#He wouldn't be able to be a Basedness Dispenser because he's a PERSONNNNN
ranboo5 · 1 year
uhmm ctechno take that annoys you the most. like a take you see on your dash that is so blatantly incorrect it hurts you a little bit that no-one's challenged it yet
Tbh I unfollow on SIGHT for bad Techno takes inpst cases and most people who don't like cTechno have moved on from the fandom besides so in terms of on my dash the only thing I still see on occasion is immortal cTechno stuff which isn't smth I Hate I just don't like it w/ where he is in thinking out his anarchism. This is especially annoying when played in a way that makes the parallels b/w him and cDream worse – I can't really figure out a way 2 phrase this bc Techno IS more based and more mature than Dream (low bar lmao) but putting it in a way that like . Idk immortal Techno vs 22yo Dream or similar. Kind of gets at me like the thing abt that is that in important ways Techno and Dream r Peers ? And that's what makes the progressive v reactionary parallel so strong where it exists. Idk. Also in general I just don't like making Techno genuinely larger than life in the universe of the fiction bc the fact that he's Not despite having that reputation is important to me yk ? Like yeah he's strong but he's not untouchable . And it kind of generally annoys me tbh when people treat him like he is
And people even who like him treat him like that ? Even tho it's a plot point in his arc that he is Not an untouchable larger than life figure he's a person. Ppl have pointed out this has to do w/ how his losses etc get framed WHICH IS FAIR ! Bc the framing is a lot less like . Openly harsh than the framings of the failings of others but based on how he treats those and what makes sense if u consider the arc and such like . That panic Matters. The fact that those calls are so close Matters. The fact that he avoids most of his getting got on the fact that he explicitly stays out of danger and prepares Matters. The fact that he doesn't know what he's doing and is trying to figure it out Matters
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