#Hellllooooo Sage :DDD
⚡️, 🐶, and 🛩️? :]
⚡️ do you have any scars?
Uhhhhh most of the scars I've gotten are starting to fade but uh. Got a small one of my right ankle from getting a dresser dropped on it, ones of both my knees from falling and skinning them, one of my right wrist from when I hot glued myself, one of my left leg from falling up the stairs, and probably a few more I don't remember!
🐶 do you have any pets?
Yeah!!! I'm the owner of an amazing cat named Pepper!! She looks just like the Jellie minecraft cat skin!! I've also basically stolen a baby bunny from my sister because she wasn't paying attention to him. My family as a whole as a lot more animals but I only claim the 5 cats and Thumper as pets <3
🛩️ if travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Hmmmmmmm. I don't know actually. Would probably gather up a bunch of my friends and go somewhere fun together :D (I've never been a big fan of traveling much but friends are special)
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