#Her first grooming appointment went PERFECTLY!!!
llatimeria · 7 months
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vicletfxre · 1 year
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< emily carey. demi female. she/they. 21. > we welcome vivienne beesbury to winterfell , the ruling lady of honeyholt. keep an eye out for their asocial nature, they tend to cover it up by acting kind. rumor has it they are for the peace treaty, and their loyalties lie with houses beesbury and tyrell. you’ll know it’s them when you get flashes of picked cuticles, brown curls pinned into place, a kind smile that never meets doe eyes.
Name: Vivienne Beesbury Nickname: Vivi Alias: Little Lady Bee Age: 21 Height: 5'3" Weight: 116 lbs Gender/Pronouns: demi female | she/they Sexual/Romantic Orientation: demisexual | demiromantic Marital Status: Single
Mother: Dowager Lady Margaery Beesbury nee Ashford Father: Former Ruling Lord Cyrus Beesbury💀 Aunt(s): tbd Uncle(s): Lord utp Beesbury, Lord Addam Beesbury💀 Cousin(s): Lord/Lady utp Beesbury, Lord/Lady utp Beesbury, Lord/Lady utp Beesbury Sibling(s): Lord Davos Beesbury, Lady Olene Beesbury
To say that an unusual set of circumstances brought Lord Cyrus Beesbury to rule of Honeyholt would be an understatement. A freak accident - almost too perfectly illustrated - brought about the death of Lord Addam Beesbury when the young lord was 19. With the death of the intended heir, Cyrus rose up from spare, as did his prospects.
He took the lady Margaery Ashford to wife, but it was many years before they had a child of their own. In fact, his younger brother had two healthy babes before Cyrus had a child of his own. And, though not the son he'd wanted, Cyrus felt assured of his line when Vivienne was born.
Vivienne was a quiet babe, rarely ever crying, with doe eyes that seemed to behold everything with fright. And the years that passed did not seem to warm the anxious girl to the outside world. Cyrus was noted as complaining to any that would listen that his very presence seemed to frighten the girl, the way she clung to her mother's skirts. And many would whisper the little lady was right to do so.
The habit of hiding away from the world earned Vivienne the nickname of "Little Mouse," and it was one that followed them all the way to King's Landing after Cyrus's appointment as Master of Whisperers.
In the capital, Vivienne was ostensibly meant to be a lady-in-waiting to one of the Targaryen princesses. Which one, however, seemed to change with the weather. In truth, Cyrus brought his daughter and heir to act as a spy.
Vivienne, however, made for a poor spy, more often found in the Red Keep's godswood or hidden away in some corner of the library. Eventually, Cyrus gave up on any and all attempts to groom her to take his position on the Small Council, and Vivienne could breath. Breaths that she took far too soon, as her 18th birthday approached.
They awoke to find a line of would-be suitors, second sons of varying age - some even twice their age - all ready to charm the future ruling lady of Honeyholt. Each as grasping as the last for a chance to rule, a chance that the gods had denied them at birth. No matter where they went, Vivienne was harangued by suitors of every shape and size.
It was both sorrow and relief that they took on their title of Ruling Lady of Honeyholt when Cyrus died. Their first order of business was to put an end to the line of suitors, declaring that she would marry only when they wished, and to whom they wished. This declaration, however, chaffed their lady mother, as well as their uncle and cousins.
Vivienne has held firm in the months that have followed. She has refused any suitors for their hand, instead directing the lot to their cousins. Behind her back, however, whispers of dissent rise, calling for her deposement as Ruling Lady due to her age. And as they travel to Dorne with their family, it's only a matter of time before those whispers reach Little Lady Bee.
rfms task 02 - the inquisition
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