#He (Byakuya) presents it often in a reserved or backhanded way but by the time they are in Hope's Peak he has already admitted to himself -
byakuyasdarling · 3 years
WEIRDQUESTION BUt pre-relationship andreagami headcanons??? were they soft for each other and didnt wanna admit it??? /cur /pos
Oh my gosh, I LOVE PRE-RELATIONSHIP. Literally, my favourite thing for all ships tbh, ESPECALLY oc x canon and selfships. 
I have quite a few discrete posts about them in pre-relationship as it is (i.e. All posts under the [“Green Hills | -“ tag], [backstory carrd], posts [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], and the post that really hammers it home [here]. I also discussed who potentially fell in love first [here] and love confession draft [here]. I think that covers it all. 
Honestly, I love that stuff, but I understand it is a TONNE to read. So, I will drop some more pre-relationship headcanons I have been dying to put in a post :) 
All under the cut <3
So recently, I have been thinking of a different segment of their story pre-relationship. 
They have the galas from they were children (where they were very close because Byakuya wasn’t calloused yet), the Green Hills days where they spent the first year getting on each other’s nerves because of Byakuya’s distance, and the final Green Hills years when they really softened up to one another and came to a mutual understanding and they fell in love like cringe lords /lh. That’s all explained properly in their backstory carrd though. 
BUUTTT They got together 6 months into their first year at Hope’s Peak (Byakuya would have been 17 and S/I was 16). I like to think that for the 2 weeks before their confession, they kinda functioned A LOT like a couple.
Honestly, ever since they moved to Hope’s Peak they have been. Although I have discussed the fact S/I knows Japanese fluently, she’s only ever lived in English-speaking dominated countries. Just like Sonia, she will confuse certain phrases, especially if they mean something different in English. So she feels really lost and not at home.. Especially because she is living in the dorms of Hope’s Peak and not a family residence (I have cleared up that students at Hope’s Peak are allowed to return to their family homes when not attending school as they please; dorms are usually used by students whose families do not live close or cannot take residence close to the school). 
The only familiar thing she has is.. well, Byakuya. And granting the fact he loves her and is noticing how much she needs him... he may as well be accommodating. As established in Green Hills, he feels very responsible for her. He helps a lot with her language issues (but predominately speaks to her in English when they are alone) and grants her a guest room in the Togami mansion a month before the start of their relationship; he hates the idea of “someone of your calibre being around the unwashed masses”. He just progressively started looking after her more and more. 
Like, he was already soft for her, especially because they’ve known each other for most of their lives and have been vulnerable with each other only as a result.. but like... he is becoming softer by the minute with her. He kinda just offers her the residence in the mansion like it’s nothing because guests are there all the time, no big deal. Like the rich man he is, he did not quite process the fact she is actually LIVING with him. The guests do not even bother to interact with him when they are in the rooms, but he realised that she is here for the long term and she may want to spend time with him. 
That was the time that really solidified them as a couple. At first, S/I really didn’t want to get in Byakuya’s way and REALLY respect his boundaries. It’s his home after all. But after a few days, he reminds her he doesn’t mind if she sticks by him and spends time with him in the mansion either (even if he says it quite backhandedly). They already know so much *emotionally* about each other, but they really felt as if they were rediscovering each other as they navigated their lives together. It really brought them close, to the point where S/I could gently hold his hand and he wouldn’t flinch or complain, it just felt right to him. Holding hands, just like they did when they were little (They wouldn’t be physical in any other way until they were together though, and other forms of affection took around 2 months for Byakuya to be acclimated to). Byakuya did discover that he likes to be close and behind her though, always there to protect her. 
I have another section of this that leads up to their confession, which I call the “Night Café Saga”, but that is probably for another post. I already rambled so much here, ahaha. 
Have a wonderful day <33 And thank you to all who could read all of this, hehe. 
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