Hilibrand Autism Symposium
         Earlier today, Tuesday April 28th, UJA-Federation of New York held the eighth annual Hilibrand Foundation’s Autism Symposium. From 3:00pm- 4:15pm, during this all day event, a special guest panel of four adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Paul Morris, Danielle Lazzara, Amy Gravino, and Emanuel Frowner, spoke about their experiences with finding employment and growing up with ASD.
           Dr. Laura Grofer Klinger, executive director of the University of North Carolina’s TEACCH Autism Program and clinical child psychologist for Autism Spectrum Disorder, was the moderator of the question and answer segment with the guest panel. “All four of out panelists live independently and all of our panelists have jobs”, Klinger said as she introduced the smiling members of the panel. Frowner, who grew up in the Bronx and was homeschooled by his father from 6th grade until receiving his GED in 2000, said, “In 2006, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. I currently have two jobs, one as a research assistant at Mt. Sinai’s Seaver Center and one as a special project assistant at the New York Center for Autism Charter School.”
           When asked about her employment, Amy Gravino, who has her masters degree from Cadwell University, livened up as she said “I am the President of A.S.C.O.T., the director of Public and Community Relations for GRASP, and a long time self-advocate.” Amy is also the author of the forthcoming book The Naughty Autie, which is a memoir of her experiences with dating, sexuality and relationships, as a female on the autism spectrum.
           The other two panel members shared experiences about their childhoods with autism, and where they are now. Morris, who is 27, was born a quadruplet and discussed not being speech capable until the age of 5. His long term goal is to give speeches at colleges to help people to better understand austism and living with ASD. Lazzara, 32, discussed how far she has come in the ASD community since being diagnosed at a young age with Asperger’s Syndrome. She has worked for the OPWDD Americorps program where she presented at conferences on her life with a disability.  
The event program titled “Autism Grown Up: Building the Future Together”, featured a long day of many other events starting at 8:30am and going until 4:30pm, all for the support of helping adults on the Autism spectrum achieve proper healthcare utilization and employment. Many other guest speakers including Pulitzer Prize winning American journalist and best selling author, Ron Suskind, were featured over the course of events such as understanding the needs of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, enabling employment for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism in adults: health status, healthcare utilization, healthcare provider knowledge, and ending with the discussion of self-avocation, the triumphs and challenges of living with Autism.
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