#He’s sosooooooooooo…
twsted-idiot · 1 year
Sighh <3 himb before I sleeb
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rhpsdys · 1 year
@futurecomposed ♪ ♪ ♪ starter call !
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'it's a privilege to sit on the audition board', you remember dallan saying, && as you allow yourself a breath before the next person comes in the room, you think back to your own final-round audition. you'd been terrified, that much you can remember, && you'd pretty much blacked out after raising your bow.
what you do remember is head witch crane asking you, when you'd finished, why the beautiful song you'd played to accompany your recitation sounded incomplete. 'it was written as a duet,' you recall choking out / twenty-six years old, && raw from your first heartbreak. 'but it's... it's just me, now.'
'well,' crane had said, his voice warm with sympathy, 'i don't think i've heard a better accompaniment for that tale. congratulations. very, very, well done.'
now, you sit on the other side of the table, beside the man who believed in you, who was your mentor, && the very reason you're here now. you smile at the young man who steps on stage under the candlelight illuminating the concert hall, && stand to greet him. "tsukasa, right? my name's raine, assistant to head witch crane. welcome in, && congratulations on making it this far. you're here because we saw the passion you have for sharing stories, && the power of the magic infused in your words && music. should you be selected, you'll be joining a ancient line of bards, long preceding the modern age. anyone can learn to perform, or even cast bard magic, but not everyone is suited to be a bard. we believe that you do. but enough from me." you laugh softly. "what will you be performing for us, today?"
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ivytwines · 3 months
Phil Lester my pretty pretty princess I would take 1 billion bullets for you
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