#Herbert Handt
onenakedfarmer · 1 year
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Luigi Boccherini GIOAS RE DI GIUDA Oratorio per Soli, Coro, e Orchestra, G 537
Susanna Rigacci Barbara di Castri Maria Billeri William Matteuzzi
Herbert Handt Orchestra da Camera "Luigi Boccherini"
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todayclassical · 7 years
May 26 in Music History
1591 Birth of Dutch organist, harpsichordist, and composer Janszoon Sweelinck in Amsterdam. 
1595 Death of Italian priest and composer Filippo Neri in Rome. 
1731 Birth of composer Orazio Mei.
1773 Birth of Swiss composer and publisher Johann Hans Nageli in Wetziken. 
1776 Birth of bass Joseph Adrien Martin in Liege. 
1778 FP of Gossec's "La Fête de village" Paris.
1782 Birth of Austrian composer Joseph Drechsler.
1794 First documented public appearance of #violinist #Paganini at the church of S. Filippo Neri.
1803 FP of Paer's "Sargino, ossia L'Allievo dell'amour" Dresden.
1825 Birth of composer Felipe Gutierrez y Espinoza.
1846 Birth of composer Arthur Coquard.
1853 Birth of composer Monroe A Althouse.
1856 Birth of composer George Templeton Strong.
1868 Death of Czech soprano Caroline Grunbaum. 
1885 Birth of Italian composer Leonardo Pacini in Pistoia.
1886 Birth of American composer Alice Barnett.
1889 Birth of Swedish tenor Aroldo Lindi.
1893 Birth of English composer and conductor Sir Eugene Goosens III.
1898 Birth of American composer, pianist and conductor Ernst Bacon.
1898 Birth of soprano Margarete Bäumer in Dusseldorf.
1898 Birth of composer Gerard Bertouille.
1904 Birth of French pianist, Vlado Perlemuter. 
1905 Birth of composer Hans Holewa.
1912 Death of Belgian composer Jan Blockx in Kapellenbos. 
1914 FP of Stravinsky's Le Rosignol by Ballet Russe in Paris.
1916 Birth of American composer Louis Hardin in Marysville, KS. 
1917 Birth of Swiss-Austrian soprano Inge Borkh in Mannheim. 
1924 Death of Irish-American composer and cellist Victor Herbert in NYC. 
1925 Birth of Dutch composer and organist Willem Hendrik Zwart.
1926 Birth of American tenor and conductor Herbert Handt in Philadelphia. 
1926 Birth of Austrian-born British composer Joseph Horovitz.
1926 FP of George Auric´s ballet La Pastorale in Paris.
1926 Birth of composer Maria de Lourdes Martins.
1932 FP of Moore's Mary "Rizzio" Los Angeles.
1937 Birth of Roumanian-American composer Yehuda Yannay.
1937 Birth of Finnish baritone Kari Nurmela in Viipuri. 
1937 Birth of soprano Elaine Manchet in Mali. 
1938 Birth of Canadian soprano Teresa Stratas in Toronto. 
1938 Birth of American composer and pianist William Bolcom in Seattle, WA.
1941 Birth of composer Imants Kalnins.
1946 Death of Japanese soprano Tamaki Miura.
1946 FP of Serge Prokofiev's opera War and Peace, in Leningrad.
1948 Birth of Iranian conductor and composer Ali Rahbari in Varamin.
1949 Birth of American soprano Deborah Polaski, in Richmond Center, WI. 
1953 FP of Stockhausen's Kontra-Punkte for ten instruments, in Cologne.
1955 Birth of American composer Janika Vandervelde.
1958 Birth of English composer Howard Goodall.
1959 Death of bass-baritone Ferdinand Frantz. 
1962 FP of Anton Webern's Im Sommerwind, at the First International Anton von Webern Festival 
1963 FP of Lou Harrison's Pacifika Rondo for an orchestra of Western and Oriental instruments, at the University of Hawaii.
1964 FP of A. Copland's Music for a Great City from film score Something Wild. London Symphony conducted by the Copland.
1967 FP of George Crumb's Echoes of Time and the River- Four Processionals for Orchestra.
1973 Birth of American composer Armando Bayolo.
1976 Death of English soprano Maggie Teyte. 
1978 Death of Russian soprano Elena Stepanova.
1982 Death of Swedish soprano Nanny Larsen-Todsen. 
1987 Death of bass Robert Easton. 
1990 FP of Philip Glass' chamber opera Hydrogen Jukebox poems by Allen Ginsberg. Philip Glass ensemble conducted by Martin Goldray. 
1993 Death of Dutch composer Cor de Groot in suburban Hilversum. 
2002 FP of Henry Brant's Ghosts and Gargoyles for solo flute and flute ensemble. Robert Aitken and the New Music Concerts Ensemble, conducted by the composer in Toronto, Canada.
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