#Hehe Meta knight can't cook
foamywishes · 7 months
Have an excerpt of my current project
The two vassals exchange glances with each other, noticing how strained Meta Knight’s tone seemed to be. After sometime, Blade Knight spoke up softly, “What do you wish for us to do, My Lord? Shall one of us keep watch?” “....No.” Meta Knight replied after a pause. “All of them are capable of defending themselves. If something does happen to them, then I have total faith that they will be able to handle it on their own. We cannot coddle them…and I must be confident in both Kirby and Myra’s abilities as the new generation of Star Warriors.” He jumped down from his perch on the balcony and slipped back into the shadows of the castle where only his faint outline could be seen. “For now, leave them be. The afternoon patrol will begin soon. I am going to prepare, you two are free to do whatever you want until your next patrol shift. Dismissed.” “As you wish My Lord.” Sword Knight and Blade Knight replied, bowing in machine-like precision and synchronization. Meta Knight nodded his head, and then turned the corner. As soon as he was gone, Blade Knight said, “He is only going to go and check-in on them as soon as our back is turned.” “Aye, that he is.” Sword Knight chuckled softly. “As hard as he pretends to be, the Lord remains as soft as ever when it comes to those kids.” “Ah…that I agree with. Since the young Ladyship is off duty, shall we go get lunch?” Blade Knight asked, as Sword Knight bobbed his head. “Lunch sounds good, I don’t want to stomach whatever the Lord has in store again. If one thing hasn’t changed, it is his awful cooking.” “That fact will always remain true. Our lord might be strong, but a good cook, he is not.” From the shadows, Meta Knight replied, “Sword Knight, Blade Knight, if you are going to gossip about me, I would appreciate it if you both made sure I was out of earshot.” The two knight vassals made quick apologies, while chuckling nervously and hurrying off to attend to their business. ---- One thing that I always enjoy is writing the knightly trio. You can tell they have been together for a long time if they can get away with light backtalk lol
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Bonus Poll! ^-^
Still sticking with the Kirby Anime (one of mod's friends is rewatching it and we're jumping on the opportunity >:D)! The mysterious Orb of Dream Land, it's Meta Knight!
A poll similar to the Meta Knight, Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, Magolor, Marx, King Dedede, Taranza, Morpho Knight, Galacta Knight, Escargoon, Daroach, Shadow Kirby, Dark Meta Knight, Gooey, Fecto/Chaos Elfilis, Elfilin, Susie, Prince Fluff, Meta-Knights, Sailor Waddle Dee, and Sword and Blade Bonus Polls! All quotes are taken from what mod’s friends have said about them! :D
Honorary mentions (things mod wanted to put in the poll, but couldn't) under the cut!
I like the headcanon that he hides his wings because he doesn't want to be seen as a Demon Beast. It's fun to think about :)
I like the Nightmare headcanon. You know the one >:3
He is a silly :D
Give him therapy. And a hug :(
He's like a wet cat. Who wants to be tall :3
Okay but how does he just appear out of nowhere. Does he just clip through the walls? Is he a ghost-
Hehe he can't cook ^-^
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