#Harsh Chawla
csuitebitches · 1 year
I recently questioned a blog about something they regularly post on their feed that didn't sit right with me. I agree I might have worded it a little strongly but the reaction they gave was so extreme it made me wonder how to express your opinion about something that makes you uncomfortable and how to deal with people who drastically act out?
When you address something that you don’t like that someone else has done, you need to be aware of how you’re approaching the subject.
By becoming aggressive on the person, you’re going to get a strong reaction back, which will mostly likely result in them being defensive. So if your aim is to simply piss someone off with no other outcome or you want to give an extremely harsh reality check for whatever reason, that’s when it makes sense. Even that harsh reality check can’t just come out of nowhere- it should be the absolute final straw to react that way.
You need to think about the outcome. What is that you want the other person to understand? Do you want them to accept a mistake, or a different perspective? How can you put that forth without making them feel defensive? If someone had to approach you about it, how would you want them to?
Word things calmly. We don’t know each other’s tendencies, feelings, temperament or cultures on the app. We know how to talk to our friends or family because we know them.
Imo, giving a statement like “I didn’t like this because you always do this and this doesn’t make sense” is incorrect because nowhere do you state what exactly is the issue; why it is an issue; and a suggestion on how something could be better.
Social media is also increasing sensitivity in people which can be dangerous. We’re now dealing with adults trying to “heal” their inner child to a point that they themselves have become childish instead of being grown up (shoutout to @/seerut chawla on Instagram, the only insta-therapist who makes sense). I’ve noticed that most people now have to resort to what I call the Sandwich:
- compliment (“hey you generally do X thing so well and you’re so good at ABC”)
- criticism and suggestion (“but this is something that I felt could be better for XYZ reasons and perhaps ABC would make more sense”)
- compliment (“and I want to thank you/ compliment you on your precious work/ etc”)
^ I use that technique when I’m dealing with highly sensitive people/ I know someone can’t deal with criticism/ someone who I have to be very gentle with.
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dr-chawla · 2 months
Best Hair Loss Treatment in Zirakpur: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you among the neither menus who have trouble of hair loss? Do you like trying different methods and are you may disappointed when no one really works? Well, if you do so, then you represent a lot of us. The condition of hair loss is spread around the world equally, and due to its negative impact on mood and self-esteem, it affects millions of people. Yet, the choice of the optimum hair loss treatment is a challenging thing as the variety of both available and preferred options make the process very complicated. No need to be at risk anymore, because you will find a true solution at the Doctor Chawla Clinic at Zirakpur where all the modern solutions are offered to address your hair loss issues.
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Understanding Hair Loss: Alopecia, medically known as hair loss, may result from many sources, including genetic predisposition, hormonal disregulation, lack of sufficient nutrients, stress, and medical conditions. Although it’s a regular phenomenon to lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair, being severe about hair loss can be stressing. It can result to the loss of hair, certain baldness patches and in the most extreme case the complete lack of hair. What makes Doctor Chawla's Center stand out from other clinics is the combination of several factors. Hair loss Doctor Chawle's Clinic comprehend the significance of it in your life. And thus, here, when you have the effective treatment plans that are built especially for you. The composition of our dynamic team is made up of competent and experienced dermatologists and trichologists who provide their expertise in handling cases of hair loss professionally.
Approach to Hair Loss Treatment Comprehensive Consultation: We start at a point where we carefully examine your medical history, inspect the condition of your scalp and hair, as well as getting to know your concerns and goals as you plan for a hair treatment or surgery. This represents the possibility for creating a personalized treatment plan to address the underlying reason of hair loss along with its symptoms. Advanced Treatments: We are going to provide a wide array of hair loss treatment which, on top of the other one, contains: PRP Therapy: The method of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy involves the application of platelets from your own blood into your scalp to induce an inflammatory response which in turn stimulates the growth of new hair. It is non-surgical intervention with a proven safety and efficacy , which helps to restore hair density.
Mesotherapy: In mesotherapy the injecting of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the scalp is applied to make the follicles of the hair more capable of growing, get more blood to the area, and promote growth of the hair.
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): LLLT uses low-level laser beam of light to stimulate hair follicles, increase blood flow to the scalp, and encourage hair growth, thus, the majority of people see significant improvement of their hair growth. It is painless and no- downtime modern treatment that helps without being invasive.
Topical Treatments: Furthermore, we recommend thinning agents like minoxidil and finasteride, which arrest hair loss progression and provoke growth.
Lifestyle Modifications: Beyond in - house procedures, we suggest that a patient should live a healthy and sound lifestyle to make the beautiful hair grow. This means among others eating a well-balanced diet with many vitamins and proteins, limiting stress and taking care of your hair from harsh chemical applications and proper hair care habits. Follow-Up Care: Our intervention is geared towards offering continuous support and advice to ensure that every stage of your best hair loss treatment is comfortable. We are committed to keeping up a close watch on your health goals, finding solutions to any obstacles you might face, and keeping your therapy plan under review if needed to get the best results. Why Choose Us? Experienced Professionals: Make up of our clinic is done of skilled personnel in dermatology and trichology with many years of practice including treating baldness.
Personalized Care: The fact that we comprehend that everyone is unique is why we formulate personalized treatment plans. They are created to suit a specific set of personal needs and goals.
Cutting-Edge Technology: We take the milestone to keep ourselves abreast with the recent momentum-changing views in hair treatment and make use of modern technology to facilitate superlative outcomes.
Patient Satisfaction: Your submission is our priority number one. It is our pledge to offer you the very best services and to be your side when you want to look good and fabulous.
Conclusion: Don't let your hair loss take away from the joy life has to offer; put it behind and focus on your inner beauty, which is much more noble than any of your physical features. If you are suffering from hair loss, then Dr. Chawla's Hair Clinic in Zirakpur is exactly the place where you need to be. Here, not only the best hair loss treatment in zirakpur are available, but you also stand a chance to rediscover your confidence and to regain the natural, beautiful look of your hairs. Book your appointment with us today and initiate the journey toacquire the true you.
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sareesonscreen · 3 years
S1 E3: Sex and Sexuality in South Asian Media
In this episode, we will be talking about Sex and Sexuality in South Asian Media. This is in essence the first half of a two-part conversation. In this first half, we hope to address the broader discussions around Sex and Sexuality in the media in our region. And in our next discussion episode, the conversation will continue into an in-depth discussion around Queer Media.
It’s been empowering to see many people speak about sex so candidly today. This was nearly unimaginable even a decade ago. Unfortunately, open conversations around sex and sexuality continue to be taboo in our society, but it’s been great to see a segment of people start to chip away at that reluctance to talk about such a fundamental part of all our lives.
There are a lot of great podcasters and Youtubers who share their experiences on this (linked below). And we highly recommend you give them a listen (links below). While we absolutely value the importance of sharing lived experiences, in this episode, we will specifically look at the media we consume - how it portrays sex and sexualities of women and marginalized people, and how it shapes the greater societal conversations around these issues.
We wanted to highlight the importance of recognizing that sex and sexuality is experienced very differently and uniquely by everyone. There is no universal women’s experience or queer experience. The specific socio-economic and cultural locations that shape our identities empower and disempower us in different ways, also change how we engage with sex and our sexualities. 
The movies and shows we plan to talk about in this episode come from Netflix productions, slightly indie parts of Bollywood, and the West Bengali film industry. While the chosen media here vary in their representations of language, socioeconomic class, urban/rural spaces, and to a degree caste, a common critique for all the movies chosen (and of us as well) is that it mostly still looks at sex and sexuality through the imposed universality of an upper class/upper caste gaze. We did our best to make note of this as we discussed the issues pertaining to this episode. 
The AIDS epidemic of the 1980s was the first time that conversations around sex and sexuality were forced into the public sphere, outside its usual legal, medical, and demographic confines. Then in the ’90s, with the rise in access to electricity and televisions, a new brand of more explicit sexual imagery entered South Asian homes and media. 
It’s not that sex was invented in the ’90s, or that people in the subcontinent didn’t engage in sex or non-heteronormative sexuality (including gay men and sex workers). It’s just that it became a more constant presence in the media that we consumed.
In the 2000s, there was suddenly more “sex” on local television and movies. Still heteronormative, still patriarchal, of course. We were showered with the overwhelmingly hetero male gazes in Imran Hashmi movies and the item songs that accompanied almost every movie of that decade. In even worse scenarios, there was the inescapable plight of gratuitous violence in the rape scenes. 
Luckily, even through that period - healthier works were being created in more indie industries or regional media. West Bengal, amongst others, was prominent in producing more “forward” and mature depictions of sex and sexuality.
What’s unfortunate is because of how inaccessible these local healthier portrayals of sex were, a lot of us who had the alternative of having access to Western narratives of sex/sexuality, kind of clung to it. Our vocabulary around sex ended up being heavily shaped by a culture that we didn’t live in. When it felt like the words for sex and sexuality are limited to medical terms or slurs, it was easy to just assume the western alternative (added with our post-colonial hang-ups).  
It’s been very fortunate that the film industries and the artists within it continued to push for better media in this realm. In the last decade, we’ve seen some very prominent works that highlight sex/sexuality that made it to mainstream success. In this episode, we’ll be primarily tackling 3 movies that have done so - Lust Stories, a Bollywood anthology hit, Parched - an Indie movie directed by Leena Yadav and Rajkahini - a take on the partition of the Indian subcontinent through the setting of a brothel and the issues faced by the sex-workers residing there, directed by Srijit Mukherji. 
Through these movies - we hope to tackle some of the major issues confronting discussions around sex and sexuality.
Often discussion around sex and sexuality is looked at with a male-centric gaze, especially in their depictions of women - this was especially apparent in Karan Johar’s short in Lust Stories as well as the portrayals of sex workers in Rajkahini. Some of these portrayals used women’s sexuality for the sake of shock value and titillation and did not take into account the multiple facets of people’s identities that influence their sexual expression. 
Parched was refreshing in its gentler, more feminine take on women’s sexuality showing empathy, affection, and agency as necessary elements of fulfilling sexual experiences. However, even Parched failed to fully consider the “unsexy” elements of how sexuality is affected everyday lives - the women who were the protagonists in Parched were shown to be from a remote, rural village in India, and yet no discussion on their sexuality ever included the structural realities that rural women face in South Asia, like the lack of access to basic sanitation, water or even, privacy.
Any depiction of marginalized people when exploring their sexuality is incomplete without understanding their material struggles. The film, though shot from a feminine gaze, is unable to shed its upper-class/upper-caste romanticization of marginalized women’s lives. This re-orientalization of disadvantaged women’s struggles to be consumed by a privileged, upper-class/ Western audience is an appropriation of the challenges they face, packaged to be palatable (even enjoyable) to its privileged viewers. It is also made worse when the cast and the culture is a hodgepodge of people from completely different cultures than the ones being portrayed.
Rajkahini, while claiming to be telling the stories of ‘forgotten women’ ends up using the women characters as props for the overarching narratives of loss and displacement during the Partition of 1947. Only one character - that of Begum Jaan is given agency and individuality and even she becomes a stereotypical version of the soft on the inside, harsh on the outside, raspy-voiced Madame. The other women characters are only shown to be recipients of violence and abuse and the script and direction do very little to empower them.
Zoya Akhtar & Anurag Kashyap both attempted to make shorts on the sociocultural power dynamics that plague sexuality and sexual interaction in their contributions to Lust Stories. While Zoya Akhtar was more slightly successful in addressing perceptions of the economic and class dynamics between two sexual partners, Anurag Kashyap’s short woefully fell prey to a tired narrative of the “crazy woman” even though it began with a laudable commentary on the predatory relationship dynamic between older women and younger men.
Our main goal in this episode was to examine how mainstream and indie representations of sex and sexuality further (or set back) important conversations around these issues. While Parched and Zoya Akhtar’s short made some commendable efforts, most of these pieces of media were unable to take on a fully intersectional lens to these controversial, but extremely relevant issues for the larger South Asian audience.
In our upcoming episodes, we plan to address topics in consent and rape culture which we briefly touched on in this episode. We also hope to tackle movies from other parts of South Asia as we do this. This episode was so important to us, be sure to let us know what you thought of this episode!
Further Readings + Content
Singh, Asha. “Are All Women’s Stories the Same?” Round Table India. Oct 19, 2016. https://roundtableindia.co.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8831:parched-and-feminism-are-all-women-s-stories-the-same&catid=119:feature&Itemid=13
Sander, Lalon. “Eleven Heroines Does Not A Feminist Film Make: A Review of Srijit Mukherji’s "Rajkahini.” The Caravan. Oct 31, 2015. https://caravanmagazine.in/vantage/eleven-heroines-not-feminist-make-review-rajkahini
Singh, Poonam. “Film Review: Parched, Of Women Thirsting for More.” Feminism in India. Sept 26, 2016. https://feminisminindia.com/2016/09/26/film-review-parched/
Ghosh, Stutee. “Review: Women in Radhika Apte’s ‘Parched’ Are Bruised, Not Bechari.” The Quint. Sept 22, 2016. https://www.thequint.com/entertainment/film-review-women-in-radhika-aptes-parched-are-bruised-not-bechari-ajay-devgn-surveen-chawla-feminism#read-more
Masala Podcast https://www.soulsutras.co.uk/masala-podcast/
Brown Girls Do it Too https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08k5cp0/episodes/downloads
Chuski Pop http://chuskipop.com/
Liberating Sexuality https://www.instagram.com/liberatingsexuality/?hl=en
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todaynewsguru · 2 years
Aamir Khan’s sister Nikhat Khan to make her TV debut with Star Plus show
Aamir Khan’s sister Nikhat Khan to make her TV debut with Star Plus show
Nikhat Khan, actor, producer and sister of superstar Aamir Khan, is all set to make her television debut with a Star Plus and Disney Plus Hotstar show called Banni Chow Home Delivery, as per Hindustan Times. Created by noted TV producer Shashi Mittal, the show stars Ulka Gupta and Pravisht Mishra in lead roles. Apart from Nikhat, Rajendra Chawla, Harsh Vashisht, Vishal Puri, Parvati Sehgal,…
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warpnwefttrends · 3 years
Daryā-e Nūr | Sea of light | Heritage Bridal Banarasi Couture by Warp 'n Weft in Bespoke Handloom Weaves.
From Mughal treasury to Iranian imperial jewels, the Pink Diamond stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings alive the utopia of the heritage land where we might have lost some and won some.
The lost battles to invading armies blossomed with idyllic love stories and heroes of romance beyond cultural boundaries. Poetry and literature in assimilating scripts, art and artistry that permeated continents metamorphosed to add to the magnificence and cultural expanse of Indian and Ottoman empires.
Darya-e-Nur invokes the nostalgia of empires of antiquity. 
Warp ‘n Weft Bridal Banarasi 2021, is a narrative of slow luxury, artisanal beauty, extraordinary craftsmanship bejewelled with the mysticism of Khinkhwab, a Dream in Banarasi. 
A provenance we create, a heritance they weave. 
Fashion Film & Music by Warp 'n Weft
Music Track Ae Ri Sakhi 
Poetry Hazrat Amir Khusrow
Vocals Gaurika Rai & Dr Prakash Sontakke
Composed, Orchestrated & Arranged Dr Prakash Sontakke
Mixing & Mastering Vijay Audios
Arabic Percussion Aniket Ashok
Indian Percussion & Tabla Karthik Bhat
Iranian Dotar Nader Mirkarimi from Tehran
Shehnai Bhajantari Manjunath
Santoor Sridhar H
©️2021 Warp ‘n Weft. All rights reserved. 
Talent Virkenn Raiena | Swapnil Jollie | Bhumika Bansal | Bhavaya Chawla | Mir Tawseef | Abhishek P Chatterjee | Kriti Bhardwaj | Harsh Jani & Dinesh Choudhary | Richard Joseph | Team Warp 'n Weft
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gokul2181 · 4 years
CSK vs RCB Live Score: Royal Challengers Bangalore win toss, opt to bat vs Chennai Super Kings | Cricket News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/csk-vs-rcb-live-score-royal-challengers-bangalore-win-toss-opt-to-bat-vs-chennai-super-kings-cricket-news/
CSK vs RCB Live Score: Royal Challengers Bangalore win toss, opt to bat vs Chennai Super Kings | Cricket News
Playing XI for both teams
A look at the Playing XI for Match 25 of #Dream11IPL https://t.co/hRxSHrSKS6
— IndianPremierLeague (@IPL) 1602337359000
Chennai Super Kings: Shane Watson, Faf du Plessis, Ambati Rayudu, MS Dhoni(w/c), N Jagadeesan, Sam Curran, Ravindra Jadeja, Dwayne Bravo, Shardul Thakur, Deepak Chahar, Karn Sharma Royal Challengers Bangalore: Devdutt Padikkal, Aaron Finch, Virat Kohli(c), AB de Villiers(w), Gurkeerat Singh Mann, Shivam Dube, Chris Morris, Washington Sundar, Isuru Udana, Navdeep Saini, Yuzvendra Chahal Captains at the toss Virat Kohli: “We’ll bat first. We backed our decision last game as well, but we got ourselves into a tough position not having enough partnerships. The wicket is going to get slower and slower. There wasn’t much dew in the last game as well. It’s fair enough to defend today. We won two times batting first and one convincing win while chasing. When you are playing against quality sides, you need to come out and play good cricket. We (him and Dhoni) have played together for so long, we have great partnership together. The games (RCB vs CSK) are always competitive. We have all had mutual respect between us. It’s important to get into some kind of momentum, where the bowlers come in and bowl a certain way. We have a great chance to create it now. It’s an exciting phase we are entering into. Chris Morris makes his RCB debut. He replaces Moeen Ali and Gurkeerat Singh Mann comes back in for Siraj.” MS Dhoni: “It’s the case with all the teams. You can’t meet anyone from the outside, there is less distractions also. That’s a good thing. It can be harsh, but it’s amazing you can remain with the team. We need to get points. It’s an important game for us. We have committed a few errors, need to focus on process. I have been doing well in the nets, need to replicate it out in the middle.”
#RCB have won the toss and they will bat first against #CSK in Dubai.#Dream11IPL https://t.co/qZzmgx7aCa
— IndianPremierLeague (@IPL) 1602337078000
Toss news: Royal Challengers Bangalore skipper Virat Kohli wins toss, opts to bat against Chennai Super Kings in Dubai. Pitch Report: “The rolling is going on … flattening out, it’s the most magnificent pitch. There is some grass on top. The side who wins the toss has to bat first,” said Michael Slater.
Derby day vibes🌞#PlayBold #IPL2020 #WeAreChallengers #Dream11IPL #CSKvRCB https://t.co/ZVWCTOcBAL
— Royal Challengers Bangalore (@RCBTweets) 1602336280000
Hello and welcome to TimesofIndia.com’s live coverage of Match 25 of IPL 2020 between Chennai Super Kings and Royal Challengers Bangalore in Dubai. Preview Chennai Super Kings will take on Royal Challengers Bangalore in an intriguing mid-table Indian Premier League clash here on Saturday with both teams battling inconsistency. CSK all-rounder Kedar Jadhav’s selection will be under the scanner after his failure in the defeat to Kolkata Knight Riders. The Super Kings sank to a 10-run loss on Wednesday, choking inexplicably with Jadhav’s approach to batting attracting criticism from all quarters. It remains to be seen if the Super Kings opt to jettison the 35-year-old given the team’s propensity to give players a long rope. Despite Shane Watson finding his range in a 10-wicket win over Kings XI Punjab and Faf du Plessis’s consistency at the top, the middle-order continues to remain a concern for CSK with skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni himself not being at his best. If they do decide to bench Jadhav after his prolonged struggle, they have the option of recalling Ruturaj Gaikwad or picking N Jagadeesan, who has been warming the bench since the 2018 season. While worries remain on the batting front, the CSK bowling has got better and they did well to restrict KKR in the previous game with influential all-rounder Dwayne Bravo returning to his wicket-taking ways. Karn Sharma, who came in for Piyush Chawla did well to pick up a couple of wickets while not going for too many runs and the skipper will expect him to do the same against a formidable RCB batting unit. Yet, Dhoni would prefer the pacers — Deepak Chahar, Sam Curran and Shardul Thakur — to provide early breakthroughs and stem the run flow. However, the CSK bowling will be up against a strong RCB batting line-up led by captain Virat Kohli, who returned to form with a fine knock against Rajasthan Royals. Though the Kohli-led team faltered in the subsequent match against Delhi Capitals, they will look for an improved performance against CSK. Kohli aside, young Devdutt Padikkal has looked in good touch, while AB de Villiers has been a key player for RCB over the years. If the big-hitting Aaron Finch can provide a rapid start at the top, it would serve RCB better. It is the bowling which would worry Kohli. Leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal has, as always, been the leading bowler while Washington Sundar has been frugal upfront. However, the pacers have not lived up to their reputation, with the likes of Umesh Yadav, Mohammed Siraj and Navdeep Saini leaking runs. Experienced Sri Lankan Isuru Udana’s inclusion has given a semblance of control towards the end of the innings. How CSK’s batting does against an up-and-down RCB bowling attack and how its batters fare against the Super Kings bowlers could decide the fate of the game. Teams (from): Chennai Super Kings: MS Dhoni (captain, WK), M Vijay, Ambati Rayudu, Faf du Plessis, Shane Watson, Kedar Jadhav, Dwayne Bravo, Ravindra Jadeja, Lungi Ngidi, Deepak Chahar, Piyush Chawla, Imran Tahir, Mitchell Santner, Josh Hazlewood, Shardul Thakur, Sam Curran, N Jagadeesan, KM Asif, Monu Kumar, R Sai Kishore, Ruturaj Gaikwad, Karn Sharma. Royal Challengers Bangalore: Virat Kohli (captain), AB de Villiers, Parthiv Patel, Aaron Finch, Josh Philippe, Chris Morris, Moeen Ali, Mohammed Siraj, Shahbaz Ahmed, Devdutt Padikkal, Yuzvendra Chahal, Navdeep Saini, Dale Steyn, Pawan Negi, Isuru Udana, Shivam Dube, Umesh Yadav, Gurkeerat Singh Mann, Washington Sundar, Pavan Deshpande, Adam Zampa.
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lovemishikasworld · 4 years
A Love as Wondrous, Remarkable and Magical as Taj Mahal
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Image Credit: Wallpaper Flare.Com
My Personal Realization in Life after Thousand Pains; - A Wonder Backed by a Wonderful Realization
“True love seems to be ordinary in day to day life. But, comes out to be extraordinary when it takes a tangible form after a certain period of time. One such wonder is Taj Mahal and another is my dad’s love.” – Mishika Chawla
I have felt thousand pains;
Went above in life;
Went down in life;                            
To know the meaning of true love in life
Since childhood, I used to think what true love is?
Not knowing that I was seeing one in my real life
But, as I was a child busy in my school life and studies;
I was unable to understand the world completely;
The meaning of politics and true love was something I didn’t understand;
Which I learnt gradually that;                          
Love is selfless;
Love is beautiful;
It believes in wonder;
It believes in magic;
It knows endurance;        
It can overcome rumours, cruelty and politics of the world;
Love like this is eternal and surpasses all sorts of boundaries;
While I was realizing the meaning of true love;
Taj Mahal’s wonder and the memories I shared with my father flashed through my mind;
Love that can overcome the harshness of the world;
I have only seen in the daily deeds of my papa over the three decades of my life;
After living with harsh relatives of my parents for approximately three decades;
The so-called loved ones of my lives;                
The relationships which were created only for selfish interests and were unable to overcome the tests of life;
And gave my father unnecessary emotional beatings;
Which he overcame creating a beautiful life for me.
Even after all this;
When I see him in the kitchen cooking for me, giving me fruits and food to eat while I am busy in writing;
I see the true meaning of love;
This brings tears into my eyes.
His generousness;
His sweet heart;                            
Brings tears into my eyes.
A love I have never seen before;
A love that can go through hard times;                    
A love that comes as strength to fight in odd times;
A love that is mightier than the politics of the world;
And can’t be seen with the naked eyes;
But felt by heart;
A love that dreamt and gave me a wonderful life;
And took the toil to give me the best;
I appreciate my father;
Who made something which was very difficult at that point of time only for me; which was his ‘business’ that prospered my life;
The love within him gave him the strength to handle the innumerable pains and failures that daily came in his path created by jealous and cunning people around preventing him to achieve his dream of giving me a wonderful life;
However, his love overcame the pain, politics and threats given by his closed ones;
For giving me his best;          
He fought all the problems to make me and my life while living with jealous people around. 
As his love for me was mightier than the problems around;
Such kind of love seems to be ordinary when seen in day to day life;
But, comes out to be extraordinary when you feel it;
When it is visible after some years down the line in some tangible form;
Such kind of love is extraordinary which looks ordinary in day to day life.
“Eternal love is true gold which only a man with an honest character, hardworking hands and a wonderful heart can give;
Do take time to polish this gold; by making efforts on yourself shining brighter than ever before.  
And use your intelligence to give this gold to a wise man. This is the lesson that my father’s presence in life has given me.”
“Your true gold is you;
The magic lies within you;
So, cultivate yourself.
And your life will prosper.”
     - Ramesh Chawla
“And give this love to someone who can value it and not someone who will mock at your love, innocence and hard work or take undue advantage of the same. Not everybody is worthy of such kind of love as wondrous, remarkable and magical as Taj Mahal. ”
-Mishika Chawla
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loyallogic · 5 years
A Critical Analysis Of The Right To Free Speech In India
This article is written by Srishti Chawla, a 5th-year student at Amity Law School, Noida.
Freedom of speech and expression occupies a very high position in the Constitution of India because the Preamble to the Constitution of India itself guarantees to its citizens the “Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.” The framers of the Constitution had given us the fundamental freedom of speech and expression in India. A Democracy can survive only if there is a free and fair exchange of ideas. Free speech does not imply that a person has the license to say anything that comes out of his mouth. The speech should not be in such a way that it aggravates or influences people to commit any kind of offences that disturb public order and peace or creates a sense of hatred towards persons belonging to any particular caste, community, religion, etc or any form of speech that tarnishes the reputation of another person. Article 19(1)(a) provides that the citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression. Such speech should always be within permissible limits prescribed under article 19(2) in the form of reasonable restrictions. With that being said the exposition of truth should not be counted in as an infringement of free speech.
A lot of restrictions were put on the freedom of citizens in the colonial era. The British Rulers were very harsh towards the Indians and tried to reduce their fundamental freedoms including the freedom of speech. In 1870, section 295A was added to the Hate Speech Law prevailing in India which restricted the rights of citizens to express their views and opinions regarding the colonial rule and to suppress the revolutionary sentiments of the citizens encouraging them to launch massive independence struggles to attain freedom. Furthermore, in 1907 a law was enacted known as the Prevention of Seditious Meeting Act, 1907 which prevented open discussions and formation of unions which also deprived the citizens of their right to freedom of speech.
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Following the attainment of independence and the establishment of the Constituent Assembly, the framers of the Constitution adopted the resolution for providing fundamental rights to its citizens. The idea of Fundamental Rights was derived from the Bill of Rights in the American Constitution. Furthermore, the provision pertaining to freedom of speech and expression was adapted from the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, 1726. The bill provided that the Congress shall not abridge the freedom of speech or freedom of the press. This has been well interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States in a number of landmark precedents.
The Sub Committee on Fundamental Rights on March 1947 considered the reports of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Dr. Munshi on the rights to freedom of expression, association, assembly and other rights contained in the drafts provided by them. Here a proposal was put forth by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar that no law shall be made restricting the freedom of speech, of the press, of association, and of assembly except by certain restrictions imposed by the union in the interest of the public order or morality.
What does freedom of speech and expression include?
The words “speech” and “expression” seems simple enough for not requiring any sort of explanation yet the court has legally interpreted this fundamental right to include the following –
i) Freedom of Expression implies the privilege to express one’s feelings and sentiments unreservedly by the method of word of mouth, composing or printing, etc.
ii) It includes the liberty to express or propagate one’s own views. It also includes the right to propagate or publish the views of other people, otherwise, this freedom could not have included the freedom of the press.
iii) Expression presupposes a second party to whom the ideas are communicated. In short, expression includes the idea of publication and distribution or circulation as well as the right to receive the matter distributed as held by the Supreme Court of India in the case of Romesh Thapar vs. the State of Madras(1950).
iv) It includes freedom to hold opinions, to seek, receive and impart information and ideas, either orally, by words written or printed matter or by legally operated visual or auditory devices such as the radio, cinematography, gramophone, loudspeaker, etc.
v) It includes the right to not only give but also acquire and import the ideas and information from others about matters of common interest i.e the right to be informed.
vi) A right to speech also implies the right to silence as well. It implies the freedom not to listen and not to be forced to listen. The right comprehends the freedom to be free from what one desires to be free from. In the case of Bijoe Emmanuel vs. State of Kerala(1986), the school authorities punished some school children for not singing the National Anthem. The children belonged to a sect called Jehovah’s Witnesses who worshipped only Jehovah the Creator and no one else. They refused to sing the National Anthem because according to them it was against their religious faith. But the children showed respect to the national anthem by standing up silently when it was sung and never showed any disrespect. Therefore it was held that the action of the school authorities in punishing the students amounted to the violation of Article 19(1) (a).
vii) The right to criticize public affairs includes the right to criticize the Government, including its defense policy and conduct of Armed Forces. In a free country, public discussion is not only a matter of right but also a political duty as the greatest threat to freedom is an inactive nation of people. Free political discussion is essential for the proper functioning of a democratic government. It was held by the Supreme Court in the case of Brij Bhushan vs. the State of Delhi(1950) that-
“Everyone in the land should be free to think their own thoughts, to have his own opinions and to give voice to them, in public or private, so long as he does not speak ill of his neighbour and free also to criticize the Government or any party or group of people, so long as he does not invite anyone to violence.”
Freedom Of Press
Freedom of the Press is nowhere expressly mentioned in the Constitution. However, it is implicitly present as a right under the meaning of freedom of speech and expression as laid down under Article 12 of the Constitution.
If democracy means the Government of the people, by the people and for the people, it is necessary that every person is to be entitled to participate in the democratic process. Free debate and open discussions are not possible unless there is a free and independent press.
The freedom of the press constitutes one of the pillars of democracy and indeed lies at the foundation of democratic organization. It has been held so by the Supreme Court of India in many decisions that the freedom of the press is a part of the Freedom of Speech and Expression covered under Article 19(1)(a), the reason being that the freedom of the press is nothing but an aspect of freedom of speech and expression. Therefore it has been rightly explained that although the Press is considered to be a medium of reaching the people’s views to the masses yet it has to stick to the limitations which have been imposed upon them by the Constitution under article 19(2).
Right to privacy and the freedom of speech
The right to privacy was implicit in the right to life and personal liberty to the citizens under article 21 until its emergence as a fundamental right. Privacy means the right to be let alone.
It can be said that privacy and free expression are two sides of the same coin where each is an essential prerequisite for the enjoyment of the other. This is because, in order to freely form and express political, religious or other beliefs, an individual requires privacy and safe private space free from the interference of the state and others. Any kind of invasion of the right to privacy for example tapping of phones, electronic or physical surveillance and intrusion in the personal space directly prevent an individual from exercising his freedom of expression.
A free and open press is nothing if the journalists writing for the papers are at risk of surveillance; if the individuals who read the online news sources are being tracked and their data recorded. Any State that is serious about promoting the right to free expression must get serious about promoting the right to privacy.
Reasonable Restrictions – Article 19(2)
In every democratic country where there are fundamental rights, the rights are never granted in absolution. Every fundamental right is to be subjected to reasonable restrictions. In the Constitution of India, the restrictions on clause 1 of Article 19 are enumerated in clauses 2 to 6 of the same Article. The restrictions on article 19(1)(a) are mentioned in article 19(2). Clause 2 was amended by the First and the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1951 and 1963 enabling the legislature to levy restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, on the following grounds:
a)Sovereignty and Integrity of India
b)Security of the State
c)Friendly Relations with the Foreign States
d)Public Order
e)Decency or Morality
f)Contempt of Court
h)Incitement to an Offence.
a) Sovereignty and Integrity of India
In 1963, the 16th amendment bill also informally known as the ‘Anti-Secession Bill’ for the final time amended Article 19(2) of the Constitution and the words ‘the sovereignty and integrity of India’ were inserted in it, creating one more exception to the right to free speech. The amendment was made to guard the freedom of speech and expression from being used to attack the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Union of India. Therefore it would not amount to an infringement if the Parliament by law restricts the right to free speech if it preaches secession of any part of India from the Union of India. In N.T Rama Rao vs. Telugu Desam(1995), it was observed that any legislation which is to be undertaken regarding 19(2) has to be comprehensive and effective enough to keep a check on any type of infringement such as burning of the Constitution or the refusal to take oath of loyalty or the raising of flags in any provoking way etc. It is essential for national integrity not only by uniting different communities but also by rooting out any kind of anti-national sentiments that are capable of causing any sort of violence.
b) Security of State
The term “Security of State” means the safety of a country against spying, theft or other danger. In the Constitution of India, the 7th Schedule contains the entries regarding Security of State in the Union List (List I Entry 9) and the Concurrent List (List III Entry 3) respectively. The term has a very wide meaning and it covers security of the economy as well. The term refers to a very grave and serious form of public disorder which is not even equivalent to an ordinary law and order problem. It does not mean the mere danger to the security of India nor any kind of rebellion or upheaval threatening the security of the entire country. The speech and expressions that encourage violent crimes are related to the security of the State.  “Security of State” means the absence of serious and aggravated forms of public disorder as distinguished from ordinary breaches of public safety or public order which may not involve any danger to the State itself. Thus security of the state is endangered by crimes of violence intended to overthrow the Government. It would thus comprise of internal and external aggression both.
c) Friendly Relations With The Other States
Reasonable Restrictions may be imposed on the freedom of speech and expression in the interest of friendly relations with foreign states. It is a well-settled proposition of International law that the State is responsible for the acts committed by the persons within their jurisdiction. Keeping this principle in mind, the modern legal system has made provisions for punishment for any kind of libel made against the Heads of States. For example, in England, the law punishes anyone who makes any kind of libel that endangers the peaceful relations of the Crown with other foreign states.
d) Public Order
This ground which imposes restrictions on the freedom of speech and expression was added by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of India in 1951. The amendment had been a necessity as the Supreme Court had refused the contention to impose restrictions on freedom of speech and expression in the interest of public order, citing it to be not a permissible ground of restraint. The term public order signifies the absence of disorder in contradiction to national outbreaks, armed rebellion, etc affecting the security of the State. Therefore in the case of The Superintendent of Central Prison vs. Ram Manohar Lohia(1960), Section 3 of the U.P. Special Powers Act, 1932 was held invalid and was struck down. This was because this section punished a person, even if he provoked a single person not to pay or defer the payment of government and also because there was no direct link found between the speech and public order. Justice Subba Rao of the Supreme Court observed that:
“We cannot accept the argument of the learned Advocate General that instigation of a single individual not to pay tax or dues is a spark which may, in the long run, ignite a revolutionary movement destroying public order. We can only say that fundamental rights cannot be controlled on such hypothetical and imaginary considerations.”
Also Section 123(3-A), of the Representation of People’s Act, 1951 which declares that any attempts to promote feeling of enmity or hatred between different classes of citizens on the ground of religion, race, caste, etc. are deemed to be unfair practices and this has been justified on the grounds of public order.
e) Decency and Morality
This is yet another ground which restricts the freedom of speech and expression. Decency means the same as lack of obscenity. Obscenity or indecency is mentioned under section 292 – 296 of the Indian Penal Code. A well-known test, known as Hicklins Test was laid down in the famous case of R vs. Hicklin which stated that “whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscene tends to deprave and corrupt the minds which are open to such immoral influences”. The Supreme Court in the famous case of Ranjit.D.Udeshi vs. the State of Maharashtra(1964) applied the Hicklins test to determine obscenity since it does not offend Article 19(1) (a) of the Constitution.
f) Contempt of Court
The term Contempt of Court is defined in Section 2 of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971. The term contempt of court refers to both civil as well as criminal contempt. But judges do not have any general immunity from criticism of their judicial conduct, provided that it is made in good faith and is genuine criticism, and not any attempt to impair the administration of justice. The power of Courts to punish for contempt of its own is prescribed in articles 129 and 215 of the Constitution which gives powers to the Supreme Court and the High Courts to punish for the Contempt of its own. This has been now settled in the case of Justice C.S. Karnan vs The Honourable Supreme Court Of India(2017) where a seven-judge bench  unanimously held that even a judge can be punished for contempt of the Court especially for raising any kind of allegation against the judges of the Constitutional Courts i.e. the High Courts and the Supreme Court.
g) Defamation
Reasonable Restrictions may also be imposed on the ground of defamation. Defamation basically refers to the tarnishing or injuring the reputation of a person. A matter which is defamatory in nature exposes the affected person to hatred, ridicule or contempt or causes him to be avoided. Such matter can be either in libel (writing, printing or some other permanent medium) or slander (words spoken or imitated by gestures). The law of defamation is contained in section 499 (Definition) and 500 (Punishment up to 2 years in jail) of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Interestingly several petitions have been filed in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutional validity of sections 499 and 500 of IPC. The petitions contend that both the sections went beyond the restrictions enshrined in Article 19 (2) of the Indian Constitution and thus constrict the freedom of speech beyond the reasonable limits. Also out of all reasonable restrictions, only defamation protects a private individual interest and all others are public interests, therefore, are extremely misused by the politicians and corporations to silence the media, activists, and criticisms. Law Commission of India has also acknowledged that criminal defamation laws violated international norms and the penalty of two-year jail term is clearly disproportionate.
h) Incitement to an Offence
This ground too was added by the First Amendment to the Constitution in 1951. Freedom of speech does not confer the license to cause incitement to commit offences. The law of sedition covered under section 124A of the Indian Penal Code is a good example of this.
The Misuse of article 19(1)(a) and the current scenario
Nowadays, Free speech has now been in the form of curtailment against the right to speak against what is wrong. As the saying rightly goes – Free speech is a guaranteed right but nowadays the citizens take the full liberty to give out information that is false. A country like India where the necessity of free speech is to bring in change for the good is now seeing the change in the wrong sense. For example, the recent statement of Sr. Adv. Dushyant Dave regarding the opaqueness of the collegium and the transfer of Justice Jayant Patel had led to the issue of contempt proceedings against him. Free speech is a necessity to introduce changes and alter the wrong actions or activities committed by the government. But whenever a wrong is pointed out, it is taken as an insult or defamatory matter or the like. Distribution of wrong information also forms a part of the problem. Looking at the recent situations, it is necessary that a limitation is necessary on the distribution of such wrong and incorrect statements that ultimately influence those people who are illiterate.
The reasonable restrictions imposed on the fundamental rights are meant to control the use of free speech. However, nowadays there are attempts to violate such restrictions in the form of hate speeches which can be spread by masses or by social media. The spreading of hate speeches against a particular community or caste or religion can have very bad consequences in the future.
The media too is now very much inclined towards the spreading of false news and wrong information to the masses. This goes against the very ethics of the freedom of the press which has been guaranteed to us by the Constitution makers. Sometimes even the media goes to the extent of defaming a person without proper proof as seen in numerous cases. The grant of free speech as a right guarantees the right to people to speak matter about which they have no information about or no knowledge about. If truth is let out, it is denied and then silenced after a pretty long gap. The current situation of free speech in India is deteriorating as people are more inclined towards accepting what is wrong and is against what is actually right. Paid news is a very good example of this. It is important that such methods be curbed and laws passed be made stringent so that people do not get to misuse this right without substantive proof.
It has been rightly observed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Romesh Thappar vs The State Of Madras (1950) that the freedom of speech and expression lay at the foundation of all democratic organizations. Therefore freedom of speech is of paramount importance in a democracy. Hence it is concluded here that the freedom of speech in India has been a boon granted to us by the Constituent Assembly. However, in the current scenario, the boon which had been granted to us is used in such a way that it imposes a hindrance in the life of the citizens. The use of social media and other websites for the purpose of sending messages to the citizens must be under scrutiny as there could be a possibility of the freedom of speech being used for dangerous purposes. The very essence of a democratic nation lies in public discussions and debates which can help the government and authorities mend its way of functioning so that the citizens can have the feeling that the State is indeed a welfare state and is working for the welfare of its citizens. Therefore a careful and knowledgeable use of the freedom to speak and disseminate correct information will help create a better society and the dream of a Welfare State will be realized.
The post A Critical Analysis Of The Right To Free Speech In India appeared first on iPleaders.
A Critical Analysis Of The Right To Free Speech In India published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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aroravicky · 5 years
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First release of the year #2019 Such a beautiful and heart touching story! Big hugs to the entire team 🤗🤗🤗 Latest work for @sbilifeinsurance Agency - Mullen Lowe lintas Production - @paper_plate_pictures Team MullenLowe Creative Director - Prasad Venkatraman, Chandani Dave Associate Vice President - Manish Somani Servicing Team- Shivangi Upadhyay Director - @hansraj_lg Producer - @komal_unawane DOP - @rain damdebnath_ Arindam Debnath Art Director - Harsh Mainra Execitive Producer - @reneshajobanputra Production Manager - Ashwin Ahire Costume Styling - Komal Unawane Editor - Mukesh Music - Shivi Kashyap Story Board - Durgesh Velhal AD - Gandharva Chawla DP Assistant - Ram Production Assistan - Shiwam & Prashant Post - Nube Studio Colorist - Vineesh Sound - Orbis - The Studio Sound Designing - Prathamesh Dudhane Post Guy - Shyam Online Studio - Mantra Casting Director - Vikass Gupta Agent (Son) - Vicky Arora Dad - Micky Makhija https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt8teGBnaWA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j52odc34t7pj
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
7 Bollywood Divas Who Happily Chose To Tie The Knot With ‘Once-Married’ Men
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/7-bollywood-divas-who-happily-chose-to-tie-the-knot-with-once-married-men/
7 Bollywood Divas Who Happily Chose To Tie The Knot With ‘Once-Married’ Men
7 Bollywood Divas Who Happily Chose To Tie The Knot With ‘Once-Married’ Men Niharika Nayak Hyderabd040-395603080 January 27, 2020
Bollywood has had its fair share of scandals and controversies. Managing a career whilst being married to a film star is one thing, but managing your own acting career and being married to a superstar is even crazier. Many Bollywood households had imposed outdated rules on their daughters and daughters-in-law (The Kapoor family men and their aversion towards their wives working in the film industry after marriage). And in some cases, married actors would even tie the knot with other women while being married to their current partners (Salim Khan and Helen).
Here is a list of divas who didn’t care about ‘‘log kya kahenge’’ and married the men they loved:
1. Kareena Kapoor-Khan
therealkareenakapoor / Instagram
The Kapoor and Khan families are both considered Bollywood royalty. And in the case of Saif Ali Khan, he is actual royalty. The young Nawab of Pataudi was once married to Amrita Singh who was 12 years his senior. Saif had allegedly tied the knot with the actress despite his family not being okay with it. Unfortunately, their marriage lasted only 13 years and the couple parted ways. Saif was linked to multiple women before he met his future wife, Kareena Kapoor, on the sets of their film, Tashan. The pair dated for six years before deciding to tie the knot and settling down on October 16th in 2012. Kareena and Saif share a son together, Taimur Ali Khan. Saif’s daughter Sara has also opened up about her relationship with Kareena and said they get along very well. The blended family is often seen spending time together and is a super close-knit kin.
2. Sridevi
sridevi.kapoor / Instagram
When Sridevi fell in love with Boney Kapoor, he was a married man. That did not stop the pair from having clandestine meetups and seeing each other. However, the actress found out she was pregnant and allegedly asked Boney Kapoor to leave his family for her. News about the pregnancy and affair spread across the industry and the Mr India actress was called a home-wrecker. Boney left his first wife and his two children with her to marry Sridevi and the pair tied the knot on June 2nd, 1996. Things were very tense between Boney Kapoor’s ex-wife and children and his new wife and him and they were made worse when Boney began a new family with Sridevi. The pair share two daughters, Khushi and Janhvi Kapoor. Unfortunately, the veteran actress met her demise in early 2018 right before her older daughter Janhvi’s movie debut. During this tumultuous time, Arjun and Anshula, Boney’s older children stepped in and helped the family cope with the loss. The family has since made amends and Arjun has even appeared on Koffee With Karan with his half-sister.
3. Hema Malini
filmyzar / Instagram
In 1954 a young Dharmendra tied the knot with a woman by the name of Parkash Kaur. They had four children together, Sunny, Bobby, Vijeeta and Ajeeta. However, this did not stop the veteran actor from setting his sights on the vivacious and youthful Hema Malini. The stunning lass was aptly monikered as the “Dreamgirl of Bollywood”. Despite him confessing his love for her, Hema Malini insisted she did not want to pursue him since he was already married. So the actor asked Parkash for a divorce but she refused to give him one. Since he really wanted to be married to Hema Malini, the actor converted to Islam so he could have two wives. The pair share two daughters, Esha and Ahana Deol together.
4. Shabana Azmi
hs.news / Instagram
Javed Akhtar and Honey Irani tied the knot in 1972 and shared two kids, Farhan and Zoya Akhtar together. The couple was very much in love but after a few years of marital bliss, Javed fell in love with Shabana Azmi. After news of Javed’s affair broke, Honey asked him to split up with her and they began living separately. Javed and Honey got divorced six years later and he and Shabana got married in 1984. Although Zoya and Farhan were initially upset about their father’s decision to remarry, they grew warm towards Shabana after discovering how loving she was. The family is on very good terms now and Shabana is very proud of both her step-children.
5. Lara Dutta
larabhupathi / Instagram
The former Miss World tied the knot with ace tennis player, Mahesh Bhupathi in February 2011. The sportsman was previously married to a model by the name of Shvetha Jaishankar. The model accused Mahesh of infidelity and claimed Lara was responsible for the demise of her marriage and stated that the actress and Mahesh dated while she and Mahesh were still married.
6. Juhi Chawla
iamjuhichawla / Instagram
Juhi Chawla’s love story with her husband Jay Mehta is one for the ages. Before he met Juhi, Jay was married to Sujata Birla, the sister of Yash Birla. Unfortunately, Sujata passed away in an unfortunate plane crash that occurred in Bangalore in 1990. The lively actress met Jay during this tragic time and they ended up being each other’s pillars of support and eventually fell in love. After a five year long courtship, during which Juhi’s mother and brother also passed away, the pair tied the knot in 1995.
7. Helen
Source: The Bridal Box
The woman who brought cabaret to Bollywood tied the knot with famed scriptwriter Salim Khan despite him still being married to his first wife, Salma. Although the family has admitted it took some getting used to, Salim’s children eventually accepted Helen as a second mother. Helen and Salma patched things up as well and are said to share a sisterly bond. Helen gets along very well with all four of her step-children and is very fond of them.
Sometimes marriages don’t work out and that’s the harsh truth of life. However, infidelity isn’t something that can be justified and the children of divorced couples have a hard time digesting certain facts regarding their parents. So, while it’s important to pursue your love interest, it’s harmless to say that you must be sure about the commitment you’re making when you get married. Which couple’s love story surprised you the most? Please tell us all your thoughts on this list in the comments below.
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Juhi Chawla was rather busy yesterday trashing her collection of cosmetics. The actor suffered a severe face and scalp reaction recently after using certain make-up products. Juhi wrote on Instagram, “I suffered the most frightening chemical reaction on my scalp/face and learnt a harsh lesson .. so TODAY trashing the chemicals and embracing the BEST beauty kit ever !!!!” She has now decided to use natural products from the kitchen shelf like honey and turmeric. Of late, Juhi has been at the forefront of environmental awareness. The Mid.day.com : 24th. Mar,18
  WHY ACTRESS JUHI CHAWLA TRASHED HER COSMETICS ? Juhi Chawla was rather busy yesterday trashing her collection of cosmetics. The actor suffered a severe face and scalp reaction recently after using certain make-up products.
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postolo · 6 years
WBNUJS: Mooting Achievements
The team comprising of Vinayak Chawla Pramiti Parwani Tejas Popat Guncha Dhiman Aishwarya Gupta Sreeja Sengupta and Rohan Jain have made it to WORLD ROUNDS of the ICC MOOT COURT COMPETITION 2018. This is the first ever NUJS team qualifying for the international rounds to be held at HAGUE. The competition was won by NALSAR,Hyderabad NLUD, Delhi were runners up. Fourth Team to qualify for the moot was GNLU, Gandhinagar.
The team comprising of Yash Kedia, Vishakha Kadam and Akriti Sirsalewala( All second years) emerged WINNERS of the 2nd Edition of the NMIMS National Moot Court Competition 2018!
NUJS Team break into rounds of 32 into Vis East  Moot, Hong Kong. The team comprised  Bhavya Nahar ( 3rd Year Speaker) Alex  Koshy (1st Year Speaker), Himani Shah (3rd Year) and Komal Israni (1st Year).
The team comprising Aditya Agarwal (3rd Year), Shreyas Shridhar (2nd Year), Harsh Vardhan Singh (1st Year) and Aditya Pratap Singh (1st Year) from NUJS, Kolkata won the Best Memorial award of  6th RMLNLU-SCCOnline International Media Law Moot.
The post WBNUJS: Mooting Achievements appeared first on SCC Blog.
WBNUJS: Mooting Achievements published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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In this Video, Infotainment Will Explain Top 11 Real Life Best Friends in Bollywood. Subscribe Our Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDb... Similarly, for vacation or tourism, we tell our readers about the best places in the world for tourism. If you like to see historic places, there is Top 11 Real Life Best Friends in Bollywood  for you right here. If you are into Top 11 Real Life Best Friends in Bollywood, Top 11 Real Life Best Friends in Bollywood   or that as well are here. Similarly, if you are the guy who wants to take his family and friends to a great green nature loving place, welcome Top 11 Real Life Best Friends in Bollywood  for that. Top mountains, top countries for tourism, top places for fun, top countries for sports, Top 11 Real Life Best Friends in Bollywood  is right here in this website. Aamir Khan and Salman Khan The Khan fellowship is going more grounded since the days they have cooperated in Andaaz Apna. Salman has dependably been seen saying in his meetings that Aamir Khan is No.1 and no one else can take the spot John Abraham and Abhishek Bachchan Their companionship began on the arrangements of super-hit 'Dhoom'. From that point forward, the performers have been seen riding bicycles in the city of Mumbai late evenings and hanging out wherever else. Shahrukh Khan and Juhi Chawla This kinship saw a considerable measure of harsh fix however is as yet in place because of their devotion. The on-screen characters have worked in many movies and now together possess an IPL group. Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt These Bollywood amigos appear to be the most seasoned. Sanjay and Salman uncovered they know each other since their high school years. The pair has done a lot of movies together and even facilitated a period of reality demonstrate 'Bigg Boss'. Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh The most recent B-town pals are Arjun and Ranveer who hits off on the arrangements of 'Gunday'. Their manly relationship is the most discussed nowadays. Jacqueline Fernandez and Sonam Kapoor This twosome are the most snappy amigos of B-town. Sonam and Jackie take form tips from each other and go shopping together at whatever point conceivable. They show up on celebrity main street as an inseparable unit Kareena Kapoor and Amrita Arora Their fellowship is no mystery. The pair has been amigos since Kareena was at the most punctual phase of her profession. The Kapoor Kudi was even spotted as Amrita's bridesmaid and was seen moving at her wedding Karan Johar and Shahrukh Khan This companionship needs no presentation. SRK is forever Karan's first decision in his movies and Karan dependably opens the principal scene of his television show Koffee with Karan by expediting SRK board. Highest Paid Mother's in Tollywood Industry https://youtu.be/QPasqf-R9Z0 Bollywood Actresses Who Share's a Same Age https://youtu.be/u45gVQ1Evww Bollywood Actors Who Went For Hair Transplant Surgery https://youtu.be/nLcSsDSmhno Amir Khan Movie "Secret Super Star" Movie Budget, Cast and Salary https://youtu.be/ch5xcTFjEYA Ranbir Kapoor and Ayan Mukherjee Their fellowship touched off with Wake up Sid. The team shares an awesome compatibility and are dependably observed hanging out. Ranbir uncovered that he accepts guidance from Ayan on his own life. Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty Ajay and Rohit are the best of companions since Rohit wasn't a major name in the business. It was in 2003 when Rohit made his directional introduction with Zameen with Ajay and Abhishek Bachchan. Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra Deepika and Priyanka are touted as the new closest companions in tinsel-town after their open show of friendship at different dos
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romeogoswami · 6 years
Always Hitts Music Presents - Dooria | Letest Punjabi Sad Song 2018 | Offical | Full Video | Kay3 ft. Hunny Sharma | Always Hitts Music Presents #Dooria #Singer : Kay3 , Honey Sharma Starring : Kay3 & Tanushri Sagar #Director : Romeo Goswami Asst. Director : Aashish Suredia Parjapati #Lyrics: Aar vik #Music: Paras chauhan #Photography: Sheron #marketing By Asp Entertainment special thanks : KAMALPREET JOHNY , Manthan , Sunchit , Nitish , Shivam Chhabra , Parveen Chawla, Kanchan Lavi Presents By Always Hitts Music #Owner : kanchan Lavi Goswami Contacts [email protected] Latest New Punjabi Song 2018 Song,Haryanvi Hot Stage Dance,Haryanvi Stage Dance,Live Stage Dance, Popular Haryanvi Song,Haryanvi Live Ragni,Haryanvi Hot Dance,Haryanvi hot Live Dance, Album Songs is single stop for haryanvi dance,song hit sexy sapna chaudhary dancer dance, monika chaudhary 2017 latest dance, chhamma tiwari, gori rani, rachna tiwari, bhojpuri hot girl dance new 2017, 2016 top haryanvi bhojpuri song, deepika hot dance, haryanvi new sapna chaudhary latest hot song, anshu rana, anjali raghav song, divya shah song, sheenam katholic, raju punjabi, pooja hooda song 2016, hot and sexy dance 2016, viral dance video,haryanvi songs haryanavi, youtube trending, haryanvi songs haryanavi video, harsh beniwal, haryana new song 2016, haryana, haryana new song, haryanvi SuperHit Exclusive Music 2017, haryanvi Exclusive 2016 song superhit, haryanvi dance songs haryanavi, haryanvi songs haryanavi 2017, haryanvi movies haryanavi 2016 funny, haryanvi comedy haryanavi 2016, haryanvi ragni competition at sonipat haryana , haryanvi movies haryanavi 2016, haryanvi movies haryanvi 2016 uttar kumar, haryanvi songs haryanavi 2017 this week , haryanvi songs haryanavi all, haryanvi songs haryanavi 2017 new, haryanvi songs haryanavi 2017 new, haryanvi new song haryana, haryanvi new songs haryanavi video sapna, sheenam katholic songs, sheenam katholic songs 2017,सपना चौधरी का बन्दर के साथ रश्के कमर | Haryanvi Dancer Sapna Choudhary | Haryanvi Song Dance 2017, sheenam katholic new song ,haryanvi hits of anjali raghav, dj songs remix hindi 2016 , Solid Jaada | सॉलिड जाड़ा | Pooja Hooda | 2017 New Haryanvi Video Song | DJ Song,haryanvi Sexy song, sheenam katholic new song, haramkhor trailer, haryanvi songs haryanavi video hd, haryanvi songs haryanavi video new, haryanvi hits of raju punjabi 2017, haryanvi comedy haryanavi 2016, haryanvi comedy haryanvi 2016 jhandu , dj songs remix hindi 2016 mashup, haryanvi trending song ,haryanvi new songs haryanavi video ,Haryanvi Song Haryanavi,New Haryanvi Song 2017,DJ Haryanvi Song,Sapna Dance,New Sapna Dance 2017,Sapna Choudhary,Sapna Chaudhry,Dev Kumar Deva,Raju Punjabi,Md Kd,Vijay Verma,Anjali Raghav,Anu Kadyan,Sapna Best Dance,Sapna Stage Dance,Sapna Choudhary Dance,Sapna Song,voice of heart music, सपना डांसर,हरियाणवी गाने,सपना का डांस,dance of sapna chaudhry,सपना चौधरी का डांस,haryana dance,haryana song,हरियाणवी Dance,mere,rashke,raske,qamar,kamar,karam,मेरे,रस्के,कमर,करम,vr bros entertainment,2017 hits of haryanvi, haryanvi new songs haryanvi video raju punjabi , ✓ Jalebi Juda | Latest Haryanvi DJ Song 2017 | Rakesh Tanwar | Anjali Raghav | Monika Sharma, haryanvi comedy haryanavi 2016 full , haryanvi comedy haryanvi 2016 sapna , vr bros dj song, haryana gana, haryana gana full hd, haryana gana full hd youtube, haryanvi movies haryanavi 2016 katto, haryanvi by Always Hitts Music
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consumerinfoline · 7 years
Taapsee Pannu to endorse hair care brand
Taapsee Pannu to endorse hair care brand
Actress Taapsee Pannu has been roped in to endorse an ayurvedic hair care solution range.
She will endorse the brand Kesh King, which already has names like Juhi Chawla, Sania Mirza, Huma Qureshi and Shruti Haasan associated with it.
“We, as film actors, lead a very hectic lifestyle and often need to work under harsh conditions of strong studio lights, hair dryers, styling products and even…
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indiamanthan · 7 years
Taapsee Pannu to endorse hair care brand
Taapsee Pannu to endorse hair care brand
New Delhi, May 8 (IANS) Actress Taapsee Pannu has been roped in to endorse an ayurvedic hair care solution range.
She will endorse the brand Kesh King, which already has names like Juhi Chawla, Sania Mirza, Huma Qureshi and Shruti Haasan associated with it.
“We, as film actors, lead a very hectic lifestyle and often need to work under harsh conditions of strong studio lights, hair dryers, styling…
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