#He just arrived like that to court and everyone was too akward to say anything
ice-mint · 1 year
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Prince Jacaerys and Court fool Aegon.
Idk why he is dressed like that either, but he is having the time of his life. Jace is deeply concerned (his jokes aren’t even that good)
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 14 – Ohana Means Family (And Family Means No One Gets Left Behind Or Murd– Oh).
In which we are treated to part 2 of Fun Suspicious Club Times, Andreil has Important Moments™, Nicky has thoughts on family, and I have all the feels. Guest starring: Murder!
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read – and finish – The Foxhole Court.
This is it, you guys. We’ve reached the last chapter of The Foxhole Court – or, as I like to call it by now, The Exposition Court. Lots of things have been shown, explained and introduced, and while that has been very fun and all, not much has actually happened. Now, however, exposition is done, and with this chapter I can practically smell the plot lingering just around the corner.
Let’s finish this, shall we?
We’re kicking things off with yet another #iconic Andreil bit:
           “Oh, he made it,” Andrew said. “That’s interesting.”
           He pressed two fingers to Neil’s throat, checking his pulse. When Neil tried to bat him away, Andrew caught his wrist with his free hand. His smile was small and fierce as he leaned forward into Neil’s space.
           “Remember this feeling. This is the moment you stop being the rabbit.”
If I had a euro for every time I saw this quote on a pastel/b&w grunge edit I’d have enough money to buy those two a honeymoon vacation.
Honorary mention, because I feel like this is a detail that usually gets left out of those edits:
           Neil was too startled to answer (…).
I love me some Neil ‘Andrew Is Not Being Horrible To Me, What Is This Feeling, Send Help’ Josten.
           Movement two doors down gave Neil a reason to look away from Andrew again. Five strangers were knocking on his suite door. She stepped out to greet them, slapping back and high-fiving as he moved into their ranks. Allison wasn’t far behind them. She pressed against Seth’s back and slid her hands down his sides to his pants. Neil watched as she systematically dug through all of his pockets.
She’s searching him for drugs, that much I got when reading it first. I didn’t think much of it then.
Oh boy. I’ll regret not thinking about this detail in 9 pages’ time.
           “Renee should be back with drinks any second. She said she’ll get something non-alcoholic for the two of you.”
           “Oh, what a waste,” Andrew said. “I’m buying Neil’s drinks tonight.”
           It took them a couple second to catch on. When they did, Dan lurched out of the doorway with a hard, “You’re joking.”
Oh, yeah, by the way, did I forget to mention that? They’re fucking going back to Columbia for yet another night of Suspicious And Problematic Debauchery.
Thankfully, Dan and Matt share my concerns:
           “He is not going out with you again. He’ll probably wind up dead this time.”
           “Jesus, Dan,” Nicky said. “When you say things like that it makes me think you don’t trust us.”
           “No one trusts you,” Matt said.
Oh shit, Tall Billie Joe, where did you get your sass from?? I like.
In response to that, Andrew speaks German to Neil, which a) Neil is Totally Not On Board With, and b) triggers yet another Andreil Moment™ because this chapter is just dishing those out left and right.
           Andrew was daring him to cross a line, to give up a little more of the lie that was Neil Josten. It went against everything Neil knew to give in, but he’d chose his path. He’d chosen Andrew. He buried his fear as deep as he could and answered in German.
Lasst mich hier zum Sterben, bitte.
We don’t have much time to ponder on the feels, though, as everyone’s favourite comic relief swoops in again, providing us with one of my favourite exchanges of this chapter:
           “Oh shit,” Nicky said, switching languages in a heartbeat. “Since when do you speak German? Andrew, you knew about this? Why didn’t you tell us?”
           “Boring,” Andrew said. “Figure things out for yourself once in a while.”
Bhahahaha. Andrew has zero time for anyone’s shit and I am loving it.
           Nicky waggled a hand at Aaron. “Quick. Have we said anything totally incriminating these past few months?”
           “Aside from your endless inappropriate comments about what you’d like to do to him, I don’t think so. Looks like you’ve managed to completely embarrass yourself in both languages.”
Ahahapfpfhfggdhfhdf ME. Seriously, print that last sentence on the coffin my akward bilingual ass will one day be buried in.
           Aaron looked at Neil. “When were you going to tell us?”
           “I wasn’t,” Neil said. “After everything I’ve put up with from you this year I figured I didn’t owe you any favours.”
Sassmaster Josten strikes again. <3 Also, he’s got a point.
The others are, understandably, a bit stunned at that exchange. And they didn’t even get the whole sass fest that went down. Pity.
           Matt was the first to get his tongue back, but the best he came up with was, “I thought you spoke French. That was French this morning, right? At Kathy’s?”
Precious Cinnamon Roll Discovers That Some People May Speak More Than Two Languages, Too Good For This World, Too Pure.
They leave, they drive to Columbia, bla bla bla.
As the monster squad (feat. Neil) arrives in their favourite ice cream-and-drugs joint, Neil is once again presented with his mortal enemy: New clothes.
           “This is new,” Neil said.
           “It’d be tacky to let your wear the same thing twice, wouldn’t it?” Nicky asked.
Uhm, no, it fucking wouldn’t? If an outfit’s cute I’ll wear it more than once, thank you very fucking much. And from what I’ve gathered, Neil’s outfit from last time was on point.
What kind of capitalist elitist bullshit is this, Hemmick.
           “How to say this?” Nicky thought it over for a second, then gave up on tact. “You could obviously use the money more than he could right now. Let Andrew give you things if he wants to. He’s not normally the gifting type, so it’s kind of fun.”
Just………… Andrew……… who never gives gifts………. buying his boyfriend clothes…….. t w i c e………… I’m fine :’)))))
           “I have my own money,” Neil said. “I don’t need handouts.”
           “Really?” Nicky asked, sending Neil’s clothes a meaningful look.
           Neil stared at him. He knew Andrew hadn’t told the others about his fluency in German, but he hadn’t realized Andrew kept quiet about his money, too. (…) But Andrew had found Neil’s money before their truce in Wymack’s living room. He hadn’t had a reason to protect Neil then, so why had he stayed quiet?
LISTEN……….. I’M…………. FINE…………. :’))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I thought we were going to be done here. Clothes handed out, banter shared, fun times, now let Neil change and get on with your dumb drug night.
I was wrong.
Nicky and Neil settle down for some Real Talk that makes up for like, so many things that the monsters fucked up in the past.
            “You do know what you’re doing out with us tonight, right? Andrew squeezed some sort of explanation in to his usual crazy nonsense?”
           “Sort of,” Neil said. “He said he’d have answers for me later.”
           “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Nicky looked pained. “This means Andrew is keeping you, same as he kept Kevin. It means you’re part of the family now.”
This is huge, you guys. From all we’re told later, this is not a word Andrew throws around easily.
Leave me here to DIE.
           Nicky made air quotes with his fingers. As soon as he spoke Neil knew whose words he was echoing, but Neil doubted Andrew sounded so tired when he first said it: “Being related doesn’t make us family.
(…) I know why Andrew feels that way, and I understand why he and Aaron can’t stand each other, but I’m not willing to give up on them yet. I want to fix this and show them they’re wrong.”
Shit, dude. That’s... unexpectedly serious and deep coming from you?
You know something’s important when even the comic relief is serious about it.
           “Family means something different with us because it has to. It’s not about blood. It’s not even about who we like. It’s about who Andrew is willing to protect.”
Give me the Minyard-Hemmick’s backstory, and give it to me now.
           Neil’s stomach twisted with another chilly what-if. “And he’s including me because of this morning?”
           “Partly,” Nicky said. “But partly because you’re the reason Kevin’s going to stay on our team. Andrew’s got Kevin’s back, but you’ve got Kevin’s attention.”
Meaning Kevin is stuck in a beautiful Andrew and Neil sandwich. <3
Also “a chilly what-if” is such a great expression, what the fuck, 10/10.
Before this Real Talk can end, Nicky has one last thing to say, which is specifically something I am very happy about:
           “Look, I know we screwed up last time. Please believe me when I say Andrew was just looking out for the rest of us. He didn’t want to take any chances. But things are different now. You’re one of us, which means we’ll never push you further than you’re willing to go. Okay?”
You go, Nicky, for realizing you fucked up and wanting to put things right between you and Neil.
But also, you go, Neil, for not immediately accepting his excuse, because shit, that crap was still not okay and you gotta apologize a bit more than that.
Plus, it would be kind of nice to have someone other than Nicky come apologize some time – lookin’ @ you, Twinyards and Big Deal Day.
Also, consent only matters with people you like, is that what you’re telling me? Deep sigh.
Ah, remember how I was “fine :’)))))” earlier?
           Neil pulled out his contacts and flicked them into the trash. When he looked up at the mirror, bright blue eyes stared back. Neil couldn’t be himself, but maybe he could be the Neil he’d given Andrew in Wymack’s living room.
:’)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) fine.
They leave Sweetie’s and they go to the club, where I experience some heavy déjà-vu, and not the funny kind – more the ‘Oh hey this is the place where you got date-drugged, date-kiss-raped and date-interrogated, haha fun times amirite’ kind.
There is one bit of interesting information that stuck out to me in the midst of Andrew and Neil’s usual ‘Hey welcome to the club, hey fucker did you know that drugs are bad’ dialogue:
            “We got into dust for Aaron’s sake. He needed something safe to get on when he was coming off everything his mother gave him.”
His mother gave him drugs?? The hell?? These could be either actual drugs – like, cocaine and shit – or we could be going down the old ‘medication you’re not taking voluntarily is bad for you’ trip and she’s given him antidepressants or something similar.
I’m not loving either option, although – if the latter thing is true – it would be interesting to find out whether Aaron has the same mental health problems as Andrew does, with them being identical twins and all.
Did you have enough Andreil Moments™ today?
           “Here’s some honesty,” Neil said. “I don’t like you, and I don’t trust you.”
           “It’s mutual,” Andrew said.
Honestly, when will they stop being the literal embodiment of the enemies to lovers trope.
Time for the indisputably most #iconic bit of this entire chapter:
           A group of people shouldered their way up to the bar counter at Neil’s back, pushing him into Andrew. Andrew didn’t budge beneath his weight. He was something solid to lean against, something violent and fierce and unmoving. Neil couldn’t remember what it felt like to have someone hold him up. It was terrifying and liberating all at once. His life was out of his control now; he was giving it to Andrew and hoping Andrew would keep it safe.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH
Neil, bby, if this is your way of showing how much you don’t like and don’t trust him, you’re doing a pretty, pretty shit job of it.
Sadly, the gay comes to an end and they return to the rest, who are enjoying one of their favourite pastimes: Getting the fuck wasted.
And just as I was beginning to wonder whether that was going to be it or whether the book was going to go out with a bang, and if so what exactly that bang would entail and when it was finally gonna appear – this shit happens.
           “What do you want?” Andrew asked, and listened as Wymack explained it all over again. “Overdosed like how?”
           “Again?” Nicky said incredulously. “That stupid bastard.”
           “Never again,” Andrew said over his shoulder. “He’s dead.”
           “Seth.” Andrew hung up and tapped the phone against his thigh. “Someone found him face-down in the bathroom at Bacchus where he drowned in his own puke. It’s exactly how I warned him he was going to clock out, not that he ever listened to me.”
Are you SHITTING me.
I like to joke about murder and death and shit, but this is ACTUAL DEATH happening, and WITHIN THE FIRST BOOK.
           Neil looked at him, surprised at how hard Nicky and Aaron were taking it. He wondered if he was supposed to feel something besides shock, but a mental health check came back clean. He’d grown up around death. It was nothing to him now but ice in his veins and a reminder to keep moving. Seth should have been an exception, since Neil had been living with him for months, but Neil had never liked him.
Stone Cold Bitch Neil Jostens strikes again. <3
And his BF isn’t much better, either:
           “What about the line-up?” Kevin asked.
           Nicky winced. “Kevin, the man is dead. Like, permanently.”
           “It’s not a major loss,” Kevin said.
WHY IS THIS SUCH A KEVIN MOVE. A dude dies and all you can think about is the impact on Exy.
Although, having thought about it for a bit, I have to say: I’m not super sad Seth is dead, either. I view his death as an important plot element (as it triggers future events and is important to demonstrate the cruelty of the Moriyamas) and I feel sad because characters I like will feel sad, but nothing more.
I didn’t like him when he was alive, and I’m not going to start pretending to like him now. I think it’s hypocritical to pretend to mourn the death of a person you disliked just because it is socially expected of you to be sad.
This does not invalidate the pain felt by others who mourn this person, of course. But I myself will not pretend to be sad if I am not, I feel like it would dishonour their memory if I would.
(Do come talk to me about this in my ask box if you’ve got something to add or if you disagree. I think this is an interesting subject and I’d love to hear different opinions.)
           “Is that why you drink?” Neil asked. “You don’t want to feel?”
           Andrew turned to face him. Neil wasn’t expecting it and almost ran into him. Andrew dugs his fingertip into the hollow of Neil’s throat in warning. This close Neil could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on him. It made him think of his mother burning to ashes on the beach.
I’m sorry, I know it’s supposed to be all dramatic and angsty here, but I can never take the phrase “X reminded them of their mother” seriously, or any variations of it. Even when it’s fitting, it just sounds so pretentious.
           He reached out without thinking and took Andrew’s cigarette away. For some reason Andrew let him keep it.
           “I don’t feel for anyone or anything,” Andrew said. “Don’t forget that.”
           “So Kevin’s just a hobby for you?”
I would like to point out here that Andrew immediately changes subjects after that, after Neil confronted him with the possibility that he could maybe, maybe feel something more than absolute indifference to Kevin. I’m just……….. putting that out there.
           “If [Seth] didn’t have his pills on him, how did he overdose?”
           “Not by choice,” Andrew said. “My theory says Riko won this round.”
WHAT. Are you telling me this is not only actual death happening, but ACTUAL MURDER??????
           Neil stared at him. “You don’t really think Riko did this.”
           “I think the timing’s too convenient for it to be an accident,” Andrew said. “Riko broke Kevin’s hand for being better. He crossed districts because Kevin picked up a racquet and got back on the court. What do you think he’s willing to do to you for calling him useless on national TV?”
Y E L L I N G.
Oh boy. Oh boy. This is shaping up to be a great next book. Did I complain about there being little plot so far? Well, shit. HERE’S YA FECKIN PLOT.
Fancy a dash of Feelings™ before we leave this show?
           Andrew hooked his fingers in the collar of Neil’s shirt and tugged just enough for Neil to feel it. “I know what I’m doing. I knew what I was agreeing to when I took Kevin’s side. I knew what it could cost us and how far I’d have to go. Understand? You aren’t going anywhere. You’re staying here.”
:’))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) andrewiloveyoupleaseneverleavepleaseprotectus
           Neil looked down at the key in his hand. “Home,” he whispered, needing to hear it aloud. It was a foreign concept to him, an impossible dream. It was frightening and wonderful all at once, and it set his heart racing so fast he thought it’d drum out of his chest. “Welcome home, Neil.”
………………………………………………. I’m dead.
Goodbye, The Foxhole Court.
Hello, The Raven King.
((Side note: But Nicki, What’s Happening Now??
I’ll be reading the other two books as well, obviously. As if I could stop now.
I won’t continue straight this Sunday, instead I’ll be doing something else, a bit of an experiment: I’m doing a review of the whole first book, hopefully with a bit more thought and depth than what I’ve rambled so far. Think of it as both an interlude and a summary. If I like it (and you do as well), I’ll do one of those after every book.
I’ll skip the Wednesday upload to take a bit of a breather and I will continue reading The Raven King the Sunday after that, that’s the 30th of April. More sportsball! More feels! More murder! Yay!
Also, I won’t rename this blog. I know TFC is just the first book and the whole thing is called All For The Game, so it should be ‘nickireadsaftg’, but I also don’t give a shit. I’ve gotten used to this now and y’all will just have to suck it up and deal with it. I put a lil note in my bio saying what book I’m on, that should be enough.
Lastly: Thank you all for sticking with me so far. Your endless messages, comments and funny tags mean the world to me, and you all are the reason my motivation stuck around till this point. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I’ll see you Sunday. Lots of love.))
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