#Hazel standing in front of her older tiny brother at the counter of Mc Donalds
chamiryokuroi · 8 months
ive been meaning to ask you this ever since you said you're reading the pjo/hoo/toa/*imsert rr acronym here*. what's your favorite character so far, excluding percy and annabeth? (im excluding them simply bc they're everyone's favorite. it's hard not to love them)
my favorite from the moment i read hoo, was always jason grace. i thought he was the coolest. the lightning powers, the roman-ness, the being raised by wolves for a year, the way he could make practical decisions even if they were kinda callous. (see: leaving nico in yhe jar) god i still remember the shock of coming online for the first time and realizing that everyone hated him. it really does suck that rr had no interest in developing his and the romans backstories.
tldr: who's your favorite character? what do you think about jason? and lastly, what's your biggest issue with rr's writing?
as always, sending you lots of love! <33333
Lmao I’m sorry I forgot about this ask until right now 😬 ok but now to answer your question my favorite (aside from Percy because Percy is the best) has to be the a tie between Nico and Hazel, I just love the Hades kids and their stories, they have such sad backstories but they’re doing their best (eventually, yes I am looking at you Nico, you know what you did, not you Hazel, you’re an angel and we’re so glad you’re here). Also the fact that their powers are absolutely badass and I love to see them showing off during a fight.
I love Jason, not gonna lie I was kinda angry at him too during that whole thing with Nico, but then I remember he was basically raised as a soldier so it makes sense why he said that, but also later on he is such a good friend to Nico. He definitely deserved better and I am so sad he had to die (absolutely hated Hera crying about him tho like bitch you were the cause of 99% of his problems the fuck are you crying for????)
I think my biggest issue with the writing is that sometimes it does feel too fanfic, like sometimes the story advances way too fast and we don’t get the development we could on the characters, then again this is a kids book series so it is understandable they need to keep their attention.
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