#Harry potter novelty quick quotes quill
smashtonki · 2 years
Harry potter novelty quick quotes quill
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Harry potter novelty quick quotes quill series#
If you keep picturing Ron or Hermione or Draco when you are writing these characters you're going to unconsciously write them as those characters. And then you aren't just shooting yourself in the foot, you're opening up on it with a minigun and freaking rocket launcher! Giving your characters their own appearance not only helps the reader see them as characters in their own right it helps you differentiate them. A sizeable chunk of humanity are highly visual creatures - if a picture is worth a thousand words then making a good amount of your cast look like characters you're trying to tell us they aren't is like writing a thousand words telling us that they are exactly those characters before you even start. But you aren't going to escape the comparisons so if you want the book(s) to be successful you need make them your books, not JK Rowling's with different colour curtains. So does that mean you shouldn't bother? Not at all. Heck, works written substantially before it still get compared to it and accused of riding on it's coat tails. To a certain extent this is going to be par for the course for some time for any books dealing with school-based magic shenanigans, in the same way that any space saga is going to face comparisons to Star Wars or Star Trek. Some readers might pick it up on that basis - an attempt at scratching the itch for more Potter where none exists but I think it would be relatively few, and for them and everyone else it would likely never escape the shadow of it. And from the description it feels like that's what you're doing - honestly it feels like a off-brand Harry Potter. But there's a difference between drawing inspiration and merely imitating.
Harry potter novelty quick quotes quill series#
There's very little new under the sun - many of the elements and themes of the Harry Potter series are drawn from preceding works and that's not really a problem. While it's difficult to say from the description alone whether you'd have any outright legal issues with the similarities I think there's another problem here - whether the book is too similar to stand on it's own merits. P.S: in my novel, Wizards are rare but the non wizards know that there are wizards. Will readers discredit and always compare a magic school to Hogwarts? Will people like it no matter if it's a bit different? Will anyone read a novel on a magic school? I won't go in too detail! I editted it whole to make out my point! In the gurukul system of India, students were trained hard but I don't want them to suffer a lot. In the first book, I plan to write about Ryan and his friends struggling in the school due to it's strict rules and finds about a book which guides them to make Wanthlers like before. I thought sometimes to change the idea of a school but my heart reminds me that I want to write about teenagers and them training at a magic school! They use wands but before they buy them, they do something like a ritual so that the wand becomes loyal to it's owner. Also JKR was not the first to write about a magic school but Harry Potter is too popular. I have a fear that will anyone read my book. I develop my system and character in every book. I planned a novel series of 7,wherein in the early books, wizards fight for their rights. Situated in Netherlands, The school of Wanthlers is too strict, residential. The school has houses wherein wizards are sorted into houses which have different subjects upon their ability. It is called Wanthlers! The school is a castle wherein young wizards go for learning magic. My book includes a magic school which is more like the gurukul system of India.
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advisorslong · 2 years
Harry potter novelty quick quotes quill
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We could list 50 things we love about her alone, but her manic laugh when conducting evil deeds tops the bunch! Helena Bonham Carter’s Bellatrix Lestrange is one of the most evil but amazing baddies in cinematic history. Particularly useful for setting large snakes on large and irritating cousins…not that we would do anything like that… Bellatrix Strange It does however make for an AMAZING hiding place if you can access secret passage – well worth the risk if you ask us!Ī language generally associated with dark wizards which they use to talk to snakes.
Pupils at Hogwarts study potions and spells instead of maths and French – plus there’s talking pictures, magical food and fun (whilst generally life threatening) adventures to be had at every turn!Ī magical tree with a violent temper – particularly if you’re in the habit of crashing flying cars into it. No content with being able to talk to people in fireplaces, with this use of this magical powder wizards can TRAVEL from one fireplace to another!Ī map of Hogwarts school with a difference – it’s designed for mischief and show the reader where anyone who might catch the mischief maker is! We could do with one of these for our office on a Friday afternoon – MISCHIEF MANAGED!Īnother magical object that speaks for itself, invisibility cloaks are cool on so many levels because well…they make you invisible! Hogwarts Located in London, but hidden from muggle folks, Diagon Alley is host to the aforementioned Gringotts Banks as well as a ton of other amazing wizard shops – accessed via The Leaky Cauldron pub! The wizarding bank run by goblins, if our bank had enchantments and cool underground rides we’d probably avoid the bank manager a little less! Diagon Alley The cutest giant since Roald Dahl’s BFG, at sixteen feet tall he is considered small for a giant, but he has a big heart and a stonking great crush on Hermione! Doesn’t really require anymore explanation does it? Grawp On broomsticks, motorbikes or secondhand cars we don’t care we just want to fly!!!Īn entire race of breathtakingly beautiful women. You can’t even get a decent fireplace in most ‘muggle’ homes these days, never mind one that talks to you!! House Elves in general are pretty amazing, but Dobby tops our list for his continued loyalty to Harry Potter – with occasional disastrous results! If the N207 provided the speed and level of entertainment Ernie and the shrunken head do on this bizarre form of wizard transport, our taxi bills would be vastly reduced! Dobby The Knight Bus, Ernie Prang & the shrunken head If we’ve missed any, tell us in the comments section below, and if you want to see 7 particularly cool things check out the new characters posters which have just been released. So, without further ado, here are my friends’ opinion on 50(ish) of the Coolest Things from the Harry Potter Movies. They sent me more than 50 in the end but they were all so good, they had to go in. Now, I don’t know masses about Potter but I have many friends who do so I got them to get their thinking caps on to tell me 50(ish) of the best things about Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 is released 19th November and the buzz has been so mad for the movie, I thought it was only right to get a nice little feature for it. Daniel Radcliffe has just marked the occasion by announcing that there are 10 sets of premiere tickets to give away on the official Facebook page So yesterday I found out that today is 50 days until the penultimate Harry Potter movie, which has the name, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1.
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