#He was a facade created to charm u and make u trust me. Get over urself and stop involving me in your ridiculous sentimentality. šŸ˜ ā€™
queervibesmydude Ā· 4 years
Fluff Alphabet
this took me forever to write but I have no regrets.
Nick Scratch x Reader
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Nick absolutely adores your eyes and your smile. Heā€™d do just about anything to make you smile; whenever he sees it, he lights up on the inside and falls for you just a little bit harder. As for your eyes, he could lose himself staring into them. He believes that eyes are the windows to the soul and he loves the connection and intimacy that comes with making eye contact with you.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
All of it. He canā€™t choose just one part, when heā€™s in love with every single part of you. That said, he loves wrapping his hands around your waist and tracing patterns on your back.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
When youā€™re just talking, about anything and everything, he likes to keep his distance while still being close to you. Heā€™d lay on his side, focusing all his attention on you, with your feet and hands overlapping, so thereā€™s always some contact.Ā 
Otherwise, especially when youā€™re falling asleep, he loves to keep you as close as possible, wrapping his arms around you and keeping you safe as you drift off to sleep. Heā€™s personally a fan of you resting your head on his chest and moving close to him; that way, he can feel your heartbeat against his body and he can play with your hair and run his finger up and down your spine.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
You could go literally anywhere and do literally anything, but as long as he got to do it with you, heā€™d be happy. He always loved to take you out on elaborate dates, dressing up as nicely as he could, bringing you to dances and showing you off. He has to admit, though, he really does love it whenever you grab him to sneak off on whatever spontaneous adventure of sorts you felt like going on at the moment.Ā 
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Heā€™s certainly much more expressive around you than he is around everyone else. The facade of being suave and charming but otherwise expressionless that he normally keeps disappears entirely around you, especially when youā€™re both alone. Heā€™s more open and vulnerable around you, and expresses how passionate he is about the things he cares about when heā€™s around you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He would love to have a family with you in the future, as much as the concept does scare him sometimes, but heā€™s in no rush to make it happen. For now, and for the next couple of centuries at least, you and his friends are all the family he needs.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He never hesitates to spoil you with the most precious and elaborate gifts he can find. That said, the gifts that matter the most to you are the small ones, the ones that tend to be quite simple in nature, but remind you of some of the best memories youā€™ve had together. Your favorite gift, to this day, is a simple bracelet he created just for you, made with some dried sunflower petals from your first date.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Nicholas Scratch loves to hold your hand. He loves taking it and moving his thumb across your knuckles. He loves interlacing his fingers with yours, squeezing it to remind you that he loves you. He loves being by your side, no matter the situation, and holding your hand, just to remind you that heā€™s there for you, he loves you, and heā€™ll support you with whatever you need. Heā€™d follow you to the ends of the earth and back, as long as he gets to hold your hand.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
It goes without saying that Nicholas Scratch is incredibly protective over you. Not that he doesnā€™t think you can handle your own - you most certainly can and he knows it - he just loves you so much he canā€™t bear to lose you. If you got hurt heā€™d rush to your side immediately and teleport you somewhere youā€™d be safe before getting help if he needed to. Heā€™d stay with you until you were okay enough to defend yourself on your own, making sure nothing else would hurt you until then. And of course Nick Scratch is an adorably attentive boyfriend, making sure youā€™d have everything you needed.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Absolutely, yes. Teasing and joking around with each other has always been a part of your relationship that you both love so much, even when it escalates into a prank war that almost got the two of you banned from Dr. Cerberusā€™s, much to Sabrinaā€™s dismay.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
He loves to lavish you with kisses. He loves grabbing your face with both hands and pressing his lips to your forehead. He loves kissing your cheek and wrapping his arm around your waist in public, just to show everyone that youā€™re with him and he loves you. He loves kissing you on the lips any chance he gets, either to comfort you, show you how passionate he is about you, promise you heā€™ll be there and heā€™ll be okay, or to seek out love and comfort for you. He loves the feeling of your lips on his and would drink you in forever if he could.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He shows you he loves you by supporting you in your endeavors, always standing by your side. By listening intently whenever you had something to say, always being your shoulder to cry on. He always shows up for you in so many ways, making sure you know that you will be loved and supported, no matter how difficult or challenging things get.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Undoubtedly the time you beat him, hard (not physically), in a competition of sorts. On a day off at the Academy, a bunch of the students had decided to make an amateur competition of who could best the other witch/warlock in a game of combative spells. Everyone made a bracket and the miniature battles ensued, until you and Nick were the last ones left, both pit against each other. You were newer to the Academy and had seemed to have started growing a soft spot for Nicholas Scratch, so everyone assumed heā€™d beat you. They couldnā€™t have been more wrong. After quite an intense fight, you cast a spell no one else knew how to do that threw Nick across the room and rendered him momentarily powerless, beating him and winning the competition. Your rebellious power and ability to overcome all expectations without a care about what anyone else thought of you pushed Nick over the edge and made him fall even harder for you than he thought he could. Even though you werenā€™t dating at the time, that is, without a doubt, his favorite memory of you.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. More specifically, losing you or you getting badly hurt because he wasnā€™t there to help or protect you. Heā€™s something he gets nightmares about somewhat frequently; thankfully, youā€™re always there to hold and reassure him whenever he needs it.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Nick seems to be living in the world of his own thoughts quite frequently. Youā€™ll often catch him thinking hard about things, or simply exploring things in his own head, taking a few seconds to respond to you calling him at times. You absolutely adore it; heā€™s brilliant and you love to watch him think and hear all about it whenever heā€™s willing to share.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Darling and Sweetheart when heā€™s being flirtatious, he calls you Babe casually, and Baby when heā€™s being really soft and sweet.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He loves to get all the time alone with you he can get. Whether itā€™s going on walks in the woods together, lying under the stars and talking about anything and everything, or falling asleep together in his room, he just loves being by your side and feeling your presence next to him.
R = Rhythm (can they dance? are they a good dancer?)
He can dance quite well when it comes to parties and the like. When you first met him, he wasnā€™t as knowledgeable about more formal or complicated dances, but you have to admit, once he knew you were interested in it, he learned pretty quickly.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
It took him a while to open up to you. Not that he wasnā€™t trying to, but after having to rely on only himself for so long, it became incredibly difficult for him to open up to someone and allow himself to be vulnerable. He made the effort to trust you though, and while heā€™s still hesitant to tell you about things sometimes, heā€™s much better at it. However, under no circumstances does he keep any secrets from you, not unless it would be necessary to keep you from getting hurt, but even then, heā€™d do it reluctantly.Ā 
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took you forever to get together. Forever. It drove everyone insane, watching you two build up enormous amounts of romantic and sexual tension over time without ever actually doing anything about it. One day, when you were sitting underneath the night sky together after a raging party, you couldnā€™t take it anymore and you grabbed his face in your hands and kissed him. You spent the rest of the night together, molding your lips together and whispering confessions of the feelings youā€™ve both had for each other for far too long.
U = Upset (how do they act when youā€™re upset?)
Depends on what youā€™re upset about. If youā€™re angry at some sort of injustice, heā€™ll listen to you attentively and help you create some sort of plan for action to change things and make sure they donā€™t happen again. If youā€™re stressed, heā€™ll help you take a break and relax for a bit, and then heā€™ll help you finish whatever you need to so it wonā€™t be causing you stress anymore. If youā€™re sad, heā€™ll offer a shoulder to cry on and give you all the comfort and love you need until you start to feel okay again.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Nick Scratch is certainly a confident individual, and it shows in the way he acts and carries himself. What Nick is more than proud of, is you. Not only is he proud of you as an individual, heā€™s so proud of the fact that he gets to be with you, and never hesitates to boast about you or show you off whenever the occasion calls for it.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Heā€™s never been one for the whole damsel in distress trope, no matter what gender the so-called ā€œdamselā€ was. He prefers to fight beside you, both of you empowering and protecting each other, being the iconic power couple heā€™s always dreamed of. That said, if you were ever unable to fight, he wouldnā€™t hesitate to fight for you and do whatever he needed to do to protect you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He has to admit, learning how to read you had been a challenge when he was first getting to know you. Youā€™re pretty good at keeping your emotions checked and only expressing whatever you chose to at any given time, which can make it hard for people to know how youā€™re really feeling if youā€™re not telling them. Youā€™d catch him studying you from time to time, trying to figure you out. By this point, he can read you like a book. He can sense how youā€™re feeling and know when somethingā€™s off, just by noticing a few mannerisms.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Letā€™s be honest, he was never one for the whole turtle dove hearts thing; he always adored how mortals gave a ring to the other when they wanted to get married. You were never a fan of rings, though. Always found them way too easy to lose. You casually mentioned one day that you always found a necklace to be the most fitting, since itā€™s the closest to your heart and itā€™s much harder to lose, and Nick took that to heart.Ā 
He made an enchanted pendant that had gold, black, and red wire woven in a circle with the sigil you two created to represent your relationship in the center, adorned with the tiniest crystals that shone in the light. He took you on a walk to the spot where you normally sit and watch the sunset, took your hand, and told you everything he loved about you and how he couldnā€™t imagine living his life without you. He then pulled out the necklace and showed it to you, asking if youā€™d be his partner for life.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Being around you. He certainly does enjoy spending time on his own to recollect his thoughts and take care of himself, but being next to you, taking a break from the world to simply enjoy one anotherā€™s existence? It makes everything thatā€™s constantly moving at such a rapid pace inside him settle down, even for just a moment, so he finally feelsā€¦ still.
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