#Hell Angel au FNF
(TW:Blood, Vomit)
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fridaynightaus · 8 months
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Made an Monster High AU for Eddsworld, now I'm making one for FNF. I mean a good amount of the characters (both canon and mod) are supernatural anyway so why the hell not?
I made Boyfriend (or as he's called in my and my friend's fanon: Jacob) an Android-Angel hybrid (andgel?) based on two common headcanons for BF: BF being an angel to contrast GF being a demon, and that's he's Hatsune Miku's brother (which I don't subscribe to myself but I can see it). In fact Jacob's clothes were inspired directly from Vocaloid outfits (specifically Len Append and Anode Miku).
And yes I used the same last name from the Soft Mod. I just think it works so well, both since BF's half angel here and it's a nice complement to the last name Dearest, in a way.
Bio and skullette down below!
Bio Parents An Angel (Father) An Android (Mother) Age 16 Killer Style I’m into that techno cyber-idol style. Freaky Flaw I don’t look before I leap, or I should I say: look before I fly. For me it’s always “action first, ask questions later”...or never, in some cases Pet Sera, my dog! Aka THE best girl out there! Favorite Activity
You could say I was born to sing, so you can mostly catch me spitting some bars while chilling with my ghoulfriend. I also like to do sick fingerboard tricks.
Pet Peeve When I’m trying to relax and something happens out of the blue that completely kills the vibe. Favorite Subject Singing of course! Least Favorite Subject Literature. How can anyone read through that stuff and NOT conk out after a few pages? Favorite Color(s) Blue, Cyan, and White Favorite Food(s)
Pepperoni Pizza and Donuts! For drinks I like Ice Tea and Milk, not together of course, that’s nasty.
Friends Amber Dearest (Girlfriend) Pico Benelli Kenji Sakubara Blaze Thorburn Dusk Evans Holt Hyde Elle Eedee
Light Manipulaton Jacob can create and manipulate light, which he can use either for utility (ex: lighting up dark areas) and combat.
Emotional Color Change Similar to Kiyomi Haunterly's body, Jacob halo and wings act similar to that of a mood ring, changing colors depending on how he's feeling. It’s normally blue which means he’s happy, dark blue means he’s sad, red means he’s angry, purple means he’s scared, green means he’s disgusted, pink means he’s in love, orange is when he’s annoyed, etc.
Flight He can fly thanks to the wings on his back.
Pain Immunity As he is half android, he cannot feel pain
Immortality Because he is half-angel, he is immortal as well.
Bonus Notes (More to possibly be added in the future)
While Jacob is indeed a hybrid, he wasn’t born in the traditional sense, but rather created. His mother supplied the metal body while his father supplied divine power, the resulting ritual created Jacob.
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starlitfunkster · 9 months
Friday Night in Hell AU BUT only the FNF Lullaby Mod Characters... PART 2?!?!
Yeah that's right, part 2. Containing some characters that were missed, and the OC's (including uh... a non Pokepasta character).
That's barring a few of them, which will be explained now:
Hypno - Exists, but isn't too different from the mod's canon.
Belze - Isn't he supposed to a devil? Well, regardless, not that different from canon.
HELL BELL - Not that much different from canon, but is here nonetheless.
Lord X and MX - Already made info about Lord X. MX though.. Uh... Let me get back to you on that b/c I don't know-
Alexis - Guardian Angel - A young girl who took her own life after so much relentless bullying for her choosing a Hypno as her starter. When she was brought into the world, she saw her Hypno again.. but very different. It seems like she is an angel, but sadly her Hypno cannot see her. She was assigned to protect Eve from the more dangerous spirits.
Dawn (Human name: Diana) - Demon - A human that got dragged into hell after being tricked by signing Belze's contract. She just wanted to play HER FUCKING GAME-!! Her transformation is what drags Bitter Barry into the Pokepasta world. She is very rebellious, and often watches over Gray. Her rebelliousness became too much for Belze, and he let her roam the 'upper realm' more often. She and Shinto have a minor rivalry with each other.
Green - Fallen Angel - A fallen angel who was bound to Mt. Silver as punishment for not protecting her Red from Blue. She is mostly found crying, but if you dare try to hurt Red.. you will have hell to pay. Even though she knows that Red is now killing people who cannot make it to shelter in time.
Mike's Heart - Shade - A shade that has separated from Mike's Spirit after he became a revenant (which caused it to flee in terror). It's scared of everyone, and ended up hiding in a random house.. Which happened to be Eve's. After getting over a brief moment of terror shared with Eve, it started to hide in Eve's shadow. It'll pull itself out and protect Eve and Ethan whenever Alexis and Silver are down for the count.
(And now for the section containing the OC's)
Eve - Human - She is a human that lives in the Pokepasta world now. She was pulled into the world by accident through Wally. She once had a crush on Gray, but she stopped because it was, in her own words, "Not my place to force fate onto another person". Strange girl. Anyways, she is protected by Alexis (and later, Mike's Heart), and later makes friends with Ethan and Silver.
Sugar - Mutated Sweets Demon - Being that she was created by a baker demon, you'd think she'd at least be a bit more stable? Well, she used to. But after that baker demon started adding more and more sweets, Sugar became extremely fucked up in more ways than one. She's basically just as dangerous as Mike, but way worse because she's a lot more animalistic in her motives.
Bitter Barry - Living Glitch - Someone who joined the Pokepasta world in search of his friend. It was she who made his life better, what gave him a purpose. He's not going to lose what little purpose he has. He's the reason that Eve and Gray don't like meeting up when Red's around, purely because these two will start arguing with each other. ESPECIALLY if either Red or Barry bring up their friends (Green and Diana respectively).
Anti-Cheat - Mimicry (Oh boy, I get to describe these guys finally) - Whilst not a Pokepasta, they snuck into this world when their dad (Caver) was not watching them. They look like Mr. Driller purely to confuse 'cheaters'. Sometimes they take the appearance of Wally to pull at people's heart strings! In the end though, it's always the same. The cheater will fall for Anti-Cheat's tricks, and bury themselves in the metaphorical grave they made. Sometimes they do try to escape from them, but their deaths arrive all the same!
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queentemkiwi · 2 years
Blog list Pt 1
RP Blogs pt 1
@spiteful-angels-and-demons @the-downfall @funkin-high-fnf @fnf-cops-and-robbers @friday-night-timeless @event-central-fnf @bombs-everywhere @into-the-cloud-verse @charred-picture-frame @ask-the-depressed-demon @the-kings-game-of-bombs @feral-smoke-n-anons @clusterfuck-friday-night-funkin @animal-isle-fnf @thicc-strawberries-n-oreos @where-the-darkness-lurks @corrupted-flames @friday-night-horror @dangerous-pop-idol @broken-hearts-apart @apathetic-cloud-au @morally-black-cloud @doki-doki-music-club @imposter-love-kinda-sus @lost-soft-runaway @the-wellfare-of-society @whitiko-waits @swapped-yet-not-basket-bot @youll-be-just-fine-fnf @cxck-church-religious-gxns @trapped-in-the-studio @two-angels-but-a-devil @the-fandom-collision @entity-subject-aldryx @dreadful-nightmares-npromises @beats-of-hell @neon-glowstick-brat @tail-lights-fnf @neon-bullets-and-explosives @rockin-glamour-pizza @sxftfather @demonic-fatale @meme-fangirl @corrupted-love-broken-life @motheryoualwayswanted @therichestguy @strings-are-pulled @fluffed-up-fun @an-eigth-nightmare
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sweetstarart · 2 years
Exposition time!
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So... Long Story short, Hellsoft is an fnf soft/hellbeats au made by me and a friend on the discord server named Gemini ^-^
She designed Softie and is helping me with a lot of the lore and adorable trivia facts
The story is
Benjamin is a pure blood angel who is next in line for the throne of heaven however due to the pressure and abuse, he despises the idea of being king. The only upside to being royalty is having royal subjects one of them being an adventurous pure blood named Pico. After a traumatic accident left Pico an orphan he was taken in by the fairests and became their faithful servant in return. Although they had been living together for a long while, Ben and Pico never spoke much until high school. After that they became fast friends and soon began dating in secret. After the events of Pico's School, the boys grew much closer and did their best to spend every second with one another. Eventually, Pico found out about what the fairests were doing to Benjamin and his fear of taking the throne. Once he did, he created a plan for the two to escape the castle without the fairests knowing. Although reluctant at first, Benjamin agreed. Unfortunately, a day before they would reenact the plan The fairests found out...
They were furious causing father fairest to crush Pico's halo and cut off their wings shortly after. After that, he was taken away by guards leaving Benjamin devastated. After many sleepless nights Benjamin used the escape plan in order to find Pico, no matter what the cost.
Nearly 2 months later Ben finally found Pico only to see that in that he had been turned into a menacing demon. Although being startled at first, he still loved Pico and wouldn't let anything come between them. The only thing left to do was to get Pico out of their cell. Lucky for them a mysterious stranger with a big smile was there to help. He offered them a golden hammer that could break any substance in exchange of one year of labor. The boys agreed upon realizing it would be their only chance of freedom and soon, they were out on the streets of hell running from guards, other demons but worst of all
Frank and Marilyn...
And that's pretty much it for now
I'm glad that's out the way, now I can post facts abt the characters here : 3
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skydoesx · 3 years
Some things about the Future AU from the Discord Server
They have nicknames now!
Future Pump - Doom (Will explain later)
Future Skid - Quartz (AU inspired by Steven Universe Future)
So let's get down to business
TW// Murder, hell, mention of r-word (nothing bad dw)
Not too long after the series starts, Quartz and Doom go back to the mansion where Quartz was almost sacrificed. Quartz and Doom are in the mansion, and they come across a cultist who didn't want things to change like they did, and said cultist starts doing ritual shit. it unlocks a giant vortex of ghosts that are supposed to revert things back to how they were before Quartz became leader. One of the ghosts grabs Doom by the back of his shirt and literally pulls him into hell
By the time Quartz goes in to find Doom, they already killed him and, since he was killed in Hell, he was turned into a demon.
On the bright side, though, whilst Doom is no longer visible or able to talk to people physically, being dead, he can still communicate via dreams, hallucinations, Ouija boards, and other spirit communication methods
Also, Doom picked up a hobby of killing bad demons, like r@pists, etx. He basically becomes a young Doom Guy, hence the name.
Now, sometimes Angels will raid Hell to kill demons to "make room for more". Doom will occasionally protect more innocent demons, like ones who rejected faith or ones who are on the path to redemption.
One time when he was attacked, however, he redirected a scythe meant for his heart to his left eye, completely obliterating it.
For those wondering, yes, he found The Uncle after going on an active manhunt for him.
Here's some angst
The first time Doom visited his family post-Hell, his family tried to exorcise him. After he left, they put salt lines at every entrance and exit.
The worst thing Susie ever heard in this AU was the pained screams of Doom as he stepped on a salt line on accident
And now for some fluff
Sometimes Susie goes outside at night so she and doom can actually communicate ever since their parents got crazy with rhe salt and crosses. Sometimes Quartz lets her come over and they use the Ouija Board.
Now let's talk about Quartz!
The monster he turns into in the future is roughly 50-60 ft tall, or six Whittys tall
When angry enough, he can resist corruption, disease, etx.. He used this when the FNF Monster tried to corrupt Doom.
It takes a lot out of him, though, which is why it only happened twice in the 3-year story.
Some of the traumatic events that happened to Quartz include:
-Killing Frank when he created a bone cage around himself that the van crashed into
-Seeing Doom get dragged into Hell
-The Cult trying to sacrifice him
-Moloch coming back and possessing him
-Turning into a 50 ft monster
-More to come as story develops
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All of the fnf au's of boyfriend that I can remember ^^
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Hello everyone I'm Meli and welcome to my art blog!
I'll be posting my FNF au's and my FNF oc and more FNF content on here. :]
My main au's I'll show is FNF: Hell Angel and FNF: Like The Good Ol' Funkin' Days but I'll also post my other fnf au named FNF: Arrow Lights ^^
I'll first show the characters I made (so far) for FNF Hell Angel or HA. But if you guys want I'll make a post for FNF Like The Good Ol' Funkin' Days or LTGOFDS :] (even tho I'll still post it-)
With that here they are!:
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Character names(in order):
And finally HA!Pump/Pump
There are more characters like Lemon Demon and Tankman and some modded characters like Miku or Monika but I haven't made them yet
If you guys want I'll make a lore post about each of their lore ^^
I hope you guys like this lil post and I'll see y'all laters :]
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