! He sees the value in me, he says I'm going to do a lot for him, and without me the Kin wouldn't..."
Heather stares, unimpressed, before shrugging, "I'll still be here when you realize it. Will he?"
In the big breakout, Harespring is there to secure a tunnel for them all to escape with
I think it makes a good idea that it was a backup plan Heather had all along, and Hare was entrusted with making sure it was done by this day. Just in case Darktail turned out to be the lunatic they expected him to be
Brushblaze is going to go out here, too, collapsing the tunnel so they can't be followed. It's a really good end for him.
When Breezepelt comes back to WindClan, it is on their grace. Hare and Heather are both vouching on their honor that they will he responsible for his actions.
I imagine Harespring looked Onestar in the eyes when he did this. FULLY expecting to have to defend himself for working on a secret tunnel, losing Brushblaze, possibly losing his deputyship for LITERALLY undermining
But... Heathertail was saved. Breezepelt looks bedraggled and humbled, unlike what happened just about a year ago. Brushblaze made the ultimate sacrifice. Now is not the time to discuss this.
AVOS is just about to hit its climax; where Onestar steals Breezepelt's plan to drown killing Darktail.
But anyway, enough of the plot of Better Bones AVOS. Fluffy trivia time
Harestar eats his tunnelbuns like a beast. He bites clean through them, Heather and Breeze are always screaming about this
Harespring's personality is very mild, level headed, and thoughtful. He moves slowly when he's not in a hurry.
He can be pushed around under stress though. He doesn't like being under pressure for that reason, and tries to minimize situations where he's put on the spot.
In Clanmew his name is "Hare Will-Jump Up", it's a hare that thinks before it leaps.
Breezepelt appreciates how Harespring will reword things for him, when they work on communication together.
If Hare worded something in a way that set Breeze off, Breeze can just ask what he meant and Hare will say it a different way
When Harespring becomes Harestar, I like to think there are cats in the Clan who feel like Breeze is only here because of his wife and husband. And maybe he is, what're you gonna do about it? Cry?
Heather has an honest, curious personality. She likes to be respected for her intelligence and insight, being a smart person is something she values about herself.
She is not easily tricked and can be cutting if she smells bullshit. She will be rude if she thinks you're lying to her.
"Did you eat, Breep?" "Ye-" "no you fucking didn't go get food"
I don't see her as "nurturing" like others think, she's a militant carer and outgoing about what she believes to be the right thing
She's definitely the head of one of the patrols, probably Construction.
When kits come through in TBC, Breeze is the primary parent. Villain to mom pipeline
He doesn't hold a high rank in WindClan because he spent the majority of his life Being Breezepelt, and is accepting that he probably never will
And that's okay because he's currently the loyal Kitchen Head of MeadowClan and the kits have just gotten back from the harrowing death of Honeysucklestar but it's lunchtime
"Honeysucklestar too, being a corpse doesn't make you stop being hungry. Come on, up up up" Woodkit jumps up from her deathbed
Turns out he's better at caring for others than he is at caring for himself
He doesn't feel like he deserves this. Like love and happiness isn't something he should have, after everything he did and the people who are not here because of him
Yet, he persists. He's still here and, somehow, people think he's worth saving.
And maybe that's what matters. Making life better from this point forward, for everyone. In the ways he can.
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bonefall · 1 year
inch resting... a heather destroyed tunneling and a heather brought it back...
Man like... in Clanmew, I've made it so they have two different names. Common-heather-star, and Bell-heather-star.
If I was in charge of this ship and Better Bones wasn't a rewrite/au to rework canon, I would have given them the same suffix in Clanmew, and then conflict-rename Heathertail on purpose into Bellstar
As if she got a new name on becoming a leader, breaking out of Heatherstar's legacy, and became the softer, pollinator-friendly heather. Surrounded by friends and lovers, bringing back that which was once destroyed.
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones WindClan Family Tree: Draft 1
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[ID: The WindClan family tree for Better Bones. It's a color-coded chart of over 122 cats, with all of the cats alive as of the newest arc marked in green, and the 'progenitors' of each line marked in yellow.]
You may also want to see:
The Three Strict Rules
The Canon WindClan Diagnosis (for comparison)
For the past few days, I've been trying to make ends meet with this tree. WindClan's biggest problem is how very few cats it has in-canon, with the Erins practically forgetting an entire generation between Tallstar's Revenge and TPB. As a result, I had to make this thing nearly from scratch.
The result is before you; there are 122 cats on this chart at the moment! I've used Missing Kits to try and patch the "bald spot" in the timeline, but I admittedly did have to scrounge up a couple cats here. There are still no OCs on this tree, but some unnamed background characters have been given names.
(I am also watching authorial statements like a HAWK in the hopes they will drop more names I can use to pad out some of the single-kit litters, like Appledawn's single kid Adderstone there)
I also have tried to balance the size of this Clan with BB!ThunderClan's count by ASC. There's now a little over 30 cats in this Clan.
Most of these trees have renamings, removals, and a changelog-- this one's going to be a bit different. Below the cut, you will see Renamings, Reserves, and a Changelog.
RENAMINGS: Format: Old Name (Origin) -> New Name (Reason)
Stagleap (WC) -> Stagfur (conflict)
Robinwing (WC) -> Robinflight (conflict)
Gorsetail (Po3) -> Whintail (Serious conflict with a Gorsetail in the very next arc)
Hickorynose -> Chicorynose (ecological accuracy)
Tornear -> Torear (Minor change to prevent him from being born Tornkit)
"Brown Tabby Tom" (Fire and Ice) -> Sparrowspeck (unnamed)
Whitetail's first sibling (OSC) -> Blackfur (unnamed; will update to canon name when revealed)
Whitetail's second sibling (OSC) -> Grayfoot (unnamed; will update to canon name when revealed)
Eaglekit (SSMK) -> Eagleswoop (save)
Storkkit (SSMK) -> Storkfeather (save)
Quailkit (SSMK) -> Quailheart (save)
Downkit (SSMK) -> Downwind (save)
Hillkit (SSMK) -> Hillrunner (save)
Adderkit (Cats of the Clans) -> Adderstone (save)
Galekit (OSC) -> Galerunner (save)
Buzzardkit (Po3) -> Buzzardclaw (save)
Drizzlepaw (SSMK) -> Drizzlefall (save)
Rustlepaw (SSMK) -> Rustlebush* (save) = Suffix might change, I'm not satisfied with it
Cranberrypaw (SSMK) -> Cranberrysplash (save)
Milkfur (FQ) -> Milktooth (conflict)
Snapper (Ravenpaw's Path) -> Snapstorm (MASSIVELY repurposed.)
Brushpaw (OSC) -> Brushblaze (save/repurpose)
Quickpaw (CotC) -> Quickclaw (shuffle)
Thistlepaw (CotC) -> Thistleseed (shuffle)
Pricklekit (CotC) -> Pricklepelt (shuffle)
(SSMK = Su Susann's Missing Kits)
RESERVES: There weren't enough cats for me to even consider cutting any; instead, here are some extra characters from field guides and unnamed in the background who could possibly show up again.
"Tortoiseshell Queen" from Fire and Ice; may just be Quailheart or Storkfeather, if not, her name will be Ruffclaw
"Gray Tom" from Fire and Ice; if named, he will be called Chipstone.
Swiftstar, Dalestar, Thrushbreeze, and Larkstripe's unnamed honor sire are all characters in Ripplestar's Rot, but they're just a bit too far back to be relevant at the moment.
Hareflight (FQ) is from the same time period. If they show up again, their name will be Harefrost.
Whitetail from Tigerclaw's leader ceremony was a WindClan cat in BB; she doesn't show up to his ceremony in this story, but she could appear on the tree at some point. If she does, her name will be Whitetuft.
From Code of the Clans, I am holding onto; Pebblefur, Acorntail, Morningcloud, Cloversplash, and Gorseclaw who would be renamed to Whinclaw.
Several leaders and Clerics could appear if BB ever went further back than Ripplestar's Rot. Swiftfoot, Stonestar, Duststar, Dovestar, Featherstar, Fallowstar, Rabbitstar... plus Mudpuddle, an ancient deputy.
Wanderkit and Muddyclaw from the Adventure Game are from WindClan; but currently not needed
Brightheart's surrogate kittens, Ambermoon, Snowbush, and Dewnose. Some could show up here if needed.
NOTE: If any of these characters show up again in canon, or are confirmed by authorial statement to have a different name, I will abide by that and update accordingly (unless the name is, of course, a conflict).
CHANGELOG: I tell you why I did the things and also point out what's different
Because this Clan was so empty and full of orphan warriors, I was able to completely make it however I wanted.
I also tried to make sure that MODERN WindClan is still VERY clean. Most of canon's "orphan warriors" are totally capable of being mixed with just about anyone else who's around in WindClan.
This is so I can accommodate just about whatever the Erins throw at us... within reason of course. Never doubt the Erin's ability to ruin a family tree.
In BB, Sunstrike and Furzepelt have expanded roles and survive to at least TBC, so I decided they would get Slightfoot. They're the kind of girls who would raise a rebel like him.
Ryestalk has been moved out of the Mist/Hare family. I have more need for her as a clean cat; and a better story to tell of her being afraid of tunneling. Her mother, Leafshine, died in a collapse.
I wanted to find some sort of in-between cat for Pigeonflight and Cranberrysplash, but unfortunately, I ran out of cats. She is probably adopted; found abandoned.
Fernstripe might move around in the future; for now she is a later birth to CranberryxDrizzle. If she moves, it'll probably be to SunxFurze.
Whiskernose is older now because I reworked his purpose in the Dark Forest
Drizzlefall was initially Runningbrook's child. When she dies in TNP, Webfoot raised her alongside his own kid, Rustlebush. They are marked as siblings for that purpose.
Mudclaw and Whitewater of ShadowClan had an unimportant fling during the journey. They both agreed it was an honor siring and would be kept quiet-- but Whitewater became a supporter of his during the rebellion.
When Mudclaw was smote by StarClan, she felt that the kittens were cursed.
She contacted Torear and arranged for him to take his nespring, but the night of the meeting, a snowstorm tore through the Clans. She couldn't take the runt, else he would freeze.
So, she kept Owlclaw of ShadowClan, and Harestar and Kestrelflight went to WindClan.
Brushblaze and Snapstorm are both ex-BloodClan, they did trading with WindClan just after the BloodClan battle, when Tallstar and Firestar opened up peace talks with the defeated Scourge.
Hareheatherbreeze and the Onestar Drama
So of course, one of the bigger changes in BB is that Harestar, Heathertail, and Breezepelt are in a polycule. I did a LOT with this fix in mind.
Onestar is now a single kitten. In Clanmew, his prefix is "Ul-arra," a whole fraction.
This was an expression of grief, as his mother Larksplash died in childbirth, along with his siblings. Cloudrunner was distant, unfortunately never recovering from the ordeal.
Him and Larksplash were quite old to be having a litter, and they knew the risks, but Onestar always felt like Cloudrunner blamed him, in a way.
Eventually, he wanted to raise a child. Whitetail honor dammed for him, and offered open coparentage, but Onestar politely declined. It was known Whitetail was Heathertail's parent, but they weren't very close.
Probably through a shared grievance with Onestar and feelings of responsibility over Heather, Whitetail and Brushblaze became very close. They eventually had two kittens-- Smokekit and Galekit.
Onestar interpreted this as them both trying to tell him they knew about Smoke, slipping further into paranoia towards the end.
Heathertail LOVED the two of them right away.
Unfortunately, Brushblaze laid down his life saving Kin refugees, including Heathertail and Breezepelt, by collapsing an escape tunnel on top of himself.
Galerunner and Smokehaze were only a few months old at the time.
Hareheatherbreeze will be keeping Brindlewing, Appleshine, and Woodsong! Brindlewing was first, with Apple and Wood coming in a second litter.
Tallstar's Family
In Tallstar's Collapse, Talltail leaves WindClan for a long period of time. He wandered with Jake and his family of nomads, eventually finding foundling kittens and deciding to adopt them with him.
But, eventually, he couldn't resist the pull of homesickness, and the desire to try and fix things in WindClan. He tried to leave the family he'd made behind-- but Fly followed him.
Talltail, naively, believed that Fly would remain innocent. That the kid would be above the battle culture of the Clans. He was wrong.
Fly became a ferocious warrior, even competing with him for the deputy position. If Talltail hadn't been quick or keen enough to kill an adder that was going for Heatherstar's grand-nephew, Flytail may have become leader of WindClan.
The kit was named Adderkit for this event, later becoming Adderstone.
Flytail, his mate Eagleswoop, and one of his daughters died in the WindClan Massacre. Talltail had already lost two half-siblings in the war.
What was once a large family was reduced to Tallstar, Stoneclaw, Wrenflight and her children.
Stoneclaw put off having kits for a time, eventually having two one-kit litters with her mate, Snapstorm; Buzzardclaw and Crouchfoot.
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bonefall · 4 months
Have we considered: Moonpaw with two gay dads and two lesbian moms? Whether she was an honor siring or adopted or whatever else.
I did briefly think of it, but I decided against it because of simple, unfortunate logistics. If ThunderClan has 40 cats and she has two dads and two moms, that means 10% of the Clan is Moonpaw's parents.
That's difficult to work with when my populations are already quite limited, AND I'm trying to manage the family tree. I'm not just looking at the pairings-- I have to consider DESCENDANTS for all 3+ cats with the grandparents in mind. I count ALL of them as parents, not just bioparents.
So, when I add polycules, I have to be VERY careful and plan them accordingly. This includes keeping them to only three cats. So far I have HareHeatherBreeze, VioletTreeDragon, LeafEchoBilly, and ToadNettlePool.
I do try to make sure each constellation looks different, though, so even within those four there's variety. HareHeatherBreeze and VioletTreeDragon are closed triads. LeafEchoBilly is a V with Leafstar as the hinge. ToadNettlePool is open.
In a nutshell; I can't casually spring for polycules while balancing such in-depth family tree fixes. But I love polycules, so I do extra planning to include them.
SO I take suggestions for them upon serious, carefully considered requests. You get me?
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bonefall · 9 months
Which of the Breezy-P kits are you keeping and how are they getting along in BB? I assume Nightcloud is just absolutely devoted to them (I think in canon Breezepelt had four of them? I'm a bit hazy on later arcs)
In-canon, Breezepelt has Brindlewing, Smokehaze, Appleshine, and Woodsong!
For BB, HareHeatherBreeze currently has 3 of them. They're all too busy in BB!AVoS to be having kittens, so Smokehaze got shuffled out and over to Brushblaze x Whitetail along with Heathertail's dead sibling, Galekit.
I wanted to keep the way Onestar overreacts to the name "Smokekit," especially with it now being his ex's kid. He thinks it's some kind of dig at him, like Brushblaze had found out and was trying to insult him,
Onestar, growling: "you shouldn't have done this."
Brushblaze, in the midst of the baby shower: "...what? Have a child?!"
WindClan is too small to spare more cats to put in the HareHeatherBreeze litter, but I do lament that he doesn't have 4 daughters anymore. I might try to scrounge one up out of the various cut kittypets and loners that putz around.
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bonefall · 1 year
what are your favorite relationships in BB? doesn’t have to be romantic, could be friends, family, mentor-apprentice, etc.
I have a big soft spot for the mentorships. They're so neglected in canon that I really get to decide whatever I want it to be, and when I shuffle apprentices I'm always trying to do matchups that are particularly interesting.
But there's also romantic and familial bonds that do it for me. Scattershot;
Honeysnake and Briarlight They've grown on me super quickly. Honeyfern's Honor Title for surviving the adder bite, the drama she gets in when her sister starts dating her ex, becoming the mentor of the kitten she saved, their final interaction before the Great Battle. I think it's a powerful thing.
Brokenstar and Runningnose sir this is my emotional support evil ambiguously gay couple. "Soooo Brokenstar what's your situation with Runningnose?" "planning the demise of windclan" "yes but are you an item" "perhaps, long ago, but now i have come to learn i am a force of great revenge" "do you kiss" "i bite"
Fallenleaf and Cinderheart Something about Cinderheart trying to have a life without her, and finding the color drained from it. Fallenleaf spending another lifetime enacting horrible tyranny, but unable to communicate the horror of her reign. Someone who is loyal and devoted to you, when you feel like you don't deserve it. A fresh god and her first priestess.
HareHeatherBreeze Ex-villain going through a housewife arc and his ambitious husband and wife
Pinestar and Speckletail, Mudfur and Leopardstar, Tallstar and Flytail, Cloudtail/Ferncloud and Ashfur This dynamic is cool ranch doritoes to me, I can't stop. "Little person I was trusted with raising, kitten I loved, where have you gone? How could I have helped you? I did my best and it was still the wrong thing!" It's versatile, too. Pine perfectly mentored Speckle, but his mind is changing on that being a good thing. Mudfur realizes he should have left Leopard and Carp with their mother in that kittypet home. Tallstar created his greatest rival for deputyship. Cloud and Fern wonder if there was a sign they ignored. Love it love it love it
Dustpelt and his kids Dad who makes you hold the flashlight as he looks under the car energy.
Hawkfrost and Ivypool "I was recruited by a demon who was meant to be my mentor, but slowly I'm realizing that I'm growing older and he looks younger and younger. He's practically a child and he's being used by his father just as much as me by mine. Oh god, we're fools being lead around by fools"
Frostfur and Everyone Be it her and her mentor Bluestar, or how she can connect with Dustpelt when he makes mistakes, or how she comforts her daughter when she's attacked by dogs, I just really appreciate her.
Cinderpelt and Littlecloud BESTIES in two different Clans, their friendship is just so much fun. "Why is Littlecloud here" "He's checking my leech setup" "Why is Cinderpelt here" "She's checking my leech setup :)"
Swansong and Mistystar They didn't take all of her siblings from her, because they refused to acknowledge he's her brother. That was a mistake; she's got the most loyal sibling a person could ever ask for, he'll fight and die by her side if she gives the word. A good brother helps you hide the body <3
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bonefall · 1 year
the leaftail & hallowflight thing has given me an idea for a very funny au where, instead of frostpaw's warrior mentor being harelight, it's hallowflight, and she keeps running off to windclan to visit whistlepaw. he always goes to get her, and somehow, leaftail is Always There to make some snarky comment about runaway apprentices and how he could do better and here, hallowflight, let me SHOW you how to do it, totally just because i know how to do it not because i want to spend time with you-
WELL, Lizardtail/Hallowflight does mentor Fognose! No need for it to be Frostpaw lmao. It can be Fogpaw, sister of Splashtail. Leaftail would be mentoring one of the HareHeatherBreeze kits at the time, too, Woodpaw.
Fogpaw sneaking off to go hang out with Woodpaw lmao. Gal Pals.
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bonefall · 1 year
How do you handle a litter that’s sired by multiple cats? Since it’s a thing cats can do would it just be considered as the kits having those amount of parents or since it’s a social tree would it just show who raised the kits as their parents?
Blossomfall's three kits have different parents! She conceived them during her time in the Kin, and there's just no way of knowing which Kin sire is the bio-father of which.
So they simply don't track it. Blossomfall is their only parent. There is no Jerryspring out here with a DNA test, lmao.
BUT, there IS something far, far more interesting; Polycules.
ALL involved parents in a polycule count as the parents of the children. Dragonfly, Tree, AND Violetshine are the parents of Needleclaw and Rootspring, regardless of which mother gave birth to them. Hareheatherbreeze and Toadnettlepool are the same way.
Billystorm, Leafstar, and Echosong are a very unique exception, because Echosong did not parent the children due to her Cleric duties, and she isn't even with Billystorm. They're a constellation connected through Leafstar instead of a solid block.
Now, you've seen my family tree fixes, and... you can probably see that even working with only 2 parents is hard to do. So I can't add as many polycules as I want to, sadly. But I do try to make sure they're here.
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bonefall · 1 year
dont know if you've decided this yet, but please dont make crowfeather deputy, or do but only if you specifically mention that harestar gave his husband's garbage father the position of deputy
unfortunately I'm bound to it, as I try to stick close to canon. I can't change something as massive as a leader appointment without it sincerely diverging the course of BB
Unless by some miracle, Crowfeather dies (YEEHAW) before becoming Crowstar, the dude abides.
But don't worry, you know I wouldn't drop this on everyone the way canon does. I'm already targeting some fixes to make sure Crowfeather isn't horrific choice for a deputy. Breezepelt is also getting a full redemption arc in AVoS, his father can't just apologize him out of bad behavior in an SE
I went over this once over here, so here's the fixes restated with more detail;
Crow has a reputation as StarClan Blessed for being on the Sundrown Patrol. This is a high honor that follows all 5 cats who participated.
From a much earlier point in time, Crowfeather is shown as having friends and not being completely incapable of being social. Gorsetail in particular was a childhood friend of his.
But, Crowfeather's "maturation" truly begins after the Secret was revealed.
UNLIKE CANON, CROWFEATHER IS A DRAMA QUEEN. He is NOT aloof. BB!Crowfeather is actually quite different from canon for this.
When the secret is revealed, he's public about his exposed love of Leafpool, even declaring in front of Nightcloud that he still loves her.
Onestar puts his foot down and says, "You porked a Cleric, you won't shut up about it, get out of my Clan for a month." There is consequence for Crowfeather breaking the code.
So instead of him being a total piece of work until just after OOTS, he is working on it a lot earlier, at the start of BB!OotS.
Though, even post-OotS, he's somewhat selfish, snappy, and not ready to be in power... unlike Harespring, who rolls out of his Dishonor Title quickly with an immediate commitment to helping WindClan heal.
In AVOS, Crow has expanded roles in reaching out to Breeze during his redemption arc. VERY important. Breeze joins the Kin in BB!AVoS, Heathertail joins later when she learns Darktail is her half-brother to find the truth
First, Crow is part of Harestar's secret patrol to bring medicine to the Yellowcough-stricken Kin and ShadowClan, violating Onestar's embargo to bring them the herb mullein. He tries to open dialogue with Breeze but he won't hear it.
Second, Crow is part of the Rescue Party to save Kin cats towards the end of the arc, building a secret tunnel with Brushblaze, Harespring, and a few more. With his help, they were able to save Heather, Breeze, Sunstrike, and a few more
So, Crowfeather is sort of having his own redemption as well. Though, I don't want Breeze and Crow to ever really be in a 'good' place. They're... cordial, eventually. Both with the understanding they have both become very different people, but Breeze can never truly 'forgive' his father.
Crow's also really not involved with his grandkits, Breeze doesn't want him involved with their early lives.
Also casual reminder that HareHeatherBreeze is endgame in BB
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bonefall · 1 year
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This is more difficult than I thought it would be... conjuring up relationships out of thin air is difficult when there's nothing at all to work with.
I don't want RyeSTALK to be siblings with Doespring and Stagleap, firstly because I would like Harespring to be less related for the HareHeatherBreeze polycule that comes later, and secondly because I don't like how Rye's name is an outlier in the litter
But I wanted to preserve the dynamic... if there ends up even being one in the future... SO Rye is now a COUSIN of Doe and Stag.
For some reason I've always seen Runningbrook and Webfoot as siblings, and Darkfoot as a parent of Webfoot. So that's something I could get behind.
Two-kit litters are apparently my comfortable default. It's the easiest arrangement to work with imo, but I am trying to mix it up
There was no need for Sorrelshine to be Deadfoot's sister lol.
There was also no need for Ashfoot to be Onewhisker's sister lol.
As you can see I'm already using Hillkit and Downkit. Their names are now Hillrunner and Downwind unless I think of something better.
Runningbrook is going to get killed in TNP, I figured it would be neat for her to leave an orphan kit that Webfoot raises. Cranberry, maybe?
It's either going to be Cranberrypaw, or Rustlepaw and Drizzlepaw.
That cat is also a friend of Birchfall's, and an inventor of the Paw Soup that's served at Gatherings.
Cranberry seems to be a fan-favorite so I'm leaning towards them...
Also pawing around names. Cranberry, Cranclaw, Cranshine, Cranberrysplash...
I think it's cute if she was raised by Webfoot, with American cranberries there's cranberry spiders that often get flushed out when the berries are harvested. It just reminds me of them.
I keep getting different ideas for how to re-approach it, so I may break the chart down and crumple it a few times... I hope that each time I do an iteration, something new sticks, until eventually I have "dynamics" that I know I want to put on the tree.
I'm not sure if that's making sense. Also side note I'm sharing a lot more of my process than usual because I get a lot of questions like, "Bones how DO you do it?" SO I hope that these Babbles 'n Wibbles are helping someone out there
EDIT: I keep accidentally writing Ryewhisker when I mean RYESTALK. Rye WHISKER is Code Era and in the Dark Forest as a protest, and is a tom. Rye STALK is a molly and the parent of Mudclaw and Torear.
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bonefall · 1 year
breeze dies killing dark tail????
He PLANNED TO, but he shared the plan with Onestar after Harespring helped him and Heathertail escape the Kin, which they both join at different points in BB!AVOS
I really need to get everything about BB!AVOS in one place, because it's a mess strewn about over a dozen different posts at this moment
But this Trivia on HareHeatherBreeze should help you see what I'm going with Breep and his polycule, for now
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bonefall · 1 year
billystorm and his wife leafstar and her girlfriend echosong and her buddy pal friend chum amigo billystorm. it all comes full circle baby
That feels right, yeah. They're a constellation, with a different layout than the other three so far
Violetshine, Dragonfly, and Tree are all in love with each other, just like Hareheatherbreeze and Toadnettlepool. But in Leafbillyecho, Leaf is romantic for both of them, but Billy is just buddies with Echo.
Echo also wasn't a parent of Leaf's litter, like a girlfriend and not a wife like you said
It works
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bonefall · 1 year
what if you put brightheart's second canon litter + Eaglewing into Windclan? or would that mess with genetics?
I'm planning for at least one Brightheart kit to end up surrogated for someone here in WindClan. I was thinking Dewnose-- but I hadn't realized that I already have a Dewspots over here. So I'm thinking it'll be Ambermoon instead, or perhaps Snowbush.
But there's another kit I hadn't considered... Galekit.
Right now I'm giving Brindlewing and Smokehaze to Brushblaze and Whitetail, so that they're still related to Heathertail... but, Galekit, what should be done with Galekit?
Hareheatherbreeze is currently holding onto Appleshine and Woodsong... maybe I'll pull Brindle back down to them? But it feels wrong to separate Brindle and Smoke.
Unsure. Still wibbling.
Also customary screenshot for you of Draft... 4 I think. I think this is draft 4.
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bonefall · 1 year
Could find smoke in the wild and queens right it, not a biokit but still theirs
Biology doesn't matter here, it's a matter of timeline. Smokehaze was born in AVOS, too early for them to be thinking about children. All three parents are major POV characters in BB!AVOS for this redux.
So Smoke can absolutely not be theirs in any way, shape, or form if she was born while Onestar was alive. Not adopted, born, fostered, nothing. Her "parents" aren't together yet
So she could be shuffled to be younger, born just before TBC, or given to someone else.
So it's a matter of which of the 4 I'm keeping under Hareheatherbreeze, and which are going to get shuffled elsewhere because they don't need 4 children and I might find 1 or 2 of them more helpful elsewhere
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