#He's lied about the exact opposite [C: I don't need you] “and the feeling is mutual!”
tooteadoo · 1 month
Cried last night thinking about Aziraphale's "I- I need you!"
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
I've seen so many sol0 fans or just people that have watched cql and cares for the cast, talking about how they feel that bjyx is something one sided and unrequited. some comments about how xz (in the later fan meetings) is kinda just patiently indulging yb but clearly was not v happy about it. Sometimes I do think xz is more reserved and seems to try to "tame" yb to be more discreet about their, whatever it is, thing but i don't particularly think he is cold? What do you think?
I know it may sound odd but is there some analysis about Xiao feelings towards Yibo? I mean this guy is head over heels for him, no doubt about that but I don’t really feel the same from Xiao? I mean I could be wrong since I’m new there and didn’t read a lot of analysis so if you have some can you link them please? Thank you! And I don’t ask this in a « wrong » way like I genuinely feel like there’s something but I don’t see the same feelings towards each other. Again, I could be wrong! 
Hi, anons. These asks has been sitting for the longest time in my inbox, so I decided to tackle them today (still writing two days later, I’ve desisted on creating a more organized post and I’m just dumping my thoughts here this time).
(It’s also that I’m frustrated about this, because these are two of the most polite ones, but I’ve also received others less well worded ones, that basically imply that there’s nothing from gg).
For the anon asking for some analysis, I’ll leave a link here to a post that basically sums up my own thoughts.
Disclaimer: as always, don’t take bjyx seriously. Pure speculation here.
Long post.
Before I start, I want to say that I shouldn’t be the one to convince you to anything. It’s never my intention to impart the “universal truth” or to be patronising. If any of you really feels that there’s nothing from gg, no matter what I say, you won’t be convinced by my post alone. And it’s alright to agree to disagree. Just keep it in mind.
I feel that what anons describe it’s something that often happens to new bxg. Dd’s so obvious, so painfully obvious that in comparison, gg is much more “discreet” (well, we had to learn to read Lan Wangji’s expressions, didn’t we? The same happens with gg’s gestures). I don’t agree with the idea of dismissing someone’s love just because they aren’t as obvious and as telling as their partner at first glance (gg’s songs and drawings aren’t as straightforward, but they are there for those who care to listen and see).
From my pov, I think it’s very very probable that they are together. So, that works both ways for me. I don’t think dd’s love unrequited. They take care of each other in ways that speak of a high level of trust, intimacy and chemistry (yes, I initially wrote that post for these asks). I’ve talked about subtle ways to display your love, because when you love someone it’s difficult to hide it, and gg has a hard time trying to hide for the cameras.
(I’m still thinking of Happy Camp, when dd hurt his neck with the necklace... gg’s reaction wasn’t controlled in the slightest, and the combination of worry and anger would be a interesting combo if gg indeed wasn’t anything to dd or if he hadn’t gifted him the necklace).
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Gg often has a hard time controlling his reactions when dd is involved. He’s much more natural, a lot closer to how he really is instead of his very polite and soft public persona. He get a glimpse of him in the bts (I suppose they never expected CQL to be so popular, and didn’t thought that the bts would be so watched a year afterwards), and comparing how he is in the bts with dd to how he usually is in other interviews and events with other people is a very interesting exercise.
It’s true that gg in the interviews seemed to try to hold back dd, to the point that they both lied sometimes in the interviews... the effect they caused was contrary to what they wanted. Definitely. Because they tended to forget what they had lied about, and the “plot” had holes everywhere. Like gg reacting surprised to the possibility of dd starting a fashion brand. Twice. In the same day. Or the eggplant/carrots thing. Or the “I didn’t know you slept with the lights on, but I’m aware of your sleeping pattern” thing. Please note that these three plot holes were caused by gg (in the second case, I’m refering to carrots ofc).
About what the first anon says of “how xz (in the later fan meetings) is kinda just patiently indulging yb but clearly was not v happy about it”. It’s one thing that by then they’d have noticed that their cp had attracted a whole lot more attention that they had ever expected it to and a whole another thing to “indulge” someone (as if only dd wanted it and gg had nothing to say about it) and “not be very happy about it”. Gg might have tried, but even he couldn’t completely erase all of the little moments directed at dd (and you have to take into account that gg was actually sick in the last fan meeting in Nanjing, that’s bound to affect his mood too).
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(There’s no one else when they look at each other. No wonder Wen Ning achieved such a third wheel look when they were filming the boat scene, I suppose it’s taken from real life).
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How gg looks at dd and only smirks when dd looks up... well, gg still makes his best effort at being discreet...
And dd in this moment... well, what can one do when a man like gg looks at you like that? (dd.exe has stopped working. Please restart).
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Source of the gifs: 仙娱
Last but not least, I’d like to talk a little about W/ibo Night, the main source of many people’s doubts. I’ve seen many analysis, from “poor puppy dd following gg around” (that’s... bs) to some better analysis that deserve to be taken into account.
W/ibo Night is an event organized by a state controlled social media platform. It’s one of the most observed events of the years, with potential future employers and coworkers, apart from the government, so it’s not just them, but everyone is very serious and controlled in their actions.
They obviously had agreed beforehand on how to behave in this one. While dd is very serious, he doesn’t seem angry or sad that gg isn’t looking his way. However, they both can’t help but look in each other’s direction (gg’s more discreet, but pay attention and you’ll see him side glancing at dd at least three times on stage) and the way dd turns just so he can have a look at gg is... 🤦
They tried so hard that it ended up getting the effect they wanted to avoid: when everybody else was greeting each other (friendly hadshakes, patting their backs, etc.) these two just stood there, a little awkwardly. It became obvious to most people that they were acting as if they were strangers.
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I think (speculation here) that while they had agreed to act as if they didn’t know each other, gg was... off that night. His eyes were very bright (as if teary, so not in a good way) and his smiles were tense, so I’d say in a bad mood or maybe he was feeling under the weather. I think dd was worried, so that’s why he kept glancing at him (I’ve read about the rumours of why gg was like that, but I tend to dismiss them if there’s no proof).
For someone as polite as gg, to walk so obviously in front of dd when they were getting on stage (c-culture here: the one who walks in front has more seniority/authority, so gg always lets the other people walk in front of him as a sign of politeness and respect), speaks of a familiarity that exceeds that of coworkers. Dd’s actions need no more words: waiting for gg and letting him walk in front comes naturally to him.
Choosing fans (though at first, dd just looks at gg choose his). I don’t know if you remember, but gg chose “I can do it” and dd chose “I have it difficult” (as a way of saying “I can’t”). I think it was entirely a coincidence, because dd was looking at his gg choosing his fan, the one he had wanted at first was taken by another person, so he chose this one as “I couldn’t take the fan I wanted” and “it’s difficult for me to choose”.
However, look at the happy and surprised smile from gg when he notices that his fan and dd’s make a pair (similar to “yes” and “no”, gg had filmed an ad for the event in which he linked this two exact phrases as opposites). A sad spoiler: this is the only time he truly, spontaneously smiles at the event (and notice how dd’s face inmediately mirrors gg’s and how he tries to rein it in a second later). 
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I couldn’t find a video, but just before leaving the stage, dd looks at gg again and shakes his fan. Without a single word, gg understands that dd is asking from where to leave the stage, and makes the slightest movement with his fan to point the way. I assure you, this level of 默契 (mo qi) is difficult to find even in established long time relationships.
Once they are seated, gg leaves for a second and tells dd “I’m leaving” and dd answers “okay”. There’d be no need for this interaction unless they’re still friends/couple.
This one broke my heart a little: dd had been sitting on a plastic bottle the whole time. Usually gg clears his seat when dd comes (Nanjing fan meeting, Tencent awards night), probably because he has noticed that dd doesn’t care that he’s sitting on things. Dd left earlier the event because of his schedule, and once gg came back from getting his w/ibo king award, he sits on dd’s seat. And notices the water bottle under him. Even his poker face can’t hide the sad fondness “aiyo this boy...”
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Some say he sat in the seat next to dd’s, but there’s a video I can’t seem to find (the despair is real) of gg sitting on the water bottle, so it’s indeed dd’s seat.
Also, you may try to think this from your own perspective: when and why would you sit in another person’s seat in an event as important as this one? If I try to answer this from my pov, I’d say that first I’d need to know that that person wouldn’t mind me sitting there and/or knowing that this person isn’t going to come back to the event. In both cases, it requires communication and trust between these two people. Gg had to know that dd was leaving first (and why would dd tell gg if not because they chat about their work schedules?) and that dd wouldn’t mind once the fancams made it to social media. This is what I think, at least.
Okay, so here ends my post. I just exposed some of my thoughts on why I think yizhan is NOT one sided or unrequited. But of course, you’re allowed to disagree with me, anons, since we are all in the speculation ground here. Nonetheless, note that this is a yizhan/bjyx blog, which implies (at least for me) that there are feelings from both sides, so I may not interact further with one-sided yizhan/bjyx asks.
(BTW, I found a very complete post of moments where yizhan isn’t one sided here, so I decided not to elaborate on those moments in this post).
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thatspaceace · 4 years
⚠Warning, latest Sanders sides episode spoilers⚠
My friend @onelongboy and I rewatched the latest Sanders Sides episode a few days ago and decided to think about it. We started by looking at what people have said on tumblr and came across a post by @metatoshi about the code. But I will get to that later.
We had started with Janus' name. We looked up the meaning and got that Janus is a Roman god of two faces and transitions. We looked up the meaning of the other sides and their orgins too.
Virgil was a very famous poet. He had twin descendents that were named Romolus and Remus, the creativity twins.
In the twins story, Romulus and Remus had a fight because they were trying to see who could find the most birds. Remus said he found 6 and Romolus said he found 12. Remus accused Romulus of cheating since Remus said he had seen 6 first. Romulus was upset and built a wall between the two. Remus went over the wall and was them killed by his brother.
This is where Janus comes in. When Romulus and kis men were kidnapping the Sabine woman, Janus had made a volcanic spring erupt, killing many of Romulus's men. Romulus then started to respect Janus and worshiped him.
This is where things change. Patton and Logan are not Roman names.
Patton comes from the name Pattrick. Saint Pattrick was famous for the comi ng of Christianity. This could also be seen as change. Logan is also of Irish origin. Logan means mountain, hinting that he may be needed for other to build off of.
From the understanding of their names we started to see how they are connected. Virgil is the start of everything. His descendants founded Rome. One of those descendents had a run in with the god Janus. Many years later, Pattrick came in and changed everything to Christianity. Sometime after the change Logan became a name meaning mountain to hold everything up.
After connecting everything, we figured maybe the sides appeared in the same order as they did in history. The sides were not a huge deal until anxiety became to much to handle. Thomas needed somewhere to channel his anxiety, creating the creativity twins. They might have gotten along well until an argument and the twins built a metaphorical wall separating them. When Roman caused a problem, Janus did what he could to make it right by taking care of Remus. When this eventually became top much for Thomas Patton appeared, making a huge change in Thomas' life. Patton needed someone to rely on so he created Logan, his mountain or his rock.
Once we had gotten here, we started looking deeper into the names.
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These are some pictures of the paper we used for a visual.
First we started with a color wheel. We looked at the opposites. Roman and Remus are the obvious opposites. But then you have Virgil and Janus. We figured mayby Virgil isn't comfortable with lying in case someone figures out that Thomas is lying. But then we have blue and orange. The would mean that Logan and Patton are the opposite of the possible new side. We didnt really know where to go from this so this is where we got into the names.
We noticed that Patton and Virgil are the only sides that have 6 letters. Their males also dont have the same ending as anyone else. IL and ON not US or AN. We thought maybe these two sides are more important and possibly closser to Thomas than the rest.
Rather than it being just Virgil being the first side, maybe it was Patton and Virgil. Once Patton couldn't help Virgil with his anxiety as effectively, Virgil created the twins. From there the same as mentioned before with the twins story and Janus coming in. With all of the other sides becoming a lot for Patton, he made Logan as his metaphorical rock.
Then we wanted to see if there was more to Virgil and Patton that we were missing. This is where the code comes in.
I read a book recently where you make an alphabet revolving around your name. You get each letter of your name without repeats and write it down. When you finish your name, you continue the alphabet from the last letter and don't repeat any of the letters.
We decided to use an alphabet for both Patton and Virgil. We used the regular alphabet and found a corresponding number for Virgil's name. We had gotten 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12. We put these numbers into Virgil's alphabet and got e, p, a, n, p, t. From here we used those letters and went to see what the matching number would be in Patton's alphabet, getting 16, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3. We put these numbers into the regular alphabet and ended up with p, a, b, e, a, c. We didn't know where to go with this so we stopped with that there.
But that's not where we stopped with the importance of names. We then used another page to write the regular alphabet and Thomas' alphabet. We wrote the name of every side twice so that We would be able to use both alphabets.
We used the regular alphabet to get Virgil's numbers. His numbers were 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12. When we plugged his numbers into Thomas' alphabet getting l, w, g, u, w, z. We did the same thing but starting with Thomas' alphabet.
Here is a list of the results:
Virgil 1- 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12 and l, w, g, u, w, z.
Virgil 2- 8, 19, 26, 18, 19, 22 and i, s, z, r, s, v.
Roman 1- 18, 15, 13, 1, 14 and g, d, b, t, c.
Roman 2- 26, 3, 4, 5, 23 and z, c, d, e, w.
Patton 1- 16, 1, 20, 20, 15, 14 and e, t, j, j, d, c.
Patton 2- 23, 5, 1, 1, 3, 2 and x, e, a, a, c, b.
Logan 1- 12, 15, 7, 1, 14 and z, d, u, t, c.
Logan 2- 22, 3, 18, 5, 23 and v, c, r, e, w.
Remus 1- 18, 5, 13, 21, 19 and g, a, b, k, i.
Remus 2- 26, 16, 4, 7, 6 and z, p, d, g, f.
Janus 1- 10, 1, 14, 21, 19 and x, t, c, k, i.
Janus 2- 20, 5, 23, 7, 6 and t, e, w, g, f.
Thomas 1- 20, 8, 15, 13, 1, 19 and j, v, d, b, t, i.
Thomas 2- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and a, b, c, d, e, f.
We wanted to see if there was something that all the sides had in common but there was nothing that EVERY side shared. There were some letters that a few of the sides had in common. s, t, e, c, and a. We couldn't think of anything significant about those numbers so we left that there.
Here we started to pay more attention to Thomas' name. In Thomas 1 (as seen above) he had the letters j, v, d, b, t, and i. In Thomas 2 we had the letters a, b, c, d, e, f. We decided to see what letters we could connect to the sides and came up with:
J- Janus
V- Virgil
D- Duke
T- Thomas
I- Intelligence (Logan)
A- Anxiety
C- Creativity
F- Father-figure (Patton)
We noticed that there were only 3 actual names: Janus, Virgil, and Thomas. So we decided to look into their names again:
Janus 1- 10, 1, 14, 21, 19 and x, t, c, k, i.
Janus 2- 20, 5, 23, 7, 6 and t, e, w, g, f.
Virgil 1- 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12 and l, w, g, u, w, z.
Virgil 2- 8, 19, 26, 18, 19, 22 and i, s, z, r, s, v.
Thomas 1- 20, 8, 15, 13, 1, 19 and j, v, d, b, t, i.
Thomas 2- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and a, b, c, d, e, f.
We looked through all of the names to see what they had in common and only found similarities in Janus and Thomas. e, f, t, and i. We used the corresponding numbers in the regular alphabet and got the new letters e, f, a, and s. When you put those numbers backwards it spells 'safe'
So going back to what we had thought earlier, we had thought that Virgil was an origional side, the cause of the rest of the sides.
We thought that Virgil might be an evil side and maybe Janus is trying to protect Thomas from Virgil. Virgil is associated with spiders, meaning that he has six arms to use. And spiders have string and can have a 'web of lies'. Virgil had just enough arms to control everyone. If there is a 7th side, Virgil has exactally enough arms for everyone.
So going back to the names. Patton and Roman are the only sides that don't have a letter of Virgil's name in their 'first new name'. Throughout the series Roman doesn't like Virgil, meaning that Virgil isn't able to keep him undwe control very well. Roman might have been trying to get rid of Virgil because Roman knows what Virgil is doing to Thomas. Patton on the other hand is trying to reason with all of the sides including Virgil.
From here we thought that the new side would be able to stop Virgil from doing something bad. Janus might have been the only side that could get Thomas to feel 'safe' around the new side.
But then we went back to the names. We noticed that h was the only letter of Thomas' name that wasn't in anyone's 'new names'.
We decided we would try to find the h. We used Thomas' house and found the corresponding number in the regular alphabet getting 8 Which is v in Thomas' alphabet. We had gone back and fourth between the alphabets for a while before we had gotten h.
We then used those letters and translated them I to Thomas' alphabet. We ended up with only 2 numbers that didn't appear in both. h and w. We found the corresponding letters. In both alphabets adding them together, getting 11 and 31. We decided to add these and subtract them ending up with 42 and 20. We simplified 42 into 16. From here we found each letter in both alphabets and ended up with j, t, p, and e.
Three of those letters were similar to some names. Janus, Thomas, and Janus.
At this point we thought maybe we were wrong about Virgil being bad. He may be trying to protect Thomas from something (or someone). Janus might still be the only side that can make Thomas feel safe but where does that leave Patton?
That led us to thinking that maybe Virgil /and/ Patton were the first sides. Thomas needed somewhere to channel his anxiety, causing the Creative twins. And Patton needed someone to rely on, making Logan, his 'rock'. Roman betrayed Remus, causing Janus to show up.
This just leaves the new side and their origin. We think that the name might start with an e because that is the only letter that we don't have a corresponding name for.
Thanks for reading,
- Nova 💜🖤🤍
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