#He's what got me into MX in the first place - and really kpop in general!
kunfetti · 1 year
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BUBBLEGUM WONHO ♡ for @starlightfantasy
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donutthief10 · 4 years
🎀soft kpop asks🎀
1. What kpop songs make you feel at home?
Imma just say EXO love love love (rearranged) [Live]. I’ve had the best memories with this song and I jammed hard to this song a lot in the car. Pretty peaceful and chill and slow. 
2. What idol(s) do you associate with kindness?
EXO Lay, GOT7 Jackson, RED VELVET Yeri, literally everyone from MONSTA X and SEVENTEEN. MONSTA X and SEVENTEEN radiate kindness I swear dude.
3. Has a kpop song or group helped you through some difficult times? If so, and if you feel comfortable, share how.
EXO. They were the first group I deeply got into and invested so much of my late high school and early college time in. I can’t think of anything too crazy or difficult, but just when I’m feeling low or have a bad day and things don’t go well, I can search any exo crack video or sweet video of them and it instantly cheers me up and I feel better. 
4. What idol would you star gaze with? Why?
I’d like to be with Kyungsoo, of course. I think he seems very insightful and I would like to have any conversation with him, from silly to deep. Also NCT Mark. That kid is everything, he’s a funny goofball but for being his age has probably seen and done so many things, and I’d love to pick his brain.
5. What’s your favorite ballad?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_OGaSy99vU you’ll thank me. Best cover I’ve ever heard in my life. And I’ll fight anyone who disagrees.
6. What was your first kpop group that you stanned? Why did you stan?
EXO. They were the first group i really took my time getting to know. And I’ve never seen a musical group with so many members, my gosh. Thank goodness they have so much content. It was fun getting into them kinda in the middle stage, CMB era. There’s enough stuff to see them from the very start and go from there, and still loving them to this day (June 2020) I’ve really got to see them grow as wonderful men and human beings. Like who knew Chen would become DADDY first, amiright ladies.
7. Would you rather give or receive a gift from your bias?
Oh for sure give a gift. I like writing AND gift giving, and I think just writing a simple letter to an idol I appreciate or a group in general would be great. I’d give me the opportunity to thank them for helping me through tough times, they give me hope and cheer, and to express that everyone feels the same way. They deserve to know how much us fans are so thankful for them. 
8. What are some cute nicknames you have for your biases?
Kyungsoo has strawberrysoo and Sooberry, Chen’s got chen-rry. It was a joke between a friend and I when we made EXO into fruit. 
9. What idol(s) would you go to an arcade with? Why?
I think Baekhyun and NCT Johnny would be fun. They’re both pretty energetic and can provide excellent narration. And Baek’s pretty much a gamer anyways so he’d help me shoot lol.
10. What are some things you associate with your bias?
Kyungsoo- khakis, fly fishing dad outfit, dad fashion, the color black, nike, cooking, penguins, eyebrow game on fleek, heart lips, owl eyes, soft, kind, talented, handsome af, pls bring back red hair i beg you. must i go on???
11. What idol(s) would you bake cookies with? Why?
NCT Taeyong. Cooking would be so fun, just jammin’ to songs and baking. He’s a precious bean and I’d be fun eating cookie dough instead of actually cooking it would be a blast. And I bet he has a crazy sweet tooth.
12. What idol(s) would you like to share comfortable silence with? Why?
Kyungsoo, he seems like a pro at that lol. SVT Joshua, MX Shownu, RV Wendy. They’re just peaceful human beings and I can image just all of us reading or doing work peacefully in each other’s presence. 
13. What idol(s) would you like to share your favorite food with?
Kyungsoo, I love that he’s a foodie and enjoys cooking. I’d love to eat pho and ramen and sushi with him and just talk about life. MX Wonho would be fun to go on ramen dates with, since that’s his fav too. 
14. What idol, when they come to mind, makes you feel warm, fuzzy, at home?
Kyungsoo. Pretty obvious at this point haha. He’s my fav and I adore him dearly. His voice too, my gosh. His singing voice is just so gentle and warm, it certainly gives you the warm fuzzies.
15. Which idol would you like to have a long, deep hug with? Why?
MX Shownu. He just seems to have such a soft touch, and he’s known as the papa bear in the group. It helps that he’s pretty muscular, i think his hugs would be nice and warm and strong.
16. What’s your ideal day with an idol(s)?
I would like to spend a day or two with SEVENTEEN. I think going out and having a good meal with them would be great. It’s a great way to get to know someone and talk about easy mundane things. I have the best memories with friends at a lake, or going out in nature. So i think time with them hiking or having a lake day would be so peaceful and fun. Also inner-tubing, omg that’d be a blast. They’re all such GOOD BUDDIES to each other, and crackheads at the same time. They’re energy would be nothing but fun and exciting.
17. What idol(s) would you watch the sunrise with?
I mean... all of EXO. BTS Hobi, NCT Jaehyun and Taeyong, SVT Scoups
18. What idol(s) would you watch the sunset with?
EXO... again haha. MX Jooheon and Minhyuk, BTS Taehyung, SVT Joshua and Wonwoo
19. Has an idol or group said anything that has stuck with you?
“The possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen" ~ Mark Lee, 2019. An iconic king
20. What idol would you like to spend a rainy day in with? What would you do? (please keep it appropriate lmao)
I think Johnny and Mark would be super fun. I think a nice puzzle would be nice to do, a time to talk and get to know them, with hot chocolate and blankets. And like a crazy netflix or hulu binge watching, and eating popcorn. I’m used to commenting and making jokes during movies/tv so I’d to joke around with them and see what they have to say about a movie or tv. 
21. Talk about why you love your bias so much.
Kyungsoo is just such a sweet soul. I saw a video of him just now and it was when he was 19 years old, and he was so sweet and giggly and smily. And it’s astounding to see him grow into such a mature young man. he’s done great success in acting, and seeing the kinds of talents he possesses. He’s a talented singer, a good dancer, an amazing actor, and he cooks. He seems very mature and yeah, kinda looks dead inside at award shows, but I think he’s got a good head on his shoulders. And when the time comes he can become goofy and cute, even when it seems he doesn’t want to/do it on purpose.
22. Would you rather go to Disneyland or Everland with your bias? What would you do there?
I mean easily Disneyland. i wanna see every member of my favs wear Mickey ears decked out in Disney gear. They definitely deserve a day of fun and laughter and no stress, and just living out as a young adult. 
23. What do you imagine your bias to smell like?
Kyungsoo- Idk probably just clean, like soap and whatever cologne he may wear. He’s a simple man lol.
24. What do you wish for your bias group or idol in the future?
I just want happiness for everyone, and success and to remember how much we love them and appreciate them for all the hard work they do. 
25. What season do you associate a group or idol with? Why?
SVT is summer, for sure. They come up with the most boppiest of bops, and the energy for them best fits a summer road trip with the windows down and music blasting.
26. What idol would you like to share childhood stories with?
Honestly anyone who has traveled from the US to SK. I love hearing their stories and how hard they worked to get where they are. They really sacrificed everything they knew in the States and went to a place they don’t know well, have to learn a new language, and miss their families. I’d like to hear how they made it to where they are and what they’ve learned over the years. 
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deonghwa-moved · 5 years
Tw // self-harm and suicide
With all the things that have occurred as of recently, I just wanted to give my story on how much MX and Wonho means to me.
Last year, 2018, it was one of the worst years of my life. After the passing of my last paternal grandparent, so much toxicity and drama occurred within our family and the funeral home. My mom and I had to fight nonstop, and even now we have problems. 
I fractured my elbow and was not able to use it for almost 2 months. After going to surgery for the first time, I was rejected of the surgery because my heart was beating way over normal limits. After testing and opening up to my physician, my mom ended up finding out I have depression and anxiety, and she found out about my first suicide attempt, because I wanted to be honest at this point. (The first one was in 2015).
Then there was a nursing program I was trying so hard to get into. I’ve been trying to get into nursing school for years, and the one year I thought I would get it, they postponed the application process for another year. My parents thought I was lying and started to treat me like an outcast for “being too lazy and not trying hard enough.”
I found out there was a well-known voice acting school in SF and started to take classes there. I loved it more than anything. But due to expenses and my parents not believing in me, I had to give that dream up to.
So then we get to mid October of 2018, I wasn’t fully back into the kpop fandom yet (I was on hiatus for 3yrs). I had no idea what was going on. I’m not sure exactly what I was doing but I do know what I was planning, my second suicide attempt. I had everything prepared. I had my suicide letter, I had my goodbye letters, I had everything I needed to make sure this would work this time. I was ready.
Then the day of October 22nd happened, the day where MX’s Shootout MV was released. It was so strange to me because I was slowly getting back into kpop but not enough to start getting notifications and recommendations. But then I saw the thumbnail, I was intrigued, “Monsta X? I remember them from Hero.” So then I clicked on the MV. This was the day, my life started to change.
I was amazed and overwhelmed by their strength, their power, their visuals, their talent. I wanted to sink deeper in. “I remember them but not enough...I want to know more.” So then I started watching their other MVs, their variety shows. And this is where I feel even deeper for them.
But there was just one member that caught my eye. The same member I noticed immediately when I watched Hero.....Wonho.
In general, I’ve never seen a kpop group like this before. I’ve been into kpop since 2008, so kpop is not new to me. But there was something different about them and something extra special about Wonho.
He embodied love, kindness, friendship, hope, dreams, aspirations, goals, joy, empowerment, sympathy. He posted nonstop. He always asked us “are we okay?” “did we eat today?” He had vlives that lasted hours. He was so intimate, telling us so much, getting so close to us; he trusted us.
This is when I knew, I’ve fallen deep, and I don’t regret it at all.
Then we reach to 2019, Alligator comeback. It was a hard comeback for me. I was sick and then Wonho was sick, and it hurt even more knowing it was during his birthday month. But monbebes and MX fought hard. They received several awards, recognition and invitation from the President of Korea, endless endorsements, endless love and support.
This was then when I decided to get my MX tattoo. Since I was really sick and was overly worried about Wonho, plus previous events from 2018 was starting to creep back into my life. I began to self-harm again. And I always started on my left wrist. Why? Because I’m right handed, it was the easiest area to attack. I felt no worth, no value, I thought I deserved the pain every single time I slit that wrist.
But then I thought about MX, I thought about Wonho. If he ever knew I was doing this, he would be devastated, hell-he might of even blamed himself. Something he does far too much. 
The only way I was going to stop this self-harming was to get that MX tattoo. I needed to remind myself that every time I had that blade against my skin, I would think about the joys MX has given me, even in the short amount of time I knew them. And so....I couldn’t do it. I haven’t been able to place a blade against my wrist ever since. Even now with some of the hardships I’m going through, I would look down at my wrist and think about the joy and happiness MX has given me.
So what I’m trying to say is....Monsta X has saved my life. And I truly believe that because of them, my life finally had life. I’ve befriended some amazing people in the fandom; I’m no longer alone. I finally got into nursing school and have been maintaining at the top of my class; something I never thought was possible. I’ve become more confident, I speak for myself more; I’m no longer afraid, I will fight.
All of this happened because of MX and especially Wonho. I’ve never seen a man like him before. I never thought there was a man that could love so much, despite all he’s gone through. He always, always, always cared about us and I truly felt that every single time he posted something. Wonho’s one of my greatest inspirations in life; the other members too of course, I can go on and on about each one.
Without Wonho there’s no Monsta X, without Wonho there’s no Monbebes. I’m very much aware of everything that is happening to him. I see it on twitter all the time. My heart is bursting, my body is cold, it’s shaking, I feel overwhelmed. I cannot cry as much as it pains me; I have a lot happening today at nursing school.
And I took a moment to think about this....he’s been checking fancafe a lot. So has Kihyun. Monbebes have gathered at Starship and have been giving them post its. They’re getting endless love and support right now from not only monbebes but other fandoms as well. I think this was just a rash decision he made because we know how much he loves Monsta X. He would do anything for his members.
I think....it’ll be okay. I think our light has not left us yet. I think he just needs some time away. And I’m sure he is aware of the love and support we are giving him. He has Monsta X with him, I’m sure his family is by his side, I’m sure Starship is trying to figure out something, and he knows we monbebes are by his side.
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kyunnwon · 6 years
The story of how I ult-bias a whole group of seven men.
(”keep reading” format because I describe why I bias all 7 in like 12 paragraphs and it’s long as fuck)
Before I truly got into Monsta X (music videos and “funny moments” videos were all I watched), I had chosen Jooheon as my bias. I thought he stood out the most to me. I loved his face, his dimples and chubby cheeks. I loved how energetic and bad-ass he was in music videos, I loved his intimidating stage presence that completely contrasts from his charming and adorable personality. I didn’t often pay as much attention to the other members than I did him. (There was even a point at which I was calling Kihyun and Minhyuk by each-other’s names)
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Then fell deeper and started watching all of their dance practices, even all of their “focus cam” ones. By then I was able to learn all of their names and was fully stanning. I watched all of Right Now and X-Ray, watched live performances constantly. Listened to almost every song they’ve made, including covers. In the midst of all this, I began noticing just how incredible all of them were. 
(I watched No Mercy and DeokspatchX recently too. I knew it was out of order but I had been avoiding No Mercy like the plague because I didn’t want to see them treat eachother badly lol. But it was a good decision because it helped me understand how they got to where they are today.)
After finally realizing how amazing each of them were (mind you this was a good month ago), I dropped solo biasing Jooheon and began to love all of them equally. 
Jooheon still for those previously listed qualities, but now also because of his immense talent and emotion. How dedicated he is, how much he puts into dance and rap. He’s not a born dancer but he’s for sure what one would call a choreography king, where his movements aren’t that of a natural dancer but are of one who puts their all into what they’ve learned and turns it into art. Not to mention his singing, oh my god when he sings. He’s literally the whole package of talent from rap, to vocals, to dance, to lyrics (and visuals!!!!). He was always a prodigy and would still be widely known even if he wasn’t in Monsta X.  Also; how skittish he is, it’s so precious!
Kihyun, because I fell in love with his voice before I even knew who he was. I remember watching a clip in a kpop vines video of Kihyun singing during their first comeback VLive. It literally gave me goosebumps and I needed to hear more, you can’t believe how beside myself with joy I was when I found out who it was and the song he was singing. His strong voice that shakes me to my bones, during his first No Mercy performance, I was brought to tears and near sobbing because of how beautifully he sang. His confidence is incredible and how surprisingly sexy he can be despite his cute appearance. His sharp features and an infectious laugh that brings out his uniquely placed dimples on the apples of his cheeks. How he really is naggy and seems picky, it’s funny how everyone picks on him for it, he really is like a mom figure. How he’s basically the shortest but makes up for it in desirable presence.
Wonho, because of his amazing duality. How he appears as manly and ridiculously sexy but in reality, he’s a soft goofy boy that’s scared of more things than you’d expect. His dopey laugh+wide smile is my favorite, and his adorably large ears. His voice is nice too, it’s unique, sounds like he’s always singing in head-voice no matter the note he’s hitting. How well he dances with his large stature. How he bullies everyone and acts cute. How he’s just a buff baby boy that needs protection, love, and attention. How much he cares for his band mates and it shows when he talks about them, like when he accepted Kihyun into his and Minhyuk’s unit because the other 2 units (Jooheon/Shownu, Hyungwon/I.M) turned Kihyun down and he didn’t want to be alone. Wonho adjusted the performance to allow a 3rd. And a certain segment during No Mercy, where he talks about him and his mom living in such a small place, how it brought him to tears talking about how much he wants to support his family. Despite his tough look, he’s a sensitive angel.
I.M. because of his attitude. He’s cool, but he’s also silly and loud, I love how he just yells a lot. His wonderfully (and sinfully) deep voice when he speaks, how it turns an octave lower when he speaks in English. His cat-like eyes, acne scars, and sharp lips that make his face so easily distinguishable. I also love that he has a couple tattoos, like the cute tiny little “ : ( : “ on his hand. The way he raps too, much more tame than Jooheon’s, but that’s the good part. It’s always chill no matter how fast he raps or how hype the song he is. How he’s a talented dancer and puts so much effort into his movements, and although not seemingly a born-dancer, he’s definitely a choreography-king as well. Also how he’s almost always shoving food into one of his bandmates’ mouths.
Minhyuk, he is truly something else. His bubbly, sassy personality. How affectionate he is with everyone, how much he loves and his wonderful bright smile. His deep voice when he speaks with that hint of rasp in it, it’s so lovely. And when he sings, he sounds so amazingly sweet and soft. But also his overflowing amounts of feminine charm, how he just gives you the feeling that the word “sexy” was entirely created for him to own, how his existence just screams dominance and begs for everyone’s attention. 
Shownu, because cuddly bear <3 He’s just so lovely. How he seems aloof and emotionless but really is just a big ol’ goofball. How he really does give off dad vibes, how he seems like a manly guy, which he is, but he’s also truly sweet and cute. It’s also great when he bullies his members because it shows how he can be child-like too. And god, his honey-like voice when he sings, his first performance during No Mercy was incredible, it had me fully respecting him as a vocalist. How he’s so very clearly a born-dancer and can make any choreography his. Another one that screams sexy and tough but is really sensitive and adorable
Last but definitely nowhere near least, Hyungwon. I feel like I shouldn’t even start because I might not stop. Honestly if I could actually choose a bias in MX again it would 100% be Hyungwon. But we all know how that would go. He’s just so beautiful, like the epitome of pretty. His beautiful full lips, cute cheeks and puffy eyes. Just a whole cute face in general and it’s even better when he smiles, he’s got such a contagious smile my heart flutters. How he also in a way seems like a cat, how he’s kind of shameless but also not and just does what he wants. His tall, lanky build and how his visuals always give off this ethereal vibe, how he’s obviously another born-dancer, not as explicitly as Shownu, yet everything just seems to come natural to him like his build lets his moves come out more smoothly. His voice is beautiful too, so soft and pretty like him, and the way he sings is so nice to watch, during their live performance of Myself on their 2nd Comeback VLive I couldn’t keep my eyes off him any time he was visible. Everything about him screams sultry and dominance when he’s performing, a presence that makes you weak in the knees, but on the inside he’s just a sleepy kitten that memes way too much.
Basically, all of them with everything they do are constantly bias wrecking me even though I bias all of them. I couldn’t even describe everything I want to because it’s all just a jumble of adoration in my brain and I can barely understand any of it. It’s a never ending cycle and I’ll tell you it’s also exhausting constantly being attacked by their existences. All 7 of them and their music truly makes me happy, they’re a group with over-flowing talent, charm, and beauty. I’m glad I caught them on just their 3rd year of being a group because that means there will more-than-likely be many more albums and comebacks to witness as a Monbebe. 
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loveump3 · 6 years
jams meme: best of 2017
@blotthis tagged me in a jams meme!! thank you :D since it’s the new year, i thought i’d do a little retrospective of some of my favorite songs to come out of 2017! so here we goooo
“i wish” by wjsn
this song came out literally 3 days into the new year, but as soon as i heard it i knew it would be one of my top tracks of 2017. and i was right!! i loved “happy” too, and “happy moment” was one of my favorite albums this year, but i’ll always be especially weak for wjsn’s spacey concepts. this song is so pretty and light and pink, and the mv is a lisa frank dream, and the choreography is so whimsical and charming… great on all fronts. all hail the rookie pop princesses.
“wanted! wanted!” by mrs. green apple
mga have become one of my top favorite bands after i discovered them earlier in the year. i love how sweet and fizzy and fun their music is, and i love their lead singer motoki’s voice (i’m not sure what it is about it, but it makes me so happy). i feel like this song is a great example of their particular super-hyper brand of pop. this is a good one to blast in the car :o)
“vanilla” by fickle friends
another band that’s shot to the top of my list of favorites after finding them this year! their sparkly-pool-water 80s vibe is sooo up my alley. i love the percussion and the bright guitars in this song, and i have such a crush on natassja’s voice. (i’d also highly recommend “swim,” which has been one of my top jams this year and is also my favorite fickle friends song, and which i would have included, but it it came out in 2016, lol.)
“the song” by zion.t
i loved this song the moment i heard it. zion.t has one of my favorite voices not just in kpop but in general, and it sounds sooo nice and smooth here. and the simplicity of the song is so good?? it’s nothing frilly or explosive, it’s just a pleasant little tune. i like that the lyrics reflect that too—i love the “i’m not trying to write a hit song, i just want to write you something sweet” attitude. also for whatever reason i think the line “let’s stick together all day like alley cats” is so cute? and the mv is so wonderfully bizarre (the colors are sooo good). the rest of the album is great too; got me through a lot of shifts at work.
“when you love someone” by day6
i really thought “dance dance” was gonna hold tight to the title of Emma’s Favorite Every DAY6 song, but then “when you love someone” came out and immediately took its place. this song like the aural equivalent of a warm hug and a hot drink and it makes my heart feel so at peace every time i hear it :( also the lyrics are a complete K-O. those first few every day6 releases were SO ANGSTY, and even though i loved them i was like “will poor youngk ever write a happy relationship song???” but then he started releasing shit like this and it killed me and i immediately regretted ever asking. (also not to be a bitter betty but i’m still cheesed that we never got resolution on sungjin and wonpil’s story!!!!!!!! @ jyp i still have questions)
“we find love” by daniel caesar
“freudian” has become one of my new favorite albums. it’s so perfect for the winter—daniel caesar’s woozy gospel sound is so warm and cozy. there’s not a song on the album that i don’t love, but this one is particularly soothing and comfy. with the harmonized background vocals and the gentle piano, it sounds like something you’d hear on the radio late at night when you’re tucked into bed trying to fall asleep while the snow is drifting down outside. and daniel’s voice has this… i don’t know how to explain it. he sounds so assured and smooth when he sings, like he’s been doing this forever. i can’t get enough.
“cut to the feeling” by carly rae jepsen
2017 was the year that i remedied my worst mistake of never having listened to the power-pop gem that is carly rae jepsen’s 2015 album “e•mo•tion,” and is it too hyperbolic to say that that changed me as a person?? her brand of fizzy fluttery 80s-inspired sugar is everything i didn’t realize i needed. i’m dying for a new crj album, but in the meantime, “cut to the feeling” has done a good job of holding me over—it’s all the shout-about-your-crush-from-the-rooftops euphoria that miss carly does so well. extremely good for car rides, especially when the bridge kicks in.
“praying” by kesha
kesha has been my other pop queen this year. i liked her before, but then i listened to “rainbow” and cried like three different times while doing so, and i fell in love. every single song off of “rainbow” is great (the range of style is amazing, she goes from acoustic to pop to rock to country and back, and each one is just as great as the last), but “praying” is so raw and special; it doesn’t matter how many times i hear it, it hits me just as hard every time. i love how it builds—from the simmering power of the first chorus, to the stomp of the second (those pounding piano chords really get me), to the fireworks of the last (that fucking whistle note!!!!!!!!! also the way she sings “some say in life you gonna get what you give, but some things only god can forgive” with those horns behind her in the bridge…….i get shivers every time)… every second of it hurts so good. you can feel all that anger and pain, and also the euphoria and the healing. i’m so glad that kesha is finding herself again; she deserves the best.
“mic drop” by bts
i thought “baepsae” was my favorite “kiss my ass” bts banger, but then “her” came out and “mic drop” fuckin beat “baepsae” to a bloody pulp. the original and the desiigner/steve aoki remix are both sooo good: i love the dark grungy slink of the original, which sounds like it could play during the trailer for a movie about a scrappy gang of crime syndicate underlings who are sick and tired of being underestimated just because they’re all so young, so they’re ready to go off the books and pull a heist so big, no one will ever underestimate them again; but i also love the extra shot of adrenaline in the remix—desiigner’s verse is like whiplash (seriously, how does he manage to rap that fast???), and minimizing that bouncy little riff in the verses to focus on the vocals and the beat makes the chorus hits so much harder (also the “hella thick”/“hella sick” echoes are so much FUN to sing along to (and of course yoongi’s “baby watch your mouth” is…great, to say the least)). i really couldn’t pick between the two versions; although they share a teeth-bared-knuckles-bruised attitude, they’ve got unique vibes to me and i love them differently. that said, i’m linking to a performance of the original version because 1) yoongi and hoseok’s undone bow ties are really fucking me up; 2) apparently the reason why yoongi doesn’t do the last line of his verse is to prove to people accusing them of lip-syncing that they don’t use a track when they perform, which cracks me up because that’s such a yoongi thing to do; and 3) whoever wrote the captions added some little personal notes of their own and they’re so CUTE and funny.
“beautiful” by monsta x
idek what to say about this song anymore; it’s been 9 months and those opening bars still make my heart race. “beautiful” has become not only one of my favorite songs of 2017 but one of my favorite songs period. i’m a mess for mx and i love everything they do, but this song is really something else—rap line are in top fucking form, vocal line kill it (minhyuk’s lines are a Blessing), and the choreography is still one of my favorites from this year. i’ve listened to this song so many times i really thought i was gonna get sick of it, but i haven’t yet, and i don’t think i will.
“baby” by astro
i’m surprised my teeth haven’t rotted out of my skull after how many times i’ve listened to “baby” this year, because this song is like pure sugar. i love the snappy percussion and the bouncy bass and the bright melody, and astro have such sweet vocals to boot (especially mj, oh man ;___;). and the choreography is so!! good!!! it’s got this old-fashioned swing to it that i love. ugh. it’s all perfect. i remember a few months ago i was having a bad day for whatever reason, but after i watched a few live stages of this i instantly felt better.
“new fears” by lights
“skin&earth” was hands-down one of my top favorite releases of 2017—it’s the gritty post-apocalyptic cyberpunk album of my dreams. i’ve loved lights since like middle school, and it’s so amazing to see how her music has grown and changed; this is my favorite work from her so far. “skin&earth” has SO many good tracks, but “new fears” is probably my favorite. i love the eerie beginning, and the heavy beat in the chorus, and the lyrics!!!!!! they nail that feeling of “i would give myself up to keep you safe” in such a raw and heart-wrenching and beautiful way. just reading them gives me chills. the idea of getting new fears when you start really caring about someone……i never would’ve thought of it that way but it’s so true. UGH! lights if ur reading this i love u
“do it” by masc
god am i glad i stumbled across this one night when i was catching up on mvs, because masc have become one of my new favorite groups. i love the retro vibe, their vocals are so good (heejae’s voice…i’m weak), the choreography is SO freakin cute (i’m still not over the superman move in the chorus), and the mv is so colorful and goofy (two of my favorite things!)… truly a dream. the fan service dance practice and honestly any of the live stages are also a delight.
so there’s some of my faves! happy new year everyone!!! 2017 you kinda sucked sometimes but thanks for at least bringing some sweet jams. i’ll tag @anyhao @shinwhoohoo and @onlyoongi if you’d like to share some of what you’ve been listening to lately!
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL MY EGG (and for the four names: jae, killer kang, minhyuk (whichever one), and santa
deadass i did the 100 questions ask meme for this ask and almost posted it rip
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
theres literally nothing i dont even know what to say ???? 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
not 2 be delusional but i would give up my world to hug changkyun
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
glaceon is UP THERE idk why honestly but the sinnoh games were my first and i just??? i was really into ice and snow and shit u know so glaceon... thakn u
another pkmn ill always have is lucario ????? its just so cool?????
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
hopefully forgiveness and like???? acknowledging mistakes and learning from those u know jst positive stuff and like?? water. god i love water
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
hm okay i think this one was from last night or the night b4??? and like???? idk???? i dont even know how 2 start tbh?
so im like hanging over at this two kid’s im a kid 2 i think place and idk we just talk and shit??? idk whomst the boys were tho
and then we get to a scene where its like??? at a train station???? and i go to the washroom to shit or smth idk thankfully i didnt shit myself irl
then i have to get onto the train which isnt even a train its like a carousel with seats??? and its like on a train track boys this is 2 much and i forgot to get ready my train card thing so the guy (who i was p sure was evil) waited for me to remove it so i got onto the transportation device lmao
and then once im seated i remember i forgot my jacket so i make like hand movements 2 the creep and hes runnig 2 me with my jakcet but the ride’s way too fast so i yell and say ill come back for it even tho im p sure i wasnt going 2
after that i wke up wild
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
i dont have a best friend and all of my friends have their own unique qualities if i went into a rant abt them rn this will b so long
😘 talk about your crush or partner
[minhyuk voice] theres none
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
ya bc im petty but it really depends on the person
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
my personality (the good parts)
my values
my taste in friends (my Big Friends are either geminis or scorpios good)
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
the dark and bitch isnt gonna turn off her night light any time soon
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
seeing my favourite happy, listening to the music i like 
💙 what annoys you about some people?
i jjust went into a full out rant abt this on the other reply so ill be quiet now
😤 do you get angry easily?
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
my faves tbh
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
bad people , gone.
everybody only sends love and happy things on anon
i just want everyone 2 b nice & friendly wars of any sort dont exist and no one wants anybody dead
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
if u sent jae’s name earlier id have trouble so im glad
kiss: tihis is so fucking embarrassing wtf minhyku (mx) but only on the cheek basically everywhere except the lips or anyplace weird
befriend: brian :-0
kill: jae goodbye loser
marry: sanha we can yell every time we gotta turn the lights off
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
tokyo bc its NICE
☕️ talk about your ideal day
cant read
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
i suddenly thought of the word ambivore which made me think of the word vore i wanna delete im a both? mayb idk
💧 when was the last time you cried?
nov 3 bc my heart hurts whenever i see ppl being a bad friend
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
oh worm
all alone - day6
with you - astro
dramarama - mx (even though it isnt out yet lmao)
run - bts (the superior bts song)
hellevator - / (i was rly gonna make this mixed languages but rip)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
to fly bc im basic
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
dont do that
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
nobody in general????????? 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
intelligence i have 2 live somehow what if my money gets stolen
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
my humor
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i (barely) know chinese despite having 2 take it all my life legends only
i know english but im bad at that 2 and its my first language once again legends only
i wanna learn japanese and korean 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
the cow from voltron 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
weve already discussed this
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
oh w-0rm ok so im a regular anon on this persons blog and i wanted to send an ask but never got arnd doing it so im gonna send her one. soon/
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
let me live my life as a furry and cat
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
are u ready 4 me to b the meanest person yet bc i sure am lets fucking go
so theres this girl. and i know her (unfortunately) and ive known her since like 4 years ago and back then she was already pretty shit tbh
she cried bc she had to sit in between the “weird” and “dirty” girls in our class and she headass cried in front of them and everyone just bc she didnt like the arrangement?? shes called the “dirty” girl disgusting before and has made fun of her in front of everybody its just bad :-/
now. fast forward 3 years and in addition to still being disrespectful and rude, she now vocalizes her weird fantasies for her “oppas”??? some examples: 
“when i go watch __ perform im gonna climb onto stage and then my mother and my future husband will fight for me” and she calls those kpop idols weird shit and basically sexualizes them/???? she says the weirdest fucking shit on her ig story and tags them??????? 
another thing. she went to korea nd took a picture of a complete stranger and posted it on her public ig and called him her “oppa” and said that they had a “fun day together” despite the guy not knowing her at all???? she posted the pic of him??? i still dont get it tbh 
she wasnt even being ironic at all??? she calls herself & classmates “autistic” whenever she/others do smth dumb or mess up and its just sososososo fucking wrong
being one of the people to see how shes basically grown from bad to worse is something i dont fucking enjoy and i jsut want to leave my class already lmao 
ok but there are times where i do appreciate her because sometimes the class will be rly quiet and the teacher is basically talking 2 themselves but she’ll always respond w/o fail so thats great but its only bc she talks so damn much 
i just got a flashback to when she “jokingly” said she wanted to be a trainee for the rest of her life how do i just. god
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
we’ve once again already discussed this
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
i wanted to be various things honestly?? ranging from an astronaut to a vet to an editor to an animator to other stuff i get influenced pretty easily so if i watch smth and i think its cool ill want 2 be that i guess?? ive been trying 2 get rid of that habit so now i have no clue what i wanna be
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
sweets and chocolate cake
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
drinking water and staying hydrated
making my friends laugh is great 2
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
acne LMAO 
😪 what are you sick of?
the usual
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
i love scouting on sif and bandori so yeah 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
lets not 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
to a certain extent
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
use my phone???? send nice anons and comment on art/fics 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
my tolerance for ppl’s shit is so low
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
my ocs
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
i dont have a dream hence myself
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
infpt i dont rmb shit but yeah
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
falen i dont rmb what u sent
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
i dont follow any :-o zendaya has had my heart ever since shake it off tho
🐴 opinion on day6?
ur rly gonna do this 2m e?
all alone just started playng this is terrible lets get it
so day6. a band i only found out about in late june (thank u boxy) and before this i only ever listened to bts and mx bc my friends stan them so i thought i was gonna expect boys dancing, the usual. 
i clicked i smile and i lost my fucking shit as soon as i saw the instruments because prior to day6 i was a big 5sos fan so this was rly resonating to me tbh and i was just !!! so fukcng excited??? i never intended to even get into day6 honestly??? but after witnessing how good they are and watching about all of the available mvs at that point i was completely in awe so i caved a created a stan twitter for them.
now, this isnt even the most of it. after becoming a fan i realized how much more these 5 boys are. they compose (if im not wrong) and brian writes lyrics for the songs each month because of their everyday6 project and again, im wow-ed because??? the amount of dedication???? they went from releasing 2 title tracks in 2 years to releasing 12 title tracks and 12 bside tracks in a single year. they havent released the december song yet but haviing to work on 2 or more songs in 4 weeks is fucking amazing if you ask me. 
theyre really talented and theyre just so versatile (am i using that word correctly) and each month their songs sound different. this project has given them the opportunity to try new things and you can hear the steady improvement in each of their vocals (dowoonie not so much since he barely gets lines, but we all know hes working hard) and if you listen to their debut song - kongchu and compare it to the version they released along with sunrise it just???? the drumming has even changed from the original version nd its so noticeable that whenever i hear kongchu from 2015 i know its the old ver
to add to those, they do vlives every week and although those vlives are always scheduled it still makes my day seeing them and watching them do the usual. 
one thing im upset about is that how they barely promote themselves, they rarely get on variety shows (the most is individual schedules) and we, as mydays never really get to know the boys so its harder to fall for them as a whole. i dont know if its jyp or day6′s decision but if this is how they want to be known for - their music only, then so be it. we still have jae’s presence on youtube, music access and asc. thats the most we can get and it makes it difficult for us to learn about the rest but thats okay.
another thing. their concerts are something i always look forward to (even though my interest has died down a bit;) their concerts are just so fun to listen to?? there’ll always be mydays who stream the concert so everyone else can listen to them play and they sound so good live it drives me crazy. mydays are always so hyped and whenever mydays sing along it just gives me goosebumps??? bc theyre so???? good????? 
tldr; day6 deserve more, following wise and promotions wise because they work so hard and once this project ends i hope they’ll manage to rest but still remain as a presence that will be known instead of returning to jyp’s dungeon.
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
there are days where i am more emotional than usual 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
this is tiring
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i sleep and boy it really helps
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
lame funny swag
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“rocky swag” - park minhyuk, 2017
💭 do you keep a diary?
💫 who inspires you?
brian kang 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
yes bc i love losing sleep
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
i watched spiderman homecoming and i have no idea why i didnt see the plot twist coming but its GOOD watch it
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
theres none lads
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
all my internet buddies but sometimes i dont want to bc im kinda....gross
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leegeumhyuks · 7 years
Seventeen in Toronto Highlights (Long Post)
this is gonna be such a shit post im basically ranting bc i have a lot of seventeen feels rn (its gonna be long too)
the concert happened like 4 days ago and I’m still not over it
Okay so I live in new Brunswick so it was a 15 hour drive one way. We drove up the day before and drove home the day after.
It was tiring, but so worth it. One of the best experiences of my life(oh btw i went with a friend ^^)
(not relevant to the concert but we went to a cute Korean store called Sarah and Tom which had a MASSIVE collection of kpop albums so I bought Going Seventeen and a BTS album :) )
Alright so the concert was at a place called Massey Hall which is more like a theater than a concert stadium [lowkey looked like a place you would go to see a play or an opera or some shit]
it was a pretty small place so really no matter where you sat, you could see really well so any seat was a good seat
Me and my friend were center-balcony near the back so we had a very clear view of the stage (other than there was some tall dude in front of me so it was a bit difficult at times)
We arrived outside the venue at around 6:20 (concert started at 7) and the line to get in already went around a whole block. People were stopping to ask what was going on and apparently it made the Toronto news??
So we get in at around 6:40 and the venue is already more than half full and theyre just playing music videos and everyone was singing along
And when I say everyone was singing along i mean everyone
Honestly I only remember a few of the songs but I they played BoomBoom, Very Nice, Highlight, Healing, and Check In
I have never been happier in my entire life when every single damn person in the venue did Mingyu’s “WhhoAHHH YeaAAHHH’ part. Super. Fucking. Loud
Alright so let me tell you my dudes, It was the biggest adrenaline rush when all the lights went out and you could see the boys run out on stage in the dimness. My heart felt like it stopped.
The lights turn on and I hear Dokyum say “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Diamond Edge” but honestly I wasnt even paying attention bc I was just so blown away
Literally my very first thought upon seeing them was “They’re not real” bc the very first person I looked at was Jeonghan and I thought he was so damn gorgeous he must be fake
He’s literal ethereal. I could go off about how good looking he is. Honestly the true visual of Svt (i swear hes not my bias)
So the very first stage was Pretty U and honestly I dont remember much bc i was too busy freaking out over the fact that I was actually there and they were actually here. I just remember everyone dancing along to Dokyums “Neoneoneoneo” part and all of us doing the “Yeppeuda” part
(they performed Beautiful right after and i really dont remember much of it other than the dance in the chorus [i have such a shit memory its mainly why im making this post before ill forget it all])
So after that they went straight into Adore U (which is my fav svt song although it probably isnt anymore after habits but ill talk about that in a bit)
Oh man if you thought I went off about Jeonghans visuals let me tell you about this mans vocals. They’re so sweet. Sweeter than honey. Jeonghans part in the chorus is my absolute favorite part of the song and it sounds 10000x better live. He just sings it so flawlessly while doing the dance and overall I was just so impressed??
Jihoon also sounded amazing but like let me just take a minute and say every single member sounded fucking perfect and flawless like if you aren’t stanning Seventeen then what are you doing
And the dances were so on point too. I didn’t notice any slip ups or anybody trippin or nothing. Like you’d think they’d show signs of fatigue or being tired bc they did two shows the few days before but they were all so hyped and gave their all in every stage and they genuinely looked like they were enjoying themselves
Anyways back to Adore U
Everyone in the crowd did the “Akkinda” part and I could see Soonyoung smiling so big bc of that like he was really happy bc of it
After Adore U finished they all lined up to do their intros and introduced themselves as a group and then did their individual intros
Most of them just did a casual “Hi I’m ___” but then you had the extra™️ members
Soonyoung got us all to chant something (im not sure what it was exactly I think it was ‘rock the beat’) and then he did his usual “What time is it??” “10 Hour 10 Minute” which honestly made my life i was hoping for him to do that (i love soonyoung sm honestly most of my favorite moments of the concert were bc of him)
Dokyum also did a thing where he got everyone to scream for him
All of their intros were great but none of them were as memorable as Jihoons for me
I know a lot of people were saying ‘He’s not that small in person’, but to me he was so small and cute and I just wanted to go and hug him bc hes so freaking adorable
So Jihoon’s kinda quiet and shy in general, we know that from variety shows and such but I saw it a lot in the concert. Like when other members were talking he just stood quietly with his hands folded and there was this one part where they all ran towards the edge of the stage and gave hearts and Jihoon like covered his face a bit and looked embarrassed 
So anyways he does like this cute little “Hi guys” and I just fucking melted right there. I made an audible “awwwww” sound that my friend was like ???
I love Jihoon so much and I will forever see him as the cute and adorable little smol (boi got a voice tho holy shit)
So they talked a bit more after that about how they walked around Toronto a bit the day before and how they were impressed with the crowd dancing along to Pretty U and Mingyu taught us a little chant where they would say “Seventeen Carat” and we would go ‘clap clap Ehhhhh’ it was weird but cute
So they went straight into Still Lonely from there and I hate my brain for not remembering most of it bc its one of my favorite songs but I just remember Minghao doing Jun’s part in the last chorus and sounding amazing honestly i want an official 13 member version of that song
So after that was Very Nice which was indeed, very nice. Dancing on point. Dino and Vernons rap were amazing and the whole audience did the “Maja” part
Also dont remember much of that stage but I definitely remember the last part bc thats the part where my son, Chan, is in the front. 10/10
Okay so I have 2 favorite performances of the night. One of which was Swimming Fool. I am such a hoe for Performance unit (considering 2 of my biases are in it) so actually every performance of theirs was my fav but Swimming Fool tho. 
That song is one of my favs and I had never seen the dance before so I was basically dying the whole time. Soonyoung’s little wiggle dance and the jumping up and down dance that Chan did. The whole dance was so cute tbh Ive been re-watching that video every day since. (if youve never seen the dance pls watch this. Not my video tho) 
Alright imma talk about Soonyoung for a minute. This boi. Was so hyper the entire concert. He  was doing his usual yelling during songs and was giggling a whole lot, I noticed. (He also dabbed like 20 times and i was like someone pls stop him)
(There was one part where he went and dabbed right in front of Jihoon and i laughed a little harder than i should have)
And I’m honestly so glad that Soonyoung was feeling great the whole time bc apparently at the Chicago(?) show he wasn’t able to perform bc he was sick so we were extremely blessed that all 13 members were well and healthy to perform for us so like thank u jesus for keeping them all safe
(I was lowkey worried about that a lot before the concert bc of when I heard Hyungwon was missing parts of the tour with MX so I was like “Lord pls let it be all 13″)
anywho so all the members went to change outfits and they played a vcr (dont remember what of tho i have such a shit memory)
So yall they did Mansae next and started out with the class chairs and Dokyum was the teacher at the blackboard it was rlly cute!! ^^ And towards the end they repeated the “MansaeMansae” part and got everyone to do the dance it was such a great time
So while the rest of the group was preparing for the next stage(i presume), Chan and Seungcheol came out, just the two of them, with a gopro and said it was the camera for “Going Seventeen” and were filming the crowd and interacting with us a bit. And then they had a dance battle (Which Dino clearly won Seungcheol didnt stand a chance against Michael Chanson)
So then everybody came out and did BoomBoom which was  incredible (every stage was amazing i feel like i shouldnt have to say it) Most of the crowd even did the shirt thing which was really fun. Chan slayed his rap (i love my son)
So after that there was another vcr and the members changed outfits again
Vocal unit came out and sang We Gonna Make It Shine and boys let me say I have never fell in love with someone vocals so much before in my life. Like I’ve always loved Jihoon’s voice bc it was unique and its got a nasally tone to it and I love it, but hearing it in person made me love it 100x more
And for a while I actually thought Jihoon wasn’t singing?? Bc he just sounded so flawless, like exactly like the recording that I thought ‘maybe hes lip singing bc his throat is bad or something’ and I’m hitting myself now for even thinking that bc really Lee Jihoon is just the most amazing vocalist I’ve ever heard Boo Seungkwan who???
So yeah Vocal unit slayed even though I’ll always like the 2014 version of that song with Soonyoung better
As soon as that song ended they went straight into Don’t Listen and omg let me talk about visuals. The stage had this whole setup with a table with some fancy ass candles on it and there was a throne that Joshua was sitting in and the lighting was really eerie and I really don’t listen to that song much but im gonna listen to it every day from now on bc damn
HipHop unit had their turn next where they did some song which I had never heard of before called “On Haeng Il Chi” and it was dope then went into Check In and once again everyone did Mingyus “ohhhhhHHh yeahH” part (glorious I tell you)
Seungcheol was serving looks the whole time bc he was wearing this black suit set and he just looked so good the whole time. Honestly Seungcheol was such a tease the whole concert and i got a look at his thighs at one point and man he thicc
Vernon was also wearing this nice green shirt and I just really liked it for some reason and I wish I had taken more pictures and videos I hate myself for not doing that
AlrIGHT Performance Unit time!!! So leadin up to the concert I thought they were gonna perform “WHO” bc it was a bonus track and I just thought they would perform it for some reason so when they were all standing there ready for the song to start, the amount of confusion on my face when OMG came on… Wasn’t disappointed tho that performance was awesome
Still would like to see a performance of WHO tho I hope they’ll do that next time
And then they did Highlight and me and my friend even switched seats so I could get a better video of it bc I love that song so much. Also leading up to the concert I knew they were going to do this song but I wasn’t sure if they were going to do 13 member version or not but I’m glad it was just the 4 of them
Oh man okay I’m gonna talk about my bias, Chan, for a second. His stage presence in every song is seriously amazing. A main reason why hes my bias is bc im a huge fan of his dancing and his dance style(and he pretty cute) and seeing him perform live was incredible. it was almost overwhelming bc I couldnt believe someone this talented existed and I was watching them in their element 
Like he put his all into the dance while still executing his raps and vocals perfectly. His voice actually does sound a bit different live, like its a bit higher than I expected but he was so on point the whole night why is he such an underrated member
Okay so the members had another outfit change after this and these outfits were straight up sinful. Not to mention the first song they performed in them was equally as sinful so I’m going to on about this performance bc this was the best performance imo. I will never forget it. It’s ingrained into my brain forever
So Crazy In Love starts. Okay so I don’t listen to this song much as far as just listening to it in my free time, but I’d seen the dance before so as soon as I heard the music, I knew we were royally fucked. I wasn’t expecting this song probably bc i forgot it existed but its my new fav song guys this performance ruined me. 
So the lights come on at the very first part and these mofos are wearing tight black skinny pants (which looked like they were leather but they werent) and red silk sparkly shirts that were tucked in. Every single member looked flawless 
(Also didn’t mention this before but all of their hair was styled so well bless the stylists. I normally prefer a more natural color for hair on idols so I was glad the colorful dye had faded and most of them just went with black or brown)
But lord have mercy when the song started. Okay Chan is my bias but I could not stop staring at Soonyoung almost the entire time - minus for Chan’s “talking about love” part (which I remember doing the dance for and screaming while doing so)
Like you get Swimming Fool Soonyoung whos all cute and playful and going “YEEEE HAWW” during the song and then you get Crazy In Love Soonyoung whos all bedroom eyes and sexy glares and just everything about the way he moves is mesmerizing (i swear. Hes NOT my bias)
So getting through the first chorus is hard enough when BOTH my bias and bias wrecker are up in front doing that provocative shit and I was so conflicted on which one to stare at but I ended up staring at Soonyoung the whole time. 
And then in the second chorus when it’s just Jeonghan doing it and both me and my friend screamed so loud ugh the outfits were so perfect for this dance i wanted to D I E
And then it gets to the Part in the song yknow the “Ooohhhhh” part where they spin around and when it was Soonyoungs part to do that by himself. I don’t even have words for how that made me feel. That image is in my mind forever. You know that meme thats like “you ever wonder whats going on in someones head?” well yeah its that for me
It’s just Soonyung doing that one dance move
okay moving on Ive talked about this enough
My I was right after and I’d never seen the dance to that either and it was really beautiful and cool like idk how to describe it. It was like a very romantic type of dance and Jun and Minghao had such great chemistry on stage together they really blew me away
OKay now imma freak out some more bc Vocal Unit performed Habits. I actually recorded this whole song so I wasn’t really paying attention to what was happening on stage bc they were all just standing there with mic stand anyways. I was enjoying the audio and their lovely vocals. (Again, Jihoon really exceeded my expectations in this song. Like for some members like Dokyum and Seungkwan I know theyre gonna sound great and its not like I didn’t for the rest but I’m just still not over how good EVERYONE sounded)
So I’m enjoying them vocals and the song ends and my friend taps on my arm and points to her face and there are actual tears. This bitch really cried. At the time I was like “during Habits of all songs??” but i was so naive now I understand(I cried 2 days later listening to that song)
Hiphop unit then did If I which I remember 0 of I think I was still too shook from Vocal Unit
I just remember their little hip thrust dance and then immediately after was a ment and Soonyoung was mimicking HH units dance and giggling like an idiot and got the whole crowd to sing and dance to If I
“Ohh Toronto. Dancing good”
Then they were all arguing over which unit’s performance suited Toronto the best but then decided that they all did
And then Soonyoung dabbed
Too many times
Everyone also dabbed with him this group is a M E S S
And then they got Jeonghan to do Aegyo so he spun around and made a heart and said “Toronto I love you!” in the cutest voice possible I swear I’m in love with Jeonghans voice
And then Wonwoo did a cute little dance to which we all chanted ‘Go Wonwoo’ for and then Soonyoung dabbed
(It made Jihoon cringe every time)
Then Jeonghan tried to get Seungkwan to sing something and Boo was like ‘moVING ON” but he gave in and sang a bit of Hello by adele which was really nice. Like damn the acoustics in that theater were no joke bc its a theater (i assume) made for plays and stuff and him singing without any track sounded really nice.
And then they asked my boi Chan to dance so he started singing Billie Jean by Michael Jackson and doing the hipthrust dance and Seungkwan ran over like ‘nOO”. But Chan just kept dancing and singing and having a good time and being w i l d  to which Seungcheol cracked up at. He literally fell on the floor laughing
And they kept going on about how this was a totally special stage for Toronto, “only for Toronto”
So then they went on to say they were gonna perform a very “hot” song next and my clueless ass was like ‘Don’t wanna cry?’ but naw it was ROCK which I only recorded part of bc the lighting was bad and my phone sucks
But okay I can just say that Wonwoo’s voice sounds 10x deeper in person. If you thought his rap was really deep in that song, wait until you hear it live. For a long time Wonwoo was my favorite rapper in kpop and I think hes regaining that title he was very good the whole night and I really like his deep voice
and then they did Chuck which was SO AMAZING HOLY CRAP
I love that song sm in the first place but I love it even more now upon seeing and hearing it in person. I recorded a bit of that one too and love it i watch that video like 3 times a day
So then they had another short Ment where they taught us the dance to Chuck and Soonyoung doing the “brrrr” part was so adorable I wanted to die. (I feel like Im talking about Soonyoung a lot but im just so glad he was able to perform in Toronto ilysm)
So then Vernon was like “I actually have some bad new for yall” and all the members were like ‘whaaat??’ and pretending to be shocked
So Vernon goes on: “The next song is actually the last song for the night” and Soonyoung made this fake crying noise and then dabbED LIKE 5 TIMES
That was when he went over to Jihoon and dabbed right in front of him and then was like “Oh my god our last song?”
and then Vernon being the cheeky ass that he is was like “Yeah and I really dont wanna cry about it” and then him and Soonyoung went to the back of the stage to “cry” and all the other members were “crying”
Then Vernon came back and like “I wonder what our next song is tho? Hm????” and im like really bitch
So Soonyoung yelled ‘are you ready’ a few times and then they performed Don’t Wanna Cry which was INCREDIBLE 
They were all in perfect sync like im seriously amazed. These boys probably have to practice day and night to get dances like that. It was amazing
So the boys left the stage for a bit and there was a another vcr which was of all the member explaining what carats were to them and it was really sweet and my friend cried again (she cried like 3 times that night) and I died at Jihoons bc there was this short clip of him and hes just so darn cute
so they came out again and performed Shining Diamond but were wearing casual jeans and half were wearing blue shirts and the other half were wearing pink shirts and Soonyoung looked so good in that outfit bc his shirt was tucked in in the front and his hair was just so great
anyways they all looked like they had fun performing that song and Soonyoung was yelling as usual and there was one part of the dance that was super satisfying bc all the colors of the shirts lined up and it was just really nice to look at. 
And then they performed Healing which we had special banners to hold up during. There was one part I remember bc I couldnt see bc everyone was holding their banners above their heads, but Seungcheol jumped onto Mingyus back and koala hugged him for a good minute and a half and Mingyu kept trying to get him off and Seungcheol just smiled like an idiot and latched on. Eventually he got down and then grabbed his water bottle and dumped half of it onto the people in the front(splash zone)
So once that song ended, Toronto Carats had actually prepared something special for Seventeen. So certain seats had a red board on it that you would hold up after Healing ended but only so many seats had them so it made a message in the crowd and I think it was just 2 hearts and ‘1 7′ and the members looked really surprised like Vernon and Minghao were next to each other and were like :O
Seungcheol and Jeonghan looked really shocked too, overall none of them expected it
So then the goodbye ments came and I was ready to die as soon as they started. They all said the similar kind of thing like “we had a good time we’ll come again soon ect…” 
But Minghao’s was all in english and it was the cutest damn thing i have ever heard in my life. He started out with “Today I am so happy because of our Toronto Carats energy.”
and then says the cutest shit ever: “We are like friends. We look after each other and love each other” He also kept looking over at Vernon to make sure he was saying it right
and then he said something like “we care for each other” and the fkcigingf df went “and everyone, don’t be sick. Always be happy okay?” IN LIKE THE CUTEST WAY POSSIBLE I WANTED TO SCREAM I MEAN I PROBABLY DID BUT STILL
and then I only remember Chan saying something like “We’ll be back soon, and when we are you have to promise that you’ll come to our show” and then Soonyoung and Seungcheol held out their pinkies for us to promise them and I held my pinky bc I damn promise if they come to Toronto again I will be seeing them for sure. Or I’ll try my best anyways
and they all gave us hearts and said they loved us and did a bow and then all had to leave the stage and I almost cried;;
I remember Soonyoung was the last to leave the stage bc he kept waving and saying goodbye
Also I remember a person sticking their hand out one last time and it was kind funny bc I just see this random hand pop out for like a split second. I didn’t know who it was at the time, but I later found out it was Dokyum :3
So yeah, he’s not my bias, but Soonyoung made my night
Anyways. I’m still having post-concert depression. Honestly I don’t think I’ll ever be able to listen to another seventeen song again without crying. All in all, it was one of the best nights of my life and if it wasn’t for my best friend who bought the tickets and surprised me with them and her mom who drove us up the whole long way. Highlight of my summer. 
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
alright well, today was WILD. mostly in a good way, lol. I originally had my alarm set for 9:30 am with the intention of meeting Jess for brunch at 10. She was taking the day off from work because tickets for the KPop band’s she’s like the most into (aka Monsta X (MX) they’ll be talked about a lot today) concert was going on sale today and given our past experience trying to buy tickets for similar concerts (read: bad) we knew we were gonna have to try really hard for these, so we had a whole plan laid out. But when my alarm went off I had a message from Jess saying she got a note to be waiting for a package till like 10:30, so I went back to sleep until like 10 at which point I got up and got dressed to head out. We were gonna go to the vegetarian place but when I walked out to the street the intersection going to main street was like, completely blocked off, sidewalks and all, so I’d have to have gone one block west and then south and the east to actually get to main street, and instead of doing that we said fuck it we’d just go to the usual place that was like two blocks west of the intersection, so we met there instead and had brunch. Once we finished we returned to my apartment, the two goals for the day were to get caught up on tv shows we were behind on (Supergirl and Arrow in this case) and get tickets. So we started with Supergirl and watched the last 4 episodes of that, I’d seen the last two but not the two before that and Jess hadn’t seen any of them so we just watched them all through. We started getting geared up for the ticket purchasing, I think I explained this before but I don’t expect everyone to read every post so I’ll explain it again, basically ten minutes before the tickets are set to go on sale you can join a “pre-queue” and when it turns to the time everyone in the pre-queue is randomly placed in line, with anybody joining the queue after that goes to the end. The default position tends to be “2,000+ in front of you” which can differ widely because the venues for the smaller bands are like 3,000 seats whereas the big groups like BTS were playing in the fucking football stadium with like 50,000 seats, so 2,000 in front has a very different context depending on the size of the place. But you get advanced in line wherever you were placed it’ll start moving up and eventually get you to under 2,000 and then let you in, at which point you have to pick your tickets and pay for them, but there are a bunch of other people in there at the same time trying to pick tickets, so it can be kinda difficult to find ones that someone else didn’t just grab. so to give ourselves the best chances of getting this we had created multiple accounts so we could have the queue up in multiple windows in hope that it would give us a better chance of getting one placed further up in the queue. The tickets went on sale at 4 pm local time of the concert, and we were gonna try for New York tickets at 3 pm our time (because my parents live there and it’s always an easy excuse for a trip) with potentially looking at Atlanta at the same time, and then when it hit 4 for us we’d try for Chicago. So this whole time Jess is a giant ball of nerves and just generally freaking out, because yes she wants tickets, but she really wants the VIP tickets that let you actually meet the band and you can do this thing called “hi-touch” which is basically high fiving them from what I understand, but of course there are very few of those tickets and it was all up to the randomized queue. so I’m sitting there with my two laptops open and two windows open on each where Jess has ones on her laptop and her phone. It turns 3 pm and all of the windows refresh.....all of them are 2,000+. damn. the New York theatre has a capacity of 5,600 (I just looked that up, but that’s about what I thought at the time) so it’s no football stadium but the Chicago venue was only like 4,400 (again, just looked that up) so we potentially had a better shot in NY but there would probably also be more people trying for tickets. So we’re sitting there hoping for our things to advance, and one of my windows, the one attached to my main account starts moving forward slowly but surely (or quicker than any of the others at least) and around 3:20 we get inside, at which point we were able to grab like second tier tickets, which were good, but of course didn’t include the hi-touch Jess really wanted so we’d grab the tickets for now (we could always resell them later, they’re going for a ton on stubhub right now) and see what happens in Chicago. The one browser we had up for Atlanta had just been a total bust so we ignored that one. so the hour advances and it gets closer to 4 and everyone is so anxious!!! but we got this, I know we do, and when it hits 4, to our amazement, my main account (again!) instead of showing up with 2,000+ showed “1″ for a second before immediately letting us into the tickets!! I was in beast mode at this point and just let my super fast reflexes do all the work and click in the right places as fast as I could and a few seconds later we had confirmed tickets that were- get this- not only ultimate VIP with the hi-touch and a bunch of other shit, but were actually IN THE FIRST FUCKING ROW, AND THEY WERE LITERALLY SEATS 1 AND 2. WE GOT THE FIRST TICKETS IN THE ENTIRE DAMN PLACE. And like we looked at the map of the venue and the front row has like two or three off to each side and then like 8 or so right in the center right in front of the stage and since we were 1 and 2 at first we thought we had one of the side ones....but nope, we were in that middle section (I’ll post the screenshot Jess took of them after this to give you a better idea if you’re having trouble picturing this). But yeah, basically we got the best damn tickets in the entire fucking theatre, and we were both pretty much just having meltdowns at this point (I mean, mostly Jess, but I was kinda freaking out too because this was nuts). And I was just like man, I knew we could do this, we put up with some much bullshit and failure with the other concerts that was so frustrating, but when it really counted with the favorite band in our city, we get the best seats IN THE FUCKING HOUSE. Because that’s how I roll, when I set my mind to something I get shit done, I don’t always know how but somehow it always gets done, and I knew we could do this and we did. So needless to say it was a very exciting afternoon, lol. We had been playing like episodes 3 and 4 of The Umbrella Academy during this mostly just as background noise because Jess hadn’t seen all of that yet but we weren’t paying much attention given everything that had just happened. So yeah, we freaked out for a bit, and then cemented our plans for the rest of the night (because if Chicago was a total failure we were gonna wait 2 hours and try for the LA show) and I then baked the angel food cake I wanted to make for my birthday because I always have angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries for my birthday (given that I’ve rarely actually celebrated with my family on my actual birthday it’s usually not on the actual date, but as long as it happens) because it’s my favorite and what we always had when I was little and reminds me of my grandma and grandpa and just happy memories that weren’t corrupted by other bullshit. So I baked the cake and when it was done I figured out how to stick it upside down on a bottle (you have to cool it like that or it won’t come out of the pan, they’re complicated like that) we headed out for dinner, we were originally probably gonna order in but given all that had happened we wanted to celebrate a bit and we knew there was a Korean place a few blocks down that we hadn’t tried yet so we figured now would be the perfect time. So we get there and we’re trying to decipher the menu to the best of our ability lol but ended up asking our waiter for his thoughts with our given dietary restrictions and he was great and very helpful, everything was super delicious and very much enjoyed, and he was just really cool and awesome so I tipped him extra (and by that I mean like 30% because 25% is my default, so, we know how I feel about tipping waiters). so it was a very enjoyable meal, I took some home with me because I didn’t want to stuff myself too much and not be able to eat cake later, we’ll have to see if I end up eating my leftovers though because my acid reflux has been kinda bad tonight so I’m not sure if that’d be a good idea (it’s strange though because none of it was a typical trigger for me). We watched the second to last episode of Arrow and then I checked to see if the cake was fully cooled, then set it up with the whipped cream and strawberries and we ate cake (I made Jess eat a little but she doesn’t really like cake so I just let her eat the strawberries). so that was highly enjoyable as it always is for me. We then watched the most recent episode of Arrow, I had the benefit this time around of having listened to the “Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast” review of the episode since I watched it the first time so I understood things a little better, they’re not always great at actually explaining concepts and fleshing them out in a way that makes a little comic book knowledge go very far in understanding where the show writers actually want to take you (and they just aren’t). For example, in the comics, the Ninth Circle (aka “the bad guys”) is actually like a supervillain bank that funds such evil operations, and that makes a hella lot more sense than the non-descriptions we’ve had of it up to this point. But anyway. Once we finished that it was like 9 pm so Jess headed home and I watched tonight’s episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend that I had forgotten about lol then just watched the news into Jimmy Kimmel  (it was an old episode though) before showering and starting to get ready for bed and now I am here. so yeah, big day to say the least. pretty wild I’d say, and I’m gonna be so thrown that today was only Friday and not Saturday lol and that we have Saturday as a whole other day tomorrow. The plan is to go up north to the Cheesecake Factory, we decided against seeing a movie because there really wasn’t anything we wanted to see (I’d have been fine seeing Captain Marvel again but Jess has already seen it twice and doesn’t really want to do it again which is valid). So we’ll just do Cheesecake Factory and shop, should be fun. It is 1 am now though and I should probably be getting to sleep if I want to get up and do things tomorrow (which I do) so I will call it a night here. Goodnight friends. Happy weekend.
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