hazelfoureyes · 6 months
Hazel Story Time (not Hazbin; just personal hazel lore lmao)
Hazel random story time again
In honor of my favorite band (deadman) releasing a new single.
So I fell in love with this band called deadman in 2006, the same year they broke up. I spent years and years day dreaming of seeing them live. Before and after I moved to Tokyo I would always keep my ears open for the singer (Mako’s) voice, maybe he was in a new band or busking. No such luck.
I did begin a casual fuck buddy relationship with a professional busker, let’s call him Naoki, because that’s his name. He played accordion and piano so his fingers were God tier nimble. He didn’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and had an impressive skincare routine just in case he made it big. He would do work with jrockers and other artists I knew and it was like fucking my own little celebrity in my too-far-away Tokyo boonies apartment. He was so strong and his skin like delicately cared for porcelain. He would randomly just pick me up and maneuver me during sex and it made me feel like a ✨ little lady ✨.
Well, in the meantime, deadman got back together! But no tours really because of covid. I keep that information in mind and continue living.
One day on Spotify this year I see they have a national tour coming up and are coming to MY CITY.
Just the vocalist, Mako, and the composer (Aie) have reunited but I don’t care, I can finally hear Mako sing live. I get tickets the hour they go on sale, even though there’s no threat of selling out.
Eighteen years of waiting. I literally scream.
While riding that high, I go on insta and see Naoki posted. I wonder what that cutie is up to today. Just a causal meet up with an old friend.
Looking at the photo, my heart stops beating long enough to print the life insurance paperwork. Aie, from deadman, sitting next to Naoki at a cafe.
my beautiful dreaming accordion playing fuck buddy of days past who I met in massive Tokyo 6 years ago
is friends with
composer and half of the reunited band I have waited nearly 2 fucking decades to hear live who is not a Tokyo native
I post a four part close-friends only video of me fucking losing my shit.
Naoki says they’re old friends and sometimes play together, and promises I’ll be on the guest list for the next time they have a show.
The deadman live I got tickets to is next month, and if I get a second to speak to Aie I’m telling him we have a friend in common.
my life is sometimes the stupidest little manga plot, but this one takes the cake. How can the world be so small and coincidences so big?
In a city of 14 million people, I met the one who speaks English and knows the band I’ve waited over half my life to hear play.
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