#He wasn't keen on bringing Dapper into it with him
shadowfloofster · 1 year
Qsmp BBH headcanon
As Bad's confirmed his character is a part time grim reaper, he calls Dapper "little reaper" whenever he's working as one giving him a matching cloak (which Dapper loves, though he prefers his phantom cloak)
However, due to this he's usually the first to greet the eggs when they die (Trump, Tilin and Juanaflippa the second time*) and he sees them wondering around with their alive friends and parents. Tilin and Juanaflippa he saw together usually, watching Slime, Mariana and Quackity while Trump follows Max around most (they check on their other siblings at times) until the funeral where they finally disappeared.
When an egg loses a life Q!Bad can see their spirit moving slightly behind the body, due to it re-entering it doesn't fully 'settle' back into the body. It's not as noticable when they move a little but when they're fighting or running around it becomes easier to see. He's alerted of these but only watches over the egg as their spirit exits then re-enters their body as they don't remember what happened between dying and waking up (the body and spirit take a while to reconnect enough to exist together)
It's why he wants to make sure every egg is okay, because he can usually tell when an egg is about to die (the ghosts that follow him call him varieties of "the death oracle" due to off handed comments ending up being connected to an egg's death) and he hates seeing their spirits wonder around after their parents and siblings or the few seconds delay between the spirit and body.
While Dapper doesn't know the full details, he tells him about it after he wanted to learn about what Q!Bad did as a part time grim reaper
*He didn't see Juanaflippa the first time because she died by having her bed broken, meaning her soul left her body immediately so he didn't get a chance to even sense the death before it happened
He can interact with the spirits of the dead eggs, usually doing his best to comfort them when they want him to and just after their death.
Only the one who died can see him when he's there for a death.
Q!Bad isn't able to lead the spirits to the after life, being a 'part time' grim reaper already limits his access to the after life (usually only severing the body and spirit's link till another can arrive, but usually guides children and natural deaths to the afterlife due to his more empathetic and gentle nature compared to others, so the children are less scared of him) and Quesadilla island not letting him access the afterlife at all.
Q!Bad can't tell when an egg is going to die of neglect until they've already died and re-entered the body, so he asks the ghosts to let him know if an egg needs taking care of still
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jojoreadwhat · 5 years
T W E L V E • A Gwilym Lee Story | 4. the one with too many ramen options
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Gwilym •
Drougie's was your average bar and club on the outskirts of Brooklyn. Smelling like organic menthols and expensive trendy boozes. Dimly lit with neon lights guiding against exposed bricks and abstracts hanging along side them. Scattered tables, with more space for the people to dance. Ugly stools lining the bar with the traditional mixtures siding new age concoctions on the shelf behind. Fit for the yuppies and balancing out for the ones not so keen on the "hip" crowd tonight.
I stood resting my back against the bar, nursing my lime and tonic. After grinding it with a pretty paralegal that reeked of knock off Oscar de la Renta. Watching the floor as the kids tried grooving to the house grunge sounds Joe had mixed. Chuckling to myself as no one knew how to groove to remixed nirvana.
One person particularly caught my attention across the floor. Sylvia giggling with Lucy, while sipping on rum and coke. Mouthing the words to Radiohead's Creep when the music mellowed down. She looked good tonight. Standing out amongst the crowd. Her dark brown hair hanging down over her shoulder with her face dolled up. Lips dressed in a dark red. With a black dress complimenting her complexion as the neons danced along her skin.
"Why don't you go talk to her again?" Startled by Joe’s presence next to me now. Following my stare upon Sylvia’s hips.
I looked up at my friend, looking dapper, casually in a shirt and jeans. Signaling the bartender for another round. "No, thanks." I replied.
"You're just pissed she hasn't let you take off her knickers yet." My eyes narrowing with disgust at him, "That's beyond. She's not even my type." I spat back, Joe just chuckled bluntly. "She has a pulse, that's enough for you." I sighed, meeting the sweat of my glass with my favorite fingers.
"Touché" I replied to Joe, ignoring my thoughts swarming as I continued to watch the ladies. Seeing that Lucy had spotted us and began walking towards us.
Joe has always had the hots for Lucy. I think she did too. Coming to support his sets and watch him fancy her quite as much. Yet both still blindsided.
"Hey boys!" She greeted once she got to us, "The set was great! All that trippy Nirvana!" Directing to Joe now, pulling him into a big hug as I stood poised next to them. Ignoring their gush while Sylvia stood at a table across the floor, gulping down the last of her drink.
Joe’s honesty earlier was abrasive but the truth. I had no type, I looked at all the women in this place with no standard. Just as long as it walked and breathed, I could make it come. Sylvia wasn't a doozy like the many I've come across. How a simple run of my fingers through my hair had Girls on their knees in front of me.
There was more to her than I assumed. Just by the way she didn't simply take my antics said otherwise. That she was nothing like the story she had rehearsed. And I was a bit crossed about wanting to fuck her or just to simply talk to her.
I walked over with a refreshed drink from the bar as she mindlessly observed. "Are you having a good time?" I greeted, waiting as she turned to me with her brown eyes sparkling from the lights. She mouthed a "Thank you" as she took her drink. Remaining silent while she sipped it, and the liquid glistened her lip.
"You want to hear my story now?" She rehashed, snarkily.
I chuckled at her attitude.  Shrugging as I met the chill of my glass, "I mean" I began, then. Meeting her eyes that were looking for my response. Before looking at the crowd trying to shuffle, "It's probably a lot better than this crowd." Immediately hearing her lips smack along with her beginning to turn away.
"Come on Gwilym, lighten up on her." My mind rambled, and my arm reaching out towards her. I sighed, "I'm sorry, I was only joking." I pressed, "Don't leave on my behalf."
Sylvia’s brows furrowed, I didn't blame her. Sorry wasn't a word that ran through my lips often. "And I should just believe you're being sincere?"
This wasn't going to be easy. 
"Yes." I said again, feeling her relax underneath my grip. Realizing I hadn't let go before it dropped to my side.
Her lips adjusted in the slightest, her expression beginning to change. Before a word could fill in our awkward silence, I seen her trailing behind Lucy to the lit up exit.
Sylvia •
After leaving the club, Lucy and I had to run to the market before settling in with Take Out. I pushed the cart down aisle seven of Pioneer Supermarket. Listening to the cheesy instrumentals of silly pop songs, blaring overhead. As we prepped for the steamy days approaching this week.
Lucy suggested things for the cart, but I wasn't paying much attention. I couldn't stop thinking about earlier on at Drougie's. Aside of Joe’s set and this dress I can’t wait to take off. I couldn't wrap my head around Gwilym. His caught glances across the room. How charming he looked in neon lighting. Most importantly, him wanting me to believe in his sincerity.
It's only been a few short days after my arrival and it was like I was being sat down for a pop quiz. It was easy to confess that Gwilym is very handsome. Has this very, unexplained aura about him. That makes you want to see beyond his chipped shoulder. All those multiple choices were filled in correctly. It was just irritating me how perplex he really was. Honestly I don't think he gets how confusing he can be, and I really wasn't up for the game.
I decided to maybe look for a few answers, Lucy was looking at the arrayed packagings of Ramen noodles. Indecisively holding one in her hand, obvious that I just joined her unsolved mystery.
"Red or orange?" She held up the two options, feeling my face adjust in thought. Before deciding red, the shrimp flavor. "I like it." She added, then. Grabbing a few and placing them into the basket.
We began walking to the exit of the aisle, I parted my lips to speak when Lucy beat me to it. "I seen Gwil talking to you earlier." She began, looking back at me deviously.
I shook my head, "It's not what you think." I replied without hesitation, "I don't even know what it is." Speaking again before bagging a pound of oranges.
"What do you mean?" Watching Lucy’s brow raise in question. "Like what did he say?" I sighed then, bringing my hands back to the handle. I shrugged, "He again belittled me." I began, fast forwarding to this morning at the coffee shop. Which I failed to bring Lucy up to speed about yet.
"Then he stopped me from walking away, and apologized." I went on, Lucy had taken over the cart now as we walked down the beverage aisle. Stopping in front of the sparkling waters.
"Get in the basket." She commanded then, "What?" I questioned back, leaving her to gesture to it. I rolled my eyes, "Lucy, we're not in colle–" Resisting but Lucy only insisted.
Lounging back as my feet hung off the front, Lucy topping it off with a bag of Twizzlers. I continued.
"I don't get him. Like is he threatened of me or something?" I began once she started moving the cart. I heard her sigh, "Well Gwilym has never been an open book since I met him." She started off, quite aware I wasn't going to get validation on why Gwilym was being this way.
"–he's a bit of a dog. I've never seen him steady and is very unapologetic about his preference too." She went on, "Maybe he is threatened. You are like the first one that hasn't made a move on him." Immediately I straightened myself out, turning to Lucy now. "You've slept with him?!" I asked, she just laughed out loud.
"Fuck no." She clarified, "We made out once and laughed it off. We practically see each other as siblings." I nodded, understandingly.
"I bet you don't think of Joe that way though." I smirked, watching her cheeks grow red. "What?! Ew no!" She horribly denied the fact. "Don't even mentioned that again or I'll push you into the toilet paper pyramid brat."
I agreed, sticking out my tongue before finishing off the bag of twizzlers.
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