#Help MeTM
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Liberal things in Atla:
Jet being a darker skinned asian who was used as 'you can be TOO radical and that can make just as bad your oppressors!' propaganda and implied to be murder at 16 at absolute oldest by a fascist cult
Hama pretty much the same thing but a native woman and even worse because she was an old lady so she experienced even more trauma
Azula having casual ableism thrown at her and posed as Zuko's evil counterpart despite being his LITTLE sister
Iroh's entire character
Zuko being redeemed but not Jet or Hama
Not liberal things in Atla:
Mai not being crucified for being an imperfect teenage girl with severe emotional trauma from psychological parental abuse and being her own character instead 'The Pick MeTM'
Zuko breaking the cycle of abuse by becoming found siblings with Aang and his pseudo-dad as a better parent than Ozai ever was to him instead of being the 'romantic redemption' trope seeing as he never actually had romance based trauma but familial trauma
Ty Lee being a spiritual girlypop who pretends to be stupid to decieve her enemies but is actually a badass and super smart and people who shame her for her moxie being potrayed as bullies instead of funny
Katara not being a normal girl at all by a mix of nature and nurture and written as human just like all the men to combat 'feminine women can't be anything but or else they're just not feminine' both on a meta level and in-universe as a major character motivation and falling in love with Aang because he was her best and first friend that also helped her heal her inner child simply by being himself instead of 'accepting she's a mom in a 14 year old's body and that Zuko is the logical choice for her' and fighting against fascism rather than being a quirky 'i hate cute boys ew' rebel
Aang the 12 year old sole genocide survivor that's tibetan because irl tibetans went/go through etchnic cleansing and is the only remaing buddhist in his world not wanting to kill someone so his culture and his people could live on through him but relenting for the greater good until he was given a better option that y'all call 'deus ex machina' but is in fact just typical mythology shit and the fake shit you made about him in the sequel that's easy to learn isn't true by a quick google search
And also spending the whole show being an anarchist and activist because Katara radicalized him instead of him trying to kill her and generally tormenting her like Zuko did until he got the idea to convince her to kill someone with no apologies over calling her people peasents LMAOOOOO
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Oh oops I keep forgetting not everyone experiences low-key delusions (you know the ones you don't really talk about but 99% believe while being sort of aware that's it's illogical but also unable to unconvince yourself of so you just kind of Live Life Weirdly to compensate) and thought everyone saying delulu was. Like MeTM. Oof.
I am all in favor of joking about diagnoses and symptoms you actually have if that helps you, but it's not my impression that everyone jumping in on the memefication of being delusional actually experiences delusions
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
this listing agent has been giving me nothing but problems but unbeknownst to him, i am the Office Pet, and when I showed my broker the emails he sent me being a dickhead, she immediately called and tore him a new one for like 15-20 minutes >: ) 
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selenuntius · 3 years
Quick TL new Yucun Chapter - Opening
Read here (google doc). I made this in a fit of madness when I saw the new yucun chapter at like 6.30am my time last night/this morning so it’s kinda scuffed. I did try to touch it up just a bit earlier though. Either way, it’s gonna be better than MTL and I’m not bad at chinese so you’ll just have to trust meTM. I have other things I need to do so I won’t make this a thing, but yeah, fit of madness from new yucun content.
As always, I wish I had my friend who usually does my proofreading (and I do hers! :D) for translations to help me fix everything. She’s also a better writer.
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blackevyl · 7 years
So... Secret Sakka, huh.
Kill meTM.
So, @zingospinning, I’d like to make things clear - I did my best. English is not my mother tongue and even though I can consider myself quite good, I still make mistakes and don’t know certain things, even if others might find them obvious. It’s literally my third attempt to write something in English. 
All I want to say through this - I’m sorry it’s not as good as it should, but I hope you enjoyed anyway. 
I hope you have a great time during this Christmas. Lots of health and luck in the next year! :D
PS. I had no idea what I was doing.
The night was quiet and peaceful - something that wasn’t so common in Ichirouta’s life (he was quite famous, after all!). The sky was cloudless and full of stars, the Moon in its first quarter high above everything else, distant. It was already past 10 pm, but it wasn’t that dark due to existence of streetlights. Although, he couldn’t deny being surrounded by dimness.
It was a little cold, but his clothes were prepared for that. He couldn’t be sure if they were prepared for him to sit on a grass, though. At some point, he’ll find out. 
He took a deep breath of bracing air. 
“It’s… quiet here,” he whispered more to himself than the friend sitting next to him. It wasn’t completely true - he could hear the hum of the river and even some city noise. It was like the sounds were faded and far away, though.
“Huh? Have you said something?” Endou definitely hadn’t seen Ichirouta’s statement coming. It made the aquamarine haired man chuckle.
“Only that it was quiet here,” he repeated, calming himself down.
He wondered a little what Endou had been thinking about, before he starter the conversation, but decided not to ask.
“Oh,” the brunet raised his right hand to scratch his neck in an awkward manner, “It’s not anymore… Sorry?” A small laugh escaped his mouth.
“It’s not a problem,” Ichirouta assured, “I actually wanted to strike up a conversation.”
And after he’d said that, they both fell silent. Strangely, Ichirouta didn’t find it that disturbing.
He smiled to himself. Subconsciously, he went back to those days when they were only teenager, who simply wanted to play (well, at some point p r o t e c t) soccer. They were a team, a family. They had spent so much time with each other, shared the same dreams…
And then they all starter to grow up and change.
“So... what do you want to talk about?” Endou’s voice was unexpected, even though Ichirouta did tell him that he wanted to start a conversation.
The problem was that he himself had no idea what to talk about.
“I… don’t know...?,” Ichirouta admitted, “I just wanted to talk. That can be anything, really. I mean… how was your day?”
‘Very creative, Ichirouta,’ he scolded himself.
It’s not like they had talked about it before or something…
“Uh, really good, like I said. Those guys are getting stronger and stronger… It’s just like when we were their age!”
Ichirouta did his best to control the laugh Endou’s stupid grin was provoking, but it didn’t work well.
His friend was clearly surprised at first, but then started laughing, too. Few seconds later they were both lying on grass and disturbing the lights-out period.
“Why are we laughing, by the way?,” Endou asked finally, unsuccessfully trying to calm himself down.
That was a very good question.
“I have no idea,” Ichirouta admitted.
Suddenly, he was calm again, gazing at the night sky and thinking about everything and nothing. There was an unexpected sting in his chest.
“How nostalgic...,” Ichirouta muttered to himself, but, apparently, Endou had no trouble hearing him.
“Yeah… It’s like yesterday we were just some teenagers and everything was easier…”
“Unless some (so-called) aliens destroyed your school.” 
They both laughed again.
Now it was a joke, just a memory. Back then it was terrifying and Ichirouta couldn't bear that, so he left. It was shameful, now he thought, but if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have learnt as much as he did. And his friends won anyway, so it wasn't such a bad thing after all.
“Y-yeah… That wasn’t easy for sure…”
For some reason, Ichirouta felt like he suddenly became much older than he already was.
“It has been so many years…” His voice was distant, thoughts wandering through numerous memories of his youth.
“Yeah, it has…,” Endou agreed, sounding like he was as far away from that certain river bank as Ichirouta, if not more, but then, “Let’s play soccer!”
His sudden and full of excitement offer brought Kazemaru back to the reality. Ichirouta’s head turned to the brunet.
“What?,” his mind didn’t understand his friend’s words at first, but when it did, Kazemaru was confused, but definitely not surprised, “Like, right now? It’s over 10 pm…,” he pointed out.
He wasn’t so sure if that was a good idea, but Endou looked determined.
‘Like always…’
“Hey, you should already know that it’s never too late to play soccer!,” the man exclaimed, “Besides, I was prepared for this. Give me few minutes, I left my soccer ball in the car!”
Ichirouta laughed as Endou got up and started running towards the car park nearby. It was so much like him. He couldn’t help but wonder if his friend hadn’t been waiting all this time only to suggest playing when the moment was right. Endou might have been older and calmer, but his love for soccer was unchangeable.
Somehow, it was beautiful.
He hadn’t been thinking about anything in particular, when Endou came back with his soccer ball in hands few minutes later - just sitting, stargazing and enjoying the moment.
“I’m back! Come here!,” the brunet called, so Ichirouta got up and brushed his trousers down.
I’ll just die here, don’t mind me.
PS. Sorry for OOC-ness.
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awesomeblockchain · 6 years
MetaMorph.pro team is launching ICO that will include a unique Coin Exchange Platform with a user-friendly interface and their very own METM coin. Everyone interested in investing in cryptocurrency and maximizing their income should grab the chance.
The MetaMorph.pro team holds the endless respect for the blockchain technology and limitless opportunities it offers to entrepreneurs. Made up of professionals in many areas, including finances, management and marketing, the team has developed a way to maximize the benefits from cryptocurrency trading. Their secret is now available to every investor who seeks to make the most out of this business. The upcoming MetaMorph token ICO sale planned to last from May 28th until July 14th is the perfect opportunity to do get onto this secret and start benefitting from the unique trading interface and uber-efficient platform. However, presale already started now and with only 1 ETH, investor will get 8,555 METM.
MetaMorph.pro is more than a regular set of cryptocurrency trading software. It's a solution that can help users monitor their blockchain investments and make exchanges quickly and efficiently. As the rates on the volatile market are monitored in real time, the investor can make smart decisions and act on them immediately, thus maximizing their returns.
What Is MetaMorph.pro All About?
After the unprecedented growth of Bitcoin in 2017, which sparked global interest for digital currency, the cryptocurrency exchange market has become of the most popular places for financially savvy investors. However, it has fast become extremely complicated, making the trades far more volatile than they should be. MetaMorph is dedicated to bringing the power back to the people and simplifying the cryptocurrency exchange process.
MetaMorph ICO goes far beyond introducing a new coin. It gives one an opportunity to obtain an easy-to-use exchange platform that will enable them to make coin swaps quickly and efficiently. The swap itself, referred to be the developers as 'morph', is concluded within a few clicks.
As every person involved in cryptocurrency trading knows, time and clarity are of essence in this field. MetaMorph.pro provides both and offers top level of security to boost. The solution utilizes all the marvelous capabilities offered by the decentralized blockchain technology and maximizes the benefits of each.
The team standing behind the upcoming MetaMorph ICO sale aims to promote the adoption of cryptocurrency. The decentralized nature of it that allows investors not to be constricted by the limitations of regular markets is extremely appealing. Digital currencies, due to their affordability and availability, give thousands of people a chance to benefit from this form of financial trading. MetaMorph ICO sale makes grabbing this opportunity an easy feat.
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